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    1. Back... Yay!

      by , 06-27-2012 at 10:43 PM
      Well, I was supposed to stay until Saturday but the fire in the Springs caused us to have an evac out of the Academy so I got back early.

      Anyways, dreamwise it was pretty uneventful. First off, in my room there was a swamp cooler right next to the bunks and we weren't allowed to turn it off. Basically, we froze to death and it was really hard to fall asleep. Once you did it was really hard to stay asleep too because you would wake up and wonder what time it was (not allowed to have watches) and if your Flight Sergeant was about to blow the air horn in your room to wake you up.

      When I DID stay asleep long enough to have some dreams, I just kept having dreams *cough*nightmares*cough* about doing drill and being yelled at by my First Sergeant a bunch, my boots giving me massive blisters, my BDU's ripping and other things among the many horrors that could happen at a CAP encampment. So ya, those are really the only dreams I remember because we also had to get up at somewhere between 4:30 and 6:00 I'm guessing and go do PT so I didn't have time to focus on dreaming.

      To be honest though, I really didn't want to have any real good dreams or lucid ones while I was gone because I wouldn't have a place to record them and might forget some important details, and I wanted to focus on the encampment itself. But now that I can actually sleep in my own bed I am going to go work on dreaming again.
      side notes
    2. The Man Who Tore His Own Mouth Off

      by , 06-27-2012 at 10:27 PM (The Realm of the Child)
      This was merely a fragment of a dream, though it was quite... disturbing to remember when I woke up in the morning.

      The Man Who Tore His Own Mouth Off

      I don't remember where or when this dream originally took place. It seemed like a futuristic grotto of sorts, filled with large, sci-fi buildings and greenery hanging from the sides of those buildings. Though, I remember only one thing; a man. He was of white skin color, had black hair, was of a fat and round build and wore an open gray hoodie with a yellow t-shirt underneath, and baggy gray jeans. He looked pretty standard anyways. I was told by what I thought was my brother that this was a video that I had to watch, and it wasn't really a video. It seemed to be in the same futuristic place. He began opening his mouth manually with his hands, as if he couldn't do it on his own or something. Though, it soon became apparent that he was about to inflict some serious self-harm on himself, and on purpose, too. He opened until it was wide enough, though seemingly emotionless to the whole act. Not a peep or an expression of joy or pain. He stuck a hand in his mouth, and did what I wouldn't have ever expected. He began trying to pull out his lower jaw, and I began to see it come out of his mouth. I covered most of the view with my hand, save for his eyes, though being in a dream, I could see through my hand. He pulled out the lower row of teeth he had, and threw it on the ground without any protest. He then gripped his upper jaw, and did the impossible. He was going to tear out his whole maw, lips and all. I watched it, the blood beginning to flow, and I felt horrible. It soon was halfway out, and the mouth was like a funnel shaped organ as it came out of a blank hole in his head, and once the mouth was out, it was a tube connected to a smaller one in a hole. He began to show some serious pain, and his eyes began to water with tears. He then somehow yelled out "It hurts!" in perfect tone, like his mouth was still there, though it was still being held in the man's hand. I don't remember what happened next, but it was certainly disheartening.
    3. 6/27/12 - After falling back asleep :)

      by , 06-27-2012 at 08:58 PM
      I fell back asleep eventually and had more dreams, yay! But I woke up hours ago and forgot most of my details, so this will probably be much less detailed than usual.

      Dream One: I'm watching some videos on youtube where a girl is attacking my character and saying all these awful things about how I can't lead people and I'm not strong enough to run for class president or something. Then she goes on and on about how I suck at organization and if I'm elected I would ruin their class council. I'm sitting with a blond guy, and at first I'm pretty upset that this chic is dissing me, but then I realize it's actually pretty funny. I don't want to be Class President, and I'm not sure how I got put on the ballet. I'm not campaigning or anything, so I'm pretty sure no one will think to vote for me and I'd lose by default. But this chic apparently feels so threatened by me, she's basing her entire campaign on smearing me instead of making herself look good... and that tactic just shows what a bad person she is. Personally, I'd vote for her opponent just because she's being so mean and horrible, I wouldn't want someone like that representing me. The guy is laughing with me about it all, but he offers the insight that she's the one who put me on the ballet because it would give her a chance to publicly make me look bad. Apparently she's jealous that we're hanging out or something.

      Dream Two: There's a voice coming from a chimney, a storm raging outside. The voice claims to be a faerie and it's shouting that evil faeries are trying to get in from the storm and I have to keep them out! The voice starts screaming there are leprechauns in the attic, and my grandma rushes upstairs to run them out, but she doesn't see any. I'm looking all over and I don't see any. SO I get curious about this voice, and it turns out to be a woman hiding in the chimney. She tells me she's channeling the voice of the leprechaun and speaking his words not her own, but I find this hard to believe and part of me thinks she's crazy. I wake up feeling bad for thinking someone was crazy just because I can't see what she can.

      Dream Three: I walk into a house with my husband, but the lights are dim and the place is a total mess. It's like what you'd expect College kids to be living in, lol. There are two guys chilling out in there. One has a beanie on and his hair is too short to show under it. The other is also wearing a beanie but he has long curly black hair that's longer than mine has ever been, halfway down his back and so thick and frizzy it's crazy! My husband is talking to the short haired one about getting a tattoo, but the short haired one seems pretty intoxicated. I don't think it's a good idea, but my husband asks for it anyways. I wonder off and run into the long haired guy, he shows me a tattoo he has of a lady bug, and it's actually not all girly like you'd think. I think it's pretty cool, but my husband calls me back to the shirt haired guy, and I hold my husbands hand while short haired dude starts to give him a tattoo of a star on his elbow. Only the short haired dude is so drunk or stoned or both, that he just makes a big inky squiggly line. My husband freaks out because a tattoo is permanent and this guy has made a permanent mess of his arm! The guy with long hair tells him he should have listened to his hot wife, and then offers to try and fade it. He takes us into the kitchen and puts some sort of creme on it. Then we realize my husband's hand is covered in ink, and so are his feet! He's been leaking inky foot prints everywhere he walked. I freak out and start apologizing, but the long haired due tells me to relax, they've already stained the carpets up real bad, they don't mind a couple more, it makes it look like art! Then I wake up.
    4. Future Haunted Prison

      by , 06-27-2012 at 08:38 PM
      This is a dream I would pay money to remember in exact detail. It was very vivid, gritty, emotional, and at times completely irrational. Again, I want to blame something for my poor recall. So I mention this is additional support for my theory that: irrational dreams are especially forgettable. At the end of the dream things got super weird and my recall of those events is very spotty.

      A detailed beginning is completely forgotten:

      I was in a very old, run down, poorly light blue, futuristic indoor complex. It was large and imposing but looked darkened and vacant. I was determined to release a group of people from some kind of stasis prison. I seemed to know exactly where to go. I used some kind of stealth device to sneak into a giant room filled with rows of beds with wavy metal gates. I would say at least 60-people in rows stacked to the ceiling were in this large medical-like room.

      In the middle of the room, off to one side against the wall was a brightly (white) illuminated bed. The guard I was sneaking up on was laying on it with a blanket trembling with fear. I was going to knock him out when I noticed he was fixated on a point deeper into the room. When I looked I saw what he saw.. It was a ghost. A cloudy looking young man with an outstretched arm walking towards him in a distressed looking manner. I remember thinking, what are the odds I would come to release these people and a ghost would show up?

      There was a panel on the guards bed with an orange LED on it. I twisted the knob and all the bed grates began to slowly lower at the same time. The guard saw me when my stealth wrinkled. He was so terrified by the apparition he made no attempt to stop me.

      Things go completely hazy at this point...

      Next thing I know I am about to enter a "very" haunted area of the complex. I had a powerful high-tech camera with a large screen that allowed me to see in the dark. It was not the ugly green infrared look, it was a pale blue display and it was strikingly clear. When I looked without the camera, everything was almost pitch black. The hall was at least 20ft wide, went forward about 15ft leading to a small set of two or three stairs to a split-level hall leading to the left. The hall had many doors. I remember heavy dust in the air. Long rips in the carpets and clawed looking walls. It was much, much older and worn down than the rest of the complex.

      No sooner had I taken a few steps down the hall when I saw a flare of light on the camera. Then, a terrible sounding groaning noise started down the hall and two shabby looking ghosts turned the corner heading towards me. I put down the camera and looked. I saw nothing but I could hear the weird, disturbing moaning getting closer.

      This was too much. I hurried out of the hall the way I came. I shut the wooden doors behind me. I could still hear the moaning getting closer. I was standing in a bustling police station. Apparently, the "haunted wing" of the police station had been condemned... I announced, "Two ghosts are following me." Everyone reacted with irritation. I stepped away from the door and turned around. I could see the broken yellow police tape on the door.

      To my shock, the two homeless looking ghosts appeared in front of the door looking at me. I heard men yell with fear in the station. Somebody shot some kind of energy weapon that exploded sparks of light everywhere and one ghost vanished.

      At this point the dream gets very irrational and unstable. There was some weird thing about shooting a boot. A large plastic shotgun. And some huge super cop that could out perform everyone in the station, including me. I'm almost certain he "took out" the first ghost , and, took out the second ghost in a spectacular way which replayed/repeated like a sports highlight. --Then I woke up.

      Note: This dream has many common elements/dream signs: police, prison, desolate future, undead, LCD, and long halls. Even the poorly recalled super cop seemed like a trickster.

      Updated 06-28-2012 at 08:29 AM by 32174 (Clairifications, additional details, and proof reading.)

      nightmare , memorable , dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    5. The only thing I remember

      by , 06-27-2012 at 07:42 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Was being in a in an animal shelter.
      Tags: animals
    6. The Strange House

      by , 06-27-2012 at 07:41 PM
      Found myself waking up just before 5 AM and decided to try attempting a WILD. I relaxed my body, laid very still, and started counting backwards from 100. I saw some HI and I'm fairly certain I managed to get into SP. But I was still very much aware of my body, thanks to the pets sleeping on the bed with me. And the HI eventually trailed off without any sort of dream. After about an hour (I could hear the clock chiming downstairs), I gave up. Of course, I ended up slipping into non-lucid dreams not long after giving up my awareness.

      I'm on the upper level of an unfamiliar house. It seems that one of Dad's friends cannot sell the house and needs someone to occupy it. I'm going to take a bedroom that once belonged to the guy's daughter, who was a friend of mine. It's a square-shaped room, smaller than my own bedroom. The walls are painted light blue. There's a bed on the wall across from the door, and two cots on either side. Otherwise, there's no other furniture. The beds aren't made, but instead there's sheets and blankets spread on top. It almost looks like whoever was staying there didn't really care. I start collecting all the sheets to throw in the wash. One of them is actually from a set I own. I'm a little puzzled to see it here because I remember deciding not to use it at home. As I get to the bottom of the sheets, I find a pile of poop on top of the mattress! I am absolutely horrified anyone could have been sleeping on this mess. I dispose of the poop. The bedding is piled on the floor, ready to go downstairs into the washer. I'm also determined to flip the mattress over so I can sleep on the "clean" side.

      The next room has floral print wallpaper, a desk with an old computer, and a computer monitor that has been installed inside the wall. The computer is an old Apple IIGS. Amazingly, it still runs, but as it boots up, I'm surprised to see it running Windows 95.

      I head downstairs, but oddly enough, I'm now in my own house. Someone is in the kitchen, playing with the knives in the knife block. He takes my chef's knife and bends it like it's a piece of aluminum. I'm furious! I start yelling at him about how it's the only knife I like to use.

      There's a commotion near the front door. I leave the kitchen and look outside. There's a truck that's pulled up in the driveway. For some reason, I believe that they're here to take away my satellite television. Somehow, I have an iPod in my hand full of illegal video downloads. I have to hide it before they find my downloads! Luckily, some sort of barrier pops up blocking anyone from seeing me from the window.

      I move into the laundry room to add something to the washer, but it's full. I realize it must be all those sheets from the other house, of course. The door to the garage is slightly open, and I see there's light on the other side. That shouldn't happen unless the garage itself is open. I take a look and find that the TV guys are in the garage, wanting to come in to get the TV.
    7. 8th Lucid

      by , 06-27-2012 at 07:13 PM (Just the lucids)

      I was having a zombie dream and out of nowhere, while I was standing indoors somewhere I remember looking at my hands and seeing 6 fingers and going OH YA! I paused for a while and told myself not to forget that I was dreaming but like 5 seconds after I started walking down a random hallway, I completely forgot and can't remember any more of the dream.
    8. black cobra

      by , 06-27-2012 at 07:09 PM
      I was outside my house with my dad and another man. I was under the carport I saw a black cobra it shot its tongue out and it hit me in the foot it started to come after me my breathing got heaver and I jumped over the snake and the other man jumped on it and killed it he said I think it got me then I woke up.
    9. A robbery inside a robbery

      by , 06-27-2012 at 06:32 PM
      in the dream, it is like i'm watching something- or i
      i am in another dream inside it. there are 4 people
      who go to a temple with the intention of stealing
      something from it. it is dusk and everyone leaves.
      The lamp is still lit and I consciously say
      'ohm' in my dream, with the vibration reverberating
      thruoghout my body. I feel the entire universe in
      the sound- the mountains, the seas, the land and life.

      they stay inside the temple. Next morning the poojari
      comes- who is actor 'innocent'. and everyone but one
      person of the four is caught. There is terror
      in the face of the assailant. Then shows the backside
      of the temple and that same light of the previous

      The light, the temple and the area around it turns
      into one huge sketch, as if drawn by me.
      I am in an apartment with students and families
      and there is a stationary shop in the 2nd floor. Here
      there is a room where people keep their personal things
      like clothes, food, books etc.

      I steal my school friend Nikhils clothes and food.
      I feel the fear of getting caught and Immediately
      sandeep my college friend comes and he tells
      nikhil. The next scene is nikhil coming in the room.
      I am shocked, with terror in my face. But I admit I
      was wrong. And I will not do it and I return
      everything to which he denies- he says take it.
      I apologize. And at that moment, I did an RC.
      I understood it was a dream, felt a kind of excitement
      and the dream went blank- black screen.

      I saw some light and I thought I had opened my eyes and
      the time was 7 in the morning but when I really
      opened my eyes a moment after, it was still dark,
      possible 5 in the morning. And It was 5 in the morning.
      Tags: grd, school
    10. 06/26/12.Two Small LDs WBTB and DEILD

      by , 06-27-2012 at 04:36 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      I normally do not bother journaling small unimpressive LDs, but I am now for the Comp. Thread. It is good for me anyways. I had taken ambien but no alcohol. Drinking seems to be the worst for my LDing. I have been under lots of work pressure, and have been having nightly drinks. Last Comp. this totally ruined my score. I had good luck with ambien w/out drinking, but the dreams where short and unimpressive.

      1st a WBTB that succeeded but I could not stay concious long due to the sedative. I woke up and looked on Dream Views and then laid on my back and counted breaths. The WILD was successful after only 5 minutes or so. When the sense of my body was gone I appeared in a dream that just had confusing noise and rapidly shifting images. I remembered the Comp and my first goal of flying. I focused and was having trouble, again due to the sedative. After about 20 seconds I took off in a swan dive kind of flight. The visuals switched to 3rd person, but the tactile was vivid feeling of me flying. I only got to fly for less than 1/2 a minute, because I was so drugged I drifted into unconciousness. Dur~1-2 minutes.

      2nd DEILD I woke from a disturbing confused dream. I stayed still and followed the trail of the last dream to enter a dream. I was suddenly lucid, and surrounded by vague DCs who all were all trying to make me panic about a deadline or something. I also got a feel of adernalin like I was in a hurry and in trouble. LAME! I calmed down and realized I had stepped in to a work stress dream. I finally told the DCs to leave me alone as it was a dream and the work stuff was bothering me. The dream became unstable and I awoke.

      Pretty lame results, but I need the ambien due to my job. I will skip it when I can, and have stoppeed having drinks, so that will help.
    11. Religious dream and carnival

      by , 06-27-2012 at 03:49 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      1) A minister prayed for me and black goo came out of my hands and vanished. I felt cleansed and at peace. Then my bro in law, A, was suspect. We convinced him and his wife. She said ew get it out. The minister said I had to do it but I didn't believe. in myself enough. It was only partial and he saw paralyzed with fear as the black goo ran from his hands.

      * religious dreams have a deeper meaning to me. This dream was about some negative emotions and stress at my job. It is up to me to have a different attitude.

      2) My wife kids and I were at an annual carnival. it was huge this year with rides. I think my wife is pregnant and she can't ride. I felt bad for her. I see my ex and her mom. oh great look who it is. I wonder around looking for addmission prices. A security guard stops me and tells me I can't cut in line. I tell him I. just want to know admission prices. He says he's doesn't know. I ask him why he's such an ass? He says alright fine its $2.

      * Both dreams very vivid and deatailed. I left details out because of time.
    12. 27th June 2012 - Tenth Lucid Dream [Meeting myself in a DILD]

      by , 06-27-2012 at 02:49 PM
      Italic Text = Personal Thoughts
      Normal Text = Non-Lucid Segment
      Light Purple Text = Partially Lucid Segment
      Purple Text = Lucid Segment

      I was a prisoner in this castle, the dream started with plotting an escape with another prisoner. We ran out of the castle and across these thin stone blocks suspended above a ravine, as we stepped on the thin stone blocks they began to crack so standing on them for too long wasn't an option. We ran across them as quickly as possible until we came to a more solid stone block where we planned what to do next.

      Nearby there was this machine of sorts spinning at high speed consistently. We figured that if we managed to jump on this machine we could launch ourselves from it up and over the castle walls. Things turned slightly insane here. We leapt on the machine and propelled ourselves, one at a time, to try and get over the wall. With each failed attempt we seemed to reset back to the beginning and we were able to try again.

      Soon enough, I managed to land on the castle walls and I thought it'd be a simple task of just hopping over the other side, but there was another wall preventing me from doing so on this end. To get to the other end of the castle wall involved trying to get through a blockade of heavy stones that were swinging relentlessly back and forth across it.

      I jumped back over the edge of the wall and rappelled along the side. After almost getting hit by the swinging stones, I made it across to the other side. I was cheering at the prisoner who was with me, who was still failing at his attempts to get up here. Little did I know the side of the wall that I rappelled to was actually a guard tower.

      I was re-captured and then I had a scene change. Next thing I know I'm again with the other prisoner who I was trying to escape with, performing kitchen duty. We apparently hadn't eaten for days and we were both starving so we sneakily stole some of the leftover food and took it back to our room. To our surprise, after finishing our shift the head of the kitchen staff praised us for our good work and handed us a huge plate of food as thanks. We rapidly tried to hide the stolen food as the guy brought the food into our room and we somehow got away with it.

      Another scene change to after we finished eating, and I noticed that with the food we got given was a Christmas Cracker, despite it not being Christmas. I pulled it open regardless just to see what was inside. At this point my roommate left and the whole scene seemed to shift from the castle prison room area to a room in my house. I pulled out a pair of green sunglasses from the Christmas Cracker and decided I wanted to try them on.

      I looked in a nearby mirror and took off my normal eyeglasses, then looked in the mirror again and I was completely confused when I could still see perfectly and the glasses were still on my face. I held my hand up and touched the area of my face where my glasses were supposed to be and felt nothing. I rubbed it a bit to make sure and when I took my hand away it looked as if I had "erased" an area of the glasses. I'm completely spun out and I have no idea what's happening.

      I held my hands up and finally realised that it was a dream after seeing that I have short, stubby fingers. I recall going to sleep after attempting a WILD despite the ridiculously long dream that occurred before this. I walk into a nearby bedroom in my house, all of the bedsheets are on the floor and for some reason my friend is making the bed. The dream is ridiculously vivid here and I have to remind myself it's a dream.

      I decide to talk to my friend, as conversations in my dreams are quite rare. I say "Hey", and without once looking at me my friend says "You know you aren't awake yet? I want to make your bed." -- This shocks me, but I continue the conversation with "I know, I'm in a lucid dream."

      Some more conversation later that I don't really recall, only that my friend is really cold towards me and also seems to be incredibly witty, a personality that she doesn't share in real life. I'm interested by how different the dream personality is.

      I decide to check out my bedroom, I thought that maybe I would be able to see myself sleeping if my dream character stated that I wasn't awake yet. I opened the door and sure enough, there I am laying there. It was really surreal and I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. The copy of me laying down in the bed opens his eyes and starts staring at me, before lifting himself up into a sitting position. We're both staring at each other now and I have no idea what's really happening, I don't completely understand how I could be in two places at once.

      The dream starts to become fuzzy here, I think we start some brief conversation and I walk up to him but at one point I think I close my eyes for some reason and when I open them again I'm awake and laying in bed.

      I lay still for a few minutes, trying to re-enter the dream with DEILD and while I feel the vibrations sweep over me I don't seem to be able to re-enter. I think because of my head being all over the place trying to figure out what just happened, or maybe because it was so late into my sleep cycle that I couldn't fall asleep again that easily.
      Tags: clone, prisoner, short
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    13. the 10 items

      by , 06-27-2012 at 02:40 PM
      my mom or i was putting together items to represent the 10 commandments, but there may have been more than 10
      (this is all i can remember, i find that recently religion has worked its way into my dreams.)
    14. Birthday Party, Gambling Again, Supernova Banned, OpheliaBlue, Another Sneaking Mission...

      by , 06-27-2012 at 02:37 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Birthday Party (Non-lucid)


      I'm upstairs, and I believe I'm talking to some kid that looks familiar.

      Let's call him "Keen."

      Keen was talking to me about something, but I forgot what it was, and then he started to imitate his uncle in real life, and he's doing it really well! I tried to contain my laughter because I heard his uncle was nearby, like in another random bedroom.

      I believe the uncle was calling someone at the time talking about some birthday party, and then he asked something about the day of his birthday.

      Maybe he was trying to hint at the person that it's his birthday.

      The uncle finally comes out, and it really is like him in waking life.

      Keen goes downstairs, and continues imitating the accent of his uncle, and finally shifts his attention before he trips downstairs.

      Gambling Again (Non-lucid)


      I remember playing Runescape, and apparently I'm in a clan that doesn't mind if you gamble. I'm playing the hot/cold x 2 game again.

      (Basically you bed on what color flower will show up when a person plants, and if you're right you get double the money you gave them....have to watch out for people who log off with your money though, looool).

      Anyway, I believe I decided to gamble 6 million gold pieces to a player, and like always, I say "Hot" because I assume that a warm flower color will show up, but it ends up being a cold flower (purple/blue mix).

      I get pissed off at myself from trying to risk 6 million gp for 12 million gp, and the person who bet says, "aww."

      Damn it. I can't tell if I'm the one walking or if I'm still playung runescape, but anyway, I go upstairs somewhere as me I guess by now.

      There are white floors, and I see red chinchompas from Runescape walking around. And guess what I do.....

      I start setting up traps....LOOOL (Red Chinchompas can be hunted in Runescape with Box Traps, and it seems I was doing the same in the virtual reality of this dream).

      I decided to go south of the small section I'm in (there's a reverse-L shaped wall that takes up most of the space on the left).

      I set up the traps, and some random person comes up and starts talking to me about something, most likely related to how I'm setting up the traps. I see the person setting up traps near the same stairs I came up to this floor, and he takes the traps off.

      I decided to set the traps....or maybe I just gave up overall.

      Supernova Banned???? (Non-lucid)


      I'm outside of a house that feels like a replica of the one I'm at in waking life. The garage is closed, and I'm sitting down, resting my back on the garage talking to some guy doing the same.

      There's another guy that comes around the corner to add on to the conversation, and I believe our main topic was about old members or members who decided to leave Dream Views for a few weeks/months or whatever coming back.

      I get a flashing image that Supernova gets banned? Like, I see a random post, and I look at his avatar and signature, and they're all blank.

      Then after the image fades, I'm back into the conversation, and apparently this same person I'm sitting next to is a DV member himself who quit.

      How I knew was because the other person standing talking to us said something about him leaving DV for a while and then coming back. He said it in a surprised accent as a question to the guy.

      The guy looks at me for a few seconds, and I can't remember what happens next.
      OpheliaBlue and Digital Drawing (Non-lucid)


      OpheliaBlue has a deviantart, and she has a lot of colorful digital drawings up.

      In fact, while I was looking at her deviant art gallery, she was working on another digital art, and I could see her progress. I don't think she knew I could see it though. I tried talking to her on the IRC or some kind of messaging medium, but she's probably busy working on the drawing.

      I believe she's using gridded drawing, and she has several screens popped up for many of these drawings. The one that she's currently working on in the dream seems to be making rainbows and trying to add them together for something I can't remember too clearly.
      Another Sneaking Mission? (Non-lucid)


      Feels like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in this dream.

      It starts out with me following someone, and this feels like the mission where you use camouflage and use a sniper rifle most of the time.

      We're ducking for cover, and slowly walking into an abandoned house. There are some elements of this same level, but the enemies end up looking different, at least that's what I remember from not playing Modern Warfare campaign for a while.

      The guy I'm following tells me to plant some kind of grenade, and I just go by his word, and plant it to the wall, and then I think he prompts me to activate it.

      I did so, and expected some kind of loud boom, but it seems to be some kind of grenade specialized for electronic interference. And it seems that the enemy that's at least 10 feet away from us didn't hear us.

      I had a feeling that this mission was going to be bad-ass because the guy I'm following seemed to know what he was doing. He tells me to go ahead and crouch down to the dirt floor because an enemy is near.

      It takes me a while to get ready, and I turn my back facing the enemy, and I hear the enemy say, "Huh?"

      I quickly duck down, and the enemy quickly retreats to his position, guess he assumed it was just the wind blowing on the faded and brown grains or leaves.

      I slowly rotated, while still on the floor, and I looked up to see how the enemy looked like. Seems they are wearing a gas mask.....hmm.....

      I think we wait for the enemy to move somewhere else, or the guy I'm following kills him, not sure. Anyway, we both go inside the old house, and there's probably 2 enemies inside right now. The guy following me gets really close to them.

      I'm wondering how he can be so damn risky almost getting himself exposed like that. And since the floor is wood, I was worried it might move too fast, and possibly get one of the floors making the "creak" sound.

      But this guy seems to know what he's doing, and he's even sitting by the edge of one wall with his legs spread out. And the enemy is coming in the same room he's in, but they don't notice anything at all. He starts trying to have a little conversation with me, but I still feel uncomfortable talking right now because the enemies have automatic weapons while I think I still have a sniper rifle.

      Not going to risk anything at all, so I kept quiet. The guy turns his head to the left, but doesn't look at me, more like looking at what's outside from the house we're in. He's trying to see if I'm going to talk, and then realizes I'm probably still afraid to do so, so he gets back to business.

      I can't remember what we do next though.

      Updated 06-27-2012 at 02:44 PM by 47756

    15. The Talking Bread Show with Stephen LaBerge!

      by , 06-27-2012 at 01:50 PM (A Peak Into Tyler's Mind.)
      I am entering my room. I see two loaves of bread on my bed. They look fresh and delicious. I go to grab one when I realize they are connected, at an angle to make a L shape. I think to myself, "who would bake two loaves of bread like this?" Furthermore I realize that at the end of one of the loaves is a head! Dr. LaBerge's head actually! [I don't know how I knew this in dream but I did. From what I remember, it didn't even look like him.] I freak out and throw the bread. [After all, what would you do if you found talking bread?] I try to calm myself by lying down on my bed. I just lay here.... In peace. Until, I hear a noise from under my bed. I go to reach my hand under my bed, but pull it back in fear of what may be making the sound. [I'm not actually scared of that, haha. But dreams are run by my self-conscience right? So maybe I really am?] I get up and look for the source of the noise. It is a parrot. How the hell did a parrot get into my room? That Stephen LaBreadHead brought him didn't he? I grab my blanket and begin trying to shoo the bird away. I don't want to touch it because it might bite me. I seem to be making no progress at all.... Eventually I realize I am shooing a bird in circles around my room, which has no doors open for me to shoo the bird out of. So, I open my sliding door to the outside and begin shooing the bird towards the door. Just as I get it to the door, the blanket slips and falls on the bird. It gets pissed and freaks out under the blanket. I panic not knowing what to do to contain the bird. Then, it gets out from under the blanket and charges me. I get royally scared and wake up.

      Updated 07-02-2012 at 09:39 PM by 55956

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