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    1. hungry animals; sports tickets

      by , 02-17-2012 at 03:23 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      It was a hot day. I was walking up a slope in a desert forest. The soil was grey and dry. There were pine trees, well-spaced, and shrubs and boulders.

      I somehow sensed an animal stirring behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see an animal I first thought of as a deer starting up from behind a boulder.

      The deer seemed to be afraid of me, so that it wouldn't move. So I turned around and walked away, hoping to calm the animal.

      The deer now rushed out from behind the boulder and past me, coming a little close. It was probably still afraid of me. It scared me a little, too. It was very big. I now thought of it as an elk, even though it was colored like a deer.

      I now turned to my left and was walking toward a path or road. There were no trees in this area, and the sun was bright. From behind a smaller boulder sprung another deer-like animal. This one was dark mahogany, almost like an elk. But it only came up to my waist.

      The little animal was really friendly. So I decided to pet it. It began licking me. But then it got too clingy with me. It began kissing and sucking my hand. I couldn't escape from the animal. It almost seemed to be coiling around me. And it was slobbering all over me.

      I knew people said that wild animals with rabies first act really friendly with people. I wondered if this animal had rabies. If it did, and it was slobbering all over me, if was probably exposing me to rabies.

      I managed to free myself from the animal. I was now on the path. There were a black man and woman on the path with me. Off to my left was a small, nice, wooden bridge that overlooked a wide, shimmering valley or gleaming lake.

      The woman was telling me how she was poor and hungry. She was trying to get me to give her money so she could get some food. But I had a feeling that she only wanted to feel me out to see if she could use me to get a lot of money.

      But the man told the woman to stop complaining and to get onto assistance. The man said that where we were, in South Africa (?), people could get really good food assistance.

      Dream #2

      I was watching a true-crime TV show, kind of like "Unsolved Mysteries," probably with my family. The segment was about some woman who had been murdered by her boyfriend.

      The murder was pretty gruesome. But, for some reason, what struck me more was how irresponsible and neglectful the woman had been in her life. I took as a sign of this the woman's obsession with collecting little "cute" toys.

      One of these toys stood up on a bookshelf. It was a little, black rabbit. I somehow knew that the rabbit was controlled by a stylus, as if it were something like a touch-screen Game Boy.

      I was standing -- somewhere -- with my sister. I was showing her that I knew how to play with these "cute" animals as well. The "cute" animal was basically a screen like an iPad screen, surrounded with white fur.

      I was now walking around outside with a tall, fattish white man. The man had stubbly cheeks and wore a baseball cap and a too-tight, pale yellow t-shirt. We were walking through some small mountain town that looked partly lke an old western town and partly like a modern town.

      The man and I were crossing some bridge from one section of town to another. After that we walked up a hill of buildings that kind of looked like Old West buildings.

      I was telling the man about my job. The man said that my job sounded pretty good. I started to worry that the man would think I was bragging and either try to cut me down or take my job away. So I thought I should tone down my enthusiasm.

      I told the man that the job was good for somebody like me because it was a project that was just starting out. It was good for people like me who had volatile emotions. I found it physically hard to say "volatile emotions."

      The man asked me what I meant. I explained -- while shrouding my head with a towel (???) -- that I could suddenly get angry really easily.

      I was still talking to the man when he veered us into some building that looked partly like an Old West saloon and partly like a modern cafe. I hadn't even quite realized we'd gone inside.

      The man veered off to the left and left me behind. He told me he wasn't trying to avoid me. But he just had something important to take care of. He went to the counter.

      I stood around for a bit, then decided that maybe I should get something while I was here. But I needed to get money first. So I went to an ATM just to the right of the counter.

      Just to the right of the ATM was a table at which sat three ladies. The ladies were all dressed like from the Old West. I felt like I owed the ladies something. So it didn't seem right that I should be getting money out of the ATM right in front of them.

      The man walked over to the table and I followed. Apparently the man and I had done something for the ladies. Now the man was looking for our repayment.

      The head lady addressed the man. The lady was tall and stately, with a firm, shapely figure. She wore a dress with red and maroon stripes, a corset-like waist, and puffed-out sleeves. She had her greying hair up in a very fancy coiffure.

      The lady handed us two tickets as repayment. I looked at my ticket. It was white with peach-pink writing. It said that it was good for any one sporting event, anywhere in the world, at any time.

      The woman said she had discussed our repayment with her lawyer, and that this type of repayment balanced being the best for us and the most convenient for her. And since she'd discussed it with her lawyer, it was legally protected. So we shouldn't try to fight her for any other type of repayment -- such as, I guess, the money we'd probably expected.

      The man and I walked away. We were probably back outside. The man was disappointed at first. But then he said that this gift was actually good, and quite a feminine gift, because it balanced the boyish and adult sides of a man.

      I thought the gift was cheap, and I couldn't figure out why the man seemed satisfied with it. But, either as or after I woke, I began to realize that I could go to any sporting event in the world, at any time. I began trying to decide what sporting event I would go to.
    2. 2/17/12 No Dream Recall

      by , 02-17-2012 at 02:36 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Forgot my dreams again...what the muffins is wrong with me?!!?

      I KNOW I woke up around 3:45 AM, because I set 3 alarms...sigh..
    3. another very shot dream

      by , 02-17-2012 at 02:12 PM
      this was more of a clip,
      i was standing in front of some sort of post/pillar and i was showing someone how to throw a punch but the person i was showing was correcting me and i could not stand in the correct position and i found this anoying.
      this is all i could remember.
    4. Help from Yoda

      by , 02-17-2012 at 12:58 PM
      I woke up at 3:20 PM, read things on dreamviews until 3:50 PM, then I moved to moms room to spend the next hour and 10 minutes lucid dreaming.

      I found my self in my room and noticed that I was dreaming becuase the ground felt different, like my bed. Then I got up and I struggled to keep my vision and not let it all get dark. It got dark, but I pretended that I could see and pictured the scean around me.

      I kept waking up and re-entering the lucid dream, by not moving when I woke up. I had a false awakening in my bed and I saw my dead dog cody, so I found out I was dreaming. I then got up and it went dark again.

      I re-entered the dream and accidently teleported to the front yard. I then yelled at the sky and demanded more lucidity now and to make the dream more stable, then I asked forgivness for sounding rude. All of a sudden the sky turned a beautiful deep purple and had many more stars than in real life. The stars where also very clear and crisp and I wondered to myself how a dream could make something so real, as I squated up and down.

      I then asked for my dream guide to apear to help me, but I found no sign of him. SInce I couldn't find him, I took off flying and found my dream guide on the roof. My dream guide is Yoda from Star Wars. Yoda was standing on my roof holding a fishing pole with the hook floating in mid air, like he was expecting to catch something. I asked Yoda for help but then I got a strong feeling that told me that I should seek the answer inside myslef. Then Yoda was creepy and told me that he would give me a kiss and blew me a kiss and went back to fishing.

      I woke up wondering why Yoda would do that. Right as I was about to re=enter my dream my alarm for school went off.
    5. 22nd Night

      by , 02-17-2012 at 12:17 PM (Exploring My Imagination)
      February 17, 2012
      Dream recall getting no better than previous nights, actually it seems to have gotten worse. I can only remember a dream fragment

      It is just a flash of these rocket shoe things, someone is wearing them with jeans. Then it switches to another person wearing this body suit witho the shoes. The shoes are clear and bulky. The body suit was dark blue. Apparently, the suit was made by a friend of mine.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. A dream about school.

      , 02-17-2012 at 11:55 AM
      I was at school in my media studies class. It was the same as usual, except this time I got asked a question on something. The question related to the last part of this essay plan we were given, but it was completely different to what it was in real life. I guess after this I started getting lucid. I was confused by this, and ofund a way to not answer the question. I was then outside, in the middle of the school, and it was raining, there was also something to do with these ships from space. I stood there, not knowing what to do for a few minutes, and eventually I ended up in this place where a lot of people my age hang out at school. My friend who moved away a few years ago, who I still talk to every week, was there. We spoke, but then everyone ran off, and only a few people didn't understand why, including myself. So we all just sat at this table and spoke about things. I looked at the time, it was an impossible time, I definately became lucid after this because I remember realising that it was a dream and being confused by it. Eventually I woke up, I didn't really get a chance to do much with the lucidity. Disapointment.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    7. Hoping for a Drift

      by , 02-17-2012 at 09:48 AM
      thu February 16th 2012

      Went out with some friends, drank couple of beers.

      I'm driving my brother to school on my bike. There's a pile of snow in the middle of the school yard. Just one kid is at school, my brother knows him and I leave my brother with him. This being my old school I walk around wondering why nobody is here. I see a girl that used to be in my class at high school. I know she has a boyfriend, but I'm picking up mixed signals. She tells me she wants to learn to drive a car, but hasn't mastered the bike yet. While she's cruising around I see she has trouble with braking. I'm about to test the brakes when the scene changes. I'm suddenly in a room with snow on the floor. So I ride in circles, attempting to drift.
    8. love and death

      by , 02-17-2012 at 06:51 AM
      a few years ago i had a dream about a girl named jody in the dream we were in love but then she died. then around a year later i had another dream about this other girl i dont remember her name but i think it started with a k in this dream we were love but her dad killed and i think he raped her when i woke up from both off these dreams i hurt i felt like i really lost someone close to me. also for open minded people do you think dreams could be real could they excist in another dimension becuase when your dreaming there real to you
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Cult's Hideout

      by , 02-17-2012 at 06:37 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      February 16, 2012

      Synopsis: dream of work, everyone left for the day - I should just go home. Second dream, me and sis go to an old abandoned apartment building, but its cult inhabitants are still there

      Leave Work!
      I walk into the office and realize no ones here! The CEO, my manager, everyone is gone and only half the lights were on. Well, I'm still scheduled to work so I sit at my desk. This is weird.

      I head over to the back, production side, and scope it out. It's a ghost town to. One shipping guy, one painter, and the production manager. I guess that makes the production manager the highest ranking employee, so we all gather around him.

      And I pop the question "No ones here, can we go home?"

      He seems to be thinking about this, all work and no play.

      "We can leave at 3 or 3:30?"

      He seemed okay with that compromise, and then I woke up.

      Cult's Hideout
      A few friends gave me and my sister the idea that we should hang out at this abandoned apartment building. Some how this building felt ancient, it had history. Kids would hang out here for its eerie feeling, tell stories, and get inspiration for movies.

      So I brought my sketchbook and other art stuff with me. Me and sis squat down in the fancy hallway in front of a door. I wonder whats inside, maybe antiques? I try to open the door but its locked. That's strange, no one lives here so why is the door locked?

      I peek through the door's crack into the room. A chair, a table. Suddenly a flash of blue brushes past my peeping gaze. There is someone in there! They push against the door as if trying to listen to me.

      I scream-whisper "holy crap there is someone in there! Weve got to gooooooo!" I shoo sis and we try to sneak away as quietly as possible. But then they stepped out of their rooms and walked towards us aggressively.

      We dash into the elevator and desperately try to close the door, but were so scared were smashing the wrong buttons. "Press this one!" Finally the elevator door closes and we head down one level.

      Im too scared to see who's waiting for us in the next floor. I don't know who those people are, but their demeanor was enough to make me want to scream.

      The door opens but we don't want to step off. The elevator had a giant window facing outdoors. A man climbs down a fire-escape right next to the elevator. At first he startled me and I thought he was one of them.

      But using the fire-escape seemed like a good idea, so me and sis follow him. There was a beautiful roof garden on this level with round plushy bushes and a hot spring. Lots of people were here, all speaking in whispers.

      Like me, they had come for the buildings history. But unlike me, they actually knew what that history was. I overhear to older men talk about the cult and its tragic demise. And they continue to explain how this dangerous cult carried on in secret.

      I don't remember what happened, but me and sis go back inside. I think because it was a roof garden we had no choice. Sis leads the way, but she is totally flipping out, running around in a panic.

      "Slow down! Where are we! Were gonna get lost!"

      Somehow magically sis leads us right back to where we started. And theres my backpack right where I left it. But our friends are no where to be seen.

      We hear voices further down the hall, our friends, and trailing behind them, the cult members who like insane enough to eat your flesh. This is ridiculous. I lead sis to a large pane glass window. I shift through the window and look back at sis who doesn't know how to do that. So I grab her hand and shift her through the window. And we fly away.

      Updated 02-17-2012 at 06:46 AM by 6004

    10. Fragment

      by , 02-17-2012 at 06:29 AM
      Just remember that I was at some suburban house that was surround by police. Next thing I know it blows up and the police travel back to downtown. Only, it's a sci-fi city and they search for some shape-shifting creature. I don't know specifics though, so hopefully I'll have it better tonight.
    11. Pop'n music arcade cabinet

      by , 02-17-2012 at 03:35 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I was in my room at dads before it was my room. There was a huge arcade machine there. I bought a pop'n music motherboard so all I had to do was plug it in, but I wanted to be extra careful. I wasn't sure if I had to wear gloves, but I just went in anyway. There were USB ports and Ethernet ports too. Before I could turn it on I woke up.
      Tags: pop'n music
    12. The mob is after me!

      by , 02-17-2012 at 02:49 AM
      Dream One Non-Lucid
      I start in one of my dad's ex-girlfriend's grandma's yard (we'll just say grandma). The grass was so green, and everything was vibrant and colorful. The sky was a bright blue, and the skin, although in a dream, felt good on my skin. There was something wrong though. I felt like I was running away from something. I ran into the house that was behind me, which was my grandma's house, and I shut the glass door behind me. The door led into the kitchen. I felt safe once again, and everything was just as I remember it. There was a wooden table with wooden chairs around it. On one end of it was a table top and there was a fridge on the left. Also, I don't know why, but I wanted to talk to grandma so I could ask her if she remembered me. I headed into the living room to see if she was in there, but she wasn't. It was just like I remembered it- dark blue carpet, dark blue chair, and a white door leading outside. I decided to go back to the kitchen to get something to drink. I opened up the fridge and picked out a cup of red Kool-aid. I headed back outside with the Kool-aid, and once again, I felt as if something was wrong. I then heard a lot of yelling and screaming from afar. I could tell that it was a mob for some reason, so I ran back inside and locked the door behind me. I also knew that my friend was leading the mob and they were coming after me. Now grandma was there, so I could ask her if she knew me. I didn't really recognize her when I looked at her though. Her skin was a very dark tan and she had many wrinkles on her face. "Um...Hey...do you know who I am?" I asked her even though I didn't recognize her. She sighed and replied with, "Yes, yes I do,". I was happy for some reason, and then, from outside, I heard a voice yell "Come on out Dakota!". I looked through the glass door and saw the friend that was leading the mob. Katie. She walked on the other side of the house, and then I went outside. I sat on the grass, and Katie came back. She looked at me like she was mad. "Why are you avoiding me?" She said meanly. "You brought a mob after me!" I yelled back. "You mean the three eight year old boys that I brought with me?" Katie lashed back. I then saw three blond-headed boys with white shirts and blue pants on walk into my view. "Whatever, just get away from me. I don't want to talk to you," I said harshly. I then woke up.
      Tags: dreams
    13. 02/16/12 Tunnels of Madness

      by , 02-17-2012 at 01:26 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Note: I have not posted any dreams for quite a while… and that is because I haven't had any recall at all for quite a while. It has been getting very frustrating, and I really hope my recall improves soon. Combined with not having any recall, I have also been busy with homework from school and a new job. That's why my resolution to post something every day has gotten pushed aside. Well, I have finally been able to recall a dream. It's not much, but right now I am willing to take anything I can get!

      Tunnels of Madness

      I am in what appears to be an underground tunnel of some kind. The tunnel is perfectly circular and is made out of a metallic substance. There is a band of light going down the tunnel, four of them. One of the lights is directly overhead, I am standing on a second, and there are lights to the right and left of me. The tunnel looks very strange, and I can't remember how I got to be here. Somehow this doesn't trigger a reality check, though. I walk down the tunnel, which seems to go on forever. Sometimes it curves to the left or right, and it does so often enough that I become really disoriented. I am wondering if the tunnel is ever going to end. The quality of the lighting changes… it is now flashing, now it looks like little balls of light are zooming down the sides of the tunnel. That is even more disorienting, they are going in such a pattern that makes it seem like the tunnel is spinning. That makes me feel like I might vomit. Instead, however, I wake up.
    14. Clear Skies, Blue Ocean

      by , 02-17-2012 at 01:00 AM (DC's Dream Journal)
      Clear Skies, Blue Ocean
      Out in the country, we are diving down a dirt road, until we get to a house. It doesn't have a fence, well it wouldn't matter because they have no neighbours. in fact, there is no civilization visible in any direction at all. All I can see that is of any interest is the forest further down the road. Anyway we pull up next to the house, it looks more like a shack that is missing doors and windows... we go out the back where there is concrete, and the view of the plains is blocked by a tall hill. there is a guy there, I assumed he was the delivery guy or something. Double sink? There is a little well outside and the same guy wastes all the water by pumping it into the grass.. now without water I go and look for a river and i see one in a valley. I see that I already have some fishing gear with me, so I decide to go fishing. I'm walking along the river, in the direction of the current. The river is very clean and looks good enough to drink, i see a spring? Water is flowing into a hole and making a whirlpool effect.

      Very vivid! I see an ocean far off into the distance with three ships. I'm with guy (im assuming its the same guy from before) we walk towards the ships. There is a rock formation like an arc and through it we can see an island with lots of trees. He tries to swim over to an island, gets eaten by a shark i didn't mind he was annoying apparently.. I see party members swimming from another direction, i join them, almost get eaten by a shark.

      We get to a place where its snowing, i open up a tiny window and it was like opening a freezer door.. Lol our party members had rooms separated by silk drapes.

      Updated 02-19-2012 at 11:54 AM by 17430

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Dreamers, Friends and Freaks

      by , 02-16-2012 at 10:38 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      February 12, 2012

      Synopsis: After helping two lost kids I become lucid and meet "dreamers". I chase down dannon, dive into a mucky river, and visit a Moroccan like city

      Note: I had just woken up from a night of random nonsense dreams. So at 7:30 am I refocus on dreamsharing and on the pyramids.

      Lost Children
      I'm walking to work and I pass by two children who looked so sad. Wait a minute, I turn around and realize these two young kids, a boy and a girl no older than eight were walking without their parents in the warehouse district.

      I asked them if their mom was nearby and they told me they were running away. They looked like they had been walking for days. So I took them with me to work and hid them behind the receptionist desk. I'm starting to get this weird feeling. Like I'm dreaming.

      I ignore the feeling and focus on the kids. Boss is already giving me work but instead I look for food and water to give the kids. I had a giant subway sandwich *what I hate subway* and found water under the boss' desk. Damn, I've got to be dreaming!

      My vision is blurring in and out, this only happens in dreams and in dreams where Im close to waking up. I bang on the wall and scream "VISION!" My right eye clears up. I bang on the wall a couple of more times just to feel the pounding sensation and solidify the dream. "LEFT VISION!" My left eye clears up. Well no one is looking at me like I'm a freak so I've go to be dreaming. I levitate just to double check.

      Yay! Lucid, I still give the kids their water and hoggie and then I run out of work - free!

      Part Two: Dreamers Friends and Freaks
      There's so many people downtown! And they all looked like dreamers to me. I realized I didn't know anyone in iosdp well enough to even know who I was looking for. So I remained curious and skeptical that maybe these dreamers were just DCs trying to fool me.

      A large group wanted to go out to eat. But one tall slightly heavy blond says "I don't want to waste my time eating in a dream when I could be doing something more exciting!"

      "Yeah you're right!" So I grow bat wings and start to fly around town, over the park and light-posts. And then I see Dannon down below. I land and talk to him. "Are you the real Dannon?" He tells me something but I don't remember it. Suddenly he transforms into a golden colored lion and makes a mad dash across the city. I was scared he was going to pounce me so I flew away again.

      I fly over a river. Except you can't tell its a river because its so mucky. There's a thick film of slimy green stuff, you can't even see the water below. I float for a second or two debating it but I cant fight my dream instinct. When I see water I've got to jump in. I dive into the mucky water head first.

      I first I regret it, it was scary down here. The water is black, I see something floating, is that a dead body? Then I see something swimming towards me, a dolphin! I pet its large forehead and then I fly out of the nasty water.

      My vision is blurring again. So much I can't really tell where I'm going or who I just walked past. It lasted for several minutes.

      I find a courtyard where a man was teaching something to a group of kids. I don't remember what but it seamed relative to dreaming. I turn into a bat creature again, scare the kids and fly away.

      I find the dreamers and Dannon one more time downtown. The dreamers finally decided they would eat at Pei Wei. Dannon says "I love pei wei!" but he wasn't hungry so he turns into a lion and runs off again

      After a while I enter a desert city with beautiful arabic like buildings. My vision cleared up and I wanted to remember the architectural details so I start shouting "BROWN, RED, OCHRE!" The colors of the details, the doors, the windows. But this city was empty.

      I keep flying but now I don't remember what it was I was looking for. I fly through someones house and out the other end was a beautiful grassy plush field surrounded by forest. But the husband of the house, an old black man, thought I was the spawn of satan with my bat wings and hurled harpoons at me. His aim was horrible so he gets his son out and yells "Get'er!". Scared I flew into the forest, my vision blurs and blurs and blurs until the dream dissolves and I wake up.