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    1. Salvia Party With The Family

      by , 06-23-2012 at 04:37 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      I recalled fragments from 4 dreams today (Ugh! - wish I would start remembering details of one dream instead of fragments of 4!!!).

      Dream 1:

      I am playing professional flag football (lol). I make an amazing catch for a touchdown and some asshole tackled me in the end zone, ruining his career (because it was a serious rule violation).

      Dream 2:

      I am drinking in either a house or a train station belonging to the same old lady as yesterday's dream. Someone is talking to me on the couch - I think it is my cousin GH. My dad, my brother and I all get high off of salvia chocolate and throw a surprise party for my Aunt AM.

      Dream 3:

      I finally get to meet my fiance's uncle who she has been keeping from me because he is apparently an asshole. He is in my bowling league and turns out to be a nice guy. We go to the back of the bowling alley (behind the pins) and everything looks like a high-tech space ship (kinda like the bridge on Star Trek). There were people all over manning their computers.

      Dream 4:

      I see a beautiful girl on the street that looks similar to my fiance, but it is not her. Paparazzi are bothering her and posting bad pictures of her on the internet. She is wearing the same dress my friend CO wore to our company party.
    2. Wedding On Mars

      by , 06-02-2012 at 03:44 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      I was able to recall fragments from 3 dreams today:

      Dream 1:

      My old baseball coach, TK, is my current bowling coach and is being very mean. I quit on him.

      Note - he is very nice in real life

      Dream 2:

      The devil is chasing me into a large bathroom (or locker room) at UCLA. He is flushing all of the toilets and flooding the rooms. I am able to escape the scene by flying. It becomes apparent later that the devil and I are friends. He got a girlfriend and got her pregnant.

      Dream 3:

      This dream is very relevant to real life as I am getting married in 3 months.

      It is the day of my wedding and we are all on mars. My fiance's entire family shows up late (we are actually expecting her family to be late) and one of our good friends (El) shows up in shorts and a t-shirt. Luckily we have a spare suit for him to wear. Right before heading out to do the ceremony I get a bloody nose. Whenever I blow my nose chunks of food come out with the blood, specifically green bell peppers. The gardeners who recently planted our front lawn were there too along with my boss's wife, who is disgusted by what we are saying/doing (apparently we were acting rather childish).

      Updated 08-01-2012 at 04:30 AM by 56962

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. School and Life

      by , 04-14-2012 at 03:48 PM (The Dreams of a Trapped Mind)
      Ok, I remember that instead of going to school I went bowling with some friends (Yesterday I actually did go bowling, so that explains that) afterwards my girlfriend's school (my old school) was having this dinner/movie showing thing and I decided to pop in and hang out with her and some old friends of mine. Near the end of the movie i noticed I was still wearing my bowling shoes when I remember that I had returned them (dream sign that didn't kick in) Later I discovered that I apparently live at this apartment home (which is really like a hotel for the old and feeble) I was walking around in the lobby and noticed someone else from school was there too. Her dad was sitting at a computer. She introduced him as like Andrew or something. The computer screen said Alyssa instead of Andrew though (second dream sign that didn't kick in).

      In the dream I noticed the dream signs, said they were weird, but continued on.. PROGRESS!! h

      I know I haven't been on top of things lately, but it's going to seem like it's getting worse because I'll be gone for a week. I'll try to write my dreams down and post what I wrote at the end of the week when I get back.. Too-ta-loo!
    4. um

      by , 12-22-2011 at 01:59 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being at some some mall type area with a bunch of girls. We were deciding between going bowling and something else. We all went into the bowling area, and everyone stood around...just looking like they were indecisive. I didn't care, and eventually all the seats there were taken. The majority of the group broke of, and I headed to the parking lot.

      I ended up inside some flooded dam with some dude talking to me about some special weed that grows near a river. He was smoking a blunt and paddling in the water.

      Then that girl and I were pushing these desk/chairs around through grass
      Tags: bowling, drugs, water, wtf
    5. fOrceez's Dream Journal

      by , 05-24-2011 at 11:20 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      20th May, 2011
      This is one of the two dreams i recall on the night i first started my Dream Journal.

      Writers Note| Dream

      My family and a friend's family were on a holiday together just about in the middle of nowhere. My friend (Martin) and i, decided to split up from our parents (i think they were doing something boring we didn't want to wait around on). While waiting in the 'waiting room' (funny that) for our parents on cushiony single sofa chairs, we decided to go exploring. We entered a corridor that seemed to just go on forever..

      The corridor itself was white, along with most of the buildings that we passed and seemed to pass through or just along every single building in this small town which is weird cause it only went straight( it went on forever and ever.. I think we spent at least half an hour to and hour getting through this). I don't remember if the buildings had any signs on them. We kept on walking cause i really felt like shopping.. We saw a building approaching with a Westfield logo on it. I got excited.. for nothing. Passing through the huge shopping center with high ceilings, there was all but one small shop in it.

      Leaving the building form the opposite side which again led back into the corridor. Eventually, after God knows how long it led into a room shaped in a semicircle, big enough to hold a convention. The circle half of the room was made up of glass windows all vertically rectangular.

      We left the building into what seemed to be Star City's (a casino's) dropping bayI turned to Martin, ."Dude, i know this place.. I've seen it before.. across the road there's a motel and service station." Sure enough, there was.
      Martin stared at me with eyes wide and then the whole setting changed. We were standing in the middle of a bowling alley, very colourful (primary colours: red and white). Martin started running down the steps and hid in a bad storage compartment.

      I turned around and saw a man about to throw a bowling ball the size of himself at where Martin was standing. It flew down the steps and locked onto the storage area like a heat-seeking missile. Somehow, it didn't hit. (I have no idea what happened). The man then turned at me and started throwing bowling balls at me repeatedly (REALLY fast!). I ran down the bowling lanes and dodged the first volley of bowling balls then I turned around to face the guy.. and started doing Tai Chi. The next few balls he chucked at me i caught without quite touching it and threw them back at him.

      Then i woke up :D

      Updated 05-29-2011 at 02:15 AM by 47374

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Creepy firework man with bowling balls

      by , 01-15-2011 at 06:42 AM
      I was at, once again, my old farm where I grew up called Talla Bena. The dream was very hazy, as I don't have very great dream recalling skills. Me and my grandma were inside and heard sirens, so we went out into the fornt yard to investigate. All i remembered from that part were some giant police cars roaming around the yard. Later, we went out the back door and saw more enourmous police cars. They had no driver, and one veered off to come over towards us. We asked the car what was going on, but it ignored us and turned away.

      The scene changed, I was in an area similar to the place where the National Quidditch tournaments are held in harry Potter. It was a slightly cleared area of woods, and there were some tents around us with people coming in and out, holding drinks. My big sister was with me, and so was my mom, although I didn't see either of them until later, I just knew they were there, maybe heard their voice. Somehow i know my sister is pregnant. (She already has a baby and is not currently pregnant again) A shifty looking man in his early 60s slithers over. he is thin and wiry and has lots of facial hair. He asks if we want to buy some fireworks. We decline and he moves on.

      The scene shifts to where I am walking through a similar place with just my sister. i feel very calm and warm because even though we used to despise each other, now we love each other loads. We are talking about something pleasant and then a red bowling ball with a trailing ribbon rolls out of the trail ahead. It stops, leaving a long strand of ribbon behind it. More roll out, crisscrossing all over the ground. The shady man comes out again and yanks on a ribbon, and the whole network erects itself into a canopy. All of a sudden there are pounds and pounds of fireworks inside of the open thing, laying all over the ground. I walk forward, stepping on them, to examine them. They are all different shapes and colors, a bronze fleur de lis sticks out in my head. The man gets all up in my grill and I decline again.

      I am now in the car again with my sister, riding shotgun, going over the Causeway bridge. Once again, I felt welcome and cozy with her. Then I have a sudden image of a silhouette of myself jumping in the air and clicking my heels in front of a window. The window doesnt have scenery outside, it has graduated red to blue, with white dots in between.

      Now I am in a huge commercial building with my father. There are about 438474099 escalators in every direction, and as many people. I suddenly

      am lucid. I don't feel the dream is too stable, though, so I make the best of my surroundings and start jumping off of the escalators and floating down. unfortunatly I feel myself waking up because my eyesight is suddenly blinded by light, I can see the dream fading. Then it quits, and with quickly fading lucidity, I realize I must get back to my dad. I look around and find him a few escalators away.

      There is a line of escalator people blocking my way, but kindly, this rather large young boy steps aside so I can jump down and see my dad.

      Then I am on my grandmas bed....Sketching pictures of my vagina. Not in a weird, sexual way, but it was actually because I had wanted to draw the human body more often earlier that day. (im not very good at drawing people) I guess that some how worked its way into my dreams. Surprisingly, the pictures were very good. O_O

      Then I was in class, and my science partner claimed she was pregnant.
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