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    1. First lucid more than few seconds long!

      by , 01-16-2011 at 01:24 AM
      Dream Journal Jan 15 2011

      Dream 1 (Lucid)

      I was in Sewickley down by Edgeworth Elementary School. I saw someone in the street and it turned out to be the YouTube vlogger fiorentine. In his house there was an immense bookshelf. Some other people our age were there. I said something about people at our school having a conjoined twin fetish and looked at some books on the shelf on this subject. Then my memory skips and I found myself at home, apparently after school. I wanted to go down to Sewickley but my dad said something about it being too far to walk. I realized that I was wearing something like a tweed suit. I could swear that just a minute ago I has been wearing my Red White and Blue hoodie. I asked my dad about it but he didn't seem to answer. I could'nt remember putting the suit on and I realized I must be dreaming and became lucid The dream started to tip and blur, and I RCed with a finger check as I fought to maintain the dream. As usual, my left hand had an extra small finger at the end. I found myself suddenly in what seemed to be the streets of sewickley mixed with those of a big city. The dream was kind of fuzzy, so I went down the street shouting, "More Detail!" and "Increase Brightness!". I couldn't help but notice how real everything was. I did some more stabilization with my hands and suddenly two of my fingers turned green! After that I decided I would go down to Julian's house, but the dream quickly faded. After some struggles, I opened my real eyes.

      Note: This wasn't my first lucid, but it's the first one where I was able to stay in the dream for more than a few seconds!
    2. Oceans On Fire

      by , 01-16-2011 at 01:00 AM (Dreamjumper)

      The scene starts with lights upon a guitar. As soon as there is a solid awareness of the guitar it instantaneously shatters into pieces. The guitar strings elongate and distort to become the legs of a real woman dancing on Broadway.

      A marionette puppet walks by on its own accord.

      The Broadway gal sticks her long lizard-tongue out at me as she slowly but surely turns full reptilian. The puppet walks on alone, somberly through dark corridors. A large butcher knife comes down from the ceiling and cuts the puppet in half. The puppet reattaches itself and stands up to escape, but the butcher knife comes back down and dices the puppet into neat little squares, and then minces it into bits.

      The bits of marionette puppet instantly ignite afire, engulfing the world’s oceans. I see the world, with all it’s oceans on fire. Dolphins, ablaze, jump into the air and hang for a moment before sinking under waves of flame. The clouds, too, were on fire and angels fell from the sky.

      I stand alone and scream in agony before graphically tearing myself in two to the bone. My skeleton catches fire. With the entire world ablaze, it looks like a fireball. It incinerated into a tiny burning ember in the center of a baby’s eye. I pan out to see the baby in full view as the butcher knife reappears dicing the baby to bits. The puppet somberly reenters with a broom and dustpan, to sweep the bits of baby up and dump it into the garbage.
    3. Lucid dream via wild!!!

      by , 01-16-2011 at 12:31 AM
      I just had a lucid dream while napping!!! My first WILD!!! After the SP vibrations had gone away, I decided to try and move my foot a bit. I could, so then I got off the couch I was sitting on. I did an RC and I realized I was dreaming! I told my mom and she said, "that's great!" the dream started to fade so I spun and it stayed. I went to my room which looked totally different. I tried to imagine I was in a different place and spun around with my eyes closed. It didn't work. I think I should not have closed my eyes. Then in the real world my sister bumped the couch I was sitting in and I woke up. I guess that's what I get for sleeping in my living room.
      Tags: first wild, nap, wild
      lucid , memorable
    4. Narvesande

      by , 01-16-2011 at 12:19 AM (The Midnight Train)
      Narvesande (Non-lucid)


      I watched too much 'Gandhi' before bed and didn't go to bed till 1.00. But that appears to have helped with my recall.
      Fell asleep quickly.

      I am heading toward this town and from my perspective I am walking down hill on a stone road and see a few buildings in front of me which look sort of gray and English. I enter the building that's straight ahead and to the side of it there is a red carpet and the umbrella thingy that pokes out of the building which is red also which tell me that this is the place I'm suppose to find. It is small inside and the furniture and walls are wooden. I now see my cousin Ola-2. He gives me a transparent purple ruler and says that it is so that people will have something to remember him by. He also tells me that he has these really useful condensed exam notes that I could look at.
      I now see the shadow of a person through the door that I came through which has a translucent glass panel. A Thai lady (wears jeans) who is about as tall as the person sees the shadow and recognizes it as my brother, Tait-1. He is famous and the lady calls out his name and rushes toward him.
      I am about to leave and Tait asks if I need a ride. I say, I'll just walk.
      I am talking to Mackenzie-4. I show him a piece of paper with Czech sentences on it. They are copies of the same sentence and start with the word 'Janis.' I also see the word 'Narvesande Land' and that's meant to be the name of the town that these sentences came from.
      Mackenzie cannot read it and he says, " the conversation usually ends with me saying that I never had formal Czech language education."
    5. The dream was long, but I remember little

      by , 01-15-2011 at 11:36 PM (Fernanvic´s dream journal)
      Strange town (Non-lucid)


      i had come to a strange town in a bus with people I know from RL. The bus was the one I use to go to the University. I was a girl I know in real life. In the town there was a forbidden building where I entered and had to leave for some reason. In the town everyone could go around in their underwear if they wanted [long memory blank] Some guy asked me if I knew who he was and told me to go to the forbidden place to find out what was in there. Once in the building I had to go get dressed (I was also in my underwear) and to the bathroom. So I exited the building from a low window and went around it to the parking lot.

      Notes: I think I had another dream today and recorded it in a false awakening.

      Updated 01-18-2011 at 11:00 PM by 40435

    6. 9/01/2011-Dream-Guide?

      by , 01-15-2011 at 11:18 PM (Adventures of a 21st Century Dreamer)
      Lucid,Non lucid, Comments

      Ok I'm not sure whether I accomplished my goal of meeting my dream guide or A dream-guide coz I got confused in the end. Anyway I was in an open field with my mom and some other guy that I cant quite remember, then suddenly my mom asks me if I wouldnt mind doing some chores for her like cooking?,dishes, and carrying some chairs?. I didnt really want to help because I had somewhere else to go, but it was my mom so I was always going to help, I glanced back and the other guy was laughing at me. Fast forward a bit and apparently I've finished all the tasks and were walking along a wooden bridge. My mom is telling me something about life, she specificaly says please remember this and makes me repeat everything she says 3 times (but I still forgot coz I wasnt lucid) It was something about being honest and real and genuine or something. Then she says you can summon your dream guide anytime you want, this made me lucid. "but I've tried that before and nothing happened" try this time she says. I sigh "ok, when I turn around my dream guide will be behind me". I turn around and there's a six year old version of myself smiling.

      Mom: "see I told you"
      Me: " but...."
      Mom: " you can do this anytime you need him"
      Me: " er..hey there little man, are you my dream guide?"
      Me2: " NO....(blank stare)
      Me: " are you sure"
      Me2: " yes"
      Me: ........

      The six year old me then turns around and starts running (very surreal.... I can tell you). He wants to beat up the other guy(who had morphed into a six year old aswell), but he trips and falls. I was thinking how can a six year old help me?. Then he jumps up starts laughing and the two boys run around doing kid stuff.


      This is not the first time I have seen myself lol, its becoming quite frequent I will post my most frequent lucid soon but I'm disappointed that I don't have a six year old to fight monsters with ,I'm sure they wouldn't have seen that one coming

      Updated 01-16-2011 at 01:37 AM by 40241

      lucid , memorable
    7. Tube crash / Baking trays & theater performance "Questions"

      by , 01-15-2011 at 09:35 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      My friend MandM and I are sitting in the tube that is just going outside from the underground. I look out from the window and see a highway running along the train line. Suddenly, the train slows down significantly. We look outside of the window, to see what is happening as I have the feeling that always when the train slows down like this, it is because of some accident. Outside we see parts of another tube train. It's all torn apart. I see many people picking up all those parts. We are chattering about it. It raises anxiety feelings in me.

      Guys (MandM) and Pia decided to go to see some performance.
      The theatre is somewhere far. I tell them that I will get the tickets. I take baking trays (!!!) which i think we need for it. I filled the washing basin with water and put the trays into it. (:-D) Pia's tray is all messed up and greasy! I get a little bit angry as the water for washing gets all messed up. Because of this we are running late. As soon as I am finished, I run to buy those tickets. Now I am in a camp, with loads of tents and stools. I know where to go. I come to one of them, where I see some notice boards with writing on it. The writing is saying "if you buy the tickets within 34 minutes, you are still going to make it" (this is very strange, as usually numbers and writing in dreams are impossible to read!). I got the tickets. These are also train tickets to get to the place where the theater is.
      The train station is right next to the camp. It is a massive final station. I can see many super fast trains there. I look at the tickets to see what platform we are going from. I see that the performance is called "Questions" (reading again). I remember trying to find the best date and time for us to go. With the girl who sold me the tickets we agreed on Friday the fifth. We run to get our train. It is Easy Jet train as I can see the colors and logos on it. However, as we get close to the train, the door shuts and the train departures very fast. I see us standing there at the station, feeling confused and surprised as the train was not supposed to leave yet. I realized that we could get there by some other train that goes the same way. I run to a group of the people who clearly work at the station. I'm telling them that I am not happy with the service as we still had 34 minutes. Firstly, I argue with a nice young girl, but she doesn't know what to do. So now, quite a big buy with ginger hair comes to deal with it. He tries to sneak out of the situation. Finally, as I lose my patience, I ask him if we can use the ticket in another train, because they are useless.

      Then we all are at some arena or stadium to watch UFC fight. Even though we are sitting pretty close we cannot see much. The fighters are fighting like girls and even of it I am not able to see much. I feel disappointed.
      Tags: banking, theater, tube
    8. My death in a dream

      by , 01-15-2011 at 09:21 PM
      I am standing near a highway, it's dark. My cousin jumps on a motorcycle and tells me to follow her. She drives along the road and i follow her without a motorcycle. So while we drive(well i'm still using my uber fast legs to catch up) we pass by a biker who just had an accident, there's blood but i don't remember the details.Then we see another one. Then suddenly my cousin drives into bushes, I'm scared so i run to her but she comes out of the bush as if nothing happened. But then we see an another accident, a police car stops near to our location, 2 policemen get out of the car. They don't see us, but my cousin shouts ''HEY!!'', i try to stop her but it's too late, one of the policemen has shot me and my head falls on my left shoulder. Even thought i am dead i am still conscious. First i'm so shocked because it happened so fast, then i am thinking something like this: ''But i have things to do yet, i didn't do this and that.Eh what am i thinking, i am dead so it doesn't matter anymore, that was only a body. The real me is here, i have to concentrate maybe i'll see two shining lights (why exactly two? ) then i have to go throught them.Maybe now i will be able to be enlightened.'' ..hmm..i wonder if death in real life will be like this
    9. Jan. 14-15

      , 01-15-2011 at 09:14 PM
      Jan 14-15*
      Well to understand this dream...you need to know a little about me. I was in ministry school for 2 years. I am 2 classes away from having my bachelor of arts in church ministries. I dropped out of the school right before i finished the classes. I have been working a (great) normal job for 2 years now.
      So to the dream...My mom, dad and other members of my family have come to me with this plan that is already in the process. They show m there plans to build a huge church out on the west coast. (I actually believe it was Arizona) They showed me an overhead holograhm view of the church and it's location. It was a grey building that was taller than wide...it was located in a hill betwen two bautiful houses. I remember taking a look at it and crying telling then please let me move with them. I basically begged to move and to do anything I could at this church. I even asked to be the janitor! I just remember I would have done anything to move to this great opportunity...I then woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    10. Damn Dirty Apes

      by , 01-15-2011 at 08:21 PM
      Damn Dirty Apes
      Recall: 7/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown

      I'm in some sort of compound, split in two by a metal fence in the middle. On my side are a large group of humans, on the other and equal number of ape men. We're taking a vote on whether we should go to war with the ape men. The decision is war!

      As soon as we reach consensus, I raise my fist in the are and let out a yell. All the other humans follow my lead. The apes all yell back in return, much louder than we were. Not to be outdone, we yell back louder still, and the apes outdo us once again. We let out a third yell, much more organized and louder than before. The apes try again, but can't match our intensity.

      I look for my weapons, which are in a chest along the fence border. I'm loathe to approach to retrieve them because a few apes are shooting arrows across at us. Some guy tells me I can have his armor and weapons, and pulls out a helmet and sword from a chest. The sword is rather small and very dull. I find a file and begin to sharpen it.

      Friday, Jan 15, 2011
      Recall: 4/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm at my grandmother's and Bevan and Darryl are there. Bevan is acting like a retard and getting on my nerves. I go into a room and open up Google Street View on a huge monitor. It gets displayed on the monitor, but also in the huge windows on either side of the room, creating a very immersive experience. It's almost like 3D.

      The only thing ruining the experience is that Darryl is sitting right in front of me blocking my view. I try to get him to move, but he won't take the hint. He's sitting there like he's watching television.

      The computer screen part morphs the dream into a resort run by an Artificial Intelligence that is trying to kill it's guests. I crawl through bowls of the resort, through perilous walkways with no rails as strange blue lights turn on around me.

      The guest finally revolt and assault the people working there. A woman comes and breaks it all up. I'm wondering about legal repercussions, when I see the beat up employees faces suddenly change from bruised and battered to perfectly normal. They are holograms! The hologram tries out different broken nose looks, but the woman makes him put on a normal face

      Thursday, Jan 14, 2011
      Sold Out
      Recall: 7/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm in a land that has a culture like medieval Japan, only everyone lives in caves. The husband in the family I'm visiting receives an invitation from his cousin for dinner, so we attend. We eat, but the food is drugged. We all become sluggish, and just before I pass out, I say to the cousin "I'll kill you for this!"

      When I come to, we've been sold as slaves to a vampire, a werewolf, and a zombie. They are very cruel, abusing us and not feeding us, keeping us in constant terror. The werewolf keeps cutting us with his claws. They use us to work in mines and bring them stuff we find. As we dig through the rubble, we uncover traces of an old school. Turns out this world suffered a cataclysm, and the ruins of present day civilization are buried underneath us.

      We dig through a bunch of ice cubes and discover beer buried underneath. Awesome! And the ice kept it cold too. We open some and start drinking when the trio of monsters shows up and we give some to them. We return to our camp with some chocolate coins we dug up, our only food in days.

      The vampire announces he's going to feed on the girl in our group of captives, and I tell him to feed on me instead. I roll up my sleeve exposing one of the deep cuts the werewolf inflicted on me, but he bites into my forearm instead. He drinks ravenously, and I realize he was starving. I also realize that he was making an effort to deny himself blood, and I think he might not be so bad after all. But he's drinking so greedily now, I'm afraid he might drain me dry, killing me.

      The following day, we go back to digging through the collapsed civilization and discover an old nuclear power plant. Some of the computers are still working. We find a war machine similar to an AT-AT from Star Wars, and inside that we even find some explosives.

      We use this "ancient" technology to defeat our monstrous captors, and free the people in the surrounding countryside as well, becoming celebrated generals in the process. Our fame earns us an invite from a lord who lives inside a volcano. He asks us to assist him in capturing dinosaurs, and also finding dino riders.

      I see various small plastic dinosaurs, and the scene stabilizes into a moderns house in a parallel world. I drop the house key in some bushes and it falls into a funnel spider web inhabited by a hand sized spider. I poke the spider with a stick to see how dangerous it is before recovering my key.
    11. Jan 15 2011

      by , 01-15-2011 at 08:00 PM (Mah Journal)
      I was helping with some sort of horseback riding trail ride. I was backing them up. Eventually they started running, and I was trying to get the horses to lope. Eventually something happened to the lead horse, and I cantered fast to catch up and get in front. The person behind me, on a brown horse, kept trying to get in front of me. I kept running and competing to get in front.


      I was at KA's house supposedly, but I was on monkey bars in a sandy playground. There was a few rooms without roofs, and I could see into them. It was sort of like The Sims. Somehow it came up about how KA's mother does not like me, and then her mom, who was eating dinner with the rest of the family, starting dissing me right there and then.


      I was playing D2. I was thinking that I should maybe start again just to cure my boredom, but I was trying to decide what class I should play to keep myself from getting bored again. When I started playing there were all these random classes that were different. I think there were 7 of them, standing in a triangular formation. They were totally different and non- horror/fantasy like. I was confused by this. Then I figured that it was probably MXL. I then started thinking about the MXL builds and started thinking about which of those classes I hadn't played, and which ones wouldn't be boring.


      D2 and horses? I thought those were dreams of the past xD I know there were a few more dreams I can't remember. I find it interesting that I'd still even dream about these things though.
    12. 15-1-11

      by , 01-15-2011 at 07:54 PM
      last night i had something that i think was supposed to be a nightmare, but just didnt find it scary.

      humiliation and pain.

      i remember thinking about the hellraiser series, i thought that there were only 8 movies. but then i found out that, there was way over 20 of them. and some of those scenes of the movies ran through my head. i remember a farm and a girl in her working clothe, seeing from first person perspective, someone getting attacked by what i assume was a cynobite. it were pure bones, but not human, it had dagger like hands.
      the scene changes, but the fight were now over, technicians were investigating the house. clean away the blood, one said, and take one of our men and make him feel what those victims has been trough. next thing i remember was sitting in a roomm with the view of a guy getting crusified. faced to the sun, with very beautifull enviroments, it was like horrible but very calm and relaxing, beautifull.
      then i woke up.

      i was in a fine neighborhood, houses, beautifull gardens. there was some boy, which i followed.
    13. Extremely long full-night adventure

      by , 01-15-2011 at 07:53 PM (Insane Kid's wacky dreams)
      I had a very long dream last night that lasted the whole night (sprawled over multiple dreams). Sadly I only remember chunks (thankfully large ones) so here goes:

      It all starts off with our family heading off to a friend’s house. The family we are visiting doesn’t exist in real life, and I am not sure if I actually knew them in the dream either. Anyway, we are at their house, it is daytime, their house is long and rectangular, and it is plopped in the middle of a field. Tthere are no roads and the grass is rough and short in all directions as far as the eye can see with no trees. We are eating and fellowshipping and “getting to know eachother” I suppose. I don’t quite remember the transition, but I somehow end up shrunk and inside the body of the father with some mission do destroy revolting red blood cells or something.
      I don’t really remember most of this section, however there is a part when I am trying to destroy some evil red blood cells (they are about as big as 3 or 4 life rafts and as tall as my chest. Everywhere is red, I don’t recall if I had a breathing device or not. But there are strands, and tissues, etc. I meet this man in there (which later in the dream my memory changes to me having met a girl which I later actually fall in love with in the dream) and he sort of follows me around and helps me out. He warns me of the white blood cells, where if they see us they will attack and dissolve us in an instant. Why of course right then and there approaches a white blood cell and I start scrambling around trying to escape.(Basically they are like white versions of the red blood cell with a little more goo). Inside the body was basically like a giant cave that twisted in all directions with strands of red flesh (sorta like pillars) everywhere. However as we were in fluid, you could sort of run/swim/float around. I have a hard time trying to escape the white blood cell as I find it difficult to move. I am again transferred to my next part of the dream.

      This part of the dream happened, then was constantly referred to throughout the rest of the dream so I am not sure EXACTLY when it actually happened. I am just placing it here. In the dream we are in a building ready for a wedding. Supposedly me, this girl (we will just call her Suzy, because she looked similar to a character I know called Suzy. She was also the daughter of our friends father in the previous section), and this “friend” of mine (Though Suzy was supposedly the one that helped me out in the body episode, it could be also that this “friend” was the one as well. So though it was one person, it resulted in two dream characters) are all getting married. As odd as it is, it is supposedly me and this guy both marrying Suzy. We supposedly had this great adventure and became extremely strong friends (and I fell in love with Suzy, and though it was in the dream, it felt like real love, not just simulated). This adventure I don’t remember (though I did get brief flashes of the adventure (false memories that I can’t recall), OR it could be the last part I recall of the dream, which I think it could have been in part (though Suzy didn’t actually appear that much in it, and the “flashes” show a lot more team involvement), which I will get to in a bit. As for the building, it had a back room where we were walking out of, connected to a really looong room (same dimensions from front to back, but very long from left to right) with seats then a concave area where there was a small stage where we walked to and stood. The ceremony started, and I couldn’t help but notice that my family was just barely visible around the corner to the right. Constant thoughts of regret, nervousness, and worries kept creeping into my head. Not only was one that I had confirmed never to get married (a reality in real life), but there was something I knew about this guy that scared me with the idea of him marrying Suzy. Also, I most certainly didn’t want to have this guy marry Suzy alongside me. So when it came to my turn on the vows, I sort of stood there silenced and worried. At this point I noticed a tear going down Suzy’s face, which almost hurt to watch. However, I translated it as a, “Why are you doing this? Don’t do it, you don’t have to sacrifice yourself for me!”. I stopped, told everyone I had to wait a moment, then ran down the left of the room (far off) to think. I think it was my dad (maybe mum) that came up and asked what was happening. I explained that I really didn’t want to have a double marriage like this, and the reason I was doing it was because the guy I knew could get really violent, and once the passion or infatuation wore down with him, it wouldn’t be long until he became one of those husbands that abused his wife. So for this I wanted to be able to keep an eye on him. I don’t remember quite the conversation that happened, but I was then convinced for me to jump out of the marriage. So, I walked back up onto stage and pronounce something along these lines (on the spot, all while thinking furiously of what to say. Also, I was unable (and still am) to recall Suzy’s and the guy’s actual names) “I have decided it is best for me to cancel my part in this marriage, so that… the marriage… will rather be between … (trying to remember their names) just two friends… (some other blubber that completely embarrasses me, that I don’t recall. It was a made up reason for why I was doing it, because I couldn't just pronounce that the guy would beat his wife). I then walk into the back room sad, tearing (teering? … that is to say watery eyes) a little. I pull out a picture of Suzy and start looking at it, though for some reason her head is wrong and I try to think of ways to fix that.

      This next section is spread throughout the dream, but I will just place it here (it was also quite short). I don’t remember most of it, but it took place at my grandmothers old house. She was (and is) dead at the time, and I somehow inherited the house. It involved my dad sending me out to have a new key made for the lock (so that the lock would be different and the workers couldn’t get in to steal things). No matter what I tried I couldn’t get the info of where the key mold, nor the locksmith were and dad would get increasingly angry whenever I asked (which is a ton more frightening in dreams than in real life). I had to take the car (which was my grandmothers old car I guess) and try to find it. I never made it out of the driveway before this section ended. (this is the one out of place part of the dream)

      This last section greatly resembles parts from the series “Keys to the Kingdom” written by Garth Nix (Heh, you can tell what I have been reading recently -.-" ). I don’t exactly remember where it starts, but there is a section where Suzy and I are on this giant creature (Intelligent, could talk, and it flew. Perhaps giant bird? Though I recall the flesh had no feathers and was leathery-like, though not a dragon). The creature was evil, and was taking us to the edge of the world I suppose. We could somewhat steer it, but with difficulty. There were lush green islands in the sea, and the sea was a rich blue as we passed over it at fast speeds. I could see large waves rolling by, until I noticed the “edge” of the sea. It was like a constant crashing wave (very tall) made out of cloud, or mist. I don’t remember my thinking, but for some reason I thought it was good and we steer the creature t’words it a little. As we just barely pass through things become black’ish and sort of flash a blue tinted world as the creature laughs manically. I then hear a friend (a large sailor guy) in my ear (though somehow he is back at wherever we came from) shouting “What are you doing? Come back, that world is dangerous and just being there will kill you!” (It was more of a different dimension than a different world) I struggle with the creature trying to get it to go back. With great effort the creature (which has now turned into a thin-paper like creature) turns around and we fly back out. Some part of the dream I don’t remember happens, that is really important. One small section of it that I DO remember is I am on an island where I meet up with “The Will” in its fish form (so the third part I suppose, though it’s personality was different, though just as stupid and frustrating). The next section I remember is I am on a different Island. It is dark around (perhaps I am inside? It isn’t actually dark “outside”) viewing this evil lady in a room who supposedly stole power from me. She knows I am there and there is some conversation between us, something happens to her, I don’t remember, but it all results in me being captured with the intent of me being killed. The people on the Island all support her, so there is a large crowd near the edge of the water where Suzy and I are led. (Really “Suzy” doesn’t appear much in this section, but she is always sort of “there”) We are to be thrown over the edge to this shark. At this point the dream switches to 3rd person, where the rest of it had been 1st person. I am looking down as these huge jaws come out of the water and I am thrown into them. The jaws close, and I can feel it swallow (though I am watching this happen to me from far away). It goes under where it reveals that large sailor guy, my “friend”, and the fish (the will, which supposedly informed them of where I was) below the water next to the beast (which is supposedly friendly, and not a shark at all. Chosen to fool the evil lady because of its large jaws) . They struggle a little to get the thing to spit me out, which it then does with a shark-like equivalent of a last-effort puppy face and I am given oxygen from a large scuba-tank like device. Next comes Suzy, same story as me, just repeated. Something else happens in the dream I don’t remember then I gradually wake myself up.

      So yeah... very long story that spanned over multiple dreams. I don't usually share these dreams that have personal parts to them (such as the marriage), but for whatever reason I decided to share this one. The dream itself felt like it lasted for 3-4 hours. Whether this is accurate or not, I don't know.

      Updated 04-19-2011 at 06:38 PM by 15011

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    14. played MarioKart and fed my fish poop

      by , 01-15-2011 at 07:39 PM
      I was with my cousin, Abbey, in her car. We were driving on this wacky road that reminded me of MarioKart. We got to this pet store/vet's office and I put a small fish bowl I was holding up on the counter. I got this implanted memory of me feeding my fish its own poop because I thought it might be nutritious. I realized that this was a stupid idea and was ashamed as I put the bowl up on the counter. I asked the lady if my fish were going to die. There were a few brightly coloured pink and green goldfish in my bowl, and a layer of poop was on top. Another implanted memory: they didn't eat it so I put more in their to try and get them to eat it. The vet looked at me dissapointedly and my face burned. i felt like I was younger than i really was. She said that i could just leave my fishes here for the week and she would take care of them and nurse them back to health. I brightened up and thanked her, then asked where a bathroom was. I wanted to wash my hands because I had been touching the tiny poo. She pointed to a place in the hall.

      I knocked on the door and it was occupied, so started to wait, but then I turned and saw that the back half of the office was a house. There was a bedroom and an enourmous, beautiful bathroom. I peeked into the bedroom and saw a man who I assumed to be the lady's husband straightening his tie. I thought that he wouldnt mind and dashed into the bathroom. I remember this the most vividly for some reason. The whole bathroom was a color scheme of cream, beige, and light brown. It was tile floors and tile walls, and a small tile shower with a nice green curtain. There was a huge window and I looked out and it was so dark I couldnt see a thing. This made me terrified and my heart raced. I tried not to look at the window, and ran up to the bathtub to wash because the sink was closer to the window. i heard the man leaving his room, so i ran out the room and out the door.

      I met up with Abbey and my crazy Aunt, who were at a clothing store. Abbey was walking out, trying on hats and scarves and boots and modeling for her mom. I wanted to try too, but apparently I was too little and nothing was in my size, and the big hats looked stupid on me, so I dissapointedly sat down to watch.

      After a while, Abbey and I got back into her car and drove to her house. This part was too fuzzy, so I'll skip it.

      We began to drive back to the pet store. I was, oddly, in a second car. This time I was sure we were playing MarioKart. I tried to follow Abbey but ended up missing a ramp, and a few powerups. There was a ramp, however, that you could take if you missed the first one. If you went really fast, it curved up and shot you backwards onto the other ramp. I went up it, but then I lost conrtol of the car, like something else was taking it over. It started riding the very edge of the ramp. Then I got back control but the car fell off into some grass. I wasn't very good at backing up, so I tried to turn around. There were some huge boulders, and then after that it dropped off into nothingness. There was suddenly a minimap, like in WoW, and I saw that the place beyond the boulders was off the map. I got very scared and quickly turned around, but by this time, I was hopelessly lost. After trying to find the pet store for a while longer, I woke up.
    15. The Marines in Aspen

      by , 01-15-2011 at 07:18 PM

      This dream moved around a whole lot so excuse any confusion

      I began the dream in a large airy kitchen adjacent to a living room. Light spilled in from the gigantic windows behind me which lead to a porch, and I seemed to be the only person around. I looked at the layout of the home I was in and it looked like I was in a really expensive ski lodge - the kind you might see at Aspen. I saw breakfast on the table so I sat down to eat. It was at that point that my parents came downstairs followed by my sister. They all sat down at the table and the three of them started talking about some sort of activity they'd do today. I then commented on how our dog was absent and how I haven't seen her in a while. The DCs looked at me in shock and assured me she was around. I asserted that I had not seen her in the house which finally prompted a response. The DCs and I now ran around the house making a sweep to ensure our dog had not ran away. I checked downstairs (the downstairs of my 1st house no less), but found only movies and ran back upstairs. We all were panicking in the living room and my parents began to call the police

      Then my alarm woke me up and I went back to sleep

      I was on a ski lift taking me to the top of the Aspen mountain. Only the ski lift seemed to be inverted and we only moved in a horizontal direction over Aspen valley. My subconscious explained that I was part of a traveling yu-gi-oh card game team and we were at Aspen for a meet (I stopped liking card games when I was 9 but whatever) I then realized that the tournament was over and we were just leaving. I checked my pockets to make sure I had everything with me. I felt my phone and my card deck, and with confidence I told the lift DC to take me back to the hotel. He obliged and me off on a hill near a large tunnel. At this point I noticed that I was with 2 other DCs who were on my card game team. One of them (Sam) decided to wait at the top of the mountain so I told him to hold my bags while I checked out Aspen Valley. I walked to the bottom of the mountain and was greeted by a busy shopping area. I wandered through past DCs running about and eventually found a train which took us back to the hotel. At the train station near the hotel I found Sam without my luggage claiming he never had the luggage in the first place. I then went into the hotel and complained to my DC coach about Sam's forgetfulness. He told me to check my pockets and I found my phone and deck which reassured me. I then decided to go to the lower level of the hotel where there were several shops and met an older family friend. He told me that it was great catching up once we reached the bottom of the escalator and told me to wait in a chair near the ince cream shop. I did as he asked and sat in a chair. After a while I got bored and decided to masturbate (In public?), after a few minuted my better senses kicked in which told me to stop as people were watching. The family friend DC never returned so I decided to check out the ice cream store. I entered as DCs crowded the counter making it impossible to see what they were selling. After the DCs dispersed I saw an array of ice cream flavors and decided to buy a cone. I approached the woman at the counter when I noticed behind her there was a gigantic array of candies and other treats, but I made myself focus on the task at hand. I asked her for an ice cream cone and she responded with: what kind of sherbet? I responded red, then changed it to strawberry. She then stepped outside of the counter and asked what actual flavor I would like. I responded with Strawberry Banana (I think - it got a bit hazy). She scooped 2 servings of my second order and gave me two sherbets (not a bad deal) when I noticed a special needs girl was watching me over my shoulder. The girl asked if she could have some sherbet and the saleswoman encouraged me to give some to her. So I politely offered a scoop which she accepted with excitement. After the transaction I put all 3 cups into my pockets and walked back to my seat. As I was walking my surroundings changed and I noticed I was on the lift again except this time without Sam. We took the lift to a heavily wooded area that seemed to be stuck in summer. As they let us off we ran down the hill right up to a dock which was inverted as to seem like a ski jump. Naturally we ran the jump and found ourselves near Aspen Valley after the fall. We looked down at the shopping complex and saw tanks lining the streets destroying everything in their paths. I ran down to the shopping center and the tanks halted their firing. I then noticed the leader of the marines and deduced that since he was the head of the operations, if I killed him the firing would stop. So I ran after the man while the tanks began to fire all around me.

      And I woke up

      Weird dream