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    1. My first LD ever!!!!

      by , 11-28-2010 at 11:23 PM
      Nov 28, 2010

      Ok so all I remember of the dream that happened before my lucid dream is I was driving on wooden planks elevated over a muddy swamp. We made it to a dead end where the planks stopped but when I turned around to head back I wasn't driving anymore, I was crawling on the planks. I was very angry because they were covered in mud and it would ruin my phone. The whole dream had a creepy vibe to it. Anyway after about 4 ft of crawling I was suddenly on my side in a bed in a random room. I rolled over but when I did I saw something dark and horrifying in the corner of my eye and it was standing in front of my mom. As soon as I could see it, it let out a shrill high pitch cry, that blood curdling scream and I felt like my skin was crawling. I think this is what woke me up but not fully.

      I woke in my bed but realizing that I was slowly coming out of SP I stopped moving closed my eyes and focused on breathing. Almost a split seconds after closing my eyes I heard that Horrifying scream and my skin was crawling again but this time I knew it was SP and about 2 seconds later bam I was in a bed wide awake.

      I was like, ok, scream over, am I in my bed or not. I didn't want to know I just wanted to know if I was dreaming. I instinctively grabbed my nose. I could still breath. I checked 4 more times, I have actually tricked myself in a dream once because of only trying once. So I was confident in myself knowing I was dreaming and was lucid I was soooo excited but remembering to stay calm. I got up out of bed, for some reason, knowing my best friend would be in this dark unfamiliar room with me. He is in about 90% of my dreams. I went over and woke him up. He got up and he actually walked to the door and opened it for me and then he walked through. When I left the room I was walking down the OH SO familiar hallway of his house. We went to the kitchen flipped on a light switch and bam kitchen light came on. He did what he pretty much always does in his house and that is Get something to eat ha. The light switch thing confirmed all my ideas that the rules all of you make and follow only apply because you believe them. For some reason his Mom was hiding under a table that has never been there before and arguing with him about something.

      At this point I decided it was time to take control. I walked to his front door opened the door went down his front porch steps and stood in his yard. It was a beautiful night. There was a cool breeze and the moon was full. It was exactly like his yard except way off in the distance I could see a huge city, he lives in the country. I decided that regardless of what happens I was gonna try to fly. I knew it was possible, i have had dreams of flying and I knew that it was a dream and in dreams anything is possible. So I bent my knee's like I was gonna jump then I pushed off and slowly took to the sky.

      I just took it all in. It was unbelievable. I was actually lucid dreaming. Then one thought ran through my mind. A rule that I have read on the forum and for some reason believed. I read that taking on something like flying can take a lot of effort and wake you up. As soon as that thought ran through my head everything started to fade away. Quickly I spun. I spun as fast as I could. 2 seconds later I was way up in space. Looking at the stars. I floated there content for about 20 seconds and then I could see my arms and then my wall. I was back in my room, on my bed. Did a reality check and sure enough I was awake. It was Unbelievably Wonderful. I cant stop playing it over and over in my head.

      Thanks for reading.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. Elderly Pirate and Something About Being in the Army

      by , 11-28-2010 at 07:42 PM
      i havent posted in a while because i havent had any dreams i could remember. today i had two, but could only remember part of the second one. sorry about this being all in lowercase, and for any typing errors... once again im in an ipod. im just too lazy to start my computer up.

      the first one starts out as me being a pirate. apparantly im an old, retired pirate, and my hobby is collecting coins. im digging around in a shallow swamplike pond, grabbing at the shiny things i can see under the surface, lifting them up to look at them, then puttung them in a basket. the coins are all old ones, varying in size and shape. they dont look like anything ive seen before. im veey excited, because ive "hit the jackpot" and found a puddle with lots of coins in it. a pirate friend comes along, and is jealous that im finding all the good coins. i tell him that ice been looking for years for one certain coin, and i cant find it.

      in the same dream, im not the pirate anymore, but a servant to a queen. she brought me into her bedroom and is showing me the wood floor, complaining about it always being wet. i notice she has a lot of crap on the floor thats getting wet, so i throw it onto her bed, and look at the floor. one side is completely dry, the other looks like a puddle. i guess she wants me to figure out whats leaking, so i look closely. i then notice that the puddle now looks more like left over mop water, like someone was mopping the floor there and it hadnt completely dried yet. i poinr it out to her. "see those streak marks?" "no, i cant see anything." i grab her and place her in the right light. she gets surprised, and tells me that the ghost of the elderly pirate must be making her floor wet, since he used to be the guy who swabbed the deck. i didnt know that he had died, so she explains to me how he died. the scene turns into a flashback, with the queen talking in the background, explaining what was going on.

      the old pirate gave up in coin collecting and tried to tame water girrafes (girrafes that lived in water) and teach them tricks. every time he blew a whistle the girrafes would jump out of the water at the same time. for some readon, this was cruel, the girrafes plotted and tried to find a way to kill him. one time, when he blew his whistle, a panther jumped out of nowhere and killed him. just then his old friend came along and pulled a crayfish catchy thing out of the water. inside was the coin the old piratw was looking for his whole life. the friend showed it to the dead pirate, and he somehow smiled.

      after that, i had a dream about being in the army. all i can remember is that they had to test you to make sure you were capable of being in the army by making you walk across a canyon on a thin beam of wood. i was afraid of falling, so i crawled across. the other army people said i was cheating, but the drill instructor was very impressed and commended me on thinking outside the box. then there was something about playing badminton and hunting impalas, but i dont really remember anything about it.

      Updated 06-17-2011 at 08:45 AM by 34686

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Lucid Dream #25

      by , 11-28-2010 at 07:06 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 7/10
      Vividness: 6/10
      Length: 5 Min.

      Me and some girl were walking through a forest and found an old man. We followed him to his mansion. Then I became lucid, someone threw me a football that I missed and didn't catch. So I went and got it. I used telekinesis. Then I threw it and it went into the pool. Then I found this shed and I said "when I open this shed that little skinny broad will be there, ready to fuck." When I opened it she was in there. She looked at me and then I woke up. The End.
    4. Dream Lucid Overlap

      by , 11-28-2010 at 06:44 PM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Type: Lucid, Memorable
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 9/10

      I'm just going to write this one as a pretty direct translation from my dream journal.

      Library with my Dad.. return to the library later with my friend alex. I'm sitting on the couch with my cousin L and also J.Z., a girl I used to like and respect in highschool, in the same library, playing guitar. I think we are all playing music together and the sound is incredible and everything just flows together like water in a stream, really beautiful. The dream changes and we are exploring a massive basement in a house, supposedly JZ's, concrete floors and generally abandoned. Feels like a warehouse almost. One room we enter has a big worksmiths metal cabinets with boxes of junk and tools, as JZ passes by she laughs and pulls a joke by pulling out in succession boxes with rocks paper and scissors out- very funny and cute. We leave and go to 2 other rooms, one is dilapidated like one of those rotting/falling apart old abandoned houses I saw quite often in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, also massive and completely empty, like a house inside of this basement. The other we enter and close the door, steel push handle pretty classic big heavy door. There's a huge AC/furnace in the room big enough to power a hotel, and there is a massive storage unit which JZ jokes that she might use if only she were tall enough to reach it, and indeed it is about 12 feet tall with no way to access it.

      Now here's the really incredible part of this dream - I realize that I'm dreaming when I experience a sort of dream overlap which I haven't ever experienced before, I described it upon waking like this:

      Somewhere along the line I realize that I'm dreaming because I feel LIsa's foot moving next to my ear. It is like my view is 50/50 in the dream state, half of my perception is occupied by feeling her foot moving and see the foot/ my head interacting in some sort of architecture rendering mode, all grey and blue lines like a vector model of the scene mapped out - on top of that or simultaneously I see the dream scene, the room and L and JZ on top of that. It's like a ripple in the dream state.

      I tell L this and she says that we should wake up since it isn't good to leave out your instruments while we sleep since the temperature change at night could ruin them [lol..s igh] but I insist that it is okay, trying my best to convince her not to wake up, which I do wind up convincing her not to. I feel this sensation of overlapping dreams several times. Lisa jokes that she can't open the door as if we are stuck in this dream room, and JZ and I are like wtf you're joking and she is, we all run out of the room laughing and vault up some big concrete stairs with yellow large painted railings like you see at loading docks at supermarkets. At the top of the stairs we walk into the same library that I have already visited twice tonight, and though I don't realize it we are all sleeping in some corner of that very room [so I believed at the time]. L asks what I want to do now before we wake up, I think about it and recall some hilarious joke images I saw earlier in the night [ or maybe in waking life] that I wanted to enjoy again or recreate.. I feel the dream starting to fade, so I touching things and focusing on their texture- clothes, large leaves on a potted plant nearby, stone of a raised circular sitting area, and finally the carpet on the floor, which has tiny raised squares and is soft with a very pleasant active texture which brings my dream back into full vividness [sweet, first time I've remembered to use this and it as very successful].. at this point though I lose some lucidity and walk over to the library computers and pull up the images which are displayed in some sort of WoW/WC3 program, some of them are funny internet type joke images and just weird, but after going through a few I get bored and feel that L is waiting for me so I log off and find L and tell her we can wake up now, and I actually do wake up : )

      SO.. pretty incredible and exciting experience for me. When I woke up I was totally blown away by what had just happened. Becoming lucid in a dream within a dream shared with other dream characters! haha! I realized I was dreaming when my perception was interrupted/expanded [I wrote down this phrase "interruped/expanded" in my DJ and I feel like it describes the sensation perfectly- has anyone else also had this experience?] to the view of the food near my head on the pillow. I wasn't fully fully lucid though I don't think, since I had confused my situation in that the last dream I had exited to be waking life, instead of just being the last dream I had experienced. Also, this lucid had a much different feel to it than all my other lucids.. in those I became totally aware that I was in my head and imagination or whatever, and thought only about my control over the situation and what sort of things that I should do, almost like I'm set in that white loading dock in the Matrix movies where you can summon guns and everything, but with nothing really happening around me.. But in this dream I was aware that I was dream while simultaneously enjoying the freedom of interacting with a fully formed dream scenes and stable dream characters.. I really enjoyed this a lot. In the other lucids I was so focused on my own ability, my own power, that it felt almost crippling, like I was trying to grasp desperately onto what I might be able to do, my lack of capability for control, etc. This dream felt so free and revitalizing in comparison.

      I think that perhaps the overlapping perspective may have been an actual awareness of my physical body, my head on the pillow, and the foot may have been a hallucination that my mind used to compensate for a stable world environment.. what tricks the mind plays in order to keep itself afloat! Really beautiful experience though. I hope everyone is waking in their dreams, and having liberating experiences.

      Sweet jam I just found, not anything to do with dreaming but fun to write a DJ to hah

    5. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and I fight zombies again!

      by , 11-28-2010 at 06:40 PM
      Now, I know for a fact I forgot a few dreams because I ended up having to sleep on the couch last night. But I did manage to get a few dreams down.

      11/26 -
      I'm in a movie!- Someone made a movie about our school, and we were all in the gym. We ended up lining up and getting our roles. I played myself, and they named me "Lethal Mike". (Fitting, I guess)

      11/27 -
      I fight zombies again- A group of friends and I were bogged down somewhere fighting zombies. We had a little bit of relaxing time, and one of the guys was being very, very rude to our medic. She gets sick of his attitude and starts telling him off, and then we all have a flashback of why he became an asshole. Don't remember the flashback.

      Any eye for an eye makes the whole world blind- I was walking down the hallway and I saw a girl I know. Then a man came out of nowhere carrying his girlfriend in his arms. I decided to out do him and grabbed my friend in one arm and raced down the hallway. When I set her down she wasn't too happy :S. Then I went to spanish class, which was really weird because class was in the hallway and we had a sub. I began writing about what I had just done. Then, out of nowhere some freshman came and started asking me questions about someone in my class. "What's her name?" "Her name is Xochitl (note: That is her spanish name). Why do you want to know?". They tell me that her and her friend was making fun of them, and they want to return the favor. I explained to them that that is not how you treat women for one, and that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. I decided to go walk around the school. Seems they were playing a drumming movie in the cafeteria, but I wasn't really interested. I bumped into Foley and we started talking as we walked down the hallway. For some reason he had about 20 bags of cheese puffs in one giant plastic bag.
    6. Airport...

      by , 11-28-2010 at 05:47 PM
      Not much happened last night but dreamt about going to some airport again this time to drop someone off, don't know who she was but I remember her saying "Before I leave I want to see the pillars, I never got to see them last time" I think she was referring to some ancient ruin near the airport...
    7. girl idol band in gymnasium

      by , 11-28-2010 at 05:01 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a long line, probably all of young men, in a cafeteria or gymnasium that had been set up like a cafeteria. The cafeteria was crowded and busy. Everything had a bluish tinge to it. The line kind of snaked around in a square. It was moving slowly but steadily.

      As I was working my way through the line, around one corner, I could see a group of girls sitting at the end of a long table. The girls looked like the girls from Girls Generation. They were also famous singers. I could see them only a little bit through the spaces between the people in front of me.

      The girls started singing a little song/chant involving my name. It seemed like they were half-teasing me and half-flirting with me through the song. I knew that the girls were my friends. In fact, I had been sitting with them before I'd gotten in line.

      I was now moving forward to where the girls could see me plainly. The line was still moving. I thought that as I passed the girls I would wave or do something like that to acknowledge them quickly without stopping and blocking up the line.

      But when I was in full view of the girls, one of them told me to stop right where I was and stand still so she could take pictures of me. I stopped. But I was afraid of the guys behind me. They were tall and they seemed really mean. And it seemed like the instant I'd stopped walking, the guys had started to get impatient with me.

      I was trying to think up a couple quick poses to give for the camera. But I could only think up feminine poses. I also felt shaky, because I was afraid of the guys behind me, who were getting very impatient. But I was trying to act unconcerned, innocently oblivious to the guys' anger. This somehow seemed feminine to me as well.
    8. Of Babies and Monsters

      by , 11-28-2010 at 04:12 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      My Baby

      I have a baby. My wife (I have no idea who this is, since I am not married in real life) is away somewhere, and left me instructions on how to care for the baby. This baby is kept in a drawer in the wall, and I open it up now and then to do various things with the infant. I open the drawer at one point to feed the baby. I begin to feed him mashed potatoes or something similar, which is a little difficult because I can't find a spoon but only a fork...

      ...I go somewhere. This requires going into a cave, up a long set of stone steps, and through a tunnel. On the other side of this tunnel is a wide open space. Here I come across Frankenstein's monster...

      ...A little later I am leading an expedition up the same path. As we near the top of the tunnel I proceed cautiously because I know the Monster could be lurking about. Sure enough, as we round a bend I catch sight of him. I think he sees me too, because our group begins running back down the tunnel. I know there is one part where there is a narrow doorway that if we can just make it through the Monster will be unable to follow. Of course, it is difficult to run, as it always is in these dreams. Fortunately, the Monster doesn't seem to be that interested in chasing us anyway and we never see him again.

      Now I'm on my own, and I continue to walk through the tunnel. I come into a library. There are people going through files and books. They (and now myself as well) are writing a research paper.

      But then, I remember about the baby! I was in the middle of feeding him, and he hasn't eaten anything else for a day or two now. I rush back home, wondering how long a baby can go without eating. With relief, I find the baby happily sitting in his high chair/drawer looking at the bowl of food in front of him. I begin to feed him again, wondering if and how should change his diaper before my wife gets home.

      It's too late. My wife is already home! She came back while I was gone, and I just didn't see her. I wonder if I am in trouble.

      Working with Dirty Clothes

      I show up for work at my former workplace. I stand in front of my boss, waiting for direction. He and a coworker are arguing, and I figure out what my job is. Fortunately, it involves traveling about an hour from the office. I hope in the company vehicle, and head down. Then I realize I am not wearing my work uniform. I have it with me, but I can't change while driving. I look for a place to pull over so I can change.

      I drive up a road into the woods, and find a place to get out. There are some ruins of houses on the hillside, and people are digging around as though they were archaeologists. I duck behind a box truck and change clothes. Then I see a few people I know, and go up to see them. They are digging around the foundation of what I find out is my great-great grandmother's house. Some old prospector is looking for shale (presumably for oil), but we are just looking for artifacts. We dig up some picture viewing device that is referred to as a "melodian".

      Now I am in my uniform, but my clothes are dirty. Oh well, my workplace doesn't care as long as I'm in uniform.
    9. Of Babies and Monsters

      by , 11-28-2010 at 04:11 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      My Baby

      I have a baby. My wife (I have no idea who this is, since I am not married in real life) is away somewhere, and left me instructions on how to care for the baby. This baby is kept in a drawer in the wall, and I open it up now and then to do various things with the infant. I open the drawer at one point to feed the baby. I begin to feed him mashed potatoes or something similar, which is a little difficult because I can't find a spoon but only a fork...

      ...I go somewhere. This requires going into a cave, up a long set of stone steps, and through a tunnel. On the other side of this tunnel is a wide open space. Here I come across Frankenstein's monster...

      ...A little later I am leading an expedition up the same path. As we near the top of the tunnel I proceed cautiously because I know the Monster could be lurking about. Sure enough, as we round a bend I catch sight of him. I think he sees me too, because our group begins running back down the tunnel. I know there is one part where there is a narrow doorway that if we can just make it through the Monster will be unable to follow. Of course, it is difficult to run, as it always is in these dreams. Fortunately, the Monster doesn't seem to be that interested in chasing us anyway and we never see him again.

      Now I'm on my own, and I continue to walk through the tunnel. I come into a library. There are people going through files and books. They (and now myself as well) are writing a research paper.

      But then, I remember about the baby! I was in the middle of feeding him, and he hasn't eaten anything else for a day or two now. I rush back home, wondering how long a baby can go without eating. With relief, I find the baby happily sitting in his high chair/drawer looking at the bowl of food in front of him. I begin to feed him again, wondering if and how should change his diaper before my wife gets home.

      It's too late. My wife is already home! She came back while I was gone, and I just didn't see her. I wonder if I am in trouble.

      Working with Dirty Clothes

      I show up for work at my former workplace. I stand in front of my boss, waiting for direction. He and a coworker are arguing, and I figure out what my job is. Fortunately, it involves traveling about an hour from the office. I hope in the company vehicle, and head down. Then I realize I am not wearing my work uniform. I have it with me, but I can't change while driving. I look for a place to pull over so I can change.

      I drive up a road into the woods, and find a place to get out. There are some ruins of houses on the hillside, and people are digging around as though they were archaeologists. I duck behind a box truck and change clothes. Then I see a few people I know, and go up to see them. They are digging around the foundation of what I find out is my great-great grandmother's house. Some old prospector is looking for shale (presumably for oil), but we are just looking for artifacts. We dig up some picture viewing device that is referred to as a "melodian".

      Now I am in my uniform, but my clothes are dirty. Oh well, my workplace doesn't care as long as I'm in uniform.
    10. November 28

      by , 11-28-2010 at 03:56 PM (Objectives)

      Umm... i think i achieved lucidity.. but it was for a very short time...

      somewhere i was in sixflags great adventure... common dream for me.. so i thought to myself "ok, well im not dreaming and i look at my hands and i realize that i have 10 fingers and thats normal.. then as i look up a couple appeared in front of me.. for some reason i felt that i was dreaming, as i realize this i go ahead and try to force myself to make the guy disappear, i try to force it and it didnt work... so i remember something i read earlier about controlling.. so either passive or forced and passive tends to work so i had to think of a reason why the guy would leave so i told myself.. he needed to go to the bathroom and he disappeared...now knowing the dream is lucid... I got excited and wanted to force the dream to change and forgot about the passive thing i read about and wanted to go somewhere i simply forgot and just woke up due to the excitement
    11. November 28th

      by , 11-28-2010 at 03:41 PM (Objectives)

      Was in my apartment doing smoething then something abut mail and Got a mission to accomplish, something about a credit card subscription, and it was my roomate from last year that he was my partner that asked me to join him, and it was about his transfrmer subscription. We had to finish this mission or pay credit... so i go in like call of duty style, moving and staying in corners talking out men but i'll die and reset... then at one point.. i see solid snake creeping about and basically i remember i became him and i just grabbed ahold this guy and tried to make him talk, all of the bad guys had ski mask (typical right). as im inttergroating him about where the transformer went, im holding him in one hand and in the other im taking other guys without looking away from my hostage intiminating him to talk. Went into a large where On top of a cliff about something 3 girls were down below and i got them to flash me.. then someones wallet appeared, one of them was a very old elementary schol friend i dont remember her name but she had a picture of my grandmother in there (she passed 2 years ago yesterday)
    12. Two dreams

      by , 11-28-2010 at 03:10 PM
      Oh f*ck! I just accidentally deleted two dreams I wrote for an hour, so now the descriptions are going to be much shorter...

      I am at our porch. Some guys are coming at me. I turn my back on them. Arthur Rubinstein is in front of me. He starts playing Chopin's first ballade, but not on a piano but instead on a wall, like the keys were on it. Still, I just know it isn't him. "Get off, cheater!" I yell. He doesn't react in any way. I go stand in front of him. He still doesn't react. I try to get the music off my head. Finally I manage to do it, but soon the music comes back, not from the point where it stopped but instead like he would have continued playing, not caring about me not listening (maybe he had).

      In the other dream I was swimming, then got into a very strong current. When I got out of it, my friend got into it. I pull her off. I swim to the shore and go running on the rocks for a while (I might have shapeshifted into a cougar or a cheetah). When I get back, we are leaving. There are now sheets of ice floating in the water. The waves bring them to the shore. My friend goes on them and finally sinks, but a teacher that is with us pulls him off with superhuman power.
    13. Dream Fragment

      by , 11-28-2010 at 01:04 PM (My world, my rules)
      #1: Eu saí de casa e fui para a casa do meu vizinho, procurando a esposa dele por algum motivo. Ele me disse que ela tinha saído para o lado oeste da minha rua.

      Updated 11-28-2010 at 04:25 PM by 32539

      dream fragment
    14. Mad professor summoning monsters

      by , 11-28-2010 at 01:02 PM (My world, my rules)
      Ok, o sonho já começou bem confuso.
      Eu não estava presente, apenas vendo uma cena no Shopping, onde haviam vários monstros (?) seguindo um grupo de pessoas. Puro-Osso e Mandy (do desenho The Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy) estavam tentando impedir que os monstros alcançassem as pessoas. Um garoto vestido de super herói tambémveio tentar ajudar, mas viu que não conseguiria fazer muita coisa e então correu também.
      Em um momento, Mandy tropeçou e caiu, Puro-Osso foi tentar atrasar os monstros, mas acabaram por consumir ele e a Mandy também.
      No colégio, vi que os monstros estavam fazendo uma fila atrás de um professor (provavelmente um professor de física, como o Sílvio). Então, resolvi ir para o shopping tentar impedir os monstros. No caminho, encontrei meu pai (com um carro diferente do nosso [era provavelmente um astra branco]) na rua. Eu disse pra ele que eu iria para o shopping pegar uma coisa que eu tinha esquecido. Ele ficou meio descontente (nesse momento ele estava em um Uno preto) mas deixou, saíndo pelo semáforo.
      Eu saí correndo para o shopping, mas acabei errando o caminho e indo para o Comprefort (mercado que fica em frente ao colégio). Nisso, eu tentei correr o mais rápido possível para o shopping. Cheguei a imaginar um alien correndo atrás de mim para eu conseguir correr mais rápido (engraçado, não?).
      Quando eu estava quase chegando, passou um cara de máscara correndo por mim. Ao chegar na rua do shopping, percebi que não era uma rua, e sim um metrô. Haviam duas senhoras idosas lá, e disseram que o cara mascarado era um ladrão, e estavam com medo dele. Eu falei que estava tentando chegar no shopping o mais rápido possível, e que elas podiam vir comigo. Saímos correndo, e elas eram incrivelmente mais rápidas do que eu.
      Chegamos até um local que parecia a maquinaria do metrô, onde haviam dois caras. Perguntamos como sairíamos dali, em deles nos respondeu que dava pra sair por onde entramos. Perguntei se havia OUTRA saída, ele nos apontou uma escada e disse que daria em uma rua. O corredor onde se encontrava a escada estava cheio de portas. O homem pediu para eu abrir a porta da cozinha (uma das portas desse corredor). Eu abri e ele avisou a cozinheira que estaria saíndo por um momento.
      De repente, não havia mais escada, e sim um duto de ventilação. As duas senhoras eram, na verdade, Lucas (um amigo que eu não vejo há alguns anos) e outro cara, que não lembro quem era).
      Fui subir no duto de ventilação, mas estava incrivelmente apertado. Lucas estava vindo atrás de mim, embora eu tenha dito para ele esperar. Já não me lembro de maiores detalhes.
    15. 11/27 Princess of the Sith

      by , 11-28-2010 at 09:36 AM (Link's Adventures)
      I was to guard a young and beautiful princess from Japan back to her home planet, Korriban. She had long, blond hair and green eyes and looked exactly like Princess Rurichiyo from Bleach except older.

      So I say goodbye to everyone at Ashford Academy(from Code Geass) and I go to meet her. She is very nice and sweet and i think she has a crush on me or something but i don't worry about it too much and we talk on the way to her starship. We get on and there are a few other bodyguards and some other staff and etc. I say hi to one of the bodyguards, he is a friend of mine, his name is rosch(off of jedi academy). We soon take off and I watch the princess because i was her main and most powerful bodyguard.

      It wasn't very eventful until several powerful sith appear and start killing guards everywhere. They were in dark armor and used crimson lightsabers, swords, and guns. I knew i had to start taking them out or we would lose control of the ship so i take out my sword and leave the princess with rosch and a old caretaker. I run with supernatural speed at my first target and slash through his defense and chest and start fighting them off. I eventually kill or chase off all of them and i look at a few of the bodies as i walked by, wondering why they would attack their own princess. a coup d'état perhaps?

      I get back and find the old man standing there and rosch and the princess were gone. Immediately i ask him where they were, using self restraint not to pick him up and start threatening him. He says calmly that rosch was on the sith's side(those who attacked us) and I knew the caretaker probably was too. I also knew that Korriban is heavily populated and that it was their turf so they could have hid her anywhere. Or they could have hid her on another planet, either way it would be almost impossible to find her.

      So i reverse time to when the attack started and i pause time and find a sith assassin book in rosch's possession. It explained the powers they possessed as they leveled up and his oath to them was in the book. I see that he is level 7 and at the next level, they can heal themselves and i wondered why they didn't use this tactic. Unless they did and they would have left since they had gotten the princess if i hadn't reverse time. But i guessed i would never know. I knew that i needed to watch the princess but i wasn't going to put her in danger. So i decide to leave her with him and come back before he took her. So i tell her to say and jump down and see different enemies this time???

      I was confused but i knew i still needed to take them out so i start to go towards them but the commander starts shooting a machine gun at me. I block the bullets while getting closer but eventually one knocks my sword out of my hand. So i sprint and rip the gun out of his hands and now i saw through this helmet thing w/ things telling me health and etc on the visor. it looks like the screen on fallout 3. It tells me i have 7 bullets left so i slow down time and shoot a bullet into his head and see his health fall and then rise a little so i shoot 2 more with the same results. So i shoot the last 4 and he dies. I then jab the gun into one of his men's head and i jump and flip backwards and grab my sword and finish them off. I then rush back and find rosch on the floor and the old man just standing there and i question whose side he is on in my head.

      The princess is safe though and i go to her and she hugs me and tells me that she knew this time that he was a traitor and she had taken care of him. I questioned if everyone could tell that i had reversed time but didn't worry about it too much since she was alright. She then tells me that she loves me and that's why she chose me to be her guard and that she wanted me to become a sith so we can be together. I wasn't sure because that meant i had to become a ruthless killer. But when she was older, i could marry her. So i wasn't sure, and i thought later on, just because some sith were ruthless killers, didn't mean i had to be. Unfortunately I only thought of this after i wake up. She says again, "please? i love you". I tell her i would think about it and she just clutches me tighter and i hug her back. We soon arrive without anymore problems and land. Korriban looked very medieval and im not sure if it was in anime form or not because the princess and some other people were.

      I then see Mizore from Rosario Vampire and she was running a little snow cone stand(they were both in anime from and it was kind of funny since she can control ice, love Mizore in the manga~). I go over there and we hug and say its great to see each other. Then i notice the princess was about to go so i tell Mizore that i would talk to her later. She says ok and i go over to the princess. she once again, asks me to become a sith and that she loves me. I tell her I'd let her know when i saw her later. She says ok and she hugs me and goes off to start some ceremony and people wave at her and she waves back to the crowds of people.

      I then decide to ask Lelouch from Code Geass what i should do since he is brilliant. Unfortunately he was hiding from most people since he killed so many people and was making a new plan. So i teleport to japan instantly like Goku, by putting two fingers to my forehead and using instant transmittion. I then get into a cool black sports car and drive off to find him. I find his car, its a very weird looking car, it was all yellow and sort of reminded me of a bee. I get beside it and he told me to open it(the front part just comes off) without killing myself while he was driving. i accept the test confidently and i reach for the door while still driving the car. I then grab it and then there was a turn so i slow down time and jump out and he warns me to be careful about the aerodynamics but i don't reply since i am busy ripping of the front part off. I get it off soon after the turn and he instantly backs away from the light, apparently not used to it anymore. I then, still holding the front part, put it down some and he says i will just have to be in this evil place for a little bit. i tell him what happened as he looks for a place to talk in private. I don't remember if he gives me any advice or not but i know i somehow end up back at Ashford Academy. Then Shirley from code geass sees me.

      She is watering plants and she says, "hey, welcome back". i tell her ill be going back soon and she says ok then, i hope u stay safe. Then Lelouch shows up and she runs over to him hugs him since she loves him in Code Geass and she hasn't seen him in a long time in the dream. A few other students show up and they talk to Lelouch some. Then Shirley asks him why he is still wearing his leaf for student honors when he isn't going to Ashford and he says he just felt like wearing it. And then i woke up. I don't know what the student honors thing was about and i forgot some details but this was my best dream ever. But i need to finish it, like a lot of my other dreams. And I wish i had become lucid. Need to start working on that again. And i noticed i was over 6 feet tall in half of the dream and a few inches shorter in the second half and i don't know why that happened.

      Updated 02-20-2013 at 10:00 AM by 32236

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