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    1. Summer cottage, 30-40 minutes

      by , 10-18-2010 at 09:35 PM
      We have just arrived to our summer cottage. I get out of the car. My sister and my father are with me. It is dark and snowy. I walk to the cottage. It's too dark to see properly. The only thing giving light is one of the buildings. It's burnt remains are glowing faintly. The other buildings seem old. All the paint has worn off. There is also a building that isn't there in the waking world. I go back to the car and ask my father for a lamp. He gives me one and I go back. Even with the lamp it is really dark, I can only see the buildings as gray shadows even when they are close. A man from a nearby cottage swoops in on a snowmobile. He says he had used our shore to go to the lake. I say it's no problem. I get back to the car again. When I get there the man's there also, speaking with my father. I go back to the cottage. It doesn't look like our real cottage (I've visited the place in previous dreams and the cottage has looked the same as it did in this dream). I follow a path and arrive in front of a cellar built in a mound. It is not dark anymore, but the sun is shining. I open the door to the cellar. Behind it is another door. And another. After about seven doors, of which each is smaller than the former door, they have formed a tunnel through the mound. The tunnel is too narrow for me so I go round the mound to the other side. I notice the thing is actually a big telescope with no lenses. Apparently it is ancient. I look through it. The doors have vanished. I wonder what to do with it. I has many mirrors attached to its sides. I get an idea. What if I'd mirror the sunlight with the mirrors to...what? I start turning the mirrors. It seems I get something done right, because the telescope turns into a space rocket. The view changes into third person and I'm in space. I think there was someone with me. I pilot the rocket back to the Earth. Once there, I leave the telescope.
      I possibly left the cottage and ended up in a desert or then it was completely a different dream. There was a man who had a fighting school. A woman there was pregnant. I don't remember much from the dream except that the woman gave birth in it.
    2. The Library, the Beach, and the End of the Flooded World

      by , 10-18-2010 at 09:32 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while writing journal entry]

      [Fragment] I'm at junior high school, going to class and learning what my class schedule will be.

      The next dream starts out like a documentary about Canada. In the dream, I remember that I visited a city in Canada once, and my strongest impression upon arriving there was, “Wow, I'm in a foreign country!”
      [I've never actually been to Canada. These are most likely straight-up false memories, but I also got the feeling when taking notes during my WBTB that they might possibly have been memories of a previous dream that I'd otherwise forgotten about. Weird.] According to the documentary, Canada has a “Mexico City,” a concentrated population center of Mexican immigrants.

      The dream then shifts from a documentary to an episode of “The Red Panda Adventures” that involves all of Canada being hypnotized/brainwashed into hating a man with the last name of Campbell. I remember a long text document
      [don't ask me why a dream about an episode of an audio series generates a dream image of a text document] that goes on and on about what a despicable person Campbell is. At one point in the text document, there is a warped and twisted version of the Canadian equivalent of the Pledge of Allegiance that also mentions his name and says something bad about him. [I was curious, so I looked it up, and it turns out that there is no Canadian equivalent of the Pledge of Allegiance. My mind just made one up. Cool.]

      Woke up at 4:00 A.M. at the end of a sleep cycle and needed the restroom, so I used it, then took a few notes on my dreams so far, then went back to sleep.

      I'm in a really big library with white walls and lots of light wood. The word “dream” crosses my mind somehow. [I don't remember whether someone said it, or I saw it on a sign, or I was just thinking about it; I think it was probably the latter.] However it happens, it makes me realize, “Hey, I'm dreaming! I did it!”

      I decide to try doing a scene transition.
      [I don't remember how I did it, but] I find myself sitting in front of a computer monitor, which is displaying a command prompt against a black screen. The program that's running is a text adventure based on the novel Watership Down. I can't do anything right in it – I try entering a couple of commands, but none of them make any progress. Even the inventory command yields a response that goes something like, “You can't have an inventory with only one!” It means that you have to have more than one rabbit in your party before you can check your inventory. I quickly discover that the program is tied to the computer's clock, and that if a certain number of seconds pass without the player making any progress, the program just gives you a Game Over saying something about how you just got eaten (you, the rabbit, in the game, that is). After I get this Game Over, I think: “I don't have to sit here and play this text adventure just because I ended up here. If I want to, I can get up from this computer and go explore the building.” So I do.

      I'm still in the library, because that's where that computer is. It's near a second-story interior passageway that's open and more like a balcony, overlooking the ground floor of the library. I follow the passageway over to where it ends in a flight of stairs going down, then descend the stairs, holding on to the handrails the entire way to keep myself focused on and grounded in the dream, and to make sure it remains stable. It works. The whole time, I'm marveling at how the sensations of walking, descending stairs, and holding the handrails are exactly like they would be in reality. The stairs have handrails running up the middle of the steps, but they aren't parallel to the ones running up the sides of the stairs; they're at an angle, so I have to go through a narrow space between two handrails on the last few steps of the staircase. I say, “Why did I have to design these stairs this way?”

      I exit the building, and am outside on a dream version of my college campus. It's sunny and beautiful, and all the buildings are big and white and slightly old-fashioned
      [in real life, most of them are various shades of brown, tan, or orange, and none of them date back further than the 1940s]. Also, the St. Louis Arch and another, light-brown arch with some words on it in black, marking the entrance to some area, are there. [I can't remember what the words said now, but there were two of them, they were the name of the area, and they both started with S.] I go, “Ahhh, it's so good to be here.”

      I notice that the beach, with its light-colored, soft sand, is down at the bottom of the cliff. I decide to try something. I think to myself, “When I close my eyes and turn around, I'm going to be standing on that beach down there.” I close my eyes, turn around in a circle (not too fast), and then open them again. I'm now on the beach, not quite at the exact spot I had been shooting for, but pretty close. “It worked!” I say aloud.

      I stand on the beach for a moment, but the waves suddenly start coming up really close to the cliff, so there's not enough dry sand left to stand on. I decide to spin around again to go somewhere else, but this time, I'm thinking, “Just take me wherever.”

      [In retrospect, that wasn't a very good idea.] I end up on the porch of an old, slightly spooky-looking house made of wooden boards, that seems to be floating on the ocean. It's not abandoned, though – there is a couple living in it. Also, I now have a friend with me – no one I know in real life, just a random, unnamed female dream character.

      I look out from the porch to the east at the surrounding landscape and see a world that is ending. The sky is filled with thick, solid black clouds, with streaks of bright red and orange here and there because the sun is rising behind them. The entire landscape is flooded, and a jumble of disconnected buildings stick out of the water here and there. Some of them are on fire, some are falling apart, and one is being ruled over by some sort of dictator, whose enormous figure I can see looming over the building and gesturing with his arms in a way that means “work, you miserable peons!”

      The couple who live in the house we're at start talking to me and my friend. They say that we have to get back to safety by sailing back the way we came. I think, “But we didn't sail here! We teleported!” I don't say so, though.
      [I don't know why not. Either I didn't get a chance to say anything, or I didn't want her to know about my newfound teleportation abilities, I'm not sure.]

      [From this point forward, my recall is a little less clear in that I remember all the scenes, but none of the transitions or connections between them.]

      The next thing I remember is facing away from the house toward the west, where there is a sort of path leading away from the house, but it's made up of a bunch of vines (or tree roots?). I try to get to the other end of the path by spinning around and closing my eyes again, but this time it doesn't work at all. I say, “Okay, if we can't do that, we'll just get there the hard way,” and start climbing over the vines.

      Somehow, I end up on the deck of a ship, and there are waves coming up onto the deck I'm on, over and through the metal railing to my left. One of them doesn't look very big (it's about the same height as the railing), but it breaks right on the deck I'm on, tilting the ship over but not capsizing it.

      The next thing I know, my friend and I are being escorted through the flooded landscape in a boat. There is a tank-like, armored boat with lots of guns in front of our boat, and another one behind ours. I take it they're there for our protection, but I quickly figure out that they're mostly just there for intimidation, and they're not even doing a very good job of that. There are lots of dangerous things trying to attack us, including exploding police cars, but we and our boat are passing through all of them as if they were air. What's really protecting us is a magic spell, one which, I know in the dream, comes from the Incarnations of Immortality universe.

      I'm on foot, indoors, running away from something. I run into what appears to be a bathroom. I wonder if the protection spell is still holding now that I'm off the boat.

      [I'm not entirely sure whether these last two scenes were in this order, or the reverse order:]

      I'm a student sitting in a classroom, on the first day of school. All the other student seats are full of preteen or teenage Japanese girls, but the teacher is white. She explains that all we'll do in her class is make these little hat/hair accessory things out of tissue paper, which must be very trendy, because many of the girls are wearing them in their hair.

      I'm standing on some rocks in the ocean, near the beach. I'm still lucid, so I think, “Okay! Text-messaging! Task of the month!” I go to take my phone out of my pocket, but then think, “No, better not do that here – I don't want to get my phone wet.”

      Woke up and was delighted to have had another lucid dream. While thinking back over it, I laughed out loud at that last part – I was concerned about my phone getting wet? It wasn't even my real phone! :-D Then again, I realized that that makes sense: my dream cell phone would have been just as damaged by dream water as my real one would be by real water. After all, that's what I expect will happen when cell phones get wet.



      Last night, I listened to about half of my binaural beats file at the beginning of the night, did a five-minute WBTB, did a lot of MILD affirmation and visualization both when I first went to bed and when I was going back to sleep after the WBTB, and had a new cardboard-square bracelet, one made with a smaller square of thicker cardboard than my first one, on my wrist the entire time. Something helped me have a really good, long lucid dream. I don't know what. How very unscientific of me, I know. I'm sorry, everybody.

      On a more positive note, I'm getting a little better at this! I had more lucidity than ever before this time, and I thought about and actively tried out some dream control techniques while in the dream. I've moved out of the “what is this new world?!” phase now, and into a phase that can be characterized by these thoughts: “Okay, I get the idea of what lucid dreams are, but how do I shot web?” That is, I'm just starting to learn to use those dream control abilities. It was one thing to read about the spinning scene-change/teleportation ability, but as with most skills, now that I've done it for myself, I truly understand what it's like. Note to self, though: I should never spin around to transition to a new scene without first deciding what the new scene should be, because if I let it be random, I may not like what I get.

      Updated 10-18-2010 at 09:34 PM by 37356 (oops, forgot to make two links)

      dream fragment , side notes , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , task of the month
    3. Born to be WILD... Kinda.

      by , 10-18-2010 at 08:47 PM
      Boy howdy, I sure am adept at doing WILD techniques... But only when I'm already asleep! >:/ I'm wondering if there's a specific term for doing a WILD in a dream, or if it's considered a straight up DILD. Either way, this makes my second dreaming WILD.

      Barring the details of my non-lucid (Fairly uninteresting, snowy street, jammed VCR I unjam, a movie with Leonardo DiCaprio.) I basically fall asleep in my dream and WILD. Though not as cleverly disguised as my first dream WILD, I still think how I can check that off on my October goal... At least for a moment, I realize fairly quickly after becoming lucid that I just dream WILDed. Anyway, I go through the motions of a WILD. Vague images, sudden feeling of acceleration, for a moment, I see a faint image of my kitchen and think that's where I'll be going in my dream.

      Instead, I find myself just falling through a dark cloudy sky completely lucid. I wasn't scared at all (In fact, I can count on one hand how many times, total, I've been scared since keeping a dream journal, and all 3 are jump scares.). First thing I do is try to spin and change scenery, of course repeating I'm lucid, I'm dreaming, etc. Doesn't work, I notice my glasses are about to falloff from the wind of falling, I grab them and realize "I'm dreaming! I don't even need them!" my vision blurs every slightly but becomes clear again shortly after letting them go.

      I try spinning again, maneuvering my hands in a way that would make me spin as I fell (I always fell feet first, and never looked up or down.). It works and i laugh joyfully as it does, i then think of stopping my decent by hovering, and slowly I do. I talk myself into it "Just slow things down...", honestly, it was very calming. Eventually I stop, and notice the sky has a very bright crescent moon, and it looks like it's on a giant dark blue wall in the distance.

      I say to myself "Alright Zed, get ready for some dreaming.".

      I then wake up. >;( I try to DEILD back into the dream like last time, but it doesn't work. (I suspect I was only in the void last time when I DEILDed back into my dreams.) Again, noticing the absolute dryness of my mouth. In total, I think I was lucid... Maybe a couple minutes? Certainly longer than my first dreaming WILD, but still not what I'd consider a 'Lucid dream'.

      Still, it was interesting feeling the sensation of falling like that.

      Updated 10-23-2010 at 08:57 AM by 37097

    4. Night of 10/17 - Why can I stay in my dream??

      by , 10-18-2010 at 08:25 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      I'm really back on track with the whole lucid thing Only problem which stays is that I wake up after realizing I'm dreaming.

      Vividness: 4/5
      Hours of sleep: 7.6h

      I'm in an hotel. I'm on a some kind of holiday. It's already evening and I'm exhausted. I go to bed and try too sleep. But I can't. It's to hot insides I'm sweating. I finally get out of my bed and I decide to leave the hotel. I open the door and I'm outsides. It's sunrise. There is a bus and my car. I meet someone and he says to me, that I have to pick someone up in the city, where my university is and drive him somewhere to France.
      I don't pay really attention. I'm in a bad mood. I just go in my car and drive away. While driving I'm wondering how I have to drive to get at the right place. I realize that it's impossible to go at this place so I drive to somewhere else.
      In front of me are a few skyscrapers. They look really weird: They have terraces on the top and the buildings form a gigantic pyramid. Each roof-top is connected to another one and at the top of the highest building, there is a huge statue.
      Suddenly I'm flying, but outside my car. I sit on a pillow. It flies higher and higher gets nearly to the highest building. I want to catch one of the hundreds stairs on a roof-top, but my pillow flies away without me.
      I start to fall. I get a strange feeling. I feel that I'm lying on something, although there isn't anything. I realize that it's impossible for me to fly in real life and that it's unrealistic that I'm falling from the sky. I'm glad that I realize it, because I had begun to panic a bit because I'm falling from so high.
      BUT everything gets directly dark and I awake

      I have my eyes closed. I start to imagine to fly in a rocket and I'm saying in my head: "You gonna re-enter your dream and you will manage to stay lucid". I repeated it several times.
      BUT something strange happens: I suddenly hear my brother's voice in my head. It says: "That isn't going to work!". I began arguing with this voice who came from my subconscious. I thought : Shut the f*ck up !"
      I' m in a completely other place. I'm in a late night show. I don't realize that I'm dreaming and simply listen to the speaker. He's explaining how it's possible that people think that Michael Jackson is still alive.

      The End.
      Don't forget to KEEP IT UP!
      lucid , memorable
    5. Frag(s) for the day

      by , 10-18-2010 at 07:45 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was at a bar, and my cousin was talking to about some stuff. She wouldn't shut up. I was trying to get these pickled eggs from a jar, but every time I put one on my plate, one would fall off. It was like I couldn't have five on a plate. I threw it away, and she was asking about the ribs that were in the trash, and I told her that someone dropped them, and they were old or something.

      I also briefly remember being in town during Christmas. I wasn't physically there, i was just sort of gliding through the streets....looking at the lights.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Moving in circles

      by , 10-18-2010 at 07:41 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember jogging a whole lot. Upstairs downstairs, through crowds, through buildings, and offices. I even bumped into an old battle buddy I haven't seen in forever. We chit chatted mid job, and eventually went two directions. I told her "we should hang out sometime".

      I also remember running the opposite direction of this crowd. Some of them were talking crap, but it didn't matter. I got to a point where I had to slow down because the area was almost like a choke point.
    7. Blood thirsty vampires

      by , 10-18-2010 at 03:49 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning. I don't know if it was because I worried about not getting up when the alarm went off, or if it was because the curtains were down, but I didn't sleep very well. There were lights on the roof in different shapes and I woke up several times thinking they had a meaning and something like that... Atleast I recalled one dream.

      04.30: Vampires
      I'm on the roof of some kind of bus, going through a poor neighbourhood. There are people in the streets, walking around like zombies in ragged clothes, eyes red. I can hear a voice from somewhere, telling me the story of this place. "The vampires have gone to the limit in search of blood, and they have to sell most of their possessions to even get a few drops"

      Apparently I've ended up in the "Daybreakers" world, where most humans are extinct. I crouch and try not to be seen while the bus drives on through the slum. We arrive at a large gate and I decide to get off. I jump off the bus and end up behind a bunch of computer screens, standing on some tables next to the gate. I sit there for a while, watching people walk by when a girl my age spots me. "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you" I notice her eyes are red but apparently not all vampires with red eyes are bad.

      We chat for a while and she's really nice. Suddenly three guys walk up to her and ask her what she's doing. Apparently one of them is her boyfriend and he's pissed. I don't hesitate for a second and jump them, slaying them all in the blink of an eye. I don't know how I got a sword but I cut down a whole bunch of them before someone grabs my arm. The dream starts destabilizing. A group of people stand before me, my vampire-slaying friends. I feel kinda psychotic and laugh. "Relax..." one of them tells me. "I only feel alive when the adrenaline is pumping" I tell them.

      Amount of sleep: 8 hours

      Food before bed: 100 mg B6. 2 Omega-3 pills.

      That's it. Pretty cool dream but not very vivid in the end where I started killing. I'm glad it wasn't because I don't really enjoy doing it. It's still pretty cool!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    8. Incubus

      by , 10-18-2010 at 03:30 PM
      At the first the dream had nothing to do with me. I was watching a man at nighttime that damn near drowned in a bayou. He was tearing up a rotted dock in his attempts to get to land - and eventually he made it. He laid there, spluttering and gasping as he rested half-in, half-out of the water. I also saw the shadows that rose up out of the water and towered over him silently. Around seven foot, heavily muscled, and it had horns. I didn't know how I knew, but I knew it was an incubus. The man turned around - and was about to scream before the shadows converged on him and it entered his body.

      Then the dream switched to me, and I walked outside, trying to find out what the source of a odd noise was. I'd just stepped to the rotted dock to find it unoccupied - until somebody grabbed me from behind and threw me down on the ground. The man was there, red eyes staring at me as he smiled. Then he raped me.


      A few weeks later, I avoided his place like the plague, not wanting to admit what had happened between us. He was supposed to get married in two weeks. I started to feel sick, so I decided to go to the doctor's, though I already knew what had happened. Somehow I'd gotten pregnant from the encounter. As I sat in the counselor's office, I impatiently twiddled with my fingers and kept absolutely to myself.

      The demon inside of him seemed to know what I wanted to do, for it impersonated the advisor I was about to see, but another counselor was supposed to be in the room with him. His plan half-failed right then and there.

      I go in, sit down, and both of them give me a small phamplet with some questions. Namely, can you take care of a baby, are your parents supportive, blah blah blah. There were nine of them. I circled NO for 7.

      At this, the Incubi got mad that I was going to get my way, and he turned to violence. He followed me upstairs and began to throw people through windows, break down doors looking for me. I hid behind a small alcove, watching the man with red eyes rant and rave about how I'd lied to him. How I'd willingly bedded him in an attempt to ruin his marriage.

      That's when I saw his wife's car out in the parking lot.

      Taking a risk, I dashed out there and found her right as she was about to drive off. I told her everything in a hushed, hurried voice. I started to cry towards the middle of it, because even though none of it had really been my fault, I still felt guilty that this had happened.

      Though the wife just told me it would be okay, and she wasn't angry. He'd been acting different ever since that night on the dock, and it was only a matter of time before she found out what was causing it. She believed me. Then she stepped out of her car, her fiance stepped out of the clinic, and they were about to face off.

      I woke up right after that.
    9. Corrupt Police Rest Stop

      by , 10-18-2010 at 01:42 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      I'm driving with my friend Z., and we pull over to a rest stop to chill and get gas. As one of us is pumping the gas, a policeman comes over and asks to see our identification. When we show him, he gets a serious look on his face and tells us we need to come with him. I know I haven't done anything wrong, so I make some excuse about needing to dig around in the car for a bit and then floor the accelerator. We engage on an epic chase sequence through rolling green countryside, and eventually I manage to shake him by doubling back at a turn.

      I head to another police station and report the activity. The officer there takes me seriously and hauls the other one in for questioning. He uncovers a whole ring of corruption where officers drive people out to the middle of deserts, take their money, and leave. The dream shifts to an explanation of the charges and the whole conspiracy before I wake.
      Tags: cars, desert, police
    10. talk with my girlfriends dad

      by , 10-18-2010 at 01:27 PM
      First thing i can recall is just being released from jail and being extremley hungry. I ate a ton of food at some junky restraunt then went and got high with some friends. Later i text my girlfriend at home in my room and said my usual goodnight. She replied with "fuck you fagot, i know what you said to shane" Im like fucking great whad shane do this time? I called shane nd he said i told him i was with my girl friend on saturday, which fucked him over because he told his parents he was with me, which wasnt possible cause my girlfriends parents who were cops told his parents that he was at something else. Might have been my fualt might now anyway so i get a call from my gf as soon as i angirly through my fone under the bed. (told my self in dream once i throw my fone under the bed its gunna ring) and i expected i would have to make an apolagy speech to get her back. It was her dad on the fone who like i said was a cop and two time heavy weight golden gloves boxer, true statment, and told me he was coming over in five. He showed up in like one second nd I did most of the talking in my room. Turns out he was a good listner and let me explain my side of the story which i really just bullshited cause i didnt no what my side of the story was. I wish i new how i ofended my gf nd my dream explained it better but im still clue les nd shes stil pised of in real life. Anyway the room started to morph and i remember being at a really fancy wedding dinner on some football field and i was just pigging out infront of her father. Like i had like 5 plates of steak and mash potatoes. I told him that i just got out of jail and was hungry. He laughed taking it as a joke. Then my friend cody showed up and the three of us sat at the table watching a firework show overthe field .I said this must be an expensive wedding wow. Later my world morphed back to my room and i was in my bed and the dad was about to leave and said thanks man for coming over i had a fun time, like we just ended a date or somethan. I asked cody what i should do and he said walk him to the door. I was but naked so i but on some shorts and now there was some black dude standing in my hallway. I figured it was her other dad but now realize wtf my girlfriends 100 percent cockasian. I woked both of em almost to the door and the dream ended
    11. Stolen computer; Huge SUV limo

      by , 10-18-2010 at 11:51 AM
      Dream #1

      I was in a big house. The house was set up so that it stretched along narrowly. I don't know where any of the rooms were, The place just seemed like one big corridor.

      The house was dim, with perhaps only one light in the place, and that a dullish, watery fluorescent light.

      I had left my bookbag on the floor, probably strewn with a lot of other stuff that wasn't mine, like blankets. I now came back to my bookbag to discover that my laptop was missing from it.

      There were a bunch of kids in the house. They were all pre-teens, maybe not even 10 years old. I don't think I ever actually saw them. But I was pretty sure they had stolen my computer.

      I ran all through the house in panic. I was looking for my mom, who was apparently in charge of the kids or who had done something like take them into her house out of kindness. I figured my mom could make the kids give me my computer back.

      But I was also looking through some other backpacks that were lying on the floor, strewn in with a bunch of other stuff, like blankets. I thought I might just find my laptop and take it back.

      I was really angry now. I was running at an unbelievable speed. I could tell it was lightning and thundering outside.

      I wondered what would happen if I beat up the little kids. But I figured it would be no use. I wouldn't get my laptop back through violence.

      I also wondered if there were some kind of buzzer device on it, like for car keys, where you can press a button and make your laptop buzz until you locate it. Or a device where you could track where your laptop was through GPS to catch the people who stole it. But I knew I hadn't gotten any features like that.

      I ran through a bunch of junk and overturned furniture. I was now back at the front of the house. I was in a little, dark area near the front door.

      Near me, my mom's ex-boyfriend J was working at a desk underneath a half-toppled mattress. He told me he understood my frustration.

      I may have been standing on another mattress or between a could of half-standing mattresses. I said, "It's not the expense of the computer so much as--" I started shouting, "I had all my writing on that thing! How am I supposed to get all my writing back?!"

      Dream #2

      I was walking along a sidewalk at night. The sky was dark blue. I felt like I was in some country area, but I must have been in a big city, because there were lights around me like on a big, Fifth Avenue building.

      I walked up to a huge SUV limo from behind. I then walked alongside its driver's side. The SUV limo had a light brown or dark beige color, with glitter-like flecks in it. Its windows looked weird: slim, long, and completely black and seamless. The SUV also seemed to have no doors.

      I felt nervous all of the sudden. I had a feeling that some law or authority figure was going to try to get me in trouble for being near the SUV.

      But I also had a feeling that I was here for a meeting, and that some high-up work associates of mine were in or near this SUV.

      I was now with one of these associates, whom I could not see (I also have no idea who it would be). We walked back toward the back of the SUV.

      As we did, one of the windows opened, revealing my old boss and friend E inside. I said, in a happy, "cool dude" kind of voice, "Hey! E!" I immediately felt I shouldn't have been so easygoing, that I should have shown him some respect, because he was so rich now.

      My work-associate and I were now both standing before something I can't quite get, logistically. It was like the side of the SUV, but it was also like the inside of a building.

      E was inside. He pointed out a couple of small, cubby-hole-looking things. He said these were rooms. One was for him, and one was for his wife (who sat in an SUV seat, only a couple feet away from E).

      E then displayed a chest full of amenities he had been given by this "hotel." The chest looked like an entire drug store. There was so much stuff. But E seemed to be singling out only two trial-size tubes of toothpaste. I also seemed to be impressed that this "hotel" would give you trial-size tubes of toothpaste.
    12. Just pay your eye doctor with...

      by , 10-18-2010 at 08:58 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      October 15, 2010

      Just pay your optometrist in meth (DILD)
      The furthest back that I can recall, I was making a whack of purchases that I knew I shouldn't be making because I'm tight on hours this month. But regardless, I was buying, and I was paying outright - not using the good old credit card (it was conveniently missing from my wallet when I checked for it).

      I decided to go glasses frame shopping (something I need to do IWL, soon), because now seemed like a great time to be making expensive purchases

      I went around to a few different stores, trying on frames. I wanted something specific. Thick frames with a red tint to them. I wasn't finding anything, and they all looked rather horrible on me.

      I went to this one last place, where its so expensive that the staff actually makes an effort to remember your name. And they knew me, so I guess I've been there, before. I told them I'm just frames-shopping, because my prescription is out of date. They set up an optometrist appointment for me.

      Then, I was sitting in a room with a DC-friend, admiring his dark green, shoulder-length hair. He had some plastic bags and a bottle of pills and told me I could just pay my optometrist in meth. I thought he was joking, and asked, "Hah, but you're not serious, right? That's not really meth!"

      "No, it is," he assured me, oblivious to the ludicrousness of the idea. He probably does some himself.

      "We can't give my optometrist meth!!" I exclaimed.

      So we gave it to someone else. Some rich adversary living in the imposing mansion on the top of the hill (kinda like Mr. Burns' accommodations in the Simpsons). The dream switched to the adversary's point of view, and he's holding the bag, talking to his accomplice. He knows what it is, and devices a plot to use it back on us. Invite us over for dinner and ground it up into our food.

      Back to me, and I was aware of his plan. But I was also alone now, riding a bike down a forest path, away from the mansion. It also occurred to me that Mamoru (I randomly decided to call the DC that, I guess) was still back at the mansion. "He's probably been taken prisoner, I need to go back and save him!" I stopped at the bottom of the path and looked up towards the mansion, and the arduous up-hill path to get back up there. "Good thing this is just a dream, so I can just fly back up there." (Got to love those "I only became lucid so I wouldn't have to walk back up a hill" realizations!)

      I transformed, and pushed off the ground. I was in the Eternal Sailor Moon form, which has wings, so flying wasn't an issue at all. I saw guards patrolling the grounds. This one chick, all in blue (a sorcerer of some sort) saw me, and flew up to me. She tried to bind me, using my own sailor uniform : I un-transformed, so she lost her advantage, re-transformed quickly, and blasted her with one of my weapons (the eternal tier, but I didn't use a power-name. Just as well, the power names got long and ridiculous sounding in Sailor Stars). I located the room Mamo-chan should be in, and went through the window...
      woke up.
    13. Babies in beaches

      by , 10-18-2010 at 08:33 AM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      18-10-10 I am at a beach and there is a very young kid, this kid belongs to one of my friends and she is panicking whenever he enters the water. This is understandable though as he cannot swim. He runs into the water and my cousin and I rush after him with the woman screaming in the background. My cousin only gets his green hat, and I dive into to pick up the kid and get him up. I ask him why he runs into the water when he knows it can kill him. He replies that I am always there to pick him up, to which I respond that I will and cannot possibly be for the entire future. I then start jumping down logically organised plateaus of different depths of water on the beach to find something that will be ideal for the boy.

      Something about coordinating travel in a tropical house with my family present.
      dream fragment
    14. Fighting with a table leg

      by , 10-18-2010 at 07:24 AM (Delenn's dream journal)
      My dreaming was pretty intense.

      At one point I was in a bed. There's a female with me, a friend, I think. I cannot see. Then I am aware of several males around me. They are pinching me, hard. I do not like it. I squirm away. I know that the female friend has arranged this. I am betrayed. Somehow I can see again. I am angry. The friend says something like, "Come on, it's not like was going to let them rape you or something." I have the leg of a chair. I start whacking people in the head and neck. I succeed in hitting some of them and they all go away.

      Not sure what quite happened next.

      This may be a separate dream-- not sure -- but then I was with 2 friends, one in a wheel chair. We are trying to find a car. One large white sedan appears.. it has three seats across the front, plenty of room. But when we get in it later it only has 2 seats.

      Something significant about the first part of the dream is that I fought people and actually landed blows, and perhaps even won the fight. Usually when I am fighting I can't land a punch or other blow, and I definitely lose the fight.

      I also remember detail about the table leg I used-- it was similar to the legs of the small chairs from my mom's house. Tan color, with rounded ridges. Maybe 18 inches long.

      There were 5 males and 1 female (the friend).

      I didn't recognize any of them from my waking life. I don't remember much about what they looked like, actually.

      Updated 10-19-2010 at 08:07 PM by 32584

    15. Jessica Alba

      by , 10-18-2010 at 06:45 AM (Zerk's DJ)
      no date on this one. I was progressing through my normal day and decided to take a 30 minute nap. I went into sleep paralysis and stayed awake as my dream begun.

      I was lying in my bed and something felt different. I heard some one saying, it's okay don't open your eyes. It was as if they knew I felt something was off. So of course I opened my eyes and standing up next to my bed was my friend buck and a clone of him. I stared at him for a minute and realized I was lucid without even checking my hands. The first thing I thought of doing was getting buck out of my room. I said " get out of my room." After continued attempts of trying to get buck out of my room I decieded to kill his clone. ( I think I did a mortal combat move on him and it had something to do with his stomach, I don't play mortal combat.) After the clone was dead my friend was scared so he ran way. I thought to my self "I'm lucid what do I want to do" The first thing that popped into my head was Jessica Alba. I closed my eyes and tried picturing her so she would appear. When I opened my eyes she was definitely their and naked. I started looking at her feet like a movie shot slowly going up. Things looked great till I got to her face, she didn't have one! Their was just skin. No nose, No mouth, just skin covering her face. The shock was so great it woke me up.