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    1. WILD - Encounter with future self - Faye - Encounter with DV members

      , 07-30-2014 at 12:29 AM (Hyu's Adventures)

      I set myself an alarm to wake me up after ~6 hours of sleep.
      The idea was to attempt a WILD, which is something I haven't done in a long time.
      I figured with a WILD I would remember my goals more easily, and I might be able to tackle the issues I have with Faye.

      I wake up from the alarm. I immediately close my eyes again and try to remember any dreams.
      All I can remember is a few weak fragments. I do not bother writing them down.
      Instead I get up and walk around in my room a little, thinking about my dream goals.
      The most important thing would be to deal with Faye. I feel like this is crucial in order to fix my dreams.
      I've also been dared to tell her how she makes me feel.
      I go back to bed after roughly 5 minutes and attempt to WILD.

      I quickly get some HI, followed by the appearance of random faces.
      Some scenes begin to form, but they seem to fall apart before I can transition.
      I open my eyes a few times by accident. I'm really not used to do this anymore.

      After some time I notice that I can see my room even though my eyes are still closed.
      Oh. I am actually already dreaming. For some reason I decide to just stand up, even though I know that I've lost many lucids by doing this.
      Fortunately this time it works. My body is really heavy though.
      I have a lot of trouble moving, but I eventually manage to stand up.

      I shake myself, a bit like a dog shaking away water from its wet pelt. Except I shake away the weight. It works. Neat!
      I rub my hands together and look around.
      I'm not in my room anymore. It's really dark.
      Upon closer inspection, I appear to be standing on some dark marble floor, in an empty room that is clouded in dark fog.
      Another person appears in front of me. First it's just an outline, but as he comes closer he looks more and more like a normal human being.

      Wait what? He looks exactly like me!
      I take a step back as I'm really creeped out. I am super uncomfortable encountering myself.
      He looks a bit older than myself though... maybe by a few years.

      "Who are you?"
      "I am Hyu"


      "You're not being helpful."
      "Haha, I'm a future version of yourself, of course!"

      So now what? Am I supposed to ask him something?
      I probably should. Even though he's still creeping me out...

      "So... any future advice for me?"
      "Hmm... well... not really."
      "Alright, alright. I can tell you that it is going to work out. Is that helpful?"
      "What is going to work out?"
      "You'll know."
      "Oh for fucks sake, you're pulling the same shit as all of the other DC's"
      "Well. What did you expect? I am a DC."
      "... you do have a point..."

      He starts to walk away from me, but just before he disappears in the fog he addresses me one last time:

      "On second thought... maybe you should get that Unreal 4 license. Mess around with it a little you know?"

      (I have thought so much about starting my own company over the past few days. Was this what he was referring to when he said that everything would work out?
      The comment about getting a UE4 license seems related to this.)

      The black fog suddenly starts to move in. Oh shit, the dream is falling apart.
      I panic and slam my palms against the ground yelling "PORTAL!".
      For some reason this works. I fall through the ground, spin around a little and then crash land somewhere in the city.
      I rub my hands against each other very hard. The dream is still unstable, I need to engage my senses.
      A young girl eating some ice cream catches my attention. I steal her ice cream cone and take a large bite.

      "Hey! That's MY ice cream!"
      "Sorry, I need to stabilize."
      "Oh, okay."

      After the inevitable brain freeze I feel like messing around with dream powers a little.
      I don't do this very often. I try to grasp onto the clouds and squeeze them to make it rain.
      It doesn't work whatsoever. Well, this is disappointing, but I'm not sure what I was expecting.

      Then I notice the presence of a huge stargate. That wasn't here before!
      I want to visit Yuya! I point at it and yell:

      "Teraluna, Riven!"

      The gate dials in and opens a portal. Well, that was easy. Sweet!
      I charge at the portal, wanting to jump through.
      But at the last moment someone grabs on to me, trying to hold me back.
      What the hell? Go away!
      I can't unsummon him??? WTF? This never fails!
      More people run at me, all trying to prevent me from going through the portal.
      Oh my god there is an endless stream of them. Hundreds of people all holding me down.

      I use my dream powers to release a shockwave to get them off me.
      Those who were close to me are thrown a few meters back and they pile up on top of each other.
      Then I spot Faye in the middle of it all, controlling the DC's like puppets.
      Her smile is pure evil.
      She makes a gesture, and the stargate unsummons.

      "You're not going anywhere tonight."

      I am afraid of her, and angry at myself. I want my dreams back. I am sick of this Faye nonsense.
      My katana materializes in my hand, even though I have no desire to summon it.


      Faye summons an exact copy of my katana... how...?
      This is not right. She can't do that. She doesn't have that power.
      Are these her dreams now? Have I lost all control over them?
      My desire to visit Yuya fades. I want this dream to end. I feel completely powerless.

      "Aww, I thought you would put up a fight. That would have been so cute."
      "And oh so idiotic. You don't understand anything."

      I have no reply. I close my eyes. This will end the dream...

      ... I'm in some sort of japanese garden. Probably sight seeing or something? I'm with a few other people. (3 I think)
      Everyone is talking about dreams, so I conclude that they must all be DV members.
      But I don't understand what they're talking about. Some induction techniques involving butterflies? What?
      I feel bad because I can't contribute anything to the discussion.

      Then I notice that one of them has purple hair, so obviously she must be ~ Dreamer ~.
      I'm somewhat proud of having figured that out all on my own!
      I want to do something to impress her. I want to show her something really cool.
      And then I have the most glorious of ideas! I am going to use my dream powers to piss a rainbow!
      (Oh god why . By the way I'm totally blaming KristaNicole for this. XD)

      "Hey Dreamer, check this out!"

      I unzip my pants, point my dick upwards at a 45° angle for maximum efficiency and commence some high pressure pissing.
      The stream of piss is nothing short of impressive, but it doesn't create a rainbow.
      Everyone is giving me this what the hell are you doing look. I don't understand why.
      It makes me sad that no rainbow is appearing.

      The WILD has helped to some extend. My dreams did contain elements from my dream goals, but I failed to act on them.
      It's cool that I saw ~ Dreamer ~, even though I wasn't lucid and I behaved like a complete idiot.
      I'm quite disappointed at how I dealt with Faye.
    2. Lucid: Crawling out of bed; Toddler Pisses Everywhere!

      by , 09-20-2013 at 11:36 AM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      9/20/2013, 22:00-5:00

      I was reading the book "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreams" a lot before bed. I also meditated a bit. Also, I drank some water before bed, and thought some mantras in bed before sleeping. All of this got me two dreams and a lucid!

      Dream 1:

      I was in school. I was sitting in some teacher's class, to the left side of the class room. I was noticing a girl to the right and one desk behind me. That's all I really remember.

      Wake Up:

      I woke up at 3:43, and stayed up until 3:46. Pissed and drank some water during that time.

      Lucid Dream:

      Regular Dream Lucid Dream

      I was in a dream about politics. I think there was something about Obama's Affordable Care Act in it. There also might have been something about someone's butt. I think these two absurdities, combined with what I did before sleep, caused me to become lucid. I remember feeling a small rush of energy this time, so I wasn't really that lucid, but lucid nonetheless. I fell out of bed, trying to go through the floor of my bedroom, but I just landed on the floor and started "lagging" in and out of the floor :/ . I then tried to crawl to my door, but the dream faded before I could get there.

      Dream 2:

      I was in this sort of hotel-children-summer-camp thing. I was one of the mentors. This kid, who looked exactly like L from this summer came over to me and said he had to pee. I brought him to the bathroom, and Lucas and I went in too, for some reason. L started peeing, but he then "couldn't control" it, and he started pissing EVERYWHERE! He pissed on the walls, he pissed on the door, he even pissed on ME! Then, while this was happening, a black kid came through the door (probably another kid from this summer) and saw what was happening. He just closed the door and ran, while the bathroom was getting pissed on by the damn Lucas doppelganger. The dream ended there.

      Updated 10-15-2013 at 09:45 PM by 58207

      non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , lucid
    3. 8/31/13 - The Great Piss Adventure

      by , 08-31-2013 at 05:05 PM
      This is one of my longer and more interesting dreams and my recall is waning by the second. Let's do this!

      This dream was either very long or was an extension of the previous dream (basically a DEILD without the lucidity). I don't remember the first parts, save for that my sister was involved and there was a show that I wanted to watch after school. Now to the parts I remember:

      I was sitting in English class. There was some trip you could go on that day. I'm not one for doing after school things, so I refused. Besides, I had a show to watch. I said goodbye to my teacher and went to do whatever I had to do next. The school was not like my real one. After I was done with that, I had to hurry back to my English teacher's room, for whatever reason. The buses were leaving soon! I kept asking people how to get to her room, but the school was a bleeding labyrinth! I finally came across one of my friends and asked him, "What's the fastest way to Mrs. Callahan's (my teacher) room?" He replied, "Well, you can go straight through... (this part eludes me) or you can go through Bavaria at either end of the school." In this dream, there were two regions we referred to as "Bavaria" at either end of the school. These places were locker/shower rooms bathed in piss where freaky German dudes hung out (no offense to German people). For whatever reason, I decided this was my only option. I moved as quickly as possibe through the piss-covered rooms, trying hard to avoid slipping and being caught by a German kid. I tried to used walls to retain my balance, but every surface was covered in piss! I was almost free, but the Germans came after me. As I was about to exit Bavaria, some girls screamed as they saw me (the area looked like a store) and some German tried to grab me. I suddenly became invisible to them and everything became grayscale and there were words at the bottom of my vision. This is where the dream ends.

      Again, I apologize to any offended Germans!

      *The fear of missing the bus is a common element in my dreams, but this is the first time it's happened in a while, possibly because school starts on Thursday.
    4. Pissed the bed...

      by , 06-10-2012 at 01:02 PM

      Last night, I remember nothing. I don't just mean dreams, I mean my general night
      I went out with my mates in the woods like antisocial teenagers and we had a lovely bonfired with some beers, was great! Anyway I got really drunk on Scrumpy Jacks and made my way home at about 1am and passed out in my bed. Next thing I know, I wake up in the middle of the night to wetness and nasty smells. Yeh, I pissed the bed. WORST THING that could have happened. I flipped the mattress and would have washed the sheets but was scared of my mum finding out but she hasn't noticed, so I'll just have to put up with a urinated bed for a couple of days
    5. Restaurant Work & Sex at the Bridge

      by , 09-30-2011 at 02:36 PM (. - ~ = * [ |{(Welcome to my Weird Dream World)}| ] * = ~ - .)
      So i was high and i sleept .. then cus i saw a movie and it had 1 cool girl .. at the morning i woke up several times and had stress about smthing .. then sleept back and i was in the restaurant i work usually.. , so then i was working working there were too much dishes idk alot of stuff and there were like 4 waitresses 2 who cook and myself..
      so i was working then i asked do i work toomorrow , they said no just satturday .. ok.. and it was just 12:00 am and .. i was like wtf everyone's leaving? i mean , restaurant closes at 2:00 at night and kitchen at 23:00 Lol.

      then somehow.. i was walking down to the (warehouse) and there was a girl ... that girl i saw in the movie @The.Covenant '' the blonde'' @
      then i took her and started kissing her everywhere but remember when i asked my self why is everyone leaving.. i also said and know that i am dreaming ;D..
      then after kissing her we like teleported or walked fast i dont remember exactly to a bridge.. she started getting naked and i started having sex lol.. then in middle of it.. i hear from somewhere.. @HEY RastaMan@
      i am like wtf?
      then again .. @Hey Rastaman..@ wtf... 3 times he said that.. then idk i started losing lucidity control and woke up.. But i keept my eyes closed cus i wanted to go back to the same dream..
      i entered the dream but the prob is , i was thinking about bridge.. and i was like fasttttt walking to the exact place where i was with the girl and i loosed control then and woke up ..

      than i sleept back ... i had weird dream lol . i dont remember it but itt was like damm it was also funny.. there was in a Tram Station[google it if u dont know what it means] a chinese lady and chinese man they both used rock o.o , they started pissing.. like dogs.
      everyone was laughing and he was saying why u laughing at .. rofl i was laughing alot too.. then i saw a old lady at the right or what it was.. i forgot and she started pissing too i think lol.. so weird.. then something happened i had like powers.. that the moon was coming down or so and i did smoething with my hands and i stopped it on a specific location.. i went near it and it was so big .. then i started moving my hand and doing things it started like being changed.. like from an planet to metal stuff or like the paris Tower..

      thats all i remember have fun ;D