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    1. Office lights go out

      by , 11-15-2010 at 12:42 PM
      Good morning, everybody. I was exhausted last night, and I slept a lot. But I only remember one dream, which I know happened way early, some time before 11 PM.

      Dream #1

      I was in a big lobby area like the front area of an airport: a long, wide, busy hallway full of counters and with tall ceilings. The walls were light brown or grey stone, and the floors may have been concrete. The light was fluorescent, but gentle, not glaring or depressing.

      I was walking toward a set of sliding glass doors at the far left end of the lobby. I ran into a couple of people from my job. Then I ran into a few people from my job who had a few people from my old job with them.

      I greeted the people from my old and new jobs happily. I was especially pleased to see the people from my old job. They were just walking into the lobby, so I decided to turn around and walk a ways with them.

      I had come to understand that the people from my old job were coming to work at my new job. I was excited about this. I kept trying to tell the people from my old job something about the new place. But I couldn't seem to remember anything specific about my job. All my memories were very fuzzy.

      I may now have been walking to "my desk" at "my office." My cubicle was off along the right wall, all by itelf. On the left wall, maybe 15 feet away from me, was another lone cubicle, where my co-worker S sat. Everybody else who worked here apparently sat in office rooms.

      But I don't know how many people still worked there. It seemed like a good deal of people had quit.

      I may have walked (backwards?) past the office of a person who I called by the name D, like the name of the person D who actually works in my office. He was standing in the doorway. He didn't look anything like D. In fact he looked like some kind of office-person mix between a scrunchy-headed puppet and that plastic-faced Burger King guy.

      I was now sitting in my cubicle. The lights had gone out in the office. First about half the lights had gone out, making the place dim grey. But now almost all the lights had gone out, so that it was almost pitch black. I may have thought that this was because so many people had quit. It definitely felt like there weren't any people in the offices.

      S, still sitting in her cubicle, mentioned something that was happening, like a group of clients who were coming in for a meeting. I had either had no idea about this or I had completely forgotten. I felt kind of dumb that S knew or remembered while I hadn't.

      I may have seen the name of the person coming in to visit, as if I was looking at it on a piece of paper in the dim light. The name may have looked very old and Italian, a very stately name, but distorted, something like Sangiovese or Sangioviese. I may have wondered if I'd be able to help this client out.
    2. Catching up with lucids

      by , 11-15-2010 at 08:18 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      November 4, 2010

      Sister troubles (MILD)
      There was a lot more to the dream that I can't remember. I remember that instead of three older brothers, I had a sister instead. My parents were involved in the dream at some point too. But the point of recall actually started me at this rally. I was in a dark stadium with a class of people. They all started sitting down, and I stood off to the side, waiting for my sister.

      A former classmate says to me, "You can't sit with us, there's no room." I suppose she meant to hurt my feelings or something.

      "Whatever, I'm just waiting for my sister anyways, and we'll sit somewhere else," I shrugged.

      "Ix lakoo dir bikmat," she responds.

      "Wait... what?!" I have no idea what she just said.

      "Sidhdp ndkksoa djoksfds," she says again.

      "I can't understand you," I said.

      "Ugh, you're so deaf," she walks away.

      "Stupid dream characters," I mumble.

      November 8, 2010

      Some kind of school part 2 (DEILD)
      Back at this weird school. My new boyfriend is gone. Everybody has been having strange things happen to them, almost like they get possessed by something, and as a group we try to help them. We were all standing in a field and about 25 feet away, drops a column of light out of the sky, and a set of stones. My friend (a DC) knows they are for her, and doesn't want to go near them. It kind of feels like she has to, though. We all do, if we're going to get rid of this thing. I tell her not to be frightened.

      I approached the rocks and started naming some off, trying to entice her towards them, by getting her to correct me. I was intentionally mis-naming them. "Oh look, it's some onyx" I would say, pointing to this black thing. She came closer and said, "No, that's obsidian."

      She was standing right beside me, and I put my arm around her. "It'll be okay," I said. "We'll get you through this really fast!"

      In a band (LD)
      I'm in a band... I don't remember much about my band mates, but they disappeared pretty early on, in the dream.

      I was backstage at a concert, waiting to perform. I saw Darren there. I kept looking at him, smiling. It's like I knew something was about to happen, or be revealed. We meet up, and I say something; I can't recall what, but he responds to it.

      Then, I asked him, "Why are you old right now?"

      He's not sure what to make of that question, so he responds, "Because that's the way I am." He asks me what I keep looking at him and smiling for. I just grinned and said it would be revealed soon. But I woke up

      November 10, 2010

      Another lake (DILD)
      I dream chained the lake thingy. I was at another lake, swimming with Lily (friend, just had a baby. Still pregnant in the dream). The water was murky and kind of gross. We got out and went to a more shallow part of the lake. Lily pointed out that the water was crystal clear. I commented that I thought the other water would poison her kid.

      I started moving towards the centre of the lake. I passed through people who were rough-housing and playing around... I was blocking myself with my arms, as people weren't paying much attention to the space around them. I found my way to this rope that cross-sectioned at the centre of the lake. People were clinging to it for floating, so I did the same.

      Then, someone got the great idea to start bouncing the rope, which caused everyone to bob with it. Soon, it was like a teeter-totter... I went about 10ft high in the air, and I knew I was going to be plunged down really deep, so at the peak of my trip, I took a huge breath and immediately was plunged under water. I breathed in again (under water) and was lucid.

      I didn't want to be around these people, and instantly, I was on a transit bus. I thought about Darren and wanted him there with me. He suddenly appeared, and we started dancing together, on this bus hrm I decided we were heading to a restaurant, and I wondered what I should order that wouldn't gross him out (since he's a vegetarian, and I'm not). I decided I would just have some kind of salad, and I woke up.

      November 11, 2010 – G/C night

      What kind of science is this? (DEILD)
      I was helping this group do some kind of science experiment that involved me being spun around in very fast circles in this chair, with a group of 3 DC’s watching me. I don’t know what this was supposed to accomplish, but I do recall worrying about whether I was going to yarf or not.

      When I stopped spinning, to my surprise, I wasn’t dizzy at all! But the three DC’s were They now had to go out and find “the room with the light on.”

      I wasn’t a part of this half of the experiment, but I decided to follow this one girl around. We went inside this Victorian styled home (which are always haunted in my dreams, and this one was no exception). I was in the sitting room with her, and asked her if she wanted my help. She didn’t and left me in the room. I could feel the energy in the house, and spun around in the room, feeling really happy. I felt the carpet beneath my feet, and marveled at how awesome it was.

      I left to explore the house and I found her in a room… the room had a TV in it, that was on. The only room with a light in it. “I think you found it,” I told her.

      “Yep, pretty sure this is it,” she said, proudly.

      We were soon joined by another DC. The three of us waited for the last two show up.

      I woke up very briefly in here, but managed to chain back in, lucid. It was really unstable. The two girls were still in the room with me. I remembered to ask them if they’ve seen my brother.

      “I saw him, I’ll take you to him!” one of them said. They both got their coats on, and I followed them downstairs. I was having visual problems, though, and made the cardinal sin of noting that I must’ve been dreaming for a really long time before the chain, because I was having issues keeping it together. I was soon staring at the back of my eyelids.

      Grocery store (DILD)
      I was at a grocery store with Jack’s “parents” (played by DC’s). His fake-Dad was being extremely rude to me as we went around the store and constantly mocking me.

      Eventually, I got fed up, and also went lucid from this (albeit, low level). I replayed the scene over; only this time, I was beating him to the punches and proving him wrong. He was eating his words by the end of the scene, but he still didn’t like me.

      November 14, 2010

      Teeny Meeses (Mice, that is) (DILD)
      I don't remember what I was doing before, but I happened to look at the ground, and I noticed these teeny little baby mice on the floor. "Didn't I have a dream a few days ago with little baby mice?" I wondered to myself. "Hmm, looks like I'm dreaming about them again." I got worried though that if I moved my foot, or continued trying to walk, I would step on one, which I really didn't want to do.

      So, I crouched down, and started scooping by the baby mice in my hands, to put them into the cage next to me. Sometimes, one of them would try to get away and run up my arm, but they never got away.

      The mice were mostly a brown deer-mouse colour variety. But, there was this one baby mouse that was white and black, like a dalmation. He was no bigger than my thumbnail. I put him in the cage. This little shih-tzu puppy of the same colouring randomly appears, and pokes his nose into the cage. "Aww, did I take your little buddy away?" I asked it.

      It jumped into the cage, which then worried me. I thought it would start eating the other baby mice (and generally, my dreams like to "satisfy" me when I start thinking about these worries). I grabbed the dog and pulled him out. Woke up to Jack trying to use a cake mixer.

      By the way, I think the dream I was remembering was one I had about pet rats, 4 days ago.
      Tags: darren
      lucid , memorable
    3. Partial projection - Lucid flight over downtown.

      by , 11-15-2010 at 07:11 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Partial projection - Lucid flight over downtown. (L-DEILD)


      I have decided to stop using the new table by my bed and again record my dreams in the kitchen table. The trip from my bed to the bathroom and to my kitchen helps with my recall a lot, so I will go back to my old method. Five dreams, two were lucid and I partially astral projected.


      I felt my Physical body in bed and I was already with vibrations. Once more, it was going to be a successful L-DEILD. The dream started to form again but I felt that my vibrations were stronger than usual. I attempted to Astral Project. I focused on my Astral Body and the vibrations skyrocketed. I started to push my Astral Body out of my self and focused on a rope. I started to experience double consciousness. I felt my body in bed and I felt part of me in the Astral Realm. A few second later, I could feel my eyes closed and at the same time, I was looking to my wardrobe. It is hard to explain, I had some sort of double vision. Suddenly, I felt my cat purring and walking on my legs and I lost focus on my Astral Body, got pull back to my physical body and fell into a lucid dream.

      I was by the door of my home. I knew it was a dream but I wanted to confirm. I looked at my hand and it was odd. I opened the door and I could see downtown. It was downtown. I flew and there was very odd building. I wanted to fly to the top of that building. On the top of the building, there was a platform. A voice or someone told me to not go there, but I ignored it. As I was approaching the building, the reality of the world twisted and deformed. I decided to land and to attempt to Astral Project again. I ended my dream and woke up with vibrations.

      I felt like a pull on my third eye. I decided to attempt to project through my third eye but for some reason (maybe my cat again) I lost focus and consciousness.

      I had a false awakening and I started to talk with my wife about my AP attempt. I left the room to write down my dreams and travels and I had a different home. Our living room was big and we had like hundreds of notebooks.

      When I woke up for real and went to write down my dreams. After 15 minutes of writing down I closed my the door of the microwave. My stupid microwave's light malfunctioned and gave me a big scare thinking I was still dreaming, but the RC did not fail.

      Missed dream signs:
      - The FA.
      Tags: astral
      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    4. Pata Negra rarities

      by , 11-15-2010 at 07:02 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Pata Negra rarities (DILD)


      I have decided to stop using the new table by my bed and again record my dreams in the kitchen table. The trip from my bed to the bathroom and to my kitchen helps with my recall a lot, so I will go back to my old method. Five dreams, two were lucid and I partially astral projected.


      I was outdoors and it was night. I went to the Pata Negra store and I met with made up employees. The restaurant was open and there were a few kids, but it was very late night so I knew we were not open.
      The office of the boss was located in a different place and I saw a female DC who was not his wife coming out from it. Later on, I realized it was one made up employee.

      I decided to do a Reality check, however, before I did I already realized I was dreaming. I started to investigate this world and realized I did not have much control.

      I decided to end the dream to L-DEILD

      My premonitions happen during waking, but I had some premonitions during dreams, so I have the feeling this was one.

      Missed dream signs:
      - None I can recall.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Having a great time with a psychic friend

      by , 11-15-2010 at 07:02 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Having a great time with a psychic friend (Non-lucid)


      I have decided to stop using the new table by my bed and again record my dreams in the kitchen table. The trip from my bed to the bathroom and to my kitchen helps with my recall a lot, so I will go back to my old method. Five dreams, two were lucid and I partially astral projected.


      I was with one of my psychic friends. Her home was almost empty. She kissed me several times. I felt that her presence was more than a mere made up dream character. My wife was in the dream too, but her presense was a regular DC so it was not my real wife. My female psychic friend told me we could go to la mesa and live together.
      We had to do some work. I was happy because we were going to work together and work on our psychic stuff. We talked about stones and kinesis. We left the place and drove together to some other place.

      Missed dream signs:
      - Kissing a woman that was not my wife.
    6. Possible premonition poorly recalled

      by , 11-15-2010 at 06:23 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Possible premonition poorly recalled (Non-lucid)


      I have decided to stop using the new table by my bed and again record my dreams in the kitchen table. The trip from my bed to the bathroom and to my kitchen helps with my recall a lot, so I will go back to my old method. Five dreams, two were lucid and I partially astral projected.


      I was indoors talking with my self. A message. Something about to happen.

      My premonitions happen during waking, but I had some premonitions during dreams, so I have the feeling this was one.

      Missed dream signs:
      - None I can recall.

    7. Driving and recruiting

      by , 11-15-2010 at 06:20 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Driving and recruiting (Non-lucid)


      I have decided to stop using the new table by my bed and again record my dreams in the kitchen table. The trip from my bed to the bathroom and to my kitchen helps with my recall a lot, so I will go back to my old method. Five dreams, two were lucid and I partially astral projected.


      I was driving with another dream character and we were talking about some plans for the day.

      I also had some boring job related stuff. I was recruiting some people to complete a few jobs I had posted.

      Missed dream signs:
      - None I can recall.

    8. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 11-15-2010 at 05:58 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Legion (WILD)

      I barely notice the transition.

      An RC confirms what I already know as I pick myself up, out of bed. I'm home, in my dark, cluttered room, which is odd because I know I'm really at school, in my just as cluttered dorm. Heading downstairs, I hear the sizzling of a frying pan, signaling someone is making breakfast.

      “Looks who's up!” My father bellows playfully. “Have some breakfast!”

      “I can't, there's a blanket covering my mouth,” I state as I spot the scrambled eggs, steak, and sausages, on the counter.

      “You make no sense,” he mutters.

      “I know,” I say, smiling back, not wanting to tell him he'd cease to exist upon my waking.

      “Well at least help me with these candles—have you seen these? They're so cool!” He takes a lighter to a paper-covered candle in a glass jar. It immediately lights, pouring flame out the opening at the top.

      “That's not gonna work,” I say, coldly snuffing the fire out with my mind before it really has a chance to get started.

      “Huh, that's weird,” he says, trying to get the thing to light again. Feeling bad, I tell him to try again, this time using my power to bring the flame to life. “Thanks!” he said, “JTF can do this too, you know.”

      That's because he a dreamer, like me. I think, walking back to the front door. Waving good bye, I step onto my porch into the waning twilight.

      “Holy fuck.”

      Before me, facing me, stands a legion, hundreds upon thousands, of small, black, spiky, shadow gremlins, flickering and growing with the shifting light. The shock of it all takes its toll and my vision starts to waver, the dream falling apart. . .

      With a concentrated burst of sustained will, I thrust my attention toward the world around me, into every monster, every blade of grass, every dark fluffy cloud in the pale grey sky. I've stabilized, and I'm ready to defend my house, my court, myself.

      I run at the creatures, launching myself up and over the lot of them, high in the air. A lone guitar plays an energizing solo as I tear my Katana from its place at my side, and swipe downward forcefully, shouting in raspy voice: “Getsuga Tenshou!” A bright flash erupts from my blade as a huge cyclical blast of blue energy pierces the sky below me, exploding into the legion of shadows, instantly vaporizing a chunk of them and the earth below their feet.

      Another swipe fires out a second wave, smaller this time, not quite as devastating, but still very effective. At this point, I figure I've used up my reserves, so I switch it up, still arcing through the air, out of reach. Thrusting at the air in front of me, I start a volley of attacks, each faster than the last, until finally my blade glows hot white. I yell as my thrusts turn into a powerful beam of light that I direct at the ground, wiping out everything I pass it over. I sustain it for the remainder of my fall, dissolving countless creeps. Their numbers less than half, I drop to the ground.


      A huge burst of energy flies out of me as I skillfully direct it into my blade, encasing it in blue, vibrating, serrated energy, so thick and violent the air around me buzzes audibly with its force. Without hesitation, the shadows attack. I can barely keep them off me, as I slash and cut through their numbers, my blade evaporating them with a mere touch. But each attack I make is more awkward than the last, for my opponents are all one foot tall.

      There's too many, I think, jumping away, retreating. Maybe a Resurrection form will give me the tools I need to beat these guys. . . .

      No, let them come. They can't hurt me; I'm not afraid.

      So I stand there as they swarm me, taking me to the ground, entering my body, carrying me off, slowly down the street. I observe it all, in full control of everything, yet opting to endure the bubbling sensation at my core, the bulging of my skin and clothes, as I'm taken from my court by the few that can't fit inside me. They all look like small black balls of ash as they vainly attempt to bring me down, into a small pipe, leading only to darkness. . .

      Updated 11-15-2010 at 06:02 AM by 25167

      lucid , memorable
    9. Zombies: The Game

      by , 11-15-2010 at 05:13 AM
      Level One

      I was on this wall with a bunch of people, thousands in fact, and the zombie apocalypse had just begun. The problem here was that the wall was just one giant square around a two or three inch deep lake. The people in front of us turned around and started pushing and shoving back towards us. Before now, everyone had been moving along at the same speed in the same direction. We saw a zombie coming toward us. He broke through the croud and grabbed onto my friend Cierra. She was fighting with the zombie and I got behind her and threw her off the wall. It wasn't too dangerous or anything, it was like six feet up. My other friends that were now with me were asking me why I had just thrown her off the wall. I let them know that I had assumed that she was bitten and we couldn't trust her anymore because she would be a zombie shortly. I looked down and saw her looking up at us with a sad look on her face and also saw that she wasn't changing into a zombie. I started to lower myself down the wall to her and saw that her teeth had suddenly grown long and she had just taken on a very zombie-esque countenance. I pulled myself back up onto the wall and she grabbed a dog that was down in the lake by her and bit it. Now, it is important to tell you that the wall at this point wasn't six feet high all around. It went up and down so at certain points it would be level with the ground. We were right next to one of these points. Everyone around us had cleared out and it was just me, Aaron, a few random people, the dog, and Cierra. Who I manage to forget about until later in the dream. The dog comes up onto the wall and is making it's way towards us when Aaron says, "It'd probably be usefull to use our force fields now," and I realize that I have a pack of uno cards that if I hold up three at a time they work as a force field. Now as the dog reaches us I promptly forget the worth of the Uno cards and use them to give the dog the meanest paper cut beating of it's lifetime. By the time I'm finished the dog only has one eye and about twenty different tongues. The dog has stopped fighting me and I am now trying to pry it's mouth apart so it can't kill anyone else and then the dream changes dramatacallly. The dream switches to anime style and I am now laying down on a snowpack and I see Cierra at the bottom of it. I told you I had forgotten about her until this point. She reaches up in that all fancy anime style and grabs my legs and pulls me down into the snow pack. I see a large game over sign and two screens pop up in my vision prompting me to buy one of two different items that would have been usefull for that particular level.

      Level Two

      I am now in a hospital with someone else, she's this girl that I don't really know from anywhere except that she's in my dream. We are trying to get up to the top of this building because there's someone up there we have to save. Down on this level there aren't any zombies so we go to the elevator and press the up button. We are now on the third floor and there is this alarm blaring. I ask the girl I'm with what the noise is and she tells me, "It's an alarm. There must be zombies up here!" Well Duh. So we go about looking for this person and I notice that over the railing of this floor, on this floor there is one hallway that leads down further into the hospital, on one side there are doors leading into rooms and on the other side there is a railing and you can see down onto the second level which is the same as the first level but on the other half of the building, Emily Esplin is mopping the floor down there. I ignore her and cdontinue on with my mission to find this person up on this level so we can get out of here. I see a kid I knew from high school, Kieth Barker, and tell him that there are zombies on this level and he has to get off the floor. He tells me that I should come with him and I tell him that I have to kill the zombie that's up here. So, I do what any other sane person would do in this situation, I start to beat up the person I'm with to convince the kid that she is the zombie and he needs to go down to the bottom floor. I take some injuries back because, hey, who would want to be beaten up for absolutely no reason? So, I go over and push him into the elevator and say, "You need to go now!" He says, "I can wait for you, you can come with me." I proceed to push the down button on the elevator so that the door will close because I have more pressing matters at hand. We end up finding this person and Kieth ends up going down the elevator and at this point Emily asks, "What's that noise?" Seriously Emily? Now of all times? You've been up here the longest and now you're just realizing that there is something strange going on? She ends up coming with us so our party becomes a grand total of five. We are on the first floor now and there are thousands of zombies down there. The director of the hospital, who is also one of the people behind the apocalypse, is there and has been bitten. He sends a dog towards us and Emily catches it and starts to pet it when she realizes that it's a zombie dog. My view switches to hers and I proceed to beat the undeath out of the thing and realize that it wasn't a dog but it was the last person alive in the horde of zombies coming to leave with us. Oh Well. We jump in the elevator, which has explosives below it so we can blow up the zombies and end this apocalypse, and push the button to go up. The doors don't close. We push the button again. The doors don't close. We now realize that we're trapped on this elevator and we aren't going to be able to escape. The hospital director says at this point, "You can't exit but all the doors are wide open." My mind goes to a menu screen and I pick the option, "Three Agents Arrest Director," hoping that this one will stop the apocalypse before it happens and I wake up.
    10. Revenge...almost

      by , 11-15-2010 at 03:58 AM
      It all started with that me, my sister and all the wrestlers from school were walking up the stairs to the water slides. My sister decides to take one of the water slides taking of from a lower altitude. The rest of us gets up to the top, I went first and started sliding down, all the sudden i see my sister in front of me, she is also riding the same slide, but a lot slower than me. She screams and I don't remember too much more until a bit later (that was the last time i saw my sister in the dream). I am now working out with the wrestlers and we're lifting tree logs. Coach Nelson tells me to take the biggest one I can handle, so I bend down to pick it up. When I pick it up I notice that its really two smaller pieces that looked like one. When coach notice the small piece he shakes his head and look disappointed. The food was served and the fact that wet t-shirts were mixed with the noodles didn't surprise me at all (I should have known that I was dreaming). No memory of the dream until...

      Later in the evening.
      we were sitting around a table, trying to figure out how a broken bowl were to be fixed.
      The doors opened and a creature, looking like a mixture between a troll from Scandinavian folklore and Dobby from Harry Potter walked in. We all seemed to know him and someone asked him for how long he had been locked in the bowl (wtf?!).
      44 years he answered and bent down his head looking sad.
      So me, coach Nelson and someone I've never seen, decided to take revenge. Apparently we had to sneak out, so Nelson and the other guy disguised themselves as nuns (the coach was particularly funny to see dressed as a nun). We were walking down a corridor on our way to take the revenge when i woke up by my alarm clock.

      I should have noticed that it was a dream when: People who usually speak English speak Swedish (I'm an exchange student), it is summer in the dream and winter in real life, we ate noodles and wet t-shirts, I saw the creature, coach was dressed as a nun.
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. Dream of Nov 12th

      by , 11-15-2010 at 03:07 AM
      Well, it would seem I was a detective, and there were 2 other detectives. We needed to figure out who broke into this house, and stole some stuff(I knew who it was... because it was like a movie, and showed me who it was... I think, either that or my dream self saw it.. whatever) So this girl with no voice box stole some stuff, and we needed to stake a place out to see if she was going to return it, or steal more stuff or what. We werent staking it out too well, because we thought we needed to be clear on what we would watch on TV (You know, you need to agree on the show..) I thought we could watch Cow and Chicken at 8:00 I think. and at 4:15-4:45 there was a show called The Dean Show, I thought oh we could watch that, but found out it wasn't the "Dean Martin Show" so I decided we wouldn't need to. At some point I guess we knew what our robber sounded like,from a sound clip or something. And one of us morphed too look all kind of weird and distorted. They started talking "Only a girl, with no voice box, could sound like this" so we knew it had to be the suspect who really did rob the place... I think there was a large building and some sort of tree house at some point.
    12. Dead Body Museum, Flying/Falling, Camp

      by , 11-15-2010 at 02:55 AM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      regular dreams: 11-14-10

      Dead Body Museum
      There was some type of dead body museum outside. Me and my friend Brittany and some other people were outside in a wooded area. There was a pond and in that pond where some dead people's heads. We had to use scuba gear so that we could go underwater and take a closer look at the dead people. First we had to get through a narrow plastic door underwater to get to an open, cave-like area that had the dead remains of some little girls and other people sticking out of the walls. Then we went through a second door to get to other area where there were more heads. For some reason we went into these cave-like things twice, the second time I think it was to show some other people around. But the second time we went in there and got down to the second layer, I got scared for some reason and wanted to get out. When I reached the last door to get out I kept thinking about how my air could run out soon. I think I managed to get out safely though.

      I was with my sister in our backyard. There was something that I wanted to get on the roof of a random tall house in our backyard. It was like a fuzzy brown thing. I jumped up and flew up to the roof. My mom or sister was nervous for me and didn't want me to go up there but I tried to prove them wrong. I safely made it to the top of the roof and grabbed the.. thing. But to get down, I jumped and tried to fly but ended up falling fast toward the ground and landing hard. It didn't hurt at all though.

      I was at camp with my friends Brittany and Dani. Dani got her own room in a nice white building because her mom wanted her to have her own room alone. It had like four beds in it and was really nice and big. There were some other bitchy girls there who stayed in some other big rooms in the white building. After I went to check out Dani's room, I went to the bathroom that had four mirrors and looked expensive and lavish. The other girls came in. I made fun of them by saying something like "oh hello there, I have to put on loads of makeup because I'm just so awesome and everyone loves me," then left and told Brittany what I said to them. Me and Brittany had to stay in a super cramped small bunk bed thing. That's all I remember.
      Tags: flying
    13. Red and Black Snake

      by , 11-15-2010 at 12:57 AM
      November 14, 2010

      I was in school but outside on the corner of the block. It was sunny outside with blue skies. My friend Lauren and my chemistry teacher were there and we were all doing an experiment for something. Then I saw 3 rolling houses made of different mirrors go down the street. They kinda looked like disco balls on wheels. I walked back to the school and I saw a red and black snake. I asked my teacher if it was poisonous and she said, "I don't know lets find out." So she put her hand by it and squeezed it by the neck and held it. But as I went to pet it it slithered away. The End.
    14. 1/3 Sat: Practice RCs, Dream Guide

      by , 11-15-2010 at 12:53 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Been out of practice for most of the week. I can see my dream recall suffering. This was a good night though.

      Practice RCs, Dream Guide
      Method DILD (prospective memory)
      Lucidity B
      Vividness C
      Control B
      0626: I don't recall the beginning very well. I'm laying on a bed. My roommate is in the room. I push off a bunch of small wood blocks from the bed and they fall on the floor noisily. Then I pull the covers over me and my roommate leaves the room. I don't know why, but I remind myself to do a reality check. I nose-plug once and don't believe it. I do it again and now realize I am lucid. I remember my plan: do nothing, practice reality checks, let my dream guide find me.

      I walk out of the room. I now seem to be in the Daisetta house. I walk out to the backyard and then around to the side of the house. I try a list of RCs. Many of these I've rarely or never done so I wanted to experience what they were like in a dream:

      Nose-plug: I can breathe.
      Count fingers: I have double-vision as I look at my hands but I still count 10 fingers.
      Finger through palm: doesn't work.
      Memory: I couldn't recall how I got to this house.

      The next few needed some objects, so I walked back inside the house to the kitchen.

      Clock: numbers were changing crazily, and I could will them to change.
      Text: for double-spaced lines, the text seemed normal. Fsingle-spaced lines, it started to dance and look crazy. But for both I don't recall actually reading or remembering the words.
      Light switch: I notice the light turn on and off but the light level doesn't really change. But there was also sunlight coming through the window so I wouldn't expect a lamp to make much difference.

      Cool, that was interesting. Now what. I notice my roommate in the house, so I decide to will him to leave. I look at him and imagine that he is about to leave for work. He does starting moving toward the front door and out to a car in the driveway. I follow him with my eyes and my will all the way until he is gone.

      Then I recall the bit about letting my dream guide find me. On cue, the door bell rings. I open it and a man enters. He's maybe 35, slightly overweight, with tan skin, black hair, and a goatee mustache. I don't recognize him, nor is he very impressive. He just looks like a random guy. In his hands, he has a brown paper bag. From the bag, he pulls out a candle which he presents to me like a gift. He says something like "Here's something that helps others in your situation." I try to interpret what that means but don't get it. He opens the bag and shows me what else is in there: a bottle of sake and a fried rice cracker treat that you might get at a Japanese restaurant or market. I'm trying to figure out what these things could mean and I wonder if this guy is really my dream guide.

      The door bell rings again. This time, it's another man, a bit older than the last, with pale skin and a cleanly shaved face. He's wearing a blue business casual shirt and slacks. I imagine he is an accountant and I vaguely recognize him as a type actor who plays small parts in TV shows and commercials. He doesn't say anything. I look at him and back at the other man. Confused. Not sure what to make of this. Dream ends.

      New AA At Work
      1207: Living with my mother. New work office. I sense that my work is a TV show and we've started a new season with some new characters and a new setting. There's a new administrative assistant who is an attractive blond woman who reminds me of an actress. I need to fill in a overtime paycheck request form. I do this and give it to the woman. She checks and and sees I forget the date at the top. I take it back and realize I've filled the whole thing in pencil but it should be in pen. I feel embarassed.

      Complaining About The Team
      0144: In a dark office with Lance. It's raining outside. We are talking about the company football team. The quarterback was replaced by C and we are joking about how bad he is. He can't throw a spiral. Lance finds a radio broadcast of the game on the internet. Our team is losing. Now it seems to be college football instead of the company. We talk about what are team should do. Now it seems to be Starcraft instead of football. Lance says all they do it mass tier one units. I suggest something tricky like a DT rush.
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