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    1. “You Can’t Die” (Kittens in a Blanket and a Tornado)

      by , 08-07-1979 at 02:07 PM
      Morning of August 7, 1969. Thursday.

      I am in the backyard of my Cubitis home at some time during late morning. The sun is shining and the weather seems fine overhead. However, to the east, beyond the railroad tracks and the expansive farmland, is a tornado, heading straight towards my home. In the area farther out towards the tracks and where we usually burn rubbish in real life, is what looks like an old worn plaid blanket (which is dirty and with a few holes) within the unburnt trash and ashes. There are at least six or seven recently born kittens on the blanket squirming around, a few noticeably calico. I do not know where they came from, but they seem to be my responsibility. There is an ambiguous awareness of being indoors looking down at a bed, even though I am also aware of being outside in a different location at the same time.

      “You can’t die,” I say fairly softly and mournfully (though without any perceived personal worry), hearing my own young voice very clearly and vividly. I plan to take them from the area with no thought of anything else. I am almost lucid, but slowly wake.

      Understanding the dream state and the biological nature of RAS mediation will help in understanding a dream’s real meaning to rise above the erroneous concept of “interpretation” in the popular misuse of the term. There are obvious clues here.

      Firstly, a tornado is a common dream feature for me, not always threatening, and was validated in childhood to be, at the mundane level (though there is also the spiritual association regarding the Merkaba), autosymbolism based on the naturally ambiguous dynamics of the vestibular system loosely associated with the dizziness of spinning even when this is not a direct factor, though of course avoiding a tornado is related to avoiding the faux vertigo of liminal space. This means that my dream self has a subliminal awareness of being in the dream state. What are some other clues? The kittens in the blanket are another clue. A blanket being rendered means I am probably subliminally aware I am asleep (without my conscious self identity being within the dream state itself).

      Additionally, saying “You can’t die” is another dream state indicator from “If I die before I wake”, from a “prayer” that I never even considered uttering at any point in my childhood (even though some children supposedly utter this “prayer” prior to sleep, but what kind of a parent would allow this, I cannot even imagine it), though I had heard about it around the time of this dream. Thank goodness I was born into a family that did not practice such a grim ritual.

      Updated 04-18-2018 at 08:01 PM by 1390

      Tags: kittens, tornado
    2. "The Flying Saucer"

      by , 07-19-1979 at 04:05 PM
      Morning of July 19, 1969. Saturday.

      This dream, looking over notes and doing a bit more research, seems to have been influenced by the following real-life events and associations:

      1. “The Day the Earth Stood Still” (original movie from 1951).

      2. Visits to a parking lot near a store at an early age (not sure where, somewhere near Port Charlotte, I think) where an elephant would perform tricks near our car. It terrified me when I was much younger, but as I got a older, the fear subsided. My mother had said that I had yelled for them (my parents) to roll up the windows of the car when we first went there when I was really young. An older sister still has photographs of these events.

      3. Movies in the earlier grades in school about Pompeii and volcanoes in general. My wife said she had dream influences from such movies as well. I dreamed of volcanoes fairly often during my early years and once in real life, was startled by a sudden hailstorm which I thought was lava and volcanic rocks pouring down on our roof (this was a few years after this entry’s dream) and so I ran and hid in the closet until I realized what it was. Due to the fact that there was a large rutted metal section as the roof over most of our carport, it was really loud.

      4. The “Uhny Uftz” episode of “The Dick Van Dyke Show”, first seen September 29, 1965.

      Contrary to what my dreams sometimes presented, I was never alone in a car at an early age.

      My dream begins with my becoming aware of being in the middle of my backyard and assuming it is Sunday, late morning, perhaps around ten. A shadow appears on the ground, which is perfectly round, moving southward over our neighbor’s house. Perhaps it is a cloud, but perhaps not, so I go inside. I get a very vague sense of a “poisonous cloud”. Inside, in the living room, a man on a news report is talking rather unemotionally about a flying saucer having been sighted.

      I am slightly lucid, so I decide that I will take control for a time and visit Brenda W, a female classmate who lives north of me. We go back to my house and I notice the news reader is still talking about the flying saucer and some sort of (I think) toxic gas or some such. Brenda is laughing because when the man is speaking on the television, certain things he is saying seem to be going on outside in the backyard at the same time as each spoken reference (round shadow, flashing light, strange hum…).

      Later, Brenda seems to have gone home and I am seriously annoyed at this, as I want to spend the day playing with her (more like “playing house” even though I was quite young at the time). I decide to go back to her house. Soon, though, the round shadow appears on the ground, but I do not really look up. I start walking faster and faster, first trying to hide under trees, but eventually I start running and turn to go south towards town where there may be bigger and safer buildings and more people - and I have a vague idea that Brenda may also have gone there instead of going home.

      Amazingly, I run so fast and “perfectly” that I manage to run straight down the wall of a gulley, then turning about at fully ninety degrees upright again, treading effortlessly and swiftly over the surface of the deeper stream - only lightly splashing the surface, and turning my entire body again at ninety degrees and going straight up the wall on the other side - and then continue on as if nothing strange had happened, my only concern being that I had wasted a few seconds by not running in a straight, horizontal path!

      Eventually I am in town (Arcadia) and I do not notice any people around. Even though it seems to be the weekend, I notice a few cars in the elementary school’s parking lot and think it may be a meeting of the teachers - or perhaps a few alarmed people did not know where else to go for safety.

      I notice that the flying saucer seems to be landing, so I go to duck down near a car (but do not yet get into the car). It lands and looks just like the spacecraft from “The Day the Earth Stood Still”. The “door” of the flying saucer opens and…as I start to climb into the front seat of the car to hide…

      Out walks a large elephant…

      The elephant lifts its trunk straight into the air and out sprays a massive amount of lava and volcanic rocks. I jump into the car, but I notice the volcanic rocks quickly stacking up over the front window of the car (almost in “fast motion” animation) and so…it is the end of everything.
    3. Never Go to Waikiki Again

      by , 07-05-1979 at 01:05 PM
      Morning of July 5, 1969. Saturday.

      I go to Waikiki in Hawaii, or so it seems (I had not been there in real life). However, it is seemingly called “Waikikiki” in my dream (unless that came from a musical repetition of the last syllable) and is more like an island on its own (perhaps it is a play on “Waikiki Key” as with the Florida Keys). As my dream is ending, mostly seemingly in hypnopompia, a slower fictional song comes into play as I wake (though came back in a later “reset” version of my dream), which seems to be a warning for tourists not to cause problems for the local wildlife, though more as self-advice rather than receiving the message from elsewhere. It is sung (by a group of men and women, though in my own young voice in one version) as “Neh-ver go…to the EYE-eye-land…of Wah-ka-KEE-kee again!” The tune is fairly simple and I have included the sheet music here. Curiously, this totally fictional song replayed in my head every now and then for years after (even more than actual commercial music) and I can still imagine it now fairly accurately.

      My dream is quite long but mostly involves just exploring the landscape, such as riding in an open train car (that reminds me of a roller coaster car though it does not have challenging events during the trip) and seeing a pterodactyl and nonthreatening volcano. Parts of the region I visit are seemingly “still” prehistoric, or it may be related to the train itself that goes through certain areas and goes through time. The Smothers Brothers are there planning to kill or knock out a triceratops for posterity (or perhaps because they feel threatened by it). However, the triceratops charges at them near boxes of dynamite near a cave and everything blows up as they gawk in fear, side by side, prior to their end…I wake just prior to the implied moment of impact but also get an impression of a cartoon-like jagged “ka-boom” balloon.

      I now think that it is likely that this last scene was influenced from a “Road Runner” cartoon (where Wile E. Coyote is hit by a train) though I cannot be certain if that was the sole influence here. I did not really much care for the Smothers Brothers routines (and did not like Rowan and Martin either) so this is probably a form of wish fulfillment at one level. (I only watched their shows because of the guests they had on.)

      Updated 08-03-2015 at 03:25 PM by 1390

    4. Lupus and Lee

      by , 06-02-1979 at 12:02 PM
      Morning of June 2, 1979. Saturday.

      This is a much longer, almost movie-like dream in some ways. The main idea is that I have two very friendly and faithful pet wolves. They are both males (perhaps twin males), I assume, and their names are Lupus and Lee. They save me from problematic events a few times, sometimes from just standing around, based on how potentially trouble-making people react to their presence. At one point, I am in the hospital, which seems like some sort of “replay” of when I had the surgery on my right hand back in 1976. They somehow end up in my room in the hospital and I eventually leave with them a bit earlier than I am supposed to, I think, but I am very healthy later on, and for some reason, apparently had recovered more quickly from being out of the hospital sooner.

      They save me from drowning when higher waves rush in when I “fall asleep” on an isolated beach. They are even allowed to be on a city bus and travel with me at one point. Their presence is very vivid and “realistic” and even though I feel like my “true self”, the unlikelihood of having two pet wolves never dawns on me.

      There is a seemingly unrelated scene with my best friend making a response of why he supposedly does not have to listen to the teacher. This is the ninth grade class we actually went to (northwest corner of the main high school building), and my last full year of public school. His reply to her is “Because my father is Lucas Taylor, that’s why”. (This was actually not his father’s name in real life.)

      This is a time period where I had first begun to find it curious that dogs had usually been more threatening in dreams than wolves and coyotes. In this particular dream, it seems that Lupus and Lee will be my companions and helpers for life - the idea seems very clear and almost like a long-term false memory (even for a brief time after waking).
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. House Fire Rescue

      by , 05-19-1979 at 08:47 PM
      Morning of May 19, 1969. Monday.

      My best friend Toby T and I rescue Brenda W (a female friend and classmate) from a burning building in Arcadia. (There does not seem to be any back story - my dream seems to start as we are already grabbing Brenda and fleeing the scene without the otherwise extensive fire being very close to us.)

      As we are running, the scene becomes very vivid (about as vivid as a dream can get - but it is then as if I am seeing myself from in front of the scene, I on her right, Toby on her left - we both have a strange look of surprise on our faces when kissed, though my expression seems happier than Toby’s, his being more of a confused nature). She kisses us both on the cheek as we are running and holding her arms, saying “You boys are wonderful!” (the sound being very clear and vivid here) I clearly see both her left and right profiles during this time as my dream becomes lucid but only upon awakening. (Fire has a tendency to increase both vividness and sometimes lucidity - its glow actually “lighting up” the dream in most cases.)

      Although it seems to be a wooden house and slightly like Brenda’s, it also seems we are in the southwest area of the West Elementary school grounds, the house being farther northwest as we flee towards the southeast where the playground is in reality. (The actual area is not that open or expansive.) This is the original dream journal title from age eight (which was never changed when copying to newer journal pages).

      In real life, Brenda lived north of me on Highway Seventeen in Cubitis; not in Arcadia as here in-dream. This time period had me more closely thinking of the different types of dream perspectives, such as the unusual differences between dream sections where you are fully in-body (such as how this started out) to either where you see yourself (as if disembodied) or not directly “in” the dream at all. This dream was possibly influenced by the fact that there was a very large house fire just north of my home, though not near Brenda’s house. Brenda was later validated as a common stand-in archetype for the (precise precognitive) “mystery girl” (wife-to-be), also included in “mystery girl” three-way composites. Here, however, there is nothing significant to indicate or validate her status as such. This dream also occurred before she ever kissed me in real life (she never kissed Toby as far as I know), though I certainly would not call that precognitive.
      Tags: fire, kissing, rescue
    6. The Girl in Black

      by , 04-09-1979 at 05:13 PM
      Morning of April 9, 1969. Wednesday.

      This is one of many recurring vivid and more defined dream types that “introduced” me to my soulmate long before it dawned on me that the majority of my dreams (the ones that were not immediately precognitive or remote-viewing composites or of certain other types and layers) were related intricately to my distant future. Although certain facets were established even before my wife-to-be was born, this was one of the clearest at this time. I suppose some would think it strange to dream of someone all their life, eventually discover that the person and all prior in-dream nuances and parallels were real, then actually “live the dream”. I have never cared what other people think of this reality of mine, especially as I have only seen deceit and distraction and “cop-out” mentality regarding the unexplained.

      This dream scene always took place in one of two areas of the West Elementary School playground. One area was near the north edge of the playground, about the middle section, and just west of the large banyan tree. The other area was more near the south end of the playground, just north of the seesaws.

      Other than I, the only other in-dream character was a mysterious dark-haired gypsy girl (seemingly of about seventeen to eighteen or so, no older than twenty) of an olive complexion who spoke with a very unusual accent, which was mixed ethnic (Romani) Hungarian and Australian - something I had never even actually heard in real life. Although she wore black she sometimes also wore pink. Her name was usually Susannah or sometimes Savannah (although that may be a perceived distortion). Later, I came to learn of the Hathor patterns and her actual maiden name and various seeming “codes” throughout history, one set related to the Vaudois, where at least one non-native ancestor was linked to.

      These dreams were different in that it often felt as if I was going to sleep within my dream itself (a rather odd awareness). I would be lying on the ground (as a child) and she would be stroking my hair and intoning “sleep…sleep”. She would usually be seated and facing west, my head (to the east) in her lap. She would “confide” in me and say that it would be a long time but that I would eventually live with her (she even said how she was only a baby at the time - which proved to be literal). Of course, I had different associations because I was not sure what this could mean, mostly due to her somewhat motherly nature at times (though she was not like my actual mother). I had been aware of this “mystery girl” before and her first presence was as the large green “animated” eyes only - the earlier Rose Street dreams (which I wrote of in older entries on one site). Also, a classmate and friend, Brenda W, became part of a composite archetype that also represented her in numerous dreams and parallel associations.

      The birthplace of this “mystery girl” (Port Kembla) was also directly inverted to my birthplace across the ocean in America. Event after event and “coincidence” after “coincidence”; even though I was aware of certain patterns, I was not aware of the more extreme Pascal-Triangle-like layers until after 1991.
    7. Television Adventure (On the Inside)

      by , 04-02-1979 at 10:02 AM
      Morning of April 2, 1979. Monday.

      I am seemingly back in Florida, somewhere near Lakeland (possibly the front central area of Southgate Shopping Center), with no memory of having moved back to Wisconsin. There is some sort of ability I have to give trees the ability to grab people or even grow larger and stretch horizontally to capture someone (briefly recurring event during this year). This is related to trying to escape from several unknown males; either gangsters or the authorities (uncertain of which). I know that I have done nothing wrong, but there is a vague association with someone I knew who became a killer. This in turn, with only partial memory, places me in a “maze” of trailers in a large trailer park. The “maze” is probably only about three (trailers) by six or seven, though.

      At one point, I have this strange “realization” that I should lead them into a television - and inside of it - to trap them within the television. This may work when used in combination with the trees blocking them or grabbing them and throwing them elsewhere.

      After a time, everything becomes less problematic. I find myself in a field, though I am aware there are still people around. I eventually notice strange “lines” (about nine feet long) floating in the air horizontally and seeming like lines on a television. There is a vague association with snow on a television (relative to static) in a possible link with Winter Haven (and even an odd uncomfortable link to “Heaven”).

      I am trying to gather my thoughts but something is not quite right. Static and horizontal distortions cannot exist in a real environment - only on television (or in the case of static, a radio as well). I become semi-lucid. I realize that I must somehow be “inside” a television that is on. I even hear more short bursts of static from an undefined direction and more lines in the air to confirm my suspicions. I am somewhat wary of remaining where I am - thinking that if someone turns off the television I may cease to exist. There is a “reset” and a false awakening, but I eventually “escape”.

      It seems to be that anyone (even a figure of authority) who spends too much time looking at a screen (without a real-life passionate relationship to ground them) will face a future of “static” and little else. Life is vision. Love is life. An older person without a meaningful relationship is like a mirror without a reflection. Plus, the horizontal hold is wack.

      Updated 08-17-2015 at 09:14 PM by 1390

    8. Sgt Carter Stalked by Killer Newspaper

      by , 03-08-1979 at 09:08 AM
      Morning of March 8, 1969. Saturday.

      Sgt Carter (played by Frank Sutton on “Gomer Pyle”, the television series) is aboard a small airplane (though unrealistically implied to be a jumbo jet) which looks more like the inside of a school bus (which is very typical of my dreams, even years later after I have actually been on airplanes). He is on the right side of my perspective (from the front of the “airplane” as I am “standing” and looking toward the back of the “airplane”) and perhaps on the second row back form the front. I seem to be disembodied or at least not interacting with the situation in any way, though it is not really like watching television because I am “there”.

      Frank is suspicious and nervous of a person behind him on the row to my left, probably the very last row. Apparently, the people on the airplane have just escaped the devastation caused by the blob (though the town was not really devastated in the real movie from 1958) and down below are big shadows and small fires, though the other people seem cheerful including an unknown businessman in glasses on the first row to my left. The blob has the ability to change into different things (also unlike the movie where it remained a gelatinous mass). What is first seen as a person reading a newspaper is possibly the blob…that is, the “newspaper” ready to devour that person. For a time he sits in his seat covered by the “newspaper” (which now seems more like a cloth blanket with a newspaper design printed on it), seeming somewhat like a “ghost” wearing a “sheet”, unmoving. Frank does not directly look at any point yet somehow seems aware of what is going on behind him.

      The scene is not resolved. Frank (as Sgt Carter) disappears but no explanation is given. The blanket/blob/newspaper, assuming it is “real”, may still be hungry, though it is quite small. For a time, it seems more like seats in a movie theater (though somehow ridiculously a “flying” movie theater - that is, the building with no implied wings) rather than on an airplane - then the “movie theater”/“airplane”/“school bus” is empty. Everything is quiet, though the newspaper is on the floor, fluttering, sticking out slightly to the right of the seat of the original “blanket man” (from my perspective). (From here, things go “frozen” for a time, then abstract hypnopompia.)

      Probable influences:

      “Peanuts” comic strips where Linus’s blanket is “alive” and attacks Lucy (cutout from 1965 and taped in a notepaper binder collected and owned by my mother)


      “Newspaper Blanket” by the Cowsills (I owned the 45 of; flip side of “Indian Lake”)


      the episode of “Gomer Pyle” where Sgt Carter acts this way on an airplane (heading towards a nervous breakdown, supposedly)


      the movie “The Blob” (1958 version)

      equals true weirdness via pop culture overkill perhaps. Being cruelly and surreptitiously dominated by entertainment has never really been my goal; just endless meticulous self-examination. It is good to discover the synthetic sources of your own imagination, or make that, the dream self’s “mind”, which does not even know an airplane from a bus.

      Updated 12-06-2015 at 01:20 PM by 1390

      Tags: airplane, blob
    9. “Are They Dead or Are They Alive?” (TV Game Show)

      by , 03-08-1979 at 09:08 AM
      Morning of March 8, 1969. Saturday.

      Curiously, this was a bit like one of those modern reality shows long before they existed, but I do not consider it precognitive. The in-dream fictional television game show (which is apparently titled “Are They Dead or Are They Alive?”) has a seemingly very gruesome premise yet also seems to relate to a genuine news story as well (possibly due to a dream “reset” or partial replay). In one version, there was eventually a newspaper that proclaimed the “victims” (Brenda W and I) being found alive (near the front of the castle).

      Brenda (a female classmate) and I are a part of I believe the first or one of the first episodes. A male announcer (or narrator) dramatically and slowly asks the viewing (television) audience…“Are they dead…or are they alive?” Brenda and I are held in a castle and there is some sort of vague awareness in the background relating to the “Dark Shadows” television series. Vaguely, there is an awareness of some sort of connection with Collinwood and D Hollingsworth, a male classmate whose name is only vaguely similar. Mostly, we are inside caskets (in two different faraway areas of the large halls) which cannot be opened from the inside, but oddly enough there is not the slightest nightmarish or threatening aspect, just the sense of annoyingly having to wait for someone or something. The “castle” seems at least partly modeled after our school (West Elementary).

      Brenda actually seems cheerful throughout (considering the circumstances of the setting), though there is not much interaction or eventful purpose to my dream, it seems. I seem to perceive myself from my own supposed perspective as a dream character as well as from another (camera view?) location at times. I am the one that somehow gets out and rescues Brenda, but we still seem to wander about in the halls, supposedly for days.

      Tags: castle, coffin
    10. Baby Volcano

      by , 02-20-1979 at 08:20 AM
      Morning of February 20, 1969. Thursday.

      Dream #: 794-05. Reading time: 52 sec.

      I am at West Elementary as an unseen incorporeal presence as my schoolmates do not acknowledge me. They sit on their knees near the east entrance of the school before dawn.

      The students are Robert G. in profile on the left, Brenda on the right, and Tina beyond (but facing me). They are looking at the ground, central to their perimeter. There is a hole that has grown as a small mound and is possibly the beginning of a volcano. Orange light flickers below. They are performing a strange ritual that I do not understand. I think they have herbs and smaller totems or ritualistic objects. They seem involved in a type of prayer, almost like they are worshipping it or waiting for it to grow by way of their attention to it.

      I wonder if their ritual will cause the potential volcano to become larger and more active (though I feel no fear). I also consider if it is something that students do once a year. It seems mysterious and vaguely spiritual.

      My dream’s scenario partly comes from the story of Dionisio Pulido and the Paricutin volcano (which coincidentally began on the same date in 1943).

      The causation of this dream correlates with emerging from a deep sleep, occurring near the middle of my sleep cycle.

      Updated 10-27-2020 at 12:00 PM by 1390

      Tags: ritual, volcano
    11. Lost Kiss on a Rain Barrel

      by , 02-15-1979 at 08:15 AM
      Morning of February 15, 1969. Saturday.

      Dream #: 789-06. Reading time: 1 min 22 sec. Readability score: 54.

      In semi-lucidity at age eight, I find myself sitting on an upright wooden rain barrel next to an old wooden fence in late morning. Beyond the other side is a unique new version of a relative’s farm that exists in real life, but where I have not visited since age four.

      Brenda (schoolmate, neighbor, and friend) is also sitting atop the barrel. We are facing each other, cheerfully giggling. I feel the inspiration to kiss her. Our faces move closer, but I am distracted by my awareness of someone beyond the other side of the fence.

      Earl (an older half-brother on my mother’s side) walks over to the fence, approaching from my right. I feel very annoyed by his sudden interest in what Brenda and I are doing. I feel imposed upon and so kissing Brenda does not occur. I partially awake in readiness, though still in liminal space, to throw my pillow at the imagined intrusion.

      It is likely that I was liminally discerning whether Earl was on our carport, to the right of my bed. Additionally, as I sleep on my left side, it is also natural for the waking process to originate from my right as it exposed openly to my environment. The error here is that the setting was the farm in Wisconsin (though Brenda had never been to Wisconsin) and even so, I had to have been liminally aware of where I was. At the time, my bed blocked the door to the carport, and I am sometimes aware of the location of doorways (in my real environment) even in subliminal (non-lucid) dream settings.

      Waking process autosymbolism was inclusive as the fence feature, a liminal space divider that represents RAS mediation as the separation between the imaginary dream self and conscious self perception. The rain barrel was a residual factor of water induction, water (melatonin mediation) being my most common autosymbolism for dream state induction, occurring at least once per sleep cycle. The personified preconscious, in this case, Earl, is typically intrusive as the waking alert factor.

      Updated 11-21-2018 at 04:25 AM by 1390

    12. Witch Cat

      by , 02-14-1979 at 06:00 AM
      Morning of February 14, 1969. Friday.

      It is Christmas in my dream, but not in real life (it is actually the morning of Valentine’s Day). The date is actually February 14, 1969, the morning after the airing of the “Mrs. Stephens, Where Are You?” episode of “Bewitched” (“Serena turns Darrin’s mother into a cat.”) The cat is black and not very large, though an adult female.

      Our large (fictional) “real” Christmas tree is in the middle area of the north wall of the Cubitis house living room (where it had never been set up in reality even by 1978, of the three locations being northeast corner, southwest corner, and west wall between my door and the front door). I apparently had received the cat for Christmas (I believe from my mother – although I am not one hundred percent sure; it may also have come from Brenda W, a female classmate, or just mysteriously found its way to my home for some unknown motive - my in-dream back story seems ambiguous).

      When I come home from school one afternoon (and as I am just about to walk through the front doorway), the cat’s head seems to float and move up just in front of my face (from where she is in the doorway) in an eerie startling event, but more as if it is some sort of invasive telepathy. There are also scenes where the cat seems to “multiply itself” in unusual, sparse kaleidoscopic vision (but a bit too random to be truly kaleidoscopic). In each facet of the image, the cat seems to be expressing a different human emotion, even with descriptive impressions (for example, “this is Serena when she is annoyed” or “this is Serena when she is puzzled”, being nearly identical to another dream’s event though featuring my mother and only using our surname with “Mrs”).

      There is one scene where the cat has made the toy train go around the Christmas tree (the tracks being in a perfect circle around the tree) that I had apparently gotten recently for my birthday or Christmas. (I never had a complete toy train set in real life, but my adult brother did have a model railroad setup after my dream, but it was setup at his house, not mine.) I am somewhat concerned about the “powers” of this cat, but it is not a nightmare. The cat also makes a small toy red alien figure (one of three) walk around, but walking mostly sideways, mostly on the frame of the sofa that had been left open.

      Supposedly, the cat is killed when the couch section (in real life, the couch that converted into a bed, by the front lifting up and then the back dropping down, was along the southwest corner of the living room near the entrance to the door of my bedroom) falls onto it when it had been left open in preparation of making it into a bed or when I had accidentally left it open when taking something from the storage area (which I believe was divided into two compartments). However, the cat disappears from my dream after this even though there is an awareness it is still alive or existing somewhere (perhaps in another dimension beyond the living room wall or as a “ghost” – although there is a slight awareness of the idea of nine lives being literally for a cat).

      Amusingly, shortly after my dream, I absentmindedly set up the ending of my dream by leaving the sofa section up for a short time. It soon fell, and curiously enough, crushed part of a plastic toy (a cereal prize) which was the small red Martian (or other supposed alien) figure I believe came from Quisp Cereal and described previously (relating to “coming to life” in my dream). I kept it (but had three others that remained in perfect condition) even though the eye area had been flattened. I had absentmindedly left it on the edge of the frame at the time when the section fell. I would not call this precognition though, as I absentmindedly caused the event.

      Updated 07-12-2015 at 08:50 PM by 1390

    13. End of the Universe

      by , 02-09-1979 at 08:09 AM
      Morning of February 9, 1979. Friday.

      This is a recurring dream event of getting off a bus (likely a metaphor for a shift in consciousness). Here, I am with my “mystery girl” (wife Zsuzsanna prior to knowing she was a real person) who is vaguely associated with being a Mouseketeer, though I am not sure of our destination (possibly a television studio?). Though I am living in Wisconsin in reality, my dream’s location may be near Disney World in Florida. As we get off the bus, my mystery girl (I am not certain if it was absentmindedly or on purpose for some reason) drops a snow globe so that it hits the sidewalk near the curb and cracks open.

      At the same time, the entire universe is destroyed with a brief soft cracking sound; the fabric of space “cracks” and the stars seemingly float in a liquid (in a similar way as fake “snowflakes” float in the liquid in a snow globe). Oddly, it does not seem that threatening even though it is “the end”.

      On another level of course, this dream merely represents the waking mechanism - the “destruction” of my dream.

      The snowflake (which also represents the Star of David and as such, also a two-dimensional view of the Merkaba) relates directly to my wife Zsuzsanna (and was also precognitive of the “I am fragile, I am avalanche” B.C. strip becoming one of my favorites), but seems to be shown here as a chaotic “flurry of stars”, linking the concept of a blizzard with stars randomly “falling” and moving, something I had not (prior to this) made any connection to before regardless of the obvious imagery. (However, when I was five years of age, I did made a cutout picture of a winter scene which actually confused snowflakes with stars.)

      Additionally, I get the impression that a crack, which otherwise expresses fragility, also looks like a lightning bolt, implying the opposite (as well as representing the potential to grow severed nerves and tendons back again as I did from July 1962 on). This in turn is likely an association with my accident as a toddler, which caused my brain to be “rewired” through the retraining of my “dead” hand, allowing the usage of parts of the mind that people otherwise would never know about.

      Update Monday, 28 December 2015. I should probably include a couple more details relating to how I know this dream was precognitive. Not only did it include my lifelong “mystery girl” (of consistent appearance and of Zsuzsanna’s unlikely mixed heritage), there is the connection to the snow globe and the song “Suzi Snowflake” (“Suzi” is the anglicized shortened form of my wife’s first name). Additionally, my brother Earl recorded “Hey Hey Hey Snowflake” directly after his marriage.

      Updated 08-01-2017 at 10:46 AM by 1390

      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Rock into Swan

      by , 02-05-1979 at 04:11 PM
      Morning of February 5, 1969. Wednesday.

      There have been numerous dreams throughout my life which featured ambiguous modes of transportation; for example, of being on a flying school bus which is also somehow an airplane in my dream (yet has the appearance of the inside of a school bus, with the same orientation of the driver and such). There is sometimes a lack of clarity (based on scenes outside the windows, typically) on whether I am on a bus, train, airplane, or even a boat, which of course, sometimes changes (the “morphing” so common in dreams being only one of many reasons why “dream dictionaries” mean nothing to real dream-workers). Also, windows become paintings or vice versa.

      In this case, I seem to be “rising” in being on an aircraft, but no, I realize it is likely a bus, which then resolves as a boat, as we seem to be on water (with no awareness of a road). However, just because there is no hint of a road and we are on water does not mean it cannot be a bus (faux dream “logic”). For example, it may be an extremely narrow road over water.

      At any rate, I am somehow with a larger rock (which I first take to be a turtle but then it is a rock but which then starts to “wiggle” again), which has somehow come to me through a solid glass (closed) window. There is something in the back of my mind about “The Ugly Duckling” but it is not that clear. Also, there is some sort of fairy tale, I reason, where a swan is actually a girl. Being a black swan, it represents my future wife, as I was familiar with the stamp. There is a “strange tickle” of a type that occurred in other dreams, in my lower stomach area and as the swan wiggles a bit, which may prove to be problematic.

      Curiously, the scene with rocks in the water from the “window” then turns out to be a painting (typical of mixed two-dimensional and three-dimensional in-dream elements which other people have told me is fairly common in their own dreams) and I am sitting in a museum after all. However, the “painting” is then that of “The Birth of Venus” (Sandro Botticelli) though she has dark hair and the “angels” are replaced by a white swan and a black swan.

      “She’s HERE!” yells a thin old man, seeming terrified and running from the area, going around a corner. The painting starts to glow blue (mostly around the head and shoulders of the dark-haired “mystery girl”) and I fall back empty-handed with a strange “comfortable” oscillation in my ears (always the exact same pitch throughout my life for the most part), falling into nothing, “falling” into my bed awake.

      Curiously, shortly before my wife first wrote me in 1991, a new black swan stamp (43 cents) was apparently issued on Valentine’s Day…
      Tags: painting, swan, train
    15. Wild Weasel

      by , 01-22-1979 at 05:06 PM
      Morning of January 22, 1969. Wednesday.

      A “wild weasel” is running around in the city. I am with Brenda W (a female classmate) at a large business building (seemingly G. Heileman Brewery in La Crosse even though I am living In Florida here). We can see him seemingly spin around and beat at the frosted glass part of the door like the Tasmanian devil would do in the cartoon though there is no weird growling. (Later on, I found out the animal in my dream could have possibly been a real Tasmanian devil instead of a weasel, as I had not seen a photo of one before). We hide behind various desks in different offices. Brenda says that it is getting late…“Nine thirteen” (my wife’s actual birth date) - this being a false in-dream “memory” of Brenda’s “wait for me” clock as the purse’s clasp (the purse design of which I have been unsuccessful in finding online anywhere or I would post it).

      In most scenes, it is semi-dark, though I am not sure if it is day or night outside. Brenda W and I mostly hide behind desks. There is no cartoon-like feature anywhere in my dream. The shadow of the animal and the environment does seem “real”.

      More recent notes on this and another dream can be found here: http://blue-opossum.tumblr.com/post/...asel-revisited

      My wife and I saw a real Tasmanian devil together during our first year of marriage and as stated before, Brenda W was proven to be a yet-to-be wife archetype. Also, I worked at G. Heileman Brewery in La Crosse a few years after my family moved back to Wisconsin again (something I could not have known at this time), and as a cleaner, going from office to office as in my dream.