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    1. Poolside Shootout

      by , 06-07-2012 at 09:06 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was inside a pool outside some sort of hotel. It was a modern hotel much like a holiday inn or something similar but much nicer. I got out of the pool and started walking towards the hotel and up a flight of about 12 stairs. There was a lot of landscaping around the pool and the back of the hotel, mainly flowers, some yellow and red, a few purple. I noticed my friend was leaning up against the wall and I waved to him, saying "hi." At this time I looked over to my left and noticed a large plane landing in the grass. A ton of people started rushing out of the plane all with guns and full body armor. They looked like SWAT or some type of secret service. I grabbed a gun out of nowhere and started shooting. It was some type of sub-machine gun which never seem to run out of ammo.

      Then, my friend got a shield of some sort and kneeled down in front of my to provide cover. I didn't stand behind him and just stood there shooting at the guys. I was consistently getting hits but they just kept coming out of the plane. They began to shoot back with full force but weren't very good shots. They all seemed to miss by just a few inched, I could see the bullet trail going over my shoulders and head. I decided it was getting a little close for comfort so I rolled back behind my friend and kneeled down on one knee and took aim. I started shooting them all and was getting a pretty good kill rate going. However, it was about here that the dream begun to fade very quickly and before I knew it
      I was lying in my bed.

      Updated 06-19-2012 at 11:07 PM by 31951

    2. Hotel Dream Chunk

      by , 06-07-2012 at 08:30 PM
      So, I was at a hotel with my mom and dad and my friend was mentioned but I don't remember seeing him. The first thing I remember was my mom telling me there was an empty room for me to sleep in, so I went to the room but 3 DCs were in it so I had to leave =/ I then had to get on thing floating, train, elevator that was really weird were my mom told me that I would have to wait for the people to leave. I then got off the thing and the dream ended.
      Pretty crappy dream =/
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Notes

      by , 06-07-2012 at 06:33 PM (School 2)
      WBTB 5am
      Woke 10am

      Had some recollection but not too much now.

      Updated 06-15-2012 at 12:40 AM by 25261

      Tags: wbtb
      side notes
    4. Ghost Whisperer?

      by , 06-07-2012 at 05:51 PM
      The last dream I had this morning (6/7/12) was about me meeting a man in a house that I was roaming in. I walked into a room, and saw someone. He was probably in his twenties.
      I was sensing that he had passed on. He said that he had been electrocuted. As soon as he said that, I said "Yes, that explains why my entire body is feeling tingly."
      Apparently I was a ghost whisperer. I could see him, and sense his experience.
      I asked him his name. I told him that if he wanted, I could relay any messages. He told me his name, but I didn't understand what he said at first, so I asked him again.
      Although I wasn't lucid, I wanted to know his name so when I woke up, I could find out if he really existed.
      I asked him a few times, and I think he was getting irritated with me.
      I think he told me his name was Aaron something, but not sure.
      When I woke up, I googled 'Electrocution'. Hoping to find a news story about someone being electrocuted. What I got was a story about a NHL prospect. He was 23 years old, and was reported to have died by electrocution a day ago. His first name was Bryan. (Aaron/Bryan sounds alike)
      I saw a picture of him, and he did resemble the man in my dream.
      I don't know if it was him, but it was interesting.
    5. Battlefield commedy? June 7th

      by , 06-07-2012 at 04:28 PM (The weird dreams of Appe96)
      Notes Dream Lucid

      This dream is sort of a fragment, and a dream at the same time :S(don't ask xD)I think I was in a tank plutoon, fighting urban combat. I was the commander of a M1A1 Abram tank, and had just finnished a battle. A reporter, who kind of looked like my dad, interviewed me for a while. The reporter worked for some sort of a commedyshow, who interviewed soldiers on the frontline.

      I suddenly got the order from my commander, that we had to commence round two of the battle. After that I did a another interview, and then a new battle. It ended up with five battles and intviews.

      After my sixth battle, I ran up to the reporter and asked if I could get interviewed, and he said: NO! YOU ARE NOT FUNNY ENOUGH!
      I woke up :S
    6. Mind the Gap!

      by , 06-07-2012 at 02:12 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Non-lucid Chain: W-vacuum-noodlephoto-funeralnotice-Claudia-$5buttdress-Rammsteinspikedhair.

      Non lucid part:
      Came back to add the non lucid stuff based on that ^^. It's my new form of remembering dreams when I'm still in bed, waking up now and then, so I don't have to actually get up and write in a jjournal, whereby waking myself up too much. I call it "Linking Dream Topics."

      Ok the first and worst, the vacuum. I dreamed that I was at work, and I went to the meat department. I was looking for the ATL from seafood, oddly enough. And he was there. So I found him and followed him to the back of the meat department. Looked much different than in real life. It was huge and dark and deep and cavernous. As I followed behind him, I saw all kinds of strange devices, including a vacuum type apparatus that was used to suck out the eyeballs out of the lambs before processing the rest of the carcass. I remember seeing some eyeballs still in the clear tubes attached to the vacuum. They still had eyelids and some were still trying to blink somewhat.

      Later, I had a dream that really seemed to be in Red River again. I remember walking to the end of one of those mountainous, dusty roads, and there was a huge trailer. It was a film developing studio. For some reason, I thought it was extremely cool that it was what it was, and went inside. It was full of asians, and one offered me a bowl of noodles while he developed my film (that I didn't know I had). Best. Noodles. Ever. I remember them being egg noodles, the lo mein kind that I saw them make on Sesame Street once. I remember tasting toasted sesame oil, and there was thai basil and other vegetables. The whole dish was reminiscent of thai curry. I was just going at it with chop sticks until the dream changed again.

      Margaret from Highland Park finally kicked it, and I was supposed to write the eulogy. I kept procrastinating it until I saw other TLs at the graveyard, all complete with eulogy papers on their tombstones. So I stressed over writing one.

      Then some stress about getting a dress. I could only use $5, but the dresses were $100 or more. Then Claudia was wearing one and her normally fat squarish butt suddenly looked really round and bulbous. And I thought on the fact that I never noticed the bouncy bulbousness, which was REALLY apparent under the thin fabric of the dress. Hoppity hop hop hop..

      Dream changes to the Rammstein concert I went to in 2001, just 1 month after 9-11. I was amazed they let me fly from my El Paso gig to Dallas for the concert. In real life I met them, and in the dream I did too. Only this time, Til didn't cover his 'do. Me or someone said "Oh your spiky hair looks like a porcupine." And he had a gruff remark.
      So I set my alarm to go off at 11:15am, because I had #DVA at 11:30. When it went off, I resigned myself to not having any lucids, and just hit snooze to sleep stress-free for 5 minutes. Then I had an FA and got up to go to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at my teeth. There was an unusual gap in between them, like the tooth had gotten chipped a little. I have a tiny filling there in real life, so I thought maybe the filling got knocked out or something. I thought, damn.. I really need to make a dentist appointment and get this fixed. I touched the gap and little flakes of tooth(?) wiped away. I got worried, like maybe I was losing a chunk of tooth or something. But when I wiped it away completely, the gap was gone and my teeth were normal again. I was relieved, and stepped back from the mirror a bit to look at my whole reflection. My lips looked really weird now.. like just, not mine. Not the same size or shape or anything. So I said, waaaiiiit a minute, this is a false awakening! I looked at my eyes really close, and sure enough, the irises were milky green, and no pupils. So I left the bathroom went to the bedroom door, where Daisy and Bella were sitting there, looking up at me. They are NEVER in my room. I just said "Hey doggies" and they wagged their tails. So I left the room and started down the hall. I knew at this point that I only had a few minutes, because I knew I had hit the snooze button in real life, and it was only for 5 minutes. And I had no idea how long I was in the bathroom. As I went down the hall, it got darker, and one eye went blind. I lifted my hands and the other eye went dimmer. I just kept walking down the hall, waving my hands and clapping, but everything looked like a big brown out. I wasn't waking up, so I just kept going. FINALLY, I ended up in a livingroom that wasn't my house. But Chris was there, playing and watching TV. Everything was much brighter and stable. I knew I didn't have much time, and I was feeling randy as usual, so I started to leave to look for an adult. I felt for my stuff as usual, and at one point it turned into a foot temporarily, but I fixed it lol. Then I woke up from the alarm before attempting anything.

      I should have just utilized those 5 minutes to attempt the TOTM, since I was right there at the damn mirror anyway. But I forgot about it. Balls.

      Updated 06-08-2012 at 01:31 AM by 905 (added the non lucid stuff)

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    7. 6/7/12

      by , 06-07-2012 at 01:22 PM
      I wasn't going to deal with insomnia last night, I was too tired and too cranky. So I had a drink before bed, and as a result my dreams were pretty scrambled when I woke up this morning (er, afternoon, because I slept so well I slept in an hour and a half longer than usual, lol)

      Dream One (Fragment): I'm on a boat (and now that songs going to be stuck in my head, ha ha. ) it's not a tiny one, but it's not a big boat either. It's about the size of a larger boat you'd find on a river, or a smaller boat you'd find in the ocean. Like personal boat size (not cargo sized, lol) and I'm moving things around on the boat. For some reason I think that this is my job.

      Dream Two (Fragment) : I'm in a wagon, being pulled by horses! I'm in the back, and it's uncovered. The driver is a chic with long brown hair. There's a guy with short blond hair in the back with me. Something is chasing us, actually it looks like a bunch of somethings, lol. We decide we have to jump to safety, and let whatever keep chasing an empty wagon. I'm scared to jump at first, but then I see some Bandanas in the wagon and decide I can tie them together to make a little parachute to slow my descent so I'm not injured. I tell the guy, and he thinks this is a really good idea. He takes the bandanas, and ties them for me, then hands them to me and tells me to jump first. He says if there's enough distance between us and the enemy that I need to run back to the wagon and give him the bandana so he can jump, but if the enemy catches up to the wagon I am to stay in the woods. I nod, and notice the wagon is closer to the woods now than before, the girl is giving me the best possible chance of making it to a place I won't be seen or can hide. I take a deep breath and jump, I float for a few long seconds, then land perfectly. I turn around and see the wagon, but the enemy has stopped chasing it, so I run to catch up and give the guy the bandana so he can jump. The wagon slows down just as I realize I will never be able to run fast enough to catch up to it, then it stops completely. I grab the back of it and drag myself in. I realize when I'm in the wagon that the guy is gone! I ask the girl driving the wagon, and she clucks on the horses and we start taking off really fast again. She tells me that he knew I wouldn't let him jump out to go stop our pursuers, so he came up with this elaborate plan for me to jump then run back to the wagon to give him the bandana so I wouldn't be on the wagon to see him jump off and run to face the enemy, but he knew I'd end up either in the woods hiding safely or on the wagon getting the heck out of there while he held them off. I'm pretty distraught over this, I tell the girl we need to go back to get him, but she says no, we're already too far an almost to our destination and he wouldn't want us to go back and put ourselves in danger. Then we're coming up to this giant log wall with a log gate. The gate opens and the girl drives the wagon through the gate. Inside, there are a lot of people and even non human Star Wars style aliens. The wagon is going slow now, so I jump off again, but when I try to go back I realize the gate is closed and I can't get back out to go help the guy. I turn around, very disappointed and start back for the wagon, but it didn't go the direction I thought it had. I think I'm lost, but then a wagon (not sure that it's the same one) pulls up to my left and instead of the brown haired girl it's my BFF. She offers me her hand and helps pull me to the drivers seat of the wagon with her rather than leaving me in the back like cargo as the other girl had done. She starts telling me as the wagon weaves through the city that we're ready to try to sign up again. I have a vague memory of trying to enlist in some sort of small army or something, but her not having something necessary so us both not signing up b/c I wanted her with me. I ask her if she has what she had forgotten last time, and she does. I'm really happy with her answer, I'm excited to join whatever cause we're signing up for, together. She stops the wagon, and we walk over to this little white fold up table with two people in casual clothes sitting behind it. There's already a guy with dark hair singing up, but one of the ladies behind the table asks if she can help us. She looks younger than me, maybe even still a teenager. Ambies tells her we want to enlist, and then she asks for something and Ambies gives her a bunch of papers. The woman/girl takes the papers and starts flipping through them. Then she says she's not sure what kind of job Ambies qualifies for, but that they have a spot reserved for me because I'm highly qualified for this fight. I shake my head and tell her no, I want to fight with my best friend or not at all. She kind of twists her face like she's trying to figure out how in the heck she can manage that, then the second woman at the desk says, "They're both short, We could put them on to help us with the faeries." The girl isn't sure how to do that, so the woman tells her to take Ambies to see someone and they'll arrange it. Then the woman hangs a sign from the table saying they're out for lunch before walking back to me and saying, "It's been a while? How have you been?" I suddenly recognize her as my teacher, but I don't in waking life recognize her at all, lol. We start waking towards a window, and I'm telling her how it's going ok, I just feel really stressed out lately. She nods and tells me that it's hard sometimes to juggle a normal life, but that she knows I can do it. Then, looking out the window I see a white truck drive on a lawn, the driver throws four yellow daffodils out the window in anger, and speeds off. The flowers look so sad broken and scattered on the ground with a white ribbon streaming in the wind where it can't quite be blown free from the weight of the three flowers on top of it. The woman tells me that the man is unhappy, she says that she told him she wasn't interested in him romantically, and he was so upset over it that he left our cause. She says more that I can't exactly remember, but the lesson I took away from it was that we should follow what we believe in, and not fight for a cause just because someone close to us is. I figured this had something to do with me not wanting to join without Ambies, and that if I really believed in the cause I shouldn't need my best friend to back me up. If I only do it for her, then if she leaves or we have an argument, then I'm likely to end up like the man who left because my teacher didn't share his romantic interests. The teacher asks me what my jobs were right now, and the dream fades with me watching out the window thinking of logs and how they must have cut them to build the fort. I apparently ignored her question, lol.

      Dream Three: This one is really confusing to me and very broken up so I'm apologizing in advanced for how confusing it is. It starts out I'm walking through a hallway with a mane and a woman and a little girl. The little girl seems to be around ten or so, and has light blond hair like my daughters. I don't think she's my daughter though, and she seemed really quiet and distant, like she was depressed and in her own little world or something. We pass by a little alcove like area, and there's a car wrecked inside the building. There's someone inside the car dying, and a man trying desperately to get the woman out. The woman I'm with says she can save the woman with a spell. Her and the man I'm with tell the other man that he needs to take the little girl somewhere and let her show him the things the woman needs for the spell. In reality, it's a ploy to get the man away from the car so the woman can work her magic without someone else's energies interfering. The man I was with walks outside with the other man and the girl and me. The other guy and the little girl get in a car an start to drive away. Then the man I am with says he forgot to tell them to park in the right pattern so they don't accidentally park in the energy field when they return. The he's pretty sure the little girl will tell him so it's ok. Then, (this is where the dream gets uber confusing) the guy takes my hand and starts to walk me out of the parking lot and down the street. The dream shifts completely. The busy street in front of the hotel becomes a quiet back street in a quiet little town. It's no longer dark, but now bright and sunny. I look at the guy, and realize he is Kurasawa, but I fail to become lucid at this revelation because he's talking to me. He's telling me that he's some sort of caretaker. He says it's his job to cut the grass, tend the flowers, deal with trees that fall down around the city. Then he tells me that another lesser known part of his job is to help the elderly in the area. I think he says these elderly people are council members or something. He tells me this is how me met someone, the old woman who introduced him to this whole world? He says she needed something fixed and he was sent to fix it. He gestures to a house on a hill above the road with little steps and flowers on it. He looks really happy, and at peace here, like this is his second home kind of thing. Then he smiles at me and takes both my hands and says it's time to go back. When we turn and start walking again, it does goes from day to night in the blink of an eye, and the quiet road becomes the busy road in front of the hotel. I can see lights on the hotel's facade, and I know everything is the way we left it, only the woman is done with her ritual and the man's car is back so he and the little girl must be back. We walk into the hotel, and then just like that Kurasawa is no longer at my side. I'm with someone, but I think it's my BFF, and she's on my other side not the one Kurasawa had been on. I don't notice it being odd though. She's asking me about unpacking from my trip, but I tell her we're still at the con I'll unpack later. I see people wandering around in costume as if I'm really still at Animazement. I see a guy that I kept seeing during the con, it's not that he was in costume or anything, I just felt an over whelming energy sometimes and would turn to see where it was coming from and there he'd be. This happens on occasion with people, it's not negative or anything... it's just the seem to hold a lot more energy naturally than others. Any who, I don't feel the energy from him, so I know it's not the same person, and then I think to myself that I'm hungry. I tell my BFF that I'm going to get breakfast. I wander off on my own to one of the concession areas at the con. I ask the girl for cookies and bacon, but she tells me they're all out of bacon and gives me almonds instead. Then someone asks for strawberry cheerios, and she tells them all they have left to sell is almonds, everything else was sold out. I had bought the last cookies, lol. I turn to find a table, and see someone left a half eaten bowl of cheerios in pink milk on a table. I think those must be the strawberry cheerios, I've never heard of them before but I guess they make your milk strawberry milk. Then I wake up.

      I slept so hard last night, probably because I didn't sleep much at all the night before, lol.

      Updated 06-14-2016 at 01:45 AM by 53224

      dream fragment , non-lucid , memorable
    8. Searching with the Blue Haired Girl. June 6th 2012.

      by , 06-07-2012 at 11:49 AM (Dream Journal)

      Not the only dream I remembered, but I only had time to get the notes down of this dream.

      In this dream, I was walking down the local market with my cousin. We were talking about something which I can't remember. It was a nice day and the path was pretty busy. A group of 6 or 7 people walked out of a shop ahead of us and then walked around me and my cousin. Soon, 3 people walked out of another shop ahead of us. One was a guy, with long black hair (he looked similar to Nathan Explosion form Metalocalypse), the second was a young woman with average blonde hair and the last one, was the blue haired girl. This time she had only cyan hair an black clothes on. Still very beautiful though. I decided to part with my cousin and walk with the 3 people. At the end of the path was their black car. We got in it and it teleported us to a weird field. It was almost dark, it looked very similar to the wastelands on the game "Borderlands". We parted ways by splitting into pairs. The black haired guy and the blonde woman went as a pair and I was paired with the blue haired girl. Isn't that surprising? We then found a hole in one of the small hills of the field. We walked in and saw a "dead" woman chained to a dark stone-grey wall and another dead person lead face down on a dark wooden bench. This part of the dream rings a bell from a previous dream I had ages ago. We were looking around the room as if we were trying to find something, but instead I went up to the body that was face down on the bench and liften open the top part of the head. I said to the blue haired girl, "Want some brains? haha." She smiled at me then the "dead" woman chained to the wall jumped up and attacked us. Luckily, the other pair stormed in through the secret door and killed her...again. The guy also got attacked by the same red haired girl that lived in the tree in my previous dream, with the blue and read haired girls. She jumped on him and they kissed. Everyone was shocked. The blue haired girl said "Why would you do that?". The blonde woman was speechless and I was just observing, confused. The dream ended at this point.

      This is the second time I have ran into the blue haired girl and the red haired girl. The red haired girl seemed more aggresive while the blue haired girl was nice. Maybe opposites?

      The first dream I met this girl in can be found here

      The red haired girl is in that same dream, but I feel more connected to the blue haired girl. I sure hope she is a Dream Guide.

      Updated 06-07-2012 at 12:22 PM by 54841

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Weird DV Thread, Battlefield

      by , 06-07-2012 at 11:12 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Weird DV Thread (Non-lucid)


      There's some thread that lets you talk about some weird things, I just know that it was something that could probably cause some kind of debate on what's being allowed on DV.

      It was probably talking about 18+ stuff.


      Battlefield (Non-lucid)


      There was a lot going on, and since I took a late night sleep, and used two 3mg Melatonin to help with sleep a little, I'll just condense as much as possible.

      I'm inside of a room, something about using computers.

      Then the dream shifts to where I think I'm riding some kind of futuristic vehicle, and me and some group are facing some other team, or at least that's what I think happened.

      I think I pushed someone off somewhere, and her name was Jasmine, but not sure exactly where she was falling into.

      Then I remember having to insert some sword into several slots, like to charge it up or something like that.

      Those were probably different dream frags themselves, but I'm too lazy to split them since they all involved some kind of conflict with battle.

    10. Lucid, misplaced furniture and a Christmas tree

      by , 06-07-2012 at 09:27 AM (~Cookieh's Land of Cookies~)
      I was trying to WILD, I fell asleep, dreamed of being at my relatives' place, woke up, rolled over and soon found myself in this dream. (A DEILD, yes?)

      [COLOR="#2e8b57"]I'm walking from my room to the living room. I know it's a dream, but I want to see what my mom would tell me. The furniture in the living room is placed differently. I see her sitting on the sofa, watching TV and knitting. I ask her "Am I really here, walking around in real life or am I dreaming?" and she answers with "You're really here". Gurrrl, lying into my face. (I actually kind of expected that answer, she is a bit pessimistic about lucid dreaming)
      I look out of the window, it's dark outside, and check the temperature. I can't see the thermostat, because of this weird reindeer sticker on the window. I ask mom what's that all about and she shrugs.
      As I'm heading to the kitchen, I walk past the open door to the parents' bedroom. In one corner, there is a giant Christmas tree, it lights up the whole room. There are also a lot of full coke bottles all over the place. (O__o)
      I'm now in the kitchen, the furniture here is placed weirdly as well, I speak a bit louder when I ask mom if she'd like some coffee. I get a positive answer and instead of water, I put coke in the coffee machine. I turn it on and go to my room. [/COLOR]

      [I'm not sure if I can call this a dream, I lost my sight and I don't know if this is still the dream or what I imagined to happen next (while already awake)]

      [COLOR="#2e8b57"]So, in my room I teleported myself to some small island with nobody else but me. I was sitting on the hot sand, trying to get my vision back by playing with the sand. Then I dived into the sea, the temperature was cool. I'm not sure if it was day or night...>.>[/COLOR]
    11. Bird Petting Zoo

      by , 06-07-2012 at 08:50 AM
      I became aware that I am having sleep paralysis.
      I was excited. I really wanted to get a lucid dream.
      It felt like my kidneys were hurting, but I ignored it.

      I saw my room, so I thought, "I better close my eyes, I don't want to ruin the sleep paralysis".

      I started having visions of my room again. I was confident I wasn't seeing through my real eyes, but I wanted to make 100% sure, so I closed my "imaginary" eyes.

      I was starting to have a pretty clear vision of the room, but I could not move my body.
      I was thinking "If I cannot move my body, I can just float out of it!".

      I started floating in the air.
      I floated from my room to the corridor.
      From there I floated to my brother's room.
      There, I noticed I have arms and legs.
      I was a weird "abomination". A ghost that could grow various body parts.

      I floated out of my brother's room, into the open.

      I was floating towards our neighbours' territory.
      It was kind of like our neighbour's garden, but it had a large stone wall behind it, and a forest further behind.

      I saw some cute birds on the stone wall, so I floated up to / climbed it.

      There was a cute crow-like bird. It was emitting very cute sounds.
      It was so cute, I started petting it.
      After a while, I noticed some more birds further up the wall.
      I wanted to get to them.
      By around this time, I had a full body, so I had to climb the wall.

      Those other birds flew away, but I saw a parrot in a cage on the top of the wall.

      I climbed further up, and I saw that dogs were guarding that parrot.

      I climbed up to the top, and one of the dogs attacked me.
      It was storming towards me, and I was like "That's too bad but you can't hurt me in a dream".
      He bit my arm, but it didn't hurt at all. I threw the dog down from the top by flinging my arm it was chewing on.

      The parrot's cage was on top of some wooden pole. It had a ladder leading up to it.
      I climbed up the ladder, and opened the cage.

      The parrot was really scared, it wanted to escape.
      It seemed to "slip" out between the bars of the cage, and flew away.
      This is when I lost lucidity.
      The parrot came back eventually, but I engaged in some senseless conversation with it.
      I woke up soon after.

      Updated 06-07-2012 at 08:58 AM by 25964

    12. A Mattress called Steven King and the Race

      by , 06-07-2012 at 07:51 AM
      I'm observing a group of guys running down a path on a hot sunny day. They're in training for something, they all have mattresses strapped to their backs. There's a fat guy who's having a lot of trouble, saying how much pain he's in. Then one of the other guys stops and says "This is freedom. You would think it's the opposite, but pushing yourself to the limit is freedom!"... he seemed high from the race.

      Then there was an old rickety rope bridge crossing a massive cannyon. A long drop down. I heard a voice in the Sky saying "Most people think the bridge is Steven King, but it's really the mattress." I knew that Steven King referred to the source of fear and that the mattress meant your comfort zone.

      I began crossing the bridge and realized how shit scared I was of heights and woke up.
    13. School:Non-Lucid

      by , 06-07-2012 at 05:58 AM
      As the title said, this wasn't lucid, but this is what happened.

      I remember being in my French class, and we had just finished a test. I hadn't finished it, but the teacher was talking and I was hoping that she wouldn't notice me finishing it. She then got angry and said
      "I know you have finished the test, but you still shouldn't be talking" by then, I had finished the test and I said
      "Actually, I finished mine minus four minutes before we finished" (as in four minutes late)
      The class laughed and then I remember walking with my friends and seeing some people from my class and they started laughing, and so did I, and then it just blurred and I woke up.

      Now, I'm quite frustrated with myself about this, because I missed some obvious dream signs.

      First of all, my French teacher is a man. This teacher was a woman, and the students spoke to her as if she was a regular teacher, not a substitute. Come to think of it, this teacher may have been an evil teacher from one of my primary schools, which would make sense because she hated me, and so does my French teacher (don't judge me, anyone in my class will agree, and I'm not even a troublemaker)

      Secondly, and this is the one that annoys me most.
      All the other events in my dream happened in my secondary school. but I realized that the classroom I was in was one from my more difficult years in my other primary school. Even when I left the classroom, instead of being in the assembly hall of my primary school, I was in the corridor outside my french class, because that is what I expected to happen I guess.

      Over the two recent dreams that I remember, there were a few similarities, the main one being that France was involved, and one of them happened in a place with negative experiences (this one, difficult areas of my primary school life and in a French test). Also, the other happened in a boat, so although it was a nice experience, I don't like boats in real life, which I guess was a dream sign for my other dream, me enjoying being on a boat.

      I may have been having dreams involving France (lesson, and Monaco coast-not strictly French but next to it and French is the main language) and that were in negative places because recently I had a French oral exam, which I spent almost my entire Easter holiday practicing, and then my nerves got to me and I screwed up and was devastated. It may be lingering in my mind because I haven't had my results back yet.

      Hm, that's quite a wall of text I have built up, as I wrote it all down, I noticed new things about the dreams and made the connections.
    14. Driving to a school?

      by , 06-07-2012 at 03:35 AM
      Earliest moment I can recall is riding in a car down the highway then we came to an intersection and The dream took a quick change as I became a driver behind the car I was just in, yet I was able to look ahead and view the car's cockpit while still mantaining normal view, it was strange. We drove to a local school in the area, which I suddenly appeared in It was entirely dark as I walked down the halls looking into the black abysses that were the doors. I walked down farther finding a lit room while i called the office. I then walked out of the office and appeared farther away, however still in the same area at a strip mall. I walked down the road and saw some girls from school. we all started talking at the corner where other DCs had mysteriously joined us. I then became lucid and looked around to take in my surroundings my dream quickly begun to destabilize. I rubbed my hands together, it helped however it was still destabilizing; I then focused on a new dream-scene trying to at least salvage my lucidity realizing that the dream had faded and I was in the "Void" between dreams. Spinning around to try to create a new dream-scene (Looking back I need focus more on the SCENE itself and not the name of it..) unfortunetly I don't recall anything after this.
      non-lucid , side notes , lucid
    15. Marrying an Old Bosses Daughter; Looking to Buy a House; In with Special Forces?

      by , 06-07-2012 at 02:48 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Marrying an Old Bosses Daughter

      I used to work for an insurance company. My manager was not nice. They had a son.

      I was marrying the daughter of the owner of an insurance company I used to work for. The wife of the owner was going through all my old pay stubs which showed very little earnings. She didn't like that.

      At first I didn't care, but then I thought, "Those are mine, they are personal, and I don't have to let her see them." We struggled as I tried to take them away from her.

      Then we were struggling over my manuscript. I told her she should have just taken it when I offered it to her. Then her husband asked for it and I said, "OK."

      Then they started telling their daughter she shouldn't marry me. I got very upset because I had spent a lot of money on the relationship. I thought if they didn't want her marrying me because I don't make much money, they should have spoken up before I'd invested so much in the relationship.

      It is now 2:49 and I'm going back to sleep.

      I'm glad I logged that dream ^ I completely forgot about it.

      Looking to Buy a House

      I dreamed that I was looking to buy a house with MJ, though his name was Desmond or something. It was the perfect house. I simple ranch, but the view was stellar. You could see the city from a distance of about 30 miles looking over to your right, then panning to the left there were some trees and a cliff face. Then off in the distance to the left, the view was a hundred miles. The lawn was huge. I knew I wanted to buy the house.

      We walked down the yard and to the cliff. It was too steep to climb, and so was the wooded area next to it. I tried to climb it, but the plant life growing on it made me not want to put my hands on the rocks. IWL I don't care about dirt and muck, but this was weird plant life. I couldn't see what was in it and didn't want to venture it right then.

      We went back to the house and found two wasp nests. I wasn't afraid of them, but I was thinking about how I would get rid of them.

      The End

      In with Special Forces?

      I was with a group of people I don't know in waking life. We were in a restaurant eating at a booth. Someone started taking pictures of me. His flash went off with each picture.

      I reached down for my camera, a 35 mm which I don't have IWL. I wound it and did something else to prepare to take a picture without the guy noticing, then stood up and chased the guy and took his picture.

      He knew I was onto him, but he was spying on me. He thought I was involved in something that I wasn't. I had a special weapon, but I was out of my league.

      I found a pen in my pocket. It was a basic looking pen that you push down on the back and the ball-point comes out, but this pen had special power. You could use it to make objects levitate, or to turn objects on and off.

      I was not adept at this power. A colleague figured out that his pen had the power, and we were part of some team, so I had the pen, I tried it, and sure enough it worked. I made a glass levitate. I was supposed to not be obvious with this power, but it was amazing and I wanted to get better control of it. At one point I made two objects rise, then one fell. Maybe it broke.

      Dream skip and I'm at a house. It is like a fraternity house of everyone who is similar to me in this group team thing. We are together, and yet there are differences.

      The guy that was taking pictures has the face of a Latino Mechanic who ripped me off once IWL. He said that someone was going to do something in the financial markets. Now, I'm realizing that since it isn't me as I have nothing to do with the financial markets, maybe he should be taking pictures of someone else on my team.

      One of my friends was about to talk to the team about the guy who took my picture. I told him not to say anything to anyone because if someone on our team is going to do something in the financial markets, then we don't want to give away the fact that someone is on to him, even though the guys efforts are misdirected towards me.

      Although I considered the guy taking pictures of me to be a "bad guy," somehow, the guy on my team who might be involved in this conspiracy is also a "bad guy."

      Now I look around the house and check out the view. I see pictures on the wall of the team in their work environment. It helps build the DC's character. Two guys bunk in the same room. Lots of people live in this house, all on the same team.

      There is a party going, but there is a disturbing feature of possum/raccoon guts in the trash can. It as full of guts. Their are curtains hanging down getting dirty in them. I try to do something with them. At one point I am thinking of putting gun powder in the can and burning them.

      Then, the guy who was taking pictures of me shows up. He is skulking around the house outside on a circular wrap-around porch. He scares me.

      I look outside. I try using my pen to turn off the lights. Maybe it worked. I look down and there as a Mars Rover type vehicle rolling around. I try to turn it off, but it isn't working. The guy taking pictures of me is way out of my league. He takes a car from the garage, drives it down the yard into a lake. It's a freaking amphibious car. I can't turn the rover off and it follows him.

      The End.

      Updated 06-07-2012 at 01:42 PM by 41873 (Woke up for the morning and had 2 more dreams)

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