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    1. One loving girlfriend and a violent boyfriend

      by , 08-18-2018 at 12:03 PM
      One loving girlfriend and a violent boyfriend

      I had been pretending being a guy and been dressing up as one... and the girl that was my girlfriend found out. She was deeply upset, throwing out all my clothes from my car. Then she looked at me and stopped. I stared at her as well. She then sat in the front seat and told me that she kind of wanted me to still be that guy. That we could pretend like nothing happened. I really liked her, so I agreed and that's how my real identity disappeared.
      She told me she wanted to go to a specific destination and wanted me to take her there. I got into the car and suddenly we were in a building, she glanced at me and mimic: "Remember." There were other people and they all seemed interested in knowing me. I needed to remember who I had become to be able to be with her, my love.

      The people looked different with different clothes, hairstyles and some even had pointy ears. My girlfriend waved at me and told me that she wanted to show me something. As we walked out of that small room I noticed that everyone looked really odd, like elves. She wanted me to show people what love is and the only way I could figure out how was to throw petals from a balcony. Which was prohibited. Since the people took notice of this I kind of got myself into trouble. Suddenly my girlfriend and my best friend came to my rescue since they had been climbing up to the balcony just to find me before getting caught. I was hiding behind her skirt with the flower basket when she talked to the angry citizens. My best friend helped with the explaining and the obvious misunderstanding. But it seemed like it didn't help so I took my girlfriend's hand and ran away.
      We were chased all the way home and outside a very tall muscular man were waiting. He wanted to hurt my girl so I went outside to meet him and told him off.
      "I was the one who did it, I should be the one who gets the blame. I should be punished not her! So now leave!"
      The man did as I told him.

      Later I was sitting on a toilet out in the open with people walking by. It was kind of disturbing. But I didn’t have the time to really think about it because of the turmoil going on behind me. It was the same man trying to beat up his girlfriend, it seemed. I got up from the toilet seat and both kicked and punched him a several times. The wounded and scared girl ran away just briefly thanking me. I ended the fight with wiping my butt on his white t-shirt. Like a dog. Then I was too scared to show myself as a guy so I went somewhere else and quickly changed appearance. It didn’t take very long until that same man found me but this time he seemed kind of interested in me. He showed me around in a magical forest, there was a sick dragon desperate in need of help which he gladly took care of. He even had a dog that my dog liked and just everything about him was so different. When we came back I found a toilet and discovered that I had diarrhea but he didn’t seem to really care. He lifted me up and carried me away the a bedroom. I got the feeling that none of us actually wanted to do it really. I was just laying on the bed not trying to move and he was merely touching me. That bold man was now my boyfriend but I just didn’t really like that much. I was thinking about my old life with my girlfriend and realized that I missed her. I wanted her back.
      I should never had let her go. My beautiful blonde girl.

      Me and my girlfriend ^
    2. The Orphans

      by , 07-26-2016 at 06:48 PM (AndresLD's (somewhat) Crazy Dream Adventures)


      I was staying in a small town by the sea with my family and my dogs. We had rented a big house at the top of a hill which was about a 10 minute walk from the town and you had to cross a bridge to reach it. My brother and his wife were staying in a house inside the town.

      I had spent the day at the town and was starting to walk to the house when I saw a sign about two little girls who were lost. As I was crossing the bridge, I saw the two girls hiding behind a boulder by the edge of the bridge. I jumped over the handrail and climbed down a bit to get to where they were. They seemed really angry I had found them but I dragged them up the hill and into the town. I took them to the police station and they told me these were two orphans who were protected by the town's law and they could do anything as the law did not apply to them. I thought this was a really weird law but decided to start walking home again. As I left the town, one of the orphans followed me and told me I had made a big mistake. I just laughed and continued walking.

      As I was reaching the house we were staying at, I saw an old lady who was standing underneath a streep lamp crying. I approached her and asked what was wrong. She told me she was mourning the death of her children, who were killed by a group of orphans a few months ago. At this point I was a bit scared and confused about the whole thing and asked what the deal was with these kids. She told me that whenever a child's parents died or abandoned them, they had to grow up in the street; they had to kill and steal to survive, but did not have to respond to the law for their actions. I thought it was silly to be scared of kids as I could easily outstrength them.

      I got home and my parents were watching the local news. Apparently there had been waves of murders and sackings in the town. We were worried about my brother but he called to say he was ok. We locked the doors and windows but then realized one of the dogs was missing. I went around the neighbourhood looking for her. I went inside a house that was having a costume party because someone told me she was seen going in there. I started searching the house but she was nowhere to be seen. The lights suddenly went off and people started screaming. A group of 5 orphans had broken in and were stabbing people. There was blood everywhere. I ran towards a window when an orphan, the one who warned be I had made a mistake, blocked my way. She must be 10 at most, I thought. I ran towards her and without stopping front kicked her in the face and then jumped out the window. I kept running and saw my dog Fiona across the street. I grabbed her and went home.

      The next morning we were on a ship waiting to depart. I was looking at the town and wondering what had happened for the rest of the night. I saw two men walking towards me, both with their hands in their pockets and I thought it was a bit suspicious. I started walking in their direction when they each pulled out a knife. Then I realized they must be part of the orphan gang. I dodged one of them and kicked the other one. My dad started running towards us; one managed to slash my arm but I was able to move fast enough so it didn't cut me too deep. I kicked one guy over board, and my dad knocked the other one out.

      The ship departed, we were safe.

    3. Stopping Kuvira

      by , 03-29-2016 at 10:32 PM
      This one was several days ago. I was in my old apartment in the livingroom. Kuvira (a military dictator/conqueror from The Legend of Korra) was there. I can't exactly remember what happened, all I remember is thinking that her next move was going to be her calling her army to catch me, so I jumped onto her and covered her mouth. I remember seeing the front door as well.
    4. Hunted By A T-Rex

      by , 03-29-2016 at 10:26 PM
      A couple of days ago I had a dream that I and a group of survivors were hiding in a severely damaged house. It was a good-sized one story house that looked like it had just been through a hurricane. Walls had been knocked down and about half of the ceiling was torn off.

      The house was our only cover from a T-Rex that was trying to kill us. I never saw the T-Rex, because I stayed behind the walls and went the opposite way that I heard it going. Anyways, I cautiously go through the livingroom and kitchen into the garage. There are other people evading the T-Rex as well. A guy told me about a gun that was somewhere. All I remember was that it didn't have ammo or had some other problem. I back track through the kitchen and into the livingroom, evading the T-Rex. END.
    5. Violent Game

      by , 02-28-2015 at 03:30 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      A violent game.

      Train... station?



      - Slept at around 2 a.m.
      - Alarm after 3 hours
      - Woke up at around 5 a.m.
      - Fell asleep, woke up at 8:30 a.m.
      - The dream was very clear but my keywords are unclear.
      Tags: game, train, violent
    6. The Traitor

      by , 03-03-2013 at 01:27 AM
      Not Dreaming

      Since I recently joined this site, I decided that I would start off with a more interesting dream from yesterday, also known as my fourth ever lucid dream. Let's get started.


      At this time, it was about six days from my last lucid dream. I had been doing WILD for quite some time, as well as a bunch of preparation before sleeping. This night, I jumped into bed and did something a little differently. I started out with WILD, then I went to simply saying in my mind "I am going to lucid dream tonight" about a hundred times over until I finally fell asleep.

      I found myself in a line of soldiers. Not in the modern militaristic sense, but more of a medieval sense. I think that this was because I had been playing Mount & Blade for hours last night and the world almost completely reflected it. There were at least eighteen men in the line, counting me. I could see a man on a donkey riding in front of me, holding a shortsword in his right arm. It's hard to explain, but he said something like "It's time to punish those dogs!" to all of us. We instinctively cheered in response and I teleported onto a brown horse while wearing a helmet. A soldier on foot walked up to me and said "Your sword is not right!" or something. At this time, I looked down at my sword when suddenly I obtained lucidity. I did a quick reality check and sure enough, I was completely lucid. I looked up to see that the sky looked more painted than realistic, and that the battlefield looked like its grass was from Mount & Blade. I decided to have some fun and kill my fellow soldiers, so I leaped off my donkey with my sword facing down as it landed right in the chest of my brother-in-arms. It seemed so real that even the blood was realistic as it dirtied my sword. I even felt a bit of remorse for the fake soldier. I checked his face and decided that he also looked like he was from the video game. I saw another soldier mounted up and I pointed my sword toward him. I'm not quite sure how I did it, but I managed to knock him off the side of his donkey with some sort of shockwave. He landed right on his head and his helmet rolled off. Unfortunately, I lost all lucidity after that as a bunch of flying imp-things wielding flaming spoons flew over me, swooped down, and tried to beat me to death with them. I must say, this was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. It was definitely the most vivid and enjoyable dream to date and I got to have some fun with mindless violence.
    7. Really odd dream, sleep talk and sleep fight!

      by , 01-23-2013 at 02:21 PM
      Normally my dreams make sense in some sort of way, even if they are far fetched, I can usually read them as if they are from a film or story. However, I had a nap of about two hours two evenings ago. My boyfriend was laid in bed with me. I hardly ever talk or move about whilst sleeping. However, I had a dream that frightened me and at the time made me feel a great deal of anger. I have a neighbour living behind me and we have never seen eye to eye. During my dream, I feel that she was looking at me and saying hateful things. During this dream I then spoke to my boyfriend whilst sleeping and told him that Janis (neighbour) isn't very nice to me and isn't very nice to me. My partner asked me if he should go and have a word with her and I said yes and then he asked if he should go and "knock her out" (as a joke), I said yes. He asked me why and I said because she smells of Tushrooms. He then went to kiss me and I told him he smells of Tushrooms. I don't have a clue what Tushrooms are! I carried on sleeping and then my boyfriend tried to wake me up. At this point I started to lash out at him violently (something I have never ever done before) and started telling him to say hello to the lemon. I do not remember any of this dream, violence or conversation other than the lemon part. I remember seeing an orange but saying lemon. I only know about this whole stupid dream and sleep talk after my boyfriend told me.

      I know this dream probably has no meaning, I think I was just in a deep sleep or something, so no harsh comments. Just keeping this as a journal for my own reference.
    8. Three Cats And A Random Gun Adventure

      by , 09-30-2012 at 05:51 AM (Dimension X)
      This is one of my weirdest dreams.... I was in my house and my dad was holding a box in front of me that had 3 cats in it.
      All 3 of the cats looked like one of my cats. Like this. (Obviously not 100% accurate)

      And no they weren't kittens, they were 3 cats sleeping in a box together, and they all looked exactly the same.

      Next part of the dream, I was with a few friends in my school and we had guns and we were just running around looking for enemies or whatever. Then I remember like dropping my gun or something, then having to go back and get it. The gun looked mostly like this.

      This was a pretty weird dream... I never actually got to shoot anything though... :/
      I'm not even a violent person and have never gotten in trouble with the law or anything... Why do so many of my dreams involve me having a gun...??? Or that there's random police officers???

      I rate this dream 3/5 awesome dances.

    9. The Ordeal- A vampire feud.

      by , 08-17-2012 at 01:38 PM
      I wanted to share this dream from last night, this is what I wrote in my journal at about 6am this morning:

      The Ordeal

      2 French Vampires, very similar in looks come to live in a big white house with a host of other characters, several working people. One man enjoys playing games- he is a hunter, but enjoys all sorts of games from pinball to card games etc.

      The Game-Man steals weapons that are hidden in the house, straight-razors and flint-lock pistols. The Game-Man is bound to the house by work & duty. The Vampires are bound by something else- their cursed nature.

      As guests of the house the Vampires are somehow captured within it. If they reveal themselves and their true nature, they could be in danger, so they keep their vampiric nature secret.

      Both Vampires have white hair and white skin though one is somehow 'darker'. The darker vampire finds the Game-Man's hidden weapons and uses them to kill the Game-Man. This strengthens the vampire and somehow gives him more freedom. At the same time, it transgresses a law- the hospitality of the house.

      As a result of this transgression, a rivalry begins between the two vampires. The 'light' vampire is constrained by his obedience to the hospitality of the house, leaving the darker brother more powerful. The two attempt to kill each other quietly, without raising suspicion amongst the other members of the household, but their attempts to kill each other are futile- they are immortal and cannot die by straight-razor cuts. They cut each others' throats, but it is pointless since neither of them breathe.

      As other members are gradually drawn into this feud, the entire house becomes tied up in a bloody conflict of futile betrayal.

      Finally, the darker brother is able to escape the house- I'm not sure if it is because he has become more powerful, or because he is so despised that he is forced to leave. He leaves the house in the middle of the day, it is sunny, but it is raining. He flees across a courtyard toward a cathedral, discarding his black dustcoat in the meantime and feeling the sun on his skin. He is purified by the sun/rain.

      He enters the cathedral to find all the members of the house waiting to meet him. There is an uneasy truce between the vampires.

      We realise that this is all a film- there are light stands and bounce boards surrounding the 'cast' and a behind-the-scenes discussion begins amongst them. In the course of this discussion, we find out that in the beginning of the story, the dark vampire had been 'in love' with a sea serpent, and the film is called The Ordeal.

      Then I woke up.
    10. Earthquake in Norristown

      by , 01-29-2012 at 08:56 AM
      Yes, some dreams are just like movies. One such dream last night saw an magnitude 8.0 earthquake hit the northeast with my hometown getting the worst. I could feel the gravity shift as this earthquake hit. Norristown Transportation Center Station was more like a movie set of a horror show. With riots, derailed trains, and general chaos. People were being crushed by giant falling structures and out of control trains (very graphically) One man screamed in such blood curdling agony as the last of the out of control trains mowed him down, with a "proper" sound for head crushing pooping noises. It was gross, and unexpected. I nauseatingly inspected for survivors and just felt sick. I sat there for a while and thought what do we do now? A reporter asked me if I thought the north east would be remembered for rebuilding , and I said I hope so. When I woke up, I thought darn, as unsettling as that was, it was entirely entertaining.
    11. Crazy Violent Dream Within A Dream

      by , 01-09-2011 at 04:23 PM (Journey Toward Nothingness.)
      January 06, 2011
      A man is dying in my dream. he has been gruesomely wounded in the futuristic war where this dream takes place. To save him, the head surgeon, takes the body of a dead alien and begins to assemble the nerves of the alien's body to the nerves of the man's body. i turn away to avoid puking. i begin to talk to my troops about the next battle. the setting is a large room with no floor. instead, futuristic bridges (like from star wars) create walkways. Attachment 2013

      i turn around to see the progress and the man begins to slightly move his buglike alien leg. he is amazed and so am i. A large bang come from the next room. my force and i go to investigate. at the doorway to the next room, there is a small force of soldiers in crimson and black. we defeat them but they cause many casualties. suddenly, their lieutenent enters the room. it is now only me and her. she begins to walk towards me. i am backing up into the surgery room again and suddenly remember the trap on the door. i set it and lightning crosses the doorway just like in Call of Duty: Black Ops. The dream pans out and the view darkens. in white letters, "Level Complete" is seen.

      i wake up. i am very frusterated because i cant remember my dream. i am in the basement sleeping under the stairs just behind the blue recliner. David (brother) and Mitch (his friend) are nearby, groggy but awake. i try to remember more, but i can only recall soldiers in red capes. my throat hurts. for some reason there is a new years day party going on in my basement with many little kids around. i decide to play some Call of Duty missions. i play a snow mission. then suddenly, i become a character in the next mission, a stealth mission. i take out the nearest guy silently then snipe the next closest. i see a house in the distance. i run toward it, taking fire. i stop outside the courtyard and kill the guard standing watch. i enter the house and climb the winding, dilapidated staircase leading to a hole blown in the building and a sniper looking down. i am confused as to why he didnt shoot me because he is overlooking the courtyard. i continue up a ladder into the attic, setting claymores along the way. they obviously dont work because two men climb uo the ladder. i kill them and then 30 seconds later, another man climbs up. i kill him. a minute later a man dressed in all black (the others were in olive) climbs up. i try to knife him but i cant because i think i recognize him. he is bald. he kills me. i wake up.

      Updated 01-14-2011 at 12:44 AM by 40831

      non-lucid , false awakening
    12. 0/1 Wed: Fragment

      by , 10-14-2010 at 07:20 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Poor recall.

      Playing MWII, shooting people in the throat and letting them choke on their own blood.