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    1. Lucid Dream #18

      by , 10-19-2010 at 11:22 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 7/10
      Vividness: 6/10
      Length: 20 Min.

      I woke up and was looking at my bedroom door. I was completely lucid. And it was completely dark. Almost pitch black. Then someone came out of the shadows. It was a tall green cape with arms, legs, feet, etc. But NO head. That made me so scared. So while saying "no, no, no" a million times because I couldn't believe that I could have such a horrible nightmare.( I also tried to scream but nothing came out.) Got up. When I did I thought about it and he wasn't very scary. I imagined a piece of cloth on his head. And there was. Also that he had no means to hurt me. We shook hands and greeted each other. Then I was in a court yard and I was talking to some black guy. I can't remember what he said, but then someone else came in. Then we fought for some reason. While I was fighting I thought "wow, it's really dark here" and it was. It was creepy. For some reason I had a book or something and didn't want anyone to touch it. And of course he tried to touch it. Everyone did. By now I wanted to wake up, but decided I might be able to make it a better dream. So every once and a while someone would try to touch the book and I tried to stop them. Then someone did. I thought that the book would warp people to a different dimension. And it did. Then I went into that dimension. When I did I immediately looked around. I was on a long road. With weird things on the ceilings. And I was in a desert. Then someone said "look we already changed the store" or something like that, showing the store. Then it went back to my perspective. When it did I said "wow, this dream sucks" and stuff. Then I was on a field fighting over that damn book again. Sahara Winder fell over and looked hot. She was wearing sweat pants. So I went down to her and stuck my tongue up her ass. It didn't taste like anything and I didn't think about what was on it because I was dreaming. It felt exactly like one. The End.

      Updated 10-19-2010 at 11:27 AM by 33643

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    2. #164. Catch Me If You Can

      by , 10-19-2010 at 07:14 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      Four hours of sleep, and suddenly this monstrosity comes along. It's fairly disjointed; I don't have a whole lot of time to play with it, so without further ado...


      Harry Potter tries to mess with the fabric of reality, I have diabolical plans, and Dumbledore disapproves as usual.

      "Just think about it," I tell her. "With this kind of breakthrough, we could completely alter the way humans perceive reality!"

      Sophie looks up at me, skeptical, one hand keeping her place in the textbook. She's holding a pen in her other hand, and she taps it impatiently against her notebook. She pushes a few strands of short red hair out of her eyes, and says, "I know what happens when you try to play mad scientist, Harry."

      We're sitting across from each other at a long wooden table. Sophie's studying - this is a library, after all. The interior is almost entirely decorated with red-stained wood, giving the impression of a highly modern, really big log cabin. With lots and lots of glass (and books). Sunlight streams in from the huge windows, and outside is a view of the forest, and the other school buildings in the clearing.

      "Chaos, generally." I say, grinning. Some of the other students notice that I'm grinning, and quietly begin to edge away from us. "You say that like it's a bad thing."


      There's this thing I have to do on the computer. It's very important. I'm sitting outside on the green grass, trying to do this very important thing, when - hey, will you look at that? Dumbledore's on Skype!

      Albus Dumbledore appears in a new window, looking very grave indeed. This is somewhat offset by all of the spinning and twirling metal gadgetry on his desk.

      "Harry," says Dumbledore gravely, "I've received word of the research you've begun."

      "Really?" I say, looking up from Minesweeper. "Brilliant, isn't it?"

      He sighs. "Harry," he repeats, "This is not a road you cannot walk down unscathed. You'll be returning to Hogwarts."

      "Um..." I say slowly, "No."

      "By force, if necessary."

      My computer pings.

      "Did you just -" I say, looking at the screen, "Did you just track my location through my internet connection? You realize I'm on a different PLANET? How the hell does that even -"

      But Dumbledore's appearing at the edge of the wards, walking into the school grounds the only way he can. I meet his eyes for just a moment, and I disapparate.


      Moving through Ixburg, and I'm running. I'm moving through a jobsite, people from my hometown who were, apparently, in direct competition with my family's business. By some sort of mutual agreement, they all ignore my presence, and I pass through completely unnoticed.

      Back doors of the grocery store and I'm having a conversation with someone before I disappear again -

      Narcissa Malfoy. We're standing in some anonymous hallway of a starship, looking out into the black.

      "I don't disapprove of your cutting his influence out of your life," she's saying, "But I'm not convinced that making an enemy of Dumbledore will be conducive to your goals."

      "There are greater forces at work here. He may get in my way," I say coldly, "But he can't stop me."

      Narcissa nods once, sharply. "Very well. My family is at your service, as always."

      I'm closing my eyes, casting my senses out into the nothing. Golden light is cutting through the darkness, pushing it away, burning.

      "You need to leave," I tell my informant, and I'm hurtling out into the void of space, an ethereal being of energy and animal and just a sliver of humanity. And the burning, fierce presence is crying out, raising its wings.


      He's found me through Harry's holly wand, called by the phoenix feather within. I smile and pull another wand from my sleeve, one made of ebony. And as the phoenix is upon me, I call up the Void, and I meet the creature's light with an unfathomable darkness.


      (O'Neill: What the hell was that?)
      (Carter: I don't know, sir, but it almost blew straight through our shields. We're lucky it wasn't closer.)

      "Grab my arm." I tell Sophie. We apparate from planet to planet, trying to get Dumbledore off our trail. One, two, three, four, five. Hoth, Antarctica, Europa, Tartarus, Miranda.

      I appear in the woodshop of the school in the clearing. There's another person in the room.

      "Where is my daughter?" The woman asks.

      I look around, but Sophie's nowhere to be seen.



      "Aurors and their locking spells," I mutter, pointing my ebony wand at the door. The lock clicks, and I open the door to the super-secret impenetrable Unspeakable Library. "Well, come on." I hiss at the nervous man behind me.

      The two of us shuffle into the library and quietly barricade ourselves in one of the rooms. We're pretty sure that the information we need is here.

      The man is flipping through a card catalogue, mumbling under his breath. I'm scanning the books on the shelf, but something seems out of place. I feel a presence. Thinking it's a guard, I make my way over to one of the closed doors and peer through the keyhole. I'm looking for the beam of a flashlight.

      At first, I don't see anything. The hallway is white, and bare, and dark. I look through at a different angle, and

      look directly into blood red eyes. There's no pupil, iris, sclera, it's all a murderous shade of red, and for a moment, I'm held captive by the gaze. I notice, peripherally, that she's a ghostly little girl in a tattered white dress and everything is bleeding into itself

      She flickers, like a strobe light. In and out of existence, and suddenly, she's in the room with us

      Harry is terrified, and I'm calm. The ghost is on us, tearing into our essence, and Harry is terrified but I know that there's no danger but I can feel his fear

      Everything's going dark

      And I wake up, disoriented, in a pitch black room.

      Scare Factor: 4/10

      Oh. It was a dream.

      It made sense at the time?

      Updated 10-31-2010 at 10:09 PM by 31096

      memorable , non-lucid
    3. A very uneventful WILD

      by , 10-19-2010 at 07:13 AM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      19-10-10 I am lying in my bed, I have been tossing and turning for a good hour and a bit. I get a couple of hits of deep relaxing sensations in my body. The last thing I do (at least that is what I believe) is to slip out of my bed and lie down on the floor (FA). It seems like my normal floor, even has the exact amount of clothes that needs washing there. I take a quick one-eyed peak, why is my sub woofer over there? (I don't have a sub woofer). Ok I am close to something I try and look some more, but it seems to destabilise the environment. I lie still a bit more. I risk it all open both my eyes and stand up, somehow there is not enough stuff in the room, but it really does look like my room. Right even the curtains have been left in the exact position I left them in. I RC by seeing if I can withdraw them with my mind. They flicker and I doubt no more. I need light to stabilise this. I pull the curtains all the way to the sides, I touch and couple of edges on tables and rub my hands.

      Although a bit firmer it still could do with a bit of solidness, the dream does grow a bit brighter and I fly through the glass without breaking it. Cool at least some of my control is coming back. I find a flat to peak into, there is a picture on the window frame of Buddha (sort of a pagan version, with red war paint across his eyes) The flat looks funky lot of nifty little stuff, good amount of light and a DC sitting by the sofa table. I assure him that I just need a bit of time to stabilise my dream and I consider telling him it is all just a dream, but decide against it. After a while I spot a flat with a lot of red/blue light coming out of the window, but as this fades away I just fly through the wall to the flat I was just at. It works, so more control coming back. I really pay attention to how it feels going through and although there is a distinct sensation of going through there is no resistance. Cool.

      I fly through another set of walls and find myself in some sort of tunnels, these somehow transform into a real-time-strategy sort of landscape and I think to myself how come I can't produce a real mountain landscape. I try to visualise this, but nothing happens. The RTS landscape turn into a tunnel style scene again and I can see some light up ahead. I fly toward it and find a hole in the wall too small for me to pass through, but I am confident enough to just pop through the wall again. I exit a little while later on a scene hat could have been Berlin in the wake of being carpet bombed during WW2. All the building have no glass, are missing some of the corners and it looks amazingly real compared to the RTS landscape I just bitched about, nice, maybe I need to just not try as hard. I fly up and around, and seem to be going really slowly with a bit of a height limitation, so I decided to try and fly backwards and it works amazingly well increasing the detail of the scene around me. I get entangled in some electrical wiring hanging overhead, which I laugh about and quickly get out of. I wake up soon after.

      Notes: It takes too much time to enter the dream (1 hour plus here). However I am unsure as to why my WILDs are so short. Do I disturb the sleep cycle by spending so much time awake and aware prior slipping into a dream again or is it a stabilisation issue? However I am pleased that my control seem to be coming back.

      Oh and pardon the wall of text, but I am trying as much as possible to note every detail as my recall is a bit shaky atm
    4. Weed and Friends

      by , 10-19-2010 at 06:00 AM (Zerk's DJ)
      10/18/10 non lucid, Random, almost lucid

      This is a bunch of random dream segments basically put together as best as I can remember them.

      My friends buck, sarah and I were smoking some weed in my car outside of the mall.(we actually did the previous night before seeing jackass 3D) Except this time we were parked in a really stupid spot and their were cops EVERYWHERE! To me it seemed like a stupid idea but they didn't stop. Of course eventually a cop came up to the window and started to yell at us. In the middle of him yelling I realized it was a dream but never gained lucidity. SKIP

      The teacher who I student aid for got really mad at me because I stayed up too late the night before. SKIP

      I was with Sarah again and we got out of my car and walked into my garage. It has a keycode but I don't remember opening the door or typing in the code. Inside my garage there was a party going on. There was a disco ball and lots of smoke. I'm sure I didn't know any of the people in my garage and I wasn't upset either. Before we open the door going into my house a random guy comes up to Sarah and starts making out with her. I could tell she wasn't into him so I pulled her away, escorted her inside and knocked over the guy. Their was something about him being in theater school.SKIP

      All of a sudden I was a little kid at a lunch table with about 8 other kids. It was a new schedule and we got to decide one snack we got one time during the year. Everybody wanted goldfish except for me and I convinced all of the other kids to change their mind. Everyone had to agree on the choice. I suggested Grilled Cheese and everybody was every happy about it except for this brown haired little girl. She wanted Mac n Cheese which i've never really been a fan of. I ignored the rule and said "No, were having grilled cheese" and she ran away crying.

      Notes- I think the Part with Sarah in paragraph three may relate to some jealousy or protective issues? I have a girlfriend and never have liked this girl so I have no idea on that.

      When ever I dream about weed it's normally extremely vivid. Maybe this could be my dream sign.
    5. Abstract Adventures and a Rebellion

      by , 10-19-2010 at 05:27 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      October 18, 2010

      Synopsis: Abstract dream. Were escaped test subjects running from an evil doctor. Brief lucidity. Flying. Next dream, I try to rebel the system from within it.

      Note: I was very sleepy after I woke up from my dream. Well, I didn't really wake up. More like, I was only half awake. I stayed drifting in HI for a few minutes before I remembered that I even had a dream. But by that time, what felt like a vivid dream was hard to recall.

      Abstract Adventures

      Me and a friend want to leave. We walk straight out of the house and into the parking lot. Waiting for us is a small
      helicopter. My friend makes me drive it! I'm terrified! I don't know how to fly this clunky machine. Once inside, my whole world turns upside down. Uh, literally. We crashed.

      But were fine, and I think nothing of it.

      It turns out we were so desperate to leave because were running away from this evil doctor! We were his unwilling test subjects for some sort of
      experiment. We run through suburbia, which was just abstract and weird. We reach a tower, and climb up its various levels. I don't remember much of the tower anymore, but I do remember on the top most floor was a witch conjuring up a spell. I didn't figure out who's side she was on.

      Were on top of the tower now. The doctor has us cornered! But that's when I suddenly realize I'm dreaming.
      Lucid, I tell the doctor "were not going to run from you anymore!". Then I grab my friends hand and fly instead. I try to grow bird wings, but I don't know if it worked or not. My friend disappears. Common. Lots of DCs just up and puff away when I become lucid.

      I continue flying and exploring my strange abstract dream, like giant cardboard boxes strewn together. I woke up after wards and fell into random HI for several minutes.

      Thoughts: the tower was a spiral, a repeating pattern in my dreams for 2010. Probably not a coincidence that reaching the top made me lucid, since the spiral itself can represent consciousness.

      Rebel from Within

      Some evil corporation has everyone I know slaving away from them, in an
      all-generic-building. Oh, and these weren't regular people. They were scheming rats, like the rats from Nyhm. I had two choices. Slave away, or rebel. I saw what happens to people who rebel outwardly. They got locked away in some room, never to return.

      I thought I could out smart the rats though. I'd work hard, earn their trust, learn more about their system. And eventually, I'd
      learn about their weak points and take them out when they least expect me to! Well, it sounded like a plan. Except that it's really SLOW.

      Anyways, I never actually got a chance to rebel! Unless you count spying. I was spying on the big boss while mopping the floors. He had an assistant named Amadeus. Amadeus seemed like an honestly good rat, and it annoyed me the way the boss would say his name and call him for any little thing.

      Thoughts: it could have something to do with me trying to overcome old habits. The process is slow, and you have to observe yourself.

      Updated 10-19-2010 at 05:35 AM by 6004

      lucid , dream fragment
    6. some wacky dreams.

      by , 10-19-2010 at 03:04 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      something about Chris Highestridge at first, but no details recalled. But I remember being in a starfox video game. The graphics were like the super nintendo version.

      It was a space level and there were gigantic ships I was flying through. I would blow them up and stuff, then they would explode all around me. But in some parts only parts of the ships blew up, and it seemed to take forever the part of ship to blow up.

      My dad goes black and never goes back

      Had a dream that I was standing in a room when my dad walked in. He had black skin and was kind of fat. He looked a lot like the black dude from the family guy. There was another dark guy with him (data) They were talking to me about something. But I couldn't remember.

      Kaomea's Inner world

      Remember being in a bed with Kaomea. Her hand was on my chest again where my heart was beating. This time I was doing the same thing as her. We were talking about ???? She made an important decision that made us both happy. Can't remember, but we kissed with the intent of that decision in mind, and when we did.... we both turned into light and I woke up from the dream.

      Strange WTF.

      first I remember walking along side a school with a fence. I remember being in this place before when I was with a group of people hiding from a zombie apocalypse. I remembered that we all got killed, then it occured to me that we shouldn't have given up so easily. I mean don't zombies die after a few weeks of eating nothing? Don't all the bugs get at them and eat them eventually?

      With that in mind I walked around the school fence and turned the corner of the building. A black yappy dog (Asuka!)came out of nowhere and I decided to follow the dog.

      We went back the way I came and then oticed that on the other side of the fence, that elderly people were gathering at a hall. I saw them getting out of cars and stuff. I followed Asuka down some steps and through a door.

      Asuka was in her normal form now, but she was behind me so I only felt her presence. I was in a mall of some sort and a bunch of boxes of books were floating in the air. Some man was trying to get them to stop floating. I jumped up and smacked the boxes down. I noticed that the man was Mike W. from my childhood. He said he worked for the book man and set up a book man table in the hallway of the mall. I remember heping him set up the table. He started saying that he came here to alberta to help celebrate Thelma's birthday or something. Then he started reading from a card.


      I logged into Lonewolf's Private dream forum and saw that he had moved "The Nagual Manuel" thread over there so that no outsiders could read the thread.
    7. Olympic Water Skiing

      by , 10-19-2010 at 02:40 AM (Vault of the Inner Bibliophile)
      August 30, 2010

      I had at least 3 dreams last night, but only two of which I can remember clearly enough to write about. Unfortunately, none of them were lucid because by the time I realized I was dreaming, I was already out of the dream and nearly fully conscious. 

      This dream is very hard to remember. It is dark out, and there are either 3 DCs, in which case I am present in the dream, or 4 DCs, in which case I am not present in the dream. The 3 DCs and I are fighting in kind of a circle each using a different element. The one fire bending is wearing black samurai clothes with red trim, the one water bending is wearing black samurai clothes with blue trim, the one air bending is wearing black samurai clothes with brown trim, and the one earth bending is wearing black samurai clothes with green trim. I don’t know which one I am, or who won the fight. The dream fades

      I am in a cave structure similar/the same as in previous dream. The walls are reddish brown and very rough and not manmade. The ground is a canal filled with water and in some places caves were hollowed out in the walls, their floors high enough not to be touched with the water. I am there with multiple DCs, some my family. I go outside with DCs of my friends (I think) and my brothers. The outside is through a huge opening in the side of the rock. The canal inside connects straight to the river outside. It’s very weedy on the banks of the outside river and we are in the tall river grass. I see a car and a minivan floating in the water, kept in one place by balloons. I think, well I do need a car for when I turn 16, so I wade into the water and pop the balloons on both cars. I don’t want the minivan so it floats away down the river. I drag the car through the water and somehow lift/drag it onto shore. It is yellow and upon further inspection with my DC friends is just a nearly life sized plastic toy car missing its wheels and steering wheel. I am disappointed. I take it back inside the canal cave and realize that it floats. A lot of DCs are congregated near the exit of the caves in the biggest hollowed out place. I remember that I need to leave to go to the Olympics where I am a professional water-skier. I find oval glass objects that are hollow inside and have glass stripes of colour inside them. I know they are of some importance so I hold onto them and rush to the back of the caves, using the car to float (I now remember that these were also in a past dream). An adult DC frowns at me, knowing that we are near late for the Olympics. The DC of my brother Owen chases after me, probably wanting the glass objects (they were very pretty). I paddle away faster and reach the back of the caves where there is a hollowed out room of hidden things. I pull my car into the room and look for a place to put my glass things. In one corner there is a pail and shovel and other beach toys. I see a shelf above my head and put the glass things there knowing hardly anyone can reach. Owen catches up with me and I grin at him because I beat him here and he didn’t get here fast enough to see where I put the glass things. I think we fought over them in a past dream. It is time to go and as I leave I see that the wall at the very back of the caves is the same wall in my basement at home, cement and bare wall structure with insulation peeking out in various places. I am now in a car with black leather seats driving down the highway into the rain. It’s very dark out. I am on my way to the Olympics to water ski. Then I realize, I can’t be a professional water skier… and as I come back to consciousness I do a reality check.
      Grr… it was too late by then.
    8. a few dreams I had last night: a tornado, stolen money, and run from the police.

      by , 10-19-2010 at 12:48 AM
      I was walking down the main street that goes past my neighborhood with a group of 10 or 15 people when someone points out that there is a tornado. I see it in the distance, approaching us slowly.

      (tornadoes are one of my major recurring dream signs; they often show up and I often have to run to shelter from them, usually with other people. Im not particularily afraid of tornadoes, and even in the dream do not experience fear- i just seem to go along with it. )

      So we start running down the street, when suddenly, missiles start cracking through the asphalt and flying into the air. We are dodging the missiles and we run down a side street that doesnt exist in real life.

      At this point there are only 5 or so people in the group. We run up to a house that has a basement that is accessible from the side of the house, as it is built on the side of a hill. We run down the steps to the basement

      entrance, passing several cats on the way. We enter the house through a sliding glass door. Inside, there is a large glass wall through which we can a sloping hill going up from the basement. we can see the bases of trees and we are panicking because the tornado is close apparently. I look around the basement and see a door opening to the bathroom, as well as a door opening into a small room which has one of those hair machines for drying hair that usually can be found at old laides' salons.

      The dream changes- how much later, im not sure.

      I'm sitting in the economy section of a plane. My mom is sitting next to me, in the window seat. SHe asks me what I am going to do with the money we stole. (apparently we stole millions of dollars from somewhere)
      we are flying over snow capped mountains. I spend several moments deciding that i will spend the money on several houses, cars, a yacht, and to pay for college. { interesting since this was a topic that I was frantic about before I went to college-- funny how these things stick with you}

      The dream changes again

      I am being chased around an old fashioned- looking city. I move around by kicking off the corners of buildings, flying great lengths with each push. I am being chased by a group of policemen with old fashioned british-police style hats.

      A woman gets in the way of my escape; I accidentally smash into her or clothesline her or something.

      One of the policemen screams in rage that I just killed his wife, and the chase begins again.

      {throughout most of this, I am laughing, ecstatic; the chase is not frightening, it is funny-- another recurring dream sign of mine; I have never had a dream in which I was being chased by something scary-- all my nightmares include confronting something supposedly evil; never fighting it, not usually seeing it.}

      They chase me into a square in the city, however, there is noone around, unlike in the cobbled streets where i killed the policeman's wife. The square is made up of a hanging garden of weeds, shaped somewhat like a maze. The weeds are hanging from white railings of sorts, though they are not very high- only 3 or 4 feet above the ground.

      The dream fades- I briefly remembered another dream after this, but as I am still new to dream recall and LD it escapes me.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Oct 18 2010

      by , 10-19-2010 at 12:13 AM (Mah Journal)
      Don't remember anything from last night
    10. 1/4 Sun: Snapped the Dryspell

      by , 10-18-2010 at 11:12 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Unusual circumstances on this night. Took B-Complex in the evening, about 5 hours before sleep. Didn't get to sleep until I was really tired. Woke up after just 3 hours of sleep to drive roommate to the airport. Was out of bed for about an hour total. Returned to sleep and had the lucid, technically in my third sleep cycle. The rest of the dreams were all very random, but more exciting then my usual boring dreams.

      Rooms, Sprinklers, Flying
      Lucidity C
      Vividness B
      Control D
      0730: The beginning is jumpy and difficult to recall. I don't seem to have a dreambody, I'm just watching like a movie. It's in a house at a fancy dinner party. A few old people are talking about arranging to meet at a restaurant or country club. Then it's like a commercial. A young woman in a formal dress and hair styling peeks into the room and recommends watching a TV show. Someone asks, which TV show... Buffy? Then I recognize the girl as Alyson Hannigan from that show.

      At some point, I sense that I have a dreambody and I am in the house alone. But maybe it has changed into my work office? I step into a room with tall windows all along the far wall. Sunlight is shining brightly through. The floor is grass instead of carpet! The grass is overgrown and spotted with weeds. I think to myself that someone in the office should maintain the grass. I think the new employee should have to do it as an initiation.

      I walk out the side door of this room. It leads outdoors and now I am in the side yard of my old house on Daisetta. It's a narrow concrete strip that leads to the backyard. I walk to the backyard and it's fairly familiar. Except there are a row of short fake palm trees lining the lawn. They have big plastic bananas hanging from them and I think it looks really tacky. The sprinklers are on and they are really strong. The water shoots about 6 feet high and is soaking the whole yard, not just the grass.
      I start to think this is weird. But I don't want to get wet so I turn and run back into the door I came out of. In the Daisetta house, this should be the garage but it's still the room with grass. I notice the size of the room is about right for the garage though. Now sprinklers are on in here too! Ok, I really must be dreaming and I tell myself to do a reality check. I run through one more door to be out of the water.

      I plug my nose and confirm I'm dreaming. Yay! I remember that it's been a long time since being lucid. I had a scene in mind but I'm not sure how to get there from here, so I go outside and just start flying toward the horizon. But my flying sucks! I can only hover a few feet off the ground and move very slow. Then I remember one of my cues to invoke the Superman schema: Lois Lane is in trouble and I have to save her! My flying gets a bit better. I'm flying faster and higher but still not great. I try to focus on where I am going. On the horizon, I see an ominous factory on top of a mountain. Lois must be trapped inside! Smoke is billowing out. Then I see an explosion. I sense the urgency and danger and try to fly faster. But it seems so far away. Discouraged, the dream fades.

      Family and Old Acquaintances
      0849: C. Very jumpy and random. At Daisetta house with the whole family. Mother hands me a book about politeness and etiquette. She says my father read it but doesn't follow it. I'm supposed to go to work but I'm staying home late. I'm dressed in a blue stripped shirt with matching shorts, which I think is weird. I remind myself to change into pants before leaving for work. Then talking to my sister and one of her friends. Then I get a message on my Xbox from someone with initials C.C. I struggle to think who that is. At first I think of Sean, but that's way off with S.F. The closest I can think is E.B., Erinne from high school. I turn and see her in the room at an impressive desk. She's dressed nicely and looks like a lawyer or executive. I ask if she knows who C.C. could be. She asks me what her own phone number is. I'm confused. Do you mean your non-cell phone number? I pull out my phone to look. See calls her own house and talks to her housekeeper. Then my mother brings a big slice of ice cream cake. My sister and I eat it with our hands.

      Saving Private Ryan
      1012: C. In a war setting. In a small troop, looking for someone like the movie Saving Private Ryan. We find him and he's really shaken up. He's the only survivor of a big battle. I let him use my phone to make a few calls, but no one answers. Then my phone rings with an incoming call, but it's a wrong number.

      Speed Racer, Secret Mission, Rugby
      1123: C. I start as a racecar driver. Feels a bit cartoonish like Speed Racer. But it's just my cover for a secret spy mission. I'm in a team of spies with me, Hugh, Leonardo DiCaprio, and maybe a couple other people. We are in some third-world country. I am reminded of the movie Spy Game (but DiCaprio wasn't in that one). Leo comes up to a fruit stand to make the secret exchange, pretending to buy a basket of fruit. But something goes wrong and we have to abort the mission and run away.

      Then it seems to be years later. Hugh and I have returned to the same place. This time, his two younger brothers are with us. Maybe we have come to avenge Leo? We go to the same fruit stand. Some of our faces and Leo's are on "wanted" posters. So we send in the brothers because they are new. The vendor at the stand starts arguing with them. Things seem to go bad again.

      Now I'm in the middle of a game that's a bit like rugby, but not quite. I sense that I am not good at this game. I'm on the team to fill a spot and I shouldn't interfere with my better teammates. But the ball comes to me and a run and kick a field goal. We win and I climb up on the uprights, which look like the big arch in Chinatown.

      Updated 10-18-2010 at 11:17 PM by 35793

      lucid , non-lucid
    11. Unsettling Beginning to a New DJ

      by , 10-18-2010 at 10:33 PM
      I am restarting my dream journal (for the umpteenth time!).


      I am kissing a friend's girlfriend (LY) on a bed in a bedroom. It becomes very passionate, and we're just about to have sex when I stop and explain that I can't cheat on my current girlfriend. At that moment, MP walks in and shoots me a very surprised look. He leaves the bedroom as quickly as he entered and I feel embarrassed.

      The above dream was really unsettling considering I've been in a relationship for 3 months. If anyone has any advice/opinion on this dream, or if this has happened to you as well, let me know.

      Later, I am on a very busy street with lots of people. I recognize I'm dreaming (more like semi-lucid). I see a bridge, and I begin to pick people up and toss them over the side. I begin to flick my hands and people and things go flying in whichever way I point. One of the DC's exclaims, "you can do that?!". I see an analog clock and try to make the hands circle rapidly by closing my eyes and concentrating, but it doesn't work.
      lucid , memorable
    12. Summer cottage, 30-40 minutes

      by , 10-18-2010 at 09:35 PM
      We have just arrived to our summer cottage. I get out of the car. My sister and my father are with me. It is dark and snowy. I walk to the cottage. It's too dark to see properly. The only thing giving light is one of the buildings. It's burnt remains are glowing faintly. The other buildings seem old. All the paint has worn off. There is also a building that isn't there in the waking world. I go back to the car and ask my father for a lamp. He gives me one and I go back. Even with the lamp it is really dark, I can only see the buildings as gray shadows even when they are close. A man from a nearby cottage swoops in on a snowmobile. He says he had used our shore to go to the lake. I say it's no problem. I get back to the car again. When I get there the man's there also, speaking with my father. I go back to the cottage. It doesn't look like our real cottage (I've visited the place in previous dreams and the cottage has looked the same as it did in this dream). I follow a path and arrive in front of a cellar built in a mound. It is not dark anymore, but the sun is shining. I open the door to the cellar. Behind it is another door. And another. After about seven doors, of which each is smaller than the former door, they have formed a tunnel through the mound. The tunnel is too narrow for me so I go round the mound to the other side. I notice the thing is actually a big telescope with no lenses. Apparently it is ancient. I look through it. The doors have vanished. I wonder what to do with it. I has many mirrors attached to its sides. I get an idea. What if I'd mirror the sunlight with the mirrors to...what? I start turning the mirrors. It seems I get something done right, because the telescope turns into a space rocket. The view changes into third person and I'm in space. I think there was someone with me. I pilot the rocket back to the Earth. Once there, I leave the telescope.
      I possibly left the cottage and ended up in a desert or then it was completely a different dream. There was a man who had a fighting school. A woman there was pregnant. I don't remember much from the dream except that the woman gave birth in it.
    13. The Library, the Beach, and the End of the Flooded World

      by , 10-18-2010 at 09:32 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while writing journal entry]

      [Fragment] I'm at junior high school, going to class and learning what my class schedule will be.

      The next dream starts out like a documentary about Canada. In the dream, I remember that I visited a city in Canada once, and my strongest impression upon arriving there was, “Wow, I'm in a foreign country!”
      [I've never actually been to Canada. These are most likely straight-up false memories, but I also got the feeling when taking notes during my WBTB that they might possibly have been memories of a previous dream that I'd otherwise forgotten about. Weird.] According to the documentary, Canada has a “Mexico City,” a concentrated population center of Mexican immigrants.

      The dream then shifts from a documentary to an episode of “The Red Panda Adventures” that involves all of Canada being hypnotized/brainwashed into hating a man with the last name of Campbell. I remember a long text document
      [don't ask me why a dream about an episode of an audio series generates a dream image of a text document] that goes on and on about what a despicable person Campbell is. At one point in the text document, there is a warped and twisted version of the Canadian equivalent of the Pledge of Allegiance that also mentions his name and says something bad about him. [I was curious, so I looked it up, and it turns out that there is no Canadian equivalent of the Pledge of Allegiance. My mind just made one up. Cool.]

      Woke up at 4:00 A.M. at the end of a sleep cycle and needed the restroom, so I used it, then took a few notes on my dreams so far, then went back to sleep.

      I'm in a really big library with white walls and lots of light wood. The word “dream” crosses my mind somehow. [I don't remember whether someone said it, or I saw it on a sign, or I was just thinking about it; I think it was probably the latter.] However it happens, it makes me realize, “Hey, I'm dreaming! I did it!”

      I decide to try doing a scene transition.
      [I don't remember how I did it, but] I find myself sitting in front of a computer monitor, which is displaying a command prompt against a black screen. The program that's running is a text adventure based on the novel Watership Down. I can't do anything right in it – I try entering a couple of commands, but none of them make any progress. Even the inventory command yields a response that goes something like, “You can't have an inventory with only one!” It means that you have to have more than one rabbit in your party before you can check your inventory. I quickly discover that the program is tied to the computer's clock, and that if a certain number of seconds pass without the player making any progress, the program just gives you a Game Over saying something about how you just got eaten (you, the rabbit, in the game, that is). After I get this Game Over, I think: “I don't have to sit here and play this text adventure just because I ended up here. If I want to, I can get up from this computer and go explore the building.” So I do.

      I'm still in the library, because that's where that computer is. It's near a second-story interior passageway that's open and more like a balcony, overlooking the ground floor of the library. I follow the passageway over to where it ends in a flight of stairs going down, then descend the stairs, holding on to the handrails the entire way to keep myself focused on and grounded in the dream, and to make sure it remains stable. It works. The whole time, I'm marveling at how the sensations of walking, descending stairs, and holding the handrails are exactly like they would be in reality. The stairs have handrails running up the middle of the steps, but they aren't parallel to the ones running up the sides of the stairs; they're at an angle, so I have to go through a narrow space between two handrails on the last few steps of the staircase. I say, “Why did I have to design these stairs this way?”

      I exit the building, and am outside on a dream version of my college campus. It's sunny and beautiful, and all the buildings are big and white and slightly old-fashioned
      [in real life, most of them are various shades of brown, tan, or orange, and none of them date back further than the 1940s]. Also, the St. Louis Arch and another, light-brown arch with some words on it in black, marking the entrance to some area, are there. [I can't remember what the words said now, but there were two of them, they were the name of the area, and they both started with S.] I go, “Ahhh, it's so good to be here.”

      I notice that the beach, with its light-colored, soft sand, is down at the bottom of the cliff. I decide to try something. I think to myself, “When I close my eyes and turn around, I'm going to be standing on that beach down there.” I close my eyes, turn around in a circle (not too fast), and then open them again. I'm now on the beach, not quite at the exact spot I had been shooting for, but pretty close. “It worked!” I say aloud.

      I stand on the beach for a moment, but the waves suddenly start coming up really close to the cliff, so there's not enough dry sand left to stand on. I decide to spin around again to go somewhere else, but this time, I'm thinking, “Just take me wherever.”

      [In retrospect, that wasn't a very good idea.] I end up on the porch of an old, slightly spooky-looking house made of wooden boards, that seems to be floating on the ocean. It's not abandoned, though – there is a couple living in it. Also, I now have a friend with me – no one I know in real life, just a random, unnamed female dream character.

      I look out from the porch to the east at the surrounding landscape and see a world that is ending. The sky is filled with thick, solid black clouds, with streaks of bright red and orange here and there because the sun is rising behind them. The entire landscape is flooded, and a jumble of disconnected buildings stick out of the water here and there. Some of them are on fire, some are falling apart, and one is being ruled over by some sort of dictator, whose enormous figure I can see looming over the building and gesturing with his arms in a way that means “work, you miserable peons!”

      The couple who live in the house we're at start talking to me and my friend. They say that we have to get back to safety by sailing back the way we came. I think, “But we didn't sail here! We teleported!” I don't say so, though.
      [I don't know why not. Either I didn't get a chance to say anything, or I didn't want her to know about my newfound teleportation abilities, I'm not sure.]

      [From this point forward, my recall is a little less clear in that I remember all the scenes, but none of the transitions or connections between them.]

      The next thing I remember is facing away from the house toward the west, where there is a sort of path leading away from the house, but it's made up of a bunch of vines (or tree roots?). I try to get to the other end of the path by spinning around and closing my eyes again, but this time it doesn't work at all. I say, “Okay, if we can't do that, we'll just get there the hard way,” and start climbing over the vines.

      Somehow, I end up on the deck of a ship, and there are waves coming up onto the deck I'm on, over and through the metal railing to my left. One of them doesn't look very big (it's about the same height as the railing), but it breaks right on the deck I'm on, tilting the ship over but not capsizing it.

      The next thing I know, my friend and I are being escorted through the flooded landscape in a boat. There is a tank-like, armored boat with lots of guns in front of our boat, and another one behind ours. I take it they're there for our protection, but I quickly figure out that they're mostly just there for intimidation, and they're not even doing a very good job of that. There are lots of dangerous things trying to attack us, including exploding police cars, but we and our boat are passing through all of them as if they were air. What's really protecting us is a magic spell, one which, I know in the dream, comes from the Incarnations of Immortality universe.

      I'm on foot, indoors, running away from something. I run into what appears to be a bathroom. I wonder if the protection spell is still holding now that I'm off the boat.

      [I'm not entirely sure whether these last two scenes were in this order, or the reverse order:]

      I'm a student sitting in a classroom, on the first day of school. All the other student seats are full of preteen or teenage Japanese girls, but the teacher is white. She explains that all we'll do in her class is make these little hat/hair accessory things out of tissue paper, which must be very trendy, because many of the girls are wearing them in their hair.

      I'm standing on some rocks in the ocean, near the beach. I'm still lucid, so I think, “Okay! Text-messaging! Task of the month!” I go to take my phone out of my pocket, but then think, “No, better not do that here – I don't want to get my phone wet.”

      Woke up and was delighted to have had another lucid dream. While thinking back over it, I laughed out loud at that last part – I was concerned about my phone getting wet? It wasn't even my real phone! :-D Then again, I realized that that makes sense: my dream cell phone would have been just as damaged by dream water as my real one would be by real water. After all, that's what I expect will happen when cell phones get wet.



      Last night, I listened to about half of my binaural beats file at the beginning of the night, did a five-minute WBTB, did a lot of MILD affirmation and visualization both when I first went to bed and when I was going back to sleep after the WBTB, and had a new cardboard-square bracelet, one made with a smaller square of thicker cardboard than my first one, on my wrist the entire time. Something helped me have a really good, long lucid dream. I don't know what. How very unscientific of me, I know. I'm sorry, everybody.

      On a more positive note, I'm getting a little better at this! I had more lucidity than ever before this time, and I thought about and actively tried out some dream control techniques while in the dream. I've moved out of the “what is this new world?!” phase now, and into a phase that can be characterized by these thoughts: “Okay, I get the idea of what lucid dreams are, but how do I shot web?” That is, I'm just starting to learn to use those dream control abilities. It was one thing to read about the spinning scene-change/teleportation ability, but as with most skills, now that I've done it for myself, I truly understand what it's like. Note to self, though: I should never spin around to transition to a new scene without first deciding what the new scene should be, because if I let it be random, I may not like what I get.

      Updated 10-18-2010 at 09:34 PM by 37356 (oops, forgot to make two links)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment , side notes , task of the month
    14. Born to be WILD... Kinda.

      by , 10-18-2010 at 08:47 PM
      Boy howdy, I sure am adept at doing WILD techniques... But only when I'm already asleep! >:/ I'm wondering if there's a specific term for doing a WILD in a dream, or if it's considered a straight up DILD. Either way, this makes my second dreaming WILD.

      Barring the details of my non-lucid (Fairly uninteresting, snowy street, jammed VCR I unjam, a movie with Leonardo DiCaprio.) I basically fall asleep in my dream and WILD. Though not as cleverly disguised as my first dream WILD, I still think how I can check that off on my October goal... At least for a moment, I realize fairly quickly after becoming lucid that I just dream WILDed. Anyway, I go through the motions of a WILD. Vague images, sudden feeling of acceleration, for a moment, I see a faint image of my kitchen and think that's where I'll be going in my dream.

      Instead, I find myself just falling through a dark cloudy sky completely lucid. I wasn't scared at all (In fact, I can count on one hand how many times, total, I've been scared since keeping a dream journal, and all 3 are jump scares.). First thing I do is try to spin and change scenery, of course repeating I'm lucid, I'm dreaming, etc. Doesn't work, I notice my glasses are about to falloff from the wind of falling, I grab them and realize "I'm dreaming! I don't even need them!" my vision blurs every slightly but becomes clear again shortly after letting them go.

      I try spinning again, maneuvering my hands in a way that would make me spin as I fell (I always fell feet first, and never looked up or down.). It works and i laugh joyfully as it does, i then think of stopping my decent by hovering, and slowly I do. I talk myself into it "Just slow things down...", honestly, it was very calming. Eventually I stop, and notice the sky has a very bright crescent moon, and it looks like it's on a giant dark blue wall in the distance.

      I say to myself "Alright Zed, get ready for some dreaming.".

      I then wake up. >;( I try to DEILD back into the dream like last time, but it doesn't work. (I suspect I was only in the void last time when I DEILDed back into my dreams.) Again, noticing the absolute dryness of my mouth. In total, I think I was lucid... Maybe a couple minutes? Certainly longer than my first dreaming WILD, but still not what I'd consider a 'Lucid dream'.

      Still, it was interesting feeling the sensation of falling like that.

      Updated 10-23-2010 at 08:57 AM by 37097

    15. Night of 10/17 - Why can I stay in my dream??

      by , 10-18-2010 at 08:25 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      I'm really back on track with the whole lucid thing Only problem which stays is that I wake up after realizing I'm dreaming.

      Vividness: 4/5
      Hours of sleep: 7.6h

      I'm in an hotel. I'm on a some kind of holiday. It's already evening and I'm exhausted. I go to bed and try too sleep. But I can't. It's to hot insides I'm sweating. I finally get out of my bed and I decide to leave the hotel. I open the door and I'm outsides. It's sunrise. There is a bus and my car. I meet someone and he says to me, that I have to pick someone up in the city, where my university is and drive him somewhere to France.
      I don't pay really attention. I'm in a bad mood. I just go in my car and drive away. While driving I'm wondering how I have to drive to get at the right place. I realize that it's impossible to go at this place so I drive to somewhere else.
      In front of me are a few skyscrapers. They look really weird: They have terraces on the top and the buildings form a gigantic pyramid. Each roof-top is connected to another one and at the top of the highest building, there is a huge statue.
      Suddenly I'm flying, but outside my car. I sit on a pillow. It flies higher and higher gets nearly to the highest building. I want to catch one of the hundreds stairs on a roof-top, but my pillow flies away without me.
      I start to fall. I get a strange feeling. I feel that I'm lying on something, although there isn't anything. I realize that it's impossible for me to fly in real life and that it's unrealistic that I'm falling from the sky. I'm glad that I realize it, because I had begun to panic a bit because I'm falling from so high.
      BUT everything gets directly dark and I awake

      I have my eyes closed. I start to imagine to fly in a rocket and I'm saying in my head: "You gonna re-enter your dream and you will manage to stay lucid". I repeated it several times.
      BUT something strange happens: I suddenly hear my brother's voice in my head. It says: "That isn't going to work!". I began arguing with this voice who came from my subconscious. I thought : Shut the f*ck up !"
      I' m in a completely other place. I'm in a late night show. I don't realize that I'm dreaming and simply listen to the speaker. He's explaining how it's possible that people think that Michael Jackson is still alive.

      The End.
      Don't forget to KEEP IT UP!
      lucid , memorable