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    1. Lucid Stress

      by , 12-29-2011 at 01:28 PM
      I was up late doing English homework but could not finish. I decided to spare myself some time for sleep and was at my old elementary school park. I knew immediatly that I was sleeping and this was all a dream, but all I could think was: I had to get up. I still have English homework. Usually I gain control in scary dreams or dreams where I am falling and before the climax, I force myself to wake up by peeling my "eyes" open (or more like farther open) or shaking my head. In this paticular dream, I could not wake up and I was very lethargic. It was sorta like having my will constantly being webbed away. I ran around shaking my head really fast trying to wake up. I ran to my old house down the street and saw myself sleeping in my old bedroom. I kept on thinking, I had to wake up, I had to wake up. My flawed logic said I could not wake myself up from the bed, for I was in dream form. So I woke up my step-dad thinking he would be able to wake me up. Then I realized my flawed logic, he was in my dream too! He could not wake me up either if he was in my dream. Then I woke up. This dream kind of scared me because I felt like I was trapped in my dream. A setting I was making up and was locking me in. Other than my dad, the whole neighborhood was empty, which was odd because it was noon. I couldn't gather enough willpower either to wake myself and it was quite a struggle. This had to be my most lucid dream, because I knew immediatly I was dreaming, I didn't have to check my hands or breathing, or notice anything strange. I was at the park, and I knew I was dreaming. It was very strange, but then again, school and stress do strange things to you.
      memorable , lucid , nightmare
    2. A Disturbing Dream and a Cool Accomplishment (Nights of December 24-27)

      by , 12-28-2011 at 08:48 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      [This is a catch-up post. These dreams are from the nights of December 24-27, 2011. Adult content warning for the one from December 25-26.]

      Night of December 24-25

      I'm at church, with my choir, accompanying our performance of “What Child is This?” on my clarinet. My clarinet keeps misfiring; some of the notes here and there refuse to play. I'm embarrassed. [This was definitely an anxiety dream. Exactly that actually happened during our choir rehearsal on Thursday, December 22, and I was afraid it was going to happen during the performance, which was the morning after I had this dream, on Christmas Day. Thankfully, it didn't happen; my clarinet worked fine.]

      Night of December 25-26

      I'm at this place that's kind of like a spa. It's a place for people to rest, relax, and renew. I'm in an outdoor area of this place, and it's a beautiful, warm, sunny day. I'm lying around on the ground, wearing only panties, along with several other women who are doing exactly the same. Other people are walking around the grounds, and the thought crosses my mind: Maybe I should go and put on some slightly more modest panties.

      All of a sudden, I'm being molested by a group of two or three men. I manage to fight them off and struggle out of their grasp. All the while, I'm shouting at them, forcefully telling them to stop, and that I don't like or appreciate what they're doing. I end my tirade by telling another man, who's just sitting on the ground watching the proceedings, that he's a despicable jerk, too
      [or something to that effect; I don't remember my exact words here]. I tell him this because I know that he's being paid to be there as a witness to the scene that just unfolded. I also know that the molesters were also hired to do what they did. The men who hired them are also in the scene, standing around, watching it all happen. I know exactly what they're doing: They're lawyers, and they have a racket going on where they hire people to rape beautiful girls in establishments like the one I'm at, and then get the girls to sue those establishments for a lot of money, of which they get a percentage because they act as the girls' representation.

      Night of December 26-27

      I'm at work, but I'm participating in a dramatization of the work we do at my workplace for TV. The part of my boss [who I've mentioned in this DJ before] is being played by Tim Allen. I reflect that this was a strange casting choice, since he doesn't look at all like my boss, nor does he act much like him.

      I'm watching a movie about a big, tall castle, a white one that looks like it came straight out of a fairy tale. I'm immersed in the movie, and I'm flying in circles around the top of the castle's high, central tower. There is a song playing on the movie soundtrack that I find kind of annoying, so I want to change the channel on the movie. Awww, man, the remote's all the way down there, I think to myself when I look down at the ground and see the TV remote control lying there. Then I think, Maybe I can get it by telekinesis.
      Wait a second. If I'm thinking about getting the remote by telekinesis, and flying around, I must be dreaming.

      I stretch out my hand toward the remote control and concentrate on it, trying to use the force of my will to pull it into my hand. It doesn't work. Then, my mind calls up the primary example in my schema for what pulling an object into your hand with your mind looks like: the wampa cave scene from The Empire Strikes Back
      [starting at 2:20]. I think, It's kind of like the object is attached to a bungee cord that snaps it back into your hand. I try again, keeping that analogy in mind and focusing on it. This time, it works. The remote control flies up into my hand, just as if it were attached to a bungee cord.

      At this point, I abruptly realize that during the time I've been concentrating on drawing the remote control into my hand, I haven't been concentrating on flying, so I've been gradually descending without noticing it. I'm now only a yard or two above the ground. I quickly correct for this and start climbing again. As I do so, I think, “And hurry! We're losing altitude fast!” And yes, “altitude” is the correct term in this instance, because this is a planet I'm flying over, not a moon. Even if it is just a dream planet.
      [This is a reference to the original version of the “Star Tours” ride from the Disney theme parks.] The remote control has transformed into a deodorant stick, which I use on myself. [? I don't even know.]

      I woke up very pleased with myself, knowing that I could finally cross “Move an object with my mind” off my master list of lucid goals!

      Updated 12-28-2011 at 07:33 PM by 37356 (messed up on a color tag, fixing it)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    3. 12-26-11 Recurring Witch Woman

      by , 12-26-2011 at 11:55 PM
      I've decided to start typing down my dreams that I think are significant, or at least have some sort of meaning to them, even if I don't understand them. I wanted to do this about a week ago, but nothing was really important enough to put in here.

      The other night I had a dream about a "witch" woman. I told a friend about it and they told me it sounded like another dream I had many years ago that I had shared with them recently. This prequel dream I had when I was a kid, but it was so memorable and frightening that it's one that I can't forget. I don't know how long it lasted or how long I was running. Maybe the length doesn't matter.
      I was running away from a cackling laugh and although I could never see this sound that was chasing me...I put the image of a witch, in a black robe, big nose, and pale green skin. I kept running and couldn't get any distance between myself and the laughing that was chasing me.

      Now, two nights ago, I dreamt another vivid dream. Another dream about a "witch" woman. I was with others, although I don't know who they were and I don't have an image of them, but I felt their presence. We were at a cabin in the woods and it felt like it was a getaway with friends. We went to town to get food and supplies and there were no people anywhere. It felt like everything was frozen in time. It was a ghost town except for us being there. I remember looking at the clock and it had stopped. As if everything in the world had come to a stand still. I remember feeling very awkward and beginning to get a little frightened. I assume we took what we needed, but can't be sure. It's almost as if my dream consciousness slipped, because the next thing I remembered was being back in the cabin and all of us being dumbfounded as to what was happening.
      Then we were all surprised when we heard a rather loud car coming down the road through the forest. It was an old rusty looking oldsmobile and it sounded like a diesel truck. I was in the cabin looking out the window, wondering where this person was from, since all of us in the cabin thought we were the only people left in the world. The car pulled up and the door opened. A figure in brown robes appearred. The pale green skin was recognizable. It was a form of the "witch" woman. Not the same. Or not the same image I had in my head of the woman chasing me through the forest, but it felt similar in a way. She didn't have a hat...just grey...aged...dead looking hair. Even at a distance I could see her smiling at me...and eventhough her mouth didn't move, I could hear the laughing as an echo in my head. I felt powerless. She had an invisible power. She could control my actions and how I felt. At this point...I didn't have the perception that anyone was with me in the cabin anymore....as if I was alone....and she starting walking up to the door.
      I was in a room with her. I felt like I needed her and even though she said that she would kill me if I tried to do anything, I still felt like she was caring for me. It was her invisible power.

      Now, I decided to type this down because just last night, I had a dream where I was back in the cabin...and honestly it's quite puzzling and frightening to me. I've never had a dream where I was in the same....place, I guess. And a lot of my dreams don't have conversations and I usually forget most of my dreams...but not this.

      The second dream, I was in the middle of a room in the cabin. And she paced around me...and I could hear the laughing in my head. She asked me. "Do you know why I'm here?" I didn't respond. She kept walking slowly around me and said another thing. "I'm here because you're a hider." I felt like a child...and was cuddled up on the floor with my arms around my legs. The "witch" was extremely terrifying. More so because I felt like I could do nothing to rid of her, as though I was her slave without physical chains. I asked her if I'd ever find a way to get rid of her. She said, "Yes, so continue."

      I am assuming I'm trying to identify or deal with my insecurities or something. I'm not sure. I hope this character doesn't reappear in my dreams again.

      Updated 12-27-2011 at 12:02 AM by 51738

      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    4. Sonho confuso!!

      by , 12-24-2011 at 10:13 AM
      Durante todo o sonho houve momentos em que eu voava e tinha consciência de que tudo aquilo não passava apenas de um sonho, mas também havia momentos durante o voo em que eu era transportado para outros cenários já sem controle sobre o meu personagem. Em um desses momentos eu fui transportado para um lugar junto de um grupo de pessoas e no meio delas havia um rapaz responsável pela criação de 2 bombons de uma espécie muito rara e valiosa. Este rapaz havia feito esses 2 bombons e colocado aleatoriamente em duas caixas de bombons de uma fabrica, mas como esses bombons eram muito valiosos e especiais as pessoas do nosso grupo resolveram tentar roubar os bombons para vende-los e ganhar muito dinheiro e assim começou uma "caça ao tesouro". Durante essa "corrida" eu acabei achando a primeira caixa que continha o primeiro bombom especial e nesse momento as pessoas que também procuravam pelo bombom me viram e começaram a correr atras de mim para tentar roubar o bombom, porém antes deles me alcançarem eu voei um pouco e simplesmente abri o bombom e o comi, o que causou uma revolta enorme no rapaz criador dos bombons por ver sua obra sendo roubada. Já um tempo depois disso uma garota correu em nossa direção gritando que havia encontrado o outro bombom e ela entregava o bombom para o criador tentando acalma-lo, nesse momento eu me virava e começava a descer a rua sozinho com apenas um bombom qualquer que eu também havia roubado da fabrica quando achei o primeiro bombom especial, logo no inicio da descida eu comecei a voar e durante o voo eu comia o bombom "normal" e colocava a mão no bolso e tirava o outro bombom especial. Rindo muito eu o abria e o comia também, mas enquanto eu voava e saboreava o maravilhoso bombom especial eu tive um momento de pré-lucidez, mas não durou muito tempo e logo fui transportado para outro cenário.

      Nessa historia eu me encontrava numa sala um bem escura juntamente com um homem que analisava as gravações de um programa sobre fantasmas feito por uma equipe que havia desaparecido no local do ultimo episodio que iriam fazer. O homem que analisava me chamava e pedia para eu escutar com atenção um trecho de uma gravação, eu escutava tudo normal no inicio, porém um pouco depois a gravação começava a dar uma especie de interferência que aparentemente não havia, eu olhava para o rapaz e falava para ele largar tudo que estava ali e que fossemos embora o mais rápido possível porque os mesmos fantasmas que atacaram a equipe do programa, estavam agora ali conosco. Como estava tudo um pouco escuro nós nos segurávamos pelas mãos para não nos separarmos e caminhamos pelas salas escuras até que chegamos em uma sala ligeiramente mais clara e passamos por um corredor que de um lado tinha a parede e do outro aqueles cubículos de escritório, depois de passarmos por esse corredor me virei para trás e vi que a sala estava cheia de gente e com luzes acessas deixando tudo claro novamente. Algumas pessoas que ali estavam eram do nosso grupo e perguntavam onde nós estávamos e diziam que tentaram nos contatar pelo radio mas nós não respondíamos, eu e o rapaz nos entreolhamos assustados e falamos que tínhamos acabado de passar por um corredor que existia atrás deles segundos atrás e que estávamos fugindo dos fantasmas, mas eles diziam que nunca houve corredor nenhum e que eles estavam ali o tempo todo esperando agente voltar e não tinham visto nada de estranho acontecer. Eu chegava perto deles e tentava explicar a história toda, mas uma moça, que estava em um desses cubículos atendendo as pessoas, me chamava porque era minha vez de ser atendido, eu me sentava na cadeira em frente a ela ainda muito chocado com o que havia acabado de acontecer e ela me perguntava se eu achei o trajeto até ali longo demais ou se foi tudo tranquilo e eu dizia que não foi tão difícil de achar aquele local e por algum motivo ela achava um pouco estranho eu dizer aquilo. Ela então me mostrava um cartaz pequeno com foto de dois carros, sendo um deles da marca KIA, e começava e falar as especificações do mesmo e de repente uma espécie de propaganda apareceu em minha mente mostrando o interior do carro e tudo mais. Enquanto observava a propaganda e fui transportado de volta ao momento do voo e fiquei lucido novamente, continuei voando pelo cenário até que percebi que ia acordar e então meus olhos se fecharam e eu acordei.

      Obs.: Tenho que ressaltar que nesse sonho aconteceram muito mais coisas, porém por ter sido um sonho bastante longo não consegui me lembrar de mais nada.
    5. Flying, Clouds, Dream Control, and Being Mistaken for a Deity

      by , 12-22-2011 at 09:51 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      [Last night, I had a long, vivid, elaborate lucid dream that felt like it lasted between 10 and 20 minutes. This journal entry only reflects the most significant and memorable moments of that dream, which are all I remember now. There were other stretches of experience connecting the moments below that aren’t written down in detail, because I don’t remember them that well. They mostly consisted of me flying around and observing the scenery.]

      I’m at my university, at some sort of outdoor expo, standing in a booth made up of some folding tables and an EZ-UP shade structure. It’s a sunny day. I’m supposed to be there to represent one of the organizations I’m in, and I’m supposed to be wearing that organization’s T-shirt, but I can’t find it. The only T-shirt I can find in our booth is one I got from [a client company that my company has done work for in real life]. The logo on the front of the T-shirt I have is the same shape as the logo of the organization I’m representing (an oval), and the overall T-shirt design is very similar, but the letters in the oval are different, and the T-shirt I actually have says “[the client company's name]” across the back. I change into this T-shirt anyway. I do it while standing behind the open back of some hatchback vehicle, hoping that nobody will see me, because [for some inexplicable reason], I’m not wearing a bra.

      When I find myself looking at a very vivid, colorful cityscape from the viewpoint of flying over it, it only takes me a moment to realize that I’m dreaming. I slow myself down, controlling the speed of my flight, just observing the landscape around me.

      I’m standing on the ground in that city. I look across the street and see the gates of ‘the Asian Disneyland.’ There are solid-colored, blue and pink, cartoony humanoid figures walking around on the other side of the metal gates.
      [They look just like the figures in this cartoon (WARNING: Ads on that page are likely NSFW).] I think, Heck yes, then fly over and enter the “Asian Disneyland.”

      When I get inside, I am on the second story of what looks like an indoor mall, looking down onto the floor of the first story. When I see what’s down there, I realize, Of course, that’s what would be in the Asian Disneyland: casino table games. The entire first floor is full of them. I have absolutely no interest in this at all
      [true in real life, too], so I turn right around and go back out the entrance to the mall. [I am very, very sorry for the stereotype evident in the content of this dream.]

      Once outside again, I go, “Oh, yeah!” when I recall the current Task of the Month: fly up into the sky and find out where all the snow comes from. I start flying up into the sky. There is a puffy cloud there, and I fly toward it, aiming to get on top of it. As I approach it, it turns from white to dark gray. Lightning flashes across it, and it reaches out to threaten me with a pseudopod made of dark-gray cloud. I think, Uh-oh. This dream is going to turn into a nightmare if I don’t take control of it. Just by thinking about it, I make the pseudopod stop threatening me and retreat back into the cloud, the lightning stop, and the cloud turn white again. The threat nullified, I continue flying toward the cloud. It turns dark gray again only a moment later, but I realize that that’s because I know that precipitation only falls from heavy, dark-gray clouds. [When I first read the Task of the Month for this month, my first reaction was, “I’m probably not going to find anything but clouds up there; I’m a little too rational-minded for that.” This dream experience proves that I was right.]

      [Sure enough,] When I get on top of the cloud, there is nothing there – just cloud. I sit down cross-legged on top of the cloud and decide to fly around on it, using it as a mode of transportation, just like Goku does in “Dragonball Z.” While flying on the cloud, I find myself flying down a corridor that turns lots of corners at crazy angles, lined with doors on either side. [I don’t know what it was, but] Something about this situation makes me go, “Of course,” and then start singing: “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine,” etc. I continue singing as I fly through the corridor.

      As I fly around some more, I think excitedly and proudly about how I’ll get to have my username in orange on DreamViews tomorrow or the next day.
      [Although now I don’t think I really deserve it, since I fulfilled the letter of the challenge but not its spirit. I really didn’t find out anything; all I found when I flew into the sky was the source of snow that I already expected to be to be there, namely, a cloud. I am so boring!]

      I need to get out of a building very quickly. [It may or may not have been the mall-like building mentioned earlier. I think it was a different one, though.] The building has a glass wall right next to the entrance. I decide to go out through the glass wall. I run toward it. A second before I reach it, I focus my mind on activating my intangibility, an ability I have used in several dreams before. It works perfectly; I run right through the glass wall without breaking it, just like a ghost.

      I’m in a circular meeting room with several levels of steps leading down to a central circle of floor. There are no chairs. There are a lot of people standing around in the room. I know that they’re all just DCs. They have gathered here to conduct a sort of tribunal to determine whether or not I am a goddess. Some of them have found out about the superhuman abilities I exhibit when I’m in the dream world, and have concluded that I am one, but others disagree. I think, I’m not a goddess. I’m just a human who knows how to lucid dream. I don’t say anything during the meeting, though.
      [I don’t know why not.]

      Side notes:
      Wow. I really feel like I took a step forward in my dream control skills last night.
    6. Boss unhappy

      by , 12-21-2011 at 06:51 PM (Hypatia's Dream Journal)
      Just a dream fragment: boss sent me a message saying that the reason my project failed was because of me

      Note: went to bed very drunk, guessing that affects recall

      Edit: Later remembered another dream fragment involved meeting Bill Hicks. I asked if he knew he was dead. Non-lucid, hoping more of this will be remembered later.

      Updated 12-21-2011 at 08:43 PM by 51762 (remembered dream fragment later)

      Tags: boss, drunk
      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    7. Childhood Paranormal and Out of Body Experiences

      by , 12-20-2011 at 10:19 AM (The Adventure Begins! My OBE Experiences...)
      This is one of the few rare times I will share personal experiences. I am doing this here to answer the inevitable question some may have in the back of their mind that asks, "Why is he like this?" Here then is a glimpse into some of what I experienced as a child, which I hope will answer that question.

      There are two things I experienced as a child, that, during my reading on the subject only this year, have lead me to believe I did have Out of Body experiences as I was growing up. If this is true it also supports the idea William Buhlman (as I recall) presented, stating children experience this a lot, and for most it goes away as they become adults.

      The first thing I experienced quite often, which for some reason I can not induce now, was a feeling of falling. As I recall I could position my head a certain way and feel like I was falling. Sometimes it happened right after I settled down to sleep - no positioning required. I would go to sleep with that feeling.

      The second was I am sure a visit to the spiritual realm. I found myself in a cardboard tomato box, floating or being carried through the closet. Inside it was darkness and flames. I believe this experience scared me, and that fear is one of the obstacles I will have to overcome.

      I was raised by strict Christian parents, my mom, when I was 12, led me to the Lord. It was never really my choice. It just seemed the right thing to do at the time. Later my mom told me she was going to, or she had, send or sent me a dream concerning the second coming. I had a nightmare where I walked outside the trailer where we lived. It was foggy and gray out. I think there were screams all around. I saw an arm lying on the ground. I think I saw other pieces too. This fear has stayed with me all my life. I don't want to be left behind. I don't want to go to Hell. It is a prison I have so far been unable to escape from.

      I experienced other things as a child growing up on that same property. I woke up to find laughing demon faces floating on my wall in broad daylight. I saw a floating face, of an unearthly green color, floating up outside my window, slowly, from the bottom. I was wide awake - not even in bed yet. I could hear my brother and my father in the bathroom next door. I can not describe the face, but I have to sleep with the windows covered even today. This experience left deep psychological scars. I saw a black dog on a trail leading from our house through a strip of woods to a field. As I recall I shone a flashlight on it. The light went through it. The shape in a thick black mist was of a dog, lean and tall, at least 4 feet high, with glowing red eyes. After I shone the light on it the black dog merely turned away and walked into the woods. My stuffed toy rabbit I always slept with turned its head 180 degrees to look at me as I was going to sleep with glowing red eyes. I saw a man, dirty, dressed in denim several times. No record of any such person living in the area. I saw a cat, beheaded, a bloody axe still through it, on a stump with another cat carcass nearby in a gravel pit across from our property. I saw a car from the 60's drive past in the road next to the field. I saw the headlights, but heard no engine and saw no taillights when it passed. It just disappeared. I frequently felt watched and was even followed by something pacing alongside me in the woods.

      Now in recent years I have gone from being angry at God for various reasons, to forgiving Him, to questioning the validity of the Bible, to feeling chained and bound to my faith. I have come to feel that there is too much left out, that the thousands of people exploring the afterlife and giving us a glimpse of the spiritual realm can't all be hallucinating, lying, or be simply deceived. I can't believe that Satan could create such a place, I can't believe God, through His Son, would interact with any place Satan created if he did, and I can't believe it is some intricate illusion either. In my opinion Satan, being destructive in nature, could not create anything, and even if he did he would simply destroy it because that is who he is.

      So that about sums it up for the my background and childhood, and this sets the stage for the entries of my Out of Body Experiments.

      Updated 12-20-2011 at 01:43 PM by 50415

      side notes , nightmare , memorable
    8. Sonho em Silent Hill??

      by , 12-20-2011 at 04:25 AM
      Estava correndo por uma rua deserta de Silent Hill sendo perseguido por inúmeros monstros, depois de correr um pouco, vi uma lanchonete com luzes acessas e com cerca de 3 ou 4 pessoas dentro.Corri o mais rápido que pude e entrei no exato momento em que os monstros iam me pegar e por algum motivo os monstro não podiam entrar nessas lanchonetes.Observei os monstros irem embora e depois me virei para as pessoas que ali se encontravam, estes começaram a falar sobre a cidade e sobre os monstros, discutimos por fim como poderíamos sair dessa cidade macabra. Eu disse á eles que as ruas que levavam até a saída haviam virado um enorme precipício impedindo nossa passagem, então um homem que estava sentado perto da janela da lanchonete disse para nós que se nós quiséssemos, os precipícios poderiam desaparecer usando a nossa mente imaginado que no lugar destes haviam as ruas normalmente. Depois de discutirmos isso, fomos para fora e começamos a subir uma rua logo em frente , mas quando olhamos para trás, onde havia um precipício, percebemos que havia virado uma rua novamente e os monstro que estavam do outro lado corriam em nossa direção. Corremos na direção da lanchonete segura novamente, porém os monstros estavam muito perto dela,não tivemos escolha á não ser tentar combater os monstros.Nesse momento eu não conseguia me mexer e só podia observar aquela batalha de longe por um tempo antes de despertar.
    9. 1 Lucid, 3 Dreams (December 18, 2011)

      by , 12-20-2011 at 03:48 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      I had a dream character appear as a buddy in all my dreams. I don't think he ever said his name, but I named him Chris and he responded to it.

      Nightmare Tunnel

      I was running through some place we called a "nightmare tunnel" with a dream buddy. The walls of the tunnel were odd swirling shades of yellow. We were running along a bridge/platform from zombies. A trap door then opened in our path and I fell in. I was in a dark room now and I walked down the hall towards the light.

      Now I was in an arena like room with high walls that prevented me from getting back to Chris. Suddenly vents opened and thousands of spiders poured out of them.
      As they surrounded me I suddenly realized that if it was a "nightmare tunnel" then that means I'm in a dream. I slowed down time and did a high jump before they could start crawling on me. While I was in the air a few of them tried jumping at me from the walls. I teleported out of the way to a wall with out spiders and then leaped over the arena to get out.

      I found myself alongside Chris again and now running from zombies, ghosts, swordsmen, and spiders. The bridge suddenly ended and below was just a bottomless pit. Chris turned around to face the monsters and prepared to fight them. I decided to take the easy way out and push him off the bridge. I then jumped down into the pit myself.

      I saw a bright flash of light and I found myself laying in a field. I got up off the ground and found Chris. I explained to him that it was a dream and we could do anything. So we both got the idea to play around with the low gravity. We did a few jumps and flips before quickly becoming bored with that.

      "There's nothing to do in this field." Chris said.
      "Sure there is!" I said as I summoned a slinky.
      "What are you going to do with that?" He asked.
      "You'll see."

      I placed it between my hands and then magically expanded it to the size of a house. We then jumped on top of the slinky and I made it fly high in the air. I then added some spins and spirals to the flight to make it fun. Once we got past the clouds I decided to let the slinky fall and jump off. I was now happily free falling through the sky. I completely forgot about the landing part though and I hit the ground hard. I immediately got right back up full of energy.

      "Ouch, that hurt a little." I said with my hand over my side.
      "You just fell 1000 feet and you're okay with that?" Chris asked me surprised.
      "Ha ha, if this was real life that would be a broken rib." I said laughing.

      Sadly the dream started to fade away at this point. More things may have happened, but I can't remember.

      A Grim Future

      I was inside an old rundown building. It was abandoned and looked like no one had lived there in years. Chris from the last dream was by my side again and was exploring with me. As we moved around the house I started to notice that it looked a lot like my home. We were on the second floor but didn't find anything interesting. I fallowed Chris down the stairs and into one of the larger rooms. I recognized it as my living room and realized that it was my home. I then shined my flash light near the couch. In the light I saw the two dead bodies of my parents.

      "What the hell is happening here?" I thought out loud.
      "You time traveled, remember?" Chris answered.
      "How far did I go?" I asked him.
      "About a few years I think." He said.

      Through out the house I found more dead bodies of family members. I also found several animal bodies of pets I've had through my life. I woke up shortly after.

      The Honor Code

      I was in the living room of a very nice house. That's all I can really it say, it was fancified. I found Chris sleeping on the floor.

      "Chris, get off the floor." I said.
      "I was sleeping" He said annoyed.
      "Look outside." I said while pointing to the window.

      We walked to the window and looked outside. The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow and there were gray clouds covering the sky. We looked to see a caravan sinking into a pond and a many people drowning. Medieval soldiers soon arrived and worked hard to get them out of the water.

      "Shouldn't we go help them?" I asked.
      "Not unless we're in the army." He said.
      "Seriously? We can't help people unless we're soldiers?" I asked in disappointment.
      "I heard they're offering a 3 day trial period. That should be long enough for us." He said.
      "Well then let's go!" I said excitedly.

      I turned away from the window and saw a man of about my age in the living room. Looking at his clothes I could tell he was associated with the military but only a squire. He was messing with a few statues and antiques in the room.

      "Can I help you?" I asked him.

      I startled him and he dropped the small vase he was holding. We both looked at it as it fell to the ground and shattered. He looked up and smiled sheepishly.

      "It's not mine but you're paying for it." I told the squire.
      "I was sent to help you find the barracks." He said.
      "Okay..." I said expecting him to explain more.
      "We must go there for you to sign the honor code." Chris explained.
      "Lead the way." I said.

      We walked outside into the snowy weather and the squire pulled out a map. I tried reading it, but I couldn't make sense out of it. He pointed down the road leading to the village and we followed him. Unfortunately the dream kind of skipped straight past the village and into the barracks.

      The squire pulled a golden tablet out from a desk drawer. He motioned me forward and handed me a quill. He started rambling a bunch of nonsense that I kind of ignored until he mentioned magic.

      "This golden tablet is the honor code. It is magical device that will decide if you're with or with out honor. Just sign right here." He instructed me.

      I took the quill and signed the tablet, but it was more like random scribbles. I then stepped aside so Chris could sign. Neither of us blew up or anything so I figured we passed. The squire then scribbled something on a scroll and said we passed.

      The next thing I know I'm at a fair with rides and stuff in chainmail armor. I knew my job was to watch for crime and keep peace at the event. Despite this, I walked up and down the street trying to find Chris.

      "Chris! Where are you?!" I shouted into the crowd of people.
      "Right here." He said as he walked up to me.
      "Where the hell did you go?" I asked.
      "Rollercoaster." He replied.
      "I see you also got cotton candy..." I said staring at the bag of pink fluff strapped to his side.
      "Want some?" He asked.
      "Yup!" I said happily.

      So we spent the rest of the dream just sitting on a bench and eating cotton candy. As with all cotton candy, it was tasty.


      It was a bright sunny day and I was riding a rubber raft in the ocean. My sister and a weasel were also in the raft with me. I saw Chris in the water working hard to push the raft.

      "Why did we bring a weasel?" I asked Chris.
      "New dream law." He said.
      "And it's a law because...?" I asked confused.
      "There's been a lot of dragon sightings around here lately. Everyone is now ordered to have a weasel at sea. It will protect us from the dragon." He explained to me.

      I then saw a large white dragon leap out of the water nearby. It wasn't aggressive and it swam away. I noticed that me and my sister were wearing colorful electronic knee and elbow pads. I read the screen on my elbow pad (impossible in real life) and it showed 1000 points. I figured this referred to power points and could be used for defensive abilities and magical attacks. I placed my elbow on my sister's knee and gave her half of my points to add to her defenses. Thanks to our training from the last dream, me and Chris knew much more about fighting dragons than her and I was worried that the dragon could still attack. It appeared a few times, but luckily we never got in a fight.

      We started to approach an island with slides and swing sets. It looked exactly like the playground I usually visit in dreams except it was surrounded by water and sandy. We got off the raft and stepped onto the beach. Unfortunately Chris said he had more rafts to deliver. The whole island was essentially the playing field of a game. There were many children there wearing colored knee and elbow pads like us. I noticed many of my family members sitting on the beach, but I didn't bother to greet them. I kid then ran by me at a super speed and smacked my elbow with his elbow.

      "Ha Ha!" he taunted.
      "Fricking pointjacker!" I yelled at him.

      He had taken 35 points or so from me. I couldn't ask my sister for any of my points back because I felt that would be dishonorable. I also knew she would need them more because these guys were hardcore. I wasn't interested in taking power points from other kids either as that was like stealing money to me. I just wanted to play around like I usually do on the playground.

      I saw a wooden toy intended for climbing on past the swing sets. As I walked over there I stayed close to the swing sets where these gamers were too busy swinging. I got too close though and took a foot to the face and fell to the ground. I turned onto my back and saw a fat kid get off the swing in front of me. I stood up to face him eye to eye (sadly I was a foot shorter in this dream). It was the kid that accidentally kicked me in the face.

      "You tryin' to steal my points?" He said in an attempt to intimidate me.
      "No." I said firmly.
      "I thinks you are." He said smugly.
      "Just passing by." I said.

      I had already started walking towards the wooden toy again before he could get out another word. I wasn't in the mood for dealing people like him. So I started climbing multiple platforms and layers inside the structure. I stopped when I heard footsteps coming from the ground below me. I snuck to a position where I could remain hidden and observe. I saw the same kid from before wandering around below trying to find me. I jumped down and tackled him to the ground. I held him down until I had absorbed all of his power points.

      "Please go away now." I said irritated.
      "Mommy!!!" He cried and ran off.
      "Finally." I said to myself.

      I walked over to my family sitting on the beach and just looked out into the ocean. The dream faded away after this.


      Chris seems to be a much better dream character than most. He just makes things more fun. Unfortunately I didn't take his hints that I was dreaming. I hope to see him in more of my dreams.
    10. Cheesy murderers

      by , 12-19-2011 at 05:56 AM (Each and every dream (most likely messed up dream) I remember when I wake up.)
      I dreamt that I woke up. Then, I saw a light shining in from my window. I immediately grabbed a flashlight of my own and looked outside. There were two men in black goodies outside, one with a 5 'o clock shadow. One said, "He's seen us!" The other pulls out a pistol, aims it at my head, and says, "I'll handle this." It took me a second to realize he was holding a gun, but when I did I swiftly laid flat on my bed, just in time to see the bullet fly overhead. Then the one who shot at me said, "Alright then, we'll just go visit your family first then." Rage built inside me, and I became a little suspicious of reality (the bullet hadn't shattered the window), but right as I was about to jump out the window and kill them, my rage awakened me. For real.
    11. 4 Dreams (December 16, 2011)

      by , 12-18-2011 at 02:45 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Arrow to the Knee

      It was the middle of the night and there was a full moon surrounded with a yellow haze. The first thing I can remember was being an ant and I was being chased. I was being chased by another larger ant who was pissed about something I did. I ran through the jungle like environment of the grass field. I felt compelled to follow the direction of the yellow moon. I eventually came across an ant size house and recognized it as home. I ran inside and locked the door to keep the other ant away.

      Suddenly I was human again, but didn't take any notice to the change. I looked up and saw my mother and another man standing next to her.
      "Who the hell are you?" I asked the man confused.
      "I'm your step father. Don't you remember?" He explained.
      "I don't have a step father." I said.

      We continued to argue it for a little while. Somewhere along the way we got mad at each other and both pulled out bows and arrows. We then ran around the house shooting each other, but mostly missing. I used to be a dreamer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee. In other words, he shot me in the knee and I woke up.


      I was in my grandma's living room with my sister and we were just standing around doing nothing. Then I felt the urge to look towards the hallway. On the ceiling I noticed a large black scorpion slowly lowering itself from a string of web. I jumped back shocked because there aren't supposed to be scorpions in Ohio and I don't like them. I sprinted through the hallway to find my grandmother. When I found her she was in the kitchen standing at the sink and making a salad.
      "There's a really freaking huge scorpion over there!" I yelled to her.
      "Scorpion?" She said confused.
      "Waaaaiiit! I forgot my sister!"

      I ran back down the hallway and had to duck real low because the scorpion was half way down to the floor already. When I got to the living room, I didn't have to say anything to get her to follow me. As I ran back to the kitchen I saw my grandma with a huge bucket of water. She placed it in the hallway and then grabbed a hose connected to the sink. It seemed that she was prepared.

      The scorpion had lowered itself to the ground and multiple baby scorpions came from behind it. The larger scorpion charged first and tried to leap over the bucket of water. My grandma shot it with the hose and knocked the scorpion into the bucket. She then continued to spray it and kick the bucket over like a boss.

      Many baby scorpions then swarmed around the bucket as they were sprayed with water. A small red scorpion managed to sneak by onto a shelf to my right. It jumped onto me and stung my arm. I grabbed it and smashed it against the counter. I started to feel a severe burning where I was stung, but I could only ignore it. I then took a glass full of water and started splashing the scorpions with it. It was surprisingly effective.

      When all the scorpions were dead we all sat down at the table to rest. "Anyone get stung?" I asked. I looked at them and noticed they had stingers straight through their hands. I then brought my hand to my face and saw at least 7 long green stingers piercing through my right hand. I rested my hand on the table and made a plan to pull the stingers out. My hand was starting to shake and burn from the poison and it felt horrible. I managed to pull one of the two needles out of my index finger. It was too painful for me to continue and I woke up.

      You Drive

      It was the middle of the day and I was driving an awesome looking yellow car. My dad was sitting in the passenger seat and instructing me. Suddenly the car started picking up speed beyond my control. We were roaring through the city at impossible speeds and I struggled to avoid running into everything. It was at this moment that I suddenly remembered I hate driving and told my dad to drive. So we somehow managed to switch seats while moving at 300mph. Then my dad decided that I should be the one driving and we switched seats again. We kept switching back and forth a few more times until it was actually funny. As I was driving, a giant wave of water came pouring through the city. I motioned to try to steer away from it, but it was too late. The wave smashed through the windshield and the force of it snapped my neck. Needless to say, I died and woke up.

      Booster Shots

      So I was just riding along on a school bus and everything was fairly normal. Then a man in the front got out of his seat and announced that it was booster shot day. So everyone including me got in a line. I'm not afraid of needles so I had nothing to worry about. Then I saw the man give the kid in front of me a shot through the anal wall. He then motioned me to come forward, but I slowly stepped back.
      "Now don't make this any harder than it needs to be." he said as he move closer.
      "That's not how you give a booster shot!" I yelled at him as I moved further away.
      "Kid, I don't have time for this." He said losing his patience.

      I took the shot away from him and ran to the back of the bus. I started swinging it through the air like a knife or sword. "Stay back! Don't come any closer!" I said defensively. I then saw the bus driver turn his head and look at me. Shockingly it was an alien head. The aliens head then stretched all the way in front of me as he was still driving.
      "What seems to be the problem here?" he asked me.
      "He wants to stick a needle up my ass!" I shouted, as I pointed to the man.
      "Well then let him." He said calmly.
      "Hell no!" I exclaimed.

      I then stood behind the stone column in the back of the bus. I started swinging my needle around defensively as they moved in closer. Luckily I woke up before anything bad happened.


      Sometimes I wonder why I insist on living when I'm in the dream world.

      Updated 01-03-2012 at 07:39 PM by 32005

      non-lucid , nightmare
    12. mailboxes broken into; dying woman; cleaning room; sexy doll on full house

      by , 12-17-2011 at 06:24 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Ugh! I let my dumb weekend chores spiral out of control. So I'm not making this entry until now!

      Just as a note, the second dream was the closest thing to a nightmare that I've had in a long time. It wasn't very different from many of my other dreams. But, for some reason, it upset me a lot. I could hear myself screaming in the dream. I may actually have woken up screaming.

      Dream #1

      I was heading into the lobby of either an apartment building or a hotel. I had just moved out of my old place and into this new place. The lobby was really wide, but with a low ceiling and a kind of old, worn-out look. There was a little front-desk-type area at the back, right corner of the lobby.

      I headed toward a small room on the left wall, near the front of the lobby. It was the mail room. There were a lot of aluminum mailboxes along the wall on my right side. But a lot of the mailboxes were busted open. Someone had broken into the mailboxes.

      I was arfraid for my own mail. My mailbox may have been open. I had some mail in my box. But it did seem like something was missing.

      I looked at my mail as I walked out of the room. One piece of mail was for some other apartment. The other piece may have been a door tag from FedEx, like what they leave on a door when they come to deliver a package, but the person isn't hme.

      I thought I would either give the piece of wrongly delivered mail directly to the person it belonged to, or else give it to the person at the front desk. But I was kind of afraid to let anybody know that the mailboxes had been broken into. I didn't want the people who'd broken into them to cme after me.

      For some reason I was getting ready to leave the apartment. A FedEx man was coming in at the same time. But instead of asking him about my package, I told him that someone had broken into the mailboxes.

      Dream #2

      A documentary about the effects of some sort of nuclear accident, probably in Russia, though I'm pretty sure it wasn't Chernobyl. The documentary was following the lives of people in a small town near the accident.

      The people had all been exposed to radiation. But they hadn't been moved away from the area where they'd been exposed. Most of the people seemed to be women.

      There was one woman in a bedroom that kind of looked like a hostpital room. The woman was by herself, with her baby, in the room. But the room had multiple beds (or low cots), some of which could be separated from each other by dark blue curtains.

      The woman was walking back and forth with her baby cradled to her chest by means of some kind of blanket. The woman wore a dark green t-shirt and may have been pushed up above the navel of the woman's taut belly.

      A narrator may have said something about how the woman was really ill from the effects of the radiation. Now the woman was laying in one of the low cots, holidng her baby close to her. The baby may then have changed into a three- or four-year-old girl. The girl may have been tending to the mother.

      The view now closed up on the woman's right arm, which was loosely hanging off the edge of the bed. A nurse administered some kind of injection into the woman's arm.

      But either the woman was so sick that her body couldn't take any more medicine, or else the injection had been administered wrongly, and now the woman's body was rejecting it. The woman's vein swelled into a square about 3 cm per side. Then the woman's heart stopped beating.

      I couldn't believe the woman had just died! I was now in the room. I don't know where the daughter was. I don't know where the nurse was. I thought I was myself, by myself.

      I was panicking. I didn't know what to do about the dead woman. I still didn't want to believe she was dead. I thought if I found somebody, they might be able to save her.

      So I used my cell phone and called somebody who I thought could help. I was now out in what I thought was the lobby for a small, narrow apartment complex.

      I got a hold of the person, probably a man. Suddenly I had to admit to myself that the woman was dead, and that that was what I was going to have to explain to the person. As I started talking to the person, I looked at myself in the mirror.

      I was a woman, maybe in her mid- to late-twenties. I was either white or Latina. My skin was pale. I had kind of sharp, almost squarish features. I wore some kind of pale, powdery foundation, and my eyebrows seemed to be pencilled in. I also had my hair in tight braids, which seemed almost like dredds, except with a bunch of tiny tangles coming off of them.

      I then walked toward either a blank wall or a white wall with a plain, white door on it. As I did this, I told the man I was speaking to that I had been the one to administer the shot to the dead woman.

      When I suddenly realized or admitted that I had been the one that had killed the woman, I broke down. I was crying. But my voice was more of a terrified moan, which eventually became a low-pitched, loud scream.

      Dream #3

      I was in "my bedroom," which almost had the shape of my bedroom, but which was almost empty. There were some boxes along the back wall, near the left corner. But I noticed they had been pushed from the wall.

      I was afraid that somebody had been in my room. BUt I was more worried about putting the boxes back into alignment.

      When I looked closer, I noticed that what had probably pushed them out of the way was some really heavy box that had managed to slump over toward the wall in such a way that it wedged in between the other boxes and the wall, pushing the other boxes aside as it slid along the wall, down toward the floor.

      I picked up the heavy box. It was apparently a Christmas package I'd received. I figured I'd just need to open the package now and put the contents wherever they belonged in the house, so that the box would stop interfering with the order of my other boxes.

      I opened the package. A wine bottle was inside. I pulled it out. The green bottle was encased in a white, plastic square, and it had a white, plastic, pull-off top.

      I must have done something with the bottle. But now I was standing near the front wall of my room. The lights had been on before. But now they were off. The only light in the room was coming from my hallway or bathroom.

      I was looking at my room, proud of how clean and spacious it looked, now that I'd organized things so well. But I now noticed that I had a cluttered pile laying a meter or so away from my back and right walll. The pile was mostly clothes, though there may also have been a blanket or beanbag chair.

      I sighed, annoyed that I'd have to clean this stuff up before I could truly think I had a clean room. I lifted up a maroon, button-up shirt made out of some flannel-like material. I folded it. I folded another piece of clothing. I eventually worried that someone, somehow, might discover that I also had female clothing in this pile.

      Dream #4

      One of the very first episodes of the TV show Full House. Almost everybody in the cast was different.

      The house itself also looked a lot different, like a mix between the house in Growing Pains and the house in Family Ties. There was a staircase on the left side of the room, near the front door. At the foot of the staircase was a big piano.

      The dad and Uncle Jesse had kind of secretly worked to buy a doll for the middle daughter of the family. (Uncle Jesse may have been John Stamos, but the dad wasn't Bob Saget.) The two men wanted to make up for something really aggravating that had happened to the girl, and had probably been their fault.

      So the two men left the doll sitting on top of the piano. The room was now empty, though I had an image in my mind's eye of the older daughter, who was the same person as in the regular show, except that she had really straight hair and wore eyeglasses.

      The middle daughter now walked into the house. She was different from the daughter in the regular cast. She saw the baby doll laying on the piano top. Surprised, she rushed to the doll and picked it up. She walked up the stairs with it.

      The doll wore no clothes, probably had a white, cloth body, and plastic limbs, and was either bald or had plastic "hair" molded onto her head.

      Somehow this plain old cloth and plastic doll managed to pee. She just let out a huge gush of water, getting the daughter's front all wet.

      The daughter's appearance had changed. She now looked like a "rebel girl" or "skater girl" kind of TV show character. She cried out, "Oh, god! You peed all over me!"

      The daughter needed to clean herself off. But now the whole scene started over again. But everything that had already happened was still remembered by the characters.

      The doll was placed, by an unseen erson, on the piano top. For a moment, the camera view closed in really tight on the doll, who seemed to be surrounded by a tiny square of little, wooden bars, almost like a mini, doll-sized railing that had been built onto the piano top.

      The daughter ran in and picked it up, this time without any surprise or excitement. The daughter may also still have needed to clean the pee off herself.

      But now the daughter, walking up the stairs, started saying things to the doll like, "Oh, yeah! I really like you! You're really sexy!"

      I wondered why this girl would find a doll so sexy, and I wanted to see more, to see howthis relationship would develop between the girl and the baby doll that she found sexy.
    13. An Old Friend... Plane Crash

      by , 12-17-2011 at 03:19 PM (Pickle's Nightly Subconscious Activities Recorded in a Journal)
      I moved to New Zealand from Scotland a few years ago. Thoughts about old friends come up every now and again, but I only went to Primary School with them. Now, to set the scene. I'll try and simplify, as explaining would take some time. In my town there is an annual event. At this event there are many groups doing different things, and a group I am involved with take turns with a similar group each year doing the same thing. Please tell me if you don't understand. Onto the dream.

      It starts, when I am walking home from school, when who do I see but my good old friend Scott. Now Scott is here for the event, as it is one year in the future and he, who lives in Scotland and probably has no idea of the group and event I'm affiliated with, is with the second group taking their turn running their part of the event. Odd, I know.

      We go into town, I don't remember details but I remember reminiscing about Primary School, and me asking about other friends in Scotland. He eventually arrives at, what seems to be a location in many of my dreams that doesn't exist in my current home town, a large church on a small hill, surrounded by old brick/metal bar fencing/barrier, with a large metal gate at one side. I follow him inside, at this point he seems to be ignoring me, concentrating on being inside the church, where I've since not been allowed. I tried getting his attention, to no avail. We end up in this room, where there are other adult men I don't recognize. They all look at me like I've done something very wrong. Scott looks at me, and says "Bye Andrew"... it fades, but I end up back in the middle of town.

      I'm feeling sad about what happened, but then completely out of the blue, behind some small buildings which you would easily see a plane over, appears from as if underground a plane pulling up hard. It's close, and HUGE. I start running. I watch the plane. It's barely off the ground, pointing straight up, and slowing down from it's initial pull up. It drops slowly, the world is quiet, and lands on the buildings it came from. Screaming is heard. I'm still running but I still see the cloud of smoke covering everything and coming out from the impact zone, so no wreckage is visible. This, since it came from nowhere, gave me a fright and I awoke myself.

      I'm going to discuss some thoughts I had about this in a new thread, thanks for reading.
    14. Humanoids

      by , 12-17-2011 at 12:00 PM
      I was driving on a highway, it was night time and I was with my family. There was an exit I took and it was very damaged and I saw someone else get out of their car. Then some "people" I'll call them "humanoids" touch the other drivers ad changed them, they were noe doing what the humanoids told them.

      I drove back to the city and tried to tell everyone, but it seems the humanoids are like the Transformers and had been hiding there a long time. I decided to leave with my family we were on the way to the train station while I started thinking "What if they're not bad?". My Dad dissapeared from the dream. I continued with my Mum and Sister tobanquet-type place with bronze walls it was a really high-end place. It had rows of tables with people eating one guy said something racist and my Mum retaliated, I just moved her along and kept going. I also remember seeing police come out of a van they were pretty futuristic.

      I saw the tunnel leading to the station as me and my family ran. I saw one guy jump over the stairs because the stairs were long, like a ramp for a wheelchair user. I ran down and around. I remember seeing a guy with glasses, a tattoo (I think) and a guitar gig bag he saw an old lady with two shopping bags and said "Can I help you with that?".

      As soon as he touched it he turned. It turns out the old lady was a humanoid.

      In Eastenders, Lauren was naked and so was her mother Tanya but she was covering up. Lauren was spraying stuff onto Tanya. Then Ian Beale came in with a sick and I mean SICK-looking grin on his face and started spraying the stuff on Lauren.

      Side Notes
      It was a mix between a dream and a nightmare. I think it would make a good film, if you could stretch out the plot. Or a book, I'd buy it.
    15. Nightmare!

      by , 12-16-2011 at 12:28 AM
      The other night i has a nightmare that shook me out of sleep, I was so scared that I could get back to bed after.

      I was walking along a highway, with my cousins and sisters walking a bit ahead of me and the friend I was walking with beside. I felt this presence in the woods to the right of us and looked over; it was a young woman around my age (20), she was dressed in tattered rags it was almost as if she could be a malignant spirit. But I some how felt that she was only there to help us along the was, she was there to protect us. So I stuck out my hand and gave her a wave, she reciprocated enthusiastically, just so happy to be involved in some way.

      The unrest didn't' appear until I realized that there was another entity behind me and my friend, Harper. Harper was warning me to pay it no mind, to not acknowledge it at all. But I did, I was so terrified of it, an unrealistic fear. So to appease it or to make it leave I through the thing an old robe, now the entity that appeared as the woman in the bushes looked much more put together. The robe had changed her appearance quite a bit, but the fear didn't leave. She was still lurking behind us, in plain view and there was nothing that I could think of to change the situation..

      Another thing I forgot to mention about this seemingly malignant entity was that because of her presence my family had begun to act very unnaturally. At one point they all stretched out their hands and were walking beside each other and onto the road. To stop this (which unnerved me quite a bit) I along with my friend took their hand and according them in to one person to stop then from getting hurt.

      I feel like I can understant this dream to a point, but if anyone can help with analizing this dream I'd be interested in what you'd have to say
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