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    1. Jump!

      by , 06-17-2016 at 10:19 PM
      I had 1 lucid dream & 1 non-lucid but I lost the non to dealing with life in a timely matter.

      I was listening to a meditation by Lilian Eden. She is an almost guaranteed lucid for me of some kind.

      Lucid: I was lucid from the very beginning which is rare for me. I was in the total dark but I knew where I was & I knew what was going to happen so I just started laughing. I was about to have the floor drop out from under me & into the water. This has happened before. There is a wet washcloth on my face & I get dropped into a dark pool of water. This time one of my sisters was there & I threw the washcloth at her & told her to not be scared. The meditation ended & I woke up. It still makes me laugh. I'm sure it's one of those things that you just had to be there for the funny part.

      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    2. Lucid on a River

      by , 06-17-2016 at 09:07 PM
      I fell back asleep this morning while trying to visualize floating on a river. I practice visualization pretty regularly, and occasionally it produces a WILD. When I initially entered the dream I thought that it must be one of the rivers nearby, as the landscape looks the same. I seemed to be floating on an invisible boat, or I just never looked down because my field of vision was just the river and the trees on either side. Instead of moving forward slowly, like floating on a boat, my body felt the sensation of going backwards, and rather quickly, and feeling regular patterns of large swells of waves, almost like a slow, backwards rollercoaster. The scene was in fact similar to the image on a video of a simulated ride. After a little while of really enjoying this sensation, I was plunged into darkness, and had a tingling sensation. I continued to feel as if I were moving backwards, only now it felt more like falling. A tiny fear came up in me and I briefly thought of death. I saw tiny orange and yellow moving geometric figures accompanied by rapid 'tink tink tink tink' sounds as they slid around on either side of my visual field, sort of like a mini tetris game.

      Thoughts: The was not quite an OBE, as I did not have the sensation of moving or jumping out of my body as I have in the past.
    3. Scream

      by , 06-17-2016 at 06:26 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      This dream is from about June of 2016.

      I had a dream where my class was watching a video of a live performance of a band called scream.
      i got closer to the TV and then the lead singer, who was sporting a dark brown cloak with symbols on it ran after me. he then trapped me and attempted to force-feed me until i couldn't move. once i escaped, i left the classroom and tried to find an exit. he was chasing me the whole time. i then found a carnival that was built in to the school. i attempted to play a game or two, but none of them worked. i then saw the person running through the halls in the background. I made a run for it towards the maze attraction. shortly before i entered it, everything became distorted and hard to see. i then realized that i could open my eyes at that point, so i woke up.

      Updated 09-17-2017 at 07:18 PM by 89498

      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. A Brief History of Me

      by , 06-17-2016 at 04:27 PM
      Hi everyone,

      I call myself Solaetia here. I'm a, ahem, 'middle-aged' human female and I've been interested in dreams since I was a kid. The first dream I remember was from when I was around 4 years old, it was short and involved my dog and Robin Williams in his role as 'Mork' (70's kid) I was playing with my dog when I saw Mork was visiting us, along with my grandma and grandpa. ^_^ The first nightmare I remember happened when I was around 5-6 years old, and involved being sucked into a picture that sat on the nightstand next to my bed, and turned into a cartoon. I began having reoccurring nightmares about bears when I was 12, and they lasted throughout my early 20s, although I still have bear dreams now and then they don't have the power that they once did. I had my first lucid dream at 15 before I knew what they were called. I discovered Stephen LaBerge's book 'Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming' when I was around 17 and I believe that is when my true oneironautic journey began.

      It's been a while since I've kept an online DJ (I used SawLogs for a few years back when it was online) and I am excited to be back in a dream community. I feel more connected to myself when I record my dreams. My goals are to keep that up, continue to exercise and advance my LD skills, study and practice Dream Yoga, and to become overall more aware in waking and sleeping life.

      Happy to be here.


      Updated 06-20-2016 at 09:40 PM by 91019 (clarification)

      side notes
    5. 14/06/2016

      by , 06-17-2016 at 02:05 PM
      Non lucid dream thought.

      I remember in the dream i tryed to get in to a lucid state, by going to sleep in the dream and try to wake up in the dream. I remember i was in my room, but my house was bigger. I remember aswell i was by a lake and there was a chair. Can't remember more.


      I remember i was in a house with my brother "tommy". We was about to go downstairs until saw a tv screen, a computer and something else i cant remember.
      Then i saw my moms ex and i asked if he was angry at me, and he said no.. I dunno why i asked that.


      I dreamed that i was on a boat, with my dad. I remember my dad drove right in to a stone/berg and it exploded, i landed on the rock thougth.
      And i thougth at that moment my dad died since he was on that boat (on the level below).. Aswell i do remember i saw a head walk under the rock and went in to a house but i never went to check it.
      I started to cry in the dream and tryed to record on my phone what happened.. And suddently an polie appeared out of nowhere.. And me and the police (lady) went in to the house where it was a cafeeteria(Wich was fucking weird because we was on a random spot on an island. And there my dad was sitting and drinking coffe and reading. I was so glad in the dream and then i woke up.
    6. 6/17/16

      by , 06-17-2016 at 12:56 PM (Book of Dreams)
      Only recalling one dream from last night...

      I can't remember exactly how the dream started, but the first thing I remember is that I was downtown, walking around with some people, and I kept running into people from my high school. I would say hi, but as this kept happening I remember thinking, "this is so weird seeing this many high school friends at once..." when eventually I came across the actual school, but I was still downtown. I asked around as to why the school was moved, and somebody told me they relocated it to the Chicago river. This was an acceptable answer to me, so I went inside and reconnected with some classmates (funny how my whole graduating class was still hanging out in and around the school...)

      The next thing I remember is running through the halls with a large group of friends following me, but I was literally running as fast as I could. They weren't chasing me, but we were all going at top speed, and I was trying to get away from them but they didn't know it.

      I can't recall how the running sequence ended, but then I remember being outside the school again, on a little patch of land by the river. As I looked back at the school, I realized it was literally on the water. I reached out one hand, one tower of the building began bubbling from under the water, where the foundation was. Eventually the whole tower collapsed. Nearby students watched and started freaking out, and I just kept stretching my hands out, destroying the school one section at a time. Once the whole thing had come down, a huge fight scene ensued between me and all the students who were outside. It was like a martial arts movie. Then I woke up.
    7. Animal Kingdom

      by , 06-17-2016 at 05:39 AM
      In the world I was in, many animals seemed to have equal intelligence to humans, and they were just as important in our day-to-day lives. In fact, many animals were able to talk. This was something like an "end of the world."

      There was something wrong with my dog Romeo, but it was unclear what. I tried to feed him very big, juicy berries, but he wouldn't eat them--because he's a dog, of course. There was an elephant (?) beside him though, lounging there, and he said that he had never understood why some animals are so mean to each other, when they're almost always in the same boat. He and I talked some towards the end of the dream.

      I remember thinking about how in the Bible it says that God loves humans above all else and I considered saying that to the elephant I was speaking with, but decided not to because that would have been very rude and horrible. I wondered if God loved those animals equally in this world, since it was clear they seemed to be of a higher intelligence.
    8. Tests, Tests, and More Tests

      by , 06-17-2016 at 05:29 AM
      It was the last day of high school, and we all had had a week-long break before hand (or perhaps it was two or three weeks). Everyone needed to find their home rooms, and once the bell rang a final exam would be administered. Because we had been gone for so long (and at my school we only went to home room three or four times a school year), I was having trouble remembering where mine was. I looked into one and seen Jacob C. and Metal, and decided to give it a shot. The man that was the teacher called role--I remember that Metal was making a reverse list of sorts, because he was hoping that that was my home room after all, and so every name that was called, he'd write it down. Finally the man was done and when I realized that he definitely hadn't called me, I got up to find another room.

      The bell hadn't rung yet, which was just my good luck. Standing in the hall way were a couple of other teachers, and with them was a mobile table of sorts that carried all of the tests. One of them tried to go ahead and give me my examination, but I told them that I needed to find my home room first. I could tell that they weren't pleased, but they told me to hurry and didn't ask any more questions. ("They" were a bit shorter than me, older, and had white hair, but I can't remember what their gender was supposed to be, or anything else about them, really.)

      Mrs. Tear's class was just right across the hall, so I stopped there first. Everyone was already seated, so I went straight to her desk and asked her if I was on her roll call; she checked, told me I was, handed me my test, and so I sat down and did it. It was difficult.

      After that, I was driving to college with my mom. At some point she pointed out that the people in front of us were having car troubles (I can't remember what with), and so I rolled down my window and asked them what was wrong, if there was anything that we would be able to do. I then just got out of the car and conversed with them. We were getting along well, but then their little boy asked me if I could go ahead and leave. I agreed and when I turned around I seen that there was a car behind us, waiting for me to move. I rushed in, told the people goodbye, and then drove away.

      Once we got to the college, it was my mom who was needing to take a test. It was a very short thing, but I needed to help her a bit. The last question either had to do with my dad, or her answer had to do with it. She didn't like the test-makers, because she felt that they were too intrusive in her personal life.

      Finally we're back home, and I can fly through things! I float through walls and through people--floating through people is a bit more difficult, though, because I have to first will myself to be invisible before I do it. I remember laying down on the couch in the living room for a time before getting back up again.
    9. LUCID - The infinite self and some blissful adventures

      by , 06-17-2016 at 02:45 AM
      Bedtime: 11.30pm
      Sleep: approx 12am
      WBTB alarm: 3am

      As I was laying down I had a very clear vision in my hypnogogic imagery of myself, where I looked rather smashing if I do say. Then there was another me behind him in mirror and he (I?) held up another mirror to make an infinite mirror reflection. I could then see a large number of myselves in the infinite mirror, my 'infinite self'. Each one of them was making different movements, like they were all seperate and unique. They were all smiling and waving at me! The vision was so clear I had to double take to question if my eyes were closed or not.



      I was at a family lunch at an outdoors setting and someone gave my Mum a lottery ticket for her birthday (happened IRL), it was marked 3333333 which I thought was very lucky. Then I looked at it closer and the numbers weren't all 3's but 3302331 or similar. My family was sitting to the right and then another group of people were sitting on my left. I noticed my friend SZ leaning against a rail with a few guys giving her lots of attention. I asked the guy on my left, who was wearing dark clothes and had dark hair, 'are you related to her'? 'Yes we are her family' he said. Then I looked back and my family had moved to another table. ..FUZZY..
      Later the same guy with dark hair was just sitting by himself on the ground and everything was white around. I had the idea, I should go and ask him if he is a dreamer (like in the movie Waking Life), then I should do an RC. At this point I already knew I was dreaming.

      LUCID (DILD)

      I went to ask him if he was a dreamer and then did an RC (nose block) and confirmed that I am dreaming. ...FUZZY..

      Next I remember I was in bed laying on my back, which I thought was weird because I always sleep on my side. I only had faint glimpses of it because I thought I was about to wake up (later realised I was still dreaming the whole time). I tried to project from my body. I was having difficulty projecting, it was only working a little bit. I had some vibrations and acceleration sensations which I knew meant I was about to project. I floated up and felt absolutely amazing, like a gentle orgasmic vibration though my whole body. I felt weightless and started drifting off into the void.

      At some point I could start seeing details of a room, eventually I was there. I wanted to go outside but there were bars over the window. I decided to try a new RC I had read about, pushing my finger through the other hand. It didn't work so I dismissed it. I then tried to phase through the bars on the window but I couldn't so I just bent them to make a gap. Outside there was a large apartment building which I marvelled at because it was so detailed. There was also some forest around.

      I remembered my goal for the dream which was to slow down or stop time. I yelled out 'stop time!'. I never tested it though so I'm not sure if it worked. *next time I should check if it actually worked*

      I walked around very slowly and deliberately so as not to get to excited. There was a shop at the bottom of the building so I went over to check it out. There was a sign but I can't remember what it said now. Outside there was a bar and a man sitting on a stool. I went to ask him how can I stop time. He didn't say anything and just stared blankly into the distance. The dream started to fade so I was grabbing onto the bar and trying to hold onto the dream, but the greyness kept growing so I decided to spin.

      After a few moments of spinning I was back to where I had started, outside the first building, but it was night and everything was dark. I wanted to manifest a torch but remembered about the whole 'can't change lighting' situation, so I decided to try to manifest a car with its headlights on. I looked away and then looked back, but the scene changed and I was looking at a small car from a bird's eye perspective. I decided to roll with it so I watched this little car which was in a rally race with some other cars. I watched as they went along and then I ended up coming to a room at the end of the track.

      This room was like man cave, it had all sorts of cool stuff in it. There was an old TV which had a black screen and said 'DOCUMENTARY' in white writing. There were some letters on the ground, I looked at one and it had my name on it. I don't know why but I didn't open the letter. There was a weird ornamental candle burning, with about 5 different points that had a small flame. I decided to play with the fire because I had never seen fire in a dream and I thought it could be a solution to the light problem. I found a small clothes peg and tried to light it on fire from one of the points. As soon as I got close to the flame it would go out. I tried another but it went out too. Then the flames came back. I thought it was really weird. Determined, I put it up to the flame again and got it to burn a little bit, but when I took it away it just went out. I kept trying to burn it but it would always go out when I took it away from the flame.

      I turned around and a few dogs came into the room. One puppy came up to me which was mostly white with some light brown spots. I cuddled with him and then I realised it was a dog I had as a child, George the Basset Hound. He did this typical growl that he always used to do and I definitely knew it was him. I was so happy to see him and I started to get very emotional and cry. I felt myself starting to wake up slowly. When I woke up I started to cry a little bit IRL. It was nice to see him again.


      2. Non Lucid.
      I was going to a public toilet. As I walked in to the toilet I noticed there were two couples having sex in full view of everyone. I went into the stall and from the stall there was a gap where I could still see one couple. They were really going for it. I walked out and the 2 couples came out too with some others. I talked to them and said I was going to a festival, M. I told them about the festival etc. I went to the festival and the setup was awesome at the camp my friends had made. Then I realised I hadn't bought anything and I didn't have time to go shopping. I hadn't even bought food or drinks.


      3. LUCID (WILD)
      I was laying in bed (early morning).
      I made my intention to have a lucid dream. I started to have some hypnogogic imagery. There was some sort of shiny bumpy golden surface in front of me. I tried very had to focus on it. Eventually I could see more and more detail and then I reached out and touched it. I could see more and more detail and I was outside. I saw a shop and decided I wanted to try some food. I went to the shop and they had a whole bunch of different baked goods on a table. I went and picked a few different sweet buns and a drink and went to the counter to pay. He asked me if I wanted to try these other buns on the counter and I was a bit in decisive about it. I payed with paypass on my card. I tried one of the buns with white icing on top. It was very mushy and sweet and not as chewy as I expected, it sort of turned to goo. After that I woke up.
    10. Light and Dark

      by , 06-17-2016 at 01:03 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I was riding my bike home from school like I used to as a freshman in college, then I noticed the there weren't any sidewalks and everywhere I was riding my bike seemed to be more for cars. When I peddled I noticed the side of the road on the sidewalk was deformed and there was construction being done on the sidewalk, new freshly paved. I was afraid to fall off the bike because below me was uneven area, I fell.

      I awoke and I was in a place of light and dark. There was a door between me, the dream world I was in, and the place of light and dark that I was now in. The two year old version of me runs out into the world where they had paved the sidewalk and I tried to grab myself, but the door was only cracked open and wouldn't budge anymore. I then awoke as the two-year-old me stepped into the pavement, I grabbed her, and took her back into the world of light and dark, to the veil where she belonged.