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    1. "This Cellphone Doesn't Do This !" / Semi-Lucid

      by , 06-05-2012 at 09:21 PM (Is it a dream ?)
      Non-Lucid part:
      I'm in my house. Walking from the living room to the kitchen. I pass by my sister and my cousin that are going in the opposite direction.
      When I say my house, I mean the house of my parents, the one from where I moved out 2,5 years ago.
      I'm in the kitchen and a song called "Meu Universo" from a brazilian singer known as PG starts to play very loud in there.
      I start to look from where the noise is coming from and find that it's coming from my dad's cellphone that is over the refrigerator.
      I think "This cellphone doesn't play MP3, I must be dreaming"
      He has a Motorola W220 since the cellphone arrived in that tiny city.
      Before I make a RC to confirm that I'm dreaming, my sister appears and calling for me and I go.

      I have to add that I tried to explain about the RC's to my family and they think that it's a little crazy to "ask if I am awake".
      They usually say that they always know if they are awake (even during the dreams, they "know that they are awake" xD).
      So sometimes I feel embarassed of doing a RC in front of anyone of my family. I'm sure that that was the reason for me to give up of doing the RC when my sister appeared.

      Dream Stats:
      Went to sleep: 00:00am
      Duration: ~5min
    2. Money in Mail Slot

      by , 06-05-2012 at 09:19 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Money in Mail Slot (Non-lucid)


      I took a nap around 2-3PM and planned to wake up at 5 PM.

      I have the neighborhood mailbox (one section) in the house I'm currently at in waking life so I can open our slot that had a lot of $5 bills.

      While I'm taking out what seems to be an endless supply of $5 bills, and while I'm doing this, "Freckles" the English Version song from Rurouni Kenshin is playing.

      Tags: house, mailbox
    3. DMT Nightmares

      by , 06-05-2012 at 05:19 PM
      So I had my first dream after being a drug addict idiot for a few months. I decided to get my recall back up, and I had 6 vivid dreams in the same night, which I was very pleased with. However, I don't know about everyone else, but my DJ was broken and it deleted it, GRRR! can't be arsed to redo it.

      Anyway, i've been at a lot of parties recently, therefore irregular sleeping patterns therefore no recall. However, yesterday I had a nap at around 12pm and woke up about 2pm. I had 4 nasty, nasty dreams. I'd been researching DMT and other psychadelic drugs for a while before, and the nightmares felt like what my acid trip was like. I don't really remember them, but I was pretty shaken and figured that all my dreams from now on would be like this. I later realized this was silly though. Thinking about it, the dreams aren't actually very scary - they just felt very real and horrified me at the time.

      1) I was in a train station hallway at night time where corridors split off to different stops, like in the London Underground. I was intoxicated in some way. I had the effects of being drunk (e.g. moving vision, very wobbly) however I think I was on acid. Anyway, I didn't really know what I was doing and I think I was trying to get home, so I just walked through a hallway.

      Suddenly, I was stumbling very extremely around a quiet village. It was morning now, probably about 9am, and the sky was cloudless. It was a beautiful day, but I was more intoxicated than ever. I was ever so confused - I had the feeling you get the morning after a party when you don't recall what happened, but much worse. I decided as soon as I was concious that I was near my secondary school, but I simply couldn't get my bearings right and I was incredibly confused and lost. Suddenly I saw a train station, which told me I was not near my secondary school as there is no train station nearby. I did not recognize where I was at all, which was extremely worrying. I stumbled over to the train station, which was very small and made of wood. I saw the train station sign, which informed me that I was in Kingsclere of all places!

      2) I was sitting in the shade of a swimming pool area, where people were sun bathing in the gorgeous weather. I was with a dealer called Dee. We were fully clothed as we were in the shade. Strangely, the pool area was in place of where my town's bus station normally is We were going to make a move and go to a party - maybe a free party or a rave, I can't really remember. We eventually got up and walked past where the buses normally would park, down the back alley of Nandos, Pizza Express and some other restaurants. I was told we were going to a place called the Crackhead Steps to meet some people we knew, but instead of walking straight for a while like we normally would, we turned left into a strange industrial building that I'd never seen before. It was very shadey here. Here, some very dodgy people were congregating, for example Chucky.Mo. I think they were doing some sort of drug deal, and Dee was involved in this. I, however, was very intimidated and didn't want to get involved, so I stood awkwardly, absolutely terrified.

      I think this was the same dream, but it was in a different location - maybe a pub? Anyway, I was looking at Dee again, and she was absolutely stunning (she's pretty ugly in reality ). She was still odd looking, but it was a sexy-odd. Her head was kind of mis-shapen and was wearing a green dress. She looked like an alien.

      Updated 06-05-2012 at 05:41 PM by 23671

      Tags: dfgdfgdfg
      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. I Can Say DEILDy-DILD if I Want

      by , 06-05-2012 at 05:15 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Another odd DEILDy-DILD. I say DEILD quite loosely alot, because they usually happen when I have a DILD straight out of a FA, followed by a chain of mini lucids. Only lately, I haven't had the chaining so much, so really it's just a DILD. But I like to think positive, and assume that it *would have been* a DEILD, that just got cut short after the initial lucid.

      Great, now that I got all that cleared up I had another odd DEILDy-DILD early this morning. Danny went off to work at 5am, and I went back to sleep. I had an FA where I thought I woke up briefly when Danny used the bathroom and came back to bed. He seemed irritated by something, and came back to bed and rolled over to back to sleep in a huff. Then I realized we were on the wrong side of the bed, usually I sleep on the right, now I was on the left. I thought to myself, hrmmm... I could be dreaming. And didn't he just leave for work? I reached down and felt around, and sure enough, I had boy parts. I decided I wanted to fiddle with myself a bit, but I was worried about DC Danny waking up and being irritated. So I moved really slowly. There's also that eternal fear that any movement I make in my dream bed could be mirrored in real life. In retrospect I think it's ridiculous, but during the LD, the fear of moving for real and losing lucidity is sometimes too powerful. I need to break this habit. So I grabbed myself, and I felt an odd bulbous thing on the side of my thing. It felt like a small orange. I thought, I'll just smooth that right out, and I did. Then DC Danny moved a bit, like he knew what I was trying to do. So I tried to be quieter and more discreet. Again, it felt like it was someone else's thing attached to me, no real nerve endings or proprioceptors like in that last one. I just kept going anyway, until I either lost lucidity or woke up or both.
      lucid , false awakening
    5. Water Tree Spirit. June 5th 2012.

      by , 06-05-2012 at 01:40 PM (Dream Journal)

      So this morning I had a magical dream at last. I usually dream about school or non-magical dreams, but I felt this was one of the best I have had in a long time.

      I was in a field, similar to the one near a pond in my area. I was walking through it and saw a tree a couple of meters near the lake. I somehow got into a fight with this tree, I was determined to beat this tree for some odd reason. I was slicing the tree with an orange chainsaw, branch by branch, avoiding the attacks it made. The tree was gradually moving away from the water so I ran away from it and reached a small hill with a decent spot to hide in. I think I remember a fragment about a guy hiding in this particular spot. It was like a small crack in the hill, but wide enough for me to sit in. I then ran back to the tree and continued attacking the tree with the chainsaw. I then retreated back to the spot and watch the tree transform into a large stump. I was scared to go near the stump incase it attacked me. I then decided to go up and stab the tree with the chainsaw, but ran back for the third time. I watched it transform again, but this time into a floating tree. It was almost as if it was hanging from something. It was just under a meter from the ground and was longer than it was wide, but still smaller than the last two forms. I then saw the tree fall to the ground and transform a fourth time. It was similar to the stump, but had a red haired girl half in it. She was wearing green clothes and was not moving. For the last time, the tree transformed again, but back to the first form. There was a beautiful blue-haired girl half in it. She seemed alive and was welcoming me to talk to her. I walked over to her and noticed she had scaled clothes on. They were coloured with all sorts of nice colours, like cyan, light green and purple. She also had some of these colours in her hair to match her clothing. She looked like she could be a goddess or something. She made the tree disappear and I walked with her to the lake, where we sat down in the shallow water and observed the lake. I asked her if we should build a bridge across the lake. I said something like "Shall we build a bridge across there, then to the platform?". She replied with a nod. We then changed the topic and noticed a McDonalds appear on the left hand side. It was flooded from the lake and there were a few woman sweeping the water away. By this point, a guy had appeared left of me, but he was quiet and I didn't pay attention to him. We were discussing about working at this McDonalds, then the dream faded.

      I loved this dream, it had many wierd things happen in it. First it seemed like I had to tame the tree in order to talk to the water spirit. The water spirit seemed hard to get, but she eventually came to me. I sure hope she is my dream guide, so great to look at . I have always been interested in water anyway, so it'd be a bonus. The other weird thing that happened was when I went to the spot where some guy hid before. It seemed so familiar when I woke up. Maybe the guy by the lake was him? That'd be really wierd. I mentioned in my workbook that the blue haired lady (the water spirit) was someone that I wanted to know more about. So from now on, she remains 2 titles. The blue haired lady and the water spirit. I also think that the tree abducted her and the other red haired girl was the wood spirit or something. But either way, it was great to have met this woman.
    6. train

      , 06-05-2012 at 12:59 PM
      i had sex with somebody in the street, understood, that its a LD and went to the road to find the train. I often have trains which ride just in the street. so i saw one and tried to jump to it just from the ground, but didn't succed because there was strong wind of its speed and i need to fly. I thought in the dream that fly and jump its something different and went to the stop. the next supernew train came and stop and i from the second attempt JUMP on the top. In real i wanted to stay on one feet. In the task there was to stand on the top. But the speed of the train was so strong that i just haven't got opotunity to sit. in one or two minutes we stoped on the bus- stop and I "got out". after i cross the street and tried to went in back direction, but the train was like cars
      lucid , task of the month
    7. Toilet Ninja and Other Fragments. June 4th 2012.

      by , 06-05-2012 at 12:53 PM (Dream Journal)

      Quite an odd dream I would say. But atleast I recalled a couple of dreams. I also recalled a couple of fragments, which is awesome .

      I started off in a toilet with my friends from school. We were just walking around the room and decided to put our stuff down in a corner. I put loads of random junk down, like a black coat and some other things. One of my friends then said that I should go into the female toilet to spy on someone. I was nervous at first but then thought that I should just do it. I went in and saw that there was a lot of things to hide behind and the coat holder thing caught my attention. I sat down behind it and waited for someone to come in. I then got bored of waiting so I walked out only to see a fat girl about to go in. Thank god I didn't spy. I walked over to the pile of stuff we put there, then the dream ended.

      Dream Fragments.

      The first fragment was me taking stuff out of a box and giving them to my step dad. I pulled out 2 little guitars and my step dad said they were ugly.

      The second was at a field at night. I was walking through and saw a fire, so I ran over to put it out, but it turns out it was a campfire that my friends set up.

      The final fragment was pretty long. I was walking home with a guy from school and he noticed some bullies. He somehow got into an argument with them and he then told me to walk by myself. But I waited for him to finish and that's all I can remember.

      Thanks for reading . I have noticed more school signs. School is such a strong dream sign!

      Updated 06-05-2012 at 01:03 PM by 54841

      Tags: school
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Notes

      by , 06-05-2012 at 12:39 PM (School 2)
      I fly along pleasantly with the dream until I saw a girl.

      Updated 06-15-2012 at 12:40 AM by 25261

      lucid , side notes
    9. A "CAT"erpiller

      by , 06-05-2012 at 12:13 PM (All Human Beings Are Also Dream Beings!)
      Today I passed the strangest thing as me and my best friend are walking having a great conversation something catches my eye. On a small tree to the left of me sits the strangest creature I have ever encountered in my dreams. A "Catepiller" sits on this tree---I mean like really it was a small grey kitten with a long back and small legs on the side. It had white stripes all down its back just as a caterpillar would have patterns down its back, and it's ears stuck out like a cat. As we passed my friend didn't seem disturbed by or amazed by it---I know that I couldn't stop looking at it. It moved just like a caterpillar too---the front part of its body reaching up into the sky while it's back body rest on the tree. So amazing!!

      Allahu Ekbar*
    10. 6/5/12, No notes

      by , 06-05-2012 at 12:04 PM
      I had a hard time sleeping last night, so I didn't take notes whenever I woke up, rather than move and spend another two hours trying to fall back to sleep, I tried to lay as still as possible so that it's only take a half hour or so to fall back asleep. I did jot down the notes I could think of when I woke up, but by then most of the details had left me.

      Spoiler for Music:

      Dream One: I'm glowsticking in the street again. (We live on the end of a street in one of those round turn arounds, so we never get any traffic except our close neighbors) I've got yellow glow sticks this time, and I'm alone. My husband walks up and tell me I need to stop so he can show me something. I think I'm semi lucid at this point because I stop, and I get this feeling that makes me very excited and happy. I'm thinking he's going to take me to Kurasawa because that's what I usually ask dcs to do, but then instead he takes me where our yard would be... but our house isn't there, all that's there is the ten we camped in at the beach a couple weeks ago. Inside, the lap top is set up and my husband is trying to show me something on the lap top. I'm only halfway paying attention, it's a video about glow sticking, but it's not a tutorial it's just some chic swinging her stick and I'm quickly growing bored and want to go back outside so I can do it myself. I feel my attention being pulled to outside, I just know Kurasawa is out there now. I rush out of the ten and a few steps towards the road, then I stop. Kurasawa is there, and he's glow sticking?! He's only spinning them forwards at his sides, but the circles are so even and his speed doesn't vary at all. I think, damn, he looks like he knows what he's doing... not just playing around like I am. Then He smiles at me with a mischievous smile, and I think he asks, "Miss me?" But them I woke up >.<

      Dream Two: I'm again on the road, this time after spending a good two hours trying to relax and fall back asleep from waking up the first time. My husband is there and we're walking. For some reason though, I think I become semi-lucid. I realize I can just leave my husband standing there on the road and it won't matter. I walk up to this strange house that I've never seen and is far too upscale for this little redneck "housing" development that has more trailers than houses. I knock on the door, and realize that I can open the door and it won't have any repercussions. I also realize that I need to visualize the inside of the house as I open the door, and what kind of person I want to find there. I imagine a guy who looks like Johnny Depp in the movie Sleepy Hollow being there when I open the door. For some reason though I'm scared someone in the house will see, so I slowly open the door, when I see the sleepy hollow guy walk by, I call out to him, and he comes to the door. He quickly but gracefully slides out the door and closes it without making a sound. He takes my hand and starts walking me towards the street. I tell him we can't go too close to the street because my husband is there. He starts pulling me closer to the woods then. We stop at the tree line, and he looks around for a moment as if to be sure no one's around, then he cups my face with one hand and wraps the other around my waist. He pulls me closer and kisses me lightly as he holds me, and says something about how he cherishes these stolen moments. I wake up, lol.

      Dream Three: I'm on a swing set, swinging with my kids. I'm at a strange house that I don't recognize though. A couple of guys, one with a lot of piercings, walk out of the house. They start talking to me, and I think they're related to my husband somehow. I ask them, and they tell me that they're not related, just share the same last name or something. Then they tell me I need to go inside and check out what they made. I walk inside, and my mom is at the kitchen table and there's a Christmas tree on the table made of green jello?! My mom claims the guys who just left showed her how to make it. Then she starts talking about what a pain in the ass it was to carve in all the little pine needle details. For some reason I think the thing needs to have more pine needle details and less "snow" because the snow makes it look weird.

      Dream Four: I'm in some sort of Classroom, then I leave and come back. When I come back, there are people arriving dressed in cosplay. There's one girl who's actually got four pony legs and feet instead of her normal arms and legs. I marvel over her cosplay for a moment, and think I've seen her before with shorter "legs" and ask her about it. She tells me that yeah she's put them on stilts to look more life sized. I see a box on the floor nearby, it's a box with the Disney movie Tangled's princess on the front (Rapunzel). For some reason I run over and grab it and try to open it. Then a guy comes up behind me and says, "Hey! That was my box!" then he sees I tried to open it and starts crying. I'm not sure what to do about a full grown man crying, then he cries, "That was my birthday present! I was supposed to open it, not you!" I appologize and make some weak excuse that I thought it was a classroom puzzel and didn't realize it was his, then I ask him if I could tape it back closed would that make him happy again? He says yes, so I start looking for tape, and he starts crying again, "There's no tape! You can't tape it back together!" I tell him there has to be tape we are in a classroom after all, and all classrooms have tape! Then I see some on the teachers desk and tape the box back and give it to him. Then I walk to where I think my seat is, and notice everyone is opening their text book. The textbook has Black Butler on the cover! I start looking for the page, number 835, but my book only goes up to 350, then I flip back through the book looking for a page that looks like the page everyone else is on, and I find it, but book 835 is out of order and in the 250s. The teacher starts talking about Japan and I realize this is a Japanese class. Our first lesson is on Desu, and when the teacher says desU, I point out that "Don't they say Des? isn't the U silent?" and she tells me she doesn't know where I heard that but it's not the case! And she goes on talking about japan with a horrible southern woman drawl... not the sweet kind you'd hear in a movie like gone with the wind, but like the catty and snobby white and trashy woman kind. I think to myself that there is no WAY I need to learn to speak Japanese from this woman, it'll only get me laughed at if I ever actually have to speak it! But then I realize that I can ignore the way she says shit, and just learn the meanings of the words so I could read Japanese manga and not have to wait for someone to translate them. Then I wake up.

      Dream Five (Fragment): I dreamed that my best friend went to her sisters house and washed her hair, then posted the video on face book. I was watching the video in the dream, so it's hard to remember exactly what was being said and done. I just remember her sister being uncharacteristically happy about having her wash her hair, and her normally straight dark hair looked lighter, curly, and frizzy. Oh, and they used the sink, so no one was naked lol

      Updated 06-14-2016 at 01:46 AM by 53224

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    11. Video Games And Candy

      by , 06-05-2012 at 11:50 AM
      Video Games And Candy [Non-Lucid]

      I was at my cousins' house with P, G, and K, and I was playing some handheld video game that seemed to be a mix of Pokémon Yellow and a Super Mario Bros. game. As I was playing I passed through a large maze of pipes and somehow started ending up far beyond the normal screen boundary and was running over the image memory of the game where I could see lots of old Pokémon sprites with text written next to them. I don't remember much else about the game, though. Meanwhile, somewhere down the line the house I was in became my house and I was sitting on the couch in my living room, and R was sleeping next to me. My parents came up to me and my mom started handing me some blue Twizzlers and saying something somewhat loud, and I was trying to tell her to be quiet so she doesn't wake up R, but still taking a vine.
      Tags: mario, pokemon
    12. LD: Mirror Portal to the Moon/Tom DeLonge

      by , 06-05-2012 at 11:10 AM
      Older LD from 9-27-10

      I did an unplanned WBTB. I had trouble going back to sleep. Two hours later of telling myself that I was going to lucid dream, I was suddenly in a dream. I remember nothing of the transition. Only the "oh, cool. I'm in a dream now."

      This wasn't my best LD. I didn't seem to be as "aware" as I was in my previous LD. And when I awoke I did the "oh crap--how am I going to remember everything I just did?" thing. But I backtracked the best I could and came up with this:

      Lucid Dream:

      As soon as I realized that I was dreaming I started to fly. I was outside in the desert. I landed next to a car and looked at my reflection. I could see myself and I could see a person standing behind me. It was Tom from AVA. For a short time I watched him, and he watched me. I had this feeling that if I turned around to see him, he would be gone. It was a bad thing to think, because I was right....and he was gone.

      I decided to go look for a full sized mirror next because my current goal was to make a Mirror Portal and go to the moon.

      I flew just a short ways and saw a clothing store. I knew that there would be lots of mirrors inside. I went in and ran at the first mirror I saw. I hit the glass and fell back into the store. Determined I ran at it again...but hit the glass. I knew I just had to believe and I would be able to go through it. But time after time after time I kept hitting the mirror.

      Finally a store clerk came up to me. She told me that I needed to leave the store. I ran at the mirror again. I wanted to show this lady that I knew what I was doing. But I bounced off the mirror again. I was starting to get frustarated. The lady threatened to get the police if I didn't leave.

      I ran at the mirror again and bounced off. I finally decided that this wasn't working and that I needed another plan. I tried to leave the store, but the lady had barricaded the doors. I guess she had called the police about this crazy person that kept runing into her mirrors. Maybe I don't blame her.

      I was able to fly over the stuff she had put in front of the doors. We were both suddenly outside the store, but now in this small corridor that seemed to have no way out.

      I looked at the walls of the corridor. They were all mirrored. I looked at my reflection again. This time I was Tom. I looked carefully at my eyes and my hair. I squinted a bit and changed my expression fascinated by this unexpected transformation. I reached up and ran my fingers through my short hair.

      Then the dream shfts. I am outside trying to fly. I am having all sorts of difficulty getting any elevation at all. I'm frustrated bacause flying is my specialty in dreams. I shouldn't have trouble with this.

      There are these teen aged boys that keep trying to grab my legs. I try to fly out of their reach but can never quite do so.

      Finally I picture rockets on my feet. I seem to go somewhere. I am now in a canyon with this huge arch in front of me. It looks a bit like Birthday Arch that I have hiked to and climbed on. I fly through the arch and touch my fingers along the rock as I go by. That is very satisfying. I fly to the cliff above the arch and jump down to the arch. I remember being really nervous in real life about climbing to this point. And I feel slightly nervous again. But then I tell myself that I can fly if I fall. So I jump down and run across the arch then fly off the other side.

      I must have started to lose lucidity around here becasue I remember landing by the arch and talking to Kyle about fossils. And I know I wasn't lucid by the end.

      My Reflection:

      Mirror Portal Fail:

      The Arch (me at the top):

      Updated 10-26-2012 at 05:35 PM by 5578

      lucid , memorable
    13. Auditorium, I need a Condom, Naomi Russells, Zach, Rolling in Grass

      by , 06-05-2012 at 11:06 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Auditorium (Non-lucid)


      It's fairly dark in this auditorium, and I'm not sure what is going to be presented at the time. It seems everyone is focused at what's occurring behind them, and I turn around to see what it is, but I can't remember what it is.

      Whatever it is, the though of interest encroached my mind, and I think I get out some kind of electronic device, probably a camera, to take a photo of whatever it is.

      I'm presuming it's a statue of some sort, because there isn't a lot of movement going on. People start to leave, and I swear there was one group of DCs that I heard that made me think about something, but I forgot that as well.


      Spoiler for 18+ Material:

      Spoiler for 18+ Material:
      Zach from Saved By the Bell (Non-lucid)


      I only remember Zach, me, and a small group of people walking together somewhere.
      Rolling in Grass (Non-lucid)


      I'm watching that guy that plays as the main character in "Everybody Hates Chris," and his mother wanted him to go find his sister I think.

      It's late at night, and I'm wondering why the mother would send her son to do something like that. Chris dashes through this fairly high grass area that goes all the way up a few inches past his ankles. He lays on his back to roll in the grass, and to avoid farmers moving around with their tractors.

      Then I think I take on the form of Chris now, but I felt like I was in my own dream body though. Very confusing.

      Then I get up and the dream shifts to where it's way brighter than it was before, and some guy comes up to me that looks like he would be a teacher in this dream setting.

      By this point, I think I'm back to spectator view and see Chris again talking to that same guy I met. He said something about him going somewhere to get in trouble, but tell the truth, or be called gay.

      Wait what? Okay...

      Updated 06-05-2012 at 11:09 AM by 47756

    14. Mostly T-Rex Dreams

      by , 06-05-2012 at 10:53 AM
      I'm really behind on my dreams again. So I'll share a couple from last night. My memory isn't the best, but oh well.

      Dream 1:

      I was with a groupl of people and we were staying (living?) in this big place that was a bit like an indoor stadium. What made this so unique is that there was a T-rex that also lived in there (oh yes, another t-rex dream. Unfortunately I haven't been posting my other recent t-rex dreams).

      I feel like I spent that entire dream trying to get from one side of the stadium to the other without attracting the t-rex. I know at one point I was hiding in this cave-like place while the t-rex paced around the entrance, so I wasn't doing a terrible good job at avoiding it.

      Anyway...while I'm at it:

      Other recent T-rex dreams:

      I was at my friend Neisha's house. She had invited me over for a sleep over. The room we were going to sleep in was really big, like a gym with a water fall in the middle of the room. It would have been a great place for a sleep over except for one liitle problem. There was a t-rex that also lived in that room. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to relax or sleep well with that thing in there.

      And this:

      I was in the backyard of my old LA house. I was happy to be back and was enjoying the backyard. But then I noticed there was also a t-rex in the backyard. I felt a little upset. Why did we have a t-rex back here? How was I supposed to enjoy my yard if I always had to worry about being eaten. This sucked. I climbed on the roof while I pondered what I should do.

      Back to last night's dreams:

      There was this teenaged girl (Jessica S from down the street). I suddenly realized that I was her mother. I was confused at how I had gone so long without knowing this fact. I decided that I needed to go talk to her and try to start a relationship with her even though it all felt terribly awkward.

      And from two nights ago:

      I was flying. I was trying to accomplish something that I no longer remember. But I remember the feeling of flying and trying to go faster. Also impressing people with my great flying ability.
      Tags: flying, t-rex
    15. 3 pretty vivid dreams from last night.

      by , 06-05-2012 at 10:36 AM
      Crying (Non-lucid)


      I was sitting on the couch with my girlfriend, at her house. She asked me something, and I asked, "What??" She looked at me in the eyes and said, "We should break up." My eyes watered and I asked, "Why...? WHY???" Over and over. She just kept repeating, "We should break up... we should break up..." "WHHHHHYYYYY?!!?!?!?!?!" Suddenly I woke up, with the "We should break up..." still echoing in my head. Freaky! And sad. D:

      Kennywood Field Trip (Non-lucid)


      My school had gone on a Kennywood field trip. One of my favorite bands was performing a concert there. The band exists in real life, and is called "The Bunny The Bear" The dream skipped and I believe I was waiting in some line. I had won a free pair of Beats By Dre white Solo HDs. I was happy because now I owned the white and red ones(in real life I have the red solo hds). I was showing them off to everyone. Meanwhile, many other people had them, so whatever. The dream skipped again and now I was sitting in what seemed to be a mix between the cafeteria from my old school, and a concert arena. I was trying to find a place to sit. I saw places where all the unpopular kids were sitting, so I avoided those spots. I sat with some popular kids for awhile, but they just ignored my presence. Just like they do in real life!! Lol, anyways. So I got up and I believe I sat with my friend Robert. I started showing him how I would punch him in the face, or something. I wasn't physically hitting him, but my fists were flying at him at fast speeds. Suddenly, I guess maybe the manager at Kennywood, or a teacher came over, and told me to stop immediately, and that there was a strict policy at Kennywood now for fighting, so I quit. The Bunny The Bear came on shortly after. In real life, the Bear sings really high, and the Bunny sings the screaming parts. Well in my dream, the Bear was singing the high parts, and most of the screaming parts, and the Bunny didn't sing at all. It was pretty awesome though. They were playing songs I've never heard before, by them, or anybody. That's all I remember for this dream.

      Buying Candy With My Mom's Debit Card(lol) (Non-lucid)


      In this dream, I had aquired my mother's debit carb number, and I basically remembered it by heart. I was in Wal-Mart around Christmas time, although, the store had a Halloween type setting. Me and my friends were walking around the candy aisles, and we were looking at the many different types of candy. Soon they left me and I was on my own looking at the candy. First I had bought some kind of yellow drink that was flavored like a candy(I forget what the candy was, all I remember is that it had a witch on it and had the word Tornado in it), and I had also bought other candies as well. I do not remember them though. After I checked out at the register, I took my bag and walked down this path by Wal-Mart with my friend Brandon Colwell, from my old school. The path decended(aka, a hill, lol). We walked down and we were down there at some event, I don't remember what it was. The dream skipped and I was back at Wal-Mart, ready to buy more candy. This time, I was browsing the aisles alone, and closing time was near(lol). I found one of my favorite childhood candies, the Raspberry Dollars. I instantly grabbed them. I figured out there was a regular candy aisle, and a "halloween setting/candy" candy aisle. I went to the Halloween aisle. It was extra dark, and scary music played, and lights flickered, which was stupid, but anyways, I walked down the aisle and it was nothing really that special until I saw these huge boxes, with one big gummy candy inside. Each box had a different gummy creature. I went up for a closer view. They were $2.49. The ones I was looking at, at first, were giant eyeballs. I poked them. Then I went up onto this ladder to see a giant butterfly, on the box it said something like, "The King of the Forest!" Some dude and his kid were below me, and the guy was like "Wow, is that a butterfly?" I looked at him about to speak, but he gave me a terrible dirty look, so I was just like FUCK YOU THEN, lol. I climbed off the ladder and got ready to check out with my Raspberry Dollars. I thought about stealing them! I thought back to something I had watched, which was a dude explaining how to steal from Wal-Mart. He said to go out one of the back doors and throw the item outside, then, go out the front doors, run around back, and grab it. I was about to do this. I wanted to steal it because I was afraid of what my mom would say about using her debit card again, but I just ended up using it again. I was worried my mom could go online and see what I had bought. I tried to go to a register I hadn't gone to yet, because I went to a lot of them throughout the dream, lol. I went to a one with a lady sitting on a laptop, looking dead tired. She was fairly old. She looked up at me and asked, "Are you ready..." and I said yeah. I forgot the number! I looked in my pocket and it was written on the bottom of a water bottle. The numbers were jumbled up, and random, and I was very confused, but I then saw the regular debit card number to the side. It started with a 3, that's all I remember. She just sat there for about 10 seconds, then got up. Their machine was not working so they asked me to punch in the debit card number. I did, and I had bought the candy. The lady walked me out, and the parking lot was empty. It was very dark outside. We walked around, and I couldn't find my mom's car. The lady asked where it was, and I said, "They must of left!" but as soon as I said that, I saw my mom's car, lit up inside, and she was with Homer. The dream skipped and I was now getting inside the car, and the lady escorted me. I got in the seat behind the driver seat(my mom was driving). Homer was now outside the car(outside the passenger side door). My mom started crying and Homer was flipping shit on me for using the card. My mom said, "I ALREADY BOUGHT YOU CANDY WHY WOULD YOU GO AND BUY MORE?!" I told them, "I have $10 at home, I will give you it!" My mom said okay okay. My mom told me then, "That lady didn't like you at first but she did towards the end!" Whatever that means, lol. So then I realized, I only had one bag. I had forgotten the other bag with the drink and the other candies somewhere. I looked around the car, drastically. I didn't find it. I figured I left it down at that event with Brandon. Oh well, I still had my raspberry dollars. After that, Homer got in the car, and we were ready to drive home, and I woke up.

      Updated 06-05-2012 at 10:38 AM by 26565

      non-lucid , memorable
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