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    1. June 28 Notes

      by , 06-28-2012 at 11:26 PM
      I'm not recording any dreams today because frankly I couldn't remember any last night. Here is how the night went though...

      Continued with B6, B12, and Magnesium
      Drank glass of H2O
      Finally got to bed about 12:30. I had so much unpacking and stuff to do and it took forever.
      Fell asleep with binaural beats
      Woke up at 3:00 and started the alarm thing I am trying out
      Woke up at 7:00 and got up

      Well, I don't really know how the vitamins are working. When I first tried them I had really vivid dreams that I could remember quite easily. Last night though I didn't. It might of been just because I was so tired though. Also, I can't really tell if the alarm is working or not. Last night I woke up once from the alarm I think but only that one time. It is supposed to work by waking you up at regular intervals and then waiting so your brain wakes you up but not your body. I am thinking it was because my earbuds fell out though because if I remember right, when I woke up this morning they weren't in. I really hope it works though because it would be nice to reliably have lucid dreams by just turning on an alarm. I'm going to keep working on it and hope it goes well.

      Unfortunately, I am going to be gone again so I can't work on lucid dreams tonight or possibly even tomorrow as well.
      I just really want to have a reliable way to have lucids every night. Its like potato chips or french fries... once you have one, YOU MUST HAVE MORE!
      side notes
    2. Notes for 6/28/12

      by , 06-28-2012 at 11:18 PM
      Do not take 5-htp >6hrs before bed if you want to recall dreams.
      side notes
    3. a strange game

      by , 06-28-2012 at 09:28 PM
      I was In a room with my best friend and his step dad in the room was a couch a TV and a video game system we were playing a game that look kinda like super smash bros but the charters were different there was more but I forgot.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 6/28/12

      by , 06-28-2012 at 09:16 PM
      I made it a point not to remember most of my dreams last night, I didn't enjoy them and wanted to forget them. Not really nightmares so much as just self issues. I almost didn't type anything, but the last dream I don't want to forget so I'm going to type it anyways, then my interpretation of it, and then if anyone wants to point out something I missed please feel free to do so. Usually others see things I don't.

      In the dream, I am with my husband on a street. We're not walking, just standing there together looking into a grassy yard. I get a text, and I tell my husband I'll be right back, and start walking up the street to check my text. Somehow I go from reading a text to actually talking on the phone, but I don't remember how. It was someone I barely used to know, a close friend of a close friend. I knew him through stories, but never really spoke to him. I'm asking him about someone who I believe is staying with him, and he's telling me that she's doing well. During the conversation I'm asking about a woman who I don't recognize in waking life but feel might have symbolized my mom by the characters back story. He's telling me that she's learning to be responsible for herself and that she's really able to take care of herself now, she's not asking others for help and money all the time, but working hard for what she has and learning to manage her money and appreciate things rather than buy crap all the time that she never uses. Then he starts telling me that there's still enough room for me if I want to come stay as well. I refuse, and he continues that no one would mind so long as I was helpful and did my share of work around the house and paid my share of rent. I refuse again, citing my husband and kids needing me as the reason I can't now. In the dream though, I'm more worried about the fact that I haven't had a job in ages and when I did work I never had a good paying job and I feel like I couldn't make. I go back to my husband, and we get in a car and drive home for a moment, just to learn from my grandma that my daughter is at the friend of a friend's house with the woman. We get back in the car and drive to go pick her up and check on the woman whom my grandma praised as we left for really turning her life around. We pull into a driveway, and as we're pulling up a truck is pulling out. Inside the truck is the friend of a friend with a girl, and he waves out the window asking if we're here to visit. My husband says yes, and the guy turns his truck around following us back up the driveway. I feel very awkward and weird about him being in the car with a chic, and I wonder if it's going to bother me if they start kissing or something. When I get out of the car, my daughter runs up to me. She grabs my legs in a hug, and I bend down to hug her back. The friend of a friend walks up behind me to my right, and smiles at me then tells me that she was having so much fun here, and she doesn't have to leave. We don't have to leave, I could stay. Then he turns into Kurasawa, smiling at me and reaching out to hug me. I wake up.

      I do often feel like I've accomplished nothing in my life, and even completely useless at times. I haven't worked since I was pregnant with my first and was in a car wreck that kind of made things uneasy for a while. My husband is of the "I'm the man I should take care of the money, you should raise the kids not work" mind set, and up until recently I didn't mind it. I felt like taking care of my kids WAS my purpose in life. But now the kids aren't babies anymore. At 3 and 5 they're being much more independent and actually WANTING to get away and go to school and such, leaving me feeling less involved and useless. I think this dream is showing me that I feel useless and that I feel like I need to get my life back on track, and then it's also showing me that I'm looking for someone to pull me out, help me escape the feeling of being useless and unneeded (which I know I'm needed by my kids, it's hard to explain I guess, but maybe needed by others as well... I want to know I'm having some sort of positive impact on the world) Now I can look back and say, I've known I've felt useless, and the dream is showing me that I'm waiting for someone to pull me out and it's never going to happen because I'll always make excuses. The only one who can make me feel not useless, is myself. Rather than waiting for someone else to come and show me the way out, I need to make it myself.
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Thursday 28th June 2012

      by , 06-28-2012 at 09:16 PM
      Last Nights Dreams

      Dream 1

      I had a dream about feeding my birds but can hardly remember it ((REM Dreamer fell off aswell lol))

      Dream 2

      Myself and my 2 youngest Daughters S and J have been to the shop and i'm carrying 3 bags of shopping. J is on her bike and S is on her scooter. As we are walking back home we see some lads infront of us on bikes.
      We are walking through an underpass and it's dark. There is a steep hill we have to walk up, I try and push J up it on her bike but it's too steep and I can't do it. We now have to turn back and go through the underpass again and we end up in a warehouse type place.
      One of the lads on bikes is no longer a lad now but a man, this man is behind me and jipping me and bullying me saying he wants my shopping. I am holding S's scooter and think "I'll spin round and crack him round the head with this scooter" as I'm thinking this his work-mate turns up.
      The man I wanted to crack round the head is of a stocky build and has short blonde/brown hair, he also has a bit of stubble. His work mate is tall and thin, has short black hair which is brushed back and has a pokey face.
      The man with blonde hair now says "I need sugar but I wonder if she knows what a blow is?" I knew instantly that he meant a blow job . I really panick and feel sickened that he would say that infront of my little girls. I now grab J who is next to me and I shove her behind me to protect her from these monstrous men! S is standing by the doors so I give her a nod to run away.
      I now say to the men "here" and give them my purse, I now say "you can have all my money, it's not a lot but take it all" I am petrified that they will do something to me or more-so my little girls. I now take the purse back for a moment and count out £4 and give it to him, he says "I suppose that'll have to do then!" at this point they both walk away, but the blonde one turns back to face me and says "I'm watching you ya know!!" .
      Me and J now search about this place for my shopping bags. I see a woman sitting at her desk working, I hadn't noticed her there before and thought "why the hell did she just sit there carrying on with her work while those men done that to us!!"
      While we are looking for my shopping bags I see 2 silver packets on the floor, J says "pick them up mom" so I do without the woman noticing. I rub the packets and feel coins in them and quickly put them back in my pocket. I now look for the way out when suddenly the lights go really bright then back to normal again, then they go bright again, then back to normal again. ((was my REM Dreamer)) I wake up to my REM Dreamer flashing in my eyes
    6. Wednesday 27th June 2012

      by , 06-28-2012 at 08:45 PM
      Last Nights Dreams

      Dream 1

      I'm in my bedroom and I'm sitting on my floor. My hubby now comes up with his cousin B from Newcastle, my hubby's cousins ex D is also with them. I try to stand up from the floor now but I wobble everywhere, I feel drunk and fall back down onto the floor.
      I'm now holding a duvet in my hands. Kevs cousin B now sits down on the floor beside me and suddenly the bedroom lights up ((must have been my REM Dreamer)). My hubby now gets a camp bed and sets it up on the floor next to me, I think to myself "I wonder which one of them is stopping over tonight".
      I now look into the big mirror on my wardrobe which is infront of me, I'm still sitting on the floor, well more kneeling, my reflection is normal and I start fluffing my hair up, I now think "I'd better say hello" ((I hadn't said hello to them when I first saw them)) I now wake up in real life saying "alright B"

      Dream 2

      Holly Willaby is in thi dream. I am in a T.V studio and they are doing a piece about stretching fabric. I have a large piece of material which I oblong in shape, there are cane sticks sewn into the hem of each smaller end. I am putting clothes into this contraption and I'm rolling them to stretch and de-crease them.
      Me and my sister are now taking photos ((must have been my REM Dreamer again)) we have loads of photos which we have taken and we also have some of Hollies photos which are personal to her. These photos are on some sort of conveyor belt. Holly says "ohh look, there's me, ohh and that's mine too....hang on a minute!" I shit myself for a second incase she goes mad at us for using her personal photos but she now says "ohhh yeah...I remember these!" she is ok with it and looks through them with excitement.
      Holly is now talking about the material contraption again, I'm giving a demonstration as she explains more about it and how it works. I now get a large turquoise top to put into the contraption so I can stretch it, the top is way too big but with a bit of a struggle I manage to shove it all inside. I have to tie the top of this shirt around coat hangers which have now mysteriously appeared on each cane ((didnt notice they shouldnt have been there when dreaming)).
      Holly is telling everyone how good this thing is and I'm thinking "yeah right...it's shit!!"

      Dream 3

      I am in a room and there are other people in this room with me. Everything keeps going red ((the light around the room I mean)) and I can't understand why, one minute it's normal light then the next it's all red. I now realise that it's the red lights flashing from my REM Dreamer and I say "I'm dreaming" but then wake up for real ((doh!!))
    7. Fragment

      by , 06-28-2012 at 08:28 PM (Adventures of Dreamguy)
      I was in the living room when i found out i was dreaming. I lost lucidity.
      dream fragment
    8. Fragment

      by , 06-28-2012 at 08:28 PM (Adventures of Dreamguy)
      I was in the livinh room when i found out i was dreaming. I lost lucidity.
      dream fragment
    9. Uncut Onyx and Oreo Cookies?

      by , 06-28-2012 at 07:14 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Uncut Onyx and Oreo Cookies? (Non-lucid)


      I can't remember much, but I think I'm catching Kingly Implings from Runescape in "real" life again. I loot what's contained in the jar I snatched the Kingly Impling from, and I get an uncut onyx.

      I didn't realize this yet, until I looted another Kingly Impling jar (and got another onyx). Then I started getting small mind orgasms on how I basically made 12 million gp.

      I decided to bite on the uncut onyx gem, and it ends up having the fragile composition of an oreo cookie.


      I quickly take it out of my mouth, and had the intention of selling it.
      Recall was horrible because I slept late. That's Runescape for you. >.>

      I need to find a way to make 28 million gold pieces.....ugh, guess I'll have to catch more implings, which is why this dream was experienced in the first place. xD

      Updated 06-28-2012 at 07:18 PM by 47756

    10. Just Crazy Stuff

      by , 06-28-2012 at 06:54 PM
      It was a romp through plain insanity this morning!

      First I dreamed that I was in my old room back home listening to the radio and cleaning up. There was nothing good on the radio, so I turned it off. Then I started searching dresser drawers for this certain pair of underwear that I really wanted to wear the next day. They were a pair white bikini undies, brand-new and I couldn't find them. Finally after searching several different places, I found them just under the bed as if they had fallen there. I was happy. About that time I was hoping for some private time, but my mom came to the door. She was looking for a dress slip that nurses wore under their skirts. I had seen something like that in one of the dresser drawers, so I grabbed it and handed it to her through the door. It looked worn out and used by someone else, and I couldn't figure why she didn't buy a new one. When I went to close the door, a cat on the other side with my mom stuck it's paw through. My mom yelled for me not to close the door, that I might hurt the cat. I was getting frustrated because one thing or another kept distracting me. Finally I got the cat out of my room and then my mom wanted to talk. Oh boy. That's where part 1 ended.

      Dream part 2 consists of me driving a white van on the interstate with a bunch of other vehicles, like in a convoy. I have no idea where we were going, but in the dream I knew what I was doing. I drove on an over pass and continued to a strange junction with a lot of lanes. I took the one I was supposed to, but it went into a tunnel and the tunnel led to - the inside of an apartment building! It was a new apartment building and construction was not finished. I was driving the van down a hallway and everyone else was still following!! Suddenly I noticed a lot of debris up ahead and it looked like a hole. I slammed on the van's brakes and slid to a stop right at the edge. It was awful. The debris had partially covered a gigantic, dark pit I couldn't see the bottom of. I had just nearly driven all of us into it, but stopped in the nick of time. I got out and looked at where we were. It was ridiculous. We were in a wallpapered hallway with lights and everything. A huge white van was sitting right in the middle, smack on top of the debris pile with the front tires on the edge of the pit. I had stopped so fast, one tire was flat. I was talking with the other people, and we agreed that we should just go downstairs and leave the vehicles where they were. Wow.
    11. My best lucid so far

      by , 06-28-2012 at 06:50 PM
      So I haven't any LD's in a while, but I had a good feeling this time around. I was walking through some kind of museum, and it suddenly hit me. I did the hold your nose test to make sure, and it worked. I had never done that RC before, and it was a really cool feeling to still be able to breathe. I then pointed it out to a DC, and she realized she could do it too. I was feeling so conscious, so in control. I walked into another room at the museum, and the entire room was full of flashing lights and crazy colors. Nobody else seemed to enjoy it as much as me. I then decided to try and find certain people in my dream. There were two girls that were headed on their way to a party, and I decided to come with them. We ended up talking to one of their mom's about the fact that I was controlling everything that was happening, it was really cool. We were driving in a sweet car, and suddenly the radio turned on. It was super loud, and it made me start losing focus on the dream. I frantically tried to turn off the music, but the radio wasn't working. I then convinced myself that the music must be coming from outside my dream in the real world. I started screaming to turn it off, hoping that I would talk in my sleep and someone would hear me. The idea that I could try and change things in the real world based on my actions in the dream has never occured to me before in a dream. I had a much deeper understanding of the idea that I was sleeping in my bed, and it was all in my head. I hope to have more dreams this clear in the future. I then had a false awakening, in which I got up to post my dream on Dreamviews. It was the most realistic dream I have ever had in my life. I had a perfect replica of my living room. I had a checked my reflection in the mirror, and it was just as good as real life. I even remember thinking that I should to a RC just so I could get in the habit of doing them in dreams, but I decided I already knew it was reality so it was useless. I was completely shocked when I woke up for real. Very cool night for me.
      lucid , false awakening
    12. 6/28/12 third and most epic lucid yet

      by , 06-28-2012 at 04:58 PM
      That was crazy.

      The beginning I remember having a threesome with 2 of my really hot ex girlfriends (?!) I then remember consciously thinking that I should eat some LSD (i did 200 doses over 6 months, havent done it in 2 years, however, it keeps making me have lucid dreams now whenever it shows up in my dreams.)

      The first thing i remember was laying in my bed but having my window in my periphrials. It was light out, but I had just gotten into bed at 2:30 am, and it was pitch black. I guess for me, my initial RC is im always in my bed questioning things but I dismiss it and fall asleep. Once I realized I was dreaming, I just got out of bed and ran down my stairs and out the door into the spirit plane. I always dream in old childhood neighborhoods or places where I did drugs for the first time ever.

      Once back inside, I looked up and my father was right there, along with my little brother and some other man who I'm guessing was one of my guides, I just never notice them until after the dream. I asked this man for an advil or some type of pill that I could use to stabilize my lucidity. He said he had an advil liqui-gel/lucid pill. I took it from him, shouted clarity, and zoomed away.

      Now im in my friend's house, and instead of this advil liqui-gel, I have a chuck of what looks like zebra mussels, but its a bunch of advil liquigels. I take a straight up bite out of this, gag, and spit it in the sink......

      False awakening, still same RC and in the same room in bed, I get back up and go out my door and my dad is right there again. I love dreams, because people treat me the way they did when I would trip... (aka dead and the creator of their lives in that place) My dad asked me how long i had been in there, and I said this was my third entry tonight. He instructed me to stop, saying that I was going to spew up too many things in my subconscience at once..imagine being in a lake and dragging your foot in the mud, the water becomes clouded.

      I took this with a grain of salt, and knew that this LD would be my last of the night. I was washing my hands or the dishes at the sink, when I remembered I had the power of the force, I splashed water everywhere with just my hand chakras, and then made it windy outside in multiple directions. I was trying to use it to super jump outside but I only was able to jump up like 5 feet. I saw my friend matt, and sent a mini wind tunnel at his face and made him laugh and then he disappeared.

      I kept walking outside just to exist, and when I turned around I saw my dad building a new house. It was like our old house, yet updated for the new level. I remember thinking that that was my dream house, and I had to remember it. The image is now locked in my head, and I drew it as soon as I woke up.

      This dream tonight kind of wrapped it all up for me, and all the vivids ive had in my life are mostly just continuations of the previous one, but in the same setting. This was my first lucid in awhile, a few weeks actually, it was very refreshing to have one. Its just so hard to fall back asleep after you have an amazing one, its the only thing on your mind.

      all in all though, my favorite feeling in the entire universe is laying in my bed looking at my bedroom door, and once I realize im dreaming, I get this overwhelming awesome feeling, and just sprint to the outside world, The sprint like over powers the excitement, and I dont have a problem getting passed the "im just laying in my bed right now" thought.

      cheers, hopefully it becomes more regular =]
    13. Beware of flashers!

      by , 06-28-2012 at 04:49 PM
      We are going back from somewhere after a long trip. It was a kinda weird bus/car. There was some attractive girl I haven't seen before in front, then chris was behind her driving, my mom was behind him and I was beside her. We went to some restraunt to meet someone, and there was a kid named joel with us. Some waiter was trying to serve him but he ignored her as he played some arcade game. It was a weird table we sat it. It was circular, and when we got in it, they closed it to where it was a full circle. We left and we were almost to the mall.

      We got to the mall and there was a dude sitting outside. For some reason, there were 2 lines of girls. One from outside coming inside, and the other vice versa. They were all flashing him for some reason. I couldn't see anything though, as it was just too far away. The girl in the front said something like "I think I should flash that guy too" although we were driving away, and the guy was far behind me. I said "Heck yeah do it" So she turned around and flashed me. Well played xD.

      Chris had turned around so he wouldn't see, as she was right in front of him. She had turned back around but chris hadn't, so we almost crashed into a car and a person outside of it if I hadn't of said anything. We get back to our hometown and my mom says something like "Well done you managed to run out of gas." We stopped at some incline with industrial buildings around us. Somehow, it turned into a small train but we were still in the same positions. I got out and there was a little sign on the train that said we were going 0 mph. It then jumped to 6, so I got on board. Somehow, we were in two connected carts and the second one's right wall was open. We started going in a circle really fast. The first time around I managed to hold onto someething, but the second time I flew out and landed perfectly on my feet ^^ Then I woke up.
    14. My 2 recurring dreams in one night.

      by , 06-28-2012 at 04:35 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      recurring 1) I'm in school again (this time elementary) and I am trying to go to the library. I push past a lady blocking me. There is a sign on the door that reads exactly "No library card I have know." I am deterred and think I will get a card when I get registered for classes.

      recurring 2) I am enlisted in the military against my will. This time I have me two daughters with me. There is a woman drill sergeant and we are trying to find bunk beds. The space between the beds is so small that I am cluster-phobic. My older daughter is complaining the the woman gets angry. I explain to her that these beds are just too small. The woman says she will see what she can do. I know that the kids will get to move on soon but I will be stuck here forever.

      3) Fragment were I am stirring the compost in my yard and adding stuff to it.

      *My wife told me this morning I was singing "The Walking Dead" in my sleep. LOL. Too bad I don't remember any zombie dreams.

      Updated 07-01-2012 at 05:14 PM by 5967

    15. Magic of the Dusk

      by , 06-28-2012 at 04:34 PM (Sleep as a Hobby)

      Once upon a time,
      There was a girl with a heartless soul.
      God gave her beauty, intelligence, a good family… everything except love.
      This ‘almost’ perfect girl with a pretty smile had a grey monotone mind that disgusted other people.

      One day,
      She got sick of her family, staring her like a monster,
      So she ran away.

      Promising herself,
      ‘I will never return home.’

      It was a time when a yellow field filled with dusk
      While watching this gorgeous scenery,
      She hums her favorite tune in a carefree mood.

      A girl who carries nothing,
      ................worries nothing.

      Even the weather seems to praise her freedom.
      A wind filled with spring moist carries a few petals to her cheeks,
      Foxtails tickled her fingertips; she made a crown with white and pink cosmos.

      Like a dapple on a white cloth,
      There is another presence in this picturesque scenery.
      He is the one who calls himself God, whose infinite power cost him to be partially colour blind.

      He cannot sense red.
      For God, the gloomy world is full of dark things; green, blue and black.
      Ironically his favourite moment of the day
      Is a twilight when everything flickers with red.

      Even a poisonous snake looks gorgeous as a part of the scene.

      For God who views only cold things, a time that seems to embrace every nature,
      Gives enormous relaxation that washes all tiredness piled throughout a day.

      The magic happens only once every day,
      So he puts an extreme value to this time.

      It was like every other day,
      Drinking a sourish sweet chamomile and enjoying warmth of the time.

      Then he sees……

      A girl with a white one-piece colored with orange dusk,
      Leisurely skipping and humming at the same time.
      She has the ‘complete’ colour, including red, to decorate her beauty.
      Her curly hair with red light bounces with her footsteps.

      She was …… as if …… caught in the magic…… of dusk.

      Her fair baby-like skin has this attractive, warm light; glowing.
      It was the colour God had never seen in his zillion years.

      It’s warm… Beautiful…
      If there is a goddess, that MUST be her.

      Just in that instant, he falls in love with her.

      She’s mine.

      Her special heartless soul did not matter to the special God.
      He can see it; wide and clear.
      A chocolate coloured sound, beating with soft sugary emotions,
      A red passion that God becomes so attached.

      Without her knowing,
      She became ‘extremely’ valuable to God.

      The God smiled like a fragmented moon and wooed to a trembling girl, who is to become his…

      You may harm the others
      But if you ever dare harming ‘me’

      I will……

      Kill you.

      Updated 10-13-2012 at 02:59 AM by 54881

      nightmare , memorable , dream fragment , side notes , lucid , non-lucid
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