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    1. Several dreams this morning

      by , 06-12-2012 at 11:39 PM
      For the first time in quite a while I could sleep in, which I did to the fullest. Slept for more than 12 hours and my dreams during the last cycles were intense, short, superlong and manymanymany. It has been hard for me to keep track of which dream fits into which and some I have forgotten during the day, even though I wrote down keynotes each time I woke up. Therefore I'm just gonna put 'em all down bulletstyle.

      The first dream I'm putting down is the one I think came first; it's about this blogger girl that I've been following for a while. As I love language it is important to me that people use language well and that is excactly what she does. It just so happens that she writes alot about sucking cock. So in my dream she wanted to suck my cock while I wanted to seem intelligent to her (as that is what I percieve her as). The thing is I am not interested in women at the present, so her sucking my cock was completely out of the question. All the while I'm lying in just my underwear and a t-shirt on the floor, she has the same kind of clothing. While this is happening there is a proverbial storm of the century going on outside. The lightning flashes bright and makes everything in the room extremly bright. When it's not flashing there's thunder and the sound of rain growling constantly in the background. The location of this dream is a house I used to live in, except the fact that where this room was there should have been a toilet but in this dream it was kind of a chill out-corner.

      The second dream is just an image. I'm moving to a new place soon and there I will build a sleeping loft. I'm going to make totempoles out of the legs to the loft and in this dream that was excactly what I was doing; carving wood.

      The third dream I'm with my band in a city upnorth. It just so happens that a girl who contacted me and was very impressed with my writing is from this town. We were supposed to do a gig there, but we got stuck in this room which was supposed to be some sort of backstage-area (but it wasn't, it was the room where I recieved my first kiss (that I found out during waking reflection)). I'm currently off every mindaltering drug, but no one else that I know is. So there was a hunt for drugs in unknown territory, and this girl who likes my writing obviously had some connections and she said she was going to help out in the quest for finding junk. I told her that I'm currently not using and she carresed the fold of my jacket sensually and said "too bad".
      That was not the only thing happening. The weather outside was constantly changing, from sunny to total-annihilation-storm. Outside the windows was a female friend of mine, hanging halfway inside kicking with her legs playfully saying she wanted to get stoned. People are running back and forth through the room and the only grounded point in the room was the girl who said she'd help getting drugs.

      Fourth dream: nothing remembered except the fact that I'm being chased and I have the mother of my children in my company. I've got the first scene from one of the Bourne-films running through my head as I write this (the one where his girl dies somewhere in the desert, or something to that point).
    2. First Dream entry on the computer!

      by , 06-12-2012 at 11:07 PM
      Lucid Dreams in Blue
      NonLucid in Green

      So first entry on the computer since I need to for the dream acadamy lessons. I'm not gunna write all my old ones, so im just gunna start with one I had last night.

      I woke myself up at 2:00AM in hopes of recalling a dream, because dad always agressively wakes me up in morning.

      My dreams starts where im at home and im really bored. I complain to my mom fo help and she tells me shes already invited this girl that I really like over, but we have to pick her up. At first im pissed but then I agree and get my dad to come pick her up with me ( inr I only have my L) we get to her house and find out theres a party there. I go in and see her and she says hi, then runs upstairs saying shes going to get her things. I wait in a room with a bunch of my friends and my old chubby friend talks to me about walnut donuts in a near by freezer( we musta talked for an hour about that donut ) then a really hot girl comes to me and starts talking about how she loves hunting, she starts dry humping and licking this rifle, when I get called by the girl i like saying shes ready. I go to get my dad so we can go when i finally find him passed out sleeping by the mini bar. I decide well just sleep at her house.
      Then dream changes to me outside chasing after a motorized DVR tv box waving my arms around and yelling. That dreams really fuzzy.

      I guess I could use the motorized DVR coulda been a dream sign
    3. Tornado Chasin!

      by , 06-12-2012 at 11:07 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I was in a Red River type place that was actually in Kansas, with Matte and some other people I couldn't identify. We were tornado chasing, although on foot. Mostly it was just a nature hike because it was a clear, sunny day with no clouds whatsoever, much less tornadoes. So we caravaned to a large picnic that was set up for our lunch. It was a nice looong table, shaded by beautiful cloth gazebos in bright colors, which flapped slightly in the wind. I was kinda looking forward to sitting by Matte, because hello, muscles. But he sat down by some people and there were no empty chairs next to him. Bummer. I don't really remember eating, but I remember they were grilling burgers, and I saw the smaller table with burger add-ons, like slices of tomato, and red onion, ketchup and mustard etc. Anyway I was walking a bit past the table into a huge meadow, where the horizon was blocked by huge trees. Suddenly the wind blew alot harder, and I heard thunder and saw lightening. I looked up at the tops of the trees, and a tiny little dark gray cloud appeared, sparkling with little flecks of lightening. It was really cute, if such a thing could be called cute. Then a tiny little gray tornado formed just under the cloud, though it was really high up in the sky, and miles and miles from being close to touching the ground. I screamed "Tornado TORNADO!!!!!" and a group of people rushed toward where I was standing. I immediately did the finger through palm RC, the one I always do when I see a tornado in dreams. Which is gay because it nearly always fails. It failed once more, and I thought to myself, "Well, I guess THIS time it's for real." Then I remembered how I ALWAYS say that, and it's NEVER real. So I just said "You know what, fuck it I MUST be dreaming." And then the fact that I realized this cloud was completely silly, and Matte, a guy from Sweden whom I've never met, was in Kansas with me, hunting tornadoes, confirmed that I was dreaming. I felt like I didn't really care that much. Don't know why. So I didn't really do anything special. I just kept watching the sky with the others. The little cloud sauntered along the sky, all by itself with it's little tornado tail. I said "That thing's too small to reach the ground." Other people muttered "yeah, lame." So we just walked off to continue the day nature hiking instead. As I turned to walk toward the trail, Matte grabbed my hand. So we held hands the rest of the way. Also there was a big hug in there somewhere, but I can't remember if it was before or after the tornado.

      I'm laughing as I'm typing this because it's so gay!!
      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Sometimes I cannot even word my dreams

      by , 06-12-2012 at 09:25 PM
      Random shit that makes no sense (Non-lucid)


      I was with my girlfriend and her sister, and we were I guess grocery shopping. I don't even know how to word this, lol. The grocery store was like a maze, and you had to swerve around corners and shit, and it was like a video game. The little map showed you in a raft floating through water, and if you moved a certain way it was easier to move through the landscape. Every time I moved like this, I thought of "drums" and so did my girlfriend's sister. She shouted, "DRUMS!" lol. it made no sense. that's about all I remember.
    5. Fun with the Moon Constellation. June 9th 2012.

      by , 06-12-2012 at 08:58 PM (Dream Journal)

      Had bad recall from the 7th. Finally found the time to type this up on June 12th.

      I was at my house, with my step dad. We were just observing these strange constellations of the sun and moon. The sun was an orange blob with dots in it and the moon was a contellation of a headless stickman. The sun was out in the front side of the house and the moon at the back. My step dad was watching the sun as is flickered around in the sky then I ran over the back of the house and looked out of the back window. I watched flick around like the sun, but much more stronger and gave out bigger movements. It then transformed into a large rainbow pheonix and flew towards me. Somehow I knew it wouldn't hurt me so I just ran away from it smiling. It eventually went back to it's starting point and flickered aorund again. At this point, the dreamscape turned into a large warehouse with blue shelves filled with stacked cardboard boxes. I gazed at the moon and watched it transform into an axe-weilding soldier. It was also rainbow coloured like the last form. It then ran at me and I escaped happily into a hiding spot behind a nearby box. Again, it went back to the back. I then realised that this "phase" of the moon was ending. I was very upset because I had so much fun with this weird thing. I heard a voice saying I could bring it back by imagining it into an eagle. I did exactly that and I saw a faint black eagle in the night sky. Then I woke up.

      I had other dreams that took place in my house, in the exact same location of my house. I just couldn't remember all of them. But this dream is up in my top 10's of this year . Hope you enjoyed as much as I did.

      One of the fragments was where me and my step brother were playing with our guitars we bought. Mine was a Dean Razorback DB, which was covered with junk and resting on a bench.
      Tags: family, moon
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Just checking in

      by , 06-12-2012 at 08:30 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      The transition was extra weird. When I felt the vibrations, I felt something or someone push me a few inches into the bed. Then they said something, and put a barrier over the bed and threw me and my mattress into the next room

      I was looking at a sunset and the room I was in didn't have a wall. I thought about stabilizing and waiting a moment but it was clear that everything was ready to go. I was gonna head into my room to see who slung me into my dream and said " eh, let's leave it a mystery".

      I really had no thoughts of what to do, I started flying off randomly. Each time I would come back near my house but things were different. More water, more random stuff. I went swimming in a newly formed lake and there were all these sea creatures in it. I got out after a few minutes because I had a "watch something tries to kill me and I spend the entire dream owning it" feeling.

      Nothing else to do...maybe I'll see what kaomea is up to. I tried making a few portals but they weren't working. some sarcastic girls came up and started asking what I was doing. By this time I had 'she loves me not' out and it really took some restraint it to chop them to bits with it. We went for tic for tack while the sword was materializing, but this time, it didn't fully appear. I think part of it was stuck in another dimension. Anyways, I stuck the sword into the remenants of a portal I tried to make, and the asphalt turned into liquid and gave way to a portal.

      I jumped down it and out the corner of my eye I could see The World That Never Was. Damnit, I know I don't have enough time so I continue on down. I arrive at an airport terminal and Kaomea is there waiting on me. She has her arms crossed like she's been waiting for a while. I played it cool and outstretched my arms and she hugged me. She told me that "she was mad at me" when I asked her how she was doing. "Who's mad at you?" I asked. Then she went back to having that grumpy look she had before and said "you should know".

      The damn dream snapped (i had no clue that it was going to end and everything dematerialized instantly) and I had a FA. I was reading my DJ and Dreamprofessor replied to my last entry saying that it was too early for me to transition and that's why I never got into the dream. I was figuring out how to say "I know what the hell I'm doing" in the nicest way and when I got out of bed, my boxers were soaked....wet dream soaked. I was looking down and saying "what the fuck....I didn't even do anything". I started thinking about the previous dreams and ran them through my head. Nope, no plan B action what so ever. Well I was really hot, maybe it's just sweat....nah, this ain't sweat....fuck. And I woke up.
    7. Notes

      by , 06-12-2012 at 07:26 PM (School 2)
      Woke 8am

      Updated 06-15-2012 at 12:38 AM by 25261

      side notes
    8. There's Your Reason, Corset and Boobies, Sniper Mission, Call of Duty, Heart Rate and #2

      by , 06-12-2012 at 06:32 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      There's Your Reason.... (Non-lucid)


      My father buys this new fancy silver car, and I get to go out for a test drive on it. The setting is late at night, and I go inside of the vehicle to start it, but it's moving on it's own.

      Aw crap.

      I try to stabilize the vehicle, and I realize it's already over the bump and on the grass instead of the road. I couldn't do anything about it, because it somehow magically bumps to the side.

      I get out to look at the vehicle for any kind of damage, seems like everything is okay. My father comes out of nowhere to check the vehicle, and it looks at the front, and I look at the front.

      For a few seconds, I look at this girl in front of me wearing a blue shirt, dark blue jeans, and she looks a lot like Christina from my college. She looks at me for a while, and then looks down.

      I don't know where she's looking at though, probably the car next to me, but during that time, I didn't know where the car was because I was surprised she appeared.

      While he has his back facing me with his knees on the ground to check the front of the vehicle, I look at the bottom of the front again, and there's some pretty bad damage done to it.

      I notice this before my father does, and when he's cognizant of it, he gets up and asks for a reason why this happened.

      I was stuttering because I was in a mental conflict on deciding whether or not I should tell him that the vehicle moved by itself (which it did), or just shrug and say I don't know and take whatever verbal nonsense hes going to spew out ot me.

      He keeps pestering me on what happened, and his tone gets even more serious.

      My words get even shorter, I can't even think properly, saturated with fear and being forced to make a decision with him........

      My voice gets deeper and even more serious, and I just give him a piece of my own mind and essentially told him to just go screw himself.

      I walk out of there without looking back.

      Sucks when you try to tell the truth to your father in your dreams, and yet that same truth is obviously going to considered a lie.

      That's dream logic for you......
      Light Green Corset and Boobies (Non-lucid)


      I just remember a pair of breasts half covered with a light green corset, and it's an actual female in front of me too.

      Go dream mind!

      Anyway, even though I didn't see the lady's face, or couldn't recall seeing her face, I think she wore a white lab coat over the corset, but she made sure the corset was the eye-candy here for me. She's really close to me.

      While I'm sitting there in first person perspective feeling awkward but ready to do almost anything once I break free from that, the lady breaks the awkward moment and tells me,

      "These never break...."

      I think she's groping her breasts, or maybe I am? I can't remember, but whatever actually happened, it was probably her breasts that she was talking about, and not the corset she's wearing.

      This really sucks you know, boobies right in front of me.
      Sniper Mission (Non-lucid)


      I'm on a huge cliff, a very huge cliff side. The overall setting of the landscape is green, almost felt like a jungle that had an waterfall cave if I jumped off the starting point.

      But doing that would probably get me killed, and I don't mean the gravity, I meant the several soldiers that had the light faded swamp-ish camouflage outfits with automatic weapons.

      The sky is blue, barely any clouds, nice day isn't it?

      Nice day to assassinate someone Link.

      I don't know how the hell I accepted this task, and I know this isn't something I would do just for fun and a thrill, I don't really like those kinds of risky situations where I only have a sniper rifle while at least 10-20 soldiers have automatic weapons.

      My mission was simple, hide behind some natural greenery on top of a cliff, and then shoot the soldier who is currently putting someone on a choke hold that looks completely innocent.

      Then again, with 10-20 soldiers, I don't think they would form together if it was just your average joe. I waste no time stalling, I take aim with the sniper, and try to take things slowly and not rush.

      I take a shot, and I miss. Hm.......

      No one is out to shoot me as yet? Guess this sniper rifle must be silenced! Sweet!

      This tempts me to be a little more sporadic, bad move....

      I shoot two more times and miss....then things get a little hectic. One or more of the soldiers saw the rebound on the ground where the bullet hit, and they all start looking around to see where it came from.

      I can't remember what I did next to get myself out of that situation, but the dream resets itself to where I'm back on top of the cliff again.

      Oh, and about the cliff, it had a semi-circular walkway, so that means that if I shoot in one spot, I can go at some other arch and take a shot. But of course, that isn't really enough to promote more failures though, but it was better than nothing.

      Instead of going back to the same plan of just shooting the same soldier holding someone in a choke hold, or whatever they're doing, I take a moment to stop and stand up for a while.

      All of the soldiers are looking in one direction, all of them have their backs facing me, so this means that the area I'm in, it must be a dead-end, so it makes sense that the soldiers would take for granted of not adding extra security around this mini semi-circular cliff.

      Oh well, better opportunity for me to abuse that advantage of mine.

      I think for a little while, and decided that since I have to kill one person, shouldn't I just kill everyone else so they won't be a distraction in case I miss a few shots again?

      All soldiers are 10-30 (give or take) feet away from the guy holding the hostage or whoever it was, so this gives me more than enough time to do several actions at once.

      I get some grenades, and since the soldiers are split into three groups, I quickly throw one grenade for each section that's split off.

      Then I run like a little bitch for cover.


      I expected some gunfire as a form of retaliation, but I pretty much killed off the all the men except one.

      I quickly duck and grab my sniper rifle to aim at the guy, but even when I'm shooting, I'm still missing!

      What is going on?!?!?! I keep shooting, and by this point, I think the weapon I had was some kind of modded sniper rifle that was automatic, or at least had less recoil and delay time to where it felt semi-automatic.

      The guy isn't going down, something is wrong here. I throw grenades to kill off all of the men supporting him in case things go wrong, and I can't snipe properly?

      The guy doesn't know where I am, but he's really starting to get pissed at me. He slowly walks up, and I'm a little shocked that he's coming in to give me a better shot at him, but no time to stop and stare, I move a little to the right of the semi-circular cliff, almost to the end.

      I aim the sniper rifle at him again, this time, while his back is facing me. This doesn't feel right, to shoot someone at the back of their head, but whatever, he's going to kill me if I don't do something.

      I swear I had good aim with this sniper rifle, and I even tried putting my aiming sights a good 3-4 inches on the area he's most likely to walk towards to and shoot 1-2 seconds before he gets there as well.


      I can't remember anything else, other than a dream shift to another dream that gave me a few lulz0rs now that I think about it....
      Call of Duty: World At War Dome Map Ownage (Non-lucid)


      I'm at the Dome map in the COD:WAW, though most of the dream had the Wii graphics, which means the enemy soldiers would have some parts of their face faded out....in other words, horrible graphics.

      Anyway, it had that multiplayer-esque kind of feeling to it. I start out in the match by throwing grenades at possible area that people might be in to get a few quick kills from the start. Then I realize the other side is doing the same thing.

      Why do I know that? Because there's a flash grenade the lands RIGHT next to my right foot.

      Crap. RUN!!!

      I manage to shift my field of vision away from the flash, but I still have a slightly diluted pitched hearing for a few seconds, and in front of me, a cloud of smoke appeared already. I knew that some people were behind that to use for cover.

      Instead of staying in one spot trying to shoot at the smoke, which would give the other side the opportunity to spray and pray and somehow hit me, I go into the smoke and take out a knife and stab everyone in it. These people are complete noobs, but better than me being dead I guess.

      Then I go down the stairs, and I go behind that little statue where the little gaps for surprise attacks will be. I see two or three more noobs all stacked together of easy kills, with their backs facing me.

      Wow, is it just me, or have people in these set of dreams I've had have their backs facing me? Meh, not going to interpret that, because interpretation is too subjective.

      I stab all of them for easy kills, and I practically go bat shit crazy with the cockiness, feeling like no one in this team is going to be able to kill me. Then I see a fast movement on the right side of my peripheral vision, and I quickly get serious and turn around.

      Seems there's one enemy that is using common sense in multiplayer shooting match. I think I did a side flip (you can't even do that in the game lmao, what the hell, I'm a hax0rs) to dodge his gunshots, and I think I shoot him.

      I can't remember much after that, but there's one more dream shift that takes another 180 in terms of making sense.
      Your Heart Rate = How you do #2???? (Non-lucid)


      This dream was so stupid at the end.

      Anyway, I think I'm just spectating on what's happening, though I've had moments where I felt I was in the experience. There's a guy who's facing two men, both of them are black, and really good with weapons.

      The guy is having a hard time dodging most of their shots, because when they run out of weapons, they immediately switch to another weapon, and the guy who is trying to avoid and shoot them only has hand guns on him.

      There's room that if you go into it, there's going to be a lot of close quarters firing, so one little mistake could be the end of your life. The guy with only hand guns, who is Caucasian I believe, goes inside of the room.

      The black guy runs out of ammo from his hand gun I believe, which lets the white guy have some time to calm down before the next move is played. But NOPE, the black guy gets a shotgun out, the more modern ones, not the stereotypical red-neck shotguns.

      The Caucasian male literally screams in disappointed, "AWWW SHIT!!!"

      The black guy shoots, but misses, and the Caucasian male dashes like hell because the other guy has to reload between every shot I believe.

      Then the dream has a weird twist to it. The Caucasian male goes up to the black guy and does that "WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT" gesture with his arms, and the black guy puts down his weapon to see what's up.

      The Caucasian male shows the black guy a sheet protected with some plastic (forgot what you call those things, something protectors?).

      And on the sheet were different numbers of heart rates. The font was black, and the columns that lined up those numbers had a red background behind them with a black border on each rectangle containing the numbers.

      The Caucasian male says something about not getting his heart rate up because it affects how he takes a shit?


      That's all I remember, and thank god that's all I remember for that one.

      And what did I learn from that dream? Absoluteeellllllllllllllly NOTHING.

      Wow, my recall is getting a little decent now.
    9. Day 4: Pool Casino Resort

      by , 06-12-2012 at 05:56 PM
      Dream Fragment - I remember swimming in my pool at night with the pool light on, and having to fight off some bugs that were floating around in the water. Then in my notes I wrote something about "locks" and "problems"... not exactly sure what that means. ._.

      Pool Casino Resort [Non-Lucid]

      I was at some kind of casino resort in Las Vegas that was made up almost entirely of pools. It was pretty cool! I only remember vague details about the beginning, there were balloons that you could grab on to and float away and the food was amazing. My old friend D, my old friend S, my friend J, and this girl C (for self-reference: Euler's number) were all there eating with me, and I was talking to C since I hadn't seen her since 11th grade (not that I even really talked to her then). I remember hearing and sort of seeing a commercial playing on a big TV screen there too, hanging above one of the pools that led outside through these huge golden pillars. >w< It was for a special episode of That '70s Show where the Formans got invited to stay at a casino on vacation and they got to meet its owner, Jabba the Hutt.
    10. Flying In A Futuristic City and other dreams

      by , 06-12-2012 at 05:48 PM (The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict)
      Flying In A Futuristic City (DILD)


      I think this was my second lucid, but unfortunately it's relatively hazy due to my recent neglect of my dream journal. I do remember the immense pleasure, however.

      I'm on my own in an empty, colourful, futuristic city, leaping of objects and buildings and flying. I spend a while playing with this new ability, though it fails me on occasion.

      Shooting Down Planes (Non-lucid)


      I'm in a Fallout 3-type setting with a crowd of armour-clad strangers. Me and a friend, new to the team, try and shoot down an enemy plane with a pistol and a sniper respectively.

      We fail to bring it down and get mocked by the other, more experienced, soldiers.

      Another plane arrives, and I notice it's an AC-130. We frantically shoot at it, knowing it is likely to destroy us, but nothing works. Huge explosive shots begin to land all around us, and the leader of our troupe suggests we use the two rocket launchers.

      I volunteer instantly and take it down.

      Earthquake (Non-lucid)


      I'm driving to a hospital with my dad, and I tell him about my recent lucid (see above), yet he doesn't seem to care.

      After parking on the top floor of a car park, an earthquake hits the building. The building shakes erratically for an unusually long time, and everyone panics.

      Once the earthquake has passed I notice a woman who has managed to keep a 5ft stack of pub glasses standing throughout, which I find very impressive!
    11. 6/12/12

      by , 06-12-2012 at 04:36 PM
      Dream One: It's pokemon card night and we're going to the card store where my little boy plays against other people. The building is totally different, it's a stand alone store now not part of a strip mall, and the parking lot is a grass field. I park and go inside. When I get inside, the placed is owned by my mom's friends husband, and there are pictures of the guy having an affair with some one. I get pissed and snap at the guy because I really like my mom's friend and she deserves better. This is probably a direct reaction to finding out my mom's friend was having problems, but I don't know what those problems actually are, they may be health related rather than relationship related, I haven't the foggiest idea.

      Dream Two: I'm in the car with my husband when one of the neighbor kids come up and ask to borrow something for another kid. I let her borrow it, and then tell her that the other neighbor kid isn't "people" and then make this big deal to write out a note saying something about how the other kid thinks he's people, but he's not. Then I knock on their door and give them the note, and it causes the home alarm system to go off. I get back in my car, and tell my husband that my pokemon card deck isn't beast yet, and I need better cards for it. Then one of the other neighbors dogs walks out in the street in front of our car so we can't go anywhere.

      Dream Three: The Neighbor girls is in the dream again, but now she's at my Grandpa's house and my aunt is giving her a birthday present. We talk for a bit, and she asks me how old I am, I tell her 25 and she is surprised she thought she was older than me. Then she says she's getting married soon, then offers to take me for a ride on a motorcycle. We go find me a spare helmet in my grandpa's closet, then start to leave. I decide I need to take my bicycle and put it at my aunts house next door, so while she gets out her motorcycle I take out my bike. My cousins marvel over her pretty motorcycle, then they marvel over the fact my bike is way too big for me but I can still ride it. Then when I get the bike to my aunts house, the neighbors girl turns into Fluttershy on a scooter instead of a motor cycle. She almost tips her scooter over a retainer wall, but I come to her rescue and she jumps out to hug me and the scooter goes over the wall instead, but she's safe. Suddenly I'm Rainbowdash, and I wake up.

      Dream Four (Fragment): There's a scratch on my foot in the shape of a ">" and it takes up the whole top of my foot. It itches, and I bend to scratch it and accidentally scratch the scab off and make it bleed. In this fragment though I was actually in bed in the dream, It was a False Awakening I guess, and I wake up for real and start rubbing my foot trying to see if it's still bleeding, then realize I don't really have a scratch like that on my foot at all, lol.

      Dream Five: I'm at the store with my mom, and I'm thirsty. I say as much and she offers to buy me a soda. I tell her I have money and I'll get my own, but she refuses to let me buy it. I try to slip a $5 in her purse because I know she won't take it if I just hand it to her. Then she buys me a fountain drink. A small one, while she gets a large for herself. I'm disappointed because I prefer bottled drinks to fountain ones, but I don't say anything. Then after two sips the drink is completely empty, and I'm really upset/sad because it was mostly ice and not drink! I don't say anything out loud, but I'm seething to myself that I should have been allowed to buy my own drink. Then we get in the car and are driving through a city.

      My dreams the last few days have been... boring! And hardly worth remembering, lol. I think I need to watch a lot of anime and read a bunch for the next couple days to give my subconscious better material!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Fred Flintstone Style

      by , 06-12-2012 at 04:12 PM (The Vault)
      Awake | Dream | Lucid | Transition

      Tonight I got to take my car onto the beach and run around Fred Flintstone style. It was kinda funny, my car just became really light and suddenly it felt like a big inflatable raft attached to me, with my feet going through the floor.

      Then I'm back driving on the streets of this ocean town. I watch a tiny little triangular shaped car turn into my lane and then take a turn into a storm drain and fall in. For some reason I find this very funny.

      There's a gorgeous blonde girl in the seat next to me who seems to be ignoring me. But as she gets up to go to the back seat for something, she brushes her ass against me and gives me a naughty smile.

      Dream warps around a bit, and I find myself back on the beach wondering where she went. She sends me a text flirting with me.

      I wake up feeling like I have to do something all morning. Then I remember that I wanted to text her back. Then I remembered that she wasn't real. Oh well, my girl wouldn't be very happy with that anyway :p

      Updated 06-14-2012 at 08:59 PM by 42157

    13. Back to the Drawing Board

      by , 06-12-2012 at 02:51 PM
      I'm in a classroom at my old high school again. It looks exactly the same as the last time I saw this in another dream I had before. I'm not sure which room I exactly was in but wherever I was, I think I was dreaming of my old friend Quynh again. I felt bad that she left me and I feel hopeless that I'll never speak to her again. At this time, I think a graduation was also taking place. I'm not sure why but I keep dreaming of that same day when I graduated. I'm in a theater watching a movie with a bunch of other people. There were rows of seats that were empty. Most of the people were sitting in the back with me. I was on the last row. The people from school were already started to leave in other classrooms but the people in the theater were waiting for the movie on screen to be over. I saw Carol, one of my past classmates in piano class. She was kissing a bunch of random guys as were watching the movie. I felt a little sad for not leaving the theater right away because I hated to see the whole graduating class and Quynh leave without me. Wherever they were. I waited a few more minutes and the movie was finally over. Everyone started to exit the theater and as they did, Carol kissed every single guy that passed by her seat. I was sort of jealous, but I didn't let that bring me down. After everyone was finally out of the theater, so was I. I walked outside and appeared to be in the same lunch area like I had in another dream. It looked exactly the same. It was like I was having another graduation. I walked towards the middle of the big lunch area and wasn't sure which way I should go. The whole area was lonely, so it made everyone feel so sad. I decided to take the way where there was more people in it. Towards me I saw a big, plain field with a soccer net on it. It seemed kind of cool to see this but I wasn't sure that I would reach it, because something in the dream might cause me to wake up or a change in scenario. I also saw a few kids around the area. Some of them were teenagers. I walked up to one kid and felt like killing him because I didn't get what I wanted in this dream, that is, being able to be with Quynh. I slowly walked up to him and looked around me to see if anyone was watching. As soon as he reached a dark corner, I slowly crouched down and pounded the back of his head and started attacking it until he fell to the ground. I kept on pounding him for a while and I could feel the strong force I was using. I pushed him towards a wall and started banging his head in front of it. After a while, he collapsed to the floor and appeared to be dead with his eyes open.
    14. Reality Assassins

      by , 06-12-2012 at 02:22 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Sadly, this one's a fragment, which is really too bad, because the premise was cool.
      I packed my bags and headed to this new college that sounded kind of cool. When I got there, I went to class, only to discover that we were being attacked by...something. The teacher told me to hurry back, but when I tripped on the way, he stopped in front of me as he helped me up and explained that they were assassins who could alter reality. I was in disbelief, but then he showed me by firing a crossbow after making the two enemies in front of him go in slow motion. It nailed both of them in the heads.
      It gets pretty fuzzy after that, I was in a class teaching you how to warp gravity, and then I was travelling through this odd locker room that didn't seem like a normal locker room...

      Too bad I didn't remember anymore of it.
    15. Killed my friend

      by , 06-12-2012 at 12:36 PM (Semi sick and twisted)
      We hitchhiked to a hotel far away in the middle of no were. I had a steak knife and my friend was laying on his back he said "kill me" so my first stab I tryed for his heart but cought his rib and he winced the second stab it went through and he made no sound. I thought it worked but he shouted now u have to kill me this hurts! He rolled onto his stomach and I Tryed for the heart again from the back when I looked it was a mess it looked as if someone opened a can of beef veg. Soup the next cut seen it was me and my girl as if I killed her I asked her to write a suCide note she said she was not worried about it and that I should leave lol. I told her that I was not hitchhiking again I'll wait till morning.
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