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    1. 2/5/16 - Spellbee's Grungefest 2016 Night 2 (2016 Lucid #17)

      by , 02-05-2016 at 10:54 PM
      I slept for 13 hours, and skipped all my classes hoping to feel better. I took some Delsym for my cough, but I think that affected my dreams a bit, as I didn't remember as many as usual. I did have a short lucid, even if it was just a fragment.

      I'm at this volcano and somehow know I'm dreaming. I remember trying to do something with my fingers to start a fire, but I never quite got it to work. Besides that, I kinda forgot to stabilize or anything, so I think I woke up pretty quickly.

      I'm now in this narrow passageway between these two brick buildings. There's a series of train tracks going down the middle, so I follow them down for a ways. At one point, the tracks get all twisted up, and I get scared that a train is going to come and be derailed by the screwed-up section of track. At this point, I become kinda semi-lucid and jump on the tracks, riding the rails with these roller skate-like things I suddenly have. I ride for quite a while, with one foot on each rail of the train track. The tracks continue until I get to this place that looks like one of the Bowser's Castle levels from Mario Kart. The rails take off in different directions, one going higher than the other, and I struggle to say on. I realize the ground beneath me has kinda disappeared, and instead is a large pit of lava. I attempt to keep my balance until I finally get back on solid ground.

      I somehow manage to get to the end, and I'm now with my dad and brother at the bottom of this hill that leads to a run-down barn in the country. I don't know I'm dreaming, but I do know I'm in some video game, and as we're walking, I even see the Xbox Achievement pop-up show up, awarding me with a strange achievement with a really long name. I run up this hill to get the barn, but just as I reach the top the barn bursts into flames. I watch in horror as the whole place comes crashing down, and the fire spreads to some nearby trees and bushes amazing quickly. The three of us run to safety as all of our surroundings start crashing down around us, until I finally wake up.
    2. Not for the squeamish.

      by , 02-05-2016 at 10:24 PM (Here be dragons)
      Not a lot this time. I remember peeling off huge pieces of the skin of my feet with my nails. The flesh unerneath didn't feel raw, just slightly tender, even if I got thoses big slab off. The skin I got off was tough and dryish, like calluses.
    3. Brief Lucid Dream about my sister who died

      by , 02-05-2016 at 10:09 PM
      Sad dream last night.

      I dreamed I was with my older sister. She and I were in a large house going upstairs. She seemed so strong and fast. I commented to her about how she seemed so athletic. Something about this seemed strange. She said that this reminded her of that time long ago when we went on a big hike together and how fun that was. That it was before she got sick.

      I thought about how sick she had been with cancer. How she was bedridden. My mind was suddenly trying to remember when she got better. How was she suddenly so healthy and athletic?


      The thought hit me hard. She wasn't better. She had died. This was just a dream. I woke up with a start.

      It would have been nice to have stayed lucid and had a nice dream spending time with my sister again. But I guess it wasn't meant to be.
      Tags: sister
    4. False Awakenings, Dream within a Dream, and Missed Lucid Opportunities

      by , 02-05-2016 at 08:42 PM
      I want to catch up again with recording my dreams here. This is from two night ago:

      Obviously dreaming and lucidity are on my mind. But sometimes things get pretty mixed up in dreams. Almost 10 years of lucid dreaming and I still have nights like this.

      In the first dream I was with a group of people in a place that looked similar to the backyard in the house I grew up in. I was looking at a dirt slope and saw a cicada nymph that was about to hatch out into its adult form. My eyes had a macro view as I saw the exoskeleton start to split and the adult head start to emerge. I thought this was the coolest thing ever, so I went to get my phone/camera so I could film the process.

      I knew I had left my phone on a table, but when I got there it wasn't there. I frantically started looking around. How could I have misplaced it? I'm usually so careful with my phone. I started shouting out to everyone there to help me find my phone. I looked back over and saw that the cicada was about halfway out. I was missing this! I kept running around in search of my phone when I suddenly "woke up".

      I was back in my bed and I looked over and my phone was on my night stand. Duh, that was just a dream. Of course. Typical dream--can't find my camera to take a picture of something cool. I then jumped up out of bed and grabbed my camera and headed out to the backyard where everyone still was. Now I could take a picture of the cicada.

      Haha. Completely missed lucidity on that one!

      Dream 2:

      I was talking to someone about a book. We had also been talking about lucid dreaming. I told the person (a lady, I think) I was with that it was pretty easy to enter a dream. I started walking her through the steps. First you get into a relaxed state, then you start picturing what it is you want to dream about.

      I started thinking about that book. I remembered a scene where there was a girl who was running down the street. I started thinking about it. Soon I saw the girl and the neighborhood appear in front of my eyes.

      I told the lady who I was with that I was going to enter a scene from the book. I told her that I was already seeing the image appear before me. I told her the next step was to solidify everything, so I could make myself enter the dream.

      I then saw everything more clearly. My vision was following this girl down the street. I now knew that I had to solidify my own body. I imagined my legs running and swinging my arms. I soon could see my arms as I ran. I looked down and saw my feet. This was progressing nicely.

      I then reached out and rubbed my hands together. Yes. I was fully in the dream. Yes, I was lucid. Awesome!

      I continued following the girl. Something told me this was important. She went in to a house. I followed.

      And that's all I remember. I must have lost lucidity.

      I feel bad I lost the chance to have a nice long lucid dream where I accomplish many goals. But I should always be happy anytime I get lucid , even if the dream's short and I get there is strange ways. It shows dreaming and lucidity were on my mind.
    5. UFOs; Snow; Gypsies

      , 02-05-2016 at 07:52 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last nigt work 5pm-11pm.

      Bed 2am - 9:55am


      I'm walking outside in the ankle deep snow. It's at night and strong wind is blowing falling snow in all dirrections. I'm holding something small in my arms. Maybe it's a creature or a small child that is not really a child by age. I want to provide comfort so I hide him under my long coat. It's happy.

      I look back and I can't see anything. The lights of a large farm house have disappeared in the distance. It's a blizzard and we are joking about getting lost. Joking-because I know the way. I look under my feet and there is a barely visible but very clear path back to the house.

      I turn again away from the house and come to picket fence. I see some lights in the distance, growing biger. I hear 2 people from neighbors farm yelling at me something, warning me about approaching lights. I can recognize it as a fast approaching car. I know they have no chance of seeing me so I walk towards it and step left so I'm behind the fence. I let the car pass by me.

      (The snowfall was beautiful and providing comfort was comforting to me as well)


      I'm in my mom's kitchen. Somebody is talking loud just under the first story window in foreign language. I aonly recognize the word "Romania". 3 males are walking away and as they look back, I see they are typical Gypsies.

      I look outside to see what the noise is and there is a bunch of them standing outside the fence to our uncle's and our garden. Some of them are climbing on it and trying to break in.

      Here the story splits into 2 scenarios.

      1 - I walk outside and confront them. Their leader is threatening me and says I better keep the doors locked because he is coming back after my family.

      2 - Now that I know that ^^, at first sign of commotion outside, I grab my big handgun, walk outside and shoot the leader in the head. He drops dead and I ask "anybody else?"

      I know I should keep shooting and I either do or just imagine that scenario, as the cleanest and safest way to protect me and my family.

      There was a also a small handbag left by the leader on my table. It's moving just a tiny bit and I wonder what "mafia" message he left me in it. As I'm taking it outside, I'm thinking somebody's finger. But I see through the zipper, it's a nonvenomous snake.

      Next thing I know I see my dad outside and I'm asking him if he seen the snake. He says which one, and that he was rather big and he is joking, because he has him around his neck like a pet.

      My mom walks up and she pets the snake which is weird because she doesn't like them.

      They are coming closer, I pull out my gun and I tell them to stay back, because I'm gonna drop somebody. I'm thinking if the snake dies fast if I shoot him in the spine.


      I'm sitting by large windows in a rather large room. I look up at the skies (was practicing for TOTM in WL) and I see some flat clouds. They look like UFO clouds and I'm jokingly saying to someone about UFOs in the skies.

      I look to the left and there are some huge alien spaceships. They are all different, colors are muted by distance and slight fog. But they are very pretty grey and blue gray.

      There was some kind of aerial fight and some very tall structure looking like a street ligt, but reaching all the way to the clouds took a hit and started toppling over. The wery tip of it hit the window near me and fell on the pillow I had my head on just seconds later. My phone got damaged and it's screen got cracked. It still worked but all images were shrunk to the middle of the screen.

      A utility truck comes by fast. It's all burned up and metal is all twisted. I't going fast, dodging the holes on the street caused my explosions and falling debree.

      Now I'm standing on the corner of the street and another utility wehicle comes by fast and it's leaving brand new asphalt pavement. We are amazed how fast the city fixes itself after distruction.

      Updated 02-05-2016 at 07:58 PM by 50242

    6. [05-02-2016]

      by , 02-05-2016 at 05:17 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in a shop near school. With classmates from previous school we were waiting in a queue. I wanted to buy some chips. For some reason, one of classmates paid for me and we went outside. On the way I ate some - it had strong herbal taste, and was a little bit spicy. We entered the school and went to IT room, where we worked on something.

      Second dream

      I was in my home, playing with our family pet - a fly. I had great fun with it, and wanted to find it some better place to live. I found a purple flower and found some good spot with few spiders. This fly was unusual - it ate spiders. Next day we wanted to play with our family pet, but we couldn't find it. We only found some dead spiders. Suddenly something jumped on me. I tried to throw it off, but it jumped back. After a while I managed to get rid of it - it was a strange black bug with long, thin legs.
      Tags: bugs, chips, fly, pet, school
    7. First entry - Magic

      by , 02-05-2016 at 05:04 PM
      Hello, this is my first dream journal entry, i have decided to write it because i feel it will help my dream recall and i want to add to the community. This is my 10th day after starting writing down my dreams.

      Friday 05/02/16 - Fight club(vividness 5/5)

      I am in some sort of extremely posh fight club, their is red lace every where and beautiful pottery, trying to rescue 3 sisters from these evil men. I am with two old women, who are powerful wizards, with long wizened faces. i am walking through the club and can hear the people fighting. the woman to my left stops me and a look of fear passes across her face, she shows me a vision of a sorcerer wearing a well tailored suit, strolling through the fight, people dropping around him, and he has not even drew his sword. She states he is the most powerful sorcerer ever, and not even i could stop him(In my dream i am some sort of super powerful prodigy destined to save the world ) *FLASH TO ANOTHER PLACE IN THE CLUB* in some dark dingy room a door opens and a man walks into the room were the 3 girls are being held, strapped to chairs. he walks up the the nearest one and hits her with with his cane, blood splatters on his suit. the other girls try to stop him by shouting insults, to get him to beat them instead, so they wont hurt their sister. He begins to beat the one on the left, she looks him in the eye and refuses to give cry, she looks to her sister and gives a brave smile.

      Friday 05/02/16 - 100 Year war(vividness 4/5)

      There is a war that has been going on for 100 years, i have been fighting in it for a long time and have been at every key event in it. *I have a specific memory of standing on a ledge dramatically looking down on a giant war between two huge factions of sorcerers (around 10000 people), i sadly look down on the blood bath, unable to do anything, i turn around and walk away **I also have lots of over memory of fighting hundreds of sorcerers and single-handedly, taking them all down without using any magic*. i am sat in a dark room with two old men, one of the men is one of the leaders of the factions, i am reluctant to be hear because i don't like fighting in the war anymore, they are talking to me telling me i have the power to end the war as i am the last pusher(a version of the force, only more powerful), and a prophecy foretold the last pusher would be the most powerful being in existence. the old man is the to the right of the faction leader is the only other pusher left, he offers to train me.(i think i accepted)*flash forward* The old man who is training me is out in the snow and a man walks up to him and hands him a shield, my master smiles, the shield is some sort of great honor awarded to the best, he turns to walk into the bar i am in, but two thieves kill him and steal his shield. i was in the bar and could sense the disturbance and ran out, killed the thieves but it was too late, he was dead. this is what made me become powerful.

      Friday 05/02/16 - Friends (fragment)(vividness 2/5)

      i am walking up the hill to my house with my friends (I will call them John and Mike) Mike wants to go down to his house and meet up with some of our other friends but we know that would take a long time, so i convince them to come to my house, we set off walking and a weird giant steam punk tractor goes by, everything looks normal but lightly off.

      Friday 05/02/16 - Steam punk sister (Fragment)(vividness 3/5)

      I am not their but my sister is, she is fixing up my home(she has super strength and speed), i live in a giant warehouse in a scrap heap in some steam punk alternate reality. she is showing my other sister around and they are jumping around super high. she has made me some sort of space rocket that can only be used to leap in the air really high like a frog, she climbs in and the dream view goes 3rd person, like a vehicle in a game. she jumps on to a broken giant version of it that is in my scrap heap.

      Thank you for reading, if you did. also can anyone let me know if i should split all these dreams up, or keep them in the same entry.
    8. Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (SSILD) Second attempt + LD

      by , 02-05-2016 at 05:00 PM
      I've tried the SSILD again the past night. I had a LD but what happened it was a very strange and new experience to me: during an usual dream I found myself in a bathroom of an old building, like a school or a hospital.
      At some point while looking at the mirror (that was steamy) I became lucid (I don't remember if something in particular triggered it or if it just happened) but then I became aware of my body in the real world.
      I'm not sure if I was aware of it for the whole time and the dream itself was some prolonged HH like the night before, or if I became aware of it just after gaining lucidity (it's hard to explain or even realise it), but at that point I was in my bed, with my eyelids still closed and the dream I was having it was similar to a projection on my closed eyelids. It also became an old black and white movie, similar the ones of the world wars.

      This is something new to me, I was living only the visual experience of the dream in a very clear and detailed way, like watching a movie (but not with my mind's eye as when day dreaming), while becoming aware of my physical body. Also, the black and white thing is new, I've always dreamt in colours, I don't know if it was some way with which my mind tried to make sense of the fact that I was "watching a dream" with closed eyes.

      Furthermore when I woke up in the middle of the night, after one of the dreams, I also had auditory hallucinations, like if someone was speaking to me (I've done a RC just to make sure that it wasn't just a FA), sadly I don't remember what the voices were saying.

      During the rest of the night I had some other of dreams (not lucid), but in one in particular there was something new that I think I've never done in the past: I shape-shifted myself into a bird as a disguise and to fly away from someone that was following me with the intention to hurt me.
    9. Tank Rampage

      by , 02-05-2016 at 03:28 PM
      5/2/2016 (thu)

      Long LD 354 "Tank Rampage"
      The dream copies our ealier Thursday night tabletop session where we are making up characters for a new Star Wars Edge of Empire campaign. NH is there along with JK and a random guy and a girl. The room is also my bedroom. Having finished my character I lounge in bed listening to the others talking.

      In a micro dream I am in a Star Wars themed space port. They have weird model helicopters and boats stuck on the wall. I see some kind of rollercoaster build in to the buildings as well.

      The dream skips back to the earlier scene. Bedroom/Living room table.

      My model lego quinjet is right next to the pillow and I accidently break it by resting my head on it. Part of the wing falls off and the cockpit. I reattach the broken bits and find lego Han Solo has stolen the quinjet.

      Anyway Im desperate to sleep and suddenly hear AB in the next room, along with Star Wars mysic and assume she is watching The Force Awakens. I go ask her if she could turn the volume down a little. The music reduces in volume and I go back into the other room. The others pack up and leave, along with mysterious blonde girl.

      After lying down to sleep a false awakening happens. There are people back in the bedroom talking. Also there is a cat and a large grey wolf. I study them and become lucid. Recalling the TOTM I walk through the bedroom wall. It goes slightly black for a moment then I end up in a hospital corridor. It seems deserted. I walk along to some kind of foyer and see my parents sitting in the waiting room. I wave and then run and do some parkour over the packed waiting room benches to get outside.

      The car park has a chain fence running along it. I remember a personal goal to drive a tank through a city and decide this is a fence protecting an army base. I rip the fence down like its tin foil.

      Inside is a weird white building that reminds me of a mission setting from MGS V. There are guys in military uniform hanging around chatting on the balconies. Possibly they are off duty. I decide to avoid them and try to fly over the building, because there are explosions and some kind of battle going on on the far side.

      I try to use fast flying and after a slightly wobbly start launch up over the building. A battle is going on between several tanks. one looks like a small predator tank. I land on the roof, yank open the hatch and jump inside. Things switch to a first person view without any of the controls of the tank. Just as well cause Ive never been in a tabk and have no idea how to drive one. Instead it handles like a reasonably fast car. I head back towards town, following a road that is thinner than the tank but that doesnt matter. I see some vehicles and drive over them, smashing them up. And of course I fire the tanks main weapon off a few times in the direction of various buildings, watching them blow up in unrealistic Hollywood style. Vision goes a bit fuzzy and all visual sensations vanish but the feeling of movement continues.

      The dream attempts to trick me with a false awakening. Nope.

      I pinch my nose to confirm this is still a dream. The room looks bizarre anyway with stacks of orange boxes on shelves. The door leads into a hospital. Childrens ward. I quickly head through a few corridors to get out when a gorgeous red head catches my eye. Taking her hand I push into the closest room, which is a storeroom and filled with crap. I make a sweeping gesture to destroy it all.

      For a moment I hesitate, just staring at her. A weird false memory suggests she is a coworker. (Nope). Also she looks about 18, dressed in green hospital scrubs but she looks to have a great body hidden under those not-so-flattering clothes. She waits patiently until I move in for a kiss, and she reciprocates. I have trouble with my trousers and have to look down to work out how to get them off. She is now holding up a mirror, reflecting the view of my privates back at me. Uh. That looks a bit wrong. I look from the mirror to my dream body and back. The reflection is not me its um... significantly wider, but my dream body seems normal.

      On looking back up the mirror is now a laptop screen and the red haired woman is now inside the screen. Dammit. I try to enter the screen. "No! We'll be trapped!" she shouts. "You have to pull me out!"

      I try to reach into the screen and grab her hand but can't get through. Frowning I try to get her back into the room with willpower. Her face starts getting dragged into the screen, some horrific special effects that nake it look like her face is dissolving into sand. She is screaming. Shit this isnt supposed to happen!

      The scene fades. Can't leave things that!

      Its another false awakening. An RC confirms it. I yank open the bedroom door searching for the red haired girl. She is waiting on the other side. She smiles weakly as I pull her into a tight hug and start appologising for what happened. She seems fine so we start kissing again and I get her top off this time. I'm trying to focus on giving her a good time since I still feel guilty about the whole ripping her apart through the screen thing.

      I take my tshirt off and she looks at me with a slightly critical eye. Normally I wouldnt give a crap about my appearance but since this is about what she wants... "What?" I ask her.
      "Kinda skinny." She says, stroking a hand down my abs.
      "Ok, how about..."

      My usual dream method of bulking up is to pull in some deep breaths and make some wrestler poses. "Hrrrrrrr! Rrrrrrrh!" This makes her giggle but seems to have the right effect. She seems quite happy with my new muscular physique. Following this we start to have sex but I get the feeling it isnt what she really wants.

      We head outside to go flying. I take her hand and lift up into the sky. We head onto the roof of a tall building where there is loud music playing that seems familiar. I start rocking out and play air guitar. The girl is gone.

      I head through the streets searching for her and run into a couple of thugs armed with knives who decide to try and rob me. Bad plan. As the first goes to stab me I slow time for him giving me plenty of time to block the strike and turn the knife back on him. The other guy steps in and I repeat this until they both have a couple of nasty knife cuts.

      I wake up and consider trying to chain back in but think back on how long the dream has been and decide it might make me forget all this.
      lucid , task of the month
    10. Underground Dorm Rooms

      by , 02-05-2016 at 03:02 PM
      I Had a Dream Where, for some reason, i was parkouring around a busy city at nighttime. I slid down an escalator that led into what looked like an underground subway but when i got into the subway it wasn't a subway, it was an underground college Student Dorms. There seemed to be a party going on because there was a bunch of college students in the rooms ands hallways. While i running through the dorms everyone was saying hello to me, i said hello back to some people and i fist bumped and shook hands with other people. While running, i ran into a guy who wanted to pick a fight with me. I grabbed him by his ankle and started carrying him around the dorm hallways like he was weightless. I purposely knocked him into walls and doors while the other college students laughed at him. After a while, i came up with the conclusion to drop him off the roof (what roof? I dunno the dorms was underground) so i started carrying him up the stairs to the roof. Halfway up the stairs i stopped. I turned around to see a crowd of college students at the bottom of stairs looking at me as if they knew i intended to throw the guy i was carrying off the roof. Awkward silence. I then said to everyone "Well, looks like i'm gonna have to kill all of you before the night is over" THEN I SUDDENLY WOKE UP that was a weird but very satisfying dream.
    11. My Dream Girl

      by , 02-05-2016 at 02:31 PM
      It was nighttime and i was standing on a sidewalk, for some reason the street lamps were all off and the only light source was the moon's illumination. It must've been quite cold because i was wearing a hoodie, i was wearing gloves and i could see my breathe exhaling in front of me. I noticed a girl staring at me from across the street; she was also wearing a jacket, gloves, and a beanie. We both stood for a few moments just staring at each other before she started making her way towards me. She closed the distance between us, finally stopping directly in front of me. Both of us stood quietly in front of each other. She had her hands stuffed in her jacket pockets, Her hair was black, her skin was pale, and her eyes were staring directly into mine. She was beautiful. A moment of silence and stillness passed between us untill she finally took her hands out of her jacket and cupped both sides of my face. She took a step closer to me, Her face was now only inches away from mine, she was so close i could feel her breathing on me. Before i could get a grasp of what was happening She was was already kissing me. Her lips were warm and soft, her tongue was wet and it was wrestling with mine, and her hands gripped my face tightly as she continued kissing me. It was amazing. As we stood there on the sidewalk kissing i felt, to my horror, myself starting to wake up. I did'nt want to wake up, i wanted to stay. I wrapped my arms around her waist and embraced as much of her as i could. I was desperately kissing her back as i felt her fading away from me. The beautiful girl i was holding tightly onto was disappearing and at the same time I was slowly gaining consciousness, until finally i woke up. My room was still quite dark, so i must've woken up right before dawn. For some reason i was short of breath and i was sweating considerably. I could still feel her warmth on my lips. It felt so intense... So real. More real and intense than any kiss i've experienced before. That was, without a doubt, the most vivid dream i've ever had in my life. I sat up from my bed with an ache in my chest as the realization that it was all just a dream hit me like a speeding vehicle. It wasn't real... She wasn't real. The pain of her not being real was too much for me. I started crying. I've never cried before because of a dream. Wierd. It's been four days since i've dreamt of that girl. I can't get get her out of my head. It's as if i'm in love with her. Wow, isn't that sad? I'm in love with a girl that doesn't exist. Since that night i've been going to sleep with her on mind. I hope i see her again. Even if she's only in my head.
      memorable , lucid
    12. Swimming

      by , 02-05-2016 at 01:28 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      I just remember swimming in this wicked oily water stuff
    13. Screaming

      by , 02-05-2016 at 01:27 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      I was in my room looking out of the window, and there was screaming like high pitched screaming and it was messing with me, I live by the woods so it was scary, I went to go for a walk back there but I was wearing these weird shoes that didn't look like shoes and then I was walking a trail with my friend and I see this with lady with long black hair and a pale face laughing demonically and screaming was behind her, I tried shooting but the bullets just dropped and turned big, she started flying towards us but still in the standing position and then I got to the store and the workers disappeared and that's it
    14. 2016-02-05 train, LDs#171(ToTM B:II) ufo/blimp, LD#172 paralyzed, LD#173 kiss, girl, pizza

      by , 02-05-2016 at 11:52 AM
      dreamviews/safari ate my ENTIRE DJ ENTRY for today. Only re-posting one-sentence summaries for now:

      bedtime: midnight

      ~ 5 hrs:

      + train

      WBTB: 45 mins to 1 hour

      + LD#171 blimp ToTM Basic II (sky)

      + LD#172 paralyzed, sucked into sky, cartoon bridge

      + LD#173 "L" science museum, girls, kiss, ask to dance, kiss


      + (f) offering pizza to friends/guests in a house

      + caveman: oral attention to girl
      lucid , task of the month
    15. A New Quest

      by , 02-05-2016 at 08:30 AM
      After 2012 I began to lose interest, because I had no questions I wanted answered. I hit a wall so to speak. I am back. I have questions.
      side notes
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