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    1. Plan B

      by , 10-19-2010 at 11:09 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Method: DILD
      Recall: below average
      Lucid Ability:not tested
      Vividness: Average
      Dream Length:Average

      I'm on IRC and I have a couple of tabs of porn on, and I keep tabbing back and fourth. I sense to people behind me, and I'm right. Don't remember who they were, but I felt weird about it. They didn't notice, so I guess I was quick enough. I right clicked them and closed them down while IRC was still up. I remember talking to Lostsoul, but I don't remember was it was about.

      (scene change)

      I'm driving my car down a familiar road near my house, and there are three girls in the car. All of them are yapping about something, and I don't remember how I got here. Now here's the tricky part. Maintaining the wheel, RCing and staying totally clam as I realize that i'm dreaming.

      Nose pinch was successful, and I decided to drive right off the road. We went through some tree and other impossible stuff, and stopped a an area that had all this sand and small lakes around it (because the controls of the car started getting stupid). I immediately headed to the back seat. There was a black girl, a blonde, and a brunette, and I decided to ask them some questions. I don't remember most of the questions I asked them, but I do recall asking the blonde girl her favorite band. "Fink 182", she replied. "Thats not even their name, and they suck, get out of the car" I told her. She got out, but she headed to the front seat.

      The brunette girl immediately unzipped my pants and started stroking me. The black girl turned around and watched us. She was practically drooling. I asked her, "what's up"? She said she was getting off to watching her play with me. I told her I told her I was getting off to her watching us while the other girl played with my cock. I pulled her in and started kissing while rubbing on the other girls tits. The brunette had already taken everything off by the time I turned back around. She told me she wanted me inside her.

      I rotated around, and pulled her waist towards the edge of the seat and parted her lips and slid in. I got about half way in, and it was a dead end. I slid out and back in, and the same thing happened. "I guess I wont get to show her my long stroke" I thought to myself. I continued fucking her until everything faded.
      Tags: dild, irc, sex
      lucid , memorable
    2. Stupid waste of a Lucid Dream

      by , 10-19-2010 at 10:02 PM
      Sorry but I cant delete this.. LOL.

      Updated 10-20-2010 at 04:01 AM by 36258

    3. A few short lucids.

      by , 10-19-2010 at 09:21 PM (October 18, 2010)
      Dream Lucid

      I went out to eat with my family at some restaurant. On the way there I was extremely thirsty and 3 cups of water did not full fill me. After we ate, we got back in the car to drive home. I was still drinking water. My mom was driving and made a turn opposite of our house. Then I woke up into my dream bed. I saw two of the same posters on the ceiling and remembered a post on here about putting a picture on the ceiling telling you do either do a RC or that you are dreaming. There's a triangle with a face drawn on it, just lines to make a smile and eyes. I thought that was kind of weird, so I looked away but still saw it in my peripheral and when I looked back it was moving, so I pinched my nose and could still breathe. I got out of my bed and looked at my hands. They were morphing, the palms would get bigger and my finger turned into tiny little stubs and back. Flipping them over and moving them would morph them back to normal. I tried to give out a few commands but my throat was still dry. I drank some water and gave out the commands. I wanted to go outside so I decided to walk through my wall, I've only walked through something once and it was slow, so was this time. Halfway through I decided to just open the window and jump through it (I still thought I shouldn't make noise and wake somebody hahaha). The sky was gloomy and I tried to bring down lightening with my hands. I couldn't do it, but then I noticed that fireballs, or meteors were in the sky. I tried controlling those, and wherever I swung my arm, they would come. I tried to do a Kamehameha, I saw the energy ball, but not at my hands and decided to hold that off until I had better control. I then looked my hands for more stability and wanted to summon a DC. I thought that she would appear at my front door, and I could see her shadow from outside. I used the hopping technique to get to the door and opened it, there she was! along with a tan SUV in front. She immediately ran in and started to grab at my parts. I dream hopped with her to my room and got too excited and woke up.

      I was then with some friends at a flat concrete place which had stairs leading down to sea level with more stairs going up which led to a school in the dream. I showed another friend a video of one of my friends skating. Then some kids from the school came up to me and asked how I think I did on the science test in some teacher's class. I told them I don't go to their school. He continued to talk to me and said he hoped he did good. Going down, I see lots of other people riding their bikes. One of them waves goodbye to me as he leaves, and I see another friend and we chat for a bit. Then there's a large group of people sitting on the ground and I join them. My bottom retainer felt like it broke so I picked out the pieces, but I could still feel a retainer in my mouth. I then realized I was dreaming, and did a nose pinch to check. I looked up at the sky and flew off, only to wake up.

      I was in a hotel room with some family members younger than me. My aunt who lives across the states was here to visit and we had to go down to help her with the bags. Two of us go down one flight of stairs and I hit the elevator button. It opens and I see my younger cousin in there, it closes and she goes up. When the elevator goes up, the DC that was with me jump down the elevator shaft. I thought he was a goner. When the elevator came back down to me, he appeared from the stairs which we just came down. We get in and I tried the trick to just get it to go without any other stops. It works and we are in the lobby. I go outside to see all the other members of my family. My mom was telling about the psychologist referral I had just recently got. (I just wanna chat with a psychologist, while my mom thinks I have some mental problems) She goes on to tell the family that I have some mental problems and asks me to tell them about my problems. My uncle looks at me and just says Hi to, I respond back and he says I'm fine. My mom and I get into a little argument and I get frustrated and say that I'm just not going to talk to anybody. My brother then comes over and sits down with me and says, "Well you're not going to talk to anybody? Well this is a dream." Still being frustrated I go to prove him wrong and pinch my nose. Realizing I was dreaming, I tried to fly away from the scene but he was holding onto my, so I dream spun and he said I was good, but he still had a hold of me. I then hopped to the nearby wall and he went with me, so I just tried to fly away.[color="blue"= I then woke up in my dream bed and pinched my nose, I was able to breathe, but I didn't believe it, so I used two hands to block it completely and then I could still breathe. For some reason I still didn't believe it, so I went to write down my dreams and I saw I had text messages, I read them and they were a bit off, I looked at the time and it was off by about 5 hours, I just thought my phone was being weird, I even looked at the time twice, and thought nothing of it, then I finally woke up.
    4. Dream Within a Dream

      by , 10-19-2010 at 08:07 PM
      I normally don't post my dreams, but I feel like this one is worth it so enjoy.

      Trapped in a Dream (DILD)


      I'm driving down Gay toward Shane's house and I suddenly realize I'm going the wrong way, so I pull into a driveway to turn around. When I pull into the driveway I get out of the car and start walking for some reason. I'm walking up Gay and its nighttime so I'm trying to steer clear of the road. Suddenly I have a brief moment of lucidity and I think "Why am I walking? Am I looking for my car?" So I start running up Gay scanning the edge of the road for anywhere I could've left my car when I'm again hit with a flash of lucidity "This is ridiculous, how could I end up in a situation like this," I think, "I must be dreaming." It's the only conclusion I can come up with although I still think its very unlikely. So I slap myself in the face a couple of times and "wake up" lying on my bed in my dorm room. I feel extremely tired and I can't open my eyes or move much at all. I think "I'm going to be late for Tech and Civ if I can't get up soon," but I still can't budge and am too tired to really care. Someone comes into the dorm and they come up to my door and open it. I hear a man's voice and two girls but I still can't open my eyes. They see me sleeping and a girl says "Oh, I'm sorry." and a man (apparently one of roomates) says "Sorry bro." I think I manage to mutter "it's fine" as they close the door. I can hear the TV on in the background and I think to myself "Ok, its really time to get up now." So I visualize myself getting out of bed and putting on my clothes but I still can't move. I start to panic a little bit and think that I'm deffinately going to be late for Tech and Civ. I'm still too tired to really care though and thought of just skipping it was crossing my mind. Suddenly I'm jolted awake for real and I'm laying on the bed in my dorm. I test my limbs and they move just fine. I look at the clock and see that only about ten minutes have passed since I fell asleep "that can't be right" I think. And it hits me that I must still be dreaming. I crawl out of bed and I'm not nearly as tired as I was in the dream and its a great relief. I check the door and see that it is still locked so no one must've come in. I flick the lights on and off to see if they work and they do so I realize I actually am awake. I start writing it all down then I check the clock and realize that I'm late for Tech and Civ.
    5. Devon Sawa and SUVs - dreams I suddenly remember from 2000-01 and 2007

      by , 10-19-2010 at 07:49 PM (Journal #86)
      10/19: I'm not sure why I'm thinking about something I dreamed about in 2001 and 2007, but like dreams I've had of James Lafferty before in 2007, it's left me cautious or unable to get a grasp on life the next day.

      The last thing I remember before getting this dream the first time around in fall 2000 or spring 2001 was hearing this song being sung in a Jamaican accent at the end of a Steven Seagal film from 1990, Marked for Death. Then in this dream I see this country road with this fake board game on the floor that's based on the film Scream. I suddenly hear a young man screaming and wonder if it's someone in the van or is it the electronic game board. I wake up the next day (a Sunday), wondering who that was making that screaming sound.

      The same dream happened around six years later after having an epic fail of a day in college (someone crying because someone wanted to do something and she wanted to do something else the day before, getting handed a loss in a game in class and the other team went nuts because my team lost, getting an unexpected friend request and group invitation on Facebook all in that order), my mind when I went to bed on February 15, 2007 wanted to make my bad day even worse. This time the screaming sound was different and sounded like the loudest scream heard in the Cruis'n games (the '90s arcade game series - USA, World and Exotica) from a male/female driver in traffic or a stalled computer-controlled opponent when you crash into them that sounds like a child (and the car you hit suddenly flips over or goes flying halfway across the screen if you went too fast). The dream made no sense a few scenes later and acted like the dream as explained above, except this time everything quieted down and I was in the passenger seat of what looked like a GMT800 (GMC Yukon), going for a ride down the country road again, and this time the driver resembled a young man in his 20s. I wake up at 5:30 am the next day, and all I could think of was someone I knew in high school and unable to get a leg up on life, and the next day in the computer lab, I go to Wikipedia and manage to put a name on the dream character, resembling Devon Sawa from films such as Casper and Final Destination (the first one). Maybe it was trying to tell me to get away from stressful situations?

      Updated 10-19-2010 at 09:49 PM by 5884

      lucid , memorable
    6. Old professor in love with me, and, playing the piano

      by , 10-19-2010 at 07:47 PM (Delenn's dream journal)
      Dr. B from college is with me. He is acting weird. At one point he is sitting behind me, and he keeps touching my waist and leg. I find it weird but don't try to stop him. My (real life) husband is with me, I think. Dr. B gives me a little packet of rolled-up notebook scraps, tied with twist-ties. He leaves. I open one of these scraps. It says something about love on it. I say to my husband, "He's in love with me." Husband says, "I know." We sort of shrug with a 'that's weird' sort of attitude. Later Dr. B is talking about a paper-writing competition that I should enter. I say I wouldn't know what to write about. He says I just need to build off this other paper I wrote about religion and culture.
      I say that I've started composing a song (on the piano) for the competition to go with my submission. (The song is actually Mariage D'amour by Clayderman, which I learned to play a few weeks ago.) There are two pianos here. My mother is playing the full-size one. The other's keyboard is very short, maybe only 1 1/2 octaves. I wonder to myself if I will have enough room. I try it and determine I need the full-size piano. I ask my mom if I can play the song. She says yes. I sit down and start playing. I struggle. I don't quite remember the notes. Eventually I can play a little of the song. (I am playing without sheet music.) Dr. B is there now. I am hoping to impress him but he doesn't pay much attention to my playing. He is walking around me with cups and champagne (?) saying, "[She] has not yet agreed to marry me."

      At one point I am saying to him that I'm not sure I've ever written a truly good paper. He responds with not-quite-reassurance.. something about how when he gets a whole class-full of papers something in them must be good.

      There's another scene where I am with some women (friends?), describing my encounter with a blonde woman. This person was a religious fanatic. I was talking to her as research for my paper. This woman said something like "I hate all niggers and jews." And I asked her, "This is because of your religion?" And she says yes. I am acting out this exchange for my women friends and acting really obnoxious when I am playing the bigot woman. Dr. B says that I asked the right questions.

      I don't recall ever before having a dream in which I play piano. That's really interesting. (I've played piano since I was 7 years old.)

      The Dr. B love stuff might just be day residue because I was reading about King Henry IV on Wikipedia last night, and he was a huge philanderer and had a zillion mistresses.

      Interesting that my mom made an appearance too, and that she was playing piano. (She does play piano in real life.) All I saw was the back of her head, though. She had brown hair, not quite shoulder length. She has gray in her hair now, though, which was not in the dream.

      Updated 10-19-2010 at 08:07 PM by 32584

    7. Another lucid

      by , 10-19-2010 at 07:44 PM (GypsyDiver's Dream Bible)
      I should post here more, but I don't. Eh.

      Two nights ago I was in an instance in World of Warcraft. I *was* my character, which was pretty cool. There was some incessant doom about to take place; I think it was the seventh book of Harry Potter, because teachers were running around all over the place. In my dream, the seventh book hadn't come out yet, so I was excited to be part of it.

      As we're running away from the doom, there's this long bridge with holes and cracks in it. I'm freaking out, but Bryon keeps pulling me along. When we get to the end, Bryon pulls us off (either that or he jumps and I follow him). I was freaking out, cause I knew we were gonna die - but we didn't. I looked around, and we were back on top of the bridge. Bryon said, "Because it's a DREAM!" We started walking back across the bridge, calmly this time. I started to realize it WAS a dream, and I tried to take in all I could. The colors were stony and looked like Northrend in WoW, but they were so vibrant and lifelike. I decided I didn't want the bridge to shake anymore and I didn't even realize it fixed itself.

      When we got to the gates of the instance we had just left, I tried to read the words on the doors. I couldn't, of course, but I tried to "put the letters in order," and my brain told me they said, "Mana Tombs." I was like, that's not right, but whatever. So we went into the instance. It looked a lot like a dream I had recently where I saw an ex at the RenFest. McGonagall was standing on a step preaching about something; she had our quest. We got our quest, which was to retrieve something from a boss. I thought I knew the best way to do it. I play a rogue, and I was sneaking around trying to get by mobs, but Bryon plays a pally and wasn't so lucky. We had to fight some people until we came upon some old ladies to challenged us to an orgasm contest! XDD; We decided to do it, but in the middle of that, I woke up.
    8. crap dream

      by , 10-19-2010 at 06:27 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being in class, and having to write an essay and read it. The teacher randomly selected people to read theirs after a few minutes, and I was going to read most of mine, and make up the rest on the fly.

      Some chick had trouble reading for some reason, and had to grab some random thing to read. I wanted to read so bad, but it never happened.
    9. Night of 10/18 - Nothing

      by , 10-19-2010 at 06:25 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Wel nothing xD
      I was to exhausted yesterday so I couldn't recall anything.

      Hours of sleep: 6.5h
    10. Dream Challenge Day 3

      by , 10-19-2010 at 06:22 PM (Mindscape of Xaqaria)
      Well I remembered a small part of a dream this morning, but it was just about work and isn't even worth documenting.

      +1 point for today, but -3 points for not getting to a computer yesterday so,


      I've been waking up and feeling like I waited just a second too long and have barely forgotten all of my dreams but still have all the impressions from them. I'll probably remember actual scenes tonight, and at this rate I will be back to becoming lucid within the next 3 days or so.
    11. Vampires, 25-35 minutes

      by , 10-19-2010 at 04:56 PM
      I am in a ruined house. Part of its roof and planks from walls are missing. There are some of my friends with me. There are also vampires in the house, and they are after us. I pick up torch somewhere, possibly from the floor or from one of my friends. I think it was already lit. I pick up another, unlit torch (I remember this one was on the floor). I put the other torch on fire with the other torch. A vampire comes at me. I hit it with a torch (or throw the torch at it, but the result was that I got disarmed and had only the other torch remaining). There are more torches on the floor. I pick one up and try to put it aflame but it lights poorly. Soon my remaining torch goes out. I get driven to a corner by the vampires. I escape by melding to the wall. Soon I am at the other side of it. I decide to turn the vampires back to the light. I crawl to a gravestone. I read it and notice that it's my own grave. It says Mickey Mouse in it. I turn into the ghost of Mickey. Nearby me I see Black Pete. He is also a vampire. He sees me and thinks me dead. I decide to start from him. I ask him a question, a riddle actually. I can't remember it but I remember the answer was 'the mind'. I go round the corner. There, at the other side of the house, which is now a vampire church, is a Christian church with the congregation having a mass. I am in a form of a ghost so I know they can't see me. I join them to sing a chant, but I leave them soon and go back to Pete. I ask him if he has figured out the answer to the question. He says no. I tell him the answer. When he hears it, he objects. There is another vampire with him now. To show my point I summon a colourful vortex of some kind and throw him and his companion away and then pull them back. He tries to object more, saying their church is better than ours. I can't remember what I answered. I think I went into their church. I don't remember the rest of the dream well or then it ended.
    12. Learning to drive backwards and an odd policeman

      by , 10-19-2010 at 04:41 PM
      So.. I had a really weird dream this morning.

      I found myself driving our SUV. But I wasn't JUST driving the SUV. I was driving it.. BACKWARDS! And not just backwards in the regular sense, I was driving with my back to the drivers seat going forward, with these two long wooden pedals connected to the gas and the break. I also had a steering wheel! On top of that, I was on the phone with someone. Aren't I talented?

      So I was driving along, talking on the cell phone, not paying attention, and I approach a stop sign with several cars. Well, I didnt have enough time to stop and not hit them, so I had to swerve into the other lane, and I ended up turning around the corner and parking there thinking "Oh shit. That was bad." Great thing was, I was RIGHT next to a police station. So they saw me. I waited there as two of them got in a squad car, drove one block, and pulled over right behind me. By the time they had come over I had put away my phone and gotten in my seat the right way.

      "So, you know you were going 30 in a 25 mph zone, right?" "Sorry, wasn't looking at the speed. Isn't that legal though?" "I'LL TELL YOU WHAT'S LEGAL, DON'T YOU TELL ME!". So then all of a sudden we ended up in an alley and then he let me go. So I drove home thinking I will never drive backwards and talk on my cell phone again.

      A valuable lesson was learned today..
    13. Fragments for October 18 2010

      by , 10-19-2010 at 02:05 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm part of Ganondorf's wedding party. The ceremony is to take place in a skyscraper, which we enter through a doorway labeled "Weddings for Demons." As we ride up the fully mirrored elevator, I take note of my dress. I'm in all black with a long coat, and pull out a magnum from a side pocket. Others on the elevator roll their eyes and tell me to put the damn gun away.

      2. A bunch of college friends and I are in a zombie apocalypse theme park, almost like laser tag. We're gearing up for the first round, and the only improvised weapons we can find to use are musical instruments.

      3. I'm racing RC cars with my friend Q. We're on a farm so there's plenty of space, and my RC motorcycle rips along the paths to take a strong lead. I soon miss a turn, however, and the vehicle ends up falling into a lake. A bunch of rednecks are swimming, and they start to throw the motorcycle deeper into the water and fry its electronics. I drop my controller in the water too and start to cry.

      4. Someone has time-traveled back to make the Confederacy beat the Union, and I'm watching the ripple effects as they take place in the present day. Surprisingly, not much changes, but all the advertising signs become much more blatant and stereotypically Southern.

      Updated 10-20-2010 at 03:21 AM by 32914

      dream fragment
    14. 2 Dreams :: October 19, 2010 :: My LAN Party, My Beautiful Mind.

      by , 10-19-2010 at 12:49 PM

      [BACKGROUND="#41739C"]*Dream 1 :: My LAN Party*[/BACKGROUND]

      I am in my living room on the computer in the corner. The dining table which is usually against the wall is in the middle of the room with computers on it. (I think there are three.)

      The computers are all being used but I don't recognize any of the people on the computers at this point. I just realize that I had finished playing a LAN game of Red Alert 2 with these

      people. Then I recognize one of the people on the PCs as Niklas. He laughs (Discussing an amusing part of the game we had just played with someone), then I say "Hey, Niklas?". He

      replies "Yeah?" and I say "Go on MSN." (Lol, WTF?)

      I alt-tab from thegame to see the "Niklas has just signed in" alert at the bottom left hand side of my screen. I click on it to open his chat window and type "Hey."

      I notice that my font is totally different from its' usual, and is black colored, which is unusual.

      He replies "Hey." in the exact same font and color. I write "Want to talk?", then in my dream he actually speaks aloud "Yeah", but writes a few lines in MSN. Now his font has changed

      again, and is orange. I didn't have time to read what he wrote, but I got the sense that it was evasive. I woke up as I tried to understand what he wrote.

      [BACKGROUND="#41739C"]*Dream 2 :: My Beautiful Mind*[/BACKGROUND]

      (This page is upside down in my journal, lol.)

      I am speaking to a robot with an android like appearance, it tells me I nead to do some tests. I can't remember specifically what these tests were, other than they involved a large

      circular platform and I flew a space ship. The last test involved two people (One male, one female) with fairly common sounding names. Jane and James, or something. Anyways, they

      were sitting on the big circular platform in front of a large circular glass sliding wall... thing. I had to move the screen in such a way so that they could see themselves. However, then I

      got an alert that the facility was under attack and I needed to go repair the robot I was talking to earlier, which I ignored.

      I got back in my space ship and flew around a bit, then arrived back at the platform. The two people from my test got in. Then I flew to a little house in a forest type area and landed

      it. Then I get a message at the top left that says I have successfully rescued the people. Then I get out, and all of a sudden I'm in third person looking at myself, but it isn't actually

      me, it looks like a young Morgan Freeman, and I have two swords. (What the hell?)

      I make my way towards the house and open the door. Then I am attacked by 5 or so people who I don't know. I defeat them with some ease, and notice a Twi'Lek from star wars

      behind me. She talks with a guy in the house (Presumably the bad guy who attacked the robot facility thing). I can't recall anything they said, other than it was cryptic and at the end

      the twi'lek said "I would have told you earlier, but there was fighting." Then she goes away, and all of a sudden there's a guy behind me, but I know he is friendly. He says "You're

      going to let him get away with this?" I ignore him and walk away from the house to follow the Twi'Lek, but my "friend" says "You're just going to walk away and let him off?" and I say

      "No.", pull out my swords and walk into the house. Now I'm in 1st person again. His house looks like one of those crazy alien conspiracy theorists' bedrooms. There's two computers

      with creme CRT monitors. One is off but one has white text on a navy background. There's an external hard drive on the desk, and alot of floppy disks. There's a pack of CDs, the one

      on the top says "EasyXP Install". I wonder if EasyXP is the same as Windows XP. Then I look at his screen, most of the text is small, white rectangles. I presume this is because it is

      Encrypted (But it's probably because my brain didn't have time to write what it said.) I could only read a small amount of the text at the top, and I didn't really take it in, but I recall

      words that sounded technical, stuff to do with the encryption technique. Then all of a sudden, the guy appears out of where I came in. He's wearing a white shirt with suspenders and

      round glasses. I remember recognizing him from a movie, but I can't remember which. He doesn't seem surprised that I'm sneaking around in his ... place. Instead, he offers me and

      my friend (Who has followed me in) a drink. We politely refuse, and I decide to snoop around his computer, looking for anything suspicious. I decide to check the Audit Logs, however I

      cannot, and I get an error. I see an "unknown" drive partition, which confuses me and I confront the guy about it. He says something like "ah, that is because the drive 'hails from a

      different frequency'", and I explain that isn't how hard drives work. Then he offers me another drink, this time I say Okay, and he asks what I would like, and I said orange juice, which

      is odd, because I don't really like orange juice all that much in real life. I make a mental note not to drink the orange juice as it will probably be poisoned. He moves off into the

      kitchen and returns with snacks, they are like little fruit pie things. I eat them, and they're actually quite tasty. Anyways, I turn my attention back to the computer, and think to myself

      "He has a virus", for some strange reason. I am about to say this to him, but instead I decide to open a text file. I then try to discover a code by writing the capital letters as if they

      were a word. I get through about 4 or 5 letters and they make the beginnings of a word, but I can't remember what it is, and at some point, I realize that I am dreaming for some

      reason, however, I begin to lose dream stability, and by the team I've realized what has happened, it's too late and I'm awake. Which is annoying. D:

      Later, I realize the guy from my dream looks like the guy from A Beautiful Mind, but with glasses. :/
    15. Fragments

      by , 10-19-2010 at 12:18 PM (Awesomeness's quest for lucidity)
      Real life Dream Lucid Dream Sign
      For me to remember, dreams are 067300, lucid dreams are the color below blue, #4169e1, and dream signs are the light purple, which is up one and left one from blue, #483d8b.

      Mechanical bottle dream
      Something about this mechanical bottle that automatically opens and closes.

      Family and the ring dream
      Fragments. I remember staying in this awful hotel, which no one else recognized was awful. I couldn't even see to the bottom of the three foot pool, it was so dirty, yet my whole family, including my cousins and aunt, played in it. I made excuses not to, of course. I remember going to places. Sometimes it was stormy, but it was always dark. I had some important ring I couldn't lose for some event. ...And I lost it in the pool.