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    1. 2nd Apr 2013 A challenge, Weird game, Graveyard donation?

      by , 04-02-2013 at 04:08 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Nap #1(fragment):

      Can't recall much, but there was something related to plants.

      Nap #2:
      Dream 1(fragment):

      There was some kind of challenge where one should manage to go through a bunch of various traps on platforms over the spike pit. Judge, me, and some other dude were on the side of the pit. Dude was about to jump but the judge stopped him and said that he's disqualified, when he asked why, judge said that's because he was partly a dragon apparently, and that's not allowed. Dude was disappointed and left. I was the next to do it and i got some kind of list with rules and it was indeed saying that nothing dragon related was allowed. I was annoyed and i became lucid from that somehow, realizing that i am dreaming, i activate my wings and feel them, i want to look at them but my field of view gets all weird, i do an flip in the air towards the judge and then yell "So what now?", 'What you do now?". He stares at me like an NPC who is not programmed to do something in that situation. Shortly my field of view gets even weirder and dream fades out.
      I wake up but the room is different, though before i can do anything i wake up for real.
      I decide to try DEILDing from there but i drop into unconsciousness.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some kind of game where i controlled some cartoonish character, there ere a number of levels coming along the huge zeppelin of come company, then later there was cartoonish child that had to be escorted through levels. Then finally there was a level on the Zeppelin itself, there was another child that was enemy and he tried to confuse me about which child is correct, he was successful and i attacked wrong one, it went berserk and was all red, and was attacking back like crazy, as result character that i was controlling fell from the Zeppelin, on the ground i eventually found the correct child and finished the mission. Dream skips.
      I was near some house that was built in the center of graveyard, there were lots of policemen and i apparently didn't wanted to be caught or something. There was also one friendly policewoman, i explained something to her and she helped me to get through. On the graveyard, i started dropping tons of money all over the place, while saying something about donation( ). Everyone started collecting it and then dream ended.
    2. 8th Mar 2013 Quake 4, Darkness, WILD in a dream, wings and flight,Transformation into dragon attempt

      by , 03-08-2013 at 05:31 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Recall from today's naps, some success, also not much of non-lucid recall due to me trying to DEILD after waking up from non-lucid. Also wow, i did successful WILD in a dream(which counts as DILD i guess?).

      Nap #1:

      I was in game that looked similar to quake 4 and was shooting some stroggs with my hyberblaster, cleaning room after the room. Then there was very dark passage where i got ambushed. Then everything went black and i spontaneously go lucid, i try to imagine different location and teleport to it, but there's no success, i try a few times but i am still stuck in darkness. Shortly i feel something touching me and 'hugging' me, no clue what it is. I try to teleport again but no dice. After a bit i see some white/cyan wall for an split second and then i wake up the room is different and the lamps are broken so i realized that i am still dreaming, but i can't move for some reason. Shortly dream fades out.

      Nap #2:

      Can't recall much about this one, i recall finding out that one of the forums that i was previously on, which expired, has been restored and functioning also there were some troll users getting banned on it. Later i was browsing some other forum that was apparently about Trigonometry Wars shmup, in one of the threads the author was having some problem with a different game he was making. Later i noticed that my PC was overheating.

      Nap #3:

      I was home and there was major revamp of furniture positioning, people were annoying me and PC was loading extremely slow due to some problem. I got tired of trying to fix everything and ended up just lying in my bed, trying to WILD...
      I awakened in my bed and i know i am in a dream, i take off headphones and i can still hear binaurals, that confirms it. I get up from the bed and while getting up i am concentrating on touching it with hands for stabilization, sound of binaurals shortly fades out as well. I am looking at the room and it is pretty accurate to my room in waking life, also it is daytime. I go to the balcony door and on the way i am repeating 'I am dreaming' a few times for additional lucidity and stability. I started ramming the door, had to do it twice like i did in the other lucid dream, though this time it just opened instead of breaking, i am fine with it since i want to do something more major for TOTM anyways.
      As soon as i get to balcony i take off, i immediately feel the wings, and this time i am better prepared for it. It's still not easy though, i start flying in circles for a bit and then far to the right(if facing balcony from outside), being unable to get higher. I note that the building is very long and as much as i was in flight, it didn't ended. I finally figure out the movements and start getting higher, my target is the roof, since i need a good big open place. I reach it in a bit but it is very small somehow, i take off again searching for different roof.
      Shortly i reach some red brick building, i note that my flight is pretty stable now. The roof is sloped, again not fitting for my goal, but i find decently open plaza-like area down below near this building. I also try taking a look at wings, but for some reason the angle at which i can rotate head is rather small. I land and look around, there are people walking around this plaza but i don't care. I start thinking up the way to reach my goal: transformation into a dragon, and i decide to try just concentrating, imagining transformation and shouting 'Dragon form!'. I try it for the first time, no success. Then second time, still not working. Then i try for the third time! I feel my right hand becoming different, i look at it and it's mostly normal but slightly bigger and clawed looking, it becomes normal shortly. I become more confident and attempted for the fourth time. I concentrated much more as well and i got it, my hands became clawed and black scales appeared all over them, but a second later, dream abruptly ends.

      I woke up in my room and dad was annoying me about something, so i forget to do reality check, then shortly i wake up again, this time properly.

      Worth noting it was my longest lucid up to date as well.
    3. Meeting the Guardians

      by , 08-31-2012 at 08:12 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was a young girl, around 10 or 11 years old. I slept in the same room with my sister and every night really strange things would occur. She would sleep walk and talk, but the things she said were really disturbing. It was as if she became someone else at night.

      So, every night I would have to resist her attacking me.

      One night, she whispered to me, "Stop resisting. The plot needs to move forward."

      I thought about this for a moment. What a strange thing to say.

      But what if she was right? Every night it felt like we were going in circles, the same thing all the time. It really did feel like our "plot" was getting stuck because I kept resisting her.

      "Fine," I whispered back.

      She smiled and took her knife and put it against my neck. She slid it across the skin while pushing down, I felt my adrenaline rushing and my skin breaking.

      A few minutes later, I was dead.

      ~ ~ ~ ~

      "Where's Lizzy?" The store manager asked.

      "I 'unno," I replied back. I was now a young boy, around 12 to 14. Apparently Lizzy was my sister, and all of us worked in a family business alongside the road in the middle of nowhere.

      "She was supposed to be here an hour ago," my father vented.

      A man came busting through the door with a wild look on his face and stammered, "Lizzy...she's dead!" He didn't look related to us. He kind of looked like Chuck Norris.

      Everyone was in a frenzy.

      Later in the night I was standing outside on the road. It was pitch black outside.

      I was the only one standing here. There wasn't anything here for miles but crops upon crops.

      I feel like I've been here before.

      An eerie light was coming from the horizon. It was getting closer and closer and closer.

      In the light I saw a silhouette of an angel walking towards me. He was rather tall and his wings were spread out.

      As he got closer I could see him more clearly in the ominous light.

      He had long silver hair and silver wings.

      "I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I am not a good angel," he said in his deep voice, "however I think it fair to alert you as to what is happening on our plane."

      I feel like I've been here before...

      "Your sister fell victim to a dark angel, but not in vein. It had to happen - to let the plot progress. You see, on our plane there is a war between the good guardians and the bad guardians. I am on neither side, simply a messenger."

      His voice had a strange scowl to it.

      "And since you're family will be torn in the middle of the war, you should meet some of the guardians that are on your side."

      I had a strong sense of deja vu. I have definitely been here before. I feel like I've dreamed this dream several times over.

      "Meet the first Guardian - Change."

      The Guardian was a small tree. The tree was luscious and green, but as I continued to look at it the branches slowly withered away, the leaves became dry and crisp, and the tree died. I felt an overwhelming sadness.

      "Meet the second Guardian."

      This Guardian was simply a square, metallic portal. I wondered what it represented.

      "And the third Guardians - Love and Care."

      Love and Care were and old couple holding hands. They radiated with pink energy. They put there hand out to shake and when our hands met I felt elated with unconditional love.

      "And lastly - a close friend of mine."

      He appeared behind me. He had wings like the messenger angel, but he looked dark and full of strife.

      He reminded me of Vincent Valentine.

      Woke up right after that. I really feel like I have had this dream a few times before, but I just didn't remember it.
    4. Flying like a boss, zombies, telepathy

      by , 08-08-2012 at 05:41 PM
      [size=24pt]Wings are the best![/size]

      This time it was completely lucid.. I love this dream so much.. I was being taught how to gain altitude well by max. Which is the protagonist in a book that I'm reading right now. This dream was probably the best flying dream I've had and if I ever fly again in a dream I'm so using wings. Jesus! some more dreams like that and I would be one happy boy!

      My wings are reddish brown, more brown then red.. (funny they're usually white though I"m a ginger hehe)

      Unlike other dreams this one started more unrealistic and got super realistic to the point where I became lucid, I was having so much fun though I kept doing what I was doing with being taught how to fly with wings and all, it's a whole different thing to fly with wings for me but I got it down a little. Was at the top of a big hill and I was gliding down. Funny how for half the dream the girl teaching me to fly was Max and the other half was Claire.
      We were also attacked by some thing.

      >_> Oh yeah!~ another dream.. lolol I could talk telepathically to george. It was sweet!

      third dream about me ini a zombie apocalypse, I was gettin "couked up" as I put it and wanted to go waste some zombies, this dream was really realistic and I was tired of being home, besides we needed to go scavenge for supplies. I tossed in our usual weapons and this time put in a crowbar. I remember my brother not really wanting to go but I was ready to go by myself.. I said that I wanted to drive a fredign humvee or tank or something that was lying around town from martial law that hit right after the zombies started coming out everywhere. We set off and we saw people living in tents back sorta by our house.. Like a whole little town of people.
    5. Badass, Mid-flight Fight

      by , 06-25-2012 at 12:28 AM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      Yay for MILD epicness! Finally ended my dry spell that I'd been having for some time

      I was sitting in my living room watching some t.v. I looked out the back door and saw my dad mowing the lawn on the riding mower. I decided to go outside with the push mower and help him by trimming up around the fence/areas where the other mower can't reach. I started going around the fence and then went back behind the shed. I noticed some people hanging outside the back of my neighbor's house having what seemed like a party. As I came around our shed they all looked over at me then turned towards the driveway when they heard a loud thump. I did the same. I saw somebody in the car turning it on. The other guys started freaking out yelling, "He's stealing my car, yo! Stop him!" I reached into my pocket and grabbed my cell phone and dialed 911 while pulling it out. When I looked up I saw the person behind the wheel had a gun out and pointed it at me. He just shook his head.

      He then drove away quickly and the other guys chased after him. Once he had looked away I continued on with the 911 call saying "Someone just stole my neighbor's car, I need a cop and an ambulance (lol?)." They didn't reply and I just hung up the phone. I started talking to the other guys and they told me their names. A couple of them sounded famous, I think rappers. I can't remember their names but for some reason I knew they were well known. I asked him a few questions about the car and was able to figure out that it was most likely a black Jeep Grand Cherokee.

      The next thing I knew we were in my living room and they were all sitting on the couch (there were 3 of them in total). The one on the left was just staring out the window at a car parked in the street. The one in the middle was looking over at the third guy who was calling someone on his phone and seemed really stressed out. I was sitting in the family room along with my dad, I was on the couch and he was in the armchair. I looked out the window to see who the one guy was looking at and noticed a large black SUV, I think it was a jeep. It didn't occur to me that this could be the guy's stolen car so I just continued staring at it for some reason.

      After a couple seconds I noticed a girl get out of the car. She looked very professional but had a very short miniskirt on. She came up to the door and rang the doorbell. I got up to get it and when I opened the door I acted as if I knew her. "The 911 response?" I asked her. "You got it." She replied. I let her in and we walked through the living room and into the dining room. Once we were in there I started asking her about the car. I can't remember the conversation up until a point where she said "It's warm in here, let's make it hotter." She tried to make a move on me! Luckily I realized that this was unusual and did a RC while she was kissing me (lol). I looked over at the clock and it said 7:84. Okay, most likely a dream, but to be sure I looked away then looked back. The second time it said "Dream bro, lawl" That settles it, this was a dream.
      Best way to get lucid ever.

      Now knowing that it was just a dream I pushed the girl away. "Sorry, I don't want to do this right now." She showed no emotion and just walked away. I started to think about what it was I wanted to do and nearly forgot to stabilize. My vision started getting a bit fuzzy so I quickly rubbed my hands. I focused on all my surroundings from the color of the walls to the smell of the room in general. Smelled like a bunch of food. I remember that while falling asleep I had been doing a MILD which basically consisted of me telling myself to LD and to use wings (I had been watching a lot of videos in which people have wings and it made me want to try it). I decided to try having a mid air fight while still controlling myself using wings instead of just levitating/using nothing but dream powers.

      I told the guys on the couch "You're car's out in the street" and they all ran out there relieved to find that their car was sitting right there. I didn't even think about the car just being there I just said it. For all I know they were just acting xD. I walked out the back door and rolled my shoulders forward focusing on wings sprouting from my back. I didn't feel anything in my back but I did feel my shirt get tight and then it seemed like the back of it ripped. I looked to my sides and noticed two wings each about 7 or 8 feet long (so a 14-16ft wingspan) and they were a dark orange and red color. I actually reminded me of my avatar on DV.

      I tried moving them and it somehow came very natural to me. It was almost as if I was moving my shoulders forward and backward but my shoulders were staying perfectly still, it was the wings that were moving. I knelt down a little bit to get a good take off angle and started flapping them. I didn't do it very hard at all and I quickly shot up into the air about 100 feet. The feeling was awesome, just hovering there. It was almost like hanging from a harness but without any weight on your chest, just a dangling feeling. I soared off towards the woods behind my house and tried seeing how fast I could go. It seemed as though I had no speed limit and could go as fast as I wanted. I tried to various aerial maneuvers like spinning and diving. Diving was the greatest experience ever. I would go up to about what seemed like a few miles, above the clouds that were around me, and just stopped flapping all together and looked straight down.

      Once I was about 500 feet from the ground I extended my wings and angled them to make me flatten out. I thought it would be a lot of pressure/stress on my back but it wasn't, surprisingly. It felt as if somebody was giving you a back message in terms of pressure, it didn't really feel good but it didn't hurt either. I thought it was about time I tried doing what I actually had decided to do, and that was to fight. I started going in one direction and imagined somebody behind me, a character from an anime I had recently been watching. I quickly changed the direction I was facing which was a little sketchy given that I continued to go in the same direction for a few seconds only backwards.

      When I turned around I saw him floating there with his own wings, more black and thin than mine which were feathery and orange/red. His looked more like bat wings (will post a picture of him) and he was dressed in an all black suit. I yelled at him, "Come on, let's see what you've got!" At this point we were about 300 feet apart and I could see him snicker. He shot straight at me and tried to cut me with some sort of shadowy blade, only it wasn't solid. It was as if he formed it out of the shadows themselves. I pitched right and dodged his attack by a fair margin but it was still a little close for comfort. He was flying very quickly and closed that 300 feet distance in about 2 seconds.

      I spun around to face him again and saw him circling back for another move. I waited for him to get close and tried to counter his attack. At this point it seemed like time slowed down (a common occurrence in my fight scenes) and I moved to the left of his attack while at the same time slamming my elbow down on his back right between his wings. He dropped down about 20 feet but quickly regained equilibrium. Before he could completely compose himself I dove down from where I was and grabbed him by the neck. I put him in a choke hold which cause him to be unable to flap his wings/fly. I found out that it's not easy to hold up two people while trying to fly.

      He was trying his hardest to get out of the choke hold and I was managing to keep him in it, but he was starting to loosen my grip. I decided to dive straight down from where we were (about 250 feet) right towards a pool. Right as we got close to the pool I tried to pull up from the dive. I extended my wings as much as I could trying to get some lift. We were about 10 feet above the pool and time started to slow again. I decided to just let go of him and tried to just save myself. I was still going down at about a 20 degree angle so I was unable to save myself completely but I managed to spin around so that I was facing the pool. I was able to see him crash into the water but only a split second afterwards I hit some sort of building. Despite the fact that I hit it with my legs I was still going very fast (not sure how fast but the dive only took a second or two) and the force of the impact unfortunately caused me to
      wake up.

      Pretty epic way to end a dry spell if you ask me

      Spoiler for Onyx:

      Spoiler for How My Wings Looked:

      Updated 06-25-2012 at 12:38 AM by 31951

      lucid , memorable
    6. The World of Monkeys

      by , 04-25-2012 at 08:41 AM (Zoe's weird things)
      [Tried a WBTB + SSILD again today, falling asleep took longer than yesterday, but after all i was successfull ]

      I slept for like 1 hour when i woke up from a dream and i was still in Sleep Paralysis, which was nothing new to me. So i decided to DEILD my way into LD
      It didn't took long until i opened my eyes and found myself in the dream, fully lucid.
      What was before my eyes was totally AWESOME. I was floating high in the sky and a huge colorful world was opened before me. It looked a little similar to the movie AVATAR, there were colorful plants everywhere, beautiful green grassed tundras and jungles were all around.
      The inhabitants of this world were different kinds of HUGE monkeys, apes... The smaller ones were big as a car and the biggest ones reached the height of whole buildings. There were also colorful birds flying around in the sky and bees and different insects doing their work

      The monkeys looked like they were the owners of these lands, they were walking, running around in smaller groups, or just sitting and sleeping under big trees. It looked like they don't really get competition.
      I had a plan for today that i want to summon an extraordinary creature [i already knew what creature, but that's a secret for now], so i wanted to find a calm place where the monkeys can't find me and interrupt me.
      I started flying around and wanted to pass through a huge rock wall, but by reflex i closed my eyes when entering the rock, so i woke up. [But i was able to come back to the dream the same way as i did in the beginning].
      After i was back in the dream again, i was standing on the ground in the big grass and a group of monkeys and apes were coming slowly towards me in a line, but it was obvious that they didn't care about me, they just wanted to pass by.

      I decided to turn to super speed and run away and find a safe place faster. As i passed near the monkey group, the first 4 of them didn't do anything, they didn't even look at me. But then i've got a feeling that the 5th one, the biggest ape which had reddish fur and looked angry planned to hit me when i pass by him, so i jumped when i reached him. He didn't hit me at all though.
      After this i was going at full speed again and looked behind my back just in case.... Now i suddenly noticed that there was a huge black ape coming after me at full speed and was growling loudly. I got really scared at first at the sudden appereance of him, but then i jumped up in the air just before he reached me.
      I landed on a column, which didn't look like it would fit this world, it was just an usual concrete column.
      The ape smashed it's head against a wall-like thing and i woke up again just at this moment, not sure exactly why.
      [I went back to the dream again, using the same method as twice above].

      When i got back into the dream again, i was up high the sky, standing on a cloud and i even had feathered white wings. All i've seen was white clouds everywhere and some kind of altar a little further on another cloud. I didn't care about the altar, because i still wanted to do my summoning, so i just flew down and wanted to get back to the monkey world. I passed through the clouds easily, but then i noticed a huge glowing purple-black energy field like something floating below the clouds... It looked like something evil took over the world... I tried to fly through it, but the darkness took over me and i woke up again...

      [After this i couldn't go back anymore, because i wasn't in SP and accidently moved my feet...]
      [This was a kinda memorable dream for me, even while i couldn't do much, that world was just so interesting ]

      Updated 05-01-2012 at 11:17 AM by 54420

      lucid , memorable
    7. my ninth, crappy lucid, but it had it's moments.

      by , 04-21-2012 at 02:32 PM
      I only remember the part of the dream were I knew where I was lucid (except for some t-shirt stuff I'm not writing down.)
      I was walking down the stairs when I suddenly thought, Hey.. I fell asleep; I'm dreaming.
      But man, this lucid was of really poor quality. I could not look any more the 2 meters in front of me, and it felt like someone was trying to push a lit over my eyes the whole the time. And at the same time, I was at the brink of waking up.
      The best moments was when I ran of the porch of my house. I screamed, because it was much higher than in real life. I was heading for the parked cars, but luckily avoided them. That was a real thrill
      Then I ran off into the night (because it was really dark outside and I had nothing to do) and before I knew it I had flapped my black feathered wings open and was heading full speed for the heaven. Ah, it was wonderful. I did a salto (spin in the air) and just played around. I spotted my friend L. on the ground and landed next to her. She ought to show me something, and I tried it.
      I suddenly felt like I had bad time and took of again. As I was getting higher and higher, I suddenly crashed into an invisible barrier. Thinking I could make it trough, 'cause it was just a dream, I did. On the other side I was back in low-quality mode, in a room with no doors, no paintings, no people. Nothing. The walls were a light lemon color, and the floor were white.

      More I can't recall to scribble down, so I'll just post a little picture. I like pictures.

      Note to self: In daylight my wings are white, yet they are black at night ^^

      Updated 04-21-2012 at 03:23 PM by 53379

      lucid , side notes
    8. Artificial wings

      by , 04-07-2012 at 01:17 PM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I had this dream yesterday, but didn't upload it until now.

      I was in a wide open field. There was a guy there wearing these fake brown wings on his arms. I looked at them very closely, thinking I might want to replicate them in my next lucid. *But that thought quickly left my mind, and he decided he was going to teach us how to fly with them he gave us a run-through of how to use them, and then brought us to a place to use them. It was a small pool in someone's backyard. We were to swim across the pool and grab a backpack on the other side, then jump up and we would fly if we were fast enough. No one was, so no one flew

      Then just as I was going to give up, I realized how dumb swimming before taking off was. I asked if I could try it just by running and jumping, but before I could try, I appeared inside a castle. The castle was huge and very clean. It was all white with some pastel colors as accents. Madoka from Madoka Magica was there. She wanted to try flying, so we let her, and she succeeds.
      Tags: flying, pool, wings
    9. Possible Shared Dream and the TotY

      by , 02-10-2012 at 07:07 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      (This entry was actually this morning, the last one was from two nights ago but I wasn't able to get on my computer yesterday)

      I was in a classroom of some sort which I couldn't recognize as any I had ever been in before. It did look like one I had seen on t.v. though, but I wasn't sure from where. I was sitting in a desk in the front left corner right by the door and there were about 15 other people in there with me. My history teacher walked in and set his stuff down on the table in front of the class. He looked at me and said, "Do you have your wings?" I didn't know what he was talking about but I instantly got up and ran out of the classroom. I burst through the door and ended up in a narrow corridor which was high above the ground. It didn't have walls or anything, just guard rails. I looked over the edge and could see that I was about 30 feet in the air.

      I ran down this path and at the end there was a small, sqaure room with an opening on the right. I turned and jumped right off the edge which at this point was only about 8 feet. This brief section of the dream turned into a fixed view point from about 20 feet in front of the room which I had just jumped out of and was facing me. I saw myself round the corner and jump off, then continue on off to the right. The dream then returned to a first person point of view and I continued to run through this strange complex. It resembled a plant store, like the gardening section of home depot, with some parts outside and others indoors.

      I ran into the building again and turned right into another hallway but this one was completely enclosed. I ran down the hallway and got to the end which was just a dead end with a small rope. I was on the second floor again somehow. I looked over the edge of the rope and could see a small cliff drop off into a rain forest type landscape. Off in the distance it looked like a hawaiin rain forest which are very mountainous. I turned around and dashed back down the hall. About halfway through I saw an opening on the left and dashed through it. This led me to another outdoor area which was filled with various plants and tables. There was a middle-age women standing there and turned at me saying, "You haven't gotten your wings yet?"

      I still had no clue what she was saying and ran around to one of the tables. I looked on it and saw two metal cups/bowls. They resembled a harmon mute for a trumpet. I grabbed two of them and went over to the end of another table. I took one of them and started to tear it up into little pieces. I spread those pieces on the table and when I put them down they all proceeded to melt. The liquid covered the end of the table and for some reason I felt like I had accomplished what I wanted to. I turned to my left and did the same thing only to a wall which had seperated this side from the other side I had ran through. For some reason I got very suspicious of things and preformed a couple RCs.
      They all passed! I was in another dream .

      I quickly calmed down and rubbed my hands together to stabalize it. There were a ton of kids running in, all about late teens in age, and I recognized a few of them. One of them who I had previously mentioned lucid dreaming to, walked over to me. "Hey burke," She said. I grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Liz, calm down, don't get too excited, but we're in a dream right now." Her eyes got really big and she gave me a funny look as if she was saying are you joking. I told her to follow me and we crouched around the tables and gathered with the crowd. We were all surrounding this middle aged women who had a top hat in her hands. "Okay, lets see who won their wings!" She said. It must be some sort of raffle!

      She reached in to pull a piece of paper out and ended up pulling a large card out which was about 10x20 inches. She looked at it and smiled, then turned it around to show us. All it said was "You Won." I felt excited for some reason and just tried to calm down. Then, the TotY popped into my head. I only needed one more: Titanic. I turned to my friend and asked her, "Is it alright if I head out now?" She gave me another funny look and said, "Yeah sure, see ya." I imagined being on the deck of the Titanic right as it was about to hit the iceberg. "Bye," I told her, waving my left hand and snapped my right. In an instant I was on the titanic but in the back of it, not the front where I had wanted .

      I was walking around along the edge of the ship when there was a very loud bang, accompanied by the ship shaking violently. I figured this had to be the iceberg. I ran around to the bow and could see eveyrbody on the deck panicking and running towards the life boats. Just like I had learned in history class the boats were being deployed with only about half occupency. I got to the very tip of the boat where the famous scene from the movie had occured. (You know, "I'm king of the world!") Right as I got to the railing I heard a veyr loud creaking sound like metal being forcefully bent. The nose slowly started to rise up into the air and I looked back. I could see the ship tearing in half just like in the movie.

      I climbed over the railing and got on the very tip of it and planted my feet on the railing which had become the ground. Everybody who was on the ship and didn't make it into a lifeboat was falling into the water. The half of the boat that I was on was slowly making it's way down to the botton of the sea and about a couple feet a second. At this rate it was taking some time for the ship to go down but I remembered I had to "experience" the sinking so I just waited it out. I looked around and could see the various people in the lifeboats and a lot of people clinging to wreckage in the water. After a good 2-3 minutes of slowly sinking the ship was finally about to go completely under.

      I climbed up as high as I could until I was at the very highest point of the ship and the water was coming up faster then I had thought. My feet dipped into the water and wow, it was cold! I jumped up out of the water and just levitated a few feet above the surface but not before the water had gotten up to my waist. Wow, it was seriously cold. I felt bad for those people . I felt very satisfied, knowing that I had completed the TotY and figured I could have my own little celebration. I snapped my fingers and teleported myself to a room with a large bed. I proceeded to have quite some fun with a few pretty ladies (thanks sexy hawt females thread ). I'll leave the details to your imagination.

      I talked to the person in my dream whom I had told was dreaming about what had happened and asked her if she remember any of her dreams. She said yes and I then asked her if any of them involved me. She said she didn't think so but she wasn't sure. It could've been a shared dream but I'm not 100% sure.

      EDIT: I get it now! My "wings" from the non-lucid part were for completeing the TotY

      Updated 02-10-2012 at 07:16 PM by 31951

      lucid , task of the year
    10. They chasin' us!

      by , 10-24-2011 at 11:00 AM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      Vividness: 9.5
      Recall: 7
      Overall: 8

      Non-Lucid Lucid Comment Aids

      Great dream, I knew school life was preventing me from having LDs, you really do need those extra hours.

      Suplements: None (had 200mg B6 on the 22nd-23rd)
      Mantra: Spent 5 minutes "I'm Dreaming

      Standing in a gloomy corridor, something's off, but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it is the creepy hooded man staring at me a little way down the corridor. I look down, the floor is patterned in a ugly black and white checker. And the walls a gloomy grey... 'Maybe I'm dreaming', it seems very realistic and I struggle to reassure my self that it is a dream.

      Remembering the creep to my left I look up, he begins advancing on me, I panic and start to try the 'finger through palm' reality check, it's not working. I decide to start running down the corridor until I come to an opening, it's like I am in a have collapsed Colosseum, this makes me gain confidence that I'm dreaming and I turn round.
      As the man approaches I effortlessly raise my hand sending a large shockwave towards the man, I chuckle as the man flies back where he came from.

      Time to work on stabilisation, I tell myself. I shout 'Ultra Stabilise' though cheesy seems to do the trick, I feel alot more rooted, I notice that details came into focus when I shouted it. I want the dream to be more detailed so give it a shot 'Clarify!', the dream becomes so real for a spit second but then defocuses to becoming slightly blurry. After a few attempts I feel that I've got it as detailed as possible and I'm impressed, standing across the room from the ruins of the other side of the building, I can see each piece of rubble.

      I hear something behind me, the man's back, I don't want to fight him so I summon myself some angel wings. Diving off the edge of the building I hear him scream at me, but I don't care this is absolutely awesome. At first I have to manually think about flying, up, down, up, down. But I gain the confidence to let the wings do their own thing and it works, I'm hovering with little effort. I see a church and begin to fly around the building, around the large tower, through the arches in the walls. A woman is stood looking out over a beautiful view, I go down to talk to her, but
      a large hook is wrapped around me, I am dragged backwards and I catch a glimpse of the man's return, he has a young sidekick now which appears to be wearing multiple glasses. I know I made enemies with him in primary school, so silly.
      I fall on to the rough dirt, although I had flight I had little power or speed, so I lose the winds and blast the wire away from me.
      'Sean!' it's my brother, he is here to help me. Observing the opponents they appear to have minor dream control, summoning themselves sawn off shotguns. Realising the danger I throw us into the deep puddle river thing behind us, summoning a large pillow behind us just in time to sponge a volley of bullets. In the water it's a mess I frantically attempt to move the pillow so that it protects us, and begin to wade out of the puddle. Grabbing my brothers hand I teleport him away.
      A raised shotgun is pointed at me, it's one of those 'have any last words moments'. I summon a crystal shield in front of my chest, muttering words of a spell. In shock this is just a small area of the chest I shout 'shield, surround my body'. It works a treat, running in the opposite direction my wings appear and I head off into the distance.
      I stop back at the Colosseum, where I am confronted by the young accomplice, I attempt to make peace but he won't have any of it, he raises the shot gun to me which I quickly disarm.
      I am quite angry and unleash a point blank shot to his head, the damage for some reason is minor and heavily grazes the left side of his face.
      The dream is fading, I think I am reaching the end of my REM, stabilisation isn't working, so I give myself iron man boots in combination with my wings and fly off into the distance.

      Updated 10-24-2011 at 09:45 PM by 49050

    11. A Dream Within A Dream

      by , 10-09-2011 at 01:31 PM

      First of all, it amazing last night. There was a meteor shower. I just lay in the forrest, and looked up at the sky. It was so incredibly beautyful, you can't imagine!

      Oh, but I had also had an amazing night! I had 2 lucid dreams, and they were both the longest and most amazing LDs I've ever had. Especially the second. But I'll start with number one, and then I think I'll write the other one in a new entry.


      A Dream Within A Dream:

      Okay, I had a dream within a dream. And a false awakening. In the first dream, wich I am in only a few secunds, I'm not lucid at all. Only in the dream, I dream in the dream. I know, it's confusing.

      I felt alseep in my bed in the dream.
      My family and I "woke" up in a dream. In the kitchen. The sun was shining, and the weather was perfect! Suddently, it hitted me, that it was weird, that we all were in the kitchen. I did the nose-pinch reality check, and became lucid! "YAY YAY YAY YAY!" I thought, but began to calm down, because I wouldn't wake up already. "It's a dream!" I told my family, and they got lucid too. I ran outsite on the grass, I was too busy with myself, so I can't remember what my family did. I wanted to fly, because it's one of my biggest goals. I jumped. Nothing happened. I really tried to think that I could fly, but it was almost too unrealistic for me. "Okay, what do I do?" I asked myself, and it hitted me, that I just could create some wings! I focused on the wings, and that I'll get them. After a while, I looked into the window. I saw some big, beautyful, white angle wings!


      I began to move them. What a vividness! I could feel the sun shining on them, I could feel the muscles in them and the wind agains them, when I tried to fly. It helped a little bit, and I could fly about 2 meters up, but I kept falling down. "I have to try this another time I thought, and gave up. I ran into the house, and talked to my family. And then.... everything turned black.
    12. The abandoned city of Jupiter (Totm)

      , 06-08-2011 at 02:35 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I'm at home, programming for one of my current projects.
      I have a bit of trouble getting something to work, that doesn't appear to make much sense.
      I quickly realize that what the problem itself is complete nonsense.

      Yep, I'm definitely dreaming.

      I notice I've also been programming in chrome in stead of visual studio, how weird.
      I see the "Dreamviews" tab is still open, so I click on it wondering if there'll be anything special.
      Unfortunately I get an error trying to access the page:

      "Error 000: You are not awake"

      I stand up and take a closer look at my room, trying to let the dream settle in and to figure out what to do.
      I'll try the advanced Totm again. I'll go to Jupiter! But this time I'll do it right, not like last time...
      After I feel that the dream is stable and that I am thinking clearly, I draw my phoenix wings and try to reach out to Jupiter with my mind.
      It's pretty easy, and I immediately find the big red spot, great!
      I take a step through the fabric of space, teleporting a few 100 meters over the red spot of Jupiter.

      I immediately start falling. Yeah... gravity, how did I not think of that?
      Jupiter is huge! When I look at the horizon I cannot see any curvature, it's perfectly straight, as if it would be a plane of infinite size.
      There is no sound as I fall, but I understand that is because I haven't entered the atmosphere yet.
      Obviously I can't hear anything in the void of space.

      I know I'll hit the outer atmosphere any second now, I can see the red layer of gas approaching very rapidly.
      It looks like an absolutely massive tornado, reaching for possible thousands of kilometers, and I'm falling into the very center of it.
      As soon as I hit the first clouds I can hear a massive thunderstorm. It is very loud, and it never stops growling.
      I see lightning flashes everywhere, so I draw a protective bubble around myself, which lessens the pressure I feel all over my body and the intensity of the sound.
      Although the smell is very faint, it smells a bit like an orange? How weird, I would have expected something more like sulfur.

      I descend through many layers of clouds, and the intensity of the storm decreases as I go deeper.
      Suddenly, a pocket in the clouds appears. There's a biodome floating in the middle of it!

      I realize that I will hit it pretty hard if I don't slow down and instinctively summon my wings in order to do so.
      Although I do slow down quickly I won't stop in time, but I know that's not a big issue.
      Just before hitting the outer wall of the biodome I simply blink through it and end up on the other side.
      I slow down and land on a big greenfield next to a sea.
      The air tastes and smells very fresh, you get that sort of salty taste as if you're standing on the beach of a big ocean.

      I was hoping to meet the inhabitants of this biodome, but it seems this place has been abandoned a long time ago, how unfortunate.
      But I'm quite happy that I managed to do this and that I found something rather interesting.
      I want to do the basic task as well, but I'm afraid to loose the dream if I go back to earth.
      But then it strikes me, the basic task should be easier than the advanced one... I'll just summon a shipwreck right here.
      My back is turned towards the sea, so as I turn around I expect there to be a shipwreck, and there is.
      It's right under the water surface on the beach. It's an old wooden pirate ship.

      I wonder if I can blink into water? Ah, what the hell, I'll just try.
      I look at the ship and blink. OUCH!
      Well, the good news is it works. The bad news is it feels like running head on into a brick wall.
      I dive into the wreck, searching for a treasure chest.
      It gets quite dark which I dislike, I know going into darkness can end dreams.
      But then I find a wooden treasure chest... except... it's really really small.
      It's maybe 10 by 10 centimeters, but it looks like a royal chest with jewels and everything on it.

      I open it up, hoping to find something amazing.
      As it opens, a few faint light rays emerge from it... woah!
      Inside of the chest I find... well... a wooden Yo-Yo.
      What the fuck? Seriously? What kind of treasure is that?
      My vision slowly becomes darker and then blacks out.

      I decide not to try to stabilize it and wake up instead to take notes.
    13. A Dinner Outing for my Sports Team

      by , 04-13-2011 at 08:44 AM (Brainy Vapours)
      My highschool basketball (or is it football/soccer?) team is going to be coming to a special dinner out that I am organizing. During practice I am so distracted thinking about all the details that I can't concentrate on the game.

      The restaurant is a very small but very popular place that seems to be done in a log cabin style. I am going back and forth between restaurant and gym, trying to get things in order. My friend is with me and he tells me where the table is located. It's on the second level. He takes me to what looks like a closet, but when you look up you can see the second floor. I tell him it shouldn't be a problem for those of us with wings (like he and I have), but what about the others? After we think about it for awhile I just announce that people without wings can use the stairs.
      The waiter that will be serving us asks how many will be coming. I realize that I have no idea, but guess between 15-20. He raises an eyebrow and looks unimpressed.

      Back at the gym I am trying to practice again when I overhear someone say that the most popular guy in school is only going to the dinner because he thinks I am pretty. This makes me very uncomfortable, so I go back to the restaurant to talk to my friend about it. He tells me it's nothing new or shocking, and that he's always thought so too, and that's why he's always called me that "pet name". I look confused, saying that I thought that "Nüßig" meant nutty, and he tells me that it does, but it has a double meaning.
    14. Help from my Dream Guide

      , 03-29-2011 at 03:29 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I am in the countryside, walking up a path which leads to my house. (I have never seen this place)
      The path leads up to the top of a small mountain.
      The area isn't very populated, so I don't encounter many people on my way up.

      I finally reach a small street, my house is at the end of it.
      There's a few more houses, maybe 12 or so and a water fountain in the middle of the street.
      For some reason I am attracted to the fountain, it is very beautiful, but I don't really know why.
      As I approach it I start to question my surroundings and quickly realize that I am dreaming.

      I am happy to have become lucid, but the feeling quickly vanishes.
      In front of the fountain I find a dead wolf. He seems to have died because of a deep wound on his neck.
      I feel odd. Seeing the dead wolf makes me kind of sad.

      It starts to rain. Has it ever rained in my dreams? Does it rain because I am sad?
      The sky starts clearing up and it stops raining, rays of light start poking through the clouds.
      A small bird emerges from the light and lands on the fountain, looking at the wolf.

      I have seen this bird before! It is the same as in the Dr. Who dream!
      The bird looks at me for a few seconds.
      Then he switches his attention back to the wolf.
      He spreads his tiny wings and they start glowing in all kinds of colors.
      Some glitter emitted from his wings lands on the wolf.

      The wolf comes back to life and looks at the bird. They exchange a few thoughts, the wolf is thankful that the bird saved his life.
      He runs away. I am amazed by what I just witnessed, but I still feel somewhat weird, although in a positive way now.
      The bird takes off and lands on the hand of a girl.
      I recognize her, It's Faye!
      She looks different than last time though, but her aura is clearly the same.
      She has long brown hair now and shimmering green eyes.

      "What have you learned from this experience?"

      I remember that WakingNomad has asked me this question a few times.

      "He's a phoenix..."
      "Yes, he is, so what does this mean?"
      "I don't know... what does it mean? We are in my dream bubble aren't we?"

      Faye gives me an affirming nod.
      She acts very mysteriously. Yuya sometimes does that as well.
      I kind of like it though, I've always been a fan of mystery.
      She wants me to keep thinking, I'm supposed to come to a conclusion.

      "So this phoenix, he is part of my imagination?"
      "A projection of your subconscious the people on your forum would say."

      I think this is the first time a DC has made a direct reference to DV.
      Faye talks about how in my dream bubble, everything that I don't actively create is a projection of my subconscious.
      I already knew that, and she knew that I did, but she's trying to make a point.

      "So where does this idea of a phoenix come from?"
      "That is the question. Knowing the question is half of the answer."

      I really like the way she is speaking, it is so mysterious, yet it is very clear that she is leading me onto the right path.
      I look at my left arm and spread my own wings, which I use to navigate the dream plane.
      I remembered correctly, the wings on my left arm do look exactly the same way as the wings of the phoenix.

      "When I use these wings to teleport, that is actually a phoenix ability."

      I say this more as a realization than a question.
      And after saying it I know that I am right.
      I can use these wings to move through the fabric of space and easily navigate the dream plane by doing so.
      I can also heal other beings, but the ability is far too complex for me to do anything major.
      I could never revive someone, not even a very simple being, such as an insect.
      The sheer amount of energy this would require is beyond my imagination.
      I remember that I have used these abilities many years ago in my dreams.
      My vision is blurry, I assume the dream is about to end, I feel like I should thank her before it does.

      "Thank you, I have indeed learned many things from this experience."

      I say this quite awkwardly, I am a bit shy.
      Faye approaches me and whispers into my ear.

      "I am your dream guide you know, this is what I do, maybe you should ask me for help more often..."
    15. Aliens and LDs

      by , 02-01-2011 at 06:31 PM
      Ok. The 1st dream I had, I only remember the part where I was Lucid. So here it is:
      I was at a picnic area, and i tried to control fire. I wasn't able to and I woke up after seeing a meteor shower.

      Dream2: I was in my living room, my older brother with me (in this dream he looked like Ben Kasica lol). My brother was sick. I went to the window and saw that there were 2 aliens in the front yard. I immediately knew I was dreaming, because I knew that aliens didn't exist. I made the aliens go away, and i made my brother feel better. I also made some Dr. Pepper appear, WOOT! Then I ran outside, it was light now, and I wanted to go to the moon. I believed that I could fly, so I jumped and said that I'd grow wings. I did!!! I flew up and up, through a mile of clouds. I kinda got confused and ended up at some little girl's house. If you've seen Wizards of Waverly place, the little girl that Max turned in to was there. She asked me how I got wings. I told her that I was dreaming and that I made myself grow the wings. She asked me if she was too. I told her that I wasn't sure, so I had her take my hand. I took us to a place. It was a city. I told her to look at her hands and tell me what she saw. She said that her fingers looked stubby and that it was really weird. I nodded and said, "Ok, I guess you're dreaming too!" So she asked me if I could teach her to fly in dreams. I made my wings go to her back and I grew new ones. Before I started teaching her I said, "Ok, what we're doing is Lucid Dreaming. We can do whatever we want ok?" She nodded and I said, "Look, if I see you in another dream I'll help you out ok?" Then she nodded, the dream began to fade and I said goodbye. She looked sad as I woke up.

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