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    1. Face changer, crocodiles. Fast car. Visualizing dreams.

      by , 05-16-2021 at 04:20 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I just woke up in the night and visualize a landscape. I'm in the landscape I visualized (I can't remember how sudden I got into the landscape) and talk to a girl in a chair. We are doing the homework together. Three guys start to pick on us and push the girl down to the ground. I'm not defending her at first but later on I hit one of them. They become angry and easily win over me. After a while they start to pretend to lose and jump back when I hit them as if I was really strong. They run away and I walk to the next room. There is a crocodile in a water pit and I look down on it. It starts to climb to me and I have a big wooden staff to defend myself with. I try to poke it away but my arms won't do as I tell them to. I try to run away but I can't. The crocodile eats me. After some time I walk to the next room. I sit on a chair and look at a person in front of me. I have the power to change his looks and move his eyes apart. He looks pretty weird now. He starts to look like a new person.

      I just woke up in the night and think about the last night were my visualization worked. I visualize a car from the driver perspective, seeing the feet of the driver pushing the gas. I'm in the dream and I'm sitting in the front seat next to the driver to the left. It's my cousin C. First off she's driving in 70 km/h but raises to over 140 km/h. It's going really fast and there is a bump which makes it so that I fly to the sky and fall down really fast (semi lucid here). The car crashes and I land next to the car. C and I run up a hill to the forest. There is another car driving and we jump into the front seat as her mother drives.

      Notes: The day before I thought about how a dream would not be able to adjust the speed to the speedometer but it felt really real in that dream. We slept in their house that night.
    2. Harassed by old woman. Dragon man with sibling, failing my first TOTM.

      by , 03-15-2021 at 03:33 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I thought about what I wanted to do in my dream when I laid in bed and thought about a cool shape I wanted to create. First of a glass pyramid and then a 3D-shaped polygon with a fire inside in order to practice my fire skills too. I thought about trying out my first task of the month by creating a clay figure and give it life.

      I'm in the woods and the big car is next to me. There are three houses and I prank knock on the one to the left and run away. A big old woman starts screaming at me. I prank knock on the second door and an old small woman jumps out and kills me. New fragment. I'm by the car again but dad is also there. I knock on the house to the left again and the big old woman knocks me down. The old woman and dad starts to carry me against the car. She carries me by the legs and dad by my hands. The old woman says something that she also needs to have some fun as she reaches her hand to my private parts. I know that I am supposed to be uncouncious but I try to kick her hand away. I don't think she succeeded.

      This fragment is in third person view. I have a brother (not my IRL brother) and we walk into some kind of temple with some kind of cult. They worship us as we walk into a big stone statue that lowers us down to the lower floor. As we come back up again we are dragons. I am a slim orange lizard dragon and my brother is a big dark dragon. We fly out to the city. New fragment. I am still a dragon and fly over a dark sky and I'm being hunted. My brother is now the dark dragon from How to Train Your Dragon. I realize it is a dream and remember what I wanted to do. I fly down to an island and try to summon a pyramid from the ground, nothing happens. I go on the task of the month instead. I succeed in making a robot body and some kind of cool high tech neck but it's dark so that I can't see. Some of the persons who were hunting me comes and I ask them if they have a flashlight. A woman gives me a good led-light with her car keys on. Another person gives me a normal silver flashlight. I ask the woman if she wants to trade the good flashlight against her small led-light so that I could get her car keys and she says ok. I look at my creation and want to take a picture so that I can show it in Dreamview's forum. I think about how I can't take the picture out of the dream and stop trying to find a camera. I am about to fix the head but the clay is turned into some kind of fabric that I can't work with. The dream is slowly fading until I feel my body against the bed. I assume I am awake.

      Notes: I wish my fire bending was second nature. Then I would not have to ask for a flashlight.

      Updated 03-15-2021 at 03:52 PM by 97565

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Welcoming death. Winning money.

      by , 03-13-2021 at 06:53 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Doomsday is coming and we are about to rescue earth from a meteor by launching a rocket and explode the threat. We ready the rocket and launch, the rocket is going up but suddenly it turns of to the left and explodes on the surface. We go in a car and try to drive away from the location the meteor is going to crash. We drive by a lake as a big missile i penetrating the water and starts to spread a relatively slow explosion. I'm driving and see it closing in. I look back and scream "finally, I welcome you death". I feel a bit ashamed because my dad is sitting next to me. The fire closes in and eats me and I feel my body evaporating. We wait for the car to explode and suddenly it does.

      Notes: We watched a movie some weeks ago with very similar action.

      I'm in a big school and we have just played some kind of sport in the gym. I forgot my shoes and go back again. Gabriel is with me and we keep on walking. There is a door that is locked. Gabriel opens it with his key but I think to myself that it would be better for me to open the door so that he does not need to waste his keys. Mr Beast comes and congratulates me that I won 2 million kr. I am very happy and we are about to hug but then I think about corona and we stop halfway. I instead go on my knees and hug his very long legs. I ask him what he would have done if he got this money when he was in my age. He says: "I would probably have bought a bunch of CD-discs just so that I could make a tower or something as stupid." We laugh together.

      Notes: Our conversation was in swedish.
    4. Sunday, June 21

      by , 06-24-2020 at 04:56 AM
      I’m on a walk. I get to the edge of a driveway, where a Black man has met and is talking to a white, male police officer. I get the impression he has come down here so the officer won’t go on his property. Now, another Black man comes out and does the same thing. The officer leaves amicably and then the first man turns to me and starts handing me some cash, a few crisp bills. He has short hair and seems very genuine. I think it’s a few 20s and I don’t even know what it’s for, so I say no, I can’t take it. The second man, with shoulder length dreads and baggier clothes, tries doing the same, and I think I give in. I think at the beginning of this, I put on headphones to listen to a Tedeschi Trucks Band show (the song was ‘Laugh About It’ into a drum segment). The weather was cooler - I had pants and a long sleeve. I was walking on the right side of the roads [sic] as two girls were coming towards me. I noticed a car coming from behind them and from behind me as I had to go around them to the left, thinking it would leave very little room for the cars.

      I’m walking into a store with Sage. I think it’s a reptile or animal store. On the left, I notice three tanks on stands that’ve been covered with a black film or cover. Two older ladies working here say hi and then I think profile or customer service me. This irritates me as we walk into a larger back room, Sage way ahead of me.

      I’m on a walk and have ended up on what looks like a sandy hillside that overlooks a beach and the ocean? It is sunset and the thick and vivid layers of deep reds and oranges are absolutely beautiful. There is some kind of electronic trance music playing and it makes for a very ethereal moment. I’m now down on the beach and there are a bunch of people dancing to the music. The sunset is the background, but there are also strobe lights. I think I start dancing.

      Granny has died, but I feel comforted knowing that she had the opportunity to say bye to everyone and also that she came to me in a dream (*this seemed very real, and I was recalling pretty much exactly our visit with her yesterday).
    5. Friday, December 20

      by , 12-23-2019 at 07:36 PM
      Melissa’s mom has died. I think she went into the hospital for something simple and then did not make it out. Right now, I am seeing Melissa, Alex, and their dad walking along a snow covered hill. It just doesn’t look or feel right, and it is hard to fathom that this is how it’s going to look now. Now, I am in their house. Carlos is on the couch; he turns his head and I think that he looks pretty rough.
      Tags: dead, death, dying, snow
    6. #276 - I died

      by , 09-03-2017 at 10:18 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      It's been 3/4 of a year since I stopped lucid dreaming, lately I've been making an effort to take it up since I can fit it into my life again. I've made no real attempts, just meditating and going to sleep earlier... But last night I got home late and had one heck of an experience.

      Dream - I Died
      I'm in a museum with someone else (a friend I think), it's no where I know IRL. I look up and see a huge dome shaped skylight and on either side of the room there are stairs spiraling up. Me and my friend move on to another room where there's a lot of clockwork items behind glass display cases. I look around a bit and see that they're really varied in purposes, I thought at first they were actual clocks but begin to see that they're actually ancient and steam-punk.

      (gap in dream/memory)

      I'm at my friends place in their living room, it's a small flat with simple furniture but the place has a lot of character (dark goth art and melted candles, looks like a witch's coven). My friend and his gf who live there together have gone somewhere and I'm sitting on the sofa, it's dark and wet outside. The front door bursts open and my friends GF's dad walks in and sees me - he thinks I'm a burglar. (IRL I know he's a gang member and he's the standard 'big dude with a motorbike and leather jacket' type). He's instantly mad and rushes up to me and pulls out a gun - I panic and put my hands up saying "No don't shoot I'm Daniels friend!" but he doesn't hear me. He just screams "What the F*** are you doing here and who the f*** are you!", but he doesn't wait for a reply - his gun fires and shudders my ears. I feel the hole it ripped in my chest, and the blood spilling from it. I'm breathless and in shock, I knew I was going to die.
      I wake up but I still feel like I'm dying, the memory of being shot was so vivid that I was confused about where I was - am I in hospital? No.. I'm okay. I had to physically check my chest was okay since it seemed so real, I think this is the 3rd death-by-gunshot dream I've had and it's the most vivid one too.
    7. 3 Days to Live, Death

      by , 07-28-2016 at 07:40 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      I got the results of my recent blood test, and a tumor was detected. The doctor told me that it was cancerous, and that there was nothing they could do. There were two doctors in the room with me and my mom. The female said I had no time left, that I was going to die right away. The male doctor said he thought I had three days. Three days. After the appointment, me and my mom broke down and started crying. I couldn't stop. I spent the three days with family and friends and then just let go. Then, I was observing the aftermath of my death. People were crying. I tried to log onto facebook to see if people were posting about me, but I couldn't get on. I started dancing gracefully, as a ghost wandering my hometown. I thought, is this how I want to spend eternity? Wandering around the place I used to call home, observing the people and places? I awoke with this song(Hometown Glory - Adele) in my head...

      "I've been walking in the same way as I did
      Missing out the cracks in the pavement
      And turning my heel and strutting my feet
      'Is there anything I can do for you dear?
      Is there anyone I could call?'
      'No and thank you, please Madam.
      I ain't lost, just wandering'
      Round my hometown
      Memories are fresh
      Round my hometown
      Ooh the people I've met
      Are the wonders of my world"
      Tags: afterlife, dying
    8. #247 - A man shot dead / Beating up a dinosaur

      by , 06-12-2016 at 09:42 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      These 2 dreams are from about 4-5 days ago, I had a pretty hectic week and kept losing the time I needed to write them up.

      Dream 1 - A man shot dead
      I'm in a courtyard, there's a few buildings around it and it's a nice sunny day. I'm confronted by a man in a suit wielding a gun, he isn't a bad person though. He opens fire on me from the other side of the court, I start doing cartwheels, flips and all sorts of crazy evasive manoeuvres. I'm somehow dodging every single bullet, I remember thinking how lucky I was and how unlikely this is. Another man shows up, similar attire but maybe wearing a red tie and he gives of the impression that he's evil. He starts shooting at both me and the other guy, but I don't get hit. He lands 7 solid chest shots in the first suited man, the guy is lying on the ground bleeding out. I'm not sure but I may have beaten up the second shooter or he just disappeared. I go to the dying man, I feel so sorry for him... He's going to die and there's nothing that can be done to save him. "I know how you feel man, getting shot feels fuckin' horrible" I say. The feeling of what it feels like to be shot, the pressure, the cold, the hole oozing out blood.. It all flashes through my mind in a memory, I've experienced this myself in dreams and now I'm watching it happen to someone else. "Keep fighting man, that's what life is, make the world feel your will to live until the very last moment!" The guy goes limp 2 seconds later, the light fading from his eyes.

      Dream 2 - Beating up a dinosaur
      It's probably the Jurassic time period, I'm in a dense forest sitting the upper boughs of a tree with a brontosaurus next to me. I'm not sure how it was in the tree with me, since they're huge.. But it was just chilling next to me, it was both big and small at the same time. The context is that we're hiding from predators, but I'm new to this (I assume I've just travelled here through time maybe). The brontosaurus is teaching me how to hide and I'm following its example, copying the way he camouflages himself by staying still. We hear a carnivorous dinosaur on ground hunting, it doesn't know we're hear so we're safe. But then.. I snap a twig or something by wriggling to get a better view of it. Oh shit... I have to make a run for it, god damn it. I jump up and land on the ground, immediately bolting off in a sprint. I end up in a bigger more open area, I get the impression there are walls around somewhere.. Almost as if it's all just one HUGE cage. I decide to fight the predator back, it looks a bit like a tyrannosaurus. As I'm running I grab a vine and swing up, as the momentum brings me to peak height I prepare to swing back. Gravity pulls me down and I arc towards the predator. I kick it right in its face and jump off. I then do some CRAZY acrobatic kicks and beat the living crap out of it.
    9. I Have A Deadly Ebola-Like Virus

      by , 11-10-2015 at 06:26 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)

      -I was searching online on Amazon looking to find a nice bracelet that would go with my “Not all who wander are lost” bracelet.

      I Have A Deadly Ebola-Like Virus

      I went swimming to see this giant whale-like creature. Next to it was a tiny fish which I was told was carrying a deadly virus. I tried to stay away from it but of course I got bitten.

      I was working at a youtube show like Buzzfeed(I recently went on a Buzzfeed-watching youtube spree) and I had my own little office at the headquarters. I was standing in my office when I just sort of collapsed. Peope in white bio-hazard suits came to get me and take me to the hospital, where I ended up getting my own room. I stayed in that room for weeks or even months. At one point I was out of my room and people got so mad at me that they wanted to kill me to prevent spreading the virus. I got progressively sicker and could barely move. My family would come visit me frequently. Eventually I got better but…

      The dream repeated

      This time I was watching a lady with a black dress and brown hair going to her colonoscopy appointment. She was walking really weirdly and I realized it was because of her heels. Then, I WAS that lady. I went into this huge building and looked around to figure out what room my appointment would be in. I was in this large room and there were people sitting/standing forming a large circle. I was in the middle of the circle. People realized I was sick with the deadly virus and everyone stayed away from me, trying to avoid contact. I got shipped off to the hospital again and this time got a nicer room, where I recovered for a second time.

      Updated 11-10-2015 at 06:32 PM by 23237

      Tags: dying, virus
    10. Race Ending With a Peaceful Drowning

      by , 11-08-2015 at 08:32 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      I know I had a super short lucid sometime last night but don't remember one bit of it.

      Most of this dream was about events leading up to the race and I woke up/got up and when I fell back asleep I was having another race dream so this is just the whole thing kinda blended together.

      I was at this race, which was supposed to be a cross country running race, which a friend. Before the race, I stopped in this classroom in my old HS to get some things we needed and saw a popular girl there from when I was in HS. I was wondering why she was still there.. she would have had to be held back FOUR years to still be in HS. Anyway, she was making fun of me and so was some guy. I was more surprised than annoyed, and I didn't want to be bothered by it, so before I left the room, I turned to the girl and curtsied at her. She looked surprised. Then I left.

      There was lots of diddly daddling and thinking I was gonna be late for the race because my race was supposed to start at 4:30 am, and I looked at the clock once and it said 4:30am.

      To get to the start of the race, I look this hay-ride type vehicle with some of the contestants(and my dad was there for some reason). When we got there, I was with Sydney. I realized it was a triathlon,starting with surfing. I was annoyed that I didn't know this and had not prepared for this. I have never surfed in my life(including RL).

      Me and the other contestants get in the ocean with our surf boards and paddle out and right away, there come big waves, bigger than I would have thought(in RL I live no where near the ocean so I'm not used to big waves). Everyone missed the first wave, then the second wave came and everyone missed that too. Then the third wave came, which was huge. It knocked me off my board and my board floated way. I tried to grab it but it kept getting further and further away and I was exhausted and realized I wasn't going to make it. So I just gave in and let myself drown. Even though I didn't know I was dreaming, I knew I would be okay(drowning is a re-occurring dream of mine). So I went underneath the surface and it felt quite peaceful, and I
      woke up(FA?).

      The race turned into a singing contestant and the contestants were awful. I looked to see what the prizes were for the winners, which were kept in a yellow paper bag, and I found this gold(fake) box. I opened it and there was a pocket watch inside, cheaply made, with a cartoon character on it. The other prizes were other cheap plastic kid's toys. One kid saw me looking at the prizes and was got mad at me.
    11. My Beautiful Suicide

      by , 10-19-2015 at 08:40 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)

      -I was driving by places surrounded by fluffy cotton-like low clouds and I wanted to get out and go run through them

      -my(?) cat gave birth to one kitten

      I was with a class field trip in high school(4 years later and still having HS dreams) somewhere with a huge lake, so big you couldn’t see the other side. I was on a small raft near the shore when I saw that someone’s boat had caught fire, so I went to go help. There was a man, a woman, and I think a little boy. The people on the boat were hesitant to get off the boat because they didn’t want to leave their stuff behind but I somehow dragged them off. One of them took my ipod and threw it in the water because they thought it was useless. I was pissed, but later I went underwater and retrieved it and it still worked.

      I was with this guy from my class who had a high suicide risk. You were able to look up someone’s suicide risk online. There was a meter ranging from 0-100% with the 100% in the red zone. I said something to this guy but it made it worse and his risk was 90%.

      Then, I decided that I would kill myself. I told some guy to stand at a lookout point with a gun(like the kind snipers use) and I would give him a signal when to shoot me. I then stood at a high point overlooking the lake with my friends(D,N,B, ?), who were sitting on a bench looking out at the lake. I left them a note. One one side, it said how much I loved them. On the other side, it explained exactly what I was doing, why, and how sorry I was. I read them the first side, put it on the bench next to them, then stood at the edge.

      I was shot and fell forward into the lake. Titanic music started playing(I looked the song up – Titanic Soundtrack- Never An Absolution) as I sank to the bottom. The water was a crimson red(maybe from the gunshot wound?) and at the bottom I saw a decaying body of a young girl. The music continued and half the time I was underwater and the other half I was above shore watching my friends freak out and try to figure out what had just happened. Weirdly, it was kind of a peaceful feeling for me.

      I “woke up” in my bed and couldn’t see. When I tried to open my eyes, I would open my eyes in RL(or in another dream?) so I kept them closed and eventually I was able to see. I went into the living room and everything was very clear. I went outside and was prepared to do something fun but then the cat woke me up.

      I also had a lucid yesterday where I couldn't see and kept trying to open my eyes but when I did I would open them in RL so I woke up.

      Updated 10-19-2015 at 08:47 PM by 23237

      Tags: dying, suicide
      lucid , non-lucid
    12. Short and Vivid

      by , 06-04-2015 at 08:27 AM
      Setting: Someone's kitchen/living room.

      I was among thieves but one was not like the others... There was a wild card on the team. The responsibility of taking him out was put on my shoulders. I knew this guy had a gun in one of his bags. I grab the gun and point it at the rogue sitting on the couch with his arms resting on the top. He stares me in the eye as I pull the trigger and hear a small disappointing click. I am a little panicked, this chump I was trying to shoot didn't bat an eye. He was calm as ever. I saw his eyes roll as he reached into his belt pulled out his secondary (that none of us knew of) and slowly and professional-like began loading it. I ran back to his bag and fumbled around with the pack of bullets. My hands were shaky and it felt like forever passed before I finally had the gun loaded and clicked back in position. I had never used a gun before. I had been crouching behind the kitchen island while getting the bullets in the gun. I felt myself perspire and the fear welling up in my gut. I thought to myself maybe I had a chance if he had his gun pointed to the side I had entered from (of the island), so I came out around the opposite side. He had expected this and the first thing I see as I scoot out from the side of the island is his gun pointed directly at me resting on the back of the couch. He had one eye closed lining it up with my head. I shot three bullet before he pulled his trigger. They all miss. He fires his gun (it was as if he had waited that extra moment just to see if I were capable of killing him) and it strikes me in the face. I feel the blood wet my face first and then the cold of the air in the new orifice located around the upper right jaw/ just below the orbital. A small piercing pain was growing steadily, it hurt like hell. It was hot at cold at the same time. My ears rang and my heart sank as I know that this is the end of me. Time stands still for a moment and as it unfreezes my hand covers the hole and my legs stumble me back. My lower shoulder blades stop me against the sink counter. I slide down onto the floor and feel that metallic tasting fluid glide down my throat. My jaw gapes as I lean forward and a few pieces of crumbled teeth slip out and land in front of me. I see, but mostly just hear, the man shoot the rest of the team. They are all clean shots and my teamates die instantly. When he is done with them, he comes back over to me. He crouches down and rests on his heels. His gun hangs in his hand comfortably between his legs. He just sits there and watches me die slowly.
      Tags: dying, vivid
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Heavy Heart

      by , 04-17-2015 at 02:11 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was inside a room. Hometown? My heart/chest was feeling heavy. I was dying. I was taking medicine, but it seems like it's the last time it will push Death back. As a lie on the bed looking up at the ceiling, everything was getting hazy. I though that the medicine was kicking in, but at the same time, I thought that if I fall asleep, it will be my last. I had a quick panic attack, but it subsided. In resignation, I breathed out my last.

      I was looking out through the window. There's daylight outside. I was unsure if I was dead. Everything seems bright but not so bright.

      I was in a bus going somewhere to buy clothing. I think my sister (or someone else?) was with me. We took the bus downtown, I think. We passed by some people I know, but they're far away and on the street. I had to turn my head away so it will look like I didn't see them if they see me. I don't know why.



      - I was reading Death and the Senator by Arthur C. Clarke, but didn't finish it.
      - My upper body is sore because of conditioning.
      - I slept at around 2 a.m. Alarm at 8 am.
    14. Dying in a Dream, On my way to Hell now

      by , 01-08-2015 at 01:56 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      In a group of people, we are all taken prisoner. Our captors try to get me to give out information to help them capture and kill more people, but I refuse. They threaten to kill me if I don't tell them. I think that's a good reason to die. I get pushed down to the ground, and they threaten me again. I close my eyes and go to my happy place. I hear machine gun fire, and feel bullets ripping through my flesh. My shoulders, arms, legs and torso are all hit repeatedly, and I can tell the bullets pass right through me. I'm in shock. I can't open my eyes. I don't want to open my eyes. My visual awareness starts to swirl together and then get all whispy. Although my eyes are closed, even the glittering blackness begins to fade. Then I see horrible faces all around, like dark gray demons scowling and growling at me with menacing faces. I don't feel that I have a body anymore, just a consciousness. I generate my best mind of Love for all the demons, but it's pretty clear that regardless of what I do, I'm going to a very bad place right now. I pray for help, confident that no matter how late, there's always help to be had if I'm open to it and want it. The demons fade into a dark gray for a bit and then come back. This definitely feels like dying. It also feels like I'm going to hell or something like that, but I'm not terrified. I'm a little bummed out because I don't think I'll like it, but I think it's worth it to help everyone. With what seems like my last moment of this stream of consciousness, I sincerely pray for everyone to attain enlightenment. Suddenly it all seems hilarious. I get a few brief visions of Vajrayogini smiling at me. Then I wake up.
    15. Uncontrollable Vomitting

      by , 12-18-2014 at 01:32 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 15, 2014

      I started this dream at a school building, with a small trailer of things. I had the feeling I was moving.

      Part way through the journey, they dream shifted to a different plot...

      I was traveling with someone different from the beginning, and I'm not sure who exactly it was with me, but they had a familiar feel to them. I had this condition... Or something. I had with me a bag of some sort of liquid. It was attached to my body through a tube, though I don't remember where it was attached. Basically, this thing kept me alive, because without it I would uncontrollably vomit chunks of myself, or something.

      We were stopped at this house for the night. It was abandoned, but looked well-kept still. My companion and I were sitting in a corner of the room and being goofy. Somehow it got so goofy that I intentionally cut the bag connected to me. I think I had figured out that the liquid reacted strangely with the air and made beautiful patterns or something. It took me a while to realize what I'd done. There was very little liquid left in the bag now, and I suddenly realized, and ran to a bathroom. It was a VERY uncomfortable feeling next. Not being able to stop vomiting, even when I was empty... Feeling the chunks in my throat and mouth... I even heard the sounds. I don't usually actually hear things in dreams, as it's all more of an innate knowing of what people are saying or what sounds are around me.

      It was terrifying especially because I knew there were no more bags I could replace the ripped one with, so I thought I would die.

      But my companion rushes in and sticks something in my mouth. She sticks it right in my throat, which you would think would choke me, but somehow it doesn't, and stops the uncontrollable vomiting. Whatever it was, it saved my life. The companion had more of whatever it was, so if I accidentally swallowed the one in my throat now, they (I dont even know if this companion was a man or a woman. At times I had the feeling it was a man, but at times I felt like it was a woman) could put another one in.

      After a little while, we found a pair of headphones that would be able to keep me vomit-free until I could get a new bag of liquid. It was a temporary fix only, but better than having stuff shoved in my throat.

      I started walking around the house, and ended up on a balcony with a whole bunch of mannequins wearing costumes... They were posed, even (there was a Spider-Man one, which was posed like Spider-Man on a wall). It was fucking creepy. I'm glad I woke up then b excuse that place had such a horribly feeling... Like something bad definitely would have happened if I hadn't woken up.
      Tags: costumes, dying, vomit
      non-lucid , nightmare
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