I had a dream where I was being held captive under a contract by a very large and powerful company. The contract specified that I was forced to play chess against a very powerful opponent, until I beat him. I'm around 500 elo and the opponent was roughly around GM level. This took place in a large nature/grass area, with a nearby stream, that I know from real life. The chess games were played on a computer and were streamed live and with millions of people watching, and there were what seemed to be roughly a million people standing around me as well, spectating. As the days blended together, I kept losing time and time again. I had access to the stream chat, and I sometimes typed in there, but nobody in chat noticed it was me. I was world famous, but I was essentially a slave to the company as I couldn't leave. One night, I tried to escape at dark, but the security, consisting of around 20 people, ended up catching me, bringing me back and forcing me to continue playing chess for my freedom. Days passed and i slowly went mad with rage. It started out with me slapping papers in random peoples faces as i tried to vent my anger onto others. It eventually got to the point where I would target my aggression on the guy managing the whole chess event; I spat on him and threw water in his face. My mental state declined exponentially. I became more ruthless and violent. At some point I gouged some guys eyes out from rage, but nobody could do anything to me as I was under the protection of the company since I was making them tons of money. Essentially everyone around me became the victim of my anger driven torture schemes. On a early autumn morning at around 5 AM: I beat him. I was barely paying attention, but I saw the checkmate pop-up on my screen as my heart rate increased rapidly. I checked the stream views and they went from around 16 million to 600 million+ viewers. I earned my freedom. But I felt that I had to handle the situation properly. As I was a big asset to the company, I knew they wouldn't let go of me, so I went to ask the manager to see my contract without letting him know I won (I for some reason didn't think any staff was watching since it was early in the morning). I asked to see the contract so I could check for loopholes and have a raw copy in case they tried changing the contract in an attempt to prevent my freedom. As I asked for the contract, the manager ignored me and by then I knew it was too late. They must have already done something to the contract and I knew I was never gonna be freed. I cracked. I took out a knife and stabbed the managers stomach, cutting him open like I was gutting freshly caught prey. He was still alive and screaming in pain, I cut off his ears and eventually his genitalia. At this point around ten people were desperately trying to pull me off of him, and as they tried to subdue me I ended up slashing some guys eye with the knife. I had become fully insane, with my only goal being to hurt as many people as possible. Nothing mattered more to me as I became a fucking torture machine, desperately trying to cause harm people. Then i woke up. Please comment your thoughts!
Updated 11-15-2024 at 04:05 PM by 102033
I'm in a sparse one-room cabin high up on a hill. The hill is steep and covered with green. Then, I'm sitting about halfway up the tiered seating (this is also very steep), in the middle of a lecture theatre, listening to a lecture. I can't remember what it was about now but I felt moved and I remember discussing it with the man sitting next to me. I thought he was in the anime club and I remembered that I'm in that club. When the lecture ends, I head to the anime club room. It comes is off a high-up hallway, seeming to float over the hillside, bridging two towers together. The sky is dark now and it's pretty dim and shadowy up there. I am the first one to arrive. There's a smallish room with three long tables and benches, and an even smaller one through a door at the back of it which is either an office or a cloakroom. Two women arrive, one blonde and one brown-haired. They sit down and, unusually forward for me, I ask the brunette (she's closer): ' Hi, What's your name?'. She tells me, it's a pretty normal one, and asks enthusiastically what my subjects are. I tell her that I'm studying Italian, French and Latin! Then she goes into the back room and I slide along the bench to be opposite the blonde girl. I ask her name. "Don't laugh," she says, "My name is Tickdick." I'm slightly incredulous and she explains its meaning to me. More people come in. I look around the room and now apart from the women I spoke to I see several men all in the same pale blue waistcoat. I remember thinking that I didn't expect there to be so many men in this club. Later, after everyone has left and the room has grown even darker, my friend (IRL) comes in and we talk. She speaks about how many girls in the school (including her) are now in lesbian relationships after failed relationships with non-binary people. They weren't sure about their sexualities when they previously said they were bi. I say something about this and she mentions that others in the school used to talk about me a lot, years back, when she was LGBT and I was the only one who supported her. I ask in interest what they said about me but I can't remember her answer. She gets up and says she wants to go out to the field to see the olive saplings. I think that's it, at least. We leave the room and head down the hill to a bright, sunny green field nestled among the hills. There are rows of olive saplings on the hillside and rows of smaller plants below. We spend a while admiring them. A farmer lad arrives, to take care of the field. We chat to him awhile. He needs to break down all the plants as it will help them grow. My friend protests a little but we watch him sweep his arm along the rows, breaking the stalks in two. He collects the broken tops. My friend tells him to leave those, at least -they'll dissolve into the soil and help the plants grow. He agrees and scatters them about. Once he leaves I notice three birds glide out of a tree. They are positioned as if sitting upright with their wings folded to their backs, looking ahead. They still move forward steadily in the air. I point out to my friend how weird this is and we both stare at the birds in confusion, continuing to talk. Finally, high above the trees, I see the birds open their wings and begin flying faster, beating the air. "Of course!" I say. "They glide first, then they flap their wings to stay up!"
28th of March 2022 (I may add some notes at one point, especially if I draw the monument) 6:00 or 7:00 Fragment: I am my alter ego but my dorsal scales are pointier, like my character N. I'm at some kind of fair or public event. Eventually after a bit of walking around, I come to a wooden bench, where mom and dad are sitting. They each move over to a side and as they sort of part, this dwarf man is revealed to be sitting there too. He has a miserable look. My parents don't even acknowledge that he's there at all. I do at first and try to sit next to him and between my parents. There's some dialogue, but recall was lost. Unknown Time Fragment: In space, sort of game-ish and like Sins of a Solar Empire and Stellaris, in that you have starlanes for travel between stars (haven't played either in a while but think about it on and off when I see them on the library). I'm travelling with someone else, we're each on our own ships. As we travel and spend a bit of time wandering in a star system, the star suddenly starts to go nova. So I tell the other person we need to warp out of here now, and we head to the edge of the system, getting out just in time and travelling across nearby stars and seeing the explosion from this point. (Scale is similar to Sins) Some other bit where I'm planning a star fortress load-out, Stellaris UI. And some other bit about managing something in a star system, possibly in sequence with the planning. 8:00 and onwards (order jumbled) Fragment: Climbing some eroded stone stairs. Some kind of natural or carved out limestone rock. Feels underground. As I go up the stairs, I leave behind random things, like statuettes of animals. There's also some animal following me? I don't feel attached to it however; it may be a bird. I remember an opening through which I can see a vast darkness but also underground "cliffs" and ravines. Maybe streaming water. The limestone has a beautiful creamy colour. Fragment: (Generally darker dream, both in lighting and mood) Dream streets, lots of people. Parts of the dream repeat themselves or I return to certain areas. The streets have shops, and there's a Japanese/neon-heavy feel. Something has a feel to it like Cybermancy. Some plot line about a group of people who are uploading themselves into a thing or collective. I am not especially interested or anything but I help them in some way and when they start getting persecuted by some assassins or something, I use a rifle, struggling on with it for a bit, until I realise I'm "missing a skill point" for it, which I then quickly put a point it. I aim at one of the assassin at point blank, as he aims at someone else with a firearm of his own. I shoot him in the head and he dies instantly. Then, twin female assassins (though not human) standing a few feet away and moving; I spot them and aim for the head, but miss my shot, hitting her in the back or chest, but she's not really harmed by the shot. She comes after me now and I apologise for not killing her with a single shot. I kneel, and expectantly wait for her to kill me. Something very Japanese in feel about this last bit. After I die, I think I return to a previous point in the dream and do other things, or differently. (recall gap?) Then, some place like L. I'm near a monument of some sort, in a large square, which in the dream I "know" about; there's a road around the monument? It's sort of rounded itself, but not at the front where the road is. It's clear and sunny and I think I'm with someone else at first, maybe family. The monument itself is a dream generated thing and the square reminds me more of France in some respects, although it definitely has the feel of L. I think there's an obelisk further away in the middle of the square. (I should draw this before I completely lose what little recall is left) Near the front of the monument and at head level, there's a wide gap that's not got much height to it, maybe two feet high in opening. Through it, I see some sunlight but mostly darkness, and this underplace seems to be full of dark earthy dirt and corpses, mostly skeletal I think, though I can't recall their state exactly. Then, as I circle around to the next corner, I climb some stairs. Up here, it's a relatively flat area which is a narrow-ish U shape. There are many stone benches, which are just part of the overall structure. Lavish and floral motifs, general renaissance or art nouveau aesthetics. The stone benches have fairly fancy cushions on them, of different and saturated-ish colours. People are touring and lazing about as in mostly any capitol-city style of a place. I head for a free seat at the bend/corner. The dream ends here, I feel just as something was about to happen. Edit: Somehow I had recorded the wrong date for this dream, corrected this now.
Updated 04-30-2022 at 01:45 PM by 95293
5th September 2021 Fragment: (micro dream/daydream after having woken, slightly more aware than during regular dreaming but not lucid) Driving around in a learner car. Daytime, clear weather. I'm with a (white?) male driving instructor. Going around a countryside bit with some awareness of a river of sorts running alongside the curvy road I'm on, the view of the river is blocked by typical reeds. The driving instructor throws some litter out the window, looks like some kind of metal foil. I think this is so wasteful, so I make us stop off the road in the middle of a floodplain farm field, having cleared the more dangerous part of the road first. I get out and tell him to get out too (aggressively?) and I start heading for where the litter was thrown. Notes: - Though the instructor has a "teacher" role, he has bad habits and in fact ends up being the one who's bossed around by me. -- My attitude overall through the segment is one of confidence, not overly so, just enough to feel like I am doing the right things and not doubt myself too much. -- Notably I also wait to express my anger by first clearing any traffic and driving off a spot that's least dangerous despite doing so in a reckless/angry manner. This is some sign of self-control, something that I feel could be doing better, at the time of writing this entry now. - The dream location was very much like areas of my native home but with some mix of certain lakes near where I live now.
comment dream lucid After a week with my new Fitbit, I evaluated my sleep patterns (which is how it should be used rather than obsessing about specific data… a note to myself) and completely changed my strategy for the night. Simply, instead of focusing on the 6th-8th hour of sleep, I decided to focus on the 1st REM period and then on the 4th-6th hour - parts of my sleep that aren’t completely messed up yet. So, the idea was an auto-shutoff alarm (vibrations only, 1 second… this wakes me up most of the time but doesn’t wake my husband) for the 1st REM period (fail, I wasn’t dreaming, light sleep only) and the second alarm for WBTB after 4 hours of sleep. I had problems staying awake… only did a quick MILD. Then a lot of really good dreaming. On and off, with a couple of very short awakenings. Awakening again, from a NLD. Time for a LD. I use the “I am dreaming” mantra but only manage to say it twice... I am standing on a cliff, on the edge of some deep cwm (amphitheater-like glacial valley). It could be Snowdonia, but it looks a bit wilder, maybe the Scottish Highlands. Some of the slopes are grass and gravel, some steep rocks. I remember my plan to fly. This is a great place to fly. And it's a dream, right, so I can fly, right? I look around again and the sub-optimal vividness makes it obvious. It's that weird part of the day that only exists in some lucid dreams - too dark to be day, too light to be night, but it's also nothing in between... more like both night and day combined. I jump off the cliff and want to fly. But I'm wearing a nightgown that completely blocks my movement like a straitjacket, so I can't spread my arms and I am losing altitude. In-flight, I take off my nightgown and throw it away. I'm naked now, but who cares here. I've lost too much height and I land softly on the ground. I notice I still have some stupid slippers on and I take them off too and throw them away. Ahead of me is a rockface and some large boulders, I see a cave at its base. I feel drawn to it. But I tell myself no, the plan is to fly, I can come back here later. I jump up twice. During the third jump, I remember my mini-goal - to look at the night sky, so I do a backflip and look up. There are little swirls everywhere. I focus more, wanting to see some space objects, and I see little planets with rings. Cool. I'm slowly floating on my back, looking at it in awe. I get down on the ground again, really tempted by the cave, but I'm not sure if it's still there. I remember the permanence schema - it's always been there, and surely, it's still there. I turn around and the cave is where expected, I walk towards it. There's a person I “recognize” as my companion inside. He has my discarded clothes and some camping gear. I can't fit in there with him inside, so I leave it to him. I want to try flying again. But as soon as I turn and walk away from him, the dream fades. After awakening, I regret not taking time to stabilize or to try to increase vividity. I was a bit like a kid in a candy shop there. Technique-wise, I am not sure, what it was. DEILD? I wasn't completely lucid from the first second, but I still had the self-awareness carried on from the micro-awakening. I know that the awakening happened in the middle of the REM period, so perfect timing. There is also a possibility of the awakening being a FA.
Updated 08-30-2021 at 09:27 PM by 98406
29th July 2021 Didn't make any initial notes for this, just left the recall and ended up doing other things all day. Scraps: Some bit in a "mall", but it actually looks like a 1500-1800s palace of sorts, English or Germanic style. There is a large open courtyard area and something about a rebellion or conflict happens, I become the leader of a defence force for this "mall" and start giving orders to impromptu soldiers, who wear some sort of appropriate medieval soldier outfit, wearing flowing yellow tabards with a white trim. Some of the helms have plumes, blue? At some point after that, I climb up some place high but it also looks like the area outside H's village. There's some kind of pipe organ structure but it's half-natural or built into a natural area. I activate something, a mechanism of some sort. Then or before that, something about a car and being driven around, with H driving I think. (rest of recall has all faded)
27th July 2021 Fragment: I'm climbing up some semi-ruined concrete structures. A kangaroo person of sorts is following after me. Then, something about needing to go to a supermarket and something about school. I'm on a flat rooftop and I get a bag with stuff in it? Fragment: Something about playing a level 83 warlock. Unknown zone, hilly and deforested, partially ravine-like with cliffs on either side and there's a river running along the centre. I meet a bear form druid that tells me to look out for a tauren hunter in the area. The druid is level 110 or something. In the dream I know max level to actually be 80 but I understand that it can go up to 110 to gain some small extra bonuses or something. At one point I see the tauren hunter in the distance. He's across a lake area where the river ends. On selecting the hunter, the profile status bar is green, not red, implying he's not hostile. I think his pet is finishing off a mob while he loots or skins something else. Fragment: Something about a flood of blood wine and a group of five or six klingons, we all need to drink so much of it in order to get away or be able to call a lift. There are disagreements on what to do and who should be doing what. Notes: - I used to be more into Star Wars than Star Trek but over the last few years I've spent some time re-watching Star Trek stuff that I had mostly forgotten about. In Star Trek, most races and characters fit certain symbolic archetypes and motifs very easily, so I think situations such as this with the klingons draw from that aspect, partly based on my conscious and non-conscious perceptions and thoughts about the lore. -- Incidentally, I think this is the first time I've dreamt of klingons. -- I'd like to write some thoughts on potential symbolic aspects but a bit too tired right now. - Unfortunately I lost visual recall of the last fragment because I left writing these for a couple of days without thinking about them again in the meantime.
comment lucid Not the best night. Falling asleep way too quickly when attempting SSILD and later the opposite problem - drifting in and out of dreamless light sleep. At my usual waking time, I still felt tired and tried to sleep longer, but again only light sleep. I cuddled with my husband for a couple of minutes but it was too hot. We talked a bit. Then I decided to get up, but taking it slowly, I closed my eyes again. An unexpected wave of vibrations went through my body. I thought “why not” and rode with it. Around me is a semi-tunnel in a rock - a road or path cut into the side of the mountain - and there are large window-like cut-outs with views into the valley. I can see a beautiful landscape - steep hills and rocks, half-hidden in moving clouds. I want to take a photo, but I don't have my camera, so I tell J. to take one. He comes, but now the clouds cover the most beautiful parts I've seen, the most rugged mountains. I tell him he has to wait. I look around and think what a nice setting for a lucid dream this would be. (1) I try to visualize myself climbing down. Logically, there should be a steep cliff, but I imagine a steep slope. The dream doesn't cooperate much, the result isn't very realistic, I see several cut scenes - a slope with scree, grass, a steep descent - and suddenly I'm down and it seems to have worked, I'm on the grass and there's a sparse forest all around. The situation stabilizes and looks more solid. I examine my surroundings with my senses, half expecting to be still connected to reality, but I am squatting on the grass and feeling only the damp cold grass with my fingers, I know I'm fully in the dreamworld and that's satisfying. (2) I'm going through the forest. Suddenly there's a glass building, like a teahouse with seating inside. I walk through the inside and at the end, I have to squeeze past the only opaque wall in such a way that I lose my view of the outside. Knowing how changeable dreams are, I'm a little worried that the forest will disappear, but when I come out, everything is still there, and when I reach for the glass door, I can feel the water droplets trapped in the door frame on my fingers. It impresses me as a very nice detail. There are some trees behind the teahouse, blocking the view further on, and when I go out beyond them, there is a car (relatively old, red?) and a little boy, about 5-8 years old, and another one next to him. One has light brown hair, the other is almost black-haired, and both have round faces. I greet them and ask how they are. They answer something normal. Then I see their mother watching them. I ask her something too, but I don't know what, the answer is sensible but uninteresting. (3) I turn away from them and wonder what to do next. I remember that I have some things I want to do in my dreams, like get somewhere else. And I wake up all of a sudden, like I suddenly remember that I have to get up, or that I have to be somewhere else. Notes: 1) At this point, I didn’t believe it was a fully formed dream, I just couldn’t believe that the dream would form so quickly. 2) In retrospect, I think this transitional “daydreaming” wasn’t necessary and I could just touch the rocks to stabilize the dream when still on the road. 3) After waking up, I was really surprised by how bad my memory of the dream was. I have a theory there is a connection between my long-term memory being off in the dream (not remembering my goals) and the dream not being stored in the long-term memory.
Notes: I’ve been in the Swedish mountains for a week walking with some cousins. Had some pleasant dreams during the time. Dream— I’m walking in the woods and become semi-lucid. I start to fly up a hill and try to understand how the dream is able to generate new landscape as I fly over the hill. I focus on how rocks and flowers move past me and feel blessed to be able to feel calm and enjoy nature. Dream — I’m walking in the mountains and summon water balls that travel forward without gravity affecting them. As they move forward they increase in size so that they always appear to be the same size for me. When they hit a mountain I realize how big they have become as they splash and create a big water explosion on the mountain. An old man appears and he asks what powers I have. I shoot six water balls against the mountains and wait until they collide. The old man becomes very impressed with the power of the water and asks if I can summon tornadoes. I try to but does not succeed. He shows me a special grip with his hands and creates some kind of circle with his hands. As he blows through the circle white clouds begin to create a mini tornado. I do the same and succeed this time. A big tornado sweeps over the landscape and hits a house but the house is strong enough to withstand the tornado. I’m in the city and see some people in my age that talk about school and I think about how I don’t need to do school because I’m a superhero. Someone needs help and there is a teleporter next to me but I decide to fly instead. I fly over some waters and my flying is really fast but I can’t fully control it. An old man on an island awaits me but he doesn’t need any help. He talks about a rabbit and a carrot. I leave and I’m suddenly in an apartment with two girls. The are about to leave but I ask if they can stay for some more time. New dream — I’m by the big road leading in to town and there is a class writing an exam there. I feel happy because I have already completed that exam. I am about to do a side flip because I feel happy but remember that they have an exam and slow down which makes it so that my side flip fails. I am about to fall into the water but I am able to grab the edge and try to go up again. It takes a lot of effort and I can’t do it. New dream — I’m the leader of a freak gang. I ask a man with a face like the joker’s why he dresses like that and he intimidates me. I try to stay tough but he scares me. The punk girl and I have some kind of romantic relationship but when I leave the room I see her naked jumping on another man in the room. I leave the room feeling a bit hurt. I enter a new room and a normal boy about 13 years old greet me. New dream — A girl with character in my age invites her family over to my house 09.30 the next day. I forget it and go for a walk. The next day the family is angry with me because I forgot to tell my family and didn’t even show up. My parents are there but they don’t have emotions. The mom of the other family takes the responsibility to tell me how I need to take more responsibility and that I need to do better. She has some kind of kindness towards me too. The girl and I have a relationship and I am attracted to her. She invites me to a party and I accept. Some blonde guys in nice suits in my age are riding motorbikes and ask me if I want to ride with them. New dream — Eni and I play football on a small grass field and he wins. I feel bad because I’m so bad at football. New dream — Mom and I are hiding in a bush and it’s dark outside. Some gangsters walk past us and drop some plastic blue, yellow and red coins. Mom picks them up. Notes: We walked a whole day in the forest with lots of mosquitos and put up our camps 01.00 am. Everyone was tired and felt bad. I had a lot of worried dreams which made it hard to sleep. They were about walking tired and a lot of mosquitos.
Updated 07-07-2021 at 11:19 AM by 97565
28th May 2021 Fragment: Outside, night time. There's someone else with me. We're on top of a short building, flat roof. There's a curving road that comes down on a hillside and then back up a bit further along. Relative to me, this is to a 90 degree quadrant in my front-right. 29th May 2021 Fragment: Long dream, there's a hill and a big manor or castle on top? Some interaction with other dream characters. Something about walking a path, something about nature. Get the feeling of dawn or morning. Notes: - I'm having trouble recalling dreams despite clearly remembering being in them. Dream recall just seems to have completely faded by the time I'm sort of aware of being awake. My first thoughts on waking are fairly random and not seemingly related to my dreams. - I also have little or no recall of my alarms going off earlier in the morning. I wonder if the issue here is the same as what has made me feel unable to see things in/with my imagination of late, a somewhat frustrating problem. - It occurs to me that H's alarm has been different for a while; I used to think it was particularly annoying before, perhaps it was raising my awareness because of being annoying.
I'm walking in city and the word freedom comes into my head. That triggers lucidity and I fly to the waters. I see some humans and want to do some tricks with them. There is an indian and I grab his hand. I fly up with him fast and throw him up into the air and spin him 360 and catch him again. It's pretty heavy and I fall down a bit when I receive him. He starts to talk to me but I feel his bad intentions and I fly away from him. I fly over the waters and come to an exotic jungle with very big leaves and vegetation that I have not seen before. I am amazed by the beauty and just inspect the blue flowers for some time. I fly down to the water and think about how it is hard to fly in the water. I tell myself that it is only a dream and that I can do it. I fly down in to the water and keep a 45 degree angle with my face pointing to the surface. The air is really fresh. My feet go in mud by accident and there are some really big fish there. The water starts to become really thick and I can't move any more. I am being washed to shore and I try to break through with force but it's impossible. I see the shore now but the water is like sandpaper and my skin is hurting. I am finally up and I fly away again. I fly over the waters but suddenly I fall really fast close to the water and I am able to get up again. I see an island with some crocodiles on it. I inspect them but suddenly my flying stops working again and I fall to the crocodiles. They start to eat me and I struggle for some time with them. I am able to escape them. Notes: I went to bed early and woke up early. I saw some nature documentary this week and saw some crocodiles eat animals and carnivore plants.
27th February 2021 Fragment: (was a long dream but only recalled bits and pieces) Me, H, J and S; we're all meeting up at some rocky place. They parked their car in a small rocky alcove, I think we go and see the car? As they found out, it was wet and the bottom part of their car is getting too wet. In this semi-flat rocky area there are some waves of pure and clear water, not more than an inch high. The area is slightly sloped down away from the rocky alcove bit but the small waves of water still climb with ease. I talked to J about it and we discuss the underground water tables. I don't remember getting wet or feeling wet from standing in the shallow water. Then something about us driving elsewhere. J was in their own car and we were in ours. H gives me his phone so I can text her if needed. But I suggest it may not be a good idea since she'll be driving too. (S was seemingly gone from the dream at this point?) During the drive, I think we discuss food and how we should maybe stop for lunch somewhere along the way. I think we were going to but then we don't? I know that we do go past a place and I mention this and H remarks with "well, too late now" as we drive past. We arrive at a lab of some sort. They do advanced soil analysis here? We get into a conflict with the personnel because they are apparently doing something evil. There's a mini turret that tries to shoot at us but me and H approach it covertly and work to disable it. I end up simply disconnecting the neutral cable, not fully expecting it to work, but it does. I think we then confront some of the personnel/research team.
15th September 2020 Fragment: Think I have no body, I'm following or the view is following a man going around a natural park or lake. He has an AA20 shotgun and he keeps firing it randomly, but mostly at the ground. I feel concerned about stray shots hitting someone. It seems there's nobody else around though. By the end there's a gravelled car parking area. At some point after that, it's revealed the man was supposedly firing blanks (but they weren't). Dream: Part of a long dream. Something about a mall, but it's also a school? It's really busy and I am trying to get somewhere specific. I remember talking to someone but I go up several staircases and walk around an upper level, trying to avoid busy routes, but still encountering a lot of other pupils or something. I get to an internal bus station of some sort? A transit hub, at any rate. (recall gap) Then I'm following a person around, in an office-like place. We're in a stairwell, we go down several levels, spirally, but the tiers and bends are all perfectly square and large, the steps themselves aren't too deep. I remember seeing doors every so often. There are engraved plaques, made of blue granite, engraved with counter-relief lettering that's got a golden finish. We reach floor "-2", I notice this written on a plaque. I look out a big latticed window and see another building across the way, not far (a few feet), lit by sunlight. I think about how -2 must be code, or only locally relevant, since I knew and could see we were several stories up. The place has tall ceilings, I realise this more because of the large window. The stairs had a running carpet all the way along and it continued on into the hallways. The walls were covered in a medium-dark stained wooden panelling. We go into a room here at this level. Very vague recall of the room. There's a desk? A book? The book is ancient. There is a magical aura to it, but this is almost unclear in the dream, I realise this only on waking up. The ancient book has tattered and yellowed pages with coloured-coded and symbol-coded separators. The books' nature means they are constantly shifting in appearance (almost like a "quantic" book of some sort?). I remember opening it and reading some part of it but no recall of how it looked, other than the fact that things shifted around. Fragment: False awakening in our bed. I find snot on my shoulder? Apparently it's H's. My recall of the room is very vague, but the darkness was warmer in tone than it should have been and there seemed to be an absence of any light sources. Fragment: Related, or in sequence to, the office dream. Big mansion place, outdoors. Large open gardens area, I remember some hedges but not much else. The mansion had an oblong rectangular shape; ovoid at the lateral ends? First I'm visiting the mansion but then later in the dream I take ownership of it or something. Everything goes wonky after I own it, and I have to go around on foot in some mountain crag areas to find power sources and set traps. Then at some point I move the entire mansion so that it sits level. I feel myself do this with my hands physically and remember seeing it from above, but no other senses suggested that I was of gigantic scale. It's daytime out here and it's half bright but not, it's cloudy and overcast but there are godrays in the distance. There's a sort of moody feel, like a literal storm is approaching. The light and atmospherics look grey but golden and warm, in part because of the distant godrays. I see them near some mountains in the distance, past a vast body of water. The mansion was atop a cliffy area overlooking this body of water. A massive lake or small sea. I remember several small fragments of being in the house. Interactions with dream characters but during my initial notes I don't really care to recall most of them. Some early ones about being interviewed and recruited as a doctor. There was someone else attending the same things as me, in alternate pace, it was an older snobby woman, also applying. Scraps: (in waking life) Went back to bed after answering the door. I had many dream scraps but almost all of them faded. I tried getting back to sleep and tried to focus on my intent to go back to the earlier dream, especially the bit about being hired as a doctor, as I thought this may help with becoming lucid. But my intent faded and I transitioned in and out of lesser states of awareness. Notes: - There's a great deal of internal and deeper themes here for me, especially around school, malls and office-type spaces. Some of these dreams felt like they were focused on consolidating my knowledge of certain features within buildings. In recent months I have felt that in drawings, my attention to detail in architecture is not well internalised and after recall these dreams I felt my associations of different features in buildings were expanded. - Despite the crowds in the mall/school hybrid area, there was no covid pretext to any of my concerns about avoiding people. It was a mostly back-to-basics thing about not wanting to be in crowds. - The view of the mountains and vast water was very picturesque; although I'm not sure of it being related in this case, on waking it did remind me of a picture we have on a wall of the bedroom, depicting an Italian lake. - The ancient book was one of the most interesting features of these dreams. It's something I feel compelled to recreate in some artistic form now. - Again its appearance may have been related to the fact that I have not internalised the details of books very well, which shows whenever I try to draw one from memory.
"Cockroaches" in my way I needed to crawl through a thick bush of sorts, towards my mother waiting behind it for some reason. In front of me, on the stem of the plants making up the bush, sat two gigantic "cockroaches". I "knew" they were cockroaches when I found them in the dream, but in reality, they looked like a sort of moth, stretched into the shape of a cockroach and resized to a size double the size of my hand. I wanted to push them off of the stem, but I took them instead. Something like this always happens in my dreams. I then tried to set it on the dirt, but for some reason, the back of it had a crimson-colored substance on it's back, sticking to my hand as if it like super glue to my hand. After a few attempts of getting it off using my other hand to attempt to push it off, I tried to set it back on the stem. It moved its legs and gripped onto the tree, somehow very easily coming off of my hand, as if it could control how sticky the red substance was. I actually forgot to submit this when I wrote it.
Mesocyclone I am out in a field with just grass with some trees around, looking at a very low hanging colossal supercell with strong rotation and very amazing looking shelf clouds. I also remember the shelf cloud rolling by me in my home, making me grab my camera but the cable was still attached. It passed by really quickly and I would've caught it, but my mother blocked me for a second, making me miss it as I get to the kitchen. I was very disappointed and sad, and maybe even start arguing with my mother. This dream definitely took inspiration from all the stormchasing videos I've watched that day. The second part of the dream likely happened because of my fear of missing out on something rare. I don't know which of the two parts happened first.