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    1. The Next Stage BB+DA+WBTB+GA+MILD+WILD

      by , 11-24-2019 at 11:58 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      As I continue laying in my bed beginning to lose the feeling of my body. I all of a sudden get suck in to a dream scene. It was night I could feel myself grounded now and ask myself did it work. I look at my hands and look up at the sky and said yes I'm here. There a was guy getting in to a light tan car. It was nighttime, the sky had a blemish northern light appeal to it with some random orange to it. I thought it look very beautiful. I began walking on the side walk and remember to try to stay stabilize in the dream.

      I began rubbing my hands together and focus on the idea that I was indeed dreaming. As I continue to walk I did feel a little nervous just knowing I was in a dream which is uncommon for me. I then not too long after felt someone tap my shoulder as I walk. I turn around to see who it was but it was no one there. I then attempted to continue walking but all of a sudden the shorts I was wearing got pulled down with some force.

      I tried to get it back up but instead something started pulling my entire leg down and made me hit face first to the road. This made me panic a little as I tried to stay in control of my awareness. The force was pulling me inside to the road and when I completely went through it I lost my awareness.

      I found myself waking up on my bed and assume I had truly woke up and didn't bother doing an RC. This was my mistake as it was truly a false awakening.
    2. 24 Nov: Chip Franklin show and my uncles snooping around

      by , 11-24-2019 at 09:52 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Chip Franklin is on tour and I go with some friends to see one of his shows. It is a disaster, very short, very boring and I fall asleep. I am so disappointed that I try to meet him at the end of the show to have an honest conversation with him.

      My uncles come to my house, which is not my actual house but some kind of barn, and they start checking my drawers, apparently looking for something. They find some of my documents, bank extracts, bills, they basically learn how much money I got and I spend. I am beyond furious for their indiscretion. They pretend they didn't see a thing, but have this look on their faces like now they know something they'll use against me.
    3. Dying sister

      by , 11-24-2019 at 08:26 PM
      My sister was dying from cancer. I was crying on the couch. My mom was back from the dead comforting me.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Let me master the dragon.

      by , 11-24-2019 at 06:52 AM
      Not much to write here.

      The end of the dream was pretty much all I remember. I was inside an arena, which I have previously dreamed about. There’s a DC outside and he tells me you’re not ready to master the dragon yet. A feeling came upon that in which I knew I had previously mastered this. I’m unsure how but the feeling was just there. I am now looking at myself in the mirror, expecting for some facial features to change to something dragon related. I’m unsuccessful because when I’m nervous, I twitch and by twitching I lost my goal.

      Woke up, was an NLD. It was fun, weird, and I’m sad I didn’t get the results I wanted.