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    1. Beautiful Ladies

      by , 02-26-2011 at 06:38 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was with S.G. I reached in her blouse and felt her breast. I pushed to cup it fully. I felt her nipple. She gave me O.S. This whole thing happened twice. Very nice.

      My dream switched to a large Hispanic or Italian guy with the most beautiful Latina in the world. She was European (white), and had black hair that looked gunmetal blue in the light. It fell to an inch above her shoulders. It was perfectly straight and would have felt as soft as water.

      She turned around and walked by. I tracked her, but never got to see her face. She would have looked like Alizee. I don't think it was supposed to be her though.


      I was looking out into my garden. I saw two Irises. The foliage on one was huge; however they were in the shade, so I thought I should move them into a sunnier area.

      Then I noticed some rodent creatures. They were as big as bear cubs. They looked like the little bear creatures in Return of the Jedi. In waking life we watched that movie a couple nights ago. (There is a hint there for all dreamers).

      These creatures were eating something that I put out for other animals. They were sitting on a bench or something, and talking to each other. Their eyes were huge.

      The area they were sitting in in my garden was kind of protected. They felt safe and happy and had easy grub, so they were talking to each other having a good time.

      I knew that someday they would have to forage for there own food and they would be sad about it.

      Updated 02-27-2011 at 07:22 PM by 41873 (Corrected word form)

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Fragments

      by , 02-26-2011 at 06:29 PM
      Im at this supermarket with P and we are going around the place and then there comes this alarm or something. Im looking to buy some candy

      I have bought a book about physics and chemistry and Im going to my work place where I was changing tyres. I feel like this car which is driving behind me is chasing me, and I hurry up to the place. I slide open the door and theres the places manager and then some new guys. I just say hi to them and go to the backroom. The backroom is really big hall and there are these guys and one guy is asking questions about a blue scooter. Then N says something "Its probably this years model since last years was slightly different".

      Im at this carpenters place. Then Im on the street taking a shower and theres A with E and some other guys with me.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. feb/25/2011

      by , 02-26-2011 at 06:28 PM
      I had a party, four guys came that i didnt know. so i would let them in. Then the biggest one and I got into a fight some how I put him in a triangle choke. Then we suddenly became friends. more people came in and out then i forget what happend
      dream fragment
    4. My first lucid dream.

      by , 02-26-2011 at 05:30 PM
      So I've been trying to lucid dream ever since I saw the movie inception, which was about a month ago. I'm too lazy to write in a dream journal everyday so I just thought about my dreams after I woke up, and later I drew an A on my hand which stood for awake.
      Two weeks later I was having a dream that was particularly unrealistic and I was falling off of a cliff. I realized that I was dreaming and before I hit the ground I woke up. That motivated me even more to start thinking about lucid dreaming right before I went to bed. So last night I went to bed thinking about being lucid dreaming. In my dream which was very vivid I was in a bright red room with some of my friends. I was talking with a friend saying that we should hang out again when I realized that I was dreaming. I was so stoked that I started jumping up and down exclaiming 'I'm lucid, I'm lucid!". My friends didn't know what I was talking about so I demonstrated that walk around freely. They were still skeptical, but I was too excited to care. I immediately flew right through the ceiling and the roof by doing an upward breastroke sort of thing. I looked down and continued to fly, I was very high up and thats when I think the adrenaline woke me up.
      Tags: dream, lucid, story
    5. At the swimming hole

      by , 02-26-2011 at 04:35 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: February 26, 2011 – 9:30AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am standing at the shore of a small lake with several people, some younger and some older. The morning sun is shining through the valley, illuminating a large section right in the middle of the lake. A heavy mist is lingering at the edges of the lake that are not yet receiving direct sunlight. The air is a bit cool, but the sun is quite warm. There are birds swooping down and picking up small bugs that are flying just above the water. At the opposite end of the lake, there is a another group of people swimming around.

      I pick up a large bag full of pool floaties and begin to inflate them with an air compressor that's conveniently sitting near the edge of the water. (Note: Why this didn't seem strange enough to make me question reality, I will never know...) The kids all jump in first and grab the floaties, then float off to the middle of the lake. I continue to inflate and throw floaties to the kids. Some of them look like small air mattresses and some of them are giant rubber duckies. The last floatie had a large hole in it and won't hold air, so I drop it on the ground. I pick up a couple floating chairs, unfold them and set them on the water. Thinking that I am ready to get in the water, I walk over to a picnic table so I have somewhere dry to lay my clothes.

      I pull my shirt off and look back at the water. I am a bit concerned that there are sharp rocks or other things in the water that I don't want to step on, so I decide to leave my shoes on. I already have my swimming shorts on under my pants, so I remove my belt and take my pants pants off, noticing that there is a two-way radio clipped on my pants. I walk toward the water and think for a second, “It's February! It's way too cold to swim! Wait a minute, how did I take my pants off with my shoes on?” I become lucid, then turn around and start walking back to the picnic table where I left my clothes.

      I wake up and RC a couple times, thinking at least I was lucid for 5 seconds. I should have tried to stabilize, but then again it's 9:30AM and I usually never sleep this late.

      Updated 09-29-2012 at 08:04 PM by 36447 (Moved image on server - updated image tag)

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Everything 'Dreaming' (fragment)

      by , 02-26-2011 at 04:33 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: February 26, 2011 – 4:00AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am walking down the sidewalk of a large strip mall, gazing in the windows of some stores. All of the stores have Lucid or Dreaming in their names. Some of the names include: Lucid Books; Kitchen Dreams; Lucid Cigars; Lucid Beer, Wine, and Dreams; $1 Dream Store.

      I woke up and cussed myself for not noticing all these signs.
    7. what a fantastic way to start the vacation! 2 really vivid dreams!

      by , 02-26-2011 at 04:19 PM
      so i finally have time to get into LDing again woohoo! but the dreams i had tonight woah! i didnt have such vivid ones in YEARS!

      the first one:

      first time djing at a big party (with the experience of one day!)
      all i knew it that i felt really really nervous so i couldnt concentrate on the music but the times i heard it i sounded pretty life like to songs that truely exist then headhunterz appeared towards me!(headhunterz is probably the number one hardstyle dj in the world but i dont like him that much) and he accually forced me to spin one of his tracks! after that the obsession came by(thats a really good friend of me) i don't know what he accually said anymore.. after that i suddenly spinned disks in the bathroom at the same gig! (WTF!!)
      after that i went back and i saw that my sister and father and i was like noooo! why are they comming to watch me how i fail! and they heared that and me sis got pissed about it lol..
      after that it slowly faded away

      second one
      i don't know this that good anymore
      only at a part i was with alot of random people and it looked like they wanted to rob a pretty big electronic store.
      at the time i knew how to turn into a supersaiyan(a transformation wich gives you golden/yellow hair, green eyes, a golden aura and it boosts your maximum strength and speed 10 times)
      after that suddenly the whole scene changed and i appeared to have a staff.. i tryed to become a super saiyan again but this time it failed and i really tryed hard! lots of really small objects trimbeld and 'moved' away from me while i was trying to transforming. this was at the same electronical store it was evening instead of day..

      after that it turned day again.. and i was in a street wich was really recognizable for me. only the building seemed diffrently and in the scene it seemd like a couple of the robbers where gonna make it up to the boss of the electronical store. after that i noticed that some lowvoltage powerlines where going directly into the ground(this could have been an LD trigger because A in the netherlands we don't have rural/lowvoltage powerlines. B powerlines never go directly into the ground without an substation.)

      and then i woke up and screwed up my day because it was allready 4 o clock midday!

      but its a great start! im totally back!
    8. new deli; dance of women and girls; single mother kayaking; lucid park

      by , 02-26-2011 at 03:39 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a new deli, which may have been downstairs from my apartment. The deli was still under construction. There were all kinds of things being unpacked.

      The place had a blue-green kind of feel, as if the walls had been painted a pale blue-green. There were rolls of paper unrolled on the floor. Counters were set out in random fashion, as if they hadn't been fastened to their permanent positions yet.

      There were a couple soda refrigerators with their doors open. One was on the back wall, in front of me. The other was on the wall to my left. They were both tall and narrow. The refrigerators were so cold that I could feel the cold coming from them.

      The coolers were so cold that the sodas (or bottled waters?) inside the coolers had been frozen. I figured this level of coldness was natural, since the store wasn't opened yet, so that the coolers weren't tuned to a normal level.

      There were a few people running around in the store, getting things ready. I saw at least one woman and one man. They were both Mexican. They were talking back and forth and joking with each other in English or in Spanish and English.

      I knew that the place wasn't open yet, and I felt like I shouldn't be here. But, for some reason, I felt really comfortable here. I figured I'd grab some stuff and then head back up to my apartment.

      It suddenly struck me that, now that there was a new deli below my house, it would be a lot easier for me to come downstairs and grab some frozen pizza. I thought I would suddenly be eating a lot more frozen pizza than I'd been eating in a long time.

      Dream #2

      There was some kind of television show or some kind of stage performance about adult women who had romantic relationships with young girls.

      The stage and background were white. The stage may have been clean and polished, so that it was slightly reflective.

      The women and the girls wore spandex suits with blue, pink and purple flower designs on them. They also wore something like flowing, white blouses that went up over their heads to become something like hoods, leaving a circle open for their faces. The hoods may have been topped with flat circles, which were slightly tilted.

      The women and young girls were doing a slow dance, in groups but kind of solo, where they would elevate and point forward their legs and arms slightly.

      Dream #3

      There was some kind of narration about my mother's life. There was talk about how my mother had had such a tough time because she had been a single mother. There may also have been talk about how my mother had been really upset when my father had left her.

      There was now a view of a car like a station wagon driving up a steep, mountain road. The road didn't criss-cross or spiral up the mountain: it just went straight up the steep slope. As the car drove, the narrator spoke about how my mother worked through a lot of emotional difficulties and survived to this point in life.

      Listening to this narration made me really sad for my mom. But it also made me kind of proud of her. I felt I had seen this road somewhere. It occurred to me that I might have seen the road in a dream. The surreal steepness of the road and the way the car seemed to be reaching extreme heights on this mountain all reminded me of some tall mountain dream I'd had in the past.

      I was now in the backseat of the car. My mom was driving. We had approached some place halfway up the mountain. We pulled into an asphalt parking area.

      My mom, and possibly one of my family members, maybe my sister, was talking about how lucky we were. Some of our more removed family members, my mom said, had died in pretty terrible situations. They had died all alone, sometimes in shameful ways. The closer family members of those people had had to deal with the ghastly emotional impact of those situations.

      But, my mom said, the closer members of our family who had died had died rather peacefully, with loving families around them. And, right now, all our family members were in situations where, even were they to die suddenly and unexpectedly, they would at least die in a position where they were somewhat comfortable and they knew their family loved them.

      I either thought to myself or said out loud that that wasn't true. I thought about two of my cousins, P and B. P is a man and B is a woman.

      I thought that both P and B were in situations where, if they died, they'd be all alone. At least one of them was actually in an extremely dangerous situation, though in my dream I couldn't remember where either cousin was.

      I was now out on a river bank with my family. I suddenly realized that my cousin B wasn't far away at all. She was actually in this forest. She was kayaking through this river.

      In my mind's eye I saw further down river, to a wide stretch that was shaded pleasantly by tall pine trees. Where we were, the banks were open and lawny, with jagged rocks for the river's banks.

      Maybe all my immediate family members were out on this bank. We had a couple of kayaks nearby. We must have been getting ready to go kayaking, although for some reason, I seemed to feel like I was thinking of suggesting the idea of kayaking to my family, as if it hadn't yet occurred to anybody to go kayaking yet.

      I thought of dipping one of the kayaks into the water, but the water (which was actually only moderately fast) seemed way to rough and the rocks way too jagged for the kayak to handle.

      I turned around and saw at least one of my nephews, the oldest nephew, getting dressed in an orange life jacket. I felt like everybody was getting dressed in life jackets, as if they were all getting ready to go kayaking. I thought this was great, and I offered my own life jacket to one of my nephews, since I knew they liked wearing my stuff (???).

      One of my nephews, maybe the oldest, said he'd take my life jacket. But suddenly I realized I'd left it somewhere else. It was like I'd left it in the car. But it was also like I'd left it somewhere very far away. I said I'd have to go get it. I hoped I could get it fast enough so that it wouldn't cause a delay.

      I suddenly realized that I had also left the life jacket in water somewhere. The life jacket had been in the water so long that it was now beginning to dissolve. I hoped I could pull the jacket out of the water before it dissolved entirely.

      In my mind's eye I saw the life jacket. It was white, instead of orange, but it had orange flower designs on it.

      Dream #4

      I was walking through a park. It was a clear day, pretty warm. The sun seemed to be going down. The sky was dim, and the light was partly golden and partly cool and dim.

      I walked along a concrete path in a somewhat narrow curve of the park. There was deep, green lawn on either side of the path. There were a few people in the park, just relaxing. I think everybody in the park was black.

      The sound of my breathing slowly became more and more audible. Suddenly it seemed to me like my breath was like the breathing sound of somebody in a space suit, like in the movie 2001. I wondered why my breathing would sound like this.

      It suddenly occurred to me that the reason my breathing sounded like this was because I wasn't exactly in a park. I was in a different kind of place altogether. The only time I could think of when I was in a place like this was in my dreams.

      I realized I was dreaming. There wasn't a tremendous improvement to the clarity or sensation of the dream, like there usually is when I become lucid. But I was suddenly a lot more aware of the environment.

      I smiled at a few people. I was happy to be aware, and I wanted to share my happiness somehow.

      I walked into a wider area of the park. Since there were a decent number of people around, and they all seemed to be peaceful and happy, I figured I'd try to talk with some of them, just to see what things were all about here.

      There were a couple of boys playing (with a set of blocks or other toys set up to look like a castle?) half on the concrete path and half on the grass. The boy on the path had his back turned to me.

      I smiled and addressed the boy in some way to get his attention. The boy turned his face toward me. He looked a lot older than he actually was. Something about this threw me off balance. I looked quickly at the boy and walked on down the path.

      I tried not to let the boy's surprising appearance throw me off balance. I tried to continue acting cheerful. I figured if I could keep the cheerful attitude I'd had as I'd become I could stay lucid. But I could already feel that I was dropping out of lucidity.

      I could see that I was approaching something like a brick-and-concrete, arched gate that served as an entrance to the park.

      Updated 02-26-2011 at 03:42 PM by 37466

      lucid , non-lucid
    9. LEGO Top Gear

      by , 02-26-2011 at 03:00 PM (Rawracookie's DJ)
      Some how I was like a guest presenter on Top Gear (The real one from UK). The car engines and control systems had to be made out of LEGOs. The setting is an underground labyrinth of concrete. People stand all around along the sides in there. I don't notice Hammond and May much. At first, we had some sort of weird engine. At some point I was going to walk to be on screen with Clarkson, but my father grabbed me and we kept walking past. I guess I was an unofficial guest. Later we found a 2x2 (4 cylinder) internal combustion engine. I remember touching the pumping pistons on top and feeling a sharp push feeling. First tactile feeling I remember in a dream. A large jeep/golfcart is made with the engine. I think it busts through a wall when it is introduced. Clarkson wanted more power and got it. Then the show is over and it is time for me and all the bystanders to leave. We go up some stairs. At some point you are supposed to get a shot. I remember thinking "Hypodermic needle." I get it in my right arm. The nurse started high on my arm and pushed it so far it almost poked out the top of my shoulder. Some of the fluid escaped through my shoulder. I was really uncomfortable but I wasn't as scared as I could have been. I let the nurse finish. I was glad it was over. At that point the dream is getting sidetracked. I don't remember beyond that.

      Interrupted Sleep more refreshing than Continuous 6-8hr-4cyl.jpg
    10. A Sizable Strawberry

      by , 02-26-2011 at 02:34 PM (The book of mars)
      A Sizable Strawberry

      My mom’s driving her car. I’m in the middle of the backseat, Holden’s next to me and his little sister Sarah who is incredibly fat in my dream is on my right. Holden and I discuss selling strawberry chips, just like potato chips but sliced and fried strawberries instead. I see why we were discussing this: up ahead, there’s a giant strawberry! Not the size of a house or a mansion or even a plane, it’s the size of an airport!

      My dad is in the front seat now. Instead of parking our car in the big sea-side parking lot (the strawberry is right next to the sea), we just drive up it. This scares me quite a bit because once we get the car on the strawberry, we are almost completely vertical. I ask if we could flip over and my dad reassures me that’s impossible. I close my eyes until the car stops on top of it.

      We all get out and are given little green baskets to put our pickings in. I don’t see how this is going to work until I look down at the surface of the strawberry: it’s covered in little yellow tags. Each one is attached to the flowering part of a seed, which can be pulled and a perfect cube of strawberry comes out. I start pulling a few and walk over to where my dad is.

      He’s on a little lake on the strawberry. It’s not too big, maybe 12 x 12 feet and full of murky strawberry-sea-water and long stems. He’s pulling huge cubes from around the edges of it and I help him out, pulling them and putting them in his basket.
      Walking on it isn’t difficult, it’s plushy and kind of fun if I don’t look down: we are quite a ways up. I walk around and see that everyone is going into a little observatory room on the top most point of the strawberry. Inside, everyone’s standing kind of far back from the main window. Kayla, my ex-boyfriends new girlfriend, is by the window really close. My mom, my dad and Holden and I walk towards the window too to see.

      Suddenly, the floor beneath the window lets go like a trap door and we tumble out of it. I don’t remember falling, only hitting the water. My leg is somehow attached to something big so when I start sinking, I feel like I’ll die here (though I didn’t feel exactly hopeless or bad: I just knew I could, possibly, die). My dad comes swimming at me and unhooks my leg. Kayla is still under somewhere, so my mom looks for her. When she comes up from the depths, she kind of nudges me back down and I hit my leg on a really weird smooth rock section. It happens twice but we finally make it back to the shore.

      My dream repeats. Everything is the same until we are in the observatory. I change the dream so all of us are kind of next to the window but not that close, so when the trap door drops, only Kayla goes down. My mom saves her. It wasn’t malicious of me, I just didn’t want to be scared again and I had no control over Kayla.

      Updated 02-26-2011 at 02:41 PM by 42137

    11. Unfortunate series of events

      by , 02-26-2011 at 02:25 PM
      So I'm going to call the house I grew up in "I-17". It's just easier. I'm with my brother T and some other people.. family, and we are driving by I-17. We see the front door is open, so we stop the car. I hear a dog barking and I run up to the front of the house and close the door. There wasn't a doorknob, so I'm not sure if I did a good job closing it. I go back to the car and check the mailbox. There is a book that I wrote (??) in the mailbox, but the letters are all messed up and my name is spelled wrong. I see the receipt for it inside, and I paid $68 for it.


      I'm somewhere warm, I think I'm in FL. I am looking out on a beach and see mountains in the water. I see polar bears running down the mountains and then getting attacked and I watch them being eaten by black bears. Then there are no polar bears left, and I think it's a result of global warming. I wasn't scared, but sad feeling.


      At work, I am sitting on the ground and one of the kids, CH is hitting me. I feel him hit my face a few times. I look in the mirror and see I have bruises around my left eye, but thought it didn't hurt as much as it should have based on how bad the bruises are. Someone comes by and I tell them "It was like a dream because I felt like I couldn't move!" kind of ironic. Whoever I told agreed with me. I leave work early.
      Tags: driving
    12. Card - Figurine List

      by , 02-26-2011 at 02:08 PM (Ranbow Island - Otis's Dream Journal)
      Unknown - Card
      Unknown - Card
      Unknown - Card
      Unknown - Card
      Orange Longhair Gobline w/Horns - Card, Figurine
      Blue thing - Figurine
      Goblin King (Jareth?) - Figurine

      To accompany the following dreams:

      Updated 02-26-2011 at 02:12 PM by 36393

      side notes
    13. Super Lucid: Blackbird Flying

      by , 02-26-2011 at 02:07 PM
      At last another lucid dream! I believe this one was stimulated by a combination of me singing the Beatles song Blackbird, and Dead Space 2 in which the lead character flies.

      It was around 9am with clear blue skies. I was standing in the middle of my backyard on a dead tree stump. (The stump was removed years ago.) Around me I noticed all sorts of creatures were crowding. Birds, squirrels, and then I saw a cute gray bunny rabbit. I was surprised by that, but even more when following the cute bunny closely was a Jackrabbit.

      Instantly I knew this was a dream when I saw it. I did my traditional reality test - flying. I lifted off the ground with complete control and ease. The animals were excited and especially the birds. I felt a wave of mental clarity wash over me. My body vanished. My perspective became small as a birds and I began to loop around my backyard while the birds joined me in loops, spins, and songs. It was very playful, peaceful, and extremely fun.

      I locked my focus onto a pair of blackbirds who were flying together still over the yard. I began to follow one so closely I looked it directly in the eye a few inches away. He looked slightly uneasy with my proximity, and maneuvered away a few wing lengths. After I had done this a good few minutes, I decided I better not waste this lucidity on aerial antics alone.

      I looked towards my next door neighbors yard. There was pick-nick table near one of his two backdoors. I flew over to it and my body reformed so I could land. When my body reappeared - there was an aerial hiccup as if I hit wind drag and gravity again. I started to drop but hovered at the last instant to ensure a soft landing. At this point I stepped off the table and onto the ground. I clearly remember thinking "There is no way I could forget this dream, it is much too real to forget." I considered waking myself up as I headed for the door, but I really wanted this feeling to continue.

      I opened up my neighboors backdoor, excited to see how my dream would handle this. I stepped into his garage which was huge inside. Bigger than the house itself from the outside. I could hear my neighbor walking around upstairs, and I had the impression he was just getting out of the shower. I chuckled to myself about it. I began to look around the garage and I saw there was a collection of bikes and motorcycles. Out of the garage windows I saw one of the main streets in my city, and not my own block which I should have seen out those windows. I smiled to myself and thought "My dream got that wrong."

      I started looking for a motorcycle I liked. There was a blue one similar to the first bike I ever owned (!) - a bicycle designed to look like a dirt bike. This also tickled me. Before I could mount it, I looked up and saw that my neighbors garage had a second floor balcony. I slightly worried he might react to me taking the bike, but when I looked up I saw more windows with people starring back down at me. I had the feeling I was at the London stock exchange (I don't recall ever seeing it before).

      There were business type people up on the balcony behind windows that were too back light by pale white light to make out much more than silhouettes. I vaguely recall being asked to do some work for them by a short haired gruff woman in a business suit. The clarity and lucidity evaporated and I woke up shortly there after.

      I didn't remember the dream when I woke up, despite my lucid confidence. I sat still for about a minute, tried to remember my dream and the details above rushed right in. I want to stress how clear minded I felt in this dream. The visuals, flying sensations, and audio were very high quality.

      Updated 05-21-2011 at 05:29 PM by 32174

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    14. Alien Invaders

      by , 02-26-2011 at 02:02 PM
      I was being strangled by a lamp that I took a light bulb out of and my uncle came in and shot it down with an uzi. I was so relieved it was dead. I walked outside to stare at the stars and I saw two little dots. They were getting bigger and bigger. Suddenly thousands of little dots were coming from them. Aliens were swarming around me and killing people. I was so afraid and I was like 'WHY IS THIS HAPPENING" then I realized I was dreaming.
      I flew up to try to avoid some of the fight and suddenly a gaint great sword appeared in my hand. I flew down and started fighting. I was literally chopping aliens in half. When I did that they sort of disintegrated into thin air. They just kept coming so I flew up to the place they were coming from- the ships.There were two of them
      I flew up and dropped a bomb by the door of one of them. It blew open and I walked in. I was washed in a purple green light. The inside of the ship looked weird. The ceiling was composed of really tiny lights. Not like led lights but even smaller. Like the size of this -> . each alternating from green and purple. The floor looked like when you cut down a tree and there are little rings getting bigger at the outside. Exept the floor was alternating white and black. I went up to some of the computers and slashed at them with my great sword. I heard the computer say " Self destruct in ten seconds" I ran out of there and flew. One ship took out the other ship. I saw a tunnel and flew into it.

      At this point I lost lucidity. The tunnel had two of my friends in it. It had a conveyor belt and we lay on our stomachs in it. It was kind of like a game. There were three conveyor belts and ocasionaly spikes came out on one of them and you had to switch to another one. When we got to the end we each picked up a bag of fruit. I got cranberries and my friends got grapes and something else.

      I cant remember anything else. I did complete one of my tasks though
      memorable , lucid
    15. I made it lucid again finally!!!

      by , 02-26-2011 at 01:48 PM (Ranbow Island - Otis's Dream Journal)
      Ok so I've been busy and haven't recorded a lot of my dreams but they weren't that important. i have a few wedding dreams but that's it until last night!

      I was on a football team, and we were winning a big title "The Cup" I think it may have been a high school team, but i was pretending to be a dude.No one knew i was a girl till after I won "the cup" I went home i was at my parents house. i walked into my bed room, but it wasn't the same. "I'm dreaming i thought" but everything got super fuzzy, i was about to bring myself into focus when my DC dad walked in and said "Go back to bed." I lost full lucidity, but hey i was glad to at least be semi lucid. I couldn't control movements but i could speak. My body began to rummage for something. It was something i HAD to find. then i found part of i : 5 cards from what i knew to be a huge deck of about 60 or so.

      the cards were decorated in an old style texture, much like a stone-brick wall. like a labyrinth wall. My first thought went to 2 things. The first instant lucid i ever had (link: http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/otis...ue-lucid-7520/ ) and my favorite book/movie combo The Labyrinth. The card was kind of like a Japanese card game style. There was a picture with a gold borer around it beneath the picture was a small bullet set telling you about who or what was in the picture with it's name at the top. I only remember 1 of the first cards, it was an orange shaggy haired goblin with horns (the hair was much like the style of Ludo from the movie but like bright orange like a chestnut horse).

      I had to find these. I HAD TO FIND THE REST! I took hold of my baby, and went to the dresser next to the one I was looking in. I found a few figurines one of them i remember was blue-ish, an orange one that matched the card I found. I smiled. (i felt the corners of my mouth gather so it must have been a very big grin) I opened another drawer, and the only think there was a blond figuring dressed in a black cloak. I was so ecstatic i almost lost the dream. I found the goblin king!, but the figurines are useless without the cards. You have to have both for them to work. I put them with the cards, and i heard a clatter in the kitchen. So knowing the layout of my house i left my brothers room, walked down the hall, through the family room, into the dining room, and through to the kitchen. There in the sink were the orange, shaggy-haired goblins, with horns. (you need both the card and the figurine for it to work) I watched them for a minute not sure if they were cleaning or breaking things... i still don't know what they were doing. I left out the door to the garage thinking "I need to find these cards!" FUCK YOU SUBCONSCIOUS! i ended up in a greeting card store. ARG!!! i looked around for a while, and then realized it must be past my alarm, and woke myself up. (ohh yeah i missed my alarm by 1hr 15min oops)

      OMG I'm soooo happy!! but i still feel like i have to find the cards. So i'll make myself a list of what I do and do not have that way i can look again when i get lucid again.

      Updated 02-26-2011 at 01:59 PM by 36393

      lucid , memorable , side notes