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    Memorable Dreams

    1. My Short-tempered Dream Persona

      by , 09-02-2011 at 12:52 AM
      I dreamed that I was in an old, dimly lit, large room, crowded with people around about my age. In the middle of this room was a large wooden table at which some of the people were sat. Others were sat on the edge of the table and some were on the floor. Everyone there was drinking heavily - I think it was some kind of party. I was sat on the floor with some others. From where I was sat I could see a door at the other side of the room which lead out into a dim corridor.

      The only person I recognised there was my partner, who was sat near me. Everyone there was drinking strong alcoholic drinks apart from me and my partner. From my bag I took a large bottle of Coca Cola. Some of the guys sat on the edge of the table started to make fun of the fact that I was drinking Coke rather than alcohol. One of them kept pushing me with his foot as I was trying to drink from the bottle. In this dream I was wearing a white tee shirt with an Incubus print on the front (I slept in this very shirt this night). Finally, the Cola was splashed on my shirt and I got extremely angry.

      At this point there were significantly less people in the room but still roughly ten to twelve other guys and my partner. I stood up and threw the bottle as hard as I could at the guy who pushed, causing the splash. It hit him and knocked him to the floor. My partner and I began to leave when the guy got up. We exited through the door on the other side of the room into the dark corridor. In this corridor, there were other doors either side of the narrow foot-way. The guy followed and threw a punch. I successfully avoided the punch and landed a kick to the side of his head. He fell back slightly and managed to move forward. I raised my leg and my knee collided with his head and knocked him down completely.

      Out of the darkness came a dark, middle-aged lady who looked far too happy to engage in a fight. She had a slightly excited expression seeping through her cold, stony face. She attempted to grab me but I pushed her and tried to push her back with another kick. She grabbed it and pulled. I put all my weight onto my leg and we both hit the bare floorboards. I was trying to kick free when I woke up.
    2. yet another very old hotel..sheesh

      by , 09-01-2011 at 10:45 PM
      Ive been dreaming about old hotels alot lately for some reason..heres yet another one!

      I was walking through the lobby of an extremely old, very gothically ornate hotel, my current employer appeared in a doorway in the back of the lobby i was walking through so i walked up to him and he said, I have to do it, but your're not gonna like it...come on...and he turned and walked through the doorway he was standing in...i followed into a huge sitting room of sorts, there were chairs back to back everywhere, antique high back leather chairs...and i immediately climbed up on a table and onto a walkway that circleed the entire room and started looking in every cabinet i came across, and there were cabinets everywhere...in most of the cabinets there was bits and pieces of antique train sets, like a train car and pice of track etc.....i finally went all around the room and got back down and my employer walked out of the room so i followed him again..he stopped in the middle of the lobby and turned to me and said "make sure he follows not to closely..." and when he turned i looked towards the entrance and saw an old friend of mine walking through the door...we walked over to him and then then my employer walked to a door to our right past the freakin huge overly ornate front desk and turned and motioned us over.....i told my friend he shouldnt be here but we'll see this through.....why i said that i dont know..he just smiled..we went through the door andit was a restaurant, we walked over and sat down with my employer and we ended up getting served grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches on huge slices of bread like frisbees...my employer then said, if you go that way home is always an option, i followed where he was pointing and saw my old house back east i moved from like 20 or so years ago....my friend and i went to the house and started to open the door and my mom opened the door and said, "nice try, but you cant come back yet...alarm woke me up....
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. 9-1-2011

      by , 09-01-2011 at 07:52 PM
      For for some reason in my bathroom looking in the mirror. Allen was sitting on the bed in the bedroom. I couldn't see him but I knew he was there and I was talking to him about lucid dreaming. I look down at my hands and they are all fucked up. the right one is huge and missing two fingers. The left is too thin and awkward. I instantly know I am dreaming. I don't need to perform and more reality check but I do another hand one for fun and get an odd number of finger. I being laughing and cracking up. Then white swirling light starts spinning around me. I start hearing the music to atc " around the world" and I am singing the song. My voice matches incredibly to the music. It is the coolest thing in the world to me and I sing louder and louder and the light swirls quicker around me. I know that I should stop and control the dream. I know the singing is getting me excited and that I risk waking up but I do t want to stop. I can sense the presence of my dream guide. I have never met him before but I know he is there. I don't think he is human or animal. I have never had the problem of waking up from a lucid in my life before from getting over excited and yet it happened this time. I know I am about to wake up but I accept and continue singing. I decided not not completely waste the experience (though that beautiful white light, swirling around me, melting my surroundings, and lifting me I in the air is NO WASTE) and I work on feeling what it feels like to he in the dream state. I can sense it even now. The energetic buzz running through my body. Then I wake up and im fully alert. it was probably one of my shortest lucids, only lasting about 5 minutes, but it was really nice after a long dry spell.

      Me, allen, dina, leo, Raechel, alicia, and some other people I know are at this pool party. Were all chilling in the pool, drinking white wine, and having a good time. I have one of those inflatable sea monster tubes around me. I keep cracking jokes and Raechel keeps laughing way more then she should be because what I was saying wasn't that funny. In turn I laugh at her. Then we all realize we have to go to the airport. We all get out of the pool and suddenly are there. Dina, allen, and Leo all have to board a plane to Russia. I give allen a kiss and say goodbye. Alicia and I go to the airport bar and decided to get some drinks. Some guys are hitting on us, including the bar tendor and I am getting tipsy. I then get a sudden burst of energy and tell alicia that her and I should hop the next flight to mexico. She agrees and starts jumping up and down in excitment. We rush to the flight, drinks still in hand and slopping over. We get tickets just in time. We run to get to tthe plane in time to board it. We find our seats and sit down next to eachother. We continue to sip our drinks and ask the flight attendant for more. We start planning our trip, like staying on the beach to tan, going out at night, and eatting A LOT of mexican food. I am so excited for all the cheap shopping. the plane starts to take off. I lean back in my seat and close my eyes while smilling. I wake up

      Updated 09-01-2011 at 08:00 PM by 44380

      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    4. Saved by the Doctor

      by , 09-01-2011 at 03:46 AM
      It starts out mysterious like, as if it were actually an episode of Doctor Who (Google it). Charlie Sheen is in a straight jacket, several knifes barely sticking into is left shoulder. He gets pushed back towards this wall that opens up and tentacles come flailing out. Large metal spikes impale him. (Needless to say this is the last I saw of him.) I talk to my brother and we're both disappointed that Charlie Sheen was on Doctor. Suddenly we are actually in the show, inside of the TARDIS. I pick out some apple juice from the fridge. The Doctor goes investigating why the people in the town are acting strange. He hides in a ditch but gets caught. He's told that if they do something bad then they will get "fed" to something and if even one person leaves, the whole town and a three mile radius around it will fall into the ground. (There are no cars.) There are only 266 people living in the town so they can all fit in the TARDIS so the town wouldn't fall (logic- there is none). My best friend and I get trapped in a room full of tiny aliens like the one that killed Charlie Sheen. We're tied to a spinny chair, me sitting, her tied to the back. The tentacles are grabbing at us and I keep moving the chair so they won't stab us with their spikes. My main focus is to save her. The TARDIS arrives in the room and saves us from the tiny aliens.

      There's not really an ending. I woke up after that and got a huge cramp in my leg.
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Message in Dream: You are a worthless human grave

      by , 08-31-2011 at 02:28 PM
      Right, so I remember several dreams nearly every night, and they are always fairly involved, a lot of imagery and breaking down the happenings of the day. A lot of them have concerned me, and of course I take them all seriously, but I don't want everyone I know to have to hear about another, so here is a nightmare of sorts that I had.
      (before sleeping i was insistent on keeping the kitchen light on in the apartment I live in, and slept on the sofa which is close to the kitchen light)
      The Dream:
      In my dream, I was in my old house which was recently sold. I lived there with my mother and father before their divorce, it was a very nice place, but sold as a result of the divorce. So a lot of karma and whatnot is related to it, plus, it is my quintessential home place.
      I was in my parents' bedroom, but i was on a futon with a white down comforter and sleeping with a fluffy cat that would fuss in the covers. I fell asleep, with this really bright light on to keep safe. But I woke up when this uber bright incandescent yellow tinted orb (golf ball sized) when into me, under my skin, and started speaking to me creepily, but it was mostly the sensation I felt which was like it was a dark message, a dark bulb/light, and it really disturbed the muscles in my side where it was lodged.
      I got up, and by the front door was my friend/ex-friend who was sleeping on the ground, and I lifted up my shirt from the area on my right abdomen where this orb thing was, (I felt like a message was carved) and he said something along the lines of "you should look at this in the mirror" and then my dad was there and he looked at it too and said "you should really take a look at this, it says ''you are (nothing more than) a worthless human grave" or something like that.
      (Then I woke up, turned off the kitchen light because it was a lot like light in my dream, went back to bed)
      Now in my next dream I was at the house my mother now lives/works at, sleeping on her couch (maybe parallel to fact I was sleeping on apartment couch) and it was dark, but not scary. Then, I got a picture text on my clunky cell phone of some (plastic/decorative/holiday) of some skulls from my old sold house, as if to reiterate the message of dying/grave/whatever.

      I also half remember seeing these two little girls that I know in real life, who have huge eyes, they have showed up in my dreams sometimes. I used to be/am still timid of them. they were in the kitchen in my mom's current residence

      My thoughts/information to reader: I have had a lot that I'm keeping secret lately, and had some bad eating habits and have just checked out socially. I've also been paranoid about my ears and neck. I've been feeling very emotionally dead in terms of happy feelings.
      I would like some help. What in the fuck could this mean? I think it has to do with me going uphill from my downhill lifestyle lately, or maybe I am just going down some more. (I've had full blown precognitive dreams before, or just intuitive/informational ones about people and places and what they are related to me. So maybe I am going to through something tough? Or through rebirth? or should i be concerned?)

      thank you
    6. The Key (Aware DC's)

      by , 08-31-2011 at 01:52 PM
      The dream starts with me inside a small house, I walk outside and look around noticing a couple of buildings
      and a small ramp. The landscape is a dull grey that looks like it could go on forever.
      Three figures emerge from one of the buildings.
      The first figue is hunched and has that creepy look about him, while the other two (upon talking to them)
      seem to be of the stupid sidekick types that obey the first figure.
      The hunched figure appears to be a friendly man, he tells me I must help him escape.
      I am slightly confused as to why he would ask such a thing (when he looks like he is free already
      in the vast expanse of my mind). However I accept to help the man thinking there would be no
      harm in doing so.
      After performing a number of tasks, I grow a suspicion for the man thinking why I need to
      do so many actions that are supposedly ment to help him escape. He talks in a expectant and
      exited manner the more I do, much like the way a villan plots his next evil scheme.
      When he leads me to the top of one of the buildings, the man holds out a key, dangling it
      over the side of the building looking at me curiously.
      He says how thankful he is of me doing these things for him and that this will be the
      last thing needed to help him escape. But then he starts to re-think the final task saying how
      I am incapable of doing something drastic, like catching this key. For some reason I feel
      compelled to say that I can (possibly out of stubborn pride). The man smirks and drops
      the key off the side of the building. While reaching out towards the key I slip off the edge but manage to
      grab it in time, landing on top of a car at the base of the building unharmed. The man shouts from the
      bulding top "I knew it was too much of a challenge!". I reply "I did it!", he looks confused for a moment
      before saying "I knew you could!" and reaching me at the bottom of the building near the car.
      I look to my side and notice an object much like a plate of metal with a keyhole carved into it.
      I ask the man what it is but his only reply is "Nothing to worry about, now " he stops when he notices
      me closing my eyes before continuing "No! Don't wake up! Come back!!". I wake up from my dream.

      During this dream I was semi-lucid, meaning I was aware I was
      dreaming but felt a strange need to follow the dream plot.
    7. "Reality" the movie.

      by , 08-31-2011 at 01:38 PM (The book of mars)
      i am in the grocery store shopping with my mom and heather.
      we need stuff for a picnic kind of thing.
      beside a river, under a hill a ton of people are eating in scattered groups all down the waterside.

      i'm in a room with a lot of people. on the wall, there are funny parodies of every movie you can think of.
      heather and i look at a harry potter parody. the harry potter actor is really ugly.
      off to the "side" of the scene, more like the "side of the dream" (unexplainable), a man beckons me.
      i question my surroundings, but fight knowing the truth. this is a dream...but i like this dream.
      i know this isn't real. he keeps asking me to come thru, wake up, c'mon.
      i disassociate from the dream and the entire scene feels like a veil has been lifted.
      a white screen remains where i thought reality was. he pushes the screen away.
      now i see "real" reality. i'm in a big lab with a ton of computers.
      there's a lady and her daughter (5 yrs old probably) messing around on one.
      heather is on one too. i'm told to go play on one.

      i have to "log in" with any name. make it up, etc. put your own in, someone elses, it doesn't matter. each name combination will be different.
      i don't remember what name i put in. on the screen, a model of the entire universe appears. it's the person's universe, as each person in our "Reality" has his or her own. this is how you can view them.
      using the middle scroll thing some mouses have, i zoom all the way in. it's earth, the persons perceived "home" or "center of the universe".
      as i scroll out, the seemingly circular planet (rendered 2D because its just a computer) spins and twists clockwise, unraveling and becoming the periodic table of elements. this is represented by a long line of blocks that turns several times, showing thousands of elements. the line keeps going crazy in every direction, in different shapes as it makes molecules, atoms, etc.
      supposedly, i am scrolling "out", aka trying to get the larger picture. confusing.

      i stop playing this game and go over to the man behind it all, the man who beckoned me.
      he looks friendly, just a cool dude maybe 30 or 35.
      "can i talk to you about the film you made or are you sensitive about criticism?" i ask.
      he laughs and says go for it.
      "i hated the part where i was looking at all those movies. it made it seem so real, which sucks because it was a stupid part."
      i talk like my entire life was a movie.
      he laughs about it and says some movie award organization said that's why he didn't receive some award for it.
      we talk about "making movies" and stuff, but all the time we know we mean making "reality".
    8. Nancy drew, parish nurse (1 dream), blood, ship, lamp (2nd dream), boarding school, no vitams

      by , 08-31-2011 at 02:43 AM
      1st dream:
      I had this dream I was in a Nancy drew computer game-that doesn't exist-as Nancy Drew. I was in a big old-fashion kitchen in a house in I think Californa and though a door to a study I was talking to someone and the words "Don't go up to Silcone Valley" and I asked "Why? Don't tell me the other criminals are there?" then the woment laughed evily (she laughed so evily that my real's self ears were rininng with the laugh) . Then I was wobbly roller-skaing as Nancy w/ George and Bess behind me and they told me to be carefully-since they could see something I couldn't...a boulder that was moving NOT of its own free will. The boulder somehow missed me but I ended up knocking into a tree. I was alright. But then I went into the cliff but this time I had to put a werid shape rock (tringale) into a slot in the cliff and the inside of the cliff looked like my elementary school that-no-longer-exists' gym and it was getting ready for a banquet or something and me still with roller skates on I was skating accross it in the kind of Home Alone way.. trying to crash into anyone. But one of the people who I saw was my church's parish nurse.

      second dream:
      I was in a bunk of an old-fashion ship that was moving. I had a lamp similar to Aladdin's lamp and I was either the owner or protecting it. My right arm for some reason was bleeding (something to do with the lamp. I think the unseen villain's henchmen cut some skin off before the dream started). I know I was trying to hide or something from the unseen villain who was also aboard the ship.

      3rd dream:
      I had this dream last night I was a very young girl. I was sent to a boarding school. The boarding school from the inside looked like a castle because it was made of stone (and it was a co-ed boarding school). The first thing that happened was I met the headmaster of it. He told me a bunch of the school's rules but this was the one that got me---No vitams allowed. I then left the room. Somehow the bookcase behind the desk killed the headmaster by moving. I was at supper next. When eating supper the ghost of the headmaster appear (no the school wasn't Hogwarts) and everyone could see the ghost. Then we were all suppose to go downstairs (we were upstairs to eat?) to watch something and me and some new friends (one was a boy a couple of years older who looked a bit like The Secret Garden's Dickens) and he and one other kid help me take my vitams in secret. But to toss my water (from my cup) out the window "Dickens" hold me up to the window.
    9. 6th & 7th lucid

      by , 08-31-2011 at 02:26 AM
      6th was one night ago

      i was at the entrance of some shop in one of those rooms that has two doors connecting to the store
      i had just woken from a dream IRL that i thought i heard baby mice living in my house but it was birds chirping that i could hear in my sleep
      so i was in this area when i hearrd the birds chirping through my sleep again
      i instantly told my self that i am dreaming became lucid and did a few rc's on my hands
      my thumbs were ridiculously small, about half the size of the first joint IRL
      I bean to wake up but managed to get back into the dream
      once lucid again i walked inside
      it was supposed to be costco but the shelves were like something from a clothing store
      I was inside and walking around for a minute and tried to fly
      i jumped pretty high and slowly but still fell and decided i didnt want to waste my time with that
      i walked up a case of stairs and saw all these football jerseys with the padding already underneath them on hangers
      i close my eyes in the dream and said a girl would appear behind these
      i opened them lookd through the rack and found a girl
      instantly this old lady started yelling at me that she was too young to be with me and stuff
      at that point i woke up

      7th lucid

      first i was in a non-lucid about being on a coach bus coming back from a trip
      i had been watching zombie movies all day with my buddy IRL and so of course i was the only one that knew there was a girl that had been infected on the bus with us
      we arrived at an intersection 2 minutes from my house when everyone found out about this and got off the bus onto the street
      but it wasnt safe here and isntantly these 2 zombies came after me and a friend
      i started laughing this is awesome and someone stabbed one and it lit up inside and disintegrated like a demon from the show supernatural (which i had also watched for the first time that day)
      one of them bit me or something and my vision became pure black but with coloured outlines of everything as my vision
      i knew i was dreaming for certain at this piont and became lucid
      i did some breathing to relax and check my hands which looked pretty normal so i rubbed them together and clapped a few times
      i summoned a really hot girl from my school infront of me
      than i took her and made a stretched limo come by and we both got inside
      once inside i think you know what happened
      after i was all done with that we were still in the limo getting driven somewhere
      for some reason there was 2 asians and a friend of mine from school in the car with us now
      i didnt really care and said "time for round 2!"
      they told me no man you had your fun now take her out to ssx and be nice (ssx was a snowboarding game i played alot when i was younger)
      for some reason i agreed with them and told the driver to bring us to ssx
      i than said to myself dont they usually have that tinted window up and sure enough he went and put it up
      on my way there i started talking to the DC's around me
      i told the asain guy that i knew it was a dream because every time i looked away and back his hair was just a little different than the last time
      than i started talking to the asian girl about how i thought it was crazy that my sub concious can create you and i am interacting with you
      they didnt really seem confused or anything though
      than my friend started handing around some chips ahoy cookies
      they were good man but he started standing up in the limo and dancing around with them
      i thought this was hilarious joined in than lost lucidity whilst being an idiot

      so far that was my longest lucid dream ever and the first time i have ever had 2 in 2 nights!
      it felt like it lasted over 20 minutes which is better than my previous record of about 5
      tonight i plan on having another lucid because its the most incredible experience there is
      thanks for reading =)
    10. Hot. Lesbian. Beaches.

      by , 08-30-2011 at 09:05 PM
      I was sitting in a chair, in a 'business office meeting'. Eight men were sitting in a quarter circle in front of me. I had a suitcase, and they wanted it. I was playing around with them about the price, but still kept in mind that they could brutally kill me and molest my body at any time. I noticed that they had women service them, apparently against their will.
      The meeting got called off and I went to the bathroom. It was the same bathroom as at home, except the door was in the other corner of the room and the bathtub in front of it was gone.
      [If any children are watching this, take in mind, things are about to get weird/erotic.]
      Spoiler for read the rest:
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. The well-intentioned snake

      by , 08-30-2011 at 01:46 PM (NBF's DJ)
      In this segment of the dream, I've just managed to pry a bat off my shoulderblade. (Note: I have chronic pain in my shoulderblade and last night, for the first time, I tried an Icy Hot patch on the area. It seemed to be making my bed cold and wet whenever I woke up during the night, so I was worried about it.) I've also seen a mini-bat, a sort of cross between a black bat and a dragonfly, slip under the door to try to get to me. Then I feel sharp pains in my left shoulder. (Note: The Icy Hot Patch is on my right.) It feels like something is biting me. When I turn around, I see that there is a snake looking up at me from the floor. She's a pale-orangey kind of colour, the colour of a cake baked with orange zest. (Note: I'd baked madeleines the other day and part of the recipe called for orange zest, and I'd been unsure whether that meant all of the orange peel or just the inner flesh under the peel, so that had worried me.) The snake is looking intently at me as if she's on a mission. I try to shoo her away. I try to run away. She keeps getting to me and rhythmically striking at me - in the same spot. She finally says to me, "Look, I'm trying to help you. I need to give you the scars for the electrolysis." I think about it for a moment, but I don't know what she means. I'm not even planning to get electrolysis done. So I continue to run away. She always catches up with me. When I get out of the house - which looks a lot like my grandmother's house from when I was a kid - I'm finally rid of her. I go around to the back to get into the kitchen, which I do from an upper window. The people in the cast of my film are there, cooking on the stove, and Aunt Janet from the Road to Avonlea series is there baking. Aunt Janet starts to scream bloody murder when she sees me come in. The ceiling corners above me are dirty and covered with strands of cobwebs.

      Updated 08-30-2011 at 01:55 PM by 40054 (to add note about madeleines)

      nightmare , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    12. First Entry- Strange Fragmentations

      by , 08-29-2011 at 10:19 PM (The Medium)
      Been out of the loop for a long time, decided to try my hand at lucid dreaming again. Maybe this will help me have lucid dreams? I will copy and paste entries from Liquid Dream III here from now on. Last night/ this morning I had several dreams that I don't think were connected, maybe they were, but they seemed like fragments. This is my first major post, so here's hoping my strange subconscious will be accepted here.

      The first one the setting was at some sort of old, one story building, pretty cramped, and was jam-packed with computers. I am not sure what their function or purpose was, but I remember it being important. One of the things that stuck out was a flight simulator, that to be honest, was sort of out of place. Perhaps it was employee stress relief? The building was divided into many rooms separated by glass walls with automatic sliding doors. A recurring color I recall seeing was beige and black. I do not remember too much more as I either woke up or the dream faded into the next one.

      The second fragment was the strangest. It seemed to have an important atmosphere and seemed a bit darker, both atmosphere and the hue of the dream. I don't remember too much as there is heavy fragmentation. The important thing is I had a computer running a strange program. Either life support for a strange creature I was trying to keep alive or some other purpose. I can't remember. I do, however, recall being very diligent and keeping an eye on it almost constantly. Later, after events I cannot recall, I returned to where this was running. And found the creature, who was this giant (ancient?) spider like creature that was slightly humanoid, in what seemed suspended in a huge void. Everything was black except the monster. It was as if the room that held the equipment had been transported into another dimension. I remember it had an important role, and did not fear it. I remember it saying that it had grown to great stature, as I recall I was only a speck compared to it, however it saying that I was just as powerful as it somehow. Maybe talking about the fact that I can do anything in a dream? I am not sure what it's purpose was, maybe I will try to seek it again once I am able to accomplish lucid dreaming.

      The third dream I had was strange as well, as it involved some sort of video game and me trying to find the name of this really cool video. In the video game section, I had to destroy the 'core' of some sort of mechanism. I think I have seen it somewhere in waking life, but I cannot remember. I was shooting at various exposed pillars decorated with strange writing that was multicolored. Although at some point I think I stopped playing for some reason. Probably to find that video. I don't think anything else happened afterwards.

      Now, another fragment I recall working at some place that had become overrun by human like machines (cyborgs?). And the only way to avoid capture was blending in with some sort of bio-mechanisms that produce energy or something. I cant recall too much except later I was riveting a box together. That held some other equipment. This is about as far as I got when I woke up.
    13. Female dream body / helping the Dei-ya

      , 08-29-2011 at 06:59 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I'm in Haven, on Teraluna.
      This time I immediately think about stabilizing my dream properly.
      I try to focus on all of my senses and recall some of those very long and stable dreams I've had.
      I do so by sitting in a meditative pose. Yuya is waiting for me to finish stabilizing so we can go somewhere.
      At first I'm a bit worried that I'm loosing precious time by doing this, but these worries quickly fade away.
      Suddenly I feel sort of a click, all over my body.
      It feels as if I was lightheaded all the time and it just went away.

      I investigate my surroundings, an all I can think of is "this is so real".

      "I'm ready... I think?"
      "Yes, you are."

      Yuya stares deeply into my eyes and projects images of a distant world into my mind.
      She grabs my hand and I teleport the both of us to the world she's shown me.

      It's a beautiful world, not unlike some places on earth.
      Buildings are made out of mostly white stone which gives everything a very special and slightly surreal look.
      We enter one of the buildings and meet up with a women who's been waiting for us.
      She talks with Yuya for a bit and another woman appears.
      But this time I immediately recognize who she is.
      I can feel that I am much more aware than I have been in my dreams recently.

      "Hello Faye."
      "Ah, you're learning!"
      "Let's hope that I am..."

      Yuya joins us and proceeds to explain the story of this world.
      It is split into two factions, the Dei-ya, who seek enlightenment, and another race who seeks power.
      The world was originally split in two, but over the past few years the Dei-ya have lost most of it to the other faction.
      However, these lands were not lost through wars.
      There is some sort of council in place, consisting of the leaders of both races, and all decisions require a majority of council members to agree.
      Even though each faction has an identical number of council members, the Dei-ya are physically much weaker than the other faction,
      and they are easily intimidated into taking decisions they do not want to make.

      Only one women was able to stand up to the other faction, but she passed away recently.
      Today is a new council meeting in which the other faction will attempt to acquire world dominance, and there is no-one there to stop them.
      The story sounds a bit familiar, but I decide not to worry about that.
      Yuya explains that the woman who passed away will have to be replaced by a new council member.

      "How strong exactly are those people from the other faction?"
      "Quite strong, but no match for us."
      "I see you're having the same idea I'm having. One of us is going to be on tonight's council session as a Dei-ya member."

      "So who's going to do it?"
      "Well, all Dei-ya council members are women so..."
      "You're going to do it then?"
      "Unfortunately, that won't work, many people around here know who I am. They'll realize I am not Dei-ya."
      "Oh... that's a bit of a problem, what can we do?"
      "Well... I'm afraid you're going to have to do it..."


      "Erm... I'm not sure if I'll pass as a woman Yuya..."
      "Well, not the way you're looking right now, that's for sure..."

      I'm really starting to dislike this. What does she plan? Dress me up as a women?
      Faye bursts out laughing, but then Yuya explains.

      "Your dream body, does it look like your waking life body?"
      "Well, no, not exactly, there are many similarities, but no, it's not the same."
      "So, why is your dream body male?"
      "... because I'm... oh boy... I see where this is going."

      Yuya smiles and summons a huge mirror.

      "Transforming into the opposite gender is actually quite easy, your dream body actually contains the information for both genders."
      "Great... so I'm going to have to turn into a girl?"

      Faye finds all of this highly amusing, me on the other hand, not so much.
      I decide to lighten up though, after all it could be interesting, but it is quite awkward...
      I attempt to shift my form, not really sure what the hell I'm doing, but everything works surprisingly easy.
      I feel the bones in my body slightly rearranging which feels massively weird, but the process only lasts a split second.

      So here I'm standing, in front of that mirror, looking at myself, and I cannot really believe my eyes.
      Faye comments on the situation: "Oh my, you're quite hot Hyu, haha."
      Yuya agrees: "You're adorable."

      Both of them are having one hell of a time.
      I look down and immediately spot my breasts. This is so weird.
      I poke one of them which causes Faye to break out in laughter.
      I'm still wearing nothing but the white pants I usually wear in my dream, it all looks so wrong.
      However I do look cute as a woman. I have long curly red hair and a few freckles around my nose.

      Yuya hands me a white dress. I'm a bit surprised where she got it from.
      I awkwardly put it on when Yuya explains that it's one of her's, she's borrowing it to me.
      Wearing Yuya's clothes makes everything even more awkward. I have trouble maintaining composure.
      This is looking much better already.
      I then proceed to drop my pants, but then I am suddenly shocked because it feels like something is missing.

      "What's up Hyu?"
      "What? Is something wrong."

      I look at Yuya, and the only thing I can manage to say is:

      "... Hyu?"
      "It's missing, I'm freaking the fuck out."

      Both Faye and Yuya burst out laughing.
      Once the initial shock fades I find it amusing myself as well. This is a dream body... I'm so silly.
      I said penis... pfff this is ridiculous.

      We're on our way to the council meeting and I am given a bracelet with a crescent moon hanging from it.
      It is a symbol that I am a council member.
      The last few steps I have to walk alone, Yuya and Faye have to remain behind, only council members are allowed into this room.
      It feels so weird being a women.
      I have such a hard time not staring at my own breasts, how do women manage not to do so all the time?
      I notice that I am wearing the same necklace Faye got me in the mermaid dream.

      Finally in the room, I sit down in what appears to be the council leaders spot on the Dei-ya side.
      Some of the Dei-ya are very surprised by this, but the only women who is in on it makes a sign that everything is alright.
      The council meeting is very straightforward. The opposite leader requires that we give up all lands and even retreat from the council.

      "That does sound like a rather unreasonable request."

      He's angry, he figured this would be easy, that there would be no resistance.
      I can feel that everyone besides me on the Dei-ya side is very scared.

      "Then what do you propose, woman?"
      "... How about you return all of the lands you have stolen from us, ain't that a more reasonable request?"

      Everyone in the room is shocked, and the opposite leader is furious, but that's exactly what I'm aiming for.

      "If only you Dei-ya had some guts, we'd settle this by a duel to the death!"
      "Should I consider this a challenge?"
      "... are you fucking serious?"
      "If you win, the world is yours, if I win, you go back where you came from and return what belongs to us."
      "... AHAHAHAHAHA you're a fool! I challenge you! Let's duel!"

      I feel bad putting the Dei-ya's world on the line, but they're about to loose it anyways, and I'm confident I can take him on.
      We step outside as he is immediately eager to kill me and settle this.

      "To the death!"
      "Tenjho Tenge!"

      Why did I say that? Is that a common thing to say before a duel?

      He immediately charges me with that stupidly large sword of his, and furry black wings drawn from his body.
      I can easily feel how strong he is, his aura is so easy to read.
      I concentrate a moderate quantity of divine energy into my left hand, thinking it would be too weird to awaken the dragon as a Dei-ya.
      Before he reaches me, I release the energy towards him and he is immediately thrown back.
      His sword shatters from the shockwave of the energy, and his wings burst into flames.

      Everyone is extremely surprised, no-one says a word.

      "I... I give up!"
      "Excuse me what now?"
      "I give up! You can have your lands back!"
      "And you call this a duel to the death? Are you kidding me?"
      "I... please have mercy!"

      Unbelievable. What a weakling.
      All tough when he knows there's no-one to resist him and as soon as he meets someone more powerful he starts crying like a kid.

      "Fine... declare your defeat."
      "I am defeated!"
      "Then begone."

      All of them leave. They aren't going to attempt anything for a long time.
      They always knew that nobody could stand up to them, but now that this is no longer true they're afraid, much more afraid than the Dei-ya are.

      One of the Dei-ya asks me:

      "Who are you?"
      "A friend of a friend."

      I say nothing more and leave, finally my turn to act all mysterious, I like it.
      Before I am able to meet back up with Yuya the dream fades away.

      *Tenjho Tenge is a manga/anime.
      It translates to "Heaven & Earth"
    14. The Break in , sick cat clawing at me & trailer park

      by , 08-29-2011 at 06:27 PM (Visions of the night)
      I had a dream last night that I moved into a new neighborhood.. it was more like a town since there weren't many homes around..lots of trees. In my dream I was living with this one guy who was my husband and no children. I did have a dog in my dream a small white one.
      I woke up in the night in my dream and walked into the living room to look out this huge window that over looked the woods.. I look and I can see down a hill.. I guess my house was at the top of a small hill looking over the woods.. I heard branches breaking and to my left I saw this guy sneaking around trying to be quiet.. he motions someone else to come over to him but he is on my property. I see I have the front door open but was so scared to close it because he was on the other side just over the balcony ..I was scared he would catch me. I couldn't take it anymore and decided to make noises like coughing.. don't know why that was my choice and I make my way to the door to slam it shut.. but strange there was an open door on the other side of the wall and now a different guy was standing in front of it making his way in.. I start to scream and run in the bedroom.. my so called husband is dead asleep and this guy comes rushing in the bedroom holding a large bar bell... ones that people use to lift weights and he starts swinging it around at us but it was too dark for him to aim good.. the guy in my dream who is suppose to be my husband jumps out of bed just in time to avoid the hit of the bar bell.. this guy is wild in the eyes and heavy set.. I am screaming at the top of my lungs...
      Scene switches..
      Back in the same living room with the white dog and I see these cats at the front door.. I open the door to let what I think is my own cat in but these 2 race inside along with my own cat.. one is black and white the other is white and tainted brown.. the white cat has liquid coming out of it's ear like it was sick.. the liquid was brown and I didn't want the cat in the house... so I get some food and try to trick them to leave out the door.. all of a sudden the cats claw at me.. and I am squeezing it's back trying to get it to stop.. it was weird and I literally felt the sting of it's claws..
      Scene switches and I am in this trailer park all the trailers are metal and I am walking through with some guy and his mother.. I don't know who they are but I am trying to hide from someone and they are helping me.. the woman opens a trailer door and tells me there is a creature in there slamming the door shut.. We are running and that is all I could recall since waking up

      Updated 08-29-2011 at 06:30 PM by 32355 (misspelled a word)

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Lucid Dream #50

      by , 08-29-2011 at 07:16 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 9/10
      Length: ~5 Min.

      I was in my room and I tried to turn on my lamp, it didn't work. I thought "well, that's weird" so I went over to my bedroom ceiling light and tried to turn that on, that didn't work either. I turned the hallway light on and I saw my brother playing games. I went back into my room and finally was able to turn my bedroom light on. Suddenly, the scenery changed around me. I was standing in the middle of a jungle. I thought "it was dark in my brother's room, so why is it so bright outside?" I found out that I was dreaming and I saw my bother and told him "Cameron, guess what. We're dreaming!" He didn't seem very thrilled of the idea, so I just floated off for a little while and saw a cabin, I flew into the cabin and stuff started disappearing. I made stuff disappear by waving my hand across my face and trying to ignore the flaws on the wall and it worked. The cabin looked much better. So, I looked to my left and imagined a hot girl sitting there and she was. She had very nice big tits so we both got on the bed and she started to get to work. I was concentrating very hard so I wouldn't wake up. When I started to feel my physical body in real life, I got prepared to DEILD. When I woke up, I sucked in a bunch of air because my nostrils were clogged, I was like "god, damn it!" and didn't fall asleep for a while.