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    1. Sexy time and annoying parking spaces.

      by , 06-03-2012 at 11:52 AM (The Vault)
      Recalls starting to improve again. Won't be long until that first lucid
      So I'm roaming around the hospital looking for Dustin Hoffman (whose name I can't even put a face to but apparently he's the director now) and I end up in some room with K. K and I are hanging out, I think we're studying biology together, and something weird starts happening.
      My contact starts to dry up, I can feel it getting uncomfortable as it falls out of my eye, then the other one does the same. I put two new ones in and K begins to flirt with me. Another contact falls out and I put a new one in. K inches closer to me and I put my arm around her. We begin to kiss and intensely make out, but I keep losing contacts. We begin to have sex but have to stop after a few minutes because there's dried up contacts and chocolate flavored protein powder (?) all over the bed.
      I tear the comforter off and close the door because we are now in my house and K hears my parents downstairs. We continue and K turns into another girl, T. Does it count as a threesome if its one girl who keeps shapeshifting between two people?
      Later in the dream, I'm driving into a parking space. It's oddly shaped and every time I park in it it rolls me back. So I get out and suddenly my car is tiny. I notice that theres a ridge on the parking space so I pick up my car and place it on there to get it to stay. Some guy in goggles comes by and does the same. I think, "Ohhkay, so that's how these spaces work."
    2. WILD??/DILD Mobile phone shop LUCIDITY contract renewal & talking to DC's at a bus stop

      by , 06-03-2012 at 11:23 AM
      {Curly brace & blue} .... Relevent waking life details before entry, if appropriate

      Black .... Dream body/narative text

      (Standard braces & dark green, bold) .... Dream notes, lucidity, time. method etc

      ************************************************** ***********************************

      {This one is from last night.... 02 June 2012... Have posted an earlier fragment from same night}

      (Lucid.... ??WILD with FA?? or WILD fail ---> DILD
      Failed a WILD... I got to HI, visualised a scene of being at a fireworks display to have somewhere to goto
      (Lots of the colour Orange and Yellow in the bonfire I imagined!!!)
      but couldn't transition to full dream scene, gave up & went to sleep, ended up in DILD)

      I’m in a mobile phone store (Orange), sat on a tall 'trendy stool' at a tall fake wood effect table.
      The assistant (female, shoulder length natural blond) sat opposite me is pointing to important clause(s)
      on the contract paperwork in front of me, and verbally stressing a few points
      I'm not really reading the paperwork, instead I'm looking at the assistant, nodding my head, acknowledging what I'm being told... (shes pretty!! BTW)
      I'm told the usual stuff about my talk plan.. Which I say I'm happy with, then ...
      I'm told something about "blah blah blah section 921 of your agreement covers the Orange LUCIDITY subscription you've added, and how to access these services"
      I said something like... "Yeah Yeah, I'm all OK with that... I think I know how it works, and what I'm doing..."
      I laugh out load and say... "For all I know I could be dreaming right now"

      I look down, and sign the paperwork... Then I try to REALLY read bits of it, but the words keep on 'evolving' and make no sense!!
      (The feel of the stool I'm sat on, the table and the paper under my hands, and the warmth from the stores' pin-spot lights above me are my 'grounding points')
      I look up again. The assistant doesn't acknowledge my 'I could be dreaming' comment, but instead tells me about
      "ringing 921 from your handset for customer services"..
      The assistant then gives me a copy of the paperwork and wishes me well in a "bye for now.. good luck" kind of way

      I leave the store, and walk along the street a while. I walk along a normal street, then a tree lined avenue.
      I find a bus stop, with four men and two women who are waiting at it...
      ... I decide it would be good to question them about dreams, and if they know they are in a dream...
      ... I talk to them for a while.. The different people have different 'individual' reactions...

      A couple of them seemed hostile & annoyed that I suggested that "you are a figment of my imagination in a dream. You dont really exist"
      ... One tried changing the subject to his tropical fish?!?, the other hissed something about "Dealing with crazy people"
      One of them blankly ignored me..
      One of them thought it was funny, and laughed at it (but still evaded answering)
      One of them acknowledged she was in a dream, but seemed more concerned what will happen to her when I wake..
      One of them acknowledged he was in a dream, and he found it interesting... We engaged in a little conversation over it

      I'm too busy chatting (& winding up) the DC's ... Soon it just goes fogs out to black
    3. June 2 Dreams

      by , 06-03-2012 at 11:14 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Helping Out (Non-lucid)


      I'm at a building, but some parts of it transferred me to a random house that I assumed was mine.

      Anyway, there were a group of young teenage boys walking and talking with each other. One of them was asking the other one why they didn't post their defense level to whatever site or group he was talking about.

      The building inside was one of those structures that you could hear the footsteps of people quite well slamming on the tile floor. There was adequate lighting, but not a lot, probably because it was still daytime when I looked outside.

      But even when I did, outside was a little darker because the clouds were covering the sun at the time.

      The guy said he'll do that, and the other guy asking him said there's only 2 spots left. Out of randomness, I wanted to help the guy, but I had things to do on my own.

      I'm going to assume they were talking about Runescape. Anyway, I tell the guy who has to post his defense level or whatever to follow me, and then we're transferred to my room in a random house. I have a T.V., and I can't really remember what game console I had in the room.

      From what I recall, there was a controller I gave the teenage boy to, and it looked like a XBOX 360 controller. I tell him to grab that, and then find a way to connect to the Internet, and do whatever it is he needed to do.

      For me, I believe I had to go to a school at around 11:30 AM-12, but going at 11:00 AM would be better to prepare for some things. After helping that kid out, I think it's close to 11:25 AM, so I started to worry a little bit if I'll be late to whatever it is I have to go to a school for.

      I can't remember what happens next, but the dream shifts to where I'm in the room again, with different people. There's one child in my room, and he's standing on those chairs that you see director's sitting on in movie production.

      I tell him in a slightly heavy and angry tone to get his feet off the seating area, and put them on the level slightly below it to rest them. He looked exactly like one of the children I have to babysit when one or two of their parents come.

      Finding Someone (Non-lucid)


      First, I was riding my bicycle with someone who looked like my Psychology teacher in the last High School I attended before. I believe we were looking to see if someone would come near the oncoming traffic. The environment looked almost the same as the area that's a little far from where my apartment is at in waking life.

      The guy I'm following decides to go on the other side of the road, and once traffic clears up a bit, I ride my bicycle to follow him riding his own too.

      I had a little trouble pedaling it, the gears where shifting a bit, and I tried ignoring it, but it kept doing that for a while.....

      There's another dream fragment where the same guy was wearing a shirt that said "Gay" or "Gays"????

      You Can Sit Here!! (Non-lucid)


      I believe I'm in a lecture room in college, and I think I either tripped or something, because I landed on a random seat somewhere, and a blonde in a pick shirt I believe is right next to me on the left side.

      There's another girl on the right, but I don't pay attention to her, I apologize to the blonde girl in the pink shirt on how I didn't mean to sit between her.

      She said with a really enthusiastic voice,

      "That's okay!" and she really meant it. Her smile, her facial expressions, it was as if she was glad I was sitting next to her.

      I can still feel some of the positive energy from her. I don't know.....I could imagine hugging her and her showering me with wonderful energy...

      Star in Space (Non-lucid)


      I remember walking with someone, and it was near Traditions at Northgate at College Station. It was a little dark outside, maybe in dream time, it was associating that with early morning in waking life or probably just the type of 6PM-8PM darkness here in Texas.

      I look at the sky and see some kind of orange-red star in space, it continues floating slowly, and then as it's fading away,

      I take my right hand,

      formed it into a gun gesture and said,


      I said it with weird confidence, as if I felt alive, as if I........

      I don't know...
      Any Life forms on other Planets? (Non-lucid)


      This dream was weird lol.

      I was at a void, and I could select which any planet within this solar system I wanted to explore. I was excited but also afraid as well, since I felt that when I do choose one, the sensation of going to another planet, and seeing the mysteries my mind could come up with would probably be too much for me.

      It was set up where I could mentally scroll which planet I wanted to go to, and I wanted to check Uranus,

      Lol, I wonder what would be in Uranus....looool, anyway, mind out of the gutter Link!

      I asked someone in the void if there are lifeforms in other planets, and they showed this screen panel of examples of lifeforms from other planets including humans from Earth as Well.

      How the entities were portrayed was like seeing an Anime representations. Kind of like the Chibi-style anime, and the entities varied from looking like Humans to completely different forms.

      They were all cute though, but something that made it weirder was that a penis related to their own kind showed up, and a female of their kind was giving them a tugjob.



      It just didn't match having a Chibi-style portrayals giving tugjobs penises that would match their type.

      All of them had the same animation of giving the tugjobs as well.

      Faye Valetine and wine (Non-lucid)


      The environment I'm in is a cold one, at least it looks like it would feel cold because the whole setting was slightly dark, and the overall colors were different hues of blue.

      I'm walking with someone again, and it seems it's Faye Valentine. My recall of this is decent, but who I actually was with still confuses me, so I'll just go with Faye Valentine for now.

      I believe I'm holding wine bottles in my hand (that's something new, never drank alcohol in my life, or even in my dreams).

      I poured out some wine, and I'm not sure if I took a sip or anything, maybe I was pouring it out for Faye. I then decided I should mix the two bottles of wine together.

      Faye basically tells me,

      "No! Don't do that!" while smiling at me.

      I mix them anyway, and she just responds with a "whatever" look on her face.


      Hmmm, wonder if I was setting up a roofie on her. LOL.

      Nah, I wouldn't do that, and I wouldn't know how to do that anyway.
    4. TOTM basic task

      , 06-03-2012 at 11:09 AM
      I saw a knife on the floor and understood that it was a LD. Remembered about TOTM and went to the bathroom. But the LD wasn't clear enough. I could hardly see myself in the mirror. reached out my hand through the mirror - a little blew lighting around the place where my hand passed through. I entered the mirror. and awoke but understood that it was falce awaking. went to other room - i 've got a big wardrobe with mirror doors. look at me - gender, high and hairdress was mine, but the eyes are red. easy went through the mirrow and found myself in the BIG white empty wardrobe and back wall was like old-old mirrow or metal paper. i went throgh it again and fall down in darkness and awoke.
    5. WILD w/ two successful teleportations

      by , 06-03-2012 at 10:57 AM (WILD Dream Journal)
      6/3 - WILD w/ two successful teleportations

      The last couple nights I've been struggling with WILD after having two quick successes I was beginning to lose confidence. Last night instead of my normal WBTB I calculated when my REM cycles started based off when I would naturally wake up every night. I entered an alarm targeting my second REM cycle because I usually have fairly vivid and long dreams during that period.

      I found myself awake with a very odd sensation. At the time I thought my alarm had brought me to waking state and I had very strong imagery. I decided to start WILD right away and about 5 minutes into the technique my alarm shocked me awake. I became wide awake and unable to sleep for about an hour.
      The entire hour I was trying to fall asleep but I was unable to become relaxed. Finally I felt my body enter SP and I began attempting WILD.

      Soon after I found myself falling into my dream. I became very excited because of how much I have been struggling the past couple days. I felt myself waking up and I quickly attempted to stabilize. My stabilization worked and I found myself in a black void. I closed my dream eyes and began visualizing my room. After visualizing I opened my eyes and found myself right where I envisioned. I was quite surprised and began walking around my house. After exploring I walked back into the room that my GF was in and she began talking to me while she was sleeping. I got the feeling she was trying to convince me this was a dream so I sprinted through the door and went into the bathroom.

      At this point I began thinking about what I had planned for my next dream. I wanted to use the bathroom mirror to teleport into a land that would begin all of my dreams. I remember staring in the mirror and having a surprisingly vivid image of myself staring back at me. After observing the image I pushed my arms into the mirror. My arms went through the mirror like water. I began visualizing a wooded scene where I wanted to begin my dream. After thinking about trees and sunlight and buildings I pushed my way through the mirror and found myself placed in a valley surrounded by trees. I quickly took in my surroundings and turned to my right and there I found a old building with a wooden door covered in vines. I walked over to the door and tried to visualize a new area inside.

      Upon opening the door I found myself in a room with a dirt floor, in the center of the room there was a small door. I walked over to it, opened it and there was about two inches of dug up earth below it. I turned away from the door and noticed there were no walls behind me. I walked outside the building and noticed quite a few abandoned homes that had missing walls and some that were complete with damaged air conditioners in the windows.

      As I walked down the path I noticed a playground on the right side of the path. There were 3 dream characters playing on a swing set. As I approached them I said "This is a dream, you are within my dream" They tried to tell me this wasn't a dream and I replied by saying "If this was reality would I do this?" and I followed by ripping off all of my clothing.

      I do not recall how the dream scene ended but soon after I found myself back within my room. At this point I was unsure if I was inside a dream. I walked into my bathroom and pressed hard on the mirror. My finger pushed slightly into the mirror and I recall thinking how crafty my mind was trying to make me think I was dreaming again. As I pushed my finger through the mirror I noticed my dog running over to me. I began floating and pushed myself into the next room. I recall interacting with my dog and shortly after I woke up.
      false awakening , lucid
    6. Dream Drug OBEs, Lucid Fragment Again, Creepy Party, Changing Rooms, Lucid Nonsense

      by , 06-03-2012 at 10:48 AM
      #1 - Dream Drug OBEs [Non-Lucid]

      My dad and I each smoked some weed laced with synthetic cannabinoids, at least a good few and including JWH-420, and we ended up having heavy out-of-body experience trips for a while. I don't really remember what happened other than a few flashes of color. When I finally started calming down and come back to "reality", I noticed that my dad was still pretty out of it. I went to my bed to lie down and turned off the lights, and then I woke up in my real bed.

      Dream Fragment - There was a family party going on but I can't remember where, some swimming occurred, our family friend DE and my cousin GA were there and GA had apparently just come out of the closet, or something... and finally there was talk about going off to college, but I can't even recall who it was about.

      #2 - Lucid Fragment Again [DILD]

      All I remember is that I became lucid and I told myself I had to keep focus. And that's it. :T *sigh*

      #3 - Creepy Party [Non-Lucid]

      There was some really bizarre party going on with a bunch of people there, and I don't really remember much about it other than being scared and deciding to leave with O. We walked out to a parking lot and decided to meet up at my house, and when I got in my car I noticed that I was really high, and I felt it was off of a synthetic cannabinoid. I felt cautious about driving, but noticed it barely took me a second to be at some highway intersection. Soon after that I woke up.

      #4 - Changing Rooms [Non-Lucid]

      I was in some kind of clothing store and lost in what I wrote in my notes as a "matrix of rooms and bathrooms." Basically I was looking for a changing room, and there were rows and columns of hallways with rooms in between each intersection, mostly consisting of bathrooms and changing rooms that were too revealing, and occasionally just an actual hallway. I was walking around in a pink one-piece bathing suit and carrying lots of different clothes, and at one point I walked past a group of women just standing around and changing out in the open. They chuckled at me as I walked by distressed, I guess because I wasn't as willing to change in the open as them lol.

      #5 - Lucid Nonsense [DILD]

      No memory of when I was non-lucid, but I do know a good amount of things happened. I became lucid at my house and flew to the laundry room where some random guy was standing. I tried to punch him and it went in a sort of slow motion and he dodged it. I turned around and saw another guy standing in the kitchen, so I flew up to him and this time he tried to punch me, again in slow motion, but as he did I grabbed his arm and directed it towards the other guy, hitting him this time and seeing my face in the microwave door as I passed by it. My memory gets a little hazy at this point, but I talked to my dad to make sure it was still a dream, and then I touched some stuff to stabilize. I randomly decided to grab a bottle of mustard that was sitting on the kitchen counter and pour it on to the floor, but nothing came out despite there being a squirting sound. I told myself that the mustard must have covered the whole outside world! And when I looked outside everything had some mustard on it. I didn't really get to explore it, though. My vision got weird and I started seeing my arms resting in front of me like in a bed, and I started thinking that I must've been waking up and my eyes were opening. I fought it but eventually I just gave in.

      False Awakening - I started typing up my dream and got a little less than half way through, but then I fully woke up and luckily didn't lose too much.
    7. Zeppelin "921-Lucidity" 02 June 2012 Fragment

      by , 06-03-2012 at 10:35 AM
      {Curly brace & blue} .... Relevent waking life details before entry, if appropriate

      Black .... Dream body/narative text

      (Standard braces & dark green, bold) .... Dream notes, lucidity, time. method etc

      ************************************************** ***********************************

      {This one is from last night.... 02 June 2012 ... Fragment of a dream earlier in night only}

      (Non lucid)

      Following fragments remembered...
      • Being airbourne in a large Zeppelin airship
      • On deck and seeing a brass oval nameplate screwed onto a bulkhead on the airship
      • Brass name-plaque said "921-Lucidity"

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