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    1. Night of Wednesday 1/24/24

      by , 01-25-2024 at 04:59 PM (Dreamlog)
      Wanting Flight:
      I'm in a house structured like the standard Alliance floor-plan from World of Warcraft.
      If you know the game, think the two-floor homes in Moonbrook, except well-maintained.
      It is day-time. There is a super-hero dead facedown in the yard. He has feathers and I surmise that he had bird-powers.
      I'm taking the body upstairs, and I'm trying not to be seen.
      At some point while traveling up the stairs, the body transforms, leaving only the outfit.
      I may have been trying to steal the hero's powers.

      I'm at my childhood home. My Dad is on the phone with the water company, working out bills.
      He might have been trying to negotiate a better rate.
      I'm upstairs with my niece, B, and she is smaller than she is in waking life.
      We're in my brother and I's room, rifling through a set of drawers near the front of the room.
      I'm worried that B will find age-inappropriate stuff in the drawer, and she does.
      I quickly hide the stuff, and try to draw her attention elsewhere.
      I'm up by the upstairs bathroom with my Uncle J. He is holding what looks like a document from waking life work.
      He's trying to talk down to me, as if he knows it better than I do (he does not).
      I try to let him down easy, not keen on allowing him to act this way, but also not wanting to hurt him.
      My Grandma and my Mom are in the living room.
      I'm on my way out of the house.
      I've left, but forgotten something.
      I go back and they give me a drinkable yogurt.
    2. 07.19.2016 Numb

      by , 07-20-2016 at 02:18 PM
      Bed at midnight, no sleep until at least 3am because of body soreness. Took echinacea drops in water again before bed.
      Body is hurting again. Workout is challenging me and making me extremely exhausted these days.

      DR 1
      I could feel my body slip into a deep calm. My body went numb and I did not move. All of a sudden, I could hear lots of things going on around me. My niece was talking to someone- a man. I didn't open my eyes for a long time, because I felt lazy and I didn't want to move. I felt a light vibration and I wanted to stay there, because it was soothing. I realized it was prompting me into lucidity, but I didn't want to do it. (?) I felt too relaxed and preferred to stay right where I was.

      I kept hearing my niece's voice- asking the man, "are you sure that's supposed to go there?" I didn't hear the man's reply, just murmuring. When I finally opened my eyes, I was in a bed in a different place. The walls of the room seemed grey (or was it just dark?). I looked around, but I didn't move my head. There was some talk about a party, and then nothing.

      Side Notes:
      Excessive exercise is really bad for dream recall.
      The color grey, again.
    3. 7/8/14 - Silver Storm

      by , 07-08-2014 at 10:23 PM
      I'm in my Grandma's back bedroom with my niece. We are sitting on the lower bunk of the bunk bed. I'm packing a bag for us. I'm not really in a hurry and I feel pretty calm. My older sister walks into the room and sits down next to me. I look up and notice her hair is lighter. I ask her about it and she tells me how she's been, little by little, making it a lighter and lighter blonde. I look at it more closely and notice that it's not just one shade. There's yellow blonde and white blonde. There are also streaks of shimmery silver as well. She looks very beautiful. Mom walks in and looks at us. She notices me admiring the hair and gets mad. She knows that it's being done only to get the attention of an ex-boyfriend. My sister looks sad and she looks at the floor as mom leaves the room. I smile at her and tell her that she looks beautiful and I love her hair. She looks back up at me and smiles. She says thank you and gets up to leave. My uncle then runs into the room and says that we can't leave. There's a storm that's gotten too big and dangerous, which will make it almost impossible to travel on the ship we are taking. It's not wise to travel when the ocean is so dangerous. I feel a little bummed, but I understand and I stop packing.
    4. Honey, We Got the Wrong Niece!

      by , 10-31-2013 at 07:19 AM
      The dream began at the front entrance of a grocery store, one where I have been to before but I cannot recall its name. Me, my mother, and my five year old niece walked in to the store and were heading towards the frozen foods section in the back. I then began to recognize the sad, friendly atmosphere of this place when I saw the crates of boxes, forklifts, and bright white lights around this big factory. I saw several people and families walking around the store and going on about their business, or at least that's what I thought. I paid more attention to the people walking to or standing around the check out lanes.

      When we finally got to the frozen foods section, my mother decided that it'd be a good idea if I took my niece towards the children's play area located right next to the frozen foods. And so I grab my little niece's hand and walk her there. When we finally got there I noticed something strange about my niece. I slowly let go of her hand and saw a smile pass by her face. She usually has tantrums when she sees something appealing to her. This could probably be one of the reason I woke up after this moment.
    5. Swimming and terminator!

      by , 10-22-2013 at 02:36 PM
      I dreamed that I took my nephew and niece swimming at our local swimming pool. When we arrived at the pool, I realised that I'd spent so long making sure that they had their gear, I'd forgotten my own costume. The lady at the pool suggested that I buy another, but they were all really expensive! My nephew and niece wanted to get on and get swimming, and I remember suggesting that they started without me, and I'd catch up once I had gone home and retrieved my costume (if I could remember where it was!).
      I also remember feeling that I ought to be a grown up about it, and just sit at the side and watch, but I felt very childish and didn't want to do!

      The other dream i had, I literally remember only that I was being chased by a terminator robot. He didn't look like the movie robot, but I knew it was a terminator.
    6. Magical Stylist

      by , 10-15-2013 at 11:52 AM
      Date: October 15, 2013
      Method: MILD WBTB
      Total Sleep Time: 7 (ish) hours

      Dream 1
      I was at the beach with my nieces and my kids (back when they were babies). My grandmother (who is deceased and never met my children in RL) was there also. We were just enjoying each other fishing and playing on the beach. Then my grandmother decided to take all the kids with her so she can by them some new clothes.

      Dream 2
      I was with a man and he was washing and styling my hair...I looked beautiful! He had an amazing talent in hair styling..almost magical and I wish I could find this person in RL to do my hair .
    7. More please!

      by , 10-13-2013 at 08:37 PM
      Date: October 13, 2013
      Method: MILD WBTB (Attempt WILD)
      Total Sleep Time: 9 hours

      Dream 1

      Gorging myself on shrimp and buttered Lobster. OMG it was so yummy! The more I ate the more I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. I tasted every element of the seafood...and the Butter ! It coated every bit of the inside of my tongue. I can go on and on about the food, but I'm making myself hungry!

      Dream 2

      I was in the home of my sis in law and I was extremely tired and I just wanted to lay down. There was no where to sleep, so I just got in the bed with my baby nephew. She kept calling my name for breakfast, but I couldn't move, the bed was so comfortable.

      Dream 3

      My niece and I committed a crime, but I can't remember what the crime was. It was really bad though, it may have been along the lines of either kidnapping or murder...for the life of me I can't remember what it was . We were hiding out in a store until it closed in the hopes that we would break out when the doors where locked.

      Note: Good recall
    8. My life in fragments...

      by , 09-18-2013 at 05:33 PM
      Date: September 18, 2013
      Method: MILD & WBTB
      Total Sleep time: 8-9 hours
      Fraggle = Fragment


      Something about my sister wanting to spoil my niece and I was trying to stop it.


      Something about me running a race (long distance?) and the people in the little town I was running in didn't want me there and tried to chase me out of their town.

      Sigh...I've got to do better with my awareness...
    9. Trapped in Fear

      by , 09-08-2013 at 06:12 PM
      Sleep paralysis decided to made its attack on me today. I'm inside my lonely, dark room. At around 5 AM, I'm laying in bed facing the wall next to me. A second later, I feel a strong sense of drowsiness. My eyes are forcibly closing themselves on me. This was a bad sign for me as I know what it means...I make attempts to keep my eyes open for as long as I can but my power is to weak here. I could only guess that I was already in sleep paralysis.

      I begin struggling to get myself out of it and as I am doing so, I feel some force growing around me. My left ear gets numb and by that time I have already heard something standing behind me...

      I'm going to assume it's an entity for now. It's putting its weight on the bed. I kept my eyes closed the entire time. The demon bends over and licks my neck. It tickles me inside but I remain calm. This demon licks me a few more times, then finally says something. "Uncle?", the demon says. I would believe it to be one of my nieces at the time but I knew it could not be because she would never lick my neck.

      Calmness filled the room. My niece kept saying those words for a while. I started making my way out of this mode, seeing how I always freak out whenever I enter sleep paralysis. I wiggled my fingers and toes and slowly worked my way up until I had enough force to escape. The demon started to say a few other things. There was one other and it would sound something like this, "I am sitting next to a twitcher."

      After a short while, I was finally free and woke up making sure there wasn't anything hiding around the bed.
    10. Got Nuts?

      by , 09-03-2013 at 06:27 PM
      Date: September 3, 2013
      Method: MILD & WBTB (failed)
      Total Hours Sleep: 9 Hours

      Dream 1:

      I was with my older niece who was adamant about finding someone to do her hair. She is very picky about who does her hair so we were searching day and night for the right person. When we finally found the right person for the job, I had to wait for a very long time. As I was waiting, I noticed that we were in some type of shopping center. I saw what looked like a ‘dollar store,’ and a place where kids could have a birthday party (like a Chuck E. Cheese). I do remember the parents looked miserable at the Chuck E. Cheese, like they just wanted it to be over.

      While I was waiting, I ran into a student of mine (I was a teacher in the dream) who didn’t understand the course assignments given to her. Instead of going over the course assignment, I told her to give me her email address and I would email her the directions. She stated her email wasn’t working and I spent all day explaining to her how to do the assignment. Her mother was with her and her mother was really agitated with me for some reason.

      Dream 2:

      I came home and I really wanted to be alone and I found several children waiting on me to take care of them. Many of the children’s parents wanted to know my work history and if I was able to handle so many kids at one time (not sure what my job was, maybe a baby sitter?). The parents were not very nice and they couldn’t leave my home until I was able to rattle off my work history and experience with kids. One parent was talking to me (or at me) and wouldn’t let me get one word in. She went on and on about why I was not capable of handling children and wasn’t sure I was the right person for the job.

      Frag 1:

      I was on DV reading everyone’s post about becoming lucid (how could I have missed this dream sign?! )

      Frag 2:

      I was eating some mixed nuts and I really like the brazil nuts and noticed that when I opened the container, mostly all of the nuts were brazil nuts (instead of the usual peanuts, cashews, pecans, hazelnuts, etc.). The brazil nuts were really big and long, which never happens to me when I buy a can of mixed nuts. Usually, I am digging around the can trying to find them so I can eat them first. I really should have become lucid because this was a fragment too good to be true .

      Frag 3:

      Something about a History Book...
    11. What?

      by , 09-02-2013 at 06:23 PM
      September 1, 2013
      Technique: MILD & WBTB
      Total sleep hours: Not enough!


      All I can remember is that my husband and niece (baby) was wanting me to do something and I wouldn't do it or I didn't understand how to do it.
      Tags: baby, husband, niece
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    12. Vacation and Clothes

      by , 09-02-2013 at 06:18 PM
      September 2, 2013
      Technique: MILD & WBTB

      Dream 1:

      Dreamed I was talking with my best friend and then she turned into Jada Pinkett Smith. We were staying at a hotel on vacation and she was asking me about my children (age, school, etc.). We had such a great time by the pool reminiscing about how grown up were now.

      Dream 2:

      I was with my niece and we talking about cleaning out our closets. I recall that some of my clothing was in some type of storage so we went there to find the clothes. We found my extra clothes and started trying the clothes on (which is one of our favorite past times). I remember most of the clothing was from the GAP clothing store. I finally found something to wear but can’t remember what occasion I was dressing for.


      Baby sitting a child for someone and I didn’t like it

      I was so desperate to leave some place, but every time I would leave, I would keep coming back to the damn place.
    13. A Whole Lot of Nothing.

      by , 08-04-2013 at 09:58 PM
      Date: August 4, 2013
      Method: MILD & WBTB (fell asleep during WILD )
      Total Sleep Time: Not enough!


      Eating breakfast with my niece at IHOP (piping hot pancakes with lots of butter and hot coffee...my favorite) and there was something about the breakfast special that I was very concerned about, but I believe my concern was that I didn't ask for the special and we were paying far too much for what we ordered.

      Note: I woke up starving!
    14. Remember Me

      by , 02-17-2013 at 05:21 AM
      It's been a while since I last had this familiar dream. Not the exact same one but it felt like the memories were coming back to me. I'm standing under a structure in front of an abandoned city. It was also raining. There was no one in sight. The last time I was here I was on a mission to kill a few people silently around the city. The city looked very beautiful. It sort of looks like Rome or France. I had no goal in this dream, I only walked around to see what would happen.

      I felt an unusual feeling when I stared at one of the buildings in front of me. I started to think about someone. I started thinking about Quynh. I pictured her in the same clothes she wore when I first met her in the waking world;green sweater, blue pants, and white shoes. I always picture her in the same clothes. I never once tried to summon the "new" her in my current dreams, I just can't. She was so beautiful before. Having the same feelings I had about her in this dream, they made me happy.

      I can't help to think that this place also reminds me of my sister's room. The last time I saw Quynh in my sister's room was when she was there alone and I walked in there to develop a special relationship with her.

      That wasn't the whole dream. I still remember the moment when I tried to summon her. I was at my parents' home. I was standing in the kitchen at night with no one in there at the time. One of the small lights on the kitchen counter was on. I don't remember being lucid but whenever I try to summon Quynh, I always try to make sure it's the real one.

      I tried summoning her by yelling out her name. She appeared after I yelled two more times. It didn't work. Instead of Quynh I got this smaller kid who looked a lot like my niece. I was disappointed and I wasn't sure how I was ever going to make it work. So, I done another technique. I grabbed on to her shoulders and asked, "Why aren't you Quynh?", "Why don't you look the same?!" Not the exact same words but I still remember asking something like them.

      It didn't work. I tried a few times and knew it wasn't going to work. This is all I could remember.
    15. Friends Yet Again

      by , 12-29-2012 at 04:54 AM
      I started out at a party somewhere in the dream. I cannot recall the faces of strangers, only close friends. The room gave off a noisy feeling as I walked around the ball room. There were a few family members who met up with me near one of the tables. It was at this moment where I felt a very small bit of lucidity. I saw my little niece Alyssa running up to me in a white dress. I felt happy to see her here!

      There was another dream I explored later on. In this next dream, I felt very lucid! Here is how it went...

      I started out in a neighborhood I recently visited inside one of my previous dreams. This place I was in, it was on a long, narrow street. I was lucid as soon as I stepped on to the road, but I can't remember how I got on it. There was a house in front of me. In front of this house, there was a tall man. My job was to kill him and make sure he doesn't kill me. I walked up to a car in front of the home and stood there waiting for a good shot. I saw the man walking down the porch of the house. I extended my hand in front of me and imagined there to be some kind of a special power within it. I pointed this imaginary gun towards the man and started shooting. The man fired back but never hit me once, his bullets only ricochet off the car.

      As soon as I killed this man, I felt in control enough to try and summon someone. This times I wasn't going to summon Quynh though. I summoned someone better. I walked back on to the road, extended my right hand towards my back and yelled out, "Come here, Trinh!" At first, I failed, but next time, I summoned someone. I turned around to look at her face, but it wasn't her. She didn't look anything like Trinh. I thought it could of been probably because I imagined her appearance from a recent Facebook picture of her.

      The third time I tried, I done something differently, and please don't take offense in what I'm going to write because I love these people! I turned back around and immediately imagined her and the way her eyes looked, beautiful Asian eyes. I extended my arm back again and yelled, "Come here, Trinh!" I turned around and saw the way I imagined her! There was something else wrong though. She did have the eyes but her mouth and teeth looked like that of a horse's mouth. I was still happy it worked though. And although it wasn't Quynh, I couldn't wait to try again next time, or probably something different. Hopefully...
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