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    1. (12/20/10) - A Nightmare and a Shared Dream

      by , 12-20-2010 at 10:24 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)

      Well, I've kind of been absent from this DJ for a while again, but hopefully this time I'll really for real be coming back. I keep on saying I'm coming back but then stuff comes up, I know

      Anyway, last night I had a really vivid lucid dream, that, although not very epic, was rather interesting. For one thing, it's the first truly lucid dream I've had in a very long time...one where I actually stopped what I was doing and examined my environment, amazed at how realistic it was, but fully aware that it was all completely non-existent.

      The dream began as a nightmare-ish experience. I was in my house, but everything was darker than is natural for just being night-time. I could hear screams and the sounds of what I knew would be hideous-looking beasts in the distance. Watching. Waiting. For me.

      But then I looked down, and saw that I was not myself, either. I was one such creature, with leathery, tar-black skin, and a voice that mutated and sounded creepy when I spoke. Instantly I realized it was all just a dream, and I decided I would get the heck out of there before something attacked and woke me up. Besides, I didn't like being an ugly monster anyway . I walked up to the nearest wall and tried to phase through it. Having been a while since my last lucid dream, I didn't immediately have enough sense of dream control to move through, but eventually I managed to force my way through the wall and out to the other side, where I suddenly was caught up into a vortex and sucked away from the house into pitch blackness.

      I wasn't waking up, however, and I knew it. I was simply moving to another, better place in the dream world. I watched as the leathery black skin peeled away, revealing my 'real' self beneath. My voice returned to normal as well. Next thing I know, I'm falling into a large gray box of a building, and it was basically empty to begin with. I tried creating a few things in it, but I was frustrated to find that I could barely control anything. Whatever I changed would erase itself and just fade away to the way it was before.

      "What's going on here?" I asked myself.

      My answer was approaching fast...literally. My sister flew up overhead, creating things to fill in the space around her as she went.

      "Oh great!" I called out. "How'd I end up in your dream?"

      She just laughed and kept on flying.

      "I don't know, but have fun!"

      I shook my head and began to fly off, wishing I had a totem like the one in Inception that I could use in other people's dreams. All of a sudden, though, I fell to the ground.

      "What was that?" I asked my sister, who was still flying around.

      "I just made a rule." She said. "To fly in my dream, you have to be in a sitting position."

      "That's stupid! Why'd you do that?"

      "If you're going to be in my dream, I might as well have fun with you."

      "Yeah. Real funny."

      I flew off (in a sitting position) and basically just explored the area and talked to the DC's in my sister's dream. It was interesting to carry on a conversation with DC's that weren't from my own subconscious. They spoke very differently than I'm used to having DC's speak, and often didn't make any sense to me at all.

      In spite of minor annoyances it was an enjoyable night, overall. Plus I think I've got something going with MILD now, so hopefully my lucids should return to being much more frequent.

      Updated 12-20-2010 at 10:27 PM by 29433

      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. 19.12.10, waffles!

      by , 12-20-2010 at 10:00 PM
      I remember sitting in a restaurant/kitchen for a holiday, with all of my relatives around eating waffles. One of my older sisters, with whom I have never gotten along, told me that there was a waffle iron in Mom and Dad's bedroom.

      Before this, I was wandering the plant aisle at Lowe's looking for garden plants.

      I went into the bedroom and found a rectangular waffle iron, functioning more like a mold. I poured some batter into the hole and set it to heating, and waited at my parents' computer playing a game.
    3. Fourth entry

      by , 12-20-2010 at 09:21 PM
      in this dream i found myself in sanfransisco, and nazis were taking over, so i ran around shooting and stabbing nazis i also got dragged underwater cuz one caugt me, but i pulled myself up to the boat and stabbed him throwing him into the water, i also got a headshot on Hitler
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. time to start off more entries!

      by , 12-20-2010 at 08:18 PM

      Dreamt I was in someones house that was unfamiliar to me, and I was waiting for my friend Tess too come home who I havent seen in a while. I was hiding however, like I shouldnt have been there. I remember being in the basement hiding, looking upstairs waiting for someone to come in and see if they would see me. I guess this situation got too risky because I was suddenly in the garage hiding, in what felt like a pile of trash or somthing, looking out at Tess as she was in the garage but had no knowledge of my being there.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. Alcohol, REM rebound?

      by , 12-20-2010 at 07:38 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! I had two cool dreams last night, they were both vivid and clear. I dreamt about another DV member, this time it was slash112 and once again, I was playing garrys mod.
      Alcohol suppresses REM sleep, and I'm pretty sure that it works kinda like a REM rebound. I've had several very vivid and long dreams at the end of my sleep if I've slept more than 9 hours after a night of drinking. Also the day after I always have vivid and long dreams. Does anyone know anything about this? Atleast it works for me

      23.00: Bedtime

      05.10: Garry's Mod
      I'm running away from slash112 in a corridor. I close a metallic door in his face. It looks very high-tech, and has a black seam in the middle which is in a cool shape. A bright, blue, scorching light appears in a corner, and I realise he's trying to cut through. I let him as it's all a game. Garry's Mod. It takes forever! "Damn these doors are strong" I think for myself as I bring out my own blowtorch and help him out a bit. Soon the door bursts open and I run further into my little fort. I spot another door leading into a storeroom, but I continue on. At the end of the hall I turn around and start shooting at him with my RPG.

      I control the missiles as they fly towards him, and I blow him away in a few shots. He doesn't stand a chance. Suddenly he's revived and this time, I'm chasing him. I get tangled up in a vine of some kind hanging from the roof, and I die instantly. I realise he's used a barnacle from Half Life. "Hey, where did you get those?" I ask. I get this brilliant idea all of a sudden. "If I build a path directly under the current path, the enemy won't know if I'm below, or above ground as they see me on their radar!"

      05.10: Boom! Meth makers
      I'm standing on a bridge. It's dark outside and my brother Martin tells me to check a video on his cellphone. "Wait until the end, that's when everything starts happening" he tells me. I take the phone and start watching. I guess the dream became the scenario in the phone, but I was still on the bridge. A large, very drunk guy is standing next to me, wavering. I spot two people talking, looking our way. I stand there for a very long time, and nothing really happens. He tries to take a piss. I remember what my brother told me about the end, and suddenly the drunk guy takes out a firecracker.

      He lights it and it crackles weakly. He gets off the bridge and tries to next to it. I start walking as I know something more will happen. I can see sparks coming from his jacket pocket, and he realises that he's accidentaly lit another one. It goes off, which starts a chain reaction. A few decent boom's goes off and I can see green and red stars flying all over. I start running, and end up at a farm. I can see atleast ten cars hidden in snow and straw, and I know it's been snowing alot since last night when they parked there. I expect the drunk guy to shoot his biggest fireworks across the bridge. The sun rises. I hear a loud boom, but I can't see any projectile.

      My coworker Björn shows up. BOOM! I get startled as I feel the shockwave of a second blast in my chest. A second later, a small ball of hay (apparently the "cannon ball") rushes past us, and smacks into a black car. "Oh shit! That's gonna leave a dent" I say and inspect the car. It's dented. I realise Björn has been on a party on the farm, and I can tell he's very tired the way he's squinting. "You tired? Why are you squinting so?" I ask. His hair has a red tone to it. He tells me he's alright.

      The dream skips. I'm standing at a table and arguing with my mom and dad. Me and Björn have been working as meth makers. I'm trying to convince them that the money we have raised is needed. "I've made 1.5 million in meth so far" I say. "How are you going to sell it then?" my mom asks me. "Well, Björn knows a guy who will buy it all" I tell her defiantly. "And how do you know he's reliable?" she asks. I start wondering the same thing. My dad just laughs at the whole situation and I scream myself hoarse at them in frustration. I can see "Ronja Rövardotter" on TV. It's an old Swedish children's program. The part where they sing is on, and I can see a white-haired old man singing.

      05.10: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 6 hours

      Supplements before bed: 200 ml applejuice, 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! Very cool night for just 6 hours of sleep. I've worked alot on intent and constant awareness today. I'm doing fine, but I realise this will take many months before I can master. But I have faith! Tonight I will do a real REM rebound, and sleep it in tomorrow. Don't expect any DJ entry from me tomorrow though.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 02-27-2011 at 12:43 PM by 36346

    6. SD Class at the Pyramids

      by , 12-20-2010 at 07:04 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am perched on the Great Pyramid, a large gargoyle, patiently waiting.

      Andres zips out of a portal flying on a small strange vehicle, like a hovercycle.


      You have been here!


      I call Raven.

      She comes flying out of a portal on a broom.

      She makes a classroom appear in the sky with transparent sides. A little more than half the SD class is there.

      My forearm itches. Madmonkey is swirling around it. I shake him off. He lands on the ground and morphs into Hanuman. I AM THE MONKEY GOD! HAHAHAHAA! He throws tiny sand pyramids at me, screams, I AM DREAMING, then disappears.

      Nephanim appears in front of me, a golden man. He looks at me curiously, yet seriously. He seems vaguely confused. He silently floats up to the classroom.

      Queen Zukin appears on a broom. She says, I am not a witch, Nomad! Where's Raven?

      A little green gargoyle appears on her shoulder. She says he is sick, and has to find Raven to help him. She flies up to the classroom.

      I also see other people, but I don't recognize them:

      A man in a cowboy hat, wearing a gold glowing pendant, with golden revolvers.
      A cyborg wizard with a laser gun and a staff.
      An android who won't stop dancing.

      I join the class.
      Raven says she is combining the Hogwarts class with the Shared Dreaming Class.

      I dance around the class and knock stuff over. Raven tells me to behave. I turn into a chandelier.

      WHERE ARE THE MOON DRAGONS? AndresLD shouts.

      We go outside and practice making energy shields on ourselves, and each other.

      Raven summons the Hogwarts Express. We get on Moon Dragons and the train. Raven opens a giant portal, and we land on the dark side of the Moon, in the Land of Nod. There is jungle music playing, which morphs into dubstep.

      How did we end up here? Raven asks. Well, the only intent was "The Moon," I respond.

      The moon is green. It is covered in rainforest. We walk through the jungle, then ride on strange beasts. Before us is the great City of Nowhere. The Juargawn statue bows to us, and the gates open.

      I give them a tour.... The Free Market, the Temple of Nothing, and the Battle Pyramids. The strange gardener I met so many years ago (months in WL time) shows us his Hanging Gardens. The plants move.

      I see a calm glen in the garden. I take a nap....
    7. Water From a Biplane

      by , 12-20-2010 at 06:20 PM
      Morning of December 20, 2010. Monday.

      I am with my lovely wife Zsuzsanna. There is anticipation of intimacy but we are first to travel elsewhere by flight. We are in a blue biplane, though it is in a hangar and I illogically do not fully consider the need to leave the hangar before flying our airplane. (This lack of reasoning of which relates to liminal space ambiguity in REM has occurred in many other dreams.)

      Zsuzsanna is wearing a beautiful cyan gown. Looking closely, I see denser bird silhouettes in the otherwise lacy sparse material in a flying form in what seems to be fairly small embroidered patterns. She is on my right (an atypical orientation, as she always sleeps on my left, though that may be because she is awake at the time).

      The dials in the biplane seem to be more like clocks than altimeters or other cockpit-relevant displays. It looks like one says “12:20” (in an analogue clock display, not digital), which is today’s date (and also my birthday).

      To my immediate left, some sort of vertical pipe that connects the wings seems to have a leak where some water is flowing out. I try to stop the leak with a piece of what seems to be part of a pillowcase or bed sheet.

      I notice one of Zsuzsanna’s shoes off to the right on the floor.

      The pipe that connects the wings of the biplane on my left side seems somewhat detached and I wobble it around a bit, somewhat puzzled. I am not sure if the airplane is ready to take off and fly even though I start to hear a humming sound, though I soon wake.

      Updated 09-11-2019 at 05:07 PM by 1390

    8. The Tower Big Ben

      by , 12-20-2010 at 06:20 PM
      Morning of December 20, 2010. Monday.

      Feeling relaxed, as I step through green grass of about knee length (apparently being barefoot and wearing shorts as I can feel the velvety grass against my legs and feet), into an area closer to the shore of a pristine lake, I feel very peaceful. There is no one else present. It seems to be late morning or afternoon.

      Eventually, evening seems to be approaching. I am not surprised (at least at first) when I turn my head to my right and see the tower Big Ben. I even consider that it may be a feature of the building I live in (though without a thread of memory of what country I live in). However, I do start to become puzzled by the nature of time and how it seemed to be afternoon only a short time ago. Still, I do not have any negative thoughts or worries. I continue to sit by the shore of the lake, feeling content.

      My dream self does not seem aware of it being my 50th birthday. The clock tower as an emergent consciousness symbol is rendered via circadian rhythms factors (and the later stages of the sleep cycle) but additionally in this case, may also represent mortality. It is also qualified as being this dream’s waking space prompt and is additionally associated with the puzzle of being between dreaming and waking. This is because my older sister Marilyn often bought Milton Bradley Big Ben jigsaw puzzles. The lake symbolizes being in a specific stage of the sleep cycle, while the clock mainly represents the waking precursor.

      Updated 08-31-2019 at 05:57 AM by 1390

      Tags: clock, lake, time, tower
    9. frags for the day

      by , 12-20-2010 at 05:24 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being at some office. Jaws from James bond, and the girl he ended up with were there, and so was Tyra Banks. I J.B was a shirt and panties. I tried to cover her up and find some clothes for her. Two guys said they wanted to be my manager.
      dream fragment
    10. nineteen

      by , 12-20-2010 at 04:39 PM
      A bunch of fragments...

      In which a man in a top hat is conducting Christmas carols...

      A man wearing a tattered burgundy top hat is conducting a choir as they sing Christmas carols. He holds the conductor's stick in his hands, and ruffled cuffs stick out of his coat sleeves.

      In which Bob Dylan is cooking pasta...

      I really don't know what is up with Bob Dylan popping up in my dreams all the time lately. It's weird. The only thing I can figure is that it happened once, I wrote about it here and told people about it, so it was on my mind enough that it happened again, so I wrote about it again, it's on my mind more, etc...

      Bob Dylan is in my kitchen making pasta. I ask him what he's doing, and he ignores me and keeps cooking. He has a pasta maker that looks like the plastic toy meat grinders that kids use with their Play Dough. I ask him how he got into the house, and he tells me to stop asking questions and learn something. "You never know, you may have to cook for 20 guys someday," he tells me.

      In which I'm teaching a college class...

      I'm teaching a college class, but the room is the same as where I used to teach 8th grade. The students are all sitting in desks arranged just like they were then. I'm calling roll, and I realize that one of the young women is my former student MG. She's looking very healthy and pretty, and I'm actually happy to see her. I ask her if she remembers me and she sasses at me and sucks her lips. I laugh and tell her that I'm glad to see that she has graduated high school and gone on to college and that it looks like she hasn't lost any of her attitude. She responds sarcastically and says that she's happy to see that I still haven't learned to fix my hair.

      I walk over to her desk and tell her that I was at a carnival last week and thought I saw her. I called "Patricia!" but as that is not her name, she did not turn around. We laughed hysterically at this. Somehow, this was a very funny joke. I told her that I'm going to call her "Patricia" all semester. She got serious and sassy again and said, "OK, Ms. B- it was funny the first time, but now you're just beating a dead horse."

      (I have no idea what the carnival or the Patricia thing is about. Dream nonsense.)

      Then I started to teach the class, but the students kept throwing paper balls across the room at each other. I was really annoyed because they were adults and I couldn't understand why they were acting like children. I started to feel really stressed about the fact that I'd started the semester off on the wrong foot. Why did I try to jump right into a lesson? I should've spent the day going over classroom routines and my discipline system. I told them that we were going to start over and that I'd explain about detention and time out, etc. The students responded that this was college and they were adults and that I couldn't punish them. I said that if they were adults and this is college, that I'd simply throw them out if they kept disrupting the class. They laughed, and I kept thinking how strange it was that college kids were acting like this.

      Then I realized that I was dreaming and that I'd already quit teaching and that I didn't have to worry about any obnoxious students ever again. I simply walked out the room and into another dream but I don't remember it.

      Updated 12-20-2010 at 04:47 PM by 38879

      dream fragment
    11. Dec 20

      by , 12-20-2010 at 03:27 PM (Doctor's Dreams)
      Tried Flying Again

      I stopped writing in my DJ because senior year is getting busy but since it is Xmas break I decided to get the ole attempts for dreaming again. I didn't want to post in the online journal until I could get a lucid dream but I had worked on dream recall for about a month and I started looking for dream signs in real life to so it was only a matter of time.

      The dream before becoming lucid as always is a little blurry and short. I remember I was driving somewhere from this park. At the park when I got into my car, which was on a weird grassy tiered parking lot structure, I noted that the dick next to me had scratched my car while opening his door. I had checked my car because he was parked so close next to mine. His was a black sleek luxury sedan and mine was my trusty ford escape, not a bad car by the way. So while opening my door I "accidentally" left a long ding in his while I saw him walking up to me. He was a preppy looking dick with a lettuce hair cut. I quickly got into my car and started to drive away. One of the things looking back that I may have noticed was that my gas gauge was different. It was a small neon green array of dots at the bottom of the dash. I still had the red pointer thing that rotated on an axis but the dots were in a line unlike usual meters in modern cars. Also I was way out of gas and I knew that my mom had just filled up my tank last night so this was suspicious. But I noticed that the longer that I drove, the more the tank filled up. Also strange. So I finally got to my destination which was a strange strip mall and amusement park combined. It seemed to be mostly made out of this pale orange-y stone that seemed Mediterranean themed but the architecture that it was built in was sort of Mayan, but with less decor. I was driving my car to park in an underground parking lot but while I was driving a lady told me that there would be no parking spots here. I ignored her and kept driving on. There was a festival going on while I was driving and people were all in the middle of the streets dancing and walking around doing stuff. There was this one guy/girl dressed up as a japanese demon and kept taunting me as I was driving and wherever I would turn to drive they would run in front of me. Finally I slammed on the gas and almost ran it over and then no one got in my way. I finally made it to the parking structure, which I found doubled as a water ride, and parked my car in a neighborhood street adjoining. I went into the line that was the ride and then this middle aged lady who was with another middle aged lady and two old white haired ones convinced me that there was probably not enough time to do the ride (subconscious trying to tell me something with the repeated warnings?) so I decided to leave. There was an easy exit set of stairs right next to me so I went up there but then I accidentally (actually this time) bumped my shoulder into one of the older ladies. It was on accident so it was soft. The lady yelled "what's your problem!" I didn't know what she was talking about so I said, "Hey, I'm leaving ain't I?" Then the first middle aged lady yelled that I bumped her in the face. I apologized and stomped away pissed. I then saw a pair of brothers that I recognized (don't remember who they were now) and they were doing parkour. As a practitioner I always want to join in if such things happen so I stripped down to my under wear because the clothes I was wearing were far to troublesome to move efficiently in. They were trying a under bar through a long car and I wanted to try but we got kicked off the premises.

      Somewhere in between here and going to their house that strongly resembled my house, I became lucid. I can never remember why I become lucid but that's never the important part. So we were in their house and in what would be my moms room. They were jumping on the bed and I was lucid. At first I was just participating like I was in a normal dream, then as they were jumping I tried ripping the bed apart with telekenetics. Didn't work but then again I rarely ever had good dream control. In fact I pretty much never did but I was usually able to do something. I really wanted to do something, anything, because it was my first time being lucid in a while! I told them I had to do something so I started to walk out side. It was exactly like my house so I knew the floor plan. As I was walking through the kitchen into the garage I remember thinking how Lucid dreams are always much more detailed than a regular dream. I've made this observation before but like I said, its been a while. I go into the back yard and start jumping and jumping, trying to fly. I notice that I'm jumping higher than in real life so this keeps me believing that i'm still in a dream. I was able to jump as high as the roof but I was never able to fly. After many depressing attempts, I awake...

      I'm going to look up some things on dream control. I really want to get back in the swing of things.
    12. #17

      by , 12-20-2010 at 01:45 PM
      [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]What A Dream Character!!![/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#808080"](MILD)[/COLOR][/SIZE]

      [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#808080"]NON-DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#800080"]DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#00008B"]LUCID[/COLOR][/SIZE]

      [COLOR="#808080"][/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"]I couldn't remember anything before lucidity.
      I had absolute control over myself and wasn't instinctive and could remember real life events, but near no contol over the dream itself, but it was incredibly stable.

      [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]I was in a small store, I didn't exactly know what it sold, there were random things such as magazine racks, DVD's, toys, so basically randomness. I looked around and sat down on a stool thinking "what shall I do tonight?" A hot blonde girl sat next to me, trying to get me to come with her, I said no. [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](My subconscious has been lately trying to distract me more and more)[/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"] She tried to be sweet and kind to get me to go with her, something which would of worked in real life.

      CONVERSATION/ Me,[/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"] Her[/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]

      Hey, you do know right? / [/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"]Ummm know what? / [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]Don't play dumb, if you're here, you should know / [/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"]Please don't go, I don't care if this is a dream (commence cute stare, my subconscious knows me... )/ [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]Sorry, I know this is a dream, and so do you (I knew it was a dream, but I still felt kind of bad )/ [/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"](as I walk away) I'M REAL TOO!!! (Not kidding, she really did try that) / [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"](Stunned for a sec) Sorry, nice try though.

      I thought I might see if I could turn invisible and steal from this store as an invisble man. I couldn't though, the girl came from behind me and said [/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"]"You ain't invisible" / [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]I can see that..please go...[/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"] / Sorry! [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]

      I had once...sort of "Grabbed Space" and I sort of creased and I could climb it, and on one occasion tear it. I tried that for a while but couldn't. You know who showed up and commented, [/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"]"Haha, I know what you're trying to do, but you look like an idiot" [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]She was kinda getting on my nerves.[/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"]



      Updated 03-29-2011 at 10:13 AM by 35848

      lucid , memorable
    13. School band concert at Church?!

      by , 12-20-2010 at 01:29 PM
      Wow... Here's last nights dream...
      I was at church. My friends in band were there. We were where were the choir normally stands. We had our instruments (I had my flute) and we were standing in front of the microphones. Everyone was staring at us. We started to play some random song. We started getting notes wrong, and I suddenly realized that we had to do this by memory. Everyone was missing almost all the notes. We all started freaking out. But when we were done, everyone in the sanctuary of the church clapped and cheered. Then my Pastor, apparently the music director in the dream, bowed and said something about our band and how great we were. Then we got off stage and I said to my friend Ashley "What the heck just happened up there? We missed EVERYTHING! Why did they clap?" Then she said "Well, maybe it sounded nice to them." so I shrugged and walked away. Then Ashley's brother came up to me and said "Hey, awesome concert you guys! You all did really awesome." Then he hugged me, "That's for a great performance." Then he walked away. I was confused, sure we were friends, but why in the heck did he hug me!? I don't like him like that, and I'm pretty sure it's the same for him. So I walked away and found my older brother. He clapped an hugged me too. So did my mom, dad, sister, younger brother, and a whole bunch of other people. It was so weird. Then I woke up.
    14. murderer cop; doomed ballerina

      by , 12-20-2010 at 12:45 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was "at home" with my mom and possibly a couple other family members. The house had two floors and probably a basement. The stairway up to the second floor was near the back of the house.

      There was a policeman in the house. He was tall, white, with reddish-tan skin, blue-green eyes, a balding head of red-blonde hair, and a mustache. I saw him in my mind's eye, but I'm not sure if I ever saw him physically.

      The cop hurried out the backdoor of the house at some point. He may have had some kind of goodbye scene with some of my family members.

      I then realized that the cop was on the run. He had murdered another cop (who may have looked exactly like him, except pale white). The other cop's body, I knew (seeing it in my mind's eye) lay sprawled on the final few steps and the floor of the basement.

      I felt like my family should have done something not to let the cop get away. I also felt like I should go after the cop or help the other cops find him. But I was too afraid to do so. I thought the cop would probably kill me.

      At some point I realized that I had also murdered somebody, so that if I informed on the cop, I would only be letting the cops know where I was, so they'd come after me, too.

      Dream #2

      Some woman dressed as a ballerina with a tan, fluffy skirt and a black leotard-top was trying to get away from a killer. But at some point she had fallen from some height and broken her legs.

      She was panicked. She now pretty much knew she was going to die. The killer, who may have been some kind of ghost-hag woman, would catch up to her and toture her to death.
    15. Night of 12/19 - Chaotic Day

      by , 12-20-2010 at 09:32 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 8
      Vividness: 4/5

      OMG. What A disaster. And it makes no sense either.

      1. I'm with a few friends in a street. There is a stuntman-show. Everyone tells me, that this show would be epic. So I watched with them the show. There was a car and apparently, it had to drive into a house and it's going to explode. That sounds really good, so I waited the show to start. But it didn't worked at al: the car had to drive 4 times against the wall of the house, everyone could clearly see that the car was remote-controlled (nobody is sitting in there) and as it finally crashed, nothing happened.
      We were really disappointed so we decided to go somewhere else. Suddenly I saw that a friend of mine was phoning with my cell phone. I had no clue, how he managed to get it. He gave me the phone and says, that it is my mum.
      - Your friend told me, that you saw something interesting
      It was really noisy around me, but I could clearly understand her. I said:
      - Well, we were at this place and we saw...
      - I said: tell me what the hell happened!
      Apparently she didn't hear me. I started to shout
      - I said we were at this place and..
      - What place? Why are you shouting at me? I'm not deaf! Where are you?
      I had the feeling that this conversation went no where, so I decided to hang up and turn the cell phone off
      I got abit angry and than I saw, that 2 teenagers were doing pun of me. I didn't realized, that I was standing no in a train with my friends.
      The teenagers were still making fun of me. I get angry and throw a shoe at them. The shoe flew in the face of the older one. So they finally stopped.

      2. I'm in my old school. My grand-uncle is there. To me it's normal that he is there, although he lives somewhere in Michigan. And we are in the same course We wanted to walk in the classroom, but someone ran into it. My unce asks me, why he's in a hurry. I make a joke and say:
      - He's afraid that someone takes his seat in front of the board.
      He starts laughing and we enter.
      I sit down somewhere in the back of the class, my uncle somewhere in the middle. Suddenly, a girl comes n and she looks like someone, I saw in my curse at university in my real life. She sits next to me.
      - Why is she here?, I asked my self. She lives somewhere in the north of Lux. but not here in the south.

      Funny. I realize that it's not normal that she is there, but the fact that my grand-uncle is there,doesn't surprise me at all. BUT I do't get lucid.

      3. My surroundings change again and I'm standing in front of my old school. I wanted to leave this place so I took a roller. I don't have a roller I start driving in the city-centre. It's a summer day, the sun is shining and the sun is slowly going downIn reality, it's -5 C° and there is 30 cm of snow. I'm looking for a shopAnd yeah it doesn't exist either, but keeps appearing in my dreams. For some reason, I'm not able to find it: although I keep driving in the same direction, I always end up at the same place.
      - Damn it! This reminds me of my dreams, where I never get to the place I want!
      Suddenly, I know where the place is, I'm thinking:
      - Yeah man! I have to go down road XXX, than tur to the left and than at the end of road YYY I will find this store!
      So I drive there and it takes me a second and I'm finally in there.
      But I have no clue, why I had to get there. Suddenly I remember that I wanted to meet a girl there, who usually shows up there. I don't have a freaking idea how she looks like. So I decide to leave this place.

      4. I'm driving a bike on a road up a hill. I'm motivated to reach the top of it, but it's really difficult. I remember that the last time I drove a bike was in a dream. I get some kind of strange feeling. Dream... Wait! Why Am I driving a bike up this hill? I thought that the hill was closed because of something.
      Well the road is closed, 'cause there is so much snow that no car can drive there!
      I have the feeling that ther is something wrong. But I don't know what.