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    1. Reading while LD and awake

      by , 02-23-2011 at 10:19 AM
      I was attempting a WILD and got a scene where someone had come to deliver something. I was Lucid from start. As I took the delivery paperwork, I tried to control the dream, but the physical body was too awake, and I ended up feeling both the dream self and normal self and this was very disorienting. The paperwork had K.H.A.N.S written on it as the company name. I tried reading the paperwork further and also stabilizing the dream but the disorientation caught up to me. And I woke up.
      lucid , dream fragment
    2. The Construct and Summoning

      by , 02-23-2011 at 10:15 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Been a while. This was from a few days ago, not sure exactly which day.

      The Construct and Summoning
      Method DILD (absurdity)
      Lucidity C
      Vividness C
      Control B
      I have a vague sense that there was more action before. But my recollection begins with me in total darkness. I sense that I am hovering weightless. This is weird. I become lucid. I've never been lucid like this before, in complete sensory deprivation. I look down toward where my hands would be but it's completely dark. I want it to be light so I can see. By willpower, the void of blackness gradually turns into a void of white, like "the construct" from The Matrix. Now I can see my dreambody.

      I feel like I have some control now. I float down slowly until my feet touch solid ground. But everything is still pure white and the ground is indistinguishable from the void. Hmm, now what? What else? Summon SA. This isn't one of my tasks. It seems to be the thing I impulsively do when my lucidity is less that perfect. Anyway, I psyche myself up with some affirmations. Then I use the turn-around-expectation method of summoning. And there she is. She's about a foot too tall and dressed like a belly dancer. She looks like an Amazonian but in a comical and silly way. I'm not sure what to do. She approaches me and we talk, but I forget about what. Lucidity fades.
      Tags: coworker, summon
    3. The bananna room, and a childhood friend

      by , 02-23-2011 at 10:09 AM
      I met up with justin and his father dave. They seemed excited to see me which I knew was strange, because dave is quite an introverted guy. Very quiet and rarely shows emotions like that. I remember a table sitting some where in the middle of the room. Which at first seems frightening, then calming because I realize its in a familiar place. The warehouse I work at in the produce section near the bananas. I told them both I saw them often at my old job, and wanted to speak to them, but felt a little afraid. They remained friendly and inviting throughout the rest of our conversation.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Psychological muffins, and old friends

      by , 02-23-2011 at 10:05 AM
      I was in someones basement eating dinner. Miranda and Jerry were there. Jerry's hair was bigger then usual, it seemed closer to victors. Miranda starts taking to me about whatever, and Jerry keeps making these absurd but hilarious faces and noises at us. "Do you see what hes doing?" "ahaha oh my god!" I was literally crying because what he was doing was so hilarious. Jerry continued to make us laugh for quite some time. I remember the basement being a mixture of the piano room from unleashed, my aunts basement, and my uncles kitchen in his old house. The owner of the house walked in, I felt like I was intruding at this point. he was big and bald. A heavy feeling of needing to leave washed over me. I got up and started to head up the stairs to leave. I noticed that my old psychology teacher from grade 10 was standing behind me. I walked over to the kitchen sink and saw two muffins caught in the drain. They were both chocolate chip, and looked delicious. I picked one up and asked her "Can I have one of these?" She seemed puzzled saying yes at first, then said she wasnt the owner of the house, and it would be better if I asked him instead. "No no thats okay!" I yelled. I didnt really want them that bad anyway, and he really creeps me out I thought. I thought it was better to avoid as much contact with that person as possible.

      Now Im in the upstairs level of the house, and it now has elements of chris's house. That strong sense of needing to leave still lingered with me. Chris walked over holding his dog, who seemed alot more giant than usual. He put him down and started to hold and hug him on the floor. "You dont need to leave now you know" he said to me softly. By this time, environmental aspects of a show home we once saw while looking for a house awhile back seemed to take place. The feeling of needing to leave vanished because I thought I was now in chris's house.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Soccer field Mcdonalds, and the uninvited guest

      by , 02-23-2011 at 09:54 AM
      I was in a field area that was a mix of tuscany, arbor lake, and silverado. Im buying food from a drive thru mcdonalds in the middle of a field. All I see is the menu sign, it seems to take up my entire field of vision. I dont remember if there was an actual building or not. "hello, welcome to mcdonalds, may I take your order?" I hesitated for a moment, did my friend mike want anything? In an almost panic state I took out my phone and started to dial his number. An overwhelming sense of taking too long started to encumber me. I started thinking to myself, I have little time left to make my decision, so I ordered a big mac meal, small drink, and large fries. I remember thinking that cutting down on the drink size would make my meal a little more health conscious. "Your order comes to $1.99" "Damn fast food is so cheap" I said out loud to myself. Then I thought about going more often if the price of an entire meal is only $1.99. The scene changes. I get a cell call from mike saying that he is at the bus stop not far from me. I realize that I forgot my food at the restaurant pick up window. That thought quickly passes with the fact that my friend literally showed up at my house uninvited. I walk over to bus stop to greet him, mildly annoyed. "Hey mike, we didnt talk about you coming over?" I said puzzled and worried about my dad showing up to take me back to his place, and that there was school tomorrow. "yes we did" he replied. " we talked about it around 4:30 today." "but mike, how is that possible, its only 2:30 pm?" He seemed to drop the subject immediately. "So I bussed all the way down here, and you want me to go home? Ugghh okay atleast Im at my dads house and its close" The day seemed to change from day to night at this point.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Dentist pills, and hallucegenic candy

      by , 02-23-2011 at 09:43 AM
      I got these pills from my dentist to help with my mouth pain from my wisdom teeth surgery infection. The pills were white and had little weed pictures on them. I had jarrett over, and he was telling me about these candy gummies that he got that made you totally trip out. And how there were different kinds with different levels of intensity. At first they seemed like regular candies, but at a closer look they were all covered in theses crystals. I had a strong feeling that jarrett wanted to take my pills that I got from the dentist, it seemed like he was acting how he was back in grade ten. Really needing an escape. I took my pills out of the container, and was holding them all in my hand. Jarrett was describing the effects of his candies further, I suddenly felt like I was holding alot more pills then I originally took out of the container. But I didnt think anything of it. Then I noticed that I took a piece of a gummie, and started to eat it. I felt the effects almost instantly. It felt like sharp fast energy was flowing through my body. It really freaked me out. When I looked back at my hand that was originally holding my weed pills, I noticed a large amount of the lsd gummies has taken their place, but there were still some of the original pills still there. I looked at jarrett, and he has a smirk on his face. I got mad at him for switching the pills on me, and realized that the rest of the pills were slowly transforming in my hand. Now all I had in my hand were gummies.

      I remember kurt telling me about jarrett lashing out and deciding to go out tonight and doing every drug out there. He also told me that his younger brother chris was involved. I saw chris in their kitchen, and tried to convince him to not go out tonight. He seemed very distant, and set on his decision, but I also had a sense that somehow, he had no other choice. I remember feeling very scared that chris was going out to do very harsh drugs with jarrett.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. The concert

      by , 02-23-2011 at 09:31 AM
      Me and shaf were walking down a pathway that seemed to be a mixture of coventry, and macewan. The weather was very mild with sunshine. Then I remember us singing in a heavy metal band, and me holding the final vocal scream perfectly. But, not exactly feeling like I did. Then we jumped over fences located on the same pathway environment as earlier. We were saying how much fun it was
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Getting High

      by , 02-23-2011 at 09:27 AM
      Non Dream

      This dream skips around a little bit, so im going to put spaces between where scenes change

      I was getting high with daniel, and his pot had fantastic effects. His house was located in a combination of MacEwan, the back pathways of coventry, and was still a reasonable distance from my highschool. We got back to his hosue and decided to jam. I knew that I had spare right after lunch, and got excited about having time for the pot to were off, and jamming. Daniel picked up his guitar, and started to play the most amazing music I have honestly ever heard. I was completely blown away. I remember his room looking very similar to wyatts. And the front entrance way to jordans.

      Daniel and I were walking over to his house from getting high, it felt like everything was on fastforward, it gave me such a rush of energy and felt fantastic.

      I had to leave his house to get back to school, and forgot my running shoes. His dad seems familiar when I saw him, but I cant seem to pinpoint why. He was cool with us smoking up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. first WILD (chakra meditation) LD

      by , 02-23-2011 at 08:49 AM
      This entry is being made 1 day late, It should have been made on 22nd Feb 2011.
      I was retrying to get an LD and found out about this certain WILD technique. I tried it and every time the dream scene started I woke up. About 4 times of this, I finally got a short LD recorded below.

      I was with 2 of my employees, I was telling them to put a certain item in the trunk of a car. Now in real life the trunk of that car was almost full, as we had already placed some items in there. As I opened the trunk I found it empty. I said to one of my employees "I told you to put the items here, but not to take them out." Suddenly realization hit me: I must be dreaming. I got too exited at having an LD after such a long time and woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    10. A Day at my Old Job

      by , 02-23-2011 at 08:16 AM
      Yesterday I was thinking about my old work place. Not in depth, it was only for a few minutes.

      I arrived at my old job in the morning, went up the elevator, went to my old desk which was now on the other side of the building and merged with my supervisors cube. My PC was old and funky. I remember that the work load was unusually light and my old supervisor was watching Rango (a movie coming out March 4th that I have no interest in).

      I adjusted his mounted TV screen so he could see it at the perfect angle. He nodded with approval. At lunch time I made my way back to the elevator, which now I had a difficult time finding. Directly in front of the elevator was a sofa with various people working around it. Sitting there wearing a similar outfit to mine was my ex girlfriend who I met working there. She didn't react to seeing me at first. She looked calm and detached as she worked. Then a smile came across her face and she said my first and last name in a state of surprise.

      I felt nothing inside seeing her, even though she looked very attractive and we were wearing the same colored outfit. I stepped around her and the sofa to get onto the elevator only to discover it was the freight elevator and it was filled with junk. I stepped back around, walked to the other side of the building and a group of people were pleasantly surprised to see me. I was met with a few: "Your back!"

      Finally I manged to exit the building and ended up going to lunch on board a large elegant boat. There were more employees there, and food, but I only clearly remember the boat was docked on a lake next to a green field. I left to return to work. When I got back to my desk I was 9-minutes late. My supervisor looked disappointed. I checked my cell phone and I had two missed calls from my Mother.

      As ordinary as this dream was, it is the first stable lengthy dream I recall in months.
    11. Met Gramps

      by , 02-23-2011 at 05:10 AM
      Last night i was in this house I've never been in before that was absolutely filthy. Dirt and cobwebs everywhere, cluttered, and there were holes in the floor. I was there with my mom, dad, and a dog that had died a long time ago. We were looking around and climbing up into the house when I saw my dead Grandpa up about 2 floors above me. I didn't say anything to him, he was supposed to be dead. My dad was clearly upset about being there, so I offered to leave with him. When we were all walking away from the house, I asked what was going to happen with grandpa. My parents told me he would be dead within a week..
      non-lucid , memorable
    12. Rock Climbing with the Girls

      by , 02-23-2011 at 04:48 AM
      Rock Climbing with the Girls (Non-lucid)


      Log: 9:30pm Teusday, February 21-22nd, 2011
      Hours: 8:30m Alarm: 6:00 Audio: None
      WILD: No

      I woke up naturally right at the end of this dream. This was coincidental becasue i had just read about how your mind wakes you up when the plot is through. It ended and i immediately woke up, even at 4:00 in the morning.

      This dream starts out as i am running or quickly walking through a rocky environment. I was up in far into the cliffs and caves. I was heading downwards and all of the sudden i hit a rock in my way. I foolishly realized that the place i was trying to get to was further on in the quest and knew that i had to keep going. As i climbed up and over the rock, i ran into Lena, and i put both hands on her shoulders and asked her if we could keep going, i was begging almost. She said we could. Very immediately, the numbers of characters increased greatly and they changed also. It was now Allison, Sam, Brenna, and Megan. I was much happier with this group of young ladies. As i went further up the rock to climb out the hole, my ipod fell from my pants pocket and fell to the ledge where only magic could help me. I kept going after i solemnly pointed out that i had finally lost my ipod. I was happier than ever inthis dream, ecstatic almost. I swung around suddenly, grabbing hold of Allison. She helplessly pleaded to me not to swing! Never swing! She kept saying it. So i apologized. And it had gotten into twilight by now. We decided at some point to go back home. As we headed back over the rock i was trying to get over, i noticed that we were standing on a flat rock surface. That meant that my ipod wasn't lost after all! I rushed over to the pile of rock and dug through it until i found my ipod, better than ever.
      All of the sudden now we were back home, and it was Brenna's house but looked like mine. All except for one thing. There was a giant hammock-like pathway from the slide part of the swingset to the roof. This was how you get to the rock climbing environments. I wanted to impress Sam, so as we walked off of the deck, I climbed effortlessly to the top of it. I was casually laying there as Sam walked out and she was smiling. Then Brenna came over and i was laying on it talking about how ocmfortable it was. Then i could tell by the look on her face that i should get down... I said something about how expensive i thought it was, and she agreed. And then i got down, and it ended.
    13. Dream Within a Dream Within a Dream

      by , 02-23-2011 at 04:22 AM (Living the Dream)
      Dream Within a Dream Within a Dream (DEILD)


      This was actually a fairly recent dream. I had it a few days ago, and thought that it was fun enough to post .

      I start out in a abandoned building with some of my RL classmates. We're just standing around waiting for someone, I can't remember who. The person we were waiting for arrives and explains to us that we are now in a "Dreaming Compotation." We're going to be divided into teams of four and sent into a dream together where we will try to kill the other players on the opposing teams and wake them up. So we are divided up and I get with my teammates to enter the dream. We all get in a circle and the person pulls out an Inception suitcase for us to enter the dream.
      (I'm going to count this as Lucid because I knew I was dreaming and I had all the powers that LDing entails)We enter the dream. It's a sunny day without a cloud in the sky. I'm in the parking lot to a nearby Safeway. I see a wooden car nearby and dive in with my group. I sit in the back with another student while the last two take up positions in the front. I look around and see all the other teams are also in similar wooden cars. We're trying to race to a certain building. I remember that this was challenging because the steering wheel was on one side of the car and the gas and brake was on the other. So we start the race when all of a sudden, both of the people driving were killed by getting shot. I'm in the back trying to find out what killed the drivers when my other teammate is also picked off. I see that next to the sun is the moon. Upon closer inspection, I see that there is a sniper on the moon, killing every player he sees. So I know that I need to escape and I jump to the front seat with the gas and brake and scream, "STEERING WHEEL!" This instantly puts a steering wheel in the right place. So I drive off and crash into a wall of a nearby building, which I believe I need to go into. I phase through the wreck and wall into a single room without a ceiling. One of my teachers is there, waiting at a table in the corner of the room. There are a few other students there, about 15. She says that we passed the first layer and we can now go into the second. I see that there are various gameboards in a circle in the center of the room. She splits us up again, this time into teams of 5. She also says that the gameboards are what we will go into when we fall asleep next to them, and that they are all somehow connected. So I talk to some other students before going to my gameboard.
      I fall asleep next to it when suddenly there is a flash and I am in a room made of concrete and with only metal desks populating it. Suddenly, I think of the sniper, and how I might be sleeping where he has a clear shot at me. So I wake up into the first layer and move to where I am near the gameboard, but where I can't get sniped.
      I re-enter the second layer and see that it is the same. I get my bearings when one of my teammates, apparently named "Sam," teleports in. She makes a microscope appear to examine something. I ask her something when she freezes and says that "Real Sam" was killed and that she was now just a DC. This worries me as to what is happening up above. So then I turn the room into a fancy party and fill it with DCs to make it less suspicious to opposing teams.
      I see that some Indian girl has entered the room and was approaching me. I knew somehow that this meant trouble, so I summoned a pistol and gunned her down. None of the other DCs seemed to notice/care. This old woman then enters and says she captured all of my teammates and killed Sam. I get pissed and say, "I want my teammates back now." This makes them appear behind me. The old woman starts to make the room shake and I know I have to kill her. I try a machine gun, but the bullets just bounce off. She then grabs me by my neck. I think of a way to escape before choking to death. I scream, "GRANADE," and she shoves me back, thinking I do have a grenade. I laugh, and summon an actual granade. When it explodes near her, she just shrinks instead of blowing up. Thinking of Inception, I get a granade launcher and start laughing my ass off and quoting Eames with, "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." Me and my teammates then fire at her repeatedly while running around the room. She is finally shrunk to a level where I just crush her. I laugh with my team and start to walk away when the room shakes again. All the DCs stop and turn on us. I think, "Shit. This must be the old lady's fault," when I'm grabbed by a DC and thrown on a table. They then proceed to cut me in half with a cake knife.
      I then woke up IRL. It took me a few moments to affirm that I wasn't bleeding. Or dead.
      lucid , memorable
    14. Paranormal Dreams 2

      by , 02-23-2011 at 04:21 AM (Living the Dream)
      Paranormal Dreams 2 (Non-lucid)


      Just to start out, when I dream there is sometimes a reoccurring mall. The layout of the mall is the same everytime, but every new dream with it involves a new area or the stores are jumbled up.
      So it starts out and I'm in a new room in the mall. There is a bridge in the center, under the bridge is a seemingly bottomless pit. On both ends of the bridge are concrete rooms. I go onto the bridge and start to walk to the other side. Soon many people I know appear on both ends of the bridge. I start to panic for I know that the bridge cannot support us all. The bridge actually begins so become thinner as I think about falling until it is like a tightrope. Then one of the DCs starts talking about Paranormal Activity 2. I begin to laugh at it because I think that that movie is crap (just IMO, if you like it, that's alright. I know how many people are scared by it.). So as I laugh harder the scene begins to switch. I'm now flying over many areas, like NYC and a forrest. I'm no longer bashing PA2, but some disembodied voice is. It keeps on going and laughing through the rest of the dream. Soon I am spectating a medic from TF2 as he discusses something with one of the Blackwatch troops in Prototype. They are on a grassy cliff overlooking a patch of grass with a bright light at the bottom. Suddenly the medic jumps into the patch and swipes up the light with a regular cup. He begins to panic because the pit will explode soon. But before he can jump out, something happens involving PA2. All I know is that is was scary as fuck and now I am scared of that movie.
      I woke up and immediately tried to WILD unsuccessfully.
    15. A Foreign Coin

      by , 02-23-2011 at 03:36 AM (The book of mars)
      I am in a store with Heather and Tyler. I upset Heather for whatever reason and end up walking around by myself. I search for the book section in the store and take an astrology book to a picknick table to read. It's specifically on Leos for 2011. At the table, a boy sits down next to me, reading the same book but for Libras. We exchange a glance that has some friendly emotion behind it as we notice we're reading similar books. Another boy comes and sits in front of me. He starts handling some things of mine which I set on the table (though don't remember doing so). One is a little metal squirrel (which I had in my pocket that day) and one is a coin.

      "What coin is this," he asks. I take it from him quite angrily.

      "A fifty cent piece, obviously. Look at Kennedy," I say. I look at it and am suddenly embarrassed; it's not a fifty cent piece. On one side, there's a big piece of an engraved deep purple stone set into it. The other has the face of a man who I don't know. My dream-mind knows this is an Atlantean coin.

      Updated 02-23-2011 at 10:06 PM by 42137
