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    1. Whirlwind HZ+px3

      by , 10-30-2015 at 03:28 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      After falling asleep I find myself waking up on a hospital bed from two guys arguing about what they should do. I could see a doctor talking to my parents. Stating that I will be alright but my arm is broken and that my leg is seriously injured. That for sometime I will need a crane to walk. Once I hear this, I felt very confuse. The doctor looks at me and leaves the room to where my family ask am I feeling alright? I attempt to lift my body up on the bed but struggle. I tried to lift my arm but it wouldn't move properly anymore.

      I turn my face to their direction to only see them tear up. I ask them what is happening? They tell me I should rest but that only made me wanted to know more. I ask again, my mother states that I was in a car accident and that I went unconscious. I remember falling asleep but could not recall where exactly. I manage to get my upper body up, and ask her what date is it? she said it's been weeks from October. My eyes lit up, and for some reason the only thought I could think of is that I am from the past.

      I try to explain more to her that I exist 2- 3 weeks prior from now and that I have been experiencing near death situations. I've been having the feeling that I will soon be horribly injured and that she had help me become aware of when this will happen. I ask her exactly where it happen, she said on September 11th I will get in a car and will get in to an accident during the drive. I thank her and then felt enough energy to get up. As I did this I see a calender and decided to check it out.

      The calender labels the date as year 30000. I begin to feel confuse again and look at my mother saying it's the year 30000? She calmly says yes and that I've been out of it for a long time. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, this doesn't make any sense I tell her, how can any of this still be here? I rush to the window expecting to see anything futuristic and very hard for my modern day self to understand. But everything look normal bland and just lame. My mother must have gone mad and that the calender was not real.

      I leave the room and starting examining the way I am feeling to see if it felt dream like. But it all felt real and I didn't feel like I had the option of waking up, despite noticing the hospital had now change in to the house I am use to. The kitchen looks normal, that's when I see my brother walking toward me. Knowing my brother is intelligent he was sure to bring some clarification to this situation. He says hi to me and I tell him could he follow me to where our mother was. I believe she needs help, he agrees and we enter the room.

      I see my father sleeping on the bed, I begin to explain the situation to my brother but out of no where he begins to act strange. He jumps on the bed next to our father and snuggles all over the blankets with a huge smile. I fortunately now realize that I am dreaming, I wake up. Lucidity Time: 6 seconds.
    2. 10/28/15: First Kiss (Love Fragment)

      by , 10-30-2015 at 12:20 AM
      - Feels kinda stupid that it had to happen this way in a stupid dream.
      - Very immersive.

      [Plot 1 begins]:
      So I'm with this girl I've been talking with a bit lately. OK, I might have a little crush on her, but we haven't dated or anything of the sort. We're chilling out on my couch, about to watch a movie, and we've got blankets. We're talking, and feeling a little flirty. We get closer to each other, and she starts whispering to me. We embrace each other, and we kiss. I close my eyes; enjoy the moment for a little while. Then, I start to feel a little regretful. I imagine my dad saying, "Really? That soon?" And I feel a little bad. It was way too early in a relationship to have this sort of thing happen. I let it happen nonetheless, and eventually we stop.

      [The dream fragments... ]

      Then I woke up and felt good that I got to have the experience without it actually happening in real life
    3. 10/27/15: HELP! ANOTHER FAILED LUCID (Fragment)

      by , 10-30-2015 at 12:11 AM
      - If this happens again, I'm going to post, because this simply can't continue.
      - My dream sign is a bear.
      - I assumed reality, just like no big deal.

      [Plot 1 begins]:
      So I'm in this Jeep Wrangler driving on a residential gravel road with my mom. We're just going along; maybe 20 mph maximum. Then, there are wolves. They come slowly... creeping... from the residential area. They're moving like they're very old, and they're just crossing the street, and I stop.
      I get out and to look at one. I observe it; it looks like it's fake, like from a video game or something, as its proportions are just off in many ways and its fur is rather polygon-ish and black and white. Then I see the bear. It's galloping towards us from afar (as usual), and I think to myself "Hey, it's a bear! Is this a dream? ... Nah..." and I went about the dream like all was well.

      [The dream fragments...]

      How can I fix this? I do consciousness RC's all throughout the day, every couple of hours usually. I essentially take a moment to see if I feel like I'm in a dream, and look around to see if anything is odd; maybe look at my hands. However, as you could see in my previous failure I looked at my hands and didn't notice anything.
    4. A walk in Paris

      by , 10-29-2015 at 10:57 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was cold winter morning. Everything was kinda bright, white. I was walking around the streets with a classmate.
      Tags: classmate, paris
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. #143 - grade

      by , 10-29-2015 at 09:04 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      I really couldn't be bothered doing anything last night. I didn't want to get up for a WBTB or SSILD, couldn't be bothered writing any notes about my dreams either. The only one I recall is the last one because it legitimately tricked me.

      Dream 1 - Grade
      I remember being in the paleosedimentology lab room at the geology department in my uni. I was sitting down when my old english teacher (and home room teacher) Mr. Rogers from high school showed up and gave me the results for my first exam, Marine Science. I seem to see him as a geology professor for some reason...
      "Whoa. 91.5%?".. The grade on my exam is awesome, I'm completely stoked. I knew I had been trying harder this semester because it was my last year and I also wanted to prove that I wasn't lazy (usually I just wing a B+ without much effort). I think Mr. Rogers asks if I had just been studying really hard, insinuating that maybe I had cheated or something. To be honest I didn't study that hard ^_^ but I was still really happy. I think I start rolling around in my bed at this point in a semi-wakeful state, thinking about texting my girlfriend the good news.
      Suddenly I realize I'm in my bed... What? Oh, son of a b*tch!! It was a dream!...
    6. Walls are easy 🌠

      by , 10-29-2015 at 08:56 PM
      A memorable dream fragment from this morning 🌷

      I was in a room with two friends. One of my friends walked into and through the wall, phasing through in the most natural way. I say to my other friend
      " I can do that - going through walls"
      " Go on then do it !" He said
      " Ok I will. Right now I will run through the wall and out of this room!" I say strongly but feeling a bit nervous about what I had just said ...
      I take my stand and then run at the wall focusing strongly on the fact I was about to run and phase through the wall"
      I do it and keep going into the darkness behind/inside the wall.
      I recognise I am in a dream place some call the void.

    7. Orgasams Kill You; Work-Related

      by , 10-29-2015 at 06:23 PM
      I have really got to get these out of my head so I can make room for new dreams. I think I'm blocked.

      I was on a boat... and I think it was Spring Break because all these kids were on other boats partying. A few were jumping off this one boat and one kid jumped but no one saw him come back up out of the water. I look across to a sandy bank and see him. It's like my vision panned right into him and focused very sharply. I see him contort his face in a way that makes me think he's having an orgasm. Then, he keels over and dies.

      Now I'm entering a house, maybe trying to investigate this kid's death and I see a woman (girl?) in the corner hiding behind some curtains. She said she had to hide from me so that I couldn't see her, not sure why. I go upstairs and I see a dark gray/black ring floating in the center of the room. It's made up of computer code. Someone said it was bad SQL. I can tell that whatever it is, it's evil. I try not to get too close to it, then it comes after me. It starts to shrink in size, then it turns into a Chinese dragon. I catch it in tupperware and sever its head.

      Now I'm at work and I have to sneak into an office. For some reason I'm looking at a pair of gloves that belongs to my boss. One glove was red and one was brown. Not sure of the significance of that. We're in a big office building, bigger than the one that I currently work in, and it's really swanky. Then I have to get in my car and drive somewhere. I go through a toll that I didn't intend to go through, and the toll booth operator told me, it's ok, just go around and back up into the booth so that my window is on the opposite side of the booth and she would give me a refund and I could go on my way. Seemed like it made sense at the time haha. The toll was something like $18.
      Tags: #laterdream
    8. Spooky Transition and Empty Room [WILD]

      by , 10-29-2015 at 06:18 PM (Dimension X)
      Hooray, I had an LD the hard way again! Am I cool yet?

      Really though, I think this is the most aware and in control I've been for a WILD, so this honestly feels like the best one. Let me describe what happened.

      I did a WBTB without even really knowing it because I had trouble sleeping last night, and eventually I got to the transition. I'm not sure how, but I began to focus quite a bit. I began to think of visualizing things, so I thought "Hmm, let's try a sandwich." And I tried to imagine a sandwich floating in the darkness. It worked. It was kinda small, and looked like one from the Simpsons. It was there though, and after a few seconds it floated out of my field of vision. Then I thought "It worked! Let's try something else... A slice of pizza."
      The slice of pizza looked a little cartoony too, but it was there and did the same as the sandwich. I moved my eyes and it seemed like the pizza left a graphical trail. It floated out of my vision due to my eye movements. It was as though my eyes were making the visualizations have... graphical errors? It looked... glitchy. Then everything sort of went a bit haywire. I started seeing random stuff that looked like it was reminiscent of World War 2. That's what comes to mind at least. I silhouettes of soldiers standing in a lineup, some child's face, some military commander... All in a 1940's old black and white photo style. Pretty spooky if you ask me. There was a bunch of those types of pictures, and then out of nowhere, I appeared in a room. I did it. I was in the dream. I felt like I was still aware of my physical body though. If I tried to move my arm, it wouldn't budge and I could still feel it on the bed. If I tried to move my arm with my mind however... The one in the dream reacted. It worked. I was able to lift my arm to a doorknob and open the door. I didn't see anything behind it though, and I stayed in the room. It had two big open windows on the side opposite to the door, where light was flooding in. I saw some environment outside, but I can't say what it was or what it looked like. The floors were a golden brown hardwood, and my bed was in the room too. It was strangely empty. I felt like I was actually alone. For once, my dream wasn't all over the place and confusing. It was just me, in this empty room. Nothing was happening. There was no one else around at all. I woke up shortly after.

      I think this is the most stable LD I've had. I need to have more of these...
      Tags: transition, wild
    9. short lucid, failing RC but to stubborn to accept it

      by , 10-29-2015 at 03:49 PM
      Bedtime: around 0:00. ate early so stomach was pretty empty. meditated before bed, did some visualization (~15min) sitting in bed before decided to lay down and sleep.

      no long WBTB´s no standing up. just short mantra/intentionsetting no journaling through the night --> maximizing sleep

      - i am at a knowing place at a theater in my old town. there are pallets with stuff like food and color etc on it. some are empty some are full with empty boxes. we start cleaning and sorting out. i kind of coordinate the people (because i worked in a supermarket as a teenager). i go to get my supervisor and show him what we did. i need to go to the toilet try to find a place in the building but i get distracted/have no private space. i go somewhere more far away (i drive with the train?) i am somewhere... dont know if i managed to find a toilet but then i want to go back. i want to ride back with the tram. i ride one or two stations get out and am lost. dont know where i am exactly and what number i need to take. i try to look it up on my phone but have no success.

      -i am at a shoestore with my brother and my dad. he wants us to try some shoes on. i try something on that looks like short gumboots but with leather. they look funny in the mirror and my pants are to short. i decide against the boots. my brother (maybe its a girl now?) labels some boots and have fun with it... my dad was going somewhere. i want to go. two employees talk to each other... something about one of them got evaluated pretty serious and they dont know what to do with it. i see a mother with her child in a shopping caddy. i go there and push a shelf down so it looks like the child was it. i run away behind some other shelfs and i hear the mother complaining. i get a serious bad conscience and go back to get it up again. but i somewhat dont tell the mother it was me. i tell her the shelf is not heavy no problem. she asks "hmm how do you know its not heavy?" because i worked at a supermarket ... we finish and i hug her for goodbye as if we would know each other. i ask her if she is not the mother of this or that child because she seems familiar suddenly. while hugging i get a different vision like with googleglases or robocop with a layer over the seen. i see heartbeat and some other parameters of her. it feels that we are closely to kissing. after that i tell my brother to stop labeling and go get our dad so we meet at the front door.

      8 am:
      -i am infront of my climbing gym. an older teamer i know want so collect sweet chestnuts but there is a problem like its always raining or something? a guy says that you can look up in the internet when to collect where and how the weather is then. she says she doesnt understand. she climbs (way to fast and easy) on a normal chestnuts tree (with nearly no leaves and no fruits because its autumn now) and wants to know what then because there are no...
      i am in a building not far away from that scene and look out of the window. i focus my sight on a car infront of me that wants to park in a parking lot. it brakes very abrupt and then accelerates fast into the parking lot but he didnt stop and keep on driving out of my sight i lean forward to keep looking and see that he drives right though a electricity box or a mailing box? weird. i look down again and see a guy i saw the other day with another guy and the walk pretty fast. a mixture of fast forward and rushed. i get a strange feeling and look at my hands. looks pretty normal. i throw them out of sight and back again fast. a little blurry. i do a noseplug but somewhat i cant breath really. i dont give up and get stubborn. i dont ask but think this is a dream! and do the noseplug again and suddenly i can breath without problem. i dont know what to do. i jump out of the window. and move in the direction where the car was driving. the quality of the dream is pretty bad. everything looks pixelated/grainy. i rub my hands and try to stabilize. while i keep moving i think that it looks like fog and suddenly fog come up. i dont want to enter the fog because i think that it will let me fall into the void and i turn around and wake up.

      maybe i could have tried to stabilize more and be more rigid about it but it dont felt like a mind thing but i think it was because it was too early morning and my sleep was very light/fully rested. after waking up i felt fully awake and not sleepy at all.
    10. bedbugs

      by , 10-29-2015 at 02:37 PM
      I had another dream that there were these couches I was going to sit on on at an auto store (or some store) but they had just sprayed for bedbugs and the only real way to get rid of them is to heat treat so I warned my family not to sit down on anything and worked to gtfo
      dream fragment
    11. Green eyed monster

      by , 10-29-2015 at 02:16 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm at university, talking with a working group about a course we share. We resolve the issue and everyone get up and prepare to leave. We get out, it's still pretty early and we walk to the bus stop. We have to go up a slope, as the university is sort of sukken in the hill, and pretty decrepit. We pass close to some bushes between the university and the sidewalk, there is someone here, hidden. I go to him; he's scared by people picking on him because he's nerodivergent; I guess it's some sort of autism. I coaxe him out and walk him home. It's a rickety flat, very narrow and full of corner and half levels. There isn't a real bedroom; it's the living room, with two mattress throw in and bad, hash lighting. His mother is here; she's a stereotypical hooker, with bleached blonde hair, trashy makeup and black, lacy lingery. She's with a man, who doesn't seem happy with her son and me coming in. The boy have picked up some cookies while walking in the appartement and share with me, his mother is spitting venom at him. I try to be polite and told her that if I knew she had compagny, we would have go ty my place. She turn her glare on me and the situation feel so weird that I realise that I'm dreaming. I immediatly stand up and try the finger through the palm RC; it doesn't work, but I'm so sure that it's a dream and angry at her that I don't care. I tell the mother that she should care about her son more, and at least not have lovers hidding in the closed while accusing his son to bring girls in the flat under her nose. I take the boy hand and storm out. I look back at him when we reach the sidewalk, and he transformed into David. I smile and go to kiss his cheek, but he turn his head at the last moment so my lips land on his instead. I laught and playfully push him and he wrap a arm around me. We walk a little as I think about what to do, then I really that the sun is setting, and that the sea is on the other side of the road. I remember thet I wanted to take Eli to the beach, and we cross the road. I've been to the beach enough in waking life that I'm confident it will feel the same, and I use my usual technique of putting my hand behind my back to call him, but it take a long time for me to feel his hand in my and I call him louder in my head, telling him he's missing everything. He finally show up we the sea reach my knees, but instead of taking my hand he push David in the water and I'm dragged in and both swallow and breath in some water. I choke on it and it feels the same as waking life, cold and burning*, and I start to panic and blacking out.

      When I come back up, I'm in a flat, way nicer that earlier, and alone except for a small animal that looks like a cross between a wolf pup and a kitty. I pick her up and hold her close to my chest, it's my totem. The dream feel weird, loopsized almost. I get out of the room I was because the mirror covering the whole wall is really enerving to me and look for Eli. Something enormous jump in front of me, wearing a caricatural mask of a african man, scaring me. I grab the mask and rip it off, starting to really get pissed off. Eli, still wearing is costume, give me a cheeking smile, but I'm too annoyed to find it funny. "Really Eli? Really?!" He try to kiss me and I wake up.

      *When I was very young, I got caught in a rolling wave and my mother had to pull me out before I drowned.

      Eli is a jalous bugger. I was really ticked off when I got up, and we talked about me having dream friends and how it doesn't change my love for him.
    12. wedding, but none?

      by , 10-29-2015 at 02:09 PM
      So I had arrived at a church thing with Max and simon and I was in a wheel chair that I parked next to the pew the rest of the family was in. I then had some dad poke me in the back and say why done you give that to someone who needs it like my son, get up. So i got up and went down to the other side of the pew and waited. I was waiting to see Greta and for some reason only the back of the church was filling up. Eventually a super cute brownish haired girl with very very bright eyes walked in the church wearing a blue dress. I was watching her walk when the dad poked me in the back again, I half turned and told him not to poke me again. The max said he remember working out with the blue dress girl once but couldn't remember here name.
    13. Game set but no match

      by , 10-29-2015 at 11:46 AM
      D1 - Outside a set of classrooms, students are congregated waiting to enter class, there is a dividing barrier between classes for queuing.
      One student looks at me shocked (DS1) P has crush on me, I vividly feel intense emotion of being in love. She looks on as I give other girl a gift of a magazine, freshly wrapped in plastic. I feel the 2nd intense emotion vividly of the excitement of my lustful(?) and dark underhand emotions, delicious. Next I am in a girls locker room, there are long benches and people discussing the event. I bump into a third girl who is notorious for being gay, she is after the girl with a crush on me, prey. I suggest with a openly flirtatious look that i am available. She is shocked but accepting of my advance.
      I signal for us to go somewhere private. I am worried she will tell all about me. We enter a white (ds) area with a lift to the right, thread bare school carpet and white columns to the middle right, a bland poster on a wall. We head behind the columns to an area ahead with chairs and potted plants. She has dark school uniform with some grey, large bag with strap across her chest. She has long brown hair and pleasant features, nose maybe little to promentant , brown eyes, some makeup. I feel her emotion, she has love but a more general one, she loves all girls. I shock her by dispassionately proceeding to discuss the attractive features of each girl, as i see it.
      I wake 1:32am feeling a strong sensation over my chest, it is a tingling and burning sensation. It is dark in the room but in my minds eye I see short orange and black flames coming from my chest area. (similar occurance to after first ld at dv, but much less intense, that was x100 this being x10 ), similarly on recalling memory sensation tho dulled felt also.
      - dream sign of vivid familiar face looking at me, smiling.
      /took about an hour before went off to sleep again due to
      a) wanted to ensure recalled details with my current method (dont want to have to get up, annoys partner if am up or scrawling notes)
      b) intense experience to while to settle down

      D2 - Old man, white beard , brown coat (giver ? jeff bridges) is teaching me survival skills. We are laying on large wooden structure which is also home. Size and shape of large train caboose, some wood is piled next to us. I seem to be not unlike tom sawyer.
      seems long dialogue then i leave. Other children give farewell prank, spraying liquid over me from toilet seat in back of caboose (one holds others legs while one lays inside ), they look like street urchins.

      D3 - In office, old chunky pcs with large white monitors, everywhere. I start to help technician who turns up to fix a monitor. We swap monitors to try and diagnos problem. New head of dept turns up, long blondie hair, heels etc. Confusion over why we are going to other branch. Not to meeting at 1-2pm but to fix monitor. Then standing by slanted countertop with trailing wires like xmas lights, joke with head about swapping monitor with starbucks next door.

      D4 - frags
      - stepping cautiously over many prone bodies of sleeping ? sunbathers. Am spotted by guy with short dark hair and intelligent eyes but get to sea. Jump in and swim, under warm sun.
      - Editing video, seemed like longish repeating dream.
      1st was cutting scene then realised was long due to tension of whether girl in box car would live or die. Then context changed on same scene completely changing same footage.
    14. The Non Worried Showerer (this title thing's gonna be a chor isn't it?)

      by , 10-29-2015 at 11:11 AM
      I came to some guy's house and snuck in. The corridor was very long and high tech, it was futuristic. He was in the shower and through the door I was watching him. He noticed me and shut off whatever was allowing me to see through it in the first place. When he came out and talked to me it was as if he didn't mind that I'd basically been perving on him. We walked down the corridor and had a look at his home. It was really big and his "kitchen" was an entire cafeteria.

      I dreamed I was outside (perhaps the former dude's house) and I wanted to steal a motorbike. It was a really vivid dream, that much I know cause it's like it really happened. Eventually after examining cars and bikes I got one but I can't remember where I was supposed to be going.

      I was in a changing room with a woman (not my gf) who I was performing sexual acts on. At the same time another couple came in and started doing the same. We noticed each other but they seemed to have shit on us, so I left feeling worried.
    15. War

      by , 10-29-2015 at 10:11 AM
      Lucid glimses througout the dream, but no real control. I blame an unwillingness to destroy the story.

      I am in the dark wood panelled stairwell of a bar somewhere in Asia (I think). I know I am a high end prostitute who lives above the bar at the request of my mysterious wealthy patron. Out of curiosity I float out of my body to take a look at my self - I look like Liv Taylor. I float back in. I spend my days in leisure, except when my patron comes around, obviously One day though, he arrives in a rush and takes me to the airport. On the streets I see chaos. Men in weird uniforms, not all alike, shoot at civilians with futuristic looking weapons. At the airport we get on a plane. The plane takes off, but on the way up I look out of the window and spot a jet fighter dropping bombs on the city I just left. Some time after, we are forced to make an emergency landing. I am the first person to leave the plane, gliding down the air slide. I land hard on my feet.

      I lose some time.

      I am suddenly swimming away from a war torn beach. The strange soldiers wade through the waters killing everyone still alive. I hide beneath a jetty, playing dead.

      I lose time again. I am now on another (tiny) beach, with some of the soldiers. The little beach is closed of by tall rocks on two sides, and towards the sky and the jungle to the right there is heavy cage wiring. In the wire towards the jungle there is a closed wire door. I'm not afraid. The soldires are discussing the war. Until now, I've had no idea what's going on. Apparently the soldiers fight for Nature against Humans. Nature has taken matters into her own hands, and is solving the climate change crisis herself. Using Human soldiers. One of the soldiers is angry and yelling at the others. He dosn't want to participate in the slaughter anymore and he dosn't believe Nature could do anything about it, if all the soldiers just left. He goes through the wire door. Immidiately a giant gorilla and a huge lion come out of the dark jungle and drag him away. When his screaming has stopped, I go to the wire door and closes it. It doesn't lock.
      I wake up.
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