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    1. Smile Try Sliding

      by , 06-29-2012 at 09:10 PM (Aeolar's Lucid Reveries and other Hoopla)
      Goals: Go through a door to a city park [x] Talk to a DC [x] Meet a Master of Lucid Dreaming []

      I'm walking around in school for a while, when I notice something isn't quite right. I look around, and I look at my hands, and everything is very foggy and groggy. My left hand only has three fingers! But oh no! I'm fighting to keep in the dream, and I start stabilizing as fast as possible, turning around slowly and looking at various things. I notice that there are a lot of DC's around me, and a lot of writing on the walls. Some of it is drawings or posters or banners, but there is a lot of just plain writing on plain white walls. I see a set of double doors in front of me down the white hall, they're blue. I prepare myself, and visualize where I want to go: A city park. Fight for stability again. I feel half awake half asleep. Stay very still and just look around. Alright, ready to move on, I walk through the double doors.... I'm still in this school? Darn.

      The hallway turns to the left and I see in front of me a large group of DC's going about their normal schoolish business. The walls and tiles and ceilings of this hallway are still white, but I glance to my left and see a little piece of writing on the wall: 3 words arranged in three lines from top to bottom. Smile Try Sliding
      I took this to mean try sliding through the door to a different place, but it could have meant something else. Further along the wall is a shabby unused door, still blue, but sort of neglected. I walk up to it and visualize the city park. I walk through and end up in a maintenance shaft of an underground subway!

      "Hmmm," I think to myself, "Cities have subways.. If I just find a way out of here I'll find my way to a park!" I jump down the shaft, and start walking, looking for a way out. It looks just as a normal subway station would, all concrete with various signs and shops. I start to wander and start thinking about why I chose subways instead of where I wanted to go. I start seeing subway restaurants popping up. I take that as a queue that I should leave soon. I turn a corner and find some stairs, and at the top of that large staircase is another set of double doors. This time though they are greyish-white and have glass panes. Through the glass I see tall buildings in the distance. I go through with high hopes and almost burst with enthusiasm when I see it. A city park! It worked! Okay, what next?

      The park is set with a very modern style. Long rectangular sections of bright green grass intersected by small square strips of concrete, the corners of which have benches or lamp posts. There's a fountain far off to my left. It's replete with DC's, and I can't wait to seize the opportunity. Let's have a conversation with one! I see an elderly couple and approach them. I'm about to say hello, when I see my high school friend Becca in the distance, with red roses in her hair, and wearing all black. She's walking with a tall boy, and I run over calling her name "Becca! Becca!" When I catch up the boy tells me that's not her name, it's "Jayme(maybe?)" Anyways, I know it's Becca, and we start talking about my recent dreams. I tell her all about this girl I used to have a crush on and all this drama she had with her friends. It's so easy to talk to her, because she completely understands!! Who would have known that I know everything about myself?

      I get immersed in the conversation and the dream fades out, but I don't move. Soon the dream shows me this schedule/time chart that seems to be of that dream. It scrolls down to the bottom of the list and focuses on a line. "9 PM - a Competition" Now I am standing with a huge group of people and there is a lady with a megaphone announcing groups. I quickly learn that this is a game based around dreamers and is organized based on their skill levels. I see myself stand up exuberantly, jumping with joy that I was assigned the "Adept" group of dream skill. The whole group gets put in place and we start walking down the road. Behind us are policemen holding flashing yellow lights, and talking into hidden microphones like secret service agents. o.O
    2. I run away from scary girls!!

      by , 06-29-2012 at 09:09 PM (Aeolar's Lucid Reveries and other Hoopla)
      6/28, or Day 1:
      Goals: Fly [x] Summon a master of LDing [] Open a door to a completely different place []

      It's quite a jumble of dream stories, but I end up having to wait for my grandpa to get up at 4 AM so that we can go fly kites. I get out of my room and walk down the hall to see my cousin Amanda. Except her face isn't that clear. Is that really her? I tell her that we're flying kites and we need to go, and that she needs to wake grandpa up. I walk outside, thinking it strange, somewhat sinister that Amanda was in my house at 4 AM. I do an RC and I can't really see my hands, so I fly up into the air to see Amanda running out the door looking for me! She was looking all around and seemed furious that I got away. I felt relieved that she couldn't get me up here, and I floated back into my bed.

      Synopsis: My first attempt at lucid dreaming, and I did it! I went to bed at 10:30, woke up naturally at about 3:30, then performed a WBTB for 45 minutes.
    3. A New Way of Fighting

      by , 06-29-2012 at 08:25 PM
      At some points during this dream, I was the main character. Other times, I was not. The first part I remember was being on a Battlefield with a whole army of friendlies and a small army of enemies. Me and the enemy agreed to give each other a chance to pick our tactics and reload our weapons. This happened in a deserted city somewhere in a video game, it seemed like it. As an entrance, we all had to get in to a small vehicle of some sort and make our way back to the headquarters inside a warehouse. As everyone on my time was busy finding their vehicles, I tried to find mine on a small table of helicopters and artillery. At first, I picked an artillery but, I couldn't get in it. So the second time, I entered a plane that flew me to the headquarters. When me and my whole team finally got there, we saw so many tables of guns and ammo. Not real guns but pellet and bb guns. I walked around to see which one I like and when I finally did, I started loading bb's in to it. I did this as fast as I could, so that the enemy doesn't reach us before we could attack. There was a pellet gun that I really liked. It looked kind of like mine in real life. I picked it up and without loading and pellets in to it, I aimed in towards the entrance in front of me and was ready to attack. The enemy finally calls out to us and my whole team shouted in excitement and started firing at the enemy in front of the garage door. I aimed the gun and started shooting down enemies one by one. I finally killed so many that an enemy soldier saw me and started to tell some of his soldiers to shoot me. I dodged all the attacks I could and shot as many pellets as I could. I was never hit. At some point, I did manage to shoot the soldier in the forehead, but he still didn't seem fazed by the pellet. The dream ended.
    4. Queen OpheliaBlue. June 29th 2012.

      by , 06-29-2012 at 06:13 PM (Dream Journal)

      I didn't manage to record this dream down, but it was too good not to type up . (This is the first of the 4 dreams i recalled this morning)

      I was at a town, like whiterun on skyrim. I was talking to a woman, who may have been OpheliaBlue. She told me to go and kill someone located in the town, so I set off to find this man. I went to the gates and commanded the archers to fire all of their arrows. They killed loads of people and one just so happened to be the guy I was looking for. I then heard Ophelia's voice. She said "I must kill you now." I ran back to her and saw her stood in the middle of a glowing circle. We then started fighting for only 30 seconds, I was victorious >:-)

      I can't remember much because of the amount of time I had in the morning. Thanks for reading
      Tags: game
    5. Small random fragments

      by , 06-29-2012 at 06:06 PM
      Just a couple fragments today... I'm probably adjusting to my new mattress or something.

      The first fragment involved me in this jumbled-up area... I remember being outside as part of the fragment I remember, perhaps in a baseball field? I dunno, except that it felt like it was near a school, and I find some really past-due paperwork in the grass, or something. What the paperwork is for, I'm not sure. That's literally all I have for this fragment.

      The second fragment, on the other hand, doesn't feel like I'm involved at all... just observing. It feels more like I'm watching someone else's dream. And it almost seems like THEY might be lucid, but of course I'M not lucid. Heh... Anyways, there's a guy there that I believe strongly resembles the knight motif, and he has two companions. One seems to be... incorporeal or something, and the other is hurt. So this heroic knight volunteers to go into this cave, or building, or whatever, alone. And then most of the stuff here is forgotten, unfortunately. But it seems he was valiantly successful, and I see him curing his hurt friend with some magic he found, or something. Again, very, very blurry. I hope my normal recall comes back in a couple days.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Hanging Out With Family, Shady Diner, Taking A Vacation

      by , 06-29-2012 at 05:12 PM
      The Other Day

      Dream Fragment - R and I were just standing around in the middle of nowhere, and I was vaguely aware that we were both supposedly watching some kind of sex tape, though we could only hear it and not see it. There were people making lots of "-uh" sounds like, "fuh", "wuh", and "buh", and as I was hearing them, I could see, in a separate but equally full field of perception, an empty black space where these words would suddenly appear in large, white Times New Roman font (and all with their first letters capitalized, too), and then they would just slide off to the side and disappear.


      Dream Fragment - A friend of mine, I want to say M but I'm not totally sure, and my old acid dealer, S, were working as cocktail waitresses in a casino in Las Vegas, and all I really remember is that S's outfit was oh-so-flattering, omochikaeri!~


      All night I kept having these half-awake/half-asleep thoughts about the 5-HT2A receptor, but I can't remember what any of them were now. The other night it happened to me about D1 and D2, also. Strange... but anyway....

      #1 - Hanging Out With Family [Non-Lucid]

      My cousin P and I were at my aunt and uncles' house for most of this dream, and we may have ported here from a card shop or something but I'm not entirely sure.... I just remember that for a good deal of time the dream was dealing with Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. At one point I got really excited because I found a normal monster card with (I think) 10 stars and stats that read ATK/42 DEF/1000000. (In fact, at at least a couple different points in the dream I'm pretty sure it had gone up to 1000000000. Though, I think the (incredibly odd, for Yu-Gi-Oh!) 42 had also dropped down to 0. ) I couldn't stop thinking about how easily I could screw someone over by placing it in face-down defense position and having it get attacked. X) At some point P and I had ordered a pizza that looked like it was just cheese, but I recall taking a slice that had pepperoni and roma tomatoes on it somehow. I was really confused because I realized that I didn't know where I had put that card down, and I was pretty sure... pretty sure that it had now become a part of the pizza. ._. I was actively searching the pizza for signs of its ATK/DEF stat, but to no avail. I was saddened and walked off, and (still not having eaten it), raised my slice of pizza to my mouth but the toppings fell off. I reached down to the floor and picked them up, grease and all, and wiped them off on my clothes and put them back on the pizza and ate them. WTF, me! It did taste good, though. After that I walked down the hallway and briefly talked to my cousin AB, though I can't remember about what, and then when I went down the NEXT hallway I ran into her husband PB. He asked me something about the way that I was acting, and I pointed out to him that I wasn't really super drunk but I had been earlier, so I was still feeling pretty buzzed. After that he left and my cousin AD (P's mom) came in to the hallway and walked into the room through the doorway I was standing by, and started saying something about the lighting, but then I woke up.

      #2 - Shady Diner [DILD]

      Unfortunately I don't really remember much of this one because I'm pretty sure I never fully woke up after it and before the next dream. :T I was at some kind of a food restaurant, it looked like one of those tiny roadside diner places, and I remember that everyone was giving me weird looks. I don't recall much else aside from having either a tiny purse or a brown paper bag (or possibly both on different glances) and becoming lucid and realizing that there was food in front of me. I want to say it was a brownie or something...? Well, whatever it was, I ate it and it was delicious, but that was the end of the dream. >w<

      #3 - Taking A Vacation [Non-Lucid]

      I was on vacation, I want to say with M and ND (though I only saw them at different times, I believe). ND and I were walking around trying to find some guy and his girlfriend who I think was ND's friend who lived in the place where we were visiting, so they were going to show us around a bit. I remember that when we found them we started walking through these long halls of what seemed like tiny, tiny living rooms that people were living in like apartments, and we were waltzing right on through. I only really remember the last two, with the first being filled with people playing Wii Sports bowling, and a girl sort of half-heartedly saying "Let's play!", and the second being a room with just a guy sitting in what looked like a comfy sofa chair and clearly holding in smoke as to not seem suspicious. After we got out of there ND and I broke into laughter, and I told him that if we stayed there long enough I might try to find some weed myself since it seems like it'd be pretty easy. He says we might not be, but I say I might try to find some anyway. Somehow it suddenly started raining really hard outside and magically we all had hoodies or jackets on, so we ducked into this big building right next to where we were standing, which was I think by some kind of mini train tracks or something. Inside the building there were lots of those kids rides where it's the horse/rocket/tiny car/whatever (these were all various tiny cars) that you get in and it rocks back and forth as if you were actually riding it/in it. We were just inspecting them for a minute, and then I woke up.
    7. Lesbic Dream...

      by , 06-29-2012 at 04:56 PM
      I personally do not like dreaming having sex with other women but I know that this does not determine my sexual orientation. This dream in particular catches my attention since I dreamed with my associate. I am going to start a business and dreaming that made me think what is the message behind it. Perhaps it is positive? Meaning that our connection is so that we will definetely have success in whatever entrepeneurship we head to.
    8. Hp

      by , 06-29-2012 at 04:36 PM (Adventures of Dreamguy)
      I dreamt about harry potter
    9. Famous Programmer or Quantum Leap?

      by , 06-29-2012 at 04:06 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      While trying to recall the riding bike to school I dream about being a famous computer programmer.

      1) I am at a desk with other programmable in a room full of cubicles. I am looking for the last hidden wifi hub. It looks like a fat ta. Colored Frisbee. I give it to a guy and he makes a big deal. I remember something as if it happened in the past. Someone saying that if all were found a new technology would be released truly wireless internet at faster speeds than satellite DSL or cable. It would work like satellite but be more like a super high speed high range neighborhood wifi. I knew all this in a flash. People were also celebrating because I was suddenly revealed as a prodigy programmer who wrote amazing programs single handedly but anonymously. I am looked with awe. I see that one actor and sees me and is like ah dude ha ha. I remember the time I asked for his help and had no clue what I was doing. I just look at like it was all an act. We sit in desk chairs next to each other and I get the feeling that every one will expect to see me code. I realize I have no clue how all this happened and have no memory of coding anything. I try to visualize code but I could make no sense of it. I an really scared they will know. I wake up.

      2)Jeff sprays me with a sleeping spray. Like a cologne at work. I turn around and I am getting socks out of NY dresser. Then I slump over and feel really sleepy. I cant move. I try to relax. Then I am laying straight in bed. I wake up.
    10. She's Yelling, Jason Statham

      by , 06-29-2012 at 03:18 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      She's Yelling (Non-lucid)


      I only remember sitting next to a girl that looked like Ashley who attends my University as well I believe. She gets annoyed at me for something I'm doing.

      I wonder why she's annoyed, but I didn't say anything to her, she puts me on the spot.
      Jason Statham's Lecture On Talent (Non-lucid)


      I swear I had this dream before a loooong time ago, like years ago, except with a different character lecturing me.....ugh.....or maybe not....

      I'm walking down the hall somewhere and Jason Statham is showing me what real talent is. He turns around after both of us walk some distance from the entrance we came into.

      He gets his gun and aims it at some random person who basically serves as a dummy to be shot at. He said something about that if you shoot a person in the head, chest, and some other place I forgot, it doesn't mean you're talented.

      Ummmm okay, thanks for giving me a Morals and Ethics on Killing 101 crash course.


      Updated 06-30-2012 at 02:56 AM by 47756

    11. Friday, June 29th

      by , 06-29-2012 at 03:13 PM
      The dream is very foggy now, but it was quite long. I remember starting out in a dark room, there were lots of green, dimly glowing xbox controllers laying around, and I went down a roller coaster in a seat next to some girl who was in a cheer leading outfit. She didn't look familiar, and her face is hard to remember, it just looked like a very generic face. She had brown hair I think, and her cheer leading colors were light blue and white (Nothing like my school's). Then I remember showing up at a school party. That's not even half the dream, but I can't remember the rest.
    12. To Do List:

      by , 06-29-2012 at 03:09 PM
      I'm going to be busy for a while:

      Short Term Goals:

      Learn to control lucidity within 2 months []
      Keep it []

      Top priority:
      Obtain Lucidity [X]
      keep it []
      find room []
      Learn to hone in powers []
      Find and confront Shadow Man and/or shadow creature []
      Find gaps in small spaces in places I know that lead somewhere []
      find and confront the 4 people who shot me []
      Go back to nightmares I remember and kick some sorry ass []

      2nd priority:
      just knowing it [X]
      10% control []
      50% control []
      100% control []

      just knowing it [X]
      10% control []
      50% control []
      100% control []

      Super psychic explosion?

      music orientated shockwaves [X]
      inside the room [X]
      10% control []
      50% control []
      100%control []
      outside the room []

      super jump []

      use physics of super jump to run ridiculusly fast []

      Kamehameha wave [/] it flopped

      Learn to do what ever the frack I want []

      misc powers []

      3rd priority:
      become lucid while listening to music []
      Become lucid while listening to music so I can kick ass to my favorite music >
      Go deep within my own mind and find things I never knew []
      find out if my memory really is a fileing storage []
      HOT SEX!! []
      fiddle around with my subconcious transmitters so I can do more.
      open a portal leading to other people's dreams so I can help them if they're having a nightmare then mysteriously leave lol []
      more High Definition Dragon Ball Z fights []

      Last thing to do:
      help my story and roam []

      My Second Adventure:

      Dream Share []

      Updated 08-07-2012 at 04:50 PM by 25601

    13. Reading My Dad's Book; The Dead Preacher's Wife; The Vampires

      by , 06-29-2012 at 03:03 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Reading My Dad's Book

      My father never actually wrote a book, but he wrote a lot, and talked about writing a screenplay IWL.

      I was reading a book my dad wrote. It had just come back from the printer.

      I was able to make out the words very well, though I only read one sentence. I was busy editing in my mind. Much of the book had been printed the way my dad used to print--all caps. I began noticing letters were transposed, and then I noticed that not all of the sentences were all caps. I wanted to 'tell my dad that he should have let me edit his work before sending it to the printer.

      I tried to not be the editor for my dads big day, so I started to just read. I read a sentence that ended up making sense, but deserved a rewrite. It was something like, "He didn't put 'He didn't do it on purpose..."

      As I read it, I worked out the logic that it actually made sense. It wasn't dream-logic.

      The End

      The Preacher and his Wife Divorce

      The news was covering the death of a preacher's wife. I was viewing the coverage on-site. The camera panned all around a yard that was flooded on 3 sides. The camera didn't show the fourth side of the house. The water was muddy red.

      Then preacher had passed. She was alone and dealing with the estate. The newscaster asked the woman what she was wearing. The preacher's wife said, "A necklace." She wanted another one because her husband rarely got her anything...or something like that.

      Dream skip

      I'm in the same house, but now there is a girl and a vampire. The girl had just been bitten that day. She was starting to feel weird and was freaking out. She was getting upset. The man wasn't mad at her for being upset because he knew she was now a vampire because of him. He tried to comfort her.

      They were lying down on a marble floor to go to sleep. They had no bed, sheets, pillows, or anything. He kept getting closer to her to comfort her. It seems that scene played out twice.

      Dream skip

      The girl is just a girl. She had short blond hair. She was kind of cute. Apparently she had been dancing the night before, but I missed it. I think I'd been drunk and fell asleep. I told her that I would like to see her dance (naked was not the implication). I told her I thought she was really pretty and I didn't get to see her dance the night before.

      She asked if I really wanted to see her dance. I said I would love to, so she got up and shook her hips right there in preparation to get up where she was going to go to dance.

      When she walked to where she was going to dance, she disappeared. Two guys then came out of an adjacent room. I was waiting for the girl to come out.

      One of the guys then stood making himself look really funny. He bowed his legs and separated them really far. This made his legs really thin and long, and made his body short and high up off the ground. I laughed out loud in my dream.

      Eventually the girl came back out, but she looked like a female version of one of the guys...and too much like a guy. I completely lost interest and my dream ended.

      Updated 06-29-2012 at 03:33 PM by 41873

      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Seventy-Eight

      by , 06-29-2012 at 02:33 PM
      In which I narrowly avoid stepping on a rattlesnake...

      I’m walking barefoot down some concrete apartment steps at night. E is just behind me, and my right hand is on the metal railing. The lighting is poor, and it’s dark enough that I only barely see what looks like a colorful bandana on the step below. I’m about to place my foot on it and continue when I think of the live coral snake we saw in the street a couple of weeks ago, so I quickly lift my foot back up and halt. E bumps into me, and I point at the step.

      I squat on the step and bend forward to get a better look. I hear hissing and rattling, and I jump back several feet up the stairs. E and I fall over back on the balcony, and her hands are on my shoulders. “There’s no mistaking that sound,” she says.

      In which I feel a lot of guilt for ruining a family 4th of July gathering...

      It’s the 4th of July, and I’m at my grandmother’s house with my brother and uncle. I’ve brought along some flags, and A pulls out a tin drum. We don’t have a flute, but my brother has a basket of eggs from my chickens and somehow this is a good substitute. We start to march down the street playing Yankee Doodle, but A stumbles over a rock in the street. He stops playing drums and our mini-parade halts. We try to get him to keep walking, but he just stares at the rock and says he can’t figure out how to get around it.

      My brother and I go back into the house. I suggest that we dye the eggs and have an egg search, but he thinks this idea is silly. We sit down in the living room with my grandmother who is watching TV at such a loud volume that we can’t talk to each other.

      I look out the window and A is still standing there in front of the rock. I tell him to just walk around it. He shuffles slightly to the right and left, and then he throws his arms up in the air as if to say that it’s impossible.

      I walk out to the street and tell him that he has a cerebellar disorder. I know because I have one too. I tell him about the sheep’s brain we dissected. We just need to eat more cauliflower. He agrees, but he’s angry now. We go back into the house, and he joins us in watching TV.

      I decide to leave because I’m bored and irritated. I feel really terrible that the whole day was such a disaster. I feel like it was somehow my fault.

      Updated 06-29-2012 at 02:36 PM by 38879

    15. 28.06.2012 - 2 x non lucid dreams (many ore forgotten)

      by , 06-29-2012 at 10:29 AM
      Date: 28/06/2012
      Place: My own bed
      Time of getting into bed: 1.30am

      Bad recall last night. I was too tired, and even though I woke after each dream, I didn't write them all down.
      Dream 1 - non lucid

      We are at N's aunt's house. Although the house bears resemblance to the RL house, it is a little different. It is N's Uncle's birthday, and there are lots of elaborate decorations around. My younger brother is sleeping over, as are a few other people. Most of them are already asleep in their sleeping bags. I am being sent to fetch some orange juice, as the house is so big it takes me some time. When I finally get back, they now want wine, and this goes on for most of the dream. N's uncle is rather drunk, but friendly. I'm trying to show N how big the house is by taking him round, we pass parrots in cages. We also pass a girl, crying to another girl in a room about how she 'shouldn't love him' but she can't help it. Eventually we settle down to sleep, and I notice a tiny little robin (the bird) made out of paper origami. It flitters and flutters around, and I am amazed at it, but everyone else seems not to care.
      Dream 2 - non lucid

      Went to a house, I believe to have my teeth checked out as it was my dentist's house. We were a little late, and my dentist (a good looking young polish women) tuts at us but still lets us in. She finishes making her dinner (mashed potato and something else) and sits at the table to eat. We join her but don't eat. She offered us tickets to see a band that I really like, but she wants £200 for 2 tickets, which is ridiculous! So I pass. Then a man comes in with his baby, and throws his baby around the room. The baby hits it's legs on the table and starts crying, but the man wasn't trying to hurt the baby, just make it happy. He continues to throw it around, but as it keeps crying he sits down and tries to stop it crying by cooing and kissing it.

      I visited N's aunt's house once, to celebrate a birthday
      I recently went to the dentist
      I recently saw the band who the tickets were for
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