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    Memorable Dreams

    1. “Spanish Harlem”

      by , 10-18-2013 at 04:18 PM
      Night of October 18, 2013. Friday.

      I am sitting and relaxing during a work break at night at a small motel I worked at with a maintenance crew in real life over twenty years ago. There is a smaller analogue television in the corner which, at first, is receiving the broadcast of a news report. A little later, there is mostly only snow and static, but soon, the song “Spanish Harlem” (Ben E. King version) starts playing over and over, audio only, with occasional additional video glitches such as horizontal wavy lines and such. However, the song had been altered and distorted (partly relative to the signal - which may be the result of a nearby storm) to where it seems certain frequency bands have been stripped and replaced almost flawlessly so that almost all of the vocals are gone and particular instruments come and go sort of like a dub reggae mix.

      Every now and then, the original vocal line “IN…my GAR..den…” is heard abruptly, sometimes causing the other maintenance workers on the longer break to look up or seem confused or annoyed. At these points, there is sometimes also the brief fuzzy video transmission (only about a second or two at different times) of a shadowy female figure (in a cloak?) standing on the outside of a beginning garden, sometimes the “snow” (video term) becoming actual snow relative to the scene, but it mostly seems like a sunny region where the scene takes place. The song transforms into the Herb Alpert’s Tijuana Brass version, at times seeming like overly loud and overly-compressed-sounding tones coming from old squarish loudspeakers at a bullfight. I enjoy the song, though (one of my older favorites which I also played on the piano fairly often). I am not sure where the broadcast is coming from, or if it is some sort of mix-up of television and radio broadcasts as I have seen in real life in the past from either medium. There is a very slight association with the “Prince of Darkness” movie from 1987. The “broadcast” as at the end of the movie is perhaps coming from my wife thirty or forty years from now, in the future, through some sort of advanced technology sending “broadcasts” directly into my mind (again, as in the movie but in a far more viable and positive light) to give me clues about the present (as it sometimes seemed in dreams when I was very young and as a young adult).

      Updated 12-06-2015 at 09:22 AM by 1390

    2. The plunge

      by , 10-17-2013 at 06:36 AM
      Date: 15 Oct

      Pre bed: 1xGingko combo (Gingko, Ginseng, lecithin, mate)

      TST: 6.5 hrs

      Bad night of sleep thanks to the neighbors.

      LD: At grandma's place and am trying to make a cup of tea by using the boiling water from the tap. However, I can't find the tea anywhere. There is a butler whose name is Charles. We go out and he is driving me to the street where we are supposed to pick the tea from some sort of office. There is snow everywhere, I play with it with my hands. Feels normal.

      I become lucid, but have no immediate task in mind. Instead, I decide to play along and go to where we were headed and see what happens. I am a bit uncertain about being able to generate an office, but walk towards the building. The entrance's at the back and I enter the yard. There is some weird flickering going on. I wonder what's that about. The street light has problems? There are electricity cables connected to it and as I move, they get in the way of the light from the lamp, producing this flickering effect. I can't believe this level of detail/effect is possible. Anyways, I continue on my way, get in the building, now there's this guy with me. The office is supposed to be on the first floor. I almost lose lucidity here as the stairs get extremely deformed and narrow, I fail to reach my destination and go back to the building entrance.

      The guy is with me and now there is a woman in the team. They are both dressed with green overalls and are like prisoners from an alien colony. They talk about the guy having some sort of disease. We head towards the street, they are holding 3 guns like Uzzis but green as well. Cool, I am thinking very enthusiastically that we are going to have some sort of dream adventure. At this moment I remember to try to get them to join me in my AF TOTY quest. I turn towards what feels like the city center and think about AF. I can hear the sound of falling/running water and soon see that have caused a large city type of river to appear. Initially, there are 3 jets of water as if coming from a fountain, but actually coming from the river. I have the feeling that AF would be hard to form here, but still think the scene is good for the Great Barrier Reef Task. I come closer to the riverbank, the water is quite deep, extremely clear and is about to overflow from my side. In my mind, this is the Great barrier reef already. I gather a bit of courage and plunge.

      The scene disappears and my body faces the bottom of what looks like the ocean. It's hard to see as it is very similar to when one is really trying to see underwater. My entire body is submerged in this clear, somewhat shallow water. There is enough light and I can feel the sun shining bright above and as hard as it is to see clearly, I can distinguish lots of grains of sand just below me. I struggle to get a better view of everything, but the impression of having water in the eyes and not adapting yet, remains. I think about the next step, corals, but they are nowhere in sight. At the same time, I think about the sea turtle that's supposed to be here (CL that's from you!) and can see the turtle swimming in the water with the sand right in front of me. In addition to that, I can hear a joyful marine type of tune playing softly in the background. I am still struggling with this watery blurry vision though and it finally gets the best of me and the dream totally fades.

      Updated 10-17-2013 at 06:43 AM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the year
    3. 10/16/13 My first lucid dream where I could control the world. *Graphic*

      by , 10-16-2013 at 08:40 PM
      I outlined my dream when I awoke, so I'm going to share as many details as possible and this dream becomes graphic right before I awake.

      I was biking on my diamond back bike that I had as a kid, through my elementary schools field during the night time. I went through and headed by the water tower, which brought me to an alley(all row homes, with small backyards think middle class suburbs.) that is not remotely connected to the pathway but leads back towards the elementary school. There were a few added tree's in the yards and along the alley it's self.

      I look up and see a house flying, I see something in the corner of my eye and it was an Osprey gunner, when it flew over me(above a tree out of view) it changed into a Pelican(helicopter from Halo) there were Spartans on it(Halo soldiers) and it landed behind me, backed up like a car then hoovered and shot at me. I was hit, didn't die instantly realized I was dreaming.

      Figured the theme of the dream was Halo, I imagined a war. It became very real, the area was flooded with Spartans and Covenant(Alien protagonist), since a Spartan attacked me I assumed, I was on the Covenants side. So I yelled drop 4 forerunners(old alien guys, if you played Halo 4 you'd be up to date here) around me. They attacked me so I realized it was me against everyone. I spin in circles(trying to keep the dream) then instantly imagined myself as a black hole and just pulled everyone in.

      It's extremely dark at this point. So I say 'make it brighter'. It becomes slightly brighter(similar to 1/100 ->2/100 on a computer). I say it a few more times and it's very subtle increase. So I changed my wording to 'make it 50 times brighter'. The area becomes lit like early morning, I say it a few times.

      I notice I'm in a building. I walk up some stairs behind me and see a room with people in it to the left. I go in and it's a younger version of a friend Scott and his Sister Anna and 3 decent looking girls. Well I tell Scott and Anna to leave. I walk into a room (it was like a secretary room to an office) behind the room I was in and, tell the 3 girls to blow me. They do, and it was like telling a computer how to initiate a program, I had to give commands and explain. Very inhuman then I awoke.

      The only things that I've gathered from this dream is
      • To alter things, I have to 'issue a command'
      • I play way to many video games
      • I just become lucid from events in the dream

      You're all welcome to leave your thoughts and opinions below. I appreciate any feedback and enjoy sharing my experience.
    4. Deceased Loved One, RC 1&2=0, RC 3=LD!!

      by , 10-16-2013 at 04:22 AM
      **My first DJ entry with tags & categories**

      10/16* My family, at least my wife &I in the beginning, are spending time with my mother in law and my now deceased father in law. It felt like we were spending most of the day with them but I don't recall any specifics so perhaps my mind filling in that part or that thought like a false memory. Anyway we are in the kitchen area mostly is like the house on M. My father in law is sitting in a recliner and I stop and think wait a minute why are you here you passed on at least in my head I said this not sure if I did out loud. I do my float reality check (semi-lucid>>and I don't seem to float (much like when I do the reality check in waking life of course.) I then tried the finger through the palm and it does not pass through the palm. This weakens my lucidity but I move forward in a way that still recognizes that he is passed on because I ask him if I can give him a hug he gets up and I give him a hug and he hugs me back warmly. I then tell my wife to give him a hug too and she doesn't seem to understand why but she goes along with it and I say or think something like this is something you will or would have wanted to do. I decide to reality check once more the nose plug. I can breathe!!! I do it two more times each time making sure I'm really pinching my nose and each time I can breathe! My father in law is so realistic, in the warm embrace, warm to the touch also, and in the way that he looks. This time he looks much closer to the way he looked before he passed on. The only difference is tlhe looked a little bit healthier and not sluggish. Although the experience before confirming for sure that I was dreaming was very touching and emotional as soon as I realized I was definitely dreaming I got overly excited as usual I still need to work on that. I told my son look I can fly and flew up out of the house and back down as if the roof was in there or wasn't a hindrance more like it wasn't there as I did not have to phase through the roof or anything remember looking up at the open sky . At first I had tried to float like I do in my float RC but it did not work at first so I went for the full fly and that worked. I get a phone call and it is an automated message something about by now you've received your new phone some users have reported trouble with voice quality and a number of OBEs!! Odd!! Forgetting some details here and I think that this LD is going longer than the recent ones. I see a woman in the kitchen that I did not see before dark hair 30's wearing a button up blouse that was somewhat silky feeling. She's attractive so I go up to her and start to caress her and she shakes a little bit side to side like she's not sure she wants to be held but then I say you like this in kind of a Jedi mind trick way and then she is totally into it. I start to unbutton her blouse and then I tell her to unbutton it the rest of the way and she continues unbuttoning her blouse as I reach for her pants unbutton and unzip them and slide them down. At this point she has her blouse off and is removing her bra as I put her up on the island in the kitchen . We begin to have intercourse and the dream starts to fade. I attempt to go back into the dream imagining the motion of the intercourse we were just having but I realize I'm too awake and exhilarated by the emotional dream with my father in law and the lucid dream! Also IWL my wife is touching me down there. It makes me wonder if that was what triggered the sexual part of the dream. So many interesting thoughts and theories about this dream turned LD that happened on a night when I only planned to get a good night's sleep after going to bed too late around midnight, later than usual lately. I may post the theories in the comments or on a separate thread.

      Updated 10-16-2013 at 04:28 AM by 61674 (add color coding)

      lucid , memorable
    5. Kim/Mess

      by , 10-16-2013 at 02:01 AM
      During the day (Tuesday) i was coming down with something, towards the night it was getting worse. Took a few flue meds and went to bed, woke up around 4 am becuz of my loud brother, but I was still able to find sleep again, although I felt really sick for the few minutes I was awake. The dream begins now: I’m at work, minutes away from my performance review with my boss. And actually I have performance review coming up this Thursday. But anyways, so in my dream I’m sitting there, really afraid and nervous, and I’m trying to go home early cuz I’m sick, but my boss gets angry becuz of this and I have an axiety attack and storm out the workplace, I go home. After an unknown period of time, I recover and my family decides to take me out to dinner to help me unwind. They take me to this bar/restaurant, in the middle of it all I get up to go to the restroom and I excuse myself. I go through the door of the restroom and I’m suddenly somewhere else. I don’t even know where. (And I don’t like telling this part at all, cuz I’m not that kind of person, but here it goes..), I’m in a place where random men and women are touching, kissing,…each other. And this one beautiful woman comes up to me and starts to talk. It doesn’t take long before we’re kissing and touching, even though we started a verbal fight a minute into our conversation. She leaves suddenly, I still manage to give her a card with my number on it, I remember begging her that we keep in touch but I’m a in a panic mode, I’m asking everybody I come across on my search for her if they have seen her or know her name. I didn’t know her name.

      This is where it got twisted for me. I want to go back to the bar/restaurant cuz I realize I’ve been there for a long time, I find a door and I go through it, and I’m suddenly in a haunted house. I just felt it was a haunted house cuz the inside of the house looked condemned, abandoned for at least decades, and you just feel the aware stare on you the minute you set foot in that house. The walls, everything is grey or black or darkish, nobody cleaned for decades..well you get it. I see this lil stool in the center of the room with a device in front of it. It looks like one of those big walkie talkies. But I hear voices coming through it, and I see parts of legs creeping away behind the corner of whatever room I’m in. I push the button on the thing and start talking, basic things like “hello”, and sometimes I get responses, like you would play back evp’s or something, cryptic responses that have no meaning at all. And then this female voice comes through, but this one’s different, she doesn’t just speak words or broken up sentences, but she speaks full sentences, dialogues if you will. She starts talking: (these weren’t her literal words, I don’t remember everything, what I’m writing down here is all I remember) “There is no honour in this, you need to let go, find a way. I know there’s a lot of anger, confusion, despair and pain you have. But this isn’t the way, taking your own life isn’t the answer if you don’t find a way you’ll end up like me, away from me. She talked pretty clearly and straight forward but I don’t know why she said these things, I have been suicidal in the past, but the past few weeks I’v been feeling good actually. I ask her who she is, she tells me her name is “Mess” (or something that sounds like you pronounce “mess”), and she starts telling me random (bad) events that happened in my life, like she was there or something and I start crying cuz how could this dead person/woman know so much about me, and why does she tell me this? But at the same time I feel …comfort…a familiar feeling, like somehow I know her. Then she’s gone, and I start asking questions. The random voices come again and then there’s a male/almost demonic kind of voice that comes through. I ask him where “mess” went to, who she is, where she is?....all he says is that “Mess” her name is Kim and she’s in an unknown place by herself cuz she took her own life. And that’s when I’m forced to leave the house. I go through the door again and I’m back in the restaurant, and my family is angry cuz I was away for so long. And I start crying and throwing things at them and yelling that I’m sick of this and sick of that,…and then I wake up in a complete state of panic and exhaustion at the same time.

      The dream doesn’t sound like all that much but..it made such an impression on me, normally I’m always aware even that I’m dreaming, but now it was like…so real, and it didn’t make sense at all, but at the same time it did. Cuz when Kim/Mess talked I felt like…I was talking to someone I had known for a very long time but somehow I forgot her and she knew..And no I don’t know any kim in my life. When I woke up it was like…if anyone has experience with fainting and suddenly opening your eyes and gasping for air…that’s what it was like. Im wondering if I was visited by a spirit..it felt so much more than a dream.
      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    6. Documentary / Captain's Journal / Approved hardware / Bee powers

      by , 10-16-2013 at 12:02 AM
      Side-note Third-person Dreamsign

      The documentary
      I see a couple of people on a mountain trail. The trail itself is has a good slope; on one side is a steep incline up, and on the other side is a dropoff. Up-hill is fairly barren, but the valley below them is very green. It's a man and woman; they're fairly plain, wearing generic exploring / hiking clothing. They're near some kind of broken-down building. My viewpoint is from uphill, looking downhill towards them.

      Now, the view shifts to look down the trail, some theme music starts, and a guy rides up on a raptor. He looks very dapper, with slicked back hair and finer clothing. He's doing some kind of documentary of the area. Unfortunately, it's a mess of different territories, so the woman with him is there to manage the beurocracy and get them permission to go where they need to.
      Initially, I think they're at a state park in the US, but then the guy on the raptor talks, and his accent is funny. I decide they're in Canada, just across the border.

      At some point, I switch to watching them from behind a chainlink fence. From this viewpoint, the valley is again behind them.

      Captain's Journal
      A young man is staying with a well-to-do family. He's interested in starting a relationship with their daughter. In talking with the father, they decide that, even though the relationship is new, there's enough interest between the man and daughter that they should be courting.

      Now he's downstairs, talking with another man. This man tells him that the father is an old captain and that his journal is hidden in a crack near the bed. The young man is very curious and decides to look for it.

      Now I'm in a hallway with the young man. A single bookshelf is by the wall with a lot of books put on it in no particular order or arrangement. I pick up a book at random, open it to a random page, and start reading. It's something out of the Wheel of Time. In the scene I'm reading, Rand and Perrin are doing something around a camp fire. It's not a scene I'm familiar with.

      Approved hardware
      I'm lying on a bed, lost in thought. my wife is sitting on the bed, doing something. On her nightstand, a phone is in speakerphone mode, connected to a conference call at work. I become aware that someone just asked me a question, but I have no idea what it was. I try to answer vaguely, hoping to get an idea of what the conversation is about and what the question was; but the person asking sounds like they know I wasn't paying attention, and they're being careful not to clue me in. Eventually, I just ask for the question to be repeated.

      Infra wants to know why I want to have a port opened on the Sonic firewall, since that's such an inflexible solution, and why I can't use one of the prebaked packages with connectivity built into it. Now I'm looking at a list of the available packages.

      Now I'm looking at a list of recommended hardware. Each piece of hardware has an accompanying video showing the testing it went through. Now I'm looking at a video of someone testing a microphone. It's a traditional mic, silver, about an inch thick with a 2-inch ball on the end, with a cord coming out of the bottom. He's holding it up high in the air, an expression of excitement on his face, as he proclaims this is the best microphone EVER, and it's only 10 cents.

      Now I'm watching them test headphones. Each pair of headphones they try has a pair of RCA connections at the end of the cable, which I think is odd. Now I'm watching them test amplifiers. They go through three or four of them, each looking exactly the same, each time doing the same thing. First, they turn it on, and a female computer voice announces the name of the amp. Next, on the left side, near the front, they plug in a small card with 3 RCA jacks (yellow, white, red) on the edge. Then, they hook speakers to the white and red jacks, leaving the yellow unplugged.

      They're unhappy with each of the storebought ones, so the last one they try is homemade (though it looks identical to the others). According to the announcer, the name of this amp is "Shock Hazard." They're very pleased with it and declare it to be the winner.

      Bee Powers
      This one is kind of fuzzy, and the scene changes don't make a lot of sense, but I think I have it in the right order.

      I'm in a living room watching a movie. The TV is a fairly large one mounted in the middle of a whole-wall entertainment center. My wife and I are standing behind a couple of plush recliners; someone else is sitting in one of them. The movie is about supernatural forces. Somehow, in conjunction with the movie, we find that my wife has been given the ability to read Bee Writing. She's holding a small piece of paper (about the size of a large Post-It note) covered in it. It reminds me of an Eastern writing system, something like Hiragana. At first, she's just staring at it, saying it doesn't look like anything; then she gets a funny expression and says she got a glimmer of meaning; then she says she can read it easily.

      Now I'm in Publix at the checkout counter. It's more like the customer service area, since I'm behind a counter and the cashier (a young woman) and bagger (a young man) are standing in a clear space behind it. They're both turned away from me, doing something with the bags. On a nearby TV, I note that there's a commercial talking about the excellent customer service you always get at Publix, and it's showing a live feed of the employees completely ignoring me.
      A manager walks over, tells me it'll just be another minute, and walks away.

      The cashier turns around, tells me that I don't have to swipe my credit card yet if I don't want to, then turns back to the bags. I look down at the cash register and see it's showing me a prompt asking me if I want to preswipe my card to save time, YES/NO. I ignore it. While I've been waiting, a couple of other people have gotten in line behind me, and another guy has tried to go to the side, skipping line.

      Now the line has turned somehow. It's going back and forth between guide rails, and I'm somewhere near the middle of the pack. I look at the line behind me and realize there's a guy near me that I haven't seen in years. We start talking. Now the line is moving, and we're making progress towards the cashier.

      Now someone past the next turn makes a snide comment to me. As I turn to see who said it, someone else with me uses some kind of psionic power. Now I see who made the comment: it's an older woman with straggly salt-and-pepper hair. Due to the psionic attack, she's got a whole bunch of her hair in her mouth, and she can't get it out. She's making MMM MMM noises. Somehow, I know this is related to my wife mysteriously learning to read another language.

      Now I'm in our bedroom. My wife is heading downstairs, closing a baby gate on the landing as she goes. I pick up and start to organize a box of cards, and I see that all the cards have Bee Writing on them. I realize there must have been some catalyst to cause my wife to learn to read it, and I intend to try to figure out what it is. I decide it must be either her new pajamas or her quilt. I don't really want to wear her pajamas, since that would look very silly, so I decide to try the quilt.

      I curl up on the floor and cover myself with it. After just a few seconds, a very strange feeling washes over me. I take the quilt off and stand up, then grab a card from the box. I'm disappointed it's still completely unintelligible, but I keep looking at it. When I see it out of the corner of my eye, I get the feeling there's something there, but I can't make it out. Now I start to get the impression that some of the Bee words are overlaid / mixed with regular English words. Suddenly, the whole thing "snaps," and I see plain English words written on the card with no sign of Bee.

      Now my wife's with me, and we're talking about it. I tell her the quilt was responsible, and that while I'm excited that I can read it now, I'm disappointed that I'm no longer consciously aware of the Bee, since that means I can't describe how to translate it.
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Astral Flight

      by , 10-15-2013 at 10:21 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #237 - DILD/DEILD/OBE - 3:48AM

      The first thing I can remember is laying in bed next to my wife. I look over to my right and see my mom lying on a smaller bed. She tells me, "I was laying here and I thought my body had not moved but it felt different. A cop came and said this was a dream and that I was having a lucid dream within a lucid dream."
      I feel excited that my mom finally experienced a lucid dream. I say, "Oh wow that so cool!" I hope my wife heard about this and will have a lucid dream too. Then it all dawns on me. I think I am the one dreaming. I do a nose plug and blow cleanly through.

      At that instant, I am on my back in the dark. I feel the vibes and transition out of my body. It is dark but I can barely see where I am going. I strain and there is a breif flash lighting up the room then dark again. I head to the front door while rubbing my hands and concentrating on seeing. Just before I reach the door. I feel a force sucking me back to my body. I try to grab onto something and fight against it but it is of no use. I slam hard back in bed. I realize that I was never on my back but am on my left side.

      I feel vibes again and am encouraged to try DEILD. Suddenly, I am gripped with fear and feel that there is a presence behind me. I can feel something like large cat claws lightly digging into my back. I roll over and blindly point at whatever it was and say, "Go away in the name of Jesus." Then, "Jesus help me." Immediately the fear lifts and the presences goes away. I am lying on my back and I begin to float upward. There is a slight sensation as I feel myself moving through the ceiling and rafters in the attic. Then I see a bright light as if through closed eyes. A feeling of total joy and peace envelopes me. I begin to hear music. A sitar plays something beautiful while a choir of angels sing a wordless tune. I relax and let the feeling wash over me as I enjoy the music.

      After a few moments I ask, "Show me a past life." At that, I float back down to the bed. I get up and head outside still in the dark but this time unhindered. The front door looks different this time. It has a window in the middle of it with blinds. There is a small window above the door and I realize I must be floating along the ceiling since I am eye level with it. I try to phase through the glass but get caught up in the blinds. Rather than make a big deal about it I just open the door and step out. My body is light and I can't help but fly. I float up the roof and push off making swimming motions. Once above about the trees, I look at the ground in front of me. Its still really dark but I can see that there are no other houses next to me but I see some colorful lights along the horizon. Against it I see the silhouette of a city on a shoreline. I still feel that the dream can show me a past life and begin chanting, "Show me a past life." I make more swimming motions toward the city. For I moment I it looks like I am looking at a nebula and stars around it. I look down and see more stars. I think this is not right, and focus harder on getting to the city. I am quickly sucked towards it.

      I hear a swooshing sound and find myself coming in hot to a parking lot. When I plant my feet down I realize I am barefoot and though there is no pain I feel my feet skidding on asphalt and gravel. I think that I may had gotten road rash but try to ignore it. The feeling of this gets me thinking about the surgery task and I totally forget about seeing a past life. I look around in a parking lot and see several people walking next to some parked car that look like something from the 40's or 50's. There is a man getting out of something like a Studebaker. I stop and for some reason show him my left forearm and ask, "Have you ever had surgery.... On yourself?"
      He looks at me and roboticaly says, "No I have not had any type of surgical procedures." I suddenly wake up.

      Updated 12-07-2014 at 10:14 PM by 5967

      lucid , memorable
    8. Nightmare: Evil Monsterous Party Crashers

      by , 10-15-2013 at 11:47 AM
      The visuals were realistic and colorful. The beginning of this dream is lost, as usual..

      I was at some sort of garage party... This was a garage made up of various garages and garage parties I've attended. At the party were a few people I know in real life, and other random dream characters. The place was complex and dingy. In real life I wouldn't have been thrilled to be at this party. I barely recall interacting with anyone.

      At one point I decided to step outside for a change of scenery. Outside looked like the backwoods of some remote county. There was a healthy green lawn, tall white-bark leafless trees, and only one neighboring house, which was really more shack than house. (*Recall gets hazy at this point*)

      Out of the shack, come the next door neighbors. Three men who looked like sinister cast members on the show Swamp People. (A show I've not watched a single episode of yet.) They were big, and glaring at me with absolute hatred. I realized that disdain for their appearance might be showing on my face, and fueling mutual repulsion..

      I looked one of them up and down for something to compliment him on. I thought it would lighten the mood. He was wearing dirty jeans. Muddy boots. A stained and ripped jean jacket. A very old darkened flannel shirt, and a vest that looked like it was made in the 1950's. He had wild hair. Yellow teeth and dirt on his face with very blood shot eyes.

      I said "I like that vest."

      He looked at it, somewhat taken off guard by my remark. He didn't thank me, but when he looked back up at me he had this half puckered expression that revealed his rotten teeth. It wasn't a smile, but it was better than the 'I want to kill you right now' look on his face before. I started to walk back towards the party, the three men followed me a ways.

      I said "We're having a party, you guys can probably come for a few beers." They seemed slightly curious, but not impressed.

      I walked back to the house, opened the side door and walked back in to the dark garage. The guy with the vest leaned inside to have a look. There was now blood everywhere, and no sign of the party goers. I felt very uneasy. I ignored the neighbors and bolted inside to see what happened..

      Near the back, there was trough filled with water about a foot deep. There were a number of people in the trough standing and fighting off what appeared to be something like skinless gremlins about 3ft tall. And the people were losing. Blood was splashing. Lights were flashing. Music was playing. It was like a twisted dance floor. As I watched in disbelief, a more powerful looking skinless gremlin with a bulging oblong brain leaped from a rafter and sliced another gremlin in dozens of of pieces with its steel straight edged elongated claws.

      I was fighting off being horrified. It turned and faced me directly. It was hideous. About 3.5 feet tall. Humanoid. It had yellow cats eyes. Wicked snaggle-tooth fangs and a huge visible brain. No hair. No fir. Just exposed. Bloody. Densely packed muscles. It looked agile and a little bit stocky.

      I said "Why did you kill one of your own?"

      It said in a raspy voice "He was going to die soon anyway."

      I pulled out a pocket knife and said "What happens if I stab you in the brain?!"

      It said "Try it."

      I stabbed it in the brain. He rolled his eyes up to look at me. I pulled out the knife and stabbed it again further back and with more force. It acted disoriented by the second attack. I staggered back reeling with disgust. After another moment, he regained composure and started to climb out of the pool to follow me. Now, I ran. Strangely into a small room with a TV. I looked at the TV remote.

      I said
      "I want to change the channel. I don't want to see these things anymore." --Then I woke up.

      I have not had a nightmare since I last posted one on Dream Views. When I woke up, I felt perfectly calm and well rested. This is the most complex dream I clearly recall in about the past year.

      Updated 10-15-2013 at 01:08 PM by 32174

      nightmare , memorable , non-lucid
    9. Dreamland: Hot Sex with my Ex-Ex-GF

      by , 10-15-2013 at 03:55 AM
      Auto-hypnotic suggestion is almost as good as any other recall technique for me. Showing up at Dream Views and reading a few dreams has numerous times helped my recall and lucidity. Last night, I also woke up for about an hour partly due to lower back pain. The dream was very realistic, but I wouldn't say hyper realistic. I've only experienced a handful of dreams I consider to be hyper realistic here on Dream Views. I don't usually post dreams with sexual content, but this was a good one. I rarely recall dreams about sex when I'm in a relationship, but I've been single for the past month.

      As usual, exactly how this dream started is lost...

      I was in a very nice apartment or large central bedroom. It could be described as a bedroom setup in the middle of a sunken living room. There were bookshelves with various items. Several open doors leading to other rooms. The decor was fun but matured looking. Gray carpet. There were shafts of light coming in from various places, so it appeared to be broad daylight outside.

      I was with my ex, ex GF. She looked well adjusted and emotionally and physically healthy. She was dressed in soft indoor looking clothes. Her hair, skin, and textured white shirt were very vivid. I don't recall exactly what we were talking about by I know it turned to us. We were both single. She was casually admitting her head was not on straight when we were together. I recall explaining that I had grown a lot since that time and wasn't proud of how I handled things either. There was a very warm, almost glowing feeling between us. I remember feeling like, we don't know a better place to put our hands but on each other.

      We started touching each other on the bed. Her skin, like before was incredibly smooth and tan. She seemed to be in slightly better shape, and she was in good shape to begin with. We melted into each other. I remember she was wearing loose fitting white shorts. She was not wearing anything underneath. I kissed her naval and slid off her shorts with no hesitation. I went down on her. She made the most sensual sounds. I was in a trance. She started to orgasm after a few more moments. She didn't want to yet. She resisted by saying a few words I don't recall. She did not move away or push me.

      I sat up and so did she. She looked at me filled ecstasy. She said something to me like, that was no fair. She slid her head down to my crotch. I was like stone. She put her mouth on me in a way that can be described as both filled with lust and hunger. Almost reckless, but shy of that. I was ready to come almost instantly. This felt real. She pulled away with a strikingly beautiful smile. I recall feeling slightly frustrated when she stopped. We snapped ourselves out of the trance and laid down together embracing. There was a strong feeling of agreement that we shouldn't jump into relationship mode again too soon.

      We fell asleep together. This was a dreamed sleep. I seemed to wake up later and the room was dark. I figured I just woke up in real life and lamented at the missed chance to have such an intense physical encounter. I stood up out of bed and looked back. There she was besides me, wrapped in a blanket, and sound asleep. I thought wow, this really is happening again.
      --Then I woke.

      Oddly, I had a very different dream about her almost exactly one year ago today: Dreamland: Lucid Corner & Ex-Ghost Fragment #2 I have not had feelings for her since 2007, and the dream a year ago reflects more the typical sort of dream she pops up in. This dream had an impact on my day. One of the most sensual dreams I recall having in many years.

      This dream falls into an old motif of my dreams: Bizarre Apartment
    10. [LUCID] Drugs at a wedding / Candy and flying / Motorcycle seat

      by , 10-14-2013 at 03:38 PM
      October 13, 2013

      A side-note
      A lucid dream
      A dreamsign

      These dreams came after insomnia kept me awake from 1:30 to 4:30. Before going back to bed, I listened to the dreaming self-hypnosis files I made for myself.

      Drugs at a wedding
      I'm at a wedding with my wife. We're walking around "back stage." Lots of people are moving around, getting ready. We pass the photographer's area and see at least half a dozen giant camera lenses - they're inches wide and at least a couple of feet long. I think ruefully back to the few weddings we shot with our "cheap" DSLR.

      Now I'm standing above the seats. The place looks like a concert hall, with the seats in a semicircle around the stage. The floor is incredibly sloped, going down at at least a 45 degree angle. There are countless rows, so the stage is far, far below me. The curtains are still drawn. My wife is sitting on the top row, which is still a good 10 feet below me. Her chair is all by itself, with a table and lamp next to it. I realize she'd expected that I would sit with my friends while she stayed in the back to feed the baby. Now I'm next to her, seeing if there are any seats nearby we can move to and sit together.

      Now we see a group of her old friends a few rows beneath us. They see us, too, and are waving at us to come down to them. Now we're with her friends. They're in a roughly circular area that's clear of chairs. I don't know any of them, so I'm staying at the edge of the clearing, near the chairs. I want to sit down, but even though this area doesn't have many people sitting in it, they're sitting in such a way that no three adjacent seats are empty: if I'm going to sit, I'm going to have to sit next to someone. I finally resign myself to it and sit by a stranger.

      Now my wife is gone - I don't know where to - and her friends are acting very strange, very loopy. They're trying to give me something that will make me feel really good. I don't know what's going on, but I want no part of it, so I start to walk away. A girl from the group comes running around in front of me and tries to slap something on me. I don't know what she's doing, but I'm sure it's nothing good, so I dodge. I think she missed me, but then I notice there's a small sticker on my nose. With horror, I realize it must be some kind of drug patch. I try to peel it off, but it's too late. I feel the drug start to take effect, and the world slips away.

      Now I'm on a pool deck. I feel very strange, and I'm not myself. I think I'm a mouse, though I'm really just very small. A tiny dog is nearby. The deck furniture towers around us. We swim out into the pool and make it to a small floating platform, which we climb onto. I manage to tie the platform to the dog, then we both jump back in and swim back to the pool deck, with the dog dragging the platform behind itself.

      Now I'm in a dusty town. Something is wrong, though I'm not sure what. I see the town sheriff and deputy go up to a large door with two keyholes. They each take a key, insert it into a keyhole, and turn at the same time. Somehow, I know that they were given these keys by a stranger, and that by unlocking this door they've corrupted themselves and unleashed destruction on the town. Now I'm running from something in the town.

      Now I'm running down a wide hallway when giant yellow squash, a.k.a. Squashers, come bounding in from the other direction. I hope they didn't see me and try to get out of their way, but one veers off towards me. As it's pushing me towards the back wall, I wonder what it's like to be killed in a dream. That stray thought gets me lucid.

      Candy and flying
      Now I'm in a small room, the size of a small closet. It's kind of like a little tiny cubicle, since it's not actually closed on all four sides. At this point, as is usual for my lucid dreams, I'm still following the dream's plot. I decide to make the room bigger, so I point at one of the unconnected edges, then move my finger, and the edge of the wall follows my finger, growing longer. I make a similar gesture and push the wall back.

      Then I remember that I have 2 goals I want to accomplish (flying and one of the basic tasks of the month, eating candy) and I should be doing those instead. I decide to tackle eating candy first. I start to think about how best to summon some candy. I remember that most of my attempts at direct dream manipulation in the past have failed, so that's out. Believing that something exists behind me, then turning and finding it, has always had a great apeal to me; unfortunately, it's also always failed in the past. Then, I remember reading that ordering DCs to change the dream tends to be very reliable, so I decide to try it. I walk through the gap in the wall into a living room. A few women are sitting around on overstuffed chairs, some with ottomans, some without. I walk up to the nearest one. She's in a tan chair next to a small round side-table with a lamp, with her feet resting on an ottoman. She's wearing an intense blue, maybe a purple. I tell her to give me candy.

      She looks up at me, and I see that she's a friendly middle-aged woman. She gives me a motherly smile, grabs her purse, and starts to look through it. It's packed full of odds and ends, but nothing looks like candy. She looks up at me, then points to a long, narrow, zippered bag (also a violent blue) on the ottoman. It's already open, and it's packed to overflowing with all sorts of candy. I pick it up and look through it. I remember that in the waking world I'd been planning to try to eat some chocolate, so I look for a chocolate bar. I manage to find a "Fun Size Snickers" bar near the top of the bag, so I take it. I tear off the wrapper and look at it. It looks just like a tiny square chocolate bar, with smooth brown sides and a wavy top. I take a bite through the middle; it tastes like chocolate. I look at the section I bit through and see that it looks like a Three Musketeers bar, but with a thin ribbon of dark chocolate running through the middle. It actually tastes about as it looks.

      One goal finished, one to go. I leave the house through a sliding glass door. I find I'm at the top of a grassy hill. In front of me, the hill leads down to the ocean. I can see the waves lapping against a rocky shoreline with just a bit of sandy beach. Off to my right are a few trees. To my left, the grassy hill just goes down with nothing in the way. I turn to the left and start to run down the hill, then jump up and spread my arms like wings, holding them straight out to my sides. At the height of my jump, I'm three or four feet off the ground, but I quickly come back down and stabalize in a glide just a foot or two above the ground. It's not quite the flight I'd hoped for, but I'm still moving quickly through the air.

      I'm half pleased, half disappointed. Gliding in the air was neat, but I'd really wanted to *fly*. Now I'm back at the top of the hill. I get another running start, jump, spread my arms, and start flapping. I have a clear picture of the roofline of the house - I believe I managed to hang in the air for a few seconds this time before coming back down. This time, I'm gliding so low that tall pieces of grass are hitting me in the face.

      Motorcycle seat
      I'm outside with Andrew, looking at his small motorcycle. He's trying to fix it, but he needs to go get something. He asks me to hold the bike while he steps away. Now I'm holding the bike, but I don't know why. Don't motorcycles have kickstands? I look down and see not one but two: one on the front-right, and one in the normal place at the back-left. Both kickstands are already down, so I gently let go of the bike to see what'll happen. The bike starts rolling forward, pushing the front-right kickstand back. The rear-left one is holding. I stop the bike and try to reposition it so that it'll stay up on its own.

      Now Andrew is back out with another man, someone who looks at home on a motorcycle. There's something wrong with his seat. It's a piece of leather with a plaid pattern inserted into a square wood frame. During the cut, they removed the sealant keeping it watertight and pulled it up from the frame, away from the glue that held it down. They've fixed whatever the problem was and have re-glued it, but now they're worried about how to reseal it. They keep talking about using tape, but none of us likes that idea, since it wouldn't work very well, not to mention looking very tacky. I suggest using more of that same acrylic sealant that was used on it originally, but they shoot that idea down. They're fixated on trying different kinds of tape. I'm still convinced the clear sealant is the way to go, but I suggest they should call the motorcycle company and see if they can order some of the original compound. They consider the idea for a moment, then realize that it's a holiday so the company won't be open, and later in the week is an important company event, so they'll be too busy to talk to people about fixing broken seats.
    11. False awakening lucid dream

      by , 10-13-2013 at 10:23 PM
      Basically I got up to take a shower/bath,when I went to get out I realized I was still wearing cloths,I looked in the mirror and my face was different and realized i was dreaming( although I kind of couldn’t believe it cause it seemed so real) i checked again with the nose pinch test and i could still breath,then i tried the finger through the hand check but it didn't really work,i tried useing the bathroom door to summon my gamma's apartment but when i looked through the slight crack in the door it was still the kitchen so I went to go to my room,once I was there I noticed my blankets were all over the place(its so sided and it was the checkerboard pater, so really tippy) and seemed to be lit with a back-light ,I tried jumping on them and floated down every time,I heard my mom n decided 2 go to bed,i saw the lucid dream books i got from the library so i looked at the writing and looked away,when i checked it i didn't notice any difference ,when I went to get into my bed it was a lot bigger and taller than usual,after I got in I covered up heard my mom cough and woke up
    12. Vampires and Harry Potter

      by , 10-12-2013 at 05:20 PM
      I was seeing a sepia image on this old TV. The words "preview of harry potter" were in my head for some reason. I saw these people dressed up like characters off Labrinth in a forest. Some were hanging from vines, one was close with her back to the camera. She was in a crouched pose and was screaming her head off. There was a fallen log far in front of the which the other carnival-type people were playing around.

      The characters were the main character in the modern version of Carrie, the supreme and the daughter of the supreme off of American Horror Story Coven. Carrie and Fiona were chatting in the kitchen when the uptight daughter Cordelia comes in. The mood changes, and Carrie starts acting like the little girl she hasn't been since she became a vampire/witch. Cordelia asks them how they are doing, and Carrie replies in a high-pitch little girl voice "fine, I've only been dead for 20 years" and Cordelia, who isn't up to playing games, simply replies " good".

      Harry Potter, aka me, and this family are on a strip of beach made narrow by a line of trucks parralel to the shore. The family wants to kill Harry, who they think is responsible for taking their daughter's life, but they all figure out it was the vampire Carrie. Carrie comes walking down the beach with no shoes on from a long way off. Harry starts power-walking away from the family, not wanting to get away, but also knowing that the vampire is much to fast for him to be able to. Carrie starts doing that vampire pop-up thing where they sprint so fast to one location it looks like they have teleported there. Her mouth is slightly open, she has this lazy killer expression going on. The family is going crazy, but they aren't traveling away. By the time she get there, E;m far away, and I see her killing them all.

      Me and Ron were being stalked by this chick, who had now turned into the old gay vampire Russel Edington off of true blood. My view was of everyone in a building, and it was like looking down into a dollhouse with the roof cut off. In one room me and Ron were on a bed and had somehow rigged a shower-head. From my view, water was coming up towards me and over a wall. It hit Russel, who was in the hall, on the face.

      Russel, who was Carrie again, was walking with his arms around each of us. We were terrified and trying to act like we were her friends. She turned to me and said "You know what, I forgive you." Then she went back to Ron and I thought she was going to say "I don't forgive you" and rip his head off {cuz I remembered that from the last time I had this dream} but she did him like she did me.

      Carrie became Tyler Hooks, and most of us forgot she was Carrie. We were all auditioning for chorus for some reason. Ron left for some reason, and then Tyler left right after him.

      I was walking with her in her current form of Tyler Hoods, and I knew she had killed Ron {I had this dream before, and I remembered from the last time I had it} but I was pretending I didin't and was saying things in an attempt to make him/her guilty, which didn't work. We were walking the halls of some school, and I wondered why I hadn't thought to leave when Tyler was leaving to go kill Ron.
      I imagined finding Ron dead and imagined what would happen if he was alive. I imagined him coming out of a boat naked, smiling. I imagined Tyler later thinking about how to kill him again, and calling Ron only to hear Ron say "yeah, i don't remember anything", and Tyler re-considering....then probably choosing to kill him anyway. I imagined finding out Ron had been poisoned and the effects took a while to kill people, and Ron dying suddenly after we thought we were lucky. Then I imagined finding him dead in a lake.
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. 12th Oct 2013 Escape from the mansion, Dragons

      by , 10-12-2013 at 02:25 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1:

      There was some story and i was observing it. Main character was visiting a mansion and there was festival going on and then some kind of virus got released which started transforming everyone into various anthro creatures, then some orgainsation attacked the mansion but anthro fox appeared and helped main character to escape from red cybernetic dogs.
      They were going around the streets quickly and at one point they have briefly noticed a dragon in the distance. Then they have found some people from organisation and two red cyber-dogs combined and transformed into a cyborg person that looked like a scientist. Main char and anthro fox managed to escape again and now were jumping between lamp posts while talking. They decided to find dragons and ask them for help. Soon they have found one and asked him for help, he told them to follow him.
      After a while of following they have reached an icy place near sea and there were alot of dragons of various sizes, main character noticed a blue dragon that looked familiar to him, he asked him and he said that he was in hiding the mansion.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some game that looked like Terraria except it was about dragons, we were in the jungle biome and were fighting ridiculously huge worm-like enemy(Bigger than anything in the game IWL, i'd say he had the width of 5 Destroyers and twice their length).

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was at home and there was some talk then i was going to some place and there was some ad.
    14. A Tiny Robin

      by , 10-12-2013 at 06:33 AM
      I have been meaning to record numerous dream fragments over the past 6-months. If I had even one full-length dream, I would have posted it here. The best dream fragment I clearly recall:

      I was in my living room with a baby bird on my finger. It was facing me and chirping an adorable melody. It looked like a (thin) miniature Robin. I walked around a little watching it intently. I remember feeling filled with joy. -Then I woke up.

      One of my most vivid lucid dreams also featured a bird Super Lucid: Blackbird Flying

      Updated 10-12-2013 at 06:42 AM by 32174

      Tags: baby bird, bird, robin
      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    15. Beautiful Mountain

      by , 10-11-2013 at 05:14 PM
      Night before last: I dreamed I was in Louisiana for some reason in a place that didn't have a lot of dry land. In the dry spots, there were houses and a few old, rusted campers and vehicles. I had to swim and wade through neck-deep water to reach wherever it was I was going. I got to my destination and turned around to realize that the water I had just come through is full of alligators, and I'm lucky I didn't get eaten. Now I don't know how I'm going to get back.

      New dream: Extremely vivid, though I can't recall much of it. I was visiting a distant cousin in Utah (never been there). Her home is next to a beautiful mountain. I stick my head out her back door and am wowed by what I see. There is no yard - just a gentle, treeless slope leading to the base of the mountain, which, although enormous, isn't too high to climb without equipment. It's not high enough to have a snow cap. It's partially covered in grass, and partially raw dirt with a few small rivulets where water has run down. It reminds me of the Scottish Highlands. Higher up, there are some large boulders and rocky ledges, but I see places where someone could hike around them. I tell my cousin that the next time I come visit, I'm going to walk right out her back door and see how high I can hike up there. Right now it's just beginning to snow a little. If I only I could snap a picture of this image in my mind and post it on the dream journal! There was so much vivid detail, and I remember it clearly.

      Last night: Slept very fitfully, which helped me to recall lots of dreams and fragments. (Very tired this morning.) In one, I'm with my fiance in an unfamiliar street scene. It's night time in a very suburban environment containing eateries and grocery stores and such. The Rapture is coming at 11:55 p.m., and somehow we know it. We decide that we want to be having dinner when it occurs, but the only place open is something like a Chic-Fil-A. It's full of people expecting to be raptured, and you can't get inside. The drive-through is also full of cars. I tell my finace that I'm going to kill some time (I have no idea where or doing what) while we wait to see if the crowd dies down. I leave him there. We are both expecting to be raptured. Suddenly I'm back from wherever I went, and the crowd is almost completely gone. There are a few empty cars parked at odd angles, and my fiance is still there waiting for me. Did we miss it? I don't know what time it is now.

      In a fragment, I'm in a rush to move to St. Louis. (Years ago in real life, I was in a rush to move from St. Louis to Houston after my job at the time unexpectedly transferred me and gave me less than a week to get set up.) My ex is with me for some reason and seems to be helping me move. I have to run, hurry, hurry! Oh my God where's my rent check? I'll need it as soon as I get there! I find it in a drawer, suddenly remembering that I prepared it in advance. I'm relieved that I had the forethought to do that.

      In yet another dream, I'm in a home with lots of hardwood that I've never seen before, but it feels familiar in the dream as if I live there. Night time. It's a nice place, and the bright wood is well-varnished. A dream character that I've never met in real life but feels like a close friend in the dream comes in from outside through French doors that match the wood in the rest of the room. We've been somewhere together earlier in the evevning. He's complaining that almost no one showed up. There were 52 people invited, and if only they'd all turned out, it would have been something else. I don't know exactly what the event was, but I think it involved seeing a movie or attending a play. I'm getting ready for bed now, and I walk to the back of what must be the living room. The back half is actually a hospital room, and there's an old man in a hospital bed. Somehow he's my roommate in this fusion of hospital and residential home. He can't walk, and his feet are lost in a dark alcove built over part of the reclining bed that he's lying in. He asks me to help him check his foot. He tells me there's a small rechargeable light mounted on the wall just inside the alcove, and I pick it up to shine it on his foot for him, which he lifts up to see better. Parts of it are black. Other parts are oozing blood. It's about what he expected to see. Suddenly I feel a drop of blood land on my arm, and I'm quietly horrified. I move quickly to wipe it off with a nearby towel and hope that the man doesn't notice, as I'm afraid he'll be offended by this for some reason. I'm uncharacteristically rude with him, as I really don't want to be burdened by needs that would be better attended by the hospital staff.