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    1. Arguing With My Dad

      by , 02-25-2011 at 05:11 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was arguing with my dad. My dad is usually a trigger to go lucid because he has passed, but I didn't .

      So we were walking along when someone passed me on my left. I put my hand on my dad's shoulder and moved closer to him to let the guy on my left go by without bumping into me. My dad said, "You see, I'm not really comfortable with that since your mad at me."

      I couldn't believe it. Then I started jogging and throwing punches to the air as if I were in training. I think this was a throwback to a punishment he once gave me.

      I felt a little silly. I'm not really a fighter, so I felt as though I was being disingenuous, but I kept on because I was mad. At one point I jumped up. I had some great hang-time. This was another chance to go lucid, but it didn't happen.

      The End
      Tags: dad, jogging, punching
    2. Playground on the Water, and Asking about My Spirit Animal

      by , 02-25-2011 at 05:01 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid - AP

      I remember my brother fixing me up with some dude that came over here from out of state (maybe out of the country? Can't recall). I never agreed to it, he just kind of did it without my approval. The guy was staying at our house, and was one of my brother's friends. My mom told me I needed to stop dating so much. I thought "I didn't even agree to this...my brother set it all up!" This all happened in my family's kitchen.

      The next thing I remember is walking outside, and seeing a playground-type thing on the edge of the water of a lake. I thought to myself "Isn't that dangerous for the kids to have the playground in the water?" There was a wooden bridge leading out to it. I started walking on it. I remember a piece of the old, rotting wood cracked under my weight, but I kept going. I recall seeing two very big, gross spiders (I hate spiders in waking life). I didn't freak out too much, but just tried to avoid them. I remember one scuttling away.


      I was in my family's kitchen again, writing a letter to someone, asking them what they thought my spirit animal was. I think this person was supposed to be an expert on deep dreaming-type things. I told him about the dreams I've had with dogs and bears (real dreams that I've had, not false memories). I don't remember ever receiving a reply, but throughout the dream, I kept thinking about my spirit animal, and whether or not it was a bear.

      Totally missed that chance at becoming lucid . Oh well, it is what it is. Maybe next time.
    3. #190. Alexandra

      by , 02-25-2011 at 04:58 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I'm Alex and she's Nikita and – shit! I throw myself behind a set of crates as a blaze of gunfire lights up my trail.

      "We have to take the south exit!" she shouts over the noise.

      "They've anticipated your escape route," I shout back, "It's an ambush!"

      "We don't have a choice!"

      Splintering wood and conveniently placed explosives under piles of precariously stacked crates – we make a dash for the exit. Don't stop when you're in the open, I tell myself, sprinting across the lawn, It's when you're most vulnerable, and we dive into the river and Alex closes her eyes.

      Caught in the slipstream, I nudge at Alex/Nikita. Don't hold your breath, I say. Breathe. It won't hurt you.

      Alexandra. Scare Factor: 2.
    4. Cats

      by , 02-25-2011 at 04:41 PM
      1. I found some cats that were part domestic and part wild. The really liked me. I was petting them and they were all purring.

      2. My friend slept with a considerably older woman, and she was very insistent on them having a relationship. My friend was not into it at all.

      3; I go into some coffee shop but not for coffee. I give the guy at the counter $100. He seems pissed off. I feel a huge wad of cash in my pocket. I see a ghost car outside so I leave and start walking towards the station.
      Tags: cash, cats, cops
    5. FAs, FAs everywhere

      by , 02-25-2011 at 04:23 PM (Sehnsucht)
      First part of my sleep I had 2 dreams, one about a videogame which looked like Lara Croft in a Zelda game. It had cool animations concerning the world map. The other dream was about me looking OnePiece with my brother, but can't remember well anymore. Then I had a FA in which I managed to separate my astral arm from the real one, light and sound was coming from the cut of surface. But my body drew the soul back in.

      Then I woke up, drank a little water and gone back to sleep, and then it happened.

      I had like 15 FAs in a row, don't even know if it was a DEILD chain or only FAs.
      The first three FAs were very similar, I was in my bed and trying to get up, but somehow couldn't. My roommate was doing something in our room.
      The next one was in my old house, I am with my family. I wander around, talk with my brother, and get lucid. My brother yells out to my Mother in joy "He got lucid, and we didn't even do a thing!" (I am very happy about this, because I am thinking about asking DCs to make me lucid next time). I push my brother away and ask my mother "Do you know where my Traumguide is?" My brother laughs at me because I mixed up german und english here, I correct myself, saying it again with the english term in a german sentence. But I can't get an answer. I wake up in my room again, it was an FA like the first three ones. Then I woke up again in my room, but in another bed. Not my roommate, but DS and FH are in my room on the other beds, and talking about New York again. I look out the window, there is a carussel, rotating really fast, and an old auiantance of mine is in there. I wonder what's going on, then I wake up in my room again. Can't move, but notice that I somehow get hard. Wake up again, my superior is with me, wants to do some manual labor in my room. I get up and think that I don't want this right now, I try to make him disappear and switch him with a beautiful girl, remembering the task of the month. But somehow I can't decide or visualize one. Next I wake up at the beach, in an anime-world, and there's a wet t-shirt contest in the middle of the night.

      I suceeded at a long-term goal, 2 LDs in a month!
      lucid , false awakening
    6. Visiting Space + Fragment

      by , 02-25-2011 at 03:38 PM (The book of mars)
      Visiting Space

      My parents and I are going to visit outerspace. Its night time and we’re in a family car traveling to the space station. We stop at McDonalds and while they’re inside, I get into my space suit. It’s a stretchy black mesh material and on each side of me I have some control pads for my hands.

      When they come out, we eat and drive over to the station. Every family or visitor has their own cube inside a building (I don’t remember the building, just being in the cube). It’s a big wooden box with a wheelchair access incline inside of steps that lead into the center of the room. We get into place and I guess we rocket off!

      At first, we’re all nervous and doing our jobs stabilizing the cube in space and tracking ourselves to our destination. Then we settle down and my mom starts ice fishing, because there’s an empty hole in the bottom of the cube to the right side. I look into it and there’s just black black water, as if the water was over the blackness of space (and then floating beneath our cube?) The fish are mechanical but also organic in a way that they grow the mechanical parts of themselves. My dad is playing with fishing line and hooking little beads together on it and stringing it around the cube in a decorative way.

      I don’t remember landing, but we all are on stable ground now. I was unengaged with what my parents were doing for most of the trip and when I go over to them now that we’re here, I realize they’re fighting. They speak something about a lady that my dad meets here, or maybe a guy that my mom meets here. I don’t care! Let’s go explore!

      All of the cool parts are lost in memory. My mom is somewhere, and I’m with my dad. We are about to go into a museum for something. The world around us is the same as Earth, just more exciting because it’s NOT Earth. It feels like I’m in an amusement park, and everything could be mundane but still not that bad.

      Inside, the museum is a multi-tier building that stacks on top of itself. The biggest room is the first, and then you walk up stairs to a smaller room, etc until the last room which is an observatory. My dad and I are in the last room. Instead of peering out of the glass windows, I look at the display case in the center. There are a lot of crystal rock art sculptures. I’m amazed at one of them: It’s all solid clear crystal with a fist coming out of one side. I’d assume that it was carved to look that way, but so much of it seems to be natural. I am on another planet, so I don’t question it. I put it in my jacket after pondering about video cameras watching us and hoping they just aren’t around.

      We walk out and no one notices me or questions me. Outside, we have to go through a gate with a guard who’ll direct us to our next attraction. The big rock has slipped down my pant leg, settling kind of near my shoe. The exterior of the museum looks like my old neighborhood.

      On a tree there’s a hand painted sign that says “Give me one instant chocolate Reece’s cake mix and I’ll trade you a FREE TOILET!” That’s dumb, I think. No one wants a toilet. I have the conclusion that the guard we’re about to see put that sign up for everyone to see who comes from the museum, hoping someone has one of the cake mixes.

      He looks at me and my dad and doesn’t question my bulging pant leg. We’re directed to the cubelot, where we meet up with my mom. She’s mad at my dad and I see a voluptuous lady with a thousand blonde curls wave at my dad. I see! We get into the cube and start going home.

      Half-way through space, we stop at a little planet to get some food. It looks kind of like the other McDonalds. My dad meets his friend and tells us about some new information they found out about Earth.

      “They took apart all the walls on Earth and on the light switches they found hind markings. E.T. did it when he was having his stay on our planet! Whenever a light turns green, I puke.” My dream self thought this made sense: he implied that all the walls of Earth, as if there were walls on the “outside” of our planet, were inspected for residue of the infamous E.T. (the movie dude in my dream was an actual alien who visited for a little while). The light switches he spoke of were what made the traffic lights work. The word “hind” was a kind of sexual term that implied he tried to have sex with them.

      It’s the last two days of the world. Everything has been ending and I am alive for these last days. I jump between the layers of my potential realities, but it’s all over…

      Updated 02-26-2011 at 02:38 PM by 42137

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. As. and Data?

      by , 02-25-2011 at 03:01 PM (Rawracookie's DJ)
      Something about Data from star treak TNG. Also my aunt's dog, As. Something about hiding from something I don't remember.

      Updated 03-07-2011 at 08:05 PM by 42666

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Broke at the Terminal

      by , 02-25-2011 at 03:00 PM (Rawracookie's DJ)
      I might be at an airport, bus, or subway terminal. I'm hauling a rolling suitcase and have no money. At some point, I'm in a starbucks or other such cafe inside the terminal. I don't remember what I'm doing there. Maybe a job? I need one irl. A lot of concrete walls and roaming people. There is a long line in the cafe. People are travelling.

      Updated 03-07-2011 at 08:09 PM by 42666

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. February 24th, 2011

      by , 02-25-2011 at 02:18 PM (Bennerman's Dream Journal)
      I was a gunslinger in the old west and I shot my brother, only to fine out that he needed 50 bullets for an art project o.o
    10. Can't get any

      by , 02-25-2011 at 01:46 PM
      My brother was gambling online and every time he lost money something in our house would disappear. I told him to stop but then he wouldn't. I started to think about this. This didn't make any sense. I did an RC and I realized I was dreaming.

      I started to run up the stairs, but I remembered to stabilize. I went to the wooden pole in our basement and started to feel its texture. Rubbing it and feeling its nooks and crannies. There was a little bubble of paint and I scraped it off. This was the most vivid dream I had had in a while. I went upstairs and saw my friend Sam. I talked to her for a while and realized how pretty she looked. I started to kiss her. It felt awkward like she was holding back. I backed away and she said she just wanted to stay friends. I said ok and told her to follow me. I phased through the window in the front of my house and turned around and saw that she had disappeared. I sighed and started to fly.

      It felt like I had rockets in my boot. I had never flown like this before, but I got used to it. I saw Ashley and her mom laying on lawn chairs-easy access. I flew down in front of Ashley and lifted her legs up. I pulled her jeans up until I could see her panties. She was wearing green and white striped granny panties-lol. I started to rub her to try to get her aroused and I woke up.
      lucid , task of the month
    11. Oakmead

      by , 02-25-2011 at 01:22 PM (Struggle for Lucidity)
      Dream Lucid Sleep Paralysis Non-Dream/Side notes

      This dream was scary and yet fun. I don't remember what took place when. I dreamt that I was joining a different school, Oakmead (this school does exist in real life, however I have no idea what it looks like). I was being shown around by some old guy and I remember two buildings kind of like the ones in the level of THPS2 called school II, and I remember at some point being in a classroom/office on a second, higher floor with huge crowds of people protesting against something.

      The place that reminded me of school II from THPS2

      The road to the school and the second floor.

      The road to the school I also remember. The crowd stopped halfway down it. I remember being in a crowd of students entering the school too but it felt like I had been there for ages.

      I was reminded of this dream by stumbling across the name of the school on facebook.

      It really irritated me that I didn't reality check during this dream because what happened in it definitely isn't normal.

      Update, 2016: I went in to their sixth form. It was nothing like the dream. Hilarious though, reading back on what my 13-year-old self dreamed about.

      Updated 03-09-2016 at 03:45 PM by 32501

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    12. play

      by , 02-25-2011 at 01:17 PM
      just a quicky to remind me of this fuckin randon play i was in last night. it was a cross between a kind of peter pan thing and a greek shakespeare style effort. i had no knowedge of any lines but had a main part and just made up complete bollocks as i went along. it wasnt like an uncomfortable one where you have an anxiety dream because of being unprepared. i just wondered why all these people actually trusted me to be doing it...? at one point i even got to stop for a spliff with the leading lady (MJ) and whoever was watching didnt care a a bit..

      oh yeah and i was so far from getting lucid, yet kept doing nose plug rc which made people think i was wiping my nose all the time. i even explained that it was an rc and i wasnt just being disgusting, but i was so out of it, and into the normal dream that i had no chance/desire of catching on

      i also did indirect techs in the morning, and found myself getting into a dream, yet carrying on with the techniques after i was in it.... very odd
    13. Awesome Night of Dreams!

      by , 02-25-2011 at 12:42 PM

      I went to bed at about 1:15am, and woke up at 7:25. My immediate reaction was that I was r, recalling this dream:

      1) I was...let's say, getting some special attention from Boxxy, the youtube celebrity. This dream didn't last that long as I was woke up suddenly However, when I went back to sleep, I was immediately in the same dream I don't think I did a DEILD...I dunno how I did it really. But the second part wasn't as vivid.

      I went back to sleep after noting this, and woke up again when my alarm went off at 9am. I decided to half an extra hour lay in, but I wrote down my dreams first:

      2) I was on Minecraft, in some sort of underground water base. It was all very metallic with brass/gold walls, and reminded me of the areas you visit at the start of Metroid games. I was playing with 2 or 3 adult male and females that were older than me by 10 or 20 years. They ran left at a two way junction, and I followed. They ended up in a dead end circular room with glass walls. They layed down here and chilled out for a bit, so I did the same. One of the people was wearing a suit like Samus.

      Some stuff happened in between, but I do not remember what. The last thing I do remember was being in the ocean outside of the base, laying and falling to the sea bed. I was in any discomfort, and I was waiting for one of the other people to come and help me or at least show some concern. When I fell to the very bottom, I fell on another character called Sam, who I think may have been my friend Sam.L. He also had a Samus suit on, and had a little white text box above him saying "Sam", as there always is on minecraft. When I landed on him we both struggled about a bit. The other characters now saw, but thought I was someone else called Brandon...

      3) I was walking a Nintendog on Mario Kart Wii, down Delfinos Square. It also looked a bit like Mario Circuit. The sky was blue, and the road was very straight. My dog was a medium sized brown Yorkshire Terrier. There were lots of pennies laying around on the track, and my Nintendog was collecting them for me, like it collects lost items on the real game. I thought Pennies were a bit of a pathetic award, however I came to realization that the dog collected 30 of them in a few seconds, so it would all add up.
      When we finished the track, I saw a little cutscene of my dog wandering off to the left across some grass and up a passageway, back to it's home. This reminded me of cut scenes on Zelda games where Link wanders back to his house.

      4) I was sat with someone called Tom.S and my sister's boyfriend Sam.D. We were sat in a medium sized room. There was no lighting, but the windows were open and it was a grey afternoon outside, therefore we had some light coming in. Behind us, there was a smaller section of the room with a book case and other things. There were some lights back there lighting the area. We were all slumped on the floor of the room, chilling out. There were DVDs surrounding us all over the floor. Tom asked "Why are we SO tired after a week of having 5 hour shifts at work?" I replied stating the obvious: "Because we've had a week of working 5 hour shifts at work". He laughed, and said "Touché".

      Suddenly, me and Sam decided to look through all of the DVDs and look for illegally copied ones. We both mate a comment suggesting they all looked legit, until I found a horendously badly pirated copy, and burst out laughing, pointing it out to Sam. He found a similarly bad copy at the same time.

      I woke up again at about 10:25, and remembered 2 more dreams:

      5) I was at my favourite Scouting campsite with my fellow explorers, back outside of my tent from a summer camp 3 or 4 years ago. It was night time, and it was pitch black. There was a lot of light given off by our campfire, however. It was a roaring yellow fire, unlike our average fires which are...pretty shit We were all sitting in deck chairs, which is unusual as it is normally only the leaders with these privilages. The explorers there were mainly the younger ones - none of my older friends. This disappointed me a bit. My leader Dan was showing us what we thought was a film, however it was acted out right in front of us, as if it was a holagram. I have no idea what was happening, but I think it had something to do with a past scout camp and a campfire. Someone on it was singing a campfire song, and on the last line, something big happened and our leaders burst out laughing. However, there was very little response from the explorers, as we weren't paying much attention. I still somehow knew what had happened. Basically, when they sang the last line, there was a blooper where the fire didn't exist suddenly, as if the film had been filmed in seperate shots at seperate times. Dan had shown all of this with his laptop. He was dissapointed at the lack of people laughing, and was upset that so little people were paying attention. I felt a bit guilty. He then told us not to forget that tomorrow was business day at explorers, and the team leaders had to bring in their printed off revision cards. I was a team leader, and my heart dropped as I realized I had forgotten. I didn't worry too much however, as I figured Dan would let me off.

      6) I was in Morrisons with my best mates and our parents, doing our weekly/monthly shopping It was well lit. Me and my mates were all running around, looking for yummy things to buy. I forgot our parents were there briefly, and as I approached the front of the shop, I saw my mum in the freezer section to the left buying a loaf of bread. This surprised me. I then began to ponder how we would all share out our food, as some of the parents probably bought really tasty biscuits, with some parents buying fruit and stuff the kids wouldn't want. It was then that I remembered we had all came shopping together, but were taking our goods home seperately. This put my mind at ease.
      Tags: minecraft
    14. Science Class

      by , 02-25-2011 at 11:45 AM
      I am sitting in a high school science class.. I know everyone around me, all people I grew up with but I can't think of anyone's name. The teacher is doing a lesson I created. At one point a girl gets called up and she has headphones to bring up to the front of the room... I start connecting them for her to help out but she pulls them away. Everyone was being really rude.
    15. island days

      by , 02-25-2011 at 11:37 AM
      It starts off we're on an island with a deep river separating the two exact halves and the only way across is by hanging off a metal bar while standing on another directly beneath it. it's very stormy and myself, my crush Danielle, and other friends of mine are trying to cross this bar to get back to what seemed like a little holiday home. three people have crossed including Danielle. I am halfway across when the wind picks up significantly. it almost blows me off but I make it across. once I touch ground Danielle runs up to me and hugs me tight and then asks if im ok. i say im fine and i then ask her how she is. she says as long as me, her boyfriend is there to protect her, she's fine. Since I'm not her real life boyfriend it flashes back to a point where we were at school and our hands touch while walking. our fingers interlock before we both pull away. then it flashes forward to the island house where she is curled up on the couch by herself watching TV. I come in to the room and then explain to her how i feel about her. she says she shares these feelings so I sit down next to her and put my arm around her. she smiles and rests her head on my shoulder. another flash forward to two weeks later where I am out on the deck watching the dusk set in and watching the waves crash onto the beach. Danielle comes out on to the deck and asks what's wrong. I explain to her about my last relationship and how i dumped her because i had a very vivid dream about being with her (Danielle) and being much happier than i was with my girlfriend. I then explained how i had an identity crisis and had to dump the girlfriend to think. then it rekindled my feelings for danielle. she then says everything will be ok. i ask are you sure, and she then kisses me on the lips and then says i know so. it then flashes to the present after i had crossed the bar. Danielle and I walk hand in hand back to the house after everyone had crossed the bar.
      non-lucid , memorable