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    1. Sun Oct 21 (12:28-9:42)

      by , 10-21-2012 at 06:28 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Meanwhile, in High School (6:59)

      I'm sitting at a table in a room filled with tables, working on an assignment, when I see someone out of the corner of my eye. It's my mom, sitting at another table, trying to catch my attention by waving something. Exasperated, I acknowledge her, but she wants to start a full blown conversation. I pack up my things and say, apologetically, that "I just can't right now." Predictably, Mom gets furious. I walk over to her table (Dad's there too) and try to explain that I'm old enough now that she can't expect me to share every detail of my life with her. My voice sounds like maybe I'm about to start crying. Nothing doing, though. Looks like I'll have to pack my own lunch and find my own way to school, today.

      I go back downstairs and check the time. It's later than I thought! Forget packing a lunch, I'll barely have time to shower and get dressed. I also think I should do my laundry, but when I look into the basket, I realize that I have more clean clothes than I thought. No need to bother, then. But later, when I actually go to choose an outfit, I have trouble finding clean shorts. I'll have to do my laundry tomorrow, which will be harder since it's a weekday and I'll be busy.

      Dad drives me to school. I'm sitting all the way in the back of the car, and I'm surprised to see some orange traffic cones passing by my window. Some road work near the left turn just before the high school's parking lot. Looks like Dad's doing what he's supposed to be doing.

      I take a seat in the classroom. I've decided that while I'm back home, I may as well sit in on some Spanish classes at my old high school to get in some extra practice. The teacher, a dark-haired man, begins the class by introducing himself and explaining about the course textbooks. Apparently he wrote one of them--part of a series of textbooks on a variety of subjects, all published in the same format but written by various guest authors. At one point, the teacher switches to English for a bit. His accent is kind of cute. Then we go around the class and introduce ourselves. I don't know anyone there, obviously. When it comes to be my turn, I explain that I'm actually a college student. There's something of a commotion from another student in the class, and I wonder if maybe he's doing the same thing as I am and I should have recognized him? That would be embarrassing.

      At one point, the teacher's been talking about something, and he asks the class which of us consider ourselves to be "a member of that crowd?" I'm one of the few who raises a hand. A few minutes later, I realize that he might have been asking which of us have had sex, but with so much circumlocution that I didn't realize it at the time. Oops. Well, if so, I'm sorry for misrepresenting myself, but there's not much I can do about it now. Besides, I'm in college, they'll have expected it of me, anyway.

      The teacher starts a presentation, and everyone puts away their drinks. Except one is still on the table, and one of the students accidentally knocks it over, spilling soda pop everywhere. The teacher interrupts his lecture to go find cleaning supplies, and I try to help out by mopping up some with a napkin. I hope that my helpfulness is a mark of being more mature than the majority of students in the classroom. But the teacher holds out his hand to throw away the napkin for me, and I let him take it, even though it sort of undermines what I was doing. Anyway, the napkin wasn't very absorbent, so now there's pop on my hands. I need to find a sink. I find one in the hall only a few feet away from the classroom.

      A lot of the students are handing out out here until the presentation starts again. I look around and see an office whose name plaque carries a very strange title. I wonder if high schools can hire people to do things as strange as that because they're government-funded. Someone walks past me and into the office, and I wonder. I also talk to one of the students outside. They tell me they wanted to go to the big concert today, because it featured a big presentation about Mormonism. I had heard about the concert, but I didn't know it was about Mormonism, and now I'm kind of sad I missed it, too. [IRL: The concert is this afternoon, and it has nothing to do with Mormonism.]

      When we go back into the classroom, there's a stage at one end, complete with curtains and a podium. A man at the podium tells us that as a surprise, Mitt Romney has come with his campaign team to give a presentation. After this introduction, a few people walk out on stage. I'm not sure which one is Romney [although IRL obvs I know what he looks like], and the introduction kind of trailed off, so it's not surprising that the applause is slow to start. It's also very quiet, and peters out quickly. One of the campaign people says "Wow," loudly and sarcastically. Well, I'm not sure what Romney expected. We're mostly Democrats here at my university.

      They launch into the presentation, which is an animated, rhetorical speech delivered while the campaigners circle and crisscross the room, making sure to invite each audience member personally to agree with what they're saying. It makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. Somewhere, I've found a pillow, and I clutch it to my stomach like it's some kind of security blanket. I stare at the floor, only half listening. I feel like I've read this argument before, somewhere, anyway. Something about how the Democrats are trying to convince you not to vote Republican because of what the Republicans /won't/ do, but when election day comes, you need to vote based on what /will/ happen. And so on. One of the campaigners notices my aloofness, so he gets up in my face and tries to engage me by giving me a manly punch on the shoulder. I look at him expressionlessly and say in a carefully controlled voice, "Please don't do that again." The man puts on a mock-surprised face and looks around at people nearby as if to invite them to start bullying me, but in the end he just leaves.

      From behind, a woman crooks an elbow around my neck and good-naturedly shakes me a bit. Addressing herself to someone I can't see, she asks, "Is this called 'egging?'" (as in, "egging someone on"). Ah, so she's playfully imitating the campaigner. The person says yes, it is, so she laughs and releases her hold on my neck. Pressing herself against my side, she murmurs, "There's someone touching you right now, and you don't seem to mind." Bemused, I try to think of a socially proper way to respond that it's okay because she's a woman. But before I can, she lets go of me, and I can finally turn to get a good look at her. To my delight, I definitely recognize her from somewhere. While I'm snapping my fingers and trying to place where that was, she just introduces herself again as [XXXX]. Surprised, I tell her I remember her as a campaign assistant for [XXXX]. She laughs and says no, then dances off to the other side of the room with another girl. I'm reminded of the friendship between Meekakitty and Nanalew. Suddenly, the dream ends, and I wake up. For a moment, I think that it's only been about two and a half hours since I fell asleep. But that must have been a FA, because it was more like six and a half.

      Supermarket (8:15) (LUCID)

      I'm in a supermarket, and at some level I'm aware that this is a dream. As I walk through the crowded checkout lanes, I look closely at all of the faces that I pass. Each one is unique and distinctive and interesting, and I wonder whether they all come from people I passed on the street in waking life. I read somewhere on a forum that that's where they come from. The dream seems pretty stable, but I feel compelled to keep moving, or else it will fall apart. I walk up to a cashier and ask her for the credit card that a customer just gave to her. "Sure, one moment," she says, and then she hands me something, but it's not a credit card. I leave the checkout lanes and continue through the store. It crosses my mind that this counts as a lucid dream. Cool; I haven't had one of those in a while.

      I decide to call Mom on my cell phone. I worry that maybe I'm actually sleep-calling her in waking life, too, so I try to think of conversation topics that wouldn't sound too bizarre. Meanwhile, I'm still walking quickly down one side of the store, looking around at everything. The store's wide entrance is coming up on my left. I can't think of anything else to talk about, and Mom seems more confused than anything, so I just say goodbye to her and hang up. I leave the store.

      Somebody's angry at me for turning out into the road in front of him, but I'm sure I wouldn't have done it close enough that you would actually call it "cutting him off." I decide to play out the scenario to see what actually happened. I get in the car and start driving toward the hilltop road that passes near the supermarket's parking lot. Indeed, there's almost a solid line of cars coming that direction, with one little space in the middle that perhaps I could grab if I timed it right. But there's something strange about the road configuration that makes me think I wouldn't be able to accelerate quickly enough to avoid pissing someone off. Okay, better to avoid that.

      I stop the car and get out. There's a mid-sized lake to the right of the road with a big yacht anchored near the shore. A bunch of sailors are walking around over there, presumably on shore leave. I start walking along the narrow path between the lake and the side of the supermarket, going over to see what's going on. But then one of the sailors starts walking along the path toward me, shouting something about me not being allowed to come this way. An irritating fellow, but only doing his job, I suppose.

      I keep walking, but suddenly I need to poop. I remember how in the past this has always made me panic and wake up, only to find that I didn't have to use the bathroom at all. Well, I know better, now, so I'll just go to the bathroom in the dream. I squat in the middle of a grassy lawn and start doing my business. The sailor is still walking towards me and shouting, so I interrupt him to warn him that even though I've avoided behaving "beaverishly," if he keeps it up, I may have to. (Apparently, in this situation, "behaving beaverishly" means that I'll strip totally naked just to annoy him even more.) Going to the bathroom is taking a long time. Some of the sailors are running close nearby. I hope for their sake that they don't accidentally step in any of the poop. The sailor still won't leave me alone, so I carry out my threat by pulling my T-shirt over my head. This makes my vision go completely black. Oh, darn.

      I wake up to a confusion of covers. After a moment, I figure out that somehow I've come into a squatting position. Uh oh. Looking down, I see that my worst fears have come true--there's quite a bit of poop on my covers. Despairingly, I try to wrap up some of it using the sheets, but it's not enough. This will be hard to deal with. Then it occurs to me that there's something distinctly nightmarish about this situation, and I tell myself exasperatedly, "Come on, wake up for real." And I do. [No, I never did have to go to the bathroom. Why my dreams always do this to me, I don't know.]

      Pop Quiz (9:42) (LUCID)

      A smart math major I know is pacing the front of a classroom. He's quizzing me about details from my previous dreams tonight. I know I definitely missed a few when I wrote them in my dream journal, so this will be a perfect opportunity to recover them--my unconscious itself is telling me what they were! He mentions something about a homework assignment, and a few different people named Erik. [Ironically, I can't remember the details of these details.] It occurs to me to wonder if he's even telling the truth. I have no recollection of the events of which he speaks, so he could easily be inventing them, and I'd never know. Still, I wake up and write them in my dream journal. Only, it was a FA, and when I actually wake up, I can't really remember them any more.

      Updated 10-21-2012 at 06:36 PM by 57256

      lucid , false awakening
    2. Full of Shit

      by , 10-12-2012 at 11:20 AM (Voyages of a Skywalker)
      I am awoken by my bed-mate. I roll over and he tells me that I've shit the bed. I now feel my entire underside body saturated with thin, oily feces. It spans the entirety of our bed. I am not happy about the grim clean up. When standing I pull my clothes off in one fell swoop.

      NOTE: The morning of the dream recall, my friend whose couch I was currently surfing upon, received a call from her mother. Her grandmothers bed needed changing on account of an incident involving massive diarrhea.

      Updated 10-13-2012 at 07:51 AM by 40320

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Fri Oct 5 (11:03-7:21)

      by , 10-05-2012 at 02:56 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      College Medley (4:06)

      On a college forum, one of the residential houses has posted something that they shouldn't have. One of the house members has edited the post to add a lot of his own text, in red font, pointing out why it was a stupid decision to post this online. I can empathize with his frustration--it's hard to stop a hundred different people from doing something stupid.

      We're not sure who will be teaching our math class. Suddenly someone offers to call a professor he knows. I recognize the name--it's one of my old physics professors. He was . . . not very formal . . . when it came to math, so I'm worried at the prospect of taking a math class with him. I try to communicate this to a nearby classmate of mine, but then I realize that that classmate might not have been in physics with me. Oops.

      This classmate and I take turns driving each other around. We listen to classical music while I'm driving, but when it's his turn, I can't find anything but pop on the radio. I've no idea how to make a good soundtrack with such music, so I decide to stop fiddling with the radio. Then we see a truck careening around a corner ahead of us, passing us to go back the way we came. That must be the professor arriving. We should head back.

      As I'm getting out of the car, I see to my shock that there's a crocodile lying across the path in front of the car. It's too late to jump back inside, because the crocodile charges! Yes, it's as fast as I've always been warned that they are. Desperately, I try to fend it off with a chair. Eventually I scare it off by singing very loudly. I continue singing as I run down the path towards the house, knowing that the crocodile could return for another attack at any moment. Sure enough, it does.

      Board Game Foul (7:07)

      In excitement, I accidentally bump the game board, and pieces go sliding everywhere. Dang it, that's such a board game foul! Except somehow magically they stayed in their original configuration, they just slid off of the board. Phew. Okay, so now I just have to move them carefully back onto the board. We start giving the pieces vocal commands, and they go back to the board as if marching in formation, turning together and doing about-faces and everything. When the last piece gets back into position, though, I don't recognize the configuration. Is that really what the board looked like? Now the pieces are actual, life-size people, and I'm standing on the ground with them. Part of the configuration involves people crouched on all fours, each one with another person standing straddling them. I shout that I don't recognize the scenario, and a man shouts back that that's because we haven't played this one yet! Before I can reply, we're under attack, and everyone is moving. A woman dressed in furs brandishes a sword at me, and I figure that I'd better fight back.

      Feces (7:07)

      [This is my second dream about poop in recent memory. What the heck?]

      Our pet dog is about to start defecating in the yard, so I'm trying to force her out through the gate to the other side of the wooden picket fence. The trouble is that I'm about to start defecating, too, and I don't know how much other poop is already lying in the yard. I could step on it at any moment, so I need to watch the ground, but I also need to focus on getting the dog out of the yard. It's an impossible situation, and gross. I wake up, sort of.

      Notification of Acceptance (7:07)

      I've been playing a handheld game, but the battery's almost dead. I save quickly, then shut down. The computer asks if I'm sure I want to turn it off, giving a list of files that will be deleted. Since I just saved them, I think it's safe to continue shutting down, so I do. Then I plug it in and turn it back on to check whether the files are still there. When I check in the game save location, I find an old version of the files--the most recent one wasn't saved! Then I check the other location, and the new version isn't there, either! Oh, no! Then I enter some kind of computer recovery mode, and I find a bunch of swap files (or whatever) that the text editor uses while it's in use. Some of them contain almost-up-to-date versions of the files, thank goodness.

      Later, my orchestra conductor is walking around the dorm, notifying people personally that they've been accepted to the orchestra. I watch as she knocks on one door and it is opened by a pair of boys who look like they're about seven years old. The boys tell her about how they're in the middle of taking a practice SAT right now, but they don't look like they're in a big hurry. How did they get into this university at that age, and without taking the SAT? I peer into the room, and I see the practice SAT on the TV screen. It's a sort of video game. The current question has something to do with baseball, and there's a timer counting down from about two and a half minutes. I hope they don't lose the game because of this interruption. Then my alarm wakes me up, which makes me happy. No wonder both save files disappeared, and no wonder those kids were so young.

      • An old woman points out that my mother couldn't have been a cat, because then I'd be a kitten, and I'm not a kitten. Her observation has more to do with my age than my species.
      • I'm watching a TV show. I notice that many (probably half) of the people in the current scene are naked. I'm glad that, here at least, the TV industry has gotten over its insistence on censoring nudity.
    4. Pregnant Male

      by , 09-10-2012 at 09:09 PM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am at my parent’s house but it feels like some kind of magical place. My parents ask me to cut a branch off of a giant tree in their front yard – right next to the curb. It is a magical tree. I through a rope over one of the branches and I climb up the rope. The tree is now floating and I manage to float the whole thing down to the ground without cutting the branch. My mom is helping me determine where and how to cut the tree. The tree turns out to be a date palm. We eat some of the tree with the intention of replacing the parts we eat.

      Dream 2:

      I am pregnant (I am a male) and I am with a number of pregnant women. I am having stomach pains and I call in my doctor because I think I am ready to deliver. The doctor (female) coaches me in front of everyone else on how to deliver my baby. She has me squat over a pool of water and tells me to start pushing. I feel crap starting to come out of my ass because of the pushing and she tells me this is normal. She says to hold my hand under my butt just in case the baby comes out – we don’t want it to drown in the pool. I just ended up getting a bunch of crap on my hands and no baby. I was very embarrassed.

      A thought in the middle of the night:

      Each dream you have is you creating a new universe. Once you create a suitable and stable universe you will die and go there. If you die young (before gaining the skills to produce a stable universe) or if you die a tragic death you will end up in an unstable/unsuitable universe (live a rough life).

      Dream 3:

      I am having dinner at my parent’s house with some of my wife’s family members. Even though my parent’s house is not in LA I am upset because we have to drive to LA 3 times in a row – it is as if their exact house has moved to LA. My brother’s family is there and they have a small dog. I am playing with AD and the dog under the table for a while. I notice that my brother forgets / loses the dog’s toy at least 3 times and I am always the one who has to go get it and nobody thanks me.

      I don’t join dinner because I am waiting for my wife to get back from somewhere. I notice that I am never wearing a shirt. My brother has a black Ford something (not a real car name, something like a person’s name with 2 hyphens). Then for some reason I am driving that car by myself on a mountain road. It is almost as if I am in a commercial demonstrating features on the car. I stop and there is a dirt avalanche and the car gets completely buried in dirt with me in it. I am still able to call for help using one of the cars features even though I am deep under dirt. I recall being very scared thinking that this is a horrible way to die. People come to dig me out and they have a credit card machine with them to charge me for the service. There is a $50 tip already included in the bill but I feel bad for not tipping more.
    5. Anal Lab Experiment, Rejection, Hot & Slutty Girl, Cheapskate DC

      by , 02-18-2012 at 04:42 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      Dream 1:

      I was inside a lab in college. Apparently, someone had to finger me to get my feces and put it on what seemed like a Petri Dish.

      Two scary dreams in one night-glass-petri-dish.jpg

      I was a little scared, and wanted to lube it up a little before they stuck my fingers up my ass.

      Then the dream skips a little bit I think, and I'm holding a Petri Dish that seems to have green liquid inside of it. I think I had to drink it, but I didn't know if it was my own feces or green tea, it was steaming a little bit I believe.

      And then I drink it.

      Dream 2: Rejection

      I was asking a person if they would like me to do a drawing of them (I don't know why I asked them, they didn't look they would be worth my time drawing them), and they said No. For some reason, I felt kind of bad that they didn't want me to draw them. I think I cursed at them too for some odd reason...

      Some person tells me to not worry about it too much, but I couldn't remember who. I think I even posted on Facebook requesting that I'll draw anyone who PMs me or whatever first, then someone tells me "who cares?"

      Two scary dreams in one night-facebook2009-04-21-1240343633.jpg

      And one of their friends tells "I know right?" I stalk his profile, and see he's wearing some black tuxedo suit or whatever with a back hat. It looked like a top hat, but I'm not too sure.

      Dream 3: Hot & slutty Girl

      I was walking with some girl, but I didn't remember her facial features, I just knew she was hot. I think we were sitting by the stairs somewhere, and we went on talking about something. I think there were like two random DCs with us.

      Eventually, the girl asks them if me and her can have alone time. They were confused I think, and she told them, "You know what I mean..." And she showed her vagina to them, but I don't think that helped at all for them to leave.

      Two scary dreams in one night-sexy-legs.jpg

      In fact, one DC basically says wants some of the action when I'm done with her.

      I don't know if I was the person in the dream with the girl who wanted alone time with me, but I grabbed her arm and carried her somewhere away from the other DCs.

      Too bad I didn't have sex with her...

      Dream 4: Cheapskate DC

      This is more of a dream fragment, but whatever....

      I was outside talking to some DC, I think I wanted more soda, but he said I had to pay for a refill.

      I ask him, "How much?"

      He replies, "$10.00" I then replied saying how that was too much for a bloody refill, and asked him it shouldn't be too hard to get more soda because he can just use a mix and add water to the vending machine.

      Two scary dreams in one night-pepsi_fountain.jpg

      Then I told him some random scenario that if I had more water, but there was too much sand, and some random crap I can't remember much on.

      Updated 02-18-2012 at 04:48 PM by 47756

    6. who crapped all over the house?; vietnamese bands

      by , 09-17-2011 at 02:19 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was coming up toward a house. It seemed like something bad must have happened there. I came up to a black iron fence surrounding the house. It was only a few meters away from the door.

      Just inside the gate, on some kind of stone walkway up to the front door, were the remains of a squirrel that had been killed. I thought the squirrel had been killed by a human. The squirrel had probably been beheaded and then sliced up the middle, on its underside, like a fish being gutted.

      Just in front of the door was a mailbox. The mailbox either stood alone or stood out against the wall. The mailbox itself was really thick and wide.

      On top of the mailbox were parts of the killed squirrel. It was probably the squirrel's head, but the head seemed really skinny, and it seemed to be attached to a long, bony thing, covered in fur, and which I thought of as an arm.

      I was a little scared by the sight, as if the squirrel pieces meant that some bad scene of carnage was inside, maybe even a human murder scene. But I also thought that perhaps the scene of carnage was what I was here for -- what I was here to see.

      I went into the house. The door was a side door, and it opened directly into a side hallway of the house. The floor of the hallway was made of white linoleum tile. I passed a couple rooms that seemed half-finished, kind of like laundry rooms. The hallway was shaped like an upside-down "L," with the base of the "L" turning off to my right.

      At the intersection there was a huge pile of crap. The pile itself was huge, but the pieces of crap themselves were enormous. I thought that only an animal would crap on the floor like this. But the crap looked too huge for any domestic animal to make. So I thought maybe a human -- a big human -- crapped on the floor.

      I walked into the living room and saw a smaller pile of crap on the pale beige carpet. But the pieces of crap were still so huge that I thought only a human could have made them. I walked around a coffee table and stood in between the coffee table and a couch. An old, clunky TV stood on a TV stand off to my left.

      Suddenly a big, black poodle (!) jumped at me, to attack me. It got good height as it jumped over the coffee table, and it would have bitten me in the face. But I slapped it away, knocking it to the carpet, in between the coffee table and the TV stand.

      The poodle was no longer vicious. It was like it was my friend, or my own dog. I considered that this dog may have made all the crap that was all over the floor. The dog was huge, especially for a poodle, and it had a kind of fat body. So maybe it could have made huge pieces of crap.

      I tapped the dog sharply on its flank with some kind of stick -- maybe a dried, tan bamboo stick? I said, "Turn around!" I wanted to get a look at the dog's anus. If the dog's anus had crap all over it, I'd know that the dog had crapped all over the house.

      The dog turned around. I noticed that a lot of the fur all over the dog's body was grey as well as black, as if the dog were getting older.

      I spent a couple seconds looking at the dog's anus. It was completely naked, barren of fur, so I saw it alright. It looked totally clean, and pretty small. I thought there was no way the dog could have crapped all over the floor. It's anus was too clean -- and too small. So I still didn't know what -- or who -- had crapped all over the house.

      Dream #2

      I was possibly watching some sort of television show. There were three Vietnamese or Vietnamese-American children. They stood in some strange, half-indoor, half-outdoor area.

      The space felt like a living room somehow, but it also felt like the corridors of some kind of shopping area in a big, Asian city. There was a lot of warm, orange, red, and pink light glowing into the atmosphere.

      The children themselves stood behind some kind of wooden bars, like the bars of a nice crib or playpen for babies. The bars met a carpet floor, which stood up on a tiny step, maybe 20cm high. The floor before the step was possibly also carpeted.

      The children were a musical group. They had won some kind of singing contest on a Vietnamese talent program. They now had to go to some further kind of televised championship.

      But the children were all worried, and they called out, "No! Wait! We can't do it yet!" It was like they'd forgotten their song, or gotten stage fright. They felt like if they went to the championship (which may have only been down the hall) at this moment, they'd screw up their luck and totally ruin their chances.

      I was half in the scene and half watching the scene on TV. I wanted to tell the kids that there was no need to worry, that plenty of groups had felt the same way before they'd gone on to their championship performance, but that they'd done just fine.

      In fact, I could remember one specific group that was actually Vietnamese as well and had gone through the same emotional difficulties as the children were going through right now. But I couldn't remember the group's name. I tried really hard, but I couldn't remember.

      I was now in a big room with my mom. The room was like a living room, but the floor was white, linoleum tile, like in a kitchen. The light was bright and white. The room was huge, and there was barely anything in it except a couch, a TV stand, a TV, and some random clutter, like blankets, so that the place felt very barren.

      My mom stood in front of the TV, messing around with something, like she was trying to run a tape in a VCR. I told my mom, "You tell those kids there's nothing to worry about. I know another Vietnamese girl that had the same kind of worries. But she ended up winning. She actually had a great song. I'll show it to you."

      I couldn't remember the Vietnamese singer's name. But I pulled my phone out of my pocket, as if I could find her on YouTube and show her to my mom. I thought that, if I just looked for the singer in some random way, I'd probably find her. I could remember the singer's song, and the video, which had a lot of pink, orange, and red atmosphere.
    7. excrement omelette; gift for cousin

      by , 09-09-2011 at 12:26 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      A man was talking to another man. I didn't see either man, as if they were both talking in narration. One man mentioned a new "excrement omelette," which was a layer of eggs wrapped around a thin filling of crap. I saw a cross-section of one of these "excrement omelettes." It looked like a Hot Pocket, except the crust was egg and the filling was crap.

      The second guy said, "That's a terrible idea! It sounds disgusting!"

      The first guy said that it couldn't be such a bad idea. Apparently some really famous supermodel ate them all the time and thought they were really delicious.

      Dream #2

      I had come to some nice, two-story house in the suburbs. I was in the living room, which was kind of dim and grey. There were a few other people there, some of whom were probably members of my family. I seemed to be always looking up toward the ceiling, and my view sometimes seemed kind of low, as it I were looking up from about waist height.

      At first I knew I had come here to be here for my family, maybe my cousin in particular. But now I was upstairs, in a bedroom, probably a characteristic young man's bedroom. I now realized that I was here to see my cousin off. He was shipping out for Afghanistan soon. This may have been my cousin's old room.

      I thought about giving my cousin a gift. But I hadn't gotten him anything before I had come here. I starting looking around in the room, as if the room were some kind of gift shop, even though it was still the same old room. I found two shot glasses on a shelf. I took the two glasses off the shelf. It was like I was seeing this from a really low point, like waist height.

      The two shot glasses had weird, notched bases and a black-line portrait of some famous person. I thought that would be appropriate, as my cousin either liked that person or the place associated with that person. I also found something else I could give my cousin, but I can't remember what it was.

      I may have gone back downstairs. I may also have seen my cousin.
    8. Dung hanging from the ceiling

      by , 08-31-2011 at 12:21 AM (Visions of the night)
      This is one weird dream I had last night...so here it goes.
      I was living in an old house in my old neighborhood I use to reside in as a very small child.. everything appeared the same. My friend Michelle was there who I know now and she was suppose to watch over my place. I gave her the number of where she could reach me if anything happened. I kept looking out the window and just noticed a bunch of trees.. nothing else just trees I just kept looking... the scene switches to me back in the house and I saw these weird shapes hanging from the ceiling and they were placed apart but covered the entire ceiling in the kitchen area.. I was disgusted by the smell too which was weird.. and Michelle was standing there looking real scared.. I said " What the hell is this on the ceiling??" she said she doesn't know.. These things were covered with paint.. so I take the broom and hit one and it broke falling to the floor.. it was human feces!!! whyyyyyy??????! I get real upset and demand for her to tell me what is going on.. she starts to panic telling me someone asked her for the keys to my place but she didn't want to tell me because she was scared of them..I immediately call the cops they tell me they are on their way.. she sits down crying and she starts to describe the person.. I immediately say the name of the person she describes "Kelly".. but I really don't know a kelly in real life
      So the cops come over and see the dung hanging from the ceiling and start getting on their computers searching for this person named kelly.. who riddled my kitchen ceiling with feces.. one of the cops was good looking and bald said " don't worry we will find her and have her do some serious cleaning".. that instant I felt relief.. like " yep she is going to clean up all this Sh*t"..
      I woke up.

      *Now I wonder what it means to dream of dung/feces.. this is weird because I don't ever recall having such a dream before.. I told this to a co worker of mine which told me it meant luck.. but another friend of mine told me it could mean something in my life I am not letting go.. strange..*
    9. crook to agent; back to job

      by , 07-16-2011 at 01:27 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      It was night. Two male cops stood in the threshold of a back door in some alley. In the alley stood two other men. One man was like a Chief of Police or an even higher up law enforcement or civil defense officer. The other man had been a police officer.

      All the men had a 1950s kind of look. They were all white and overweight. The police were in their usual blue uniforms. The Chief was in a similar uniform. But the former cop was wearing something like a white t-shirt and a cap that looked somehow plasticky and boyish, almost like a mix between a milkman's hat and a propeller cap. The former cop was also a bit fatter than the other men.

      The two cops had caught the former cop in some kind of really terrible act. It wasn't just criminal: it was disgusting. The two cops thought the former cop would be taken out of the force or thrown in jail. But the Chief announced that the man had been hired into some even higher security position. The clothes the man wore indicated this position to the men.

      The two cops seemed to have asked, in a kind of veiled way, why the man had been promoted into an elite security force rather than arrested or fired altogether. The Chief said something like, "Well, I guess the higher ups just thought he was good at something."

      The Chief walked the man away from the door and through the dark alley to something like a big van.

      I was now walking with the man through a dark hallway and into a big, dark bedroom. There was just enough light for me to see what was going on in the bedroom. But I don't know where the light was coming from. It was like a dim flashlight.

      Before our walk down the hallway, the man had been poisoned somehow. He was uncomfortable at first. But now he collapsed.

      The man lay face down on the floor with his head and shoulders under the mattress of what may have been a bunk bed with a pretty thick, but kind of plain, wood frame. The man was completely naked.

      For some reason I had to start massaging the man's back. It may have had something to do with getting the poison out. I massaged by making my hands into a fist and then pounding on the man's back with the underside of my fist.

      I wondered if this was really necessary, or if the man weren't somehow tricking me into giving him a massage because it turned him on to have "younger" men give him a massage. I felt kind of violated by that thought, but I thought it couldn't be true.

      But then, for some reason, I imagined being his "maid," but still as myself, as a man. I wore some kind of short, pink, iridescent dress with a fluttery skirt. I thought that eventually, after I massaged the man, the man would want to have sex with me. In my kneeling position, I moved up and down as if to practice the sexual motions I'd use while straddling the man.

      I figured that it wasn't worth it to massage the man, and that he really didn't need me to massage him to get the poison out. I stood up and walked out of the room.

      As I left the room, the man turned a little onto his side, so that his rear end was still facing me. He called to me, saying my name quite audibly. I turned to look down to him. He showed me the index finger of his right (?) hand.

      Apparently the man had either crapped himself or just had a lot of crap in his colon. He had stuck his finger up or near his butt and got a load of crap heaped onto the finger. He was showing me this, as if to turn me on somehow.

      I walked out of the room and through the hallway. The hallway was even darker than the room. Two Latina girls came walking from some pitch black room at the end of the hallway. They both looked kind of the same: very skinny, maybe in their early teens, with long, wavy hair, and wearing dark, v-necked, sleeveless or almost sleeveless t-shirts.

      The Latina girls passed me. I thought that the girls must be going to have sex with the man. I wondered if there weren't two girls because one of them was originally meant for having sex with me.

      But, I possibly thought, it didn't seem like having sex with the man so I could have sex with one of the girls would be much of a trade-off. And, given the way the man acted, I didn't think the sex with the girls would be untainted by whatever kind of nasty acts the man wanted to pull.

      Dream #2

      I was at my office, which was dark, as if it were night and less than half the lights in the office were on. There were a few other people in the office with me. Among them was my co-worker JM, and probably some of the people in his department, none of whom I recognized.

      We stood in some area that seemed like a mix between a reception area and a conference room. The place seemed kind of open, with a bit of an L shape, but with both parts of equal size.

      There seemed to be a reception desk as well as an executive desk in the "top" part of the L, while the "bottom" part had a kind of conference table. Off to the right side of the L, there was the wall of a cubicle, as if a long row of cubicles (with no lights on over them) started there.

      There was also a weird decoration somewhere between the executive desk and the conference table. It looked like a wagon wheel. But it seemed to be made completely out of black iron. The spokes of the wheel also had a twirled look, and they may also have had knobby, node-like ornamentation along them.

      There was some small discussion among some of us. Some people, including my boss, may then have left the room. JM remained. I had quit my job, but for some reason I was talking to JM about future tasks I'd be taking care of, as if I hadn't really quit my job.

      But JM knew I'd quit my job. He didn't confront me directly about it. Instead, he started talking about all the people around him who had a lot of work to do and who would have really benefitted by having someone like me around.

      There was a smaller office desk right next to the conference table. I either sat down at that desk or looked at it (it may have had a smaller, wooden "wagon-wheel" ornament on top of it). I said to JM that maybe I didn't need to quit after all. I thought that if all those people would like me to be around, and if I could do work that they'd appreciate, I could probably stay.
    10. Dogs Do Crap Where They Do

      by , 04-28-2011 at 06:13 AM

      From 4/22/11

      Visiting my aunt and family in a further west state. She is a counselor and her husband is leading a group session for all of her clients (only female clients?). Something happens and he can’t do it anymore. She first hints around at me doing it but I don’t get it, I think I’m under qualified. She then outright asks me and I’m torn. What a fascinating thing to do, and it would pay decently and I could potentially move back to the bay area sooner, further west of my aunt’s state. I am concerned about leaving my mom (who I’m helping in ways in RL) but I think she’ll be fine. I’m concerned about giving up my unemployment benefits, but it looks like my aunt will pay me very well so that isn’t an issue.

      I ask my aunt about various things about the job, trying to get a good idea of what it is like and what the contract she’s thinking of is like. She is kind of resistant, but I subtly insist that we are clear so there aren’t any disagreements down the road.

      All of these women who come to the meeting bring dogs. We put the dogs in a room, perhaps the garage, while the meeting occurs. A dog is left in the living room; a little black cute thing.

      The full cycle-little-black-dog-reducedc1.jpg The full cycle-dscn2144.jpg
      It looked like a combo of these two,
      and all black.

      It is about to go to the bathroom on the carpet. My aunt notices and I stop it by saying, “come on” in a happy and light tone and it immediately perks up and bounds playfully over. I’m happy to be with a dog that is so happy. Good, no mark on the carpet. Walking over to the garage, the dog stops again and this time pees and shits on the carpet and I can’t stop her. Well, crapola.

      The full cycle-0109_swa1.jpg
      Nothing to do with the dream,
      but during my image search
      it uh popped out at me, lol.

      Updated 04-28-2011 at 06:35 AM by 44605 (Added pictures)

      non-lucid , memorable
    11. SAT grave; punch in the face; little white animal

      by , 03-28-2011 at 11:42 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I walked up something like a wooden ramp or a wooden deck that was in front of some kind of run-down beach house or shack made of wood. I may have been in a line with people.

      I was now in a classroom. The desks in the classroom seemed all crammed together. We were all preparing for some kind of test like the SATs. I looked up from my study material and saw JW, my old friend from high school, studying for the test.

      I made some kind of weird comment in a weird voice that I thought would remind him of our high school days. JW recognized me, but he only ackowledged me briefly and reluctantly. I was a little hurt.

      Some voice called from behind me. I turned around. Another friend of mine, who I didn't recognize, was trying to get my attention. This guy was from some more recent time in my life. He may have been overweight, with tan skin, black hair in a ponytail, a goatee, and glasses. I was kind of put out that JW wouldn't talk to me, while this guy would.

      Now the test was about to begin. The teacher was doing something. I made some kind of immature joke. The class' and teacher's attention were drawn to me. The teacher may have asked me something. I may have responded with a dumb answer that was a smart alecky way of saying I didn't know anything.

      The teacher said, "What a disappointment. I thought you were one of the bright ones. I was looking for someone to give a presentation on how to take this test. I thought it was going to be you. But I guess not, now."

      Apparently, we all had to go somewhere else to take the test. We were all walking through some area.

      Later, I think I had decided not to take the test after all. I was somewhere that was half outside and half inside. I stood on some barren soil. A pit as long as my body and a few feet deep was dug into the soil. I sat down into the pit. I began pulling the dirt down onto myself.

      I buried my legs pretty quickly. I started to wonder if I would suffocate if I managed to pull dirt all over my body, which was, I think, my objective. I may have gotten afraid. I may have pulled myself up out of the pit. As I looked down at the soil, the soil may have seemed disgusting to me, like it was feces.

      Dream #2

      I was in a high school, walking down the steps of a stairwell. A white kid kind of dressed like a gangster came up the steps and punched me in the face. I dropped my books. The kid kept attacking me, but I tried to ignore him. I picked up my books and walked the rest of the way down the stairs.

      I got around a corner, into some place like a classroom. For some reason I looked back out around the corner, into the stairwell. The kid punched me in the face again!

      Dream #3

      I was in my bedroom. A strange, white animal was crawling across the floor. It was moving somewhat quickly. I thought it might be a mouse. But it had such a strange look, like a slug.

      I was interested in the animal, but I didn't want it in my house. It seemed to be heading out the door of its own accord. I watched it as it approached the door. But just before it got to the door it turned back around.

      I now got on the floor and tried to scare the animal away. But I only seemed to make it curious about me. It came closer, so I figured I might as well try to learn what kind of animal it was. It turned out to be very much like a white mouse with grey ears. But something about it still looked not quite right. I wondered if I actually wasn't looking at a baby rat.
    12. Broken Door

      by , 02-21-2011 at 04:36 AM (My Sleepy Mind 2010/2011)
      Original Date: Today!
      Type: Ordinary - Non Lucid
      I was in my bedroom which had a table and a tv, not a bed and not like my real bedroom and there was a makeshift kitchen behind it where the wall would be. I was talking to Nick on a walkie talkie and I was startled by someone appearing in the doorway, it was my neighbor's girlfriend. I was shocked how she got in cuz my door is always locked. We sat and talked for a bit then my neighbor came over to get her. As they were leaving, he turned to hug me and said he would be back over later. (We've seen each other in passing, but never spoke a word to one another) I just said "uh huh, sure you will" while rubbing and patting his back, not understanding why he would say this when he had his girlfriend. They left and I locked my door. I went back to the room, was talking to Nick and suddenly after a time the neighbor was back in the house, he said he wanted spanish rice and pulled a bad from the cupboard in the makeshift kitchen, but it was dry lima beans with rice mixed in it. At some point, he was gone and there was a stranger girl in my living room in front of the door. That's when I noticed my door was broken, like my neighbor broke it when he or his girlfriend had left! It's hinges were off and there was rust on a broken piece at the bottom. I was very panicky about this while talking to Nick about it over the walkie. The neighbors I could see outside sitting on chairs playing with my dog while the stranger in my house was talking to me about stupid things my neighbors would do or talk about and how they'd act in the car. (I think she was a friend of theirs and at one point I actually saw her in the car with them while she was talking about it) (in real life I never see him with any friend) Then my dog was in the house, I was in the kitchen, and saw her squatting to take a crap on the floor, I started to go to stop her but then was just like fuck it and just kept talking. (My ex was in my kitchen, he used to be a cook, he took off his shoe to show me giant mushrooms that he cut and put in for padding. This was supposed to be my boyfriend Nick because of his arduous job, but turned into my ex.) Then the dog went to the living room and crapped more in front of tv. I went around to pick it up and throw it out and when I went into the living room there were people bringing in chairs and there were pieces of jewelry sitting on white pieces of cloth like for gifts or a display or party and I think it was being organized by my ex's mom, but I did not like this in my house.

      Objective Context:
      I heard my neighbor and girlfriend talking loudly when I first woke up at 430am (no doubt from them). Not wanting to go outside or back to work in 3 days. Feeling safe and content in my home.

      Age of Dream Ego: 26

      Associations to the Dream Settings:
      Invasion of peace and privacy, feeling violated with loss of control. No control over my home, where I feel most safe.
    13. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 02:44 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Making Fiends (DILD)

      I heard a knock coming from the back work room. I go to investigate, leaving my friend unattended. KA-KRACK! Lightning struck outside, illuminating the cold dark room and the sharp steel tools and saw blades that lined the walls. In the flash, I made out a figure climbing up the wet concrete steps outside. It looked back at me and I saw it was the hag from before, the witch I had given the human test subject to for experimentation!

      Oh, no. . .

      Had she come to return my gift? I needed to warn my friend.I rushed out to the main basement area only to be pounced upon by the creature I feared would be there. It tore at my arms and opened my skin. I was infected. I felt the virus starting to take hold and watched, helpless, as my friend, who had come to help me, was infected in the same manner I had been.

      Spoiler for MIND SCAR:
      A small amount of time passed, bringing my health back to it's previous state. Now, I wanted to go upstairs. Hmm, having something chase me up these stairs would be interesting. Let's try to create something! I focused on the darkness, but was only able to create vague shape. I turned back to the door for a second before looking behind me yet again.

      "GRAAAHR!" the ravenous zombie-like monster behind me yelled as it attacked me. I barreled up the stairs lightning fast and closed the door behind me. The creature kept right on my tail and apparently knew how to use a door handle. I stepped into the kitchen and turned around, watching the basement doors.

      I'm dreaming. I fear nothing as the infected bursts through the basement door. It snarls at me ravenously, but I hold firm. I make no effort to reach for my blade. I was going to break the cycle. "Hey, you can attack me and try to scare me all you'd like, but it's all pointless." As if to prove me wrong, it lunges at me at full sprint. I step to the side and let it pass, showing no aggression. It makes a sharp turn and tries again, but I dodge to the side leaving it back where it started.

      "See," I say, building up happiness as I speak, "why don't we be friends instead?" The zombie relaxes and puts its gnarled hands at its sides. Then, it transforms, shedding off its appearance in a swirl of dark purple energy. What remains is a girl, about my age, with long black hair and pale skin, clothed in a dark colored glossy dress.

      "Fine." she says, almost cautiously. I smile, walk over to her, and take her hand.

      What follows is a montage of us building a friendship. The scene cuts to me showing her around a cityscape that is plastered in images of me in my lucid state, but I don't look like me, I look kinda like Lucas from SSBB. And the only difference between my lucid state and non-lucid state is a small puft of hair. I explain my importance and the good I do for the people here while lucid. She tells me she's a dream demon.

      "Oh, what's your na-"

      "Michelle," she answers before I can finish. I smile again. I'm in a really good mood, now, as a direct result of the emotional control I displayed earlier. Michelle shows me some of the forms she has taken in past dreams. One of them is a disturbingly obese child that appears to have Downs or some other form of mental handicap. The gender is indecipherable and the bodily proportions of the kid are barely human. Thanks to the great mood I'm in, I find this hysterical.

      Michelle suggests I try out a "Chuckie" dream, and I agree. My lucidity is subpar at this point. The scene changes yet again and I find myself in a deserted trailer in the middle of a dark forest. I'm sitting at a desk and eerie music is playing. However, even when the doll, or whatever it is, attacks me from behind, I'm not frightened at all. I simply exit the body I was in and find myself looking down on Michelle as she hovers over a small box in a frenzied cackle.

      My new body is incorporeal and is attached to the old one by a stream of pale, wavy, blue, distilled light. The old body is in the box which is shaking wildly and emitting shouts and screams. Michelle doesn't seem to notice me behind her. Still, I'm not too concerned. I lift my right hand parallel to me and muster forth a bit of excitement. Sure enough, a bright white light builds up inside the box and the right side blasts off violently, expelling debris all over the the place. My other body flies out and gives Michelle a truly pleased and care-free look.

      "I win! ^.^" I somehow have it say, making sure to convey the emotion that is synonymous with that emoticon.

      "I hate you. . ." she states dejectedly.

      My brother's alarm goes off.
    14. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 12:39 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Festival! Festival! (Non-lucid)

      So, a majority of the details in the dreams I had last night I've lost, thanks to a rude awakening by my brother who needed a ride to work. This is a shame because there were two dreams that were a lot of fun.

      I can't recall the details, but for some reason my father was messing around, and wasn't letting me into the hybrid. We were in a place that seemed to be a mixture of a European touristy city and Baltimore's Inner Harbor. My dad took off, leaving the window open and me holding on. I tried to keep up with the outrageously slow speeds the hybrid is capable of, but was tiring out quickly. This triggered a dream reflex and I started Hovering, which allowed me to easily keep up, and get an amazing view of the moonlit water and hotels and the festival that was going on.

      Unfortunately, that's all I can remember of that dream.


      Flying Feces (Non-lucid)

      The next full dream I can recall was a good one.

      Some scientists were conducting experiments in order to better understand consciousness and the idea of self. I was their subject. I didn't know it at the time, but I was a clone. Newly created, devoid of any previous experience or thought. An empty shell. As they went ahead with their experimentation, I wondered what they were testing me for. I caught bits and pieces of what they were discussing, and thought, why do they need to know if I'm me, I am me. At 'I am me', realization washed over me. I became fully conscious, not lucid mind you, but aware enough to break free of my restraints, and Fly out of the facility.

      As I flew around, just generally enjoying myself, the dream progressed. I found out that I was in fact a clone, and that the person they had cloned me from was very rich and currently in a coma. Close to death, he had a fiance who was going to get everything. She didn't even love the man, so I took his place, feigned a miraculous recovery, and proceeded to teach her a lesson. It ended with her jumping into an open sewer line that was filled with liquefied feces and other excrement. I'm pretty sure she drowned, but my brother woke me before I could find out.
    15. Projectile poop

      by , 01-01-1987 at 07:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      This dream is a little embarassing to post because it is disgusting and extremely bizarre. I was 6 when I first dreamed it and it reappeared occassionally until my early teen years.

      The dream takes place in a post-apocalyptic like world and there is garbage and debris everywhere. Everything is destroyed or abandoned and the world seems devoid of people save for me. In the dream I am about 5 or 6 years old and am usually wearing a blue or white dress.

      I wandered the desolate streets looking for someone, anyone, because I was afraid and very alone. When I did see someone, I would run up to them and without looking at me or saying a word he or she would turn around, drop their pants and projectile crap at me. Most of the people in the dream I can not recognize in waking life but one person I do know appeared repeatedly when I had this dream and that was one of my older brothers.

      It did not matter where I ran, or who I ran into, I recieved the same treatment from anybody and everybody in the dream: they'd turn around, drop their pants and projectile poop at me. Even when I tried to run away, I would turn around and there would be more people there to block my path and do the same. There was no one in the dream I could go to, or talk to, and I remember feeling very alone and hopeless.

      Updated 06-20-2010 at 10:28 AM by 6048

      non-lucid , nightmare