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    1. The pig and the dog

      by , 09-20-2011 at 08:03 PM (Oneiric Mirror)
      I dreamed I was in a farm, and on that farm i had a pig and a dog. The pig was huge, the dog was brown and white, it had no pedigree .
      The pig seemed at times that he wanted to bite me and the dog, but never did.
      The pig started chasing me and I started running, until we arrived at a clearing, with walls,and a loquat tree in the middle and some junk scattered.
      My white car was standing there.
      I went into the car, tried to close the door, and suddenly the pig, with the balance of the race, hit the door in the middle , and put a huge dent in it.
      I took away the pig and managed to close the door ... the pig quit attacking me.
      The pig and the dog started walking in circles around my car, peacefully.
      I threw them pieces of bread.
      They put their front paws resting on the hood of my car and pick up the pieces of bread with their muzzles.
      Sometimes the pig tries to catch the dog´s piece of bread and the opposite happens too, but I “say to them” who should eat the bread that I’m throwing.
      I talk to the dog and to the pig telepathically.


      Comments: Part of the dateless dreams series
    2. just wow

      by , 03-20-2011 at 09:59 AM
      tech: just some mantras before bed, some tactile/visual visualisations and a wbtb after 4 hours sleep and a brief sit in bed while waking.

      just had a lucid which blew my freaking socks off.

      prelucidbefore i was lucid i was in this bar/shop. it was like tescos crossed with my old local the bull. people were working and i was training. all i remember was that it seemed odd that it was all sales based when the only real work to do was cleaning. unfortuately i spen a good few minutes of the dream cleaning up tescos i remember that someone was growing fruit so i told them they should come and see my roof garden (real) where ive got raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currrants etc growing. when it felt more like a bar there was an old friend there who i got on well with. she was friendly as ever and it was all going well. when she left momuntarily my mate JC asked me about her. i just said something like 'well its always been a kind of 60:40 thing between us really. he then went 'oops shes right there' and she was right behind me. this upset her and she stormed out.

      i followed to explain what i meant even though i wasnt entirely sure myself. she seemed to think that i was just rating my chances of a shag to my mate, but it wsnt like that at all. i explained that it was more like because we were always in different places, i had never rated the chances of it happening until then. this didnt help and because i had hold of her gently, i t must have seemed like i was the bad guy to these passing 3 blokes. they started to attack me with whatever they had (golf clubs) but i immediately recognised the main attacker as an old school friend. i told him it ws me but it didnt help!! he kept on hitting me and i could feel it a bit, but it didnt bother me. i managed to get hold of one of the clubs and miraculously took out the 2 others with one throw. this just brought further spite from the rest of the bar crowd and they all circled on me. the growing unease made me really assess my surroundings in a heightened fight or flight manner. it slowly dawned on me that i was just in an internal vision of my fears creating

      lucid part this was finally enough to send me lucid. it was very tough though, and i feared that in the face of all this, i would just wake sraight away if i allowed myself to believe in the dream. somehow i managed to stabilise while getting lucid otherwise in wouldnt have worked. i looked at my mate (DM) and told him it was just a dream. he said it wasnt (or stronger words ) but i tried to show him. finger through palm failed miserably as it was already too stable for that. instead i just floated above the bar so the whole pub could catch on.

      I was in a very crowded pub, so it was tricky to just ignore people amd do my own thing. this didnt matter though as floating in front of the bar was enough to prove that it was a dream to eveyone. plus luckily it seemed to help them to forgive me for whatever happened with the girl. i stabilised by rubbing my hands on the bar and peering round at everything quickly. they all responded well and asked me how they could stabilise it. once it was solid enough i said to DM that i was going outside for a quick fly. he joined me. along with a massive stream of people who flowed out of the pub. it was raining so i had the beautiful experience of stabilising a dream with the coolness of the rain. i took off and about 10 people took off from below me. a little mid air spin helped to make the flight so stable. normally i dont even get to land, but this was different. this is only the 2nd time i remember flying with other people, and the sight of them taking off below me was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. i pretty much cried with joy, then flew around with a mate like superman. in fact i think he had a superman top on at one point.

      back on the ground in the galleria, and DM saw a video game he wanted to play. i warned him that if he got too into it, the dream may fade. i said if there was any chance that the real him may remember it, that he should just concentrate on remembering it should he feel it fading. i spoke to another mate, then turned round and DM was gone. i found him playing ping pong a second later though. I spoke to Luke and asked him if he was a lukid dreamer. he said of course, so i just repeated that if he may remember it to get in touch.

      back in the pub and it seemed that a whole new bunch were up for some fliyng. i took them outside and there was a group of girls who i just explained to that they just have to try learning to float first. one girl jumped up then floated back down and bumped her ass it was funny but i could see she was trying so i held her hand and gave her a slight boost. she was fine after that and started floating around.

      i floated past another mate of mine CS. greeted him by his full name and told him i thought i had seen another old mate nearby. we went over to meet AjG and it was him with his crazy beard under some kind of helmet. it seemed he was part of some protest, although it was impossible to tell the police from the protestors. i'd like to think this was a good future sign. i hugged him and he shook me around the big ol crazy bastard. this was finally enough to destabilise the dream, although for once i knew this was going to happen so i managed to stay completely still. it didnt help much and i felt little conection to the dream after waking so gave up on the deild attempt and ran downstairs to post this. i dont think it helped the deild attempt that i woke up completely on my front. i felt no vibes or anything although by this time its likely that i had used up my lucid energy if thats possible
    3. Let's Have a War

      by , 03-06-2011 at 09:19 AM
      First Dream I'm a character in a book that I've recently re-read; Vivian from Blood and Chocolate. She's a werewolf, or, I am in the dream. I'm with a group of people in some kind of wild refugee, in human form. I cross a small creek where wolves reside on the other side. I am affectionate with them shortly before returning to the side of the creek where the people are. One girl approaches me and spits at my feet, she calls me a dirty dog. Enraged, I push her and call her a piece of meat. I hit her and claw at her until she falls into the creek. My girlskin is shed and I am a werewolf at this point.

      Second Dream I am in a lavish vintage manor, it is night, and there are armies of all time periods gathering about. I'm one of them, but I cannot tell who I represent. A general asks for me to be seen by somebody, and it is a very urgent matter. I know who I am about to see, which is Adolf Hitler, and I can feel myself conscious now. I telepathically tell my allies to follow me, so we can kill him. (Valkyrie much? lol)

      When we get into the room where I'm supposed to meet him, I find a long table with food covering it completely. Hitler is seated at the end of the table and he laughs at me gently, like he knows me, and tells me to be proper. I only salute him and sit at the opposite end of the table. Two men sit beside me, and we quietly discuss our strategy of taking him out. A butler serves us coffee in pretty china, but the coffee looks like melted chocolate ice-cream. I know it's poisoned, so I silently tell my friends with my thoughts to not drink or eat anything. One of them does not heed my warning and dies from eating and drinking. Nobody seems to notice that he's dead.

      When Hitler proposes a toast in my name, I stand to make my move. Suddenly, he isn't in the room anymore. The walls disappear and arrows are flying at us slowly. I slow them down more, almost completely and then I wake.

      Thoughts & Stuff For the most part, I'm a very conservative person. So I tend to bottle up the wild side of me, especially my anger. If I can't express it in life, I've noticed that I do express it very often in my dreams. The first dream was not lucid, where the second, was. And if it makes any difference, I will admit that I used to be a very violent-intrigued person, like many other typical Americans lol. But I'm somewhat of a pacifist now, or at least, I aim to be. If you would like to share some insight, feel free.
    4. my faerie senses are tingling

      by , 02-26-2011 at 03:52 AM (Wandering in Dream Debris.)
      In my first dream I find myself floating around in 3rd person. I begin to notice that I'm at an old home I lived in except it had been taken back by nature.

      I'm amazed by the tree vines and roots that have consumed the walls. There was this mystical sense with little particles floating in the air and a few rays of sunlight peering from holes that were now in the roof. I focused on the particles and to my surprise some of them were floating in very peculiar ways, so I zoomed in closer and I noticed they were actually faeries. Very happy little guys, floating around, glowing, and minding their own business. Some were attending flowers and removing pollen and sap, it was really cute. Then I noticed one in particular speaking to another one, this is when I took over the body of the 2nd faerie.

      He began to talk to me and was telling me that if you listen closely, you could pick up human conversations, it was like a magickal sense that the faeries had the ability to do, anywhere they were. I listened intently and picked up the cry of a little boy being physically abused by his drunken father. I pleaded to my faerie friend that we must go and help him, but he told me we weren't allowed to interact with human affairs. I found it ridiculous so I flew away. There was a slight sense of lucidity, not that I knew I was dreaming, but I had a very good sense of control that felt different from normal dreams. I zoomed around till I found the source of the noise I had picked up and my faerie friend followed after me. We saw the father yelling at the boy but it wasn't anything I could understand. I tackled at the window over and over till the man looked at me with total shock. I notice I had a very bright aura coming out from my wings. He dropped his bottle and yelled something in an angry rage, but he backed off and stormed out of the room.

      The boy looked at us from the window and had tears rolling down his face. My faerie friend proceeded to do some faerie magick and was shooting small fireworks and bursts of light for the boy, who was very pleased. I noticed it had been raining and could see reflections of the lights in the raindrops sliding down the window. The boy smiled and there was this great sense of peace and serenity in the air, a feeling I've felt before in dreams, it was very nice. He waved at us and somehow I had the sense he knew we were leaving, everything faded to black and I woke up.

      Updated 02-26-2011 at 07:01 AM by 37090

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. My success, and yours (maybe) too!

      by , 09-07-2010 at 05:01 PM
      Ive been practicing lucid dreaming for a little bit over 2 months now and ive had around 30 lucid dreams overall. Last night, I had 5 lucid dreams. Id say this is a hard to compare with success. I use several methods with great results. I dont even follow a steady sleep schedule. Here they are:

      1. Pay attention to the world around you. Keep an alert mind. Focus visually on the different patterns and shapes in the objects around you. This helps form a distinction between reality and dreams.

      2. Try to notice when you wake up. Dont open your eyes. Just lay there and think about a dreamscape. If you make this reflex, your mind will automatically chain lucid dreams together. The dreams will be easy to distinguish from reality because you had previously thought of them. They are your creation and you are going to grasp on to them. You will become lucid. Also, try to get into your 4th rem stage, wherever that is for you. It usually begins at around 6 and a half hours of sleep for me. This is where you will have the most satisfying lucid dreams. If I try to wild before getting any sleep, i can do it, but the dream is fuzzy and last only a couple minutes. wait until your rem periods are full and complete.

      3. What have you been doing with your life? Is your life complete? Are you holding off on your daily responsibilities? I find that my mind will only allow me to lucid dream once I have a sound mind. Otherwise, i just get dreams that express much symbolism, usually, after deciphering them, saying "Youre doing this wrong, and this isnt working out". So get a better grip on reality, and your mind will allow you to relax. You dont have to fix all of your problems until you start having many lucid dreams, just get a start on them. Let your mind know that you arent playing around anymore, you are going to fix things. Then you will have peace adequate to give leave to your dreaming mind, and you will be able to experiment as you wish.

      These are just my own personal findings. Who knows for who else they will work. Give them a try, and tell me about, if any, the successes you have.
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