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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Anatomically Incorrect Dr Who

      by , 07-31-2013 at 07:58 AM
      In this non lucid dream fragment I was under the impression that I was Dr Who, even though I was famale. I remember running to the bathroom from some people who were either my enemies or authorities of sort or both. I remember locking the door. I peed a very long time. I remember thinking that if they saw how long I peed they would not doubt that I was the Doctor. Of course, Dr Who is known for having two hearts not an unusually large bladder, but in my dream, I did not know that.

      Updated 07-31-2013 at 11:54 AM by 61501

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. 07/30/13 - Fragment - Riding in car, fogged windshield

      by , 07-31-2013 at 05:05 AM
      I was riding passenger in my boyfriend's old VW bus. The bed was pulled out & I was laying in it as he drove. The windshield was covered in a fog & the twilight from the sunset ahead of us was blocking any view through the windshield. I start to panic & the ride becomes bumpy as I struggle to find & turn on the wipers from my lying position. My boyfriend was completely unphased by driving blind... After struggling against the fact that I was laying on a bed in a moving vehicle, I found & clicked on the wipers. As I looked to him, I notice it turned from bright sunset through the mist covered windsheild to darkness of night... & the ride turned smoothe. I said to him and said, "There, now can't you see better babe?"... and just then it started to pour rain in the darkness outside the van & he replied, "Yes, much better.. & just in time".. we both smiled at each other & relaxed into the ride.. I don't know where we were going but I had a sense we were leaving from some place. I never saw anything outside of the car. I think I may have been reading a book before realizing we couldn't see through the windsheild.. & once I had gotten the wipers on, it was dark out & pouring rain.. so I still couldn't see anything from my place in the vehicle.

    3. 7/30/13 - The Waiting Of Stiles And I

      by , 07-31-2013 at 01:02 AM
      Dream Fragment: Stiles and I stand alone in a dark forest clearing. The only light coming from the full moon. We stand side by side. Our shoulders are touching and his left hand grips my right hand tightly, our fingers interlocked. There is no sound but our breathing. We wait in silence.
    4. Day 8 -fragments

      by , 07-30-2013 at 11:39 PM
      Spilled a drink on a friend's carpet. They were very angry and yelling at me.

      Was leaving some place (a hotel room?) with a group and starting taking photos of things on the desk.
      dream fragment
    5. 30th July 2013 More video games

      by , 07-30-2013 at 11:26 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1:

      I was in some FPS video game that had used some elements from STALKER, like radiation and anomalies, but was happening in some desert. There was an enemy base i had to attack and some AI controlled character was following me and i had to defend him as well. I was trying to find best way around the base, including stealthing, ending up failing due to obstacles or something else and replaying the mission a few times, one time there was some anomaly that fired flares or something. Then decided to just go with direct assault. I've had some gun that fired high explosive bullets, though for some reason it was not effective versus enemy soldiers, they were taking damage from direct hits only, so i switched to some other weapons. Enemies came out of the base and i was shooting them while taking cover behind one of wrecked cars, then i ended up successfully clearing the base as well.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was in some video game and i was in some complex and there was something about dragons.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing some FPS, coop with SilentEternity. It looked somewhat similar to minecraft, except not that blocky, there were slopes and such. We were doing some mission where we assaulted some kind of complex underground, activated it's self-destruction sequence and had to escape, sliding on very long slope down and then finding portal of some kind at the very bottom.

      Dream 4:

      I was in some strategic game, controlling some base, ordering some researches and unit building. Then i opened global map, which don't looked like earth at all, there were much more separate continents for one. We controlled only small partion of the map and there were various other factions of different color that we had to fight, and that were fighting between themselves as well. Red faction controlled one of the continents fully and had two of strategic points here. Our faction was dark on the map and controlled one continent fully as well, but with only one strategic point. it was not the aim though since we were going for some other victory condition.
      Other than two fully controlled continents, most of other continents were controlled by various other factions partially, and we controlled parts of some as well. I then sent some air transports with forces to attack resource points of white faction, but though units didn't hold it for too long due to white faction having heavy bombers, it was enough. I've got enough resources for some endgame tech that apparently added some kind of spaceship unit and unlocked another research of some green beam weapon. I've needed more resources.

      Dream 5(fragments):

      I was playing Front Mission 3, but it was different. There was some mission in some underground complex, there i've had to fight four enemy wanzers with four of my wanzers, they were all roughly in weapon range from starting point and additionally the spawn positions could be selected more widely. One of my wanzers had some claw-like weapons and massive shoulder mounted cannons and looked really cool with dark blue color scheme, but it had lowest hp. Then also i've had wanzer with some shotgun-like weapon that activated some skill right as i placed him before first turn even, and auto-attacked nearest enemy. Then during the turn, the low hp wanzer took alot of damage, but then i've attacked enemies with my wanzers and dealt with them quite quickly. Another one of my wanzers had some kind of plasma/energy shotgun weapon that dealt very high damage. Soon enemies were destroyed but mission didn't ended. My wanzers automatically progressed through complex into another area, where there were four more enemies, one of which had flamethrower.

      Dream 6(fragments):

      I was browsing some forum about forum games and there was some discussion about dragons.
    6. River Riding? Sunday July 28th 2013

      by , 07-30-2013 at 08:04 PM (The Inner Machinations of my Mind are an Enigma.)
      My recall wasn't really happening today i guess i got lazy and waited way to long. Dream Fragment : All I remember is that i am body surfing down a pretty narrow river i would say about 15 feet wide and there are these huge waves going down the river. Also I remember noticing someone about 100 yards in front of me down the river that a knew.
      dream fragment
    7. Coffee Machine - 27-07-2013

      by , 07-30-2013 at 02:40 PM
      I'm with a friend (NJ) in my work place.
      We go downstairs to grab a coffee. I grab some coins for the coffee machine.
      I get my coffee and the machine gives me back more money than it should. I take it.
      I look at the ground and pick two 10€ bills. I look up and there's a hole on the machine with a massive amount of 10€ bills in it.
      I pick some. My friend takes the rest. It's a lot of money.
      We knew that there was a robbery where they sabotage the machine.
      At first my friend doesn't want to return the money. He reconsiders it. He tells my boss he'll spend 80€ a day untill someone claims it.
      I stumble across a lady that owned a coffee house in my old town.
      She starts to ask me some questions about my job.
      I lose track of the dream or wake up.
      Don't know.

      I probably bored myself to death and wanted to wake up. Really.. I need to get Lucid.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. 30th July 2013 Noise, video game dream and anime dream, then more noise

      by , 07-30-2013 at 02:11 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap. Go figure there were actually some repair works outside that i could hear only barely, and that managed to influence dreams to such extent...

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was woken up by loud noise of machinery outside then i tried to fall back to sleep and there was some different weird noise.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      There was video game about war between two factions, which then turned to be some mission from AM: Air Attack, namely based on second mission but with alot of ground placed high explosives everywhere.

      Dream 3:

      I was some character in anime and there was a story about some spiritual realm, there were two anime kids and i was helping them and we were on the bridge near huge waterfall. One of us accidentally dropped bottle with some liquid, and as it broke it summoned some weird creatures that we had to fight. We all had some special powers though, one of us could summon weapons.
      Then we went to the city and there was some academy place where we practiced those powers, but also we were trying to figure out something. Later i discovered some dimension that was under the academy, which consisted of stairs and platforms floating in the air and was really foggy. There was some entity that was saying something about end of the world, and then it activated something and disappeared. On the way back alot of people from academy came and were blaming me for activating the of the world trigger and then we had to fight more weird creatures from earlier.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was at home and there were alot of some repair works outside, noise and workers that were trying to 'fix' everything. They even came into my room somehow.
    9. A Beach and a Wilson Bag - 27-07-2013

      by , 07-30-2013 at 12:36 PM
      Dream Fragment:
      Me and my best pal (V.) were in beautiful little town next to a beach. It's daytime. It's really vivid.
      For some reason I don't know or don't remember we wanted to swim to the other shore. We're trying to find a place to leave behind our stuff.. phones, wallets, etc.
      He starts flirting with this girls that's carrying a HUGEEEE white Wilson tennis bag. He asks her if she can keep that stuff for us. No problem.
      Then it starts to get blurry and confusing.
      I go to a little shop (maybe a bakery) and I'm trying to force this guy to give me a knife. I leave. I come back and now I want a plastic bag and some bread? We argue I leave and come back a couple more times.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Driving Lessons - 30-07-2013

      by , 07-30-2013 at 12:20 PM
      Dream fragment.
      I was watching a car from outside like I was standing on its hood. We're in my hometown.
      It was an English type car with the wheel on the left side.
      Some blond guy/kid was having driving lessons from a blond woman.
      She was totally hitting on him. She's almost sitting on his lap.
      Aparently he didn't care, or was to busy learning how to drive.
      I don't know any of them.

      Woke up.

      My driving instructor was also a blond middle aged woman..

      Updated 07-30-2013 at 12:23 PM by 64282

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. 29th July 2013 More video games

      by , 07-29-2013 at 11:47 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1:

      I was playing Quake 1 using my old mod apparently, and in coop with someone, and also some custom level that was really really huge, and mostly empty. It was some kind of work-in-progress level that was supposed to be combination of levels from a different mod, and it was mostly happening in a castle. After a while we managed to find the part of level where there were actual enemies and pickups, i've gotten The Acid Gun, The Plasma Gun and The Minigun(An actual weapons from the mod), then after an elevator there was a room with scrag type enemies. Then later there was some area with lava and a bridge, guarded by some weird enemy that had very effective defense versus projectile attacks.
      Then after going through teleporter, camera switched top-down and started looking more like Doom, there was very weird platforming segment with teleporter mazes and weird navigation. But soon we have reached the top of the area, where camera switched back to first person and where we had to deal with some kind of upgraded mancubuses. Then after another portal there was huge arena and i was playing coop with SilentEternity now. We had to fight through horde of various Doom enemies, some were custom, and also at least four cyberdemons.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some game where i had to control some kind of cyborg and there were two more on my side, controlled by AI. We had to go through some indoors complex with acidic lakes to fight enemy team, which consisted of three cyborgs as well, we easily won because AI was not really good at it.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing another game, in which i had to search through some amusement park for something, there were various characters i talked to, but eventually some enemy helicopters arrived and some ally helicopters, i helped destroying enemy helicopters with some kind of energy cannon then i got into one and we flied to different area, which was some dark city. There i with group of some soldiers had to set up defense and destroy some enemy attack waves.
    12. 7/29/13 - ignored/distracted

      by , 07-29-2013 at 09:37 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm in a house, it seems familiar. I'm trying to tell people something but they are either distracted, ignoring me or this damn guy is playing the guitar and he starts playing louder and louder at the important parts. I'm trying to a woman that story in the bible where the kid is sent out for something and he hits his head or whatever and then when he wakes up it's nearing dark so he goes back and finds out it's been like 60 years, not just a few hours like he time traveled or something. But when I tried to tell it to yet another person I kept stuttering and losing my track and it was so hard to speak and then finally I could speak but when I could she got distracted. And then my damn half sister kept distracting everyone by talking about her stupid shit and I could only get frustrated and tell her to shut up until I get this out, but then I'd stutter again. Then I just tried to tell it to anyone near me and still failed. Then I could hear that tool who purposely tried to play his guitar over me, he is in the back bedroom, I hear him talking so loud to someone, I think he must be on the phone and he's talking about me and that what I'm trying to tell people so I get freaked out that he's planning something and inviting people over to make it harder for me to convey things, so I wait for him to come out and I grab his guitar and smash on his head and he poofs away like purple powder, and then everyone gives me horrible looks like I murdered someone or something.
    13. 7/29/13 - atlantis

      by , 07-29-2013 at 09:26 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm with two random DC's, they're getting all this weird equipment together so go scuba diving in the burmuda triangle. I plead with them not to, that there's still beings down there with the giant pyramids and sphinxes, and they just brush me off like I'm crazy and then they walk away and then I see the murky under water scene of the giant pyramid get closer into my vision until I get shoved and sucked into the scene forcefully and I'm all by myself and I'm so deep under water and I can't see through the water clearly just blue tint and black shadows and I see entities coming towards me and I try to swim away but I'm getting sucked towards the sea bed.
    14. 7/29/13 - BB competition

      by , 07-29-2013 at 09:15 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      So I'm in the big brother house, and I'm a competitor like the others but somehow I'm hearing and seeing information that puts me in an advantage. They jack judds grizzly shirt and place it on a manikin in the nature of a clearance on rocks, and they say the contestants must bid the highest for the shirt, and that afterwards the contestants must be the first to find their way back home. Then we are dropped off in the area amusingly by helicopter, everyone i shocked that we're having a comp outside of the house, it seems no one else knew what the hell to do so I run the the shirt that is like 50 yards away and I yell a bid, I yell out one million dollars! then I hear judd running up from behind and he bids a higher price and the others just stand idle and confused, after we keep bidding they say I won and so I sprint off towards the building that are hardly visible over the trees and down a rocky hill, and the others take off after me.
    15. Jack the Baker [Sat, 27th July 2013]

      by , 07-29-2013 at 07:32 PM
      I decide that to save bandwidth, I shall go for a walk instead of slaving away on the computer all day. Just going down the road outside my back garden. I see Jack L. with his little brother (he doesn't have one as I'm aware of.) I'm surprised to see him in my home-town as he lives in a city around 25 miles away, so we walk and talk, the discussion mainly been about how deep his voice is now and how old he looks. (I felt like I was myself at my own age and current looks, but I can't be certain.)

      As we're walking Jack goes into a 'bread-shop' owned by and old lady (looking in her 40-50's) who loves Stardoll. Jack puts some fresh bread into the oven and I ask if he's usually like this, responsible and a good big brother.

      He laughs, looks me in the eye and says "Never." He says this as he brings the now cooked bread out of the oven, then we leave the shop. I see people I should know but they strangely know Jack much more and they pay no attention to me. Although they do know me the attention was obviously all on Jack. Then I wake up from the sound of something falling in my room. I did a reality check just in case but it didn't overrule the real world so I knew it was reality and not just another dream.

      Maybe this was a dream from my subconscious telling me to be a good big brother, be independent and responsible for my actions. But also been social and getting to know people a bit more.