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    1. 15th Aug 2013 More flying, City and village, Weird barrel thing - Day 5

      by , 08-15-2013 at 03:37 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      I am at home and some people are distracting me from my nap, there is some talk, i have to do something with some papers and then they leave. After that i notice some candles on table, and that one of them apparently slightly setting the wall on fire, i started thinking about informing someone and almost exited the room, but then "wait a second", i look at my hands and they are weird, so i am dreaming. I stop and recall some stuff to do then i go to balcony doors while rubbing hands on the way. Dream version of my room appears to be using old layout and there are apparently a couple of steps down on the way to balcony door, and also balcony itself has glass walls, some of them are open though.
      I jump out and feel my wings, starting the flight. I fly around and soon i am above some other city, with high density of rather small buildings and some industrial buildings, all of them are mostly blocky and squarey. I fly above them while looking around, there are some weird reflective surfaces floating in the air. After a few minutes i spot square opening in the roof of one of buildings and fly inside. Place appears to have mostly metallic walls and some machinery, then as i look around it slowly turns into different room from my home part by part, and then dream fades out.

      I wake up and i still feel that i am dreaming, and it's nighttime here this time, i get up and go to balcony, it appears to be same as before false awakening with those two steps and glassed walls, but this time closed, i get to glass, turn around and fall back, phasing through it. I feel wings and start the flight. Looking around, dreamscape appears to be more natural, there are some trees. I fly to the left and then i find some village, there appears to be some wooden water barrel thing, in the middle of it that immediately catches my attention, i have urge to destroy it. So i land and start tearing it apart, it appears to have some mechanisms on top and metallic parts, and it's insides are made of... bread??? As i tear it apart i also notice some DCs walking around. Then satisfied with that being done, i stand up and think about trying some of that bread, but dream shortly fades out shortly.
    2. 7th Aug 2013 Fairly decent length lucid, some flight and transformation

      by , 08-07-2013 at 02:51 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was some anime with story about some detective dude who visited some school and was getting all clues by beating up people and in the end he found out that the teacher was behind everything and then there's some other character appeared.

      Dream 2:

      I am in my room, doing some stuff, and i spontaneously realize that i am dreaming, i take off a few headsets(seems to be my new reality check, multiplying headsets, haha) and then go towards balcony, i look around and it's different, more cramped than IWL and it's more structually into building. Suddenly dream fades out.
      I wake up still dreaming, but can only see cloudy blackness, though still can feel that i am in my room. Dream is highly unstable. I get up from the bed and go in general direction of balcony, i hear familiar voice of attacker DC, as he gets in my way, i forcefully shove him off to the side and continue towards balcony while trying to force dream to stabilize with sheer will. As i reach balcony dream becomes stable and blackness fades, i rub hands and take off a few more headsets because why not, balcony seems to be pretty similar to before false awakening.
      I jump, feel my wings and start flying. I fly to the left from the balcony and there are some yellow buildings, trees and some highways. After a bit of just flying i decide to try that idea of starting transformation from phantom sensations. I focus on them and it starts, i feel and see snout and also the side of nearest building becomes reflective, in reflection i see that my head is a head of dragon now, black/grey scales and a few horns, but as i try to move, it reverts back. I fly over some fence and there's some passage under bridge. I land and decide to go through it, there are some DCs.
      I exit passage and now i am in some foggy park place(As in, natural fog), with trees and a puddle of water to the right, i take off once again with my wings and i fly higher, out of the fog. I look around and there are some tall red brick buildings surrounding the park, i fly higher and get onto the roof of one, then i continue flight. As i fly i notice that one of buildings has small weird HP bar near the roof, i get onto it and stomp a few times, with each stomp taking out part of hp bar, as it reaches 0% building falls apart in the place, then i continue flight and notice more buildings with hp bars and part of their hp missing, they look actually damaged. As i fly over one, i hear some voice saying something and then some force knocks me to the right, i fall onto the streets, but manage to land perfectly. I look around and see some buildings on fire and some factory building. I walk
      and lose lucidity, i walk through some streets and reach some gas station.
      I wake up and i am apparently in some outdoor restaurant place and my tagbook is on the floor, some weird kid is looking at it. I grab whole thing and kid says that he knows me from dreamviews apparently. We start talking about something and then he asks if he can have some of candies that i apparently have in the pocket, there's four of them. I give him one and eat one myself as well, it's yummy.
    3. 5th Aug 2013 False awakenings, Attacker DC's revenge, Headsets, More flight

      by , 08-05-2013 at 03:35 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap. Lucid started with ultralow awareness and with each FA awareness got higher, though each FA also ruined my recall somewhat apparently.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was going to nap but there were some distractions, and then radio randomly started playing and i was trying to turn it off.

      Dream 2:

      I am doing some stuff at home, then i wake up in different room, take off headset and sound is still here, some DC starts distracting me and i think about my room. Dream fades out.
      I wake up in my room, but it's different, also mom's here, i take off headset again, still hear sound and i feel headset still on me, i take off a few more headsets off my head and throw them on the floor. I go to balcony but door's closed, before i open it mom starts talking about something and slowly turns into that DC that attacked me before. Before i can do much i am teleported back to bed and some force binds me in place, DC says something about some video game and shows images from some platformer, i try to fight the force but dream fades out.

      I wake up again, room is exactly the same as IWL, doubtful, i go to balcony and take off a few headsets, i am indeed still dreaming, suddenly outside changes greatly and i am now on balcony of some different building, which looks much older and much more interesting in structure. I take off and fly, i feel my wings. I fly along the wall and then under some kind of arch/bridge that links that building and some tower-like structure. I also try to do some other dream control, like summoning, but end up only making my voice really different. Then soon dream fades out.
    4. 3rd Aug 2013 Flight, Weird fish, Going through windows

      by , 08-03-2013 at 02:47 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1:

      I am at home, doing something on PC, then i am interrupted by someone questioning about my nap and look at the time, it is 1:00 or close to that, but i already went to nap at 2:00, i start feeling the dream too, so i am dreaming. Dream is slightly unstable, i go to balcony and jump out, i feel my wings and start flying around, the place looks mostly similar to waking life, but to the left there are some buildings that don't present IWL. I end up flying around for a few minutes, getting in some wind currents a couple of times, looking around and trying transformation. I also notice that sky is being like background texture rather than actual sky, weird, haha. Then dream fades as i wake up moving around the room in chair, i get confused and then wake up properly.

      Dream 2:

      I am on the bed in some grey-ish room and i think that's my room, there's some aquarium with fishes right above doorway, it's weird, i start reading some magazine and then look at aquarium again, now there's pretty big and really weird fish of green-yellow color, and it has 4 big frog-like eyes. I end up multitasking between reading and watching it, at first it just stays in one place, but then it slowly starts phasing through aquarium glass. Then it teleports to the left from me, onto the wall, and then onto my head, everything goes dark. I feel that i am dreaming and vision fades back in and room is shaking for a bit, also it is darker now and... there's same DC that attacked me few lucids back, i say something to him and give him "Don't even think about doing it again" look and he gets scared and sulks in corner, then says something about what i am doing not being a good idea. I go to window and look outside, i am apparently in some kind of skyscraper building. Then dream fades out.
      I wake up but in different room of my home, the one with chandelier. I get up and let out a bit of roar, go on all four and jump through window, ending up partially phasing through it, i feel wings and try to fly through, but i get stuck for a bit, then as i phase through i end up falling onto the floor of some different room. Brown walls, bookshelves, green/red carpet and some small lights. A bit confused, i jump and fly through window again, this time ending up outside. It looks like it's autumn, since all trees have yellow/reddish leaves, and also there's really huge fence. I try to fly over it but dream fades out and i wake up twice.
    5. 20th June 2013 Lucid, Riding a spider and some flight

      by , 06-20-2013 at 12:39 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments)

      I was chatting with SilentEternity on skype and there was something about school i had to search on google.

      Dream 2:

      I was watching yogscast playing on some rather simple minecraft map. It was designed for competitive games but they were trying to coop it for some reason, then they used flight cheat to get to the upper area of the map. There was passageway with glowstone, and another hidden passageway in it. Then there were some big spiders with changed, non-squarey, models, yogscast suddenly started overreacting and then...
      I suddenly am at home in corridor and dad's here i spontaneously realize that i am dreaming and start going forward, i try imagining sounds of spiders from before, then i actually hear one coming from behind and then i kinda ride on him to the kitchen, where i lose balance and fall off.
      I wake up but i still have dreamy feeling so i rub hands, it's very vivid and i think about transformation, i remove window by jumping backwards through it, then i feel wings and fly. There are some DCs and also i briefly notice some huge dude in the red shirt in a chair to the left. I try transformation but i somehow get teleported back a bit instead, i continue flight along the building but then dream fades out.
    6. 19th June 2013 Random lucid, Flight, Lots of DCs

      by , 06-19-2013 at 12:48 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap, due to chat distractions went to nap later than usual and managed to still get lucid.
      Didn't remembered much waking life memory though.

      I am randomly walking around my room, thinking about something, then i suddenly have the feeling of dream, i go to balcony, rub hands, jump off, and start flying, i feel wings. There are alot of DCs, much more than usual, walking around the wide street, i fly around some of them and shove them to the side, then i fly above the street and think about summoning something as i fly around the corner of the street, then after a while dream fades out.
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. 9th June 2013 Intense WILD entry, Changing wing colors

      by , 06-09-2013 at 12:00 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap, haven't had intense entry into WILD like that before, haha, fits that i recently had talk in chat about not experiencing much vibrations.

      I am in my bed, after a while everything starts shaking and i have dream feeling, i just go with it and shaking becomes even more intense, like an earthquake, so intense that it throws me into air and almost off the bed, making me open eyes. I take control of the situation and stop them. I am in my room, looks pretty close to my room in waking life. I go to balcony, rub hands and jump off, i feel wings and start the flight, i look around and notice that i can actually see base of my wings this time, i easily change color of them a few times, stopping at black. Then i fly near some building and about to go with summoning, but dream fades out and i wake up.
    8. 27th May 2013 Random happenings in my room, Randomly lucid!

      by , 05-27-2013 at 10:16 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was at home, but most of the home was like underwater and i could breath underwater freely. The structure was pretty confusing too, like completely different and with alot of height changes and vertical passages. Also it used mostly red color.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was on some kind of a mission, at some point i was flying through dark elevator shaft and was searching for something at some indoor farm place. Then there was some kind of AI Machine, or something like that.

      Dream 3:

      I was at home and i was on PC, i was chatting with OmkAR and some other people about some Beyond Dreaming stuff, and apparently i had some books on that(I am not even into that IWL). While having discussion i was browsing some other forums, and there was some forum with black theme and it was about money, but there was almost none posts because newer forum was opened? Soon i was pretty tired and went to sleep.
      I woke up and there were like four PCs in my room, and also there was some dude on my PC. I was confused at first but then i started thinking that it's someone from that site. He then started talking with someone over internet and shortly asked me if i am ok, i say yes and he says that means his job is done and he exits the room. Then two radio alarms start singing(I don't even use alarms IWL) and i turn them off. PC randomly shuts down.
      I stop for a second and think what's going on and what was that all about, and then i realize
      that i must be dreaming, i look at my hands and there are 6 fingers on my left hand, they are like 'in pairs'. I go to balcony and it's nearly on ground level again. I jump over the railing onto the ground. It seems like outside area is very unusually open and fully asphalted, there are some cars standing or moving around. Shortly i start flying and feel wings, i attempt transformation again but no success. I accidentally close eyes, but decide to keep them closed for a bit to try teleportation, i visualize some place and, i have weird movement feeling but then i wake up twice.
    9. 20th May 2013 Back onto the track~

      by , 05-20-2013 at 11:15 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Finally broke the the lucid length dry spell, thanks to the competition i guess.
      Now need to improve dream control and work on my expectations...

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was in some theater/shop place.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      Can't recall much of start of the dream, i was doing something at home and getting messages on skype from SilentEternity, then i went to continue the nap. I was trying to fall asleep but my legs were randomly moving into some positions, i eventually fell asleep. Then i woke up and was walking to somewhere, then fadeout.
      I wake up again and take off headphones,
      i still hear binaurals so i am dreaming, the room is pretty accurate to waking life. I go towards the balcony door but it's closed, for some reason i decide against going outside this time, and i just start flying around inside, i feel the wings. Random thought comes to me to try to summon a dragon again, but nothing happens. I fly around the room in circles and each time furniture around changes, there are random tables, some food, vases, drawers, the time of day is changing between day and night as well randomly. While flying i decide to try transformation again, this time into one of the characters i thinked up for certain game, Scionox. I feel the change in my hands, i look at them and they are turned into kinda solid darkness, not exactly what i wanted but still success. They fade back to normal after a few seconds though. I do give it a few more tries but each try just reduced the number of fingers on my hands by one with no other effect.
      Shortly i wake up, happy and then i wake up again and do an reality check, haha, false awakenings.
    10. 21st Apr 2013 WILDing in the dream again, Abstract shmup, Dragon, False Awakenings

      by , 04-21-2013 at 12:10 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      I was at home, and i decided to do some WILD attempts, the room looked completely different but i didn't noticed. For some reason i was trying to do WILD in the uncomfortable corner of the bed, i noticed that and moved to the better position.
      Then dream skipped and i was going through some greyish town ruins and there were some zombies that i was shooting.
      After a while i was back at home and i was playing some abstract shmup. It was in the space and there were energy platforms floating around, enemy was attacking with spaceships and there were also tanks at the platforms. And out of everything that shmup was using Hellsinker OST for the music. I got through a couple of levels, each of which was ending with an boss fight versus some big abstract spaceship.
      But after i have done that game suddenly not just switched to the first person, but i was actually in the game. I was walking down an spiral set of the dark red spiral stairs, descending into the darkness. It was deep underground. Soon i have reached some kind of island, floating in the middle of the darkness. At the island there were ruins of the castle and a few more buildings. I crossed the bridge, and music started playing. As music was catching on, glowing white dragon flew out of the darkness and stopped above the island. Shortly dragon became darker and he started talking about something(can't recall what), shortly i recalled
      one of my dream goals and realized that i am dreaming, but before i could do anything, some force started attracted us together, and everything went pitch black. I feel weird sensation, like my body was changing in some way or getting fused with, but shortly everything stopped.
      I woke up but the room looks different so i am still dreaming, i get up and rub hands but dream fades out again.
      I wake up once again and it's daytime, i look at my hands, 5 fingers on the right, 3 fingers on the left, then suddenly back to 5 on the left. Balcony door was blocked by some garbage, so i decide to do small trick with the window nearby. I go backwards through it while expecting it to disappear and as i start falling backwards i notice that window is not there anymore. I feel the wings and fly around while randomly shouting commands for transformation and doing visualization(And completely forgetting how to do it properly ), i get my hands to slightly change, but once i look back at them they change back. I even try visualizing that dragon from before but no dice. After a while dream fades out and i wake up properly.
    11. 15th Apr 2013 More false awakenings, Dark blue figure out of wires

      by , 04-15-2013 at 11:11 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap, recall of waking life in dream didn't updated with latest change in plans for some reason

      I was doing stuff at home then went to bed, decided to WILD.
      I had transition sensation and i feel that someone is there apparently, i open the eyes, i am in my room and there is random DC, i shove DC off the bed and he says some nonsense, i take off headphones and binaural beats are still playing, i fly to the balcony and further outside, phasing through door on the way, i feel wings. I shout the stabilization command, and for once, it works and dream becomes more clear, i also try shouting the control command but don't feel any change. There's some reflecting surface floating in the air, i look at my reflection, instead of me it's some weird roughly humanoid figure made out of some kind of dark blue wires, it has wings and it has no head. I look at me and i am normal myself(In retrospect, i should have used that for transformation instead, haha, i should remember to do that next time). I fly around and decide to attempt transformation into a dragon again, but before i can do much, dream fades out.
      I wake up in my room, i take off headphones normally(No reality check is perfect) and go to my PC, as i am about to type dream recall keywords into file i wake up properly.
    12. 14th Apr 2013 More false awakenings and 'WILDs from the dream'

      by , 04-14-2013 at 11:53 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Recall from today's naps, bunch of confusing false awakenings once again and fake sleep paralysis.
      The first nap was weird one though, i am not sure what i was trying to do there.

      Nap #1(fragments):

      Can't recall much other than that i was WILDing and the room was different.
      Then i woke up in my room and i exactly knew that i was dreaming, i got up from the bed and spontaneously started trying many kinds of dream control and failing... i probably didn't had full control over myself either. Shortly dream faded out and i woke up.

      Nap #2:
      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was some kind of theatre and i was behind the scenes, where people were making a movie. Then later i was using subway to get somewhere, then i was in some other place and there was movie like cutscene. Finally i was back at home and i was doing WILD, family was watching movies and distracting me but i continue.
      I wake up back at my room, and i can't move
      , i try to break out of it, but chandelier appears and everything gets filled with lamps. Dream fades out and i wake up again, i take off headphones and i still can hear binaural beats, but before i can do anything else dream fades out again and i wake up distracted by family watching movies, can't recall much after that other than some dream skips.

      Dream 2:

      I was back at home again, and again trying to WILD.
      I wake up again in my room, can't move, and chandelier again is here, i attempt to break out of paralysis and this time i barely manage to get able to move to take off headphones, binaural beats still heard. Then suddenly dad appeared out of nowhere, grabbed me and thrown me out through the balcony door, while shouting 'Thanks!'. Outside i am able to move normally again, i feel wings and fly, i respond to him "No, thank /you/" since for once family member helped me in lucid dream, usually they were more distracting me.
      Dream, however is not very stable, so i rub hands and quickly stabilize it. Then i look around and outside... is weird. It looks like outside area near the house is surrounded by same walls that are in my room somehow? I fly higher into the skies and do decide to attempt to do transformation into a dragon again. I give it a few tries, using various commands and visualization, and during one of attempts, i start feeling bigger... but my visible body is the same size, not changed at all... that's weird, also my voice gets more booming. I fly around some more and i somehow get into some kind of tube, walls of which are made of screens with blue ads on them...
      At the bottom of the tube there's room with wooden floor, i fly there, by the time i reach it the feeling of bigness vanishes, i also notice that walls are white and cyan. I am now inside some building and there's janitress, as i fly closer she throws a bucket at me, i feel the hit but i take no damage of any kind. Then she disappears while i look confused. I look around some more and see a group of schoolmates from my past. I fly closer to them, but before i can do anything dream fades out and i
      wake up.
    13. 12th Apr 2013 Battle, Trap, Curd making facility and Lucid from false awakening

      by , 04-12-2013 at 10:15 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Nap #1(fragment):

      I was in the field, brown ground, i was the leader of the warrior squad, there was semi-ruined building that we decided to use for camping, but soon, we were attacked by enemy warriors. We were battling them at our best, but they kept coming. I saw an enemy leader while overlooking the terrain, i sent some of my warriors to deal with him, but they failed. I had to deal with this by myself, but before i went there one of warriors was saying that i should not go for enemy leader. I ignored him and soon was about to attack enemy leader, but it was a trap, leader somehow paralyzed me and then dream ended.

      Nap #2(fragment):

      I was in some futuristic city and there was facility i was visiting. There was some blue humanoid, that i was calling 'Curdy', and he was operating machine that was making curd. He told me recipe and there was some kind of secret ingredient, then i went to home. There was cutscene happening back at the facility, Curdy went missing and there was dude that was mostly bald and he was in cyan suit. Then cutscene ended and i was back at home, i was trying to eat potato but was very hard to eat, then dream ended.

      Nap #3:

      I woke up in my bed and i had to move some stuff around room< then i realized that i forgot to take off headphones, i took them off and binaural beats are still playing, so i am dreaming, dream is somewhat unstable so i rub hands on my way to balcony door. Then i slam the door open and fly outside, i feel the wings and i fly around pretty quickly. Shortly the dreamscape changes and goes weird, like two perspectives are overlapping, some parts of it are normal and some parts moving around with my field of view. After i fly over some street it goes back to normal and i decide to attempt transformation into a dragon again. There's not much of result though, my hands only got a bit bigger. I fly through some kind of temple ruins and suddenly my room appears right in front and before i can do anything i crash into the wall in the room. Dad comes into the room(i think my awareness decreased after this transportation...) and we talk about bunch of things that i barely recall, i recall something was about transformation. Then dream fades out and i woke up.
    14. 5th Apr 2013 Wheeeeee, false awakenings, four lucid dreams in two naps

      by , 04-05-2013 at 01:30 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Definitely improvement there, even though three were rather short, i got lucid in each dream, 1 WILD, 3 DILDs.
      It also was pretty confusing with the number of FAs and i couldn't recall non-lucid parts in much detail.

      Nap #1:

      I wake up in bed, knowing that i am dreaming, furniture placed differently and my bed is much closer to my PC apparently, before i can move i wake up properly.

      Nap #2:
      Dream 1:
      There was some stuff going on in my room(can't exactly recall what), interrupting my WILD attempt, but i eventually go back to doing it.
      I wake up in bed, the room looks different and i know i am dreaming, i take off headphones and binaural beats still playing, confirming that, but then i wake up, but go back to nap after memorizing recall.
      Dream 2:
      Again, family distracts me from my WILD attempt and i was fixing some machinery, which we had a whole wall of(not IWL), then there was some video game and i went back to WILD attempt.
      I wake up in bed, the room looks different once again and i know i am dreaming, i take off headphones, binaurals beats still playing, i get up and look around, the room is not just different, but positions of some furniture and exits are mirrored, i go to the balcony while rubbing hands but dream fades out and i wake up, memorizing recall once again and the going back to sleep.
      Dream 3:
      I am still there, attempting the WILD, the room is different but i don't notice it in dream, at one point family coming through the room and talking about something, then i just fallen asleep.
      I go through a number of weird sensations and then
      i wake up in bed and i know i am dreaming, but for some reason dad is on me and tries to stop me from getting up, i take off headphones, and i am still hearing binaural beats, confirming the dream. I shout 'Get off!' at dad a few times, each time in more commanding tone, and eventually, on fifth shout, he gets off me saying something along the line 'Yes, yes, goodnight' and i thank him for letting me go.
      I go for the door, and open it, but then realize that this room is not mirrored and that i opened the wrong door. I go for the balcony door while rubbing hands, not working well, i shout 'Stabilize!' and dream gets more stable and i can see very clear. I ram the balcony door, but i unexpectedly end up just phasing right through it and gravity gets low. I start flying and i feel wings. Everything looks weird, like, dreamscape just don't gets 'rendered' after certain distance, but my sight is very very clear. For a second i kinda forgot what to do, but then shortly recall that i need to practice transformation into a dragon. I shout to get more confident, and my voice echoes around the dreamscape. I fly near one of the clouds, which were pretty low down, and i can see my reflection, my wings big and black dragon-like and i am happy that i finally got them right, i attempt transformation but dream starts fading and i
      wake up.
    15. 3rd Apr 2013 Been WILDing in the dream again, twice

      by , 04-03-2013 at 04:45 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap. Was going to find something to do TOTM but dream ended too unexpectedly.

      As was in my bed, going for WILD attempt, headphones were behaving weird.
      Eventually i fall asleep and
      wake up in my bed, and i know that i am dreaming, there are like ten hands holding me and i am not able to move much, and then somebody materializes in the air and falls onto me.
      I wake up, but forget to do an RC, family was trying to distract me but i decide not to move much and attempt to WILD again.
      I wake up, knowing that i am dreaming again, and i take off headphones to confirm it and yes, i can hear binaurals. I get up and get a weird feeling like somebody tries really hard to wake me up. I stay calm and rub hands, soon the feeling goes away. Interestingly the room is very dark, but it's the daytime outside. I go to the balcony door, it's closed. I ram it a couple of times like i did previously when it was closed, and it opens.
      I fly outside and i feel wings, i fly straight and on the way i accidentally manage to go into third person view somehow for a second, I think about it and then recall that i wanted to take a look at wings. I reach some kind of park, with a small river, and in flight i decide to try going into third person view on purpose this time. I manage to do it but for some reason i couldn't hold it for long enough to look in detail, though i recall wings being somewhat greenish, also they looked weird and i didn't figured out what type of wings that was.
      I continue flying around and surprise random DCs, then i am flying below some kind of tent, flight was slow for some reason, and i decide to try to do transformation into a dragon once again. I concentrate on visualizing it but accidentally close eyes, i get some weird sensation, like i am becoming longer or something but then dream fades out before i can open eyes.

      I wake up, then in few seconds i wake up properly.

      Updated 04-03-2013 at 04:45 AM by 59854 (Fixed color tags)

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
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