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    1. Native Americans

      , 06-03-2014 at 03:45 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed uhm, not sure

      Slept in till 7am


      I'm in a large building, on higher floor, maybe 10th or so. Talking to few people. Suddenly there are some distant booms. I'm thinking it's military training excercise, artillery fire. I walk up to a window that's behind us, on another wall, in this irregular shaped room.

      I'm expecting to see military proving grounds. And I see a field of grass, that's warn down by frequent use, dirt circle showing on it from many feet walking on it.

      I think "yeah, military field"

      But then I notice native american dancers in a big circle, walking and dancing in the circle. They are in traditional attire, with feather headbands, they are doing a traditional indian dance, bent down and stomping their feet to the loud, strong and mesmerizing beat of many drums. That was the sound we heard.
    2. Nerds and Parties

      by , 06-02-2014 at 10:46 PM (My smashed up joy ride of dreaming)
      I'm on the moon inside the worlds largest foyer. Seriously, this place must be visible from space, because A It's at least a cubic mile in size, and B, it is on the moon. Terrorism is happening, but I won'y let them get this place. There's a restaraunt here, I walkthrough to the natural bottom. Vegatation, furniture, aliens, and a copy of Soul Caliber? I decide to just kill everyone in the room with a good old dagger to the jaw. I'm leaving now, In the shuttle back to Earth. I unlock my Iphone. "Why is there all this reception?" I somehow manage to access the internet and go to fanfiction.net Halo crossovers. Now how did they write a Halox24 crossover? Or potc? Oh hey, we're here. I hit an imaginary button and wake up from that.
    3. 02 June: re-union

      by , 06-02-2014 at 10:34 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Nighthawk comes to see me. I ask him what he wants, I tell him it is too late. But he disagrees, had some sort of enlightening experience. He is sitting on the stairs and I pass by his side, wanting to go inside the house behind him. I feel nothing. He grabs my wrist, pulls me down and as I fall I land on his lap. I feel a warmth in my heart I didn't feel for a long time. We just stay like that, feeling the body heat between us. But then there's some light touch and I can't help to caress his face with my hand, and then we kiss so lightly. I feel something strange, beyond desire, a sweet sorrow of someone who loves but no longer cares, because it can't afford the luxury. It's a feeling hard to define. But on that moment, as we kiss, I feel a sensation of weight and heat in my root chakra, as if he is inside me, although it is impossible since we never take our clothes off or even touch down there. Even so, I have an O and it is one of the most blissful climaxes I've ever had.
    4. Too Many Action Movies

      by , 06-02-2014 at 05:55 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      In a high speed pursuit with 3 friends in the car, I sit in the passenger seat, grabbing onto the armrest of the car as we weave in and out of traffic. The roads are snowy and very slippery. A police car rides up along side us, and nudges our car into oncoming traffic. We dodge the traffic, but the police end up in several head on collisions, taking out all of the pursuing police.

      We stop to get gas, and everyone waits inside the car except the driver, who goes inside to pay. We forgot the police were after us, and a cop car is parked just to our right. Out of the corner of my eye, I think I see a female cop sneak into our car. Then the driver is definitely arrested at gun point in the gas station. My friend jumps into the driver's seat and takes off back onto the highway. Not soon after we reach highway speeds, we spin out of control and wipe out off the road with the police close behind us. Pulled from the car, we are driven to some sort of prison.

      Each of us is put into a separate cell, but instead of a regular jail, it is a strange hydraulic mechanical room with hot fluids and steam going all directions through pipes. It becomes clear that we are going to be brutally tortured with these high temperature fluids. Before they can come into my cell, I close and barricade the door. I noticed a steam nozzle right outside the door, and I attempt to make it open to buy me some time, but none of the controls seem to do anything. I turn a big valve, and suddenly the room starts to fill with boiling sewage. Not what I had planned.

      I spot a ladder and climb up it as fast as I can to get some distance from the poo liquid. At the top, is another level, sort of like a hallway, and my friend from the car is up there! "That was a close call with the hot water" I tell him as he shushes me, pointing to the 3rd level above us where a guard is patrolling, unaware of our presence. We sneak up to the next floor, and whack the guard on the back of the head with a fire extinguisher, knocking the guard unconscious. I take the gun, and notice that this guard was the same cop that snuck into our car earlier at the gas station.

      The boiling sewage begins to fill the second level and continues to rise. We climb up to a fourth level, and run to a door at the end of a bridge/hallway. Reminds me of Metal Gear Solid. I open the door, and see a massive room, with huge pipes below. We are looking down on it from about 5 floors high. Very low lighting down there. There is one guard, dressed in camouflage, and holding a mean-looking grenade launcher. My friend and I are quiet as I wait for this guard to patrol into the open so I can get an easy shot on him. He's not doing it, so my friend takes a flashlight, narrows the light beam, and shines it to the far side of the room below yelling, "They're over there!" I think he just gave away our position, but it actually worked. The guard looks right at where the light was, and walks into the open. I take 3 shots at him, and just hit strong body armor. The guard swings the grenade launcher our direction and fires a shot. I close the door just enough to deflect the grenade down the hallway we came from, where it explodes, killing the guard we had knocked unconscious. I quickly try to fire more shots at the guard, but for some reason, the gun doesn't work. It almost does, everything feels right about shooting, it even kicks back, but no bullets are flying through the air. The guard also seems unable to fire at us. Really low on ammo, I concentrate hard, and manage to fire 2 more shots, hitting the guard in the chest, and then wake up.
    5. 6/2 TOTM Basics I&II ~KILD

      by , 06-02-2014 at 05:45 PM
      6/2/14* TOTM basic Iⅈ good waking memory. We are stranded in a small town at night but there are lots of people around like a party or event. My wife's friend "J" is on the way to pick us up. I have a nickname for her: "JTB" and I remembered it and addressed her with the nickname as she arrived quite quickly in a truck with advertising decals on it. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and I gave her a kiss on the cheek and it immediately made me think of the task of the month and fully realize that this is a dream. I looked over to her left and there was a young guy maybe 16-18 baby faced blonde hair and I went over to him and kissed him on the cheek. And then I turn around and look for someone else to do the next task and I found a big tall imposing guy, he would make a good target for the repeat task. I ask him to say something. He simply says "take" so I repeat back to him take about 20 times and towards the end I said "and take" which felt like I messed up being able to take it longer because I added an "and" in there (he just stood there looking at me and nodding his head). I stop there and was considering the next task when I found myself fading back to bed. I didn't incubate the tasks I just thought about them more like a list but I think I will incubate/day rehearse the advanced ones, the bonus and the June special. 157

      Updated 06-02-2014 at 05:56 PM by 61674

      lucid , task of the month
    6. Farmer's Market & Candy World

      by , 06-02-2014 at 04:55 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Farmer's Market & Candy World (DEILD)


      I believe I had a very nice long non-lucid dream prior to this one, but this dream was very long and I entirely forgot the previous dream, so this will start from a FA.

      I felt my body in bed and I needed to get out of bed to write down my dream, since it was a nice one. But I felt I was waking up once again and I felt with more intensity my body, even though my eyes were closed. I could feel my hands weird, like heavier and I tried to reach them. I started to suspect that I was lucid and I focused myself on anchoring to the dream. I touched my hand and I had more fingers on it, and I thought it would be nice if I was lucid, since it was already morning (prior to this dream, I woke up and I had 45 minutes left of sleep time or so, and I felt I was not going to be able to make it for this night, something I almost promised to do.) and then I tried hard to look at my hand and I could count 7 fingers, where the 2nd one was half the size of the others. The dream went very clear and high quality, so I got off from bed and went to my living room as usual. There were a ton of boxes on the ground, blocking the door to exist my apartment. I still opened the door with little to no effort and took off in flight to be able to keep the dream more stable.

      It was clear day and very sunny as well as warm, there were no clouds on the sky and I had no problems in flying. After flying for a short while, my dream quality was great and I saw like a farmers market going so I landed to get started with the tasks of this month.

      I landed in an area that looked pretty much like the place that holds psychic fairs that I am a reader at, but instead of just psychics, there were people selling farmers market stuff as well as a lot of people standing trying to ask you to donate for whatever random charity. So I walked by a 40 years old lady who asked me:

      - So do you want to donate?

      I knew I had to repeat, so I replied

      - So, do you want to donate?

      The lady was looking at me, she did no appear bothered and she replied to me:

      - Yes, I am donate
      (yes, with that poor English.)

      So I replied the same, "Yes, I am donate." The lady looked at me, smiled at me and then walked away and started to talk in Spanish. Okay, whatever, the task is done.

      My goal was to try to make all the ToTM, so I knew I might as well kiss another guy. I was not looking forward at all for that, but hey, it is a dream, so who cares.

      There were some 16-18 years old playing soccer. I found it kind of gross kissing another guy, but I approached one of them and asked them to wait for a second, that I had something from him. As I approached him I gave him a tiny pick kiss on his lips and then moved away. The taste of his lips was a mix of sweat and male testosterone
      (I have no idea how testosterone tastes, but it was not the same feeling as kissing a woman, it was gross, so...) and he also walked away clearing his lips saying, "Gross... dude!!!!" And they resumed playing soccer. There was a 16 years old lady, not very pretty to be honest that was looking at me and said, "Well, I would love to kiss." And I looked at her like saying, "Huh?" And she continued speaking, "Yeah... I would love to kiss that guy, he is so handsome..." And she started to sigh. I was thinking like, "Whatever, this is a waste of dream quality time."

      I knew both tasks were done, so it was time for the advanced ones. I thought that one of the advanced ones was a bit yucky that had to do with flowers, and I was not motivated at all
      (I was blending it with the bonus one about the aquarium, the only one I did not feel a strong connection to do.) So I recalled the other advance task is to create a Candy World.

      I started to focus on that as soon as I turned, Candy World would appear and I would get there. I turned around and I saw Candy World. It was like a theme park, but it was all made out of Candy. As I approached this world, I could see how the buildings around me vanished, and how the world turned from a steel and concrete to a colorful sugared world. Also, the sun started to set, and I thought that the day went by so fast in the dream, but did not focus much on it.

      As I was walking by in Candy World, I noted several roller-coasters ( made out of candy as well) and a lot of stores that they were selling (yes, you are right) candy.

      First, I took a piece of candy from the ground (the ground was actually made of candy) and it tasted pretty much like a regular strawberry candy, nothing funny here.) I wanted to eat some more to make sure I did a quality Task, so I went to one of the stores and since I had no idea if I had money or if I could spawn it, I just grabbed a bag that held chocolate covered raisins (but white chocolate, not regular) and I ate some. They tasted similar to the real thing, but sweater and I could not find the raising.) Then, I grabbed a bag full of those green watermelons that are chewing gums. I ate one and it pretty much disintegrated and melted in my mouth, leaving no trace of chewing gum, but more like if it was some soft candy
      (in waking life, those watermelons are very hard, and once you munch them, they are chewing gum.)

      Then, the store clerck came to me very rudely and said, "Hey! What do you think you are doing? You need to pay for that." He had a lot of anger and he was very rude. I asked him how much was it and he replied $1.79. I reached my pocked and took out my wallet. I hoped to find money just to pay him with the biggest bill I could find. I had a lot of bills in my wallet, like a ton. Most of them were $20 and $5, but I was able to pull a $100. Nice! i gave it to him with a smile and she started to use foul language trying to reach for change.

      I left this store ( I believe I never collected my change, and I started to walk the streets of this Candy world. I could not recall one of the bonus tasks, and the other one, about the pregnancy, I did not feel like having sex with some random DC and then making them impossible for her to show sings of pregnancy, so I decided that since my goal was done, I would look for ~ Dreamer ~ So I walked down a street that was no longer Candy land and hopped to find her. I planned to visit the Magical Forest if I was not able, but I saw ~ Dreamer ~ coming and saying, "Hi Percy!!" She was smiling and gave me a hug. She tool me it was cool I summoned her and asked me if I did my ToTMs. I told her I just did and that we could go back to Candy land and ride some roller-coasters. ~ Dreamer ~ appeared to be excited and we turned around and candy land still was there. Even though right now it looked more like a regular theme park, but whatever, the tasks are done.

      I know we were chatting about Dreamviews and well, a few things that I cannot share here, lol. Until we reached a roller-coaster. There was no line or anything, even the theme park has almost like completely silent, but it was open as an employee sat both of us down in a weird looking wagon and we rode the roller-coaster.

      When the ride ended, I started to look again from ~ Dreamer ~ but I could not find her and my dream quality was fading. I wondered if we truly shared our dream, I knew she was awake, but since there is no linear time in the Dream plane, I knew she could have dreamed that hours ago and then matching with my own dream.

      I started to think that this was a very long dream and that it was time to wake up. I was about to take off flying to throw myself at sometimes and wake up from the impact when I heard my wife talking to me. She was a bit upset and she was saying, "It is like 12 pm already, I have been trying to wake you up for 30 minutes and you did not move an inch." I figured that could not be, that it was probably around 8am
      (I always wake up between 7 and 8) I kind of ignored my wife's complains and told her that she was in a dream, to let go and to enjoy. I started to levitate, about three feet from the ground and moved my hand towards here saying, "Lets go and fly." She was telling me that she could not fly and more stuff, but I took off and flew to a restaurant.

      As I got to the restaurant, a young lady said that she found me to be hot and wanted to make a baby, grabbed my hard and started running towards a bathroom in the restaurant, but she could not find any, it was an outdoors restaurant and she went to a dead end where all there was it was a tiny door with silverware. The lady kept running wanting to have sex with me but my dream started to fade and I thought that I was glad it was over, I did not want to forget details about this dream.

      I woke up in bed and my wife was hard asleep. I wanted to go write down the dream but I could not move in bed, so I figured I was still in a dream, but I really wanted to wake myself up, as I was trying to recall my non-lucid dream (yes, while I was lucid) and I already couldn't so I did not want to ruin the lucid part.

      I had a second false awakening and my wife told me something about Spain and then finally I woke up for real.
    7. Dreams since my first LD

      by , 06-02-2014 at 04:13 PM
      Since my first LD, which was awesome and highly historically themed, my dreams have been highly fragmented and recall has been shattered like a pair of graphite hands. I think I've been trying too hard to get lucid again. Forcing it. Like fitting a desire shaped peg into a chilled out hole. Wow, forced analogies are beautiful.

      So, glancing through the past couple of days in my DJ I shall decant unto you some of the vague things I could recall.

      Firstly, the words BAREFOOT NAZIS dominate about half a page of my dream journal. Could so easily be the name of a punk band. I just remember thinking what an ill advised footwear (or lack thereof) decision this was.

      I starred in a play with a close friend. Halfway through the performance a fiery argument ensued. The audience thought it was just amazing acting. Like something from an episode of frasier.

      Really need to work on my dream recall. Because if I can't remember the odd conjurings of my sub-conscious to spout around the internet what is the point in all this.

      Would love to know what Freud would have thought of the phrase barefoot nazis though...
    8. Dream journal, first entry

      by , 06-02-2014 at 01:41 PM
      The dreams I had last night were the first I recorded and I hope that explaining them this way will train my subconscious to be aware of dreaming. I don't quite understand the technicalities so excuse the vague language. I didn't have a pleasant dream last night and I know it wasn't at all lucid because I was definitely cast in the role of the victim where things happen at me.
      I had returned home from university but there was a school event I needed to go to, looking back this doesn't make sense at all, anyway that added pressures of the very everyday that seemed to have heightened importance; finding a pair of matching socks, not spilling cups of coffee, making sure plans don't clash. I remember very stressful situations, two members of my family were in my bedroom and seemed to take up all of the space which made me anxious. Then I went to a theatre type space, very large and crowded with many members of the audience heckling the person on the stage. The events was over and people started petering out of the room until only a few were left. I left the room and then there was a corridor with stairs going down different levels which I started descending the stairs and I remember hearing a very large man following me. He was singing so I could hear how close he was behind me. I remember running down, and this is how I know I was not in control, because it was almost as if my legs weren't moving the way I wanted to, I could feel myself willing them on but also my senses were blurred and I couldn't see but still hear this man's singing and feel him getting closer. I reached the door to the front row of the lecture theatre where I knew people, and safety, would be, but he caught my foot as soon as I was in the room and I was suspended up in the air at that very moment. Then I woke up.
      I wouldn't say this was a nightmare but then I don't really know what makes a nightmare. It was a very pressurized, terrifying dream and when I woke up it was unsettled. I'd really like to be able to have reality checks in those kinds of environments so I can make decisions and do cool stuff, but I would also like to have greater sensual awareness because I do feel the scariest part was the dislocation of not being able to see at all. Moreover, I don't normally get anxious when I'm in large crowds, and I welcome people into my room rather than feeling that they are invading it. Sometime I feel like the person in my dreams is completely different from myself.
      dream fragment
    9. Finally Lucid Again With TOTM, Flying, Friend And Horse

      by , 06-02-2014 at 12:27 PM
      Again after considerable dryness - finally lucid. I woke up naturally after 4 h and thought about having a lucid dream, tried affirmations, raise expectation - the usual, but not for long.

      When I became lucid, it was after a lot of of another dream - but it held up quite long anyway.
      No loss of optics this time - what I found, is that it is good not to swivel the head about wildly but taking it slowly, bit by bit, initially. So I really raised my eyes super-slowly and all fell into place.
      Not sure, if it was a DEILD at one point, because I thought, I had woken up, everything was grey - but then I saw something in the distance again. I guess it was, but I didn't get to feel my body in bed, like usual.

      I tried the gravity RC - three times all together - worked wonderful. I just raised my arms and tried to feel their weight - and that led to them floating up, and me with them, if I wanted.

      I was in a friend's room and we talked and she showed me pictures, she had painted - then I wanted to take her out flying with me, but somehow she disappeared in the process.

      Problem is - I slept on and had another dream afterwards, without journalling the LD, and now I'm not sure anymore, how the transitions worked exactly.

      I just know, that at one point, I was on a very high roof again - like church-tower hight - did my RC and jumped and managed to get a swimming-motion free flight together. Been dropping initially, but then it worked. Just so - arms in the direction I wanted - and just so.

      While coming down, I flew over a running black stallion and came down in the saddle and rode a bit - which was great - but then somehow I lost the horse under me - flew over it again by mistake and it took off.

      When I came down, finally I thought, I should get something done for the TOTM.
      I hadn't looked it up, what they actually were - thought about all the suggestions for basic tasks, and decided that repeat day must be among them.

      My earliest ever TOTM!
      Hooded African American guy: Yo Nigger! Steph: Yo Nigger! Guy: Yo Niggger!! Steph: Yo Niggger!! Guy: Shakes his head and is off.
      It's because I watch 'The Wire' at the moment - and he started it!
      By the way - I wasn't sure, if I had to do that - and so I also mimicked his behaviour - tried to.
      I guess it must have looked hilarious, me trying to be gangsta-cool - his head-shake felt like expressing disdain at my cultural incompetence.

      Yeah - and then I stood there and thought about getting a meteor going, but somehow I lacked the confidence to go about it. And nothing much further happened.
      Still not happy with the optical quality - they used to be so brilliant, and hyper-realistic and colourful at times in the past - I want that!! It was all in a bit subdued, darkish colours.
      At least no blindness!
    10. Stress, anxiety and fear... [02/06/14]

      by , 06-02-2014 at 11:50 AM (My lucid comeback!)
      Okay, first night and already have 3 dreams to talk about.

      1. An average day at school.

      The dream starts with me sitting in history-class and one of my friends laughing at me. It's all very cloudy but I was suddenly walking around the building and I looked up to the trees waving in the wind. I entered the class-room again and saw the teacher, suddenly I feel a strong feeling of stress. (IRL I had to do a task for him but I gave it in late and I got a warning, nothing serious though.)

      2. A 2D Side-scrolling platformer...

      I was in some blocky building and my view shifted from looking through my own eyes to a game-perspectif of a 2D Side-scroller with me being the main character.
      I don't know why but as I went through the levels I had to refill some sort of meter. (I think it was my culture-level.) So along the way I stopped by some things that refilled it, I think first I ate a sandwich that was on the ground and then there was a cow that had a bag over it's back filled with milk which I drank from.

      3. Emergency!

      My mother drove up to the front door and I got out with my backpack, I think it was somewhere in the afternoon.(IRL I just walk home from school) I went inside where I saw my father laying on the ground unconscious. I saw that before that he had started cleaning the house cause he had a free day. I shouted 'FUCK!', I pulled him up and rapidly carried him outside to the car where my mother was still in. He felled very light and I had no trouble holding him. When I got to the car my mother asked me 'What happened!?', I responded "I don't know! He was on the ground!", I got in the car and pulled him in, the door of the car was still open but the rapid acceleration of the car smacked it back. We drove really fast and after a minute my father woke up, he said that he thought it was a bleeding in his head. For some reason we let him drive. We drove over a dirt road and I remember seeing a puddle on it, I said "Look out, you don't know how deep that is!", but it wasn't deep so we went over it. Then I woke up.

      Updated 06-24-2014 at 09:14 AM by 69433

    11. Laws of the Dream Plane, Dream Battle Theory

      by , 06-02-2014 at 09:38 AM
      If you think this is ridiculous, please test out these laws in your lucid dream battles to see if they work or not. I challenge you to disprove these laws through your dreams.

      To understand dream Battling, you must understand the Laws of the Dream Plane. Just as there are physical laws, physics, there are dreamical laws, dreamics.

      First some laws of the dream plane:

      1) The dream plane is made of pure energy.

      2) Thoughts are pure energy.

      3) There are different types of beings in dreams: DC's, dreamers, interdimensional beings, non-sentient beings, and semi-sentient beings.

      a) DC's: Dream Characters. Manifestations of a dreamer's mind. They will disappear as soon as the dream stops thinking about them.
      b) Dreamers: Other dreamers from Earth, the physical plane.
      c) Inter-dimensional Beings: Sentient beings not from earth.
      d) non-sentient beings: these creatures are alive, yet have the mind of a simple organism such as a clam.
      e) semi-sentient: these are creatures that are partially aware of themselves, such as many animals.

      4) We all have an Inner World. Our Inner World is an infinite world of our subconscious mind's creation. "My" dream is a dream in my Inner World.

      5) The Outer World is the dream plane beyond a meeting of minds. The Outer World is another total plane of existence.

      First of all, I don’t believe I lost my text. Now I have to start over. Here’s the short version… malovent entity harassing me. Just when I lay down. Terror, can’t move. But that first time I knew I had to move or be at its mercy. Got mad. Moved, broke spell. More attacks over several months. Visualize something that does not understand fear or terror. Hulk smash! Now I can sense it just before it strikes. Finally got where I was merely annoyed by it and finally told it so. “you and I both know you can’t get me” It says “But I can get her” and goes for my girlfriend. I say “you’re not getting anybody” and grab it in a bear hug and start crushing it. It was almost a physical thing. It’s really scared because didn’t think I could do that. Neither did I it just happened. No contact for a few months. Starts poppin in like just to check on me. Jumps me with two buddies (I don’t know how I knew it was two). Tossed em all like a salad. Time passes. Night before last (5/31) It comes back with more than I could count. Toss them too but it was a little harder. How do I end this? Help!
      Here’s the kicker. This is REAL!
    12. 00:00 Monday 2014-06-02 new top 5 sex dream

      by , 06-02-2014 at 09:17 AM
      Night full of dreams (love these), didn't record until morning, about 60-70% of the list I built up mentally through the night survived.

      00:00 Monday 2014-06-02

      00:19 bedtime, remee on, 70% brightness / 5 hours delay / 15 minutes interval

      Lots of wakefulness during the night, getting back to sleep many times, no recording until late morning and final waking, the dreams are spread out through the night


      + I'm buying a woman's swimsuit (for myself), I don't know which dressing room to enter to try it on. It's a bikini with different colored top/bottom. Should I go into the women's locker room (because it's a women's swim suit) or the men's locker room (because I'm a man)? Both lockerrooms are very busy I see, I fear ridicule from the men's locker room.

      + I'm a kids' swimming / water polo coach, I'm walking outside the pool along the edge talking to them, breaking them up into groups to even the sides for water polo, I look down and see I'm wearing a woman's one-piece suit, a pattern with white and pink/red, I enter the game and play goalie, I almost score a goal instantly upon entering the water, the opponent goal is not directly across but it diagonally across the pool, there's a second opponent goal on the same wall as my goal a bit further down. There are lots of players in the water right up next to me, very many shots at my goal, and I block practically all of them, they call out "what are you doing?" and I answer with "you're not very clear about the job of a *goalie*".

      + I'm in my childhood home's backyard with college friends F&D, I show them my lemon tree and habanero plants. I say "do you remember this lemon tree?" Then I see the habanero plants, the peppers look normal at first but then they swell to the size of oranges, I think I should have eaten them when they were small, when they get so large they lose their spiciness.

      + I hesitantly invite a bunch of kids down my driveway and direct them into the backyard to play.

      + entering my apartment building. There are construction workers in the (small) entry hall, and a board full of (black tiles?) leaning across the way blocking access, I either move this or climb over it. I go into the stairwell, they've replaced the (previously normal) staircase with jungle-gym/playground climbing equipment, how will the old people go home? I'm walking up/climbing up and reach a dead end, I look to the other side of the "stairwell" and realize it's the one with the better access so I need to go back and up that way.

      + Walking through a hallway, one guy I think was a priest with a backpack bulging with holy books, but he has cut his hair really short and has a moustache. I think the construction work has moved the stairwell into the used book sale area of the building.

      + New top-3/5 sex dream, she's a young / beautiful / hot girl and we're going at it for quite a while, she speaks at one point (definite improvement in interactivity, normally sex partner DCs are silent), close to lucid, felt very bold & present in the moment.
      Spoiler for explicit sexy time:
    13. Tornado and Electrics

      by , 06-02-2014 at 02:24 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #322 – DILD – 6:33AM

      I just didn't have near the amount of focus I usually do. I seemed to be overly sleepy at WBTB and much of the morning. The details of the dreams have gotten fuzzy now.

      I dream about a creepy movie (can't recall the details). I have a false awakening on the couch with my wife. We go outside and see a really small tornado. At the sight of it, I become lucid. I will the tornado to become bigger and let it suck me in. the dream goes dark and I enjoy flying and spinning around in the tornado.

      Suddenly, I find myself in the front yard and begin rubbing my hands to stabilize. I decide to practice lightning magic from my hands. I get a few sparks but it wont come like I want. There are some down powerlines nearby so I grab on to one as a booster. I feel myself absorbing energy as the dream fades out again.

      I lose lucidity to a false awakening. I'm in a house with some really annoying people people doing random crazy things. I think they must all be mentally ill. My cousin T is one of them. I ask my wife if we really have to stay here all weekend and she tells me we have one more day. I am really upset about this.
    14. 6/1 Dream Locale Dream Scenario Dream Sign DILD

      by , 06-02-2014 at 01:57 AM
      6/1/14 Super quick entry: familiar dream location, think this is where I usually get lost in dreams...wait...I'm dreaming. Fly up over building and check out miscellaneous ladies.
    15. 6/1 Dream Locale Dream Scenario Dream Sign DILD

      by , 06-02-2014 at 01:52 AM
      6/1/14 Super quick entry: familiar dream location, think this is where I usually get lost in dreams...wait...I'm dreaming. Fly up over building and check out miscellaneous ladies.