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    1. 5x inside a dream (horror)(the spider king, intro)

      by , 12-06-2011 at 05:32 AM (Dreams of all types (but mostly war))
      I went to bed one night after ghostbusting (in real) and feeling very much like we had been followed back to our house. I don't know if you believe in the unnatural or not, but whatever it doesn't matter. To me it's real and I was definitely being persued by this spirit or whatever. So I fall asleep and soon after enter my dream state. I dream that I'm laying in bed, the same bed I'm sleeping in (in real) and I'm paralysed. I can't move. I'm laying on my back (in my dream) looking up at the ceiling wondering when I'm going to be able to move, when I hear this hard knocking sound down the hall, in the kitchen. I can feel my girlfriend beside me and she's sound asleep. The knocking sound gets louder and I hear a deep growl of a voice call my name and then laugh. I'm thinking holy shit this has GOT to be a dream. So sure enough I wake up out of the dream, to find myself back in my bed, laying in bed, wide awake wondering what the hell that was all about.

      Then suddenly I start to hear the knocking again.. and thumping.. this time it was in the attic. I hear heavy breathing and deep growling and sounds like footsteps right over top of my bed. I thought to myself, "Oh god I just woke up so it's real this time" and once again I find myself on my back, paralyzed, unable to move. My heart starts to race, as I question whether or not this is reality, and I wake up again. I find myself in my bed, laying on my side. This time I got up and went to the bathroom, in full confidence that I was really awake this time. No kiddin! really awake. So I finish doing my thing in the bathroom and I take one step outside the bathroom door. Suddenly everything is black, and I can see nothing. I can still feel what's around me, and everything is in place as it should be, just can't see. I feel something touch my back, something sharp. Something behind me. Something NOT VERY NICE. I wake up.

      So there I am, laying in my bed. What the HELL is going on here? Damn I really need to pee. I thought I just went? Oh man, that was a dream, I'm really awake this time. THUMP. Oh shit what was that? I start to hear the growls again. The footsteps. The thumping, all up in the attic. "HAHAHAHAHAH" .. oh god it's, he's, whateverit's, is laughing. And like that deep, evil, satanic laugh we have all come to love from the movies. Straight from a movie. Doesn't get anymore demonic than that .. right?? right???? Whatever it was stepped on the spot in the attic that was right above me. "Oh daaaavvveee" .. oh what??? oh what??? "heh heh heh.. you're gonna die dave.. gonne DIE..." .. This can't be real. can't be.. can't be real. WAKE.. UP...

      I find myself laying in my bed. OK.. is it gone.. am I AWAKE this time? Maybe I should pinch myself. OUCH yep.. that hurt. I'm awake. "HEH HEH HEH.. OH DAAAAAVVVEEE...." I look up. I'm laying in my bed, on my back, my girlfriend sleeping right next to me. FUCK ME I NEED TO PEE. I start to see this swirling, shadowy vortex open up in the ceiling. First the claws come out, then the hands. Then the arms. In the middle of this vortex I see blood red eyes. Yep the head is coming out. Oh god those teeth, look at those teeth! Wait those aren't teeth, more like a row of 6'' splinters you would pass for a mouth only a mother could love. OMG. "HAHAHAHAHA... HAHAHAHAHAHA...." The.. thing.. moves closer. and closer.. and closer. I can feel it's breath on my face. I can't move.. paralysed. Holy shit .... ok god.. if you are real.. SAVE ME.

      I wake up. My girlfriend is sleeping next to me. I'm laying on my side. Whew.. I'm FINALLY awake.. no shit this time. My heart is racing, I'm drenched in sweat. HOLY .. SHIT.. I need to take a pee. Nope.. there's no way I'm stepping one foot off this bed. I look out the bedroom door and it's black as black can be. I know 100% FOR SURE I'm awake this time. I squeeze up next to my girlfriend and hug her tight. I let out a whimper. She doesn't even budge. She's either dead asleep or simply ignoring me. Whatever, I will hold my bladder till tomorrow. I fall back asleep and dreamed of nothing till the morning came. Thank you, god
    2. 05/12/11 - Being a murderer

      by , 12-05-2011 at 07:20 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had a freaky dream last night, I guess you could call it a nightmare. Also two fragments.

      23.00: Sleep

      03.30: Time to come clean
      I receive a text message on my phone. It's my mom, telling me something I don't want to forget about later that week. 'Oh god... How will I ever be able to look her in the eyes again? I put the phone in my pocket and start walking. Strangely enough the deeds I've done doesn't disturb me half as much as the thought of finally coming clean, but it has to be done. 'How many is it now? Three... No wait four.' I walk out on a bridge going over a road. I look down at what I'm holding. It's a human head with most of the flesh gone. I throw it over the bridge and watch it roll down the dim lit street. A parked van stops it and a loud "bang" follows. 'Someone must have heard that, it's done. They will find my prints on that head and put me away for ever.'

      I walk across the bridge and take a right just after some shacks. I head down to the end of the street where a river is flowing by. 'Who have I killed now? My sister Malin, her friend Diana, some evil guy who did something bad and one more. Perhaps I should grab a canoe and just run away?' I feel so bad about it all, what I'm about to face, that I can barely take it. I open a cage nearby and take off my pants. I decide to see if anyone's found the head yet. I walk around the corner and should be able to see the van from behind now, but it's not there. There's just a big cleaning truck sweeping the streets.

      The dream skips. I'm talking to my dad in his house. He says something about my sister Malin. "Oh, so I didn't do anything then!" I exclaim, happier than ever. I ask him about Diana. "She's been dead for a while now, you know that" he tells me. 'Fuck. That means I really killed her.'

      05.30: Fragments
      *I'm down at a football field made out of gravel. There are tracks from a car all around. My coworker David shows up and tells me he's the one responsible for them. I look up at the building and another coworker is up on the roof. He lifts a girl up and puts her down again. All of a sudden my friend Henrik appears and tells me that the guy on the roof eats alot of candy because that's good for you when you're working out alot. I tell them I usually eat nuts instead. David asks me if he can borrow my car. The place he's going to is not even a hundred meters away but he can't be bothered to walk.

      *I'm in a car with Monica. We're on a paved road in the middle of the woods which is slick as hell. We almost go off the road. "I don't feel like visiting my mom anymore. Not now when her husband's got MS, they won't even remember me being there then" she tells me.

      05.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 6 hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    3. Seven old dreams.

      by , 12-05-2011 at 06:20 PM
      Alright, here are some dreams I've been too lazy to record that I've had since my last major entry, I'm finally getting them out of the way so I can post some actually interesting stuff that I'm dreaming about now. I don't remember exactly what days they happened anymore so I'm just going to number them.


      I was walking around college (although it looked like a fusion of my junior and senior high schools) with O but got separated from him, so I was searching around a hallway for him when Neil Patrick Harris ran up to me! I see that he's wearing a lab coat and instantly think "Oh, he must be part of the alien studies project." He grabs my wrist and starts pulling me while running so I have to run to keep up with him, and he starts talking about how they're starting some alien autopsy study where they're doing the testing on human volunteers first... for some reason. He looks back at me and says "Thanks for doing this." to which I respond "I never agreed to do anything." He ignores me and starts talking about how all of the other human volunteers they've had so far have ended up having some horrible aftereffects that I don't really remember much of, but they generally sounded terrible. He stops running so I do too, and he looks back at me and squints and just stares for a second, then says "...You'll probably be fine." We start running again as I say "Probably??" He starts explaining the mechanics of what they're doing, which I also don't remember well, but I remember him saying "I don't think this causes too much blood." (Causes too much blood? ) Then he goes on to describe how the machine they use was having some really bad malfunction in all of their previous tests as well, and there were even more terrifying things happening to the volunteers as a result of it, but after he stops talking he stops running again and stares off into the distance and says "I think they fixed that." As he was explaining that last part we had entered a science class room, and then he took me through a door in the back into a small office-like room where there was a woman in a lab coat sitting at a desk. Then he turns to me and goes "But first, I'm gonna do a magic trick! " He makes himself turn invisible, and then reaches over (but of course I don't see it) to a bowl on the desk that's filled with cherries and grapes, still on branches. He picks them up and starts tying the branches together and the woman (his assistant) says "It looks like Arby's food!" and I laugh and say "It's just cherries and grapes!" and she SLAMS her hand down on the desk, points to me with a pissed-off look on her face and yells "You have been warned!!" (I have?? ) He finishes tying branches together and I realize that he's made a dragon sculpture out of them, and he even opens the mouth and starts making screeching sounds (and of course it looks like it's doing it on its own because he's invisible). I'm laughing hysterically at this point and dropping a large number of couch pillows which suddenly appeared in my hands. He makes himself visible again and hands me a piece of paper that tells me not to be so worried about my future, and just take life as it comes.


      I'm teaching a class and I'm doing my best to make sure that all of the kids behave, but they're all pissed off at me for some reason and they start stealing my keys and things just to torment me for hours until they finally hand in their homework to force me to do it for them and I realize that my dad's been making extremely hard extra homework for them to make them angry so I grab my keys from them and fly out of the room so fast that I leave a trail of demonic fire in my wake. (Flying has always been my strongest dream power for as long as I can remember, in non-lucids I generally travel at a normal speed but I can go pretty frickin' fast, the first time I tired it in a lucid it was accompanied by a sonic boom and the speed was so intense that it woke me up in about a second and a half. ) I make it home and start to cuss out my dad for being so irresponsible because's he's a teacher in real life! Then I walk out to the kitchen and see my mom there and say "Oh, mom's home." Somewhat anticlimactic of an ending lol.


      I'm in a plane crash with a group of people that I went to public school with, although most of whom I didn't normally associate with. I remember that part of the dream because it was intense, but after that there's a lot of blurriness until the point when we're finally getting back on a new plane to go to... well, wherever it was we were headed in the first place. But still, we're understandably a little freaked out at the thought of being on a plane again. J checks his bags ahead of me and then walks off to the seats (which are conveniently located about ten feet away from where you check your luggage ), and I check mine and plan to go sit next to him but I'm told that I have to go take the seat up in the cockpit behind the pilot because I'm "being a troublemaker." I say "Damnit, does this mean I have to talk to A the whole time?" (Referring to myself in third person, literally thinking it's someone else, who I guess I'm annoyed at the thought of having to talk to. ) The guy responds "Are you serious?" and points to the cockpit. I go sit down and I'm watching out the front window. The plane is already in the air and is doing some serious loops through the sky, but it seems like a normal way to fly at the time. I watch as our view goes back and forth between the sky and the ground (we're flying REALLY low!) and at one point I look at a billboard and see the face of Charlie from Lost, although his face wasn't actually on the board... it just invoked the image so intensely in my mind that I saw it as clear as day, but it didn't actually enter the dream scenery, it was just kind of on top of it, like my mind's eye vision was exactly as clear as my normal vision... kind of hard to explain. Anyway, I'm starting to feel a little anxious and sick, so I go to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror and see if I look like I'm sick or if I'm losing color or anything like that. When I get there, I see my face literally rotting, melting off, and turning to stone (especially my neck), and the grim reaper(!) is standing behind me. And I mean really detailed, with a fiery flowing black robe and blue and black swirls of smoke and a gigantic evil-looking scythe and this aura of pure darkness. I inspect myself a little closer and say "Nah, it's probably nothing, I'm just letting myself get psyched out." I walk into the cabin instead of going back to the cockpit and everyone screams and someone points at me and yells "Fridge neck!" I start freaking out again and go "Oh no, does it look bad??" and start scratching at my neck, while everyone starts making these D: faces that start expanding to be bigger and bigger until they cover their whole faces and then their jaws starts enlarging so that the face can keep expanding (which looks really, really cartoony), and then I wake up from an adrenaline rush.


      O and I and some other students from our college are eating in the cafeteria of some school other than our own, and one of the guys who goes to that school starts getting really pissed off saying that we're not allowed to eat any food except from one small area, but everyone does anyway. I like messing with the guy because he's being a prick, and eventually he's so angry that he starts going on this loud, ridiculous speech, that ends up having some religious undertones, about how it's THEIR school and THEIR food and THEIR right to eat and yadda yadda yadda.... O comes over to my table and laughs at him with me while we eat our food and I browse the internet on my laptop.


      This one is a little fragmenty. My log starts with this first part I don't really remember much about that reads "Save the world, emotional texting with M mad at dad to not be sad for him (crying)". After that my memory starts to pick up. I was playing a game, but I had to put it on hold to drive a friend of mine (M, but a different M from the first part) back to their car in [a nearby city] so that I could get back in time for the DMT revolution. I go to the back fridge we have to get something to drink, and when I get back there there are bottles of shampoo and large, empty glass mugs on top of the fridge for some reason. I just end up staring at them confused until I wake up.


      Somewhere before this dream I had a dream that happened in anime format, I wish I could remember it.

      I'm having a sleepover with O, M, and S. Originally it was at my grandparents' house and we were listening to dubstep and it was making me sleepy so I eventually passed out. I had a dream-in-a-dream about doing some intense dance moves with an old friend, C, in some big fancy kitchen. But it didn't last long, and soon I woke up at the slumber party again when everyone else had already fallen asleep, although the scene had changed to my house. Everyone else starts waking up and we talk about music that we heard in our dreams (mine was "Here We Go" by Bassnectar) and it starts transitioning from night to day. We hear a noise outside by the window, so I slowly creep over to the door to look but I don't see anything, but not long after that the curtains magically open by themselves and we see a creepy man peering in. o_o We all start freaking out and the man comes to the door so I open it and ask him what he wants and he says that he needs to speak to my dad and that "it's a matter of presidential importance!" O says he'll go back to tell him, and I turn back to tell the guy to hold on and close the door. I turn around again and see that O is now in the back room getting something to drink (lazy ) so I go tell my dad instead. I go to their bedroom and walk in and see that my parents are both awake, so I tell my dad he's needed and run back out to the door. When I open it I see the guy with a bomb strapped to his knee!! I run back yelling "He's a bomber, he's a bomber!" and everyone scatters and jumps down into the furthest-away-from-him corners of the house while he detonates the bomb, and I close my eyes and the sound of the explosion wakes me up.

      Another fragment that I remember from right after this dream, I was sitting at my computer watching a fractal generator in action, VERY cool. I wish I remembered more!


      Homer Simpson takes large amounts acid, shrooms, and morning glories and possibly other things at a nighttime hippie festival by [my middle school] and I see it as I'm walking by through the park, but somewhere down the line it changes to my cat, T, doing those things at a shamanic ritual in the same place. The next day O and I are at my house, and we're talking about how T must have tripped balls, and for some reason we have a white dachshund who's a little bigger than they would normally be, but I think she was actually representing an old cat we had, because we were aware that she was female and that T didn't like her, just like that cat. But now, T went over to her and started scratching her on her stomach (standing up with his paw outstretched, like a human ) until she gets up and happily runs away, and O and I talk about how T must have been humbled by his heavy experience. I feel inspired to take some mushrooms myself, which of course appear directly under me when I reach down to grab some. The dog comes over to me all happy and starts licking my nose while I'm laying on the ground waiting for them to kick in, and I wonder if she got a contact high from T. When I stand up everything is surrounded by rainbow auras and I'm starting to get heavy tracers, after I moved my arm there were three or four copies of it in different colors and levels of transparency. I follow O, T, and the dog into the laundry room and everything is starting to feel very dreamy (heh), then when I'm starting to feel some come-up energy building I turn around and walk away, and then I got woken up by the feeling.


      And there's that! Now I can get caught up to date with my next entry.
    4. Screw you Bigfoot, I'm lucid

      by , 12-03-2011 at 06:34 PM
      I probably could remember my whole dream, but I'm too tired to try.

      On the other hand, it was really fucked up and I woke up gasping (you could say..)

      I was being chased by a creature that looked very much like "Bigfoot". We were in a jungle, and I knew there were other bigfoots around too. As I was running, I noticed that I could push the trees down as I ran. This helped me get where(ever) I was going to a lot faster. I had just lost one bigfoot and then one appeared not far in front of me. I tried to hide but he saw me and started running at me.

      Instantly, I was fed up and out of options. I knew I was dreaming at this point and I didn't think about what I should do. Instead, my fear and anger took over and started growling. I raised my arms above my head and I grew about triple the size of the beastly foot man. Suddenly I was on top of him, choking him, hold him down.

      The next part is disturbing, so I'm going to stop there. Really don't want to think about it anymore.

      Side notes: I think I've been more aware throughout my day. I really feel a change in the energy of my dreams. I just feel like I'm becoming more in tune to my dreams, because sometimes (most recently) I feel like I'm playing a role. It's kind of like I know that I'm dreaming, but I'm playing along with the script. I can't say that I've been "lucid" though. I was lucid in the last dream for a moment to know that I could control it, but then I began playing along again.

      The things I've been doing differently are listening to binaural beats (gamma and beta) for a while during the day, and my choline intake has increased.

      So, I'm very excited for a break from school and looking forward to my dreams over the next month.
    5. Hunted

      by , 12-03-2011 at 04:55 PM
      I’m with my old friend, a girl who tried to kill herself a couple of years ago but lived. She says something, I don’t remember what, and I become furious. I hit her in the face to she falls to the ground. I kick her everywhere and I realize that she is going to die if I don’t stop. But no matter how hard I try to stop kicking her I just can’t. There is blood everywhere on my shoes and on my hands and a group of people have now gathered around me and my friend.
      I beg them to do something and stop me from killing her but they just stand there, watching me with blaming eyes.
      Suddenly, I hear sirens everywhere and the surrounding trees and bushes catch on fire. The people that was watching me beat up my friend earlier starts to chase me and are soon joined by the police and men wearing military uniforms.
      I run throw the dark forest and those who hunt me are coming closer and closer and I realize that I’ll never outrun them, so I hide behind a large bush and they lose track of me. The sirens are gone and everything is now quiet. I’m starting to calm down but then I realize that I am sitting against a window. I turn around and see my friend that I abused earlier. Her face is pressed to the glace and there is blood pouring from her eyes and she looks scary as hell. She crushes the window and grabs me with her bleeding hands and pulls me throw it. Then I wake up.

      Why do I have so many nightmares? I’m never afraid then I’m awake and it sure was awful watching her try to kill herself but it was many years ago now and she did survive. It’s annoying to have this dreams all the time.

      Updated 12-03-2011 at 05:32 PM by 51488

    6. Angry neighbor with rusty knife.

      by , 12-03-2011 at 04:19 PM
      I was out jogging in the forest, listening to music (Bruce Springsteen if that matters). When I come home I see my neighbor. He is standing next to my car looking angry. He points at my skateboard witch I for some reason have tied to my car and tells me to give it to him. Then I disobey he starts to grow and becomes very tall. He takes up a rusty knife from his pocket and chases me down the street until I wake up.
    7. My Subconcious

      by , 12-01-2011 at 11:26 PM
      When people talk about having dreams, I fail to relate. By this I mean that they talk about fantastical things happening to them. Things like flying, or the earth being destroyed or something beyond unrealistic. Personally, my dreams are quite nearly the opposite. My dreams are basically memories being replayed or even edited.

      I don't necessarily dream lucidly, no, I can only react in those memories, as I would in real life. Now that might sound rather dull, but I assure you that it's much more exciting than any lucid dream I've ever heard described.

      When I say my dreams are edited I mean that it has fragments of memories folded, mixed, and smashed together to make something amazing.
      For example, one of my favorite dreams to date is the one where me, my girlfriend (Redisreddish), and four others I know are in a skyscraper trying to fight off a horde of zombies.
      Now that may sound crazy unreal, but it was too real. I have this weird thing where I can feel everything that's happening to me in dream. But the reason for this is due to the fact that everything I feel I've felt at some point in my life.
      Other times the dreams are nightmares beyond comprehension. There have been times where I start out in the dream as me laying on a beach holding my girl and having a romantic moment (NOT SEXUAL!!!) and I feel knives entering my entire body.
      People that lucid dream told me to just wake myself up, but you can't wake up from a memory!
      At any rate, that's how I have dreams. If anyone reads this (but that I highly doubt) ask me more about my dreams if it interests you. I would also like to know if anyone else out there shares this kind of dreaming.
      I'm also on facebook as Wes Hemenway.
    8. Old lady dies

      by , 11-30-2011 at 06:04 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I feel that this one is situated somewhere "Jistebsko" or so.
      I am not sure how it all started, but there is an old lady living in a little house near a big one. She is a mother of the man living in the big house. I know her somehow. I think there is some money involved. Then once I go there with some friend and the window is open. I just get closer to the window and smell rotting meet. Then I spot her lying on the floor. She is dead. I am not sure what to do. For some reason I think that people might suspect me of murdering her. I even think that I did it. I think that I killed her with knife. So I leave. Then I come back few days later as someone calls me to check on her as they haven't seen her for some time. Well, surprise surprise!! I look inside the house again, just through the window. Now it smells really bad. I can just see her legs on the floor (the rest of the body is out of view). The meet of the legs is all bitten of my rats or perhaps other animals. I then go to the house to report that I found her dead. But the people walk towards me. They are shocked. Then they start asking me loads of questions. When they open the door to the house, the body is covered. There is a knife on the floor, all covered in blood. For some reason I think I had just the same knife. Then this man (from the house) reaches on a side... there is a little hole in the wall (near the stairs) and he pulls out a piece of paper. I take it off his hand.. I know that I wrote it. I crumble the paper instantly... than I think... "shit".. this is so suspicious. I look at the paper. Yes, I wrote it. But its about meeting some girl, some other one than I was seeing. I start explaining to the family, what the note means. I talk about Adriana (for some reason the note has something to do with her). They listen. I feel a lot of pressure on me. Then we talk about holidays... and I think "shit, I should just get out of here, somewhere far!"
    9. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 11-26-2011 at 10:48 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Initiate (Parts 1 and 2) (DILD)

      There’s so many of us.

      But still plenty of room to fight.

      One at a time, they all have to fall, else I’ll be the one to go down.

      Still, I can’t help enjoying the thrill of battle as I face my first opponent, a looming giant of a man, with sad, soulful eyes and the strength of a monster. With one hand he’s able to catch my true blade and hold it firm even as I charge it with screaming, vibrating, blue energy.

      “I’m impressed. You should be in pieces by now. . .”

      Time moves forward, as do my battles. The refined, razor sharp steel of my pure white, twisted-dragon-hilt katana, reduced to a blunt club against these foes. Tearing down my Vizard mask, with every strike I release a torrent of black energy, tinted red by my gleeful fury. Teleporting in and out, around my final enemy, I brutal beat him down with one wicked slash after another, into the ground, into darkness. *

      It’s over. Three of us are left standing, all of us drenched in blood. I realize we’re the same, though our methods may be different, and it makes me sick.

      “I’m done with this,” I say to them.

      “Done with what?” One of them asks, suspicion and paranoia in his eyes.

      “This,” I motion to the battleground around us, coated in warm blood and the bodies of countless slain warriors.

      Walking off, I catch one of them say, “And you call yourself an eight!”

      “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.” I comment back, not even bothering to look.

      Daffodil is her name. A beautiful golden retriever, my new friend. We had spent so much time together, bonding, all in preparation for this moment, as I stand before an invisible committee.

      Crouching down, stroking the top of her head to the flowing golden fur on the back of her neck, I do it quickly. My knife enters her throat cleanly, and I slide it through quickly, smoothly, minimizing her pain. But as she lies there on ground, bleeding out, I see I’ve missed the jugular. I correct my mistake immediately, ending her quiet whines, her suffering, my first task.

      Now create yourself a human DC, and do the same. I hear his sick voice in my head.

      No, that’s stupid. I have no issue killing illusions of my own creation.

      You will do it, or you’ll fail. Him again.

      But it’s pointless.

      Then you fail.

      . . . Fine. But I do it my way. . .

      Calling out, almost immediately, I find myself a DC. A young boy named Jerry.

      “Do you like baseball, Jerry?” I inquire.

      “I sure do, mister,” he replies hesitantly.

      “I’ve got a friend who’s really into baseball. Excellent pitcher; throws a pitch the Japanese call The Great Equalizer. . .”

      And just like that we’ve formed a bond, Jerry and I. We walk for a bit, before I tell him I’ve got something to show him.

      “What’s that, mister?”

      I can hear he’s nervous as I draw my knife, the one I’d used a short time ago.

      “This is my knife. Nice, isn’t it?

      “What do you use that for?”

      “Oh, killing, mostly.”

      He steps back, fear on his face, and I know how much this is going to suck for both of us. So, with a flash, I activate my Geass, imprinting my will over his own. Now all Jerry wants, with his entire being, is to die by my hand. So I oblige, placing my hand on his shoulder and slashing open his throat. To quicken things, I drive my blade into his stomach and drive it upwards, destroying his heart, without breaking any bones.

      He’s dead before he hits the ground.

      Things begin to fade. . .

      Creative. His voice, sickeningly friendly, breaks the silence, keeps me tied to the dream.

      He was just an illusion. I told you already, killing DCs is meaningless.

      Really? Then I suppose you wouldn’t have any trouble killing a DC of your mother? I can almost see his twisted grin.


      To prove a point, I whip up a DC who looks just like my mother, cut her throat like the others, hit her onto the ground, and stomp her skull into bits, her brain into mush.

      I feel no remorse.

      You have issues. He seems stunned and taken aback.

      Like I said. Just a DC.
    10. Friday, January 28, 2011

      by , 11-26-2011 at 04:46 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      When the dream started, I was a baby.
      The initial setting was my grandma's house, accept for it was a lot more updated in the dream.
      Apparently, my eyes began to itch, and I scratched them. Then they started spewing blood. Then I started crying and the whole house flooded, and everyone made it out ok, except for this puerto ricin guy's son, whom I have no idea who he is or what he was doing there. But after the house flooded, it spontaneously caught fire. This man's son then died.
      My family and I ran away from this guy as he shouted vows for revenge for killing his son even though it was unintentional.


      The setting then changes to present day and I was again my current age. My mom, dad and I were at a nearby sonic eating dinner when a red Prius sped up next to our car.
      Then the puerto ricin guy in the driver's seat said
      "It's time."
      We all knew what this meant and and slammed on the gas. We sped down the freeway.
      Suddenly, my dad's car was speeding parallel next to our car without a driver.
      We told my mom to save herself as we jumped into his car.

      My dad and I then proceeded to the best place we could think to hide: Barnes and Noble.

      Once we were inside the bookstore, a man's voice on the intercom announced that he was after me, we were all surrounded and were about to die. He then said that we had 15 minutes to live.

      My dad and I gave up and tried to call my mom to say goodbye, but I had this impossible to work phone and I couldn't figure out how to call her.
      I pleaded my dad to let me use his phone, but he wouldn't allow me to use it.
      Finally, at the last second, he let me use his phone and as it was ringing, a bright red light flashed in front of me.

      There was a flash and then darkness.

      There was complete darkness and I was completely alone.

      I knew that I was dead.
      I was screaming at the top of my lungs for help, but it remained dark and quiet. I couldn't even hear myself shouting.
      I was in this stage for what seemed like forever. I temporarily awakened for a second, but then quickly fell back to sleep and I was still dead.
      But this time, I was in my room and I saw my mom sleeping in my bed. Then a female voice said
      "You will only see me in that place between where you are awake and asleep."
      And then I woke up.
    11. A Chase Dream

      by , 11-25-2011 at 06:01 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Non-lucid dream, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm in a big, fancy hotel. Some guy starts chasing me through the hotel. I try to get away from him by running up the stairs, further into the hotel. I discover that each floor of the hotel is really split into two sub-levels, with two short, parallel sets of stairs connecting the two sub-levels. There are completely separate, longer sets of stairs connecting the different levels. I realize that one can run all the way around each sub-level in a loop by going up and down the stairs. [ ] At some point while I'm running away, some other guy diverts me into an area off to the side from where I'm running, behind a door, and closes the door. This other guy is helping me hide from/escape from the first guy.

      [I know exactly what this was all about. I'm pretty sure this dream was an expression of my anxiety over the fact that I haven't gotten my NaNoWriMo novel anywhere near finished.]
    12. Vampire

      by , 11-22-2011 at 04:46 PM (Floatinghead's dream adventures)
      dream 1 - (I could remember how the dream started!) I am lying on the floor of some kind of school dorm of private school. I am wearing its uniform: red tie and dark pants. then my very close 'blood' (I'll call her D) comes on to me holding a bowl of water/ some kind of soup? she seems she's gonna spill the water on me. first I think she's just doing a prank, but she really spills all of the water on my stomach. I am puzzled saying "hey what are you doing?!". D grinns very maliciously, then she poses as if she's gonna fight with me. suddenly I get angry and fight with her. the fighting was really long, I cant recall them all, but I can even see and feel the blood tickilng on my face and bloody fists. I am both really angry and sad thinking how could D betray me... I still want to be close with her because of our 'blood line'. I think of apologizing her but I cant, so I say, frustrated, "what's wrong with you?! how could you do this to me?"
      she says... "I want your hair to be silver-hair."
      when I look close into her eyes, her eyes were bright red with cat's pupil. I recognized that she's a vampire right away. I get angry again, but then I am also scared. after some minutes of exhausting fighting(it's weird that I didnt feel any pain.), we are in an awkward position grabbing hands to each other, panting, blood tickling.
      "I'm sorry." I say.
      I feel her getting sorry too. but then she gets angry again and attacks me.
      maybe scene jumps? I am suddenly Stella character(from my vampire comic. I think I was her because this whole vampire thingy mixed with my comic in the dream). I am still in my dorm room, looking over the veranda. (I notice that the dorm is actually a 'house' rather than an apartment.) the weather is cloudy. I see the people of prosecutors of vampire crowded over the veranda. and Hairless Man(from my comic) is standing there with his poker face. I can see his black hood and ominous feeling around him. he reaches to me with his long fingers like an alien. I get really scared and pierce a sharp wooden stick into his palm, and throw him away with. I lock the veranda door and sit on the floor, very exhausted, with despair and sadness.
      this dream was very disturbing...

      dream 2 - I am hovering along the ceiling in some kind of factory/ huge building. I see big pipes. suddenly I notice that there's a meeting of shared dream members. I go to the entrance door and meet Traeumer... he was half naked. wtf?! then here at this point I get lucid, but loses right away...

      dream 3 - I play with cute dogs for 5 minutes.

      dream 4 - I meet my friend in school. we go to resource room and talk about pokemon Digda... I drew it on the board lol
      lucid , nightmare
    13. Summed up my dreams in one night

      by , 11-22-2011 at 01:46 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Everything's fragmented, but I do remember being out in the desert, and people were dropping money. My brother also gave me some extra money. There was a few casinos like a mile away i was going to hit up, and I think J and J were there. The casinos themselves looked like huge slot machines.

      I also remember seeing Jamie Presley...I want to say I kissed her.

      And I remember being in/playing skyrim. Something kept happening over and over.
    14. Deadly Assassins

      by , 11-21-2011 at 04:39 PM
      - Setting: great Grandmother’s house, night time

      Experience: my girlfriend and I are in the living room watching TV. Chatting. Laughing. I guess somehow we get a little “hot” and begin making out. I pick her up and sit her on the dresser by the door. As we’re making out, we hear my sister and her boyfriend getting it on upstairs. We can hear the bed creaking. My girlfriend and I laugh. I can also hear my great grandmother complaining to her friend in the back room saying, “Those damn kids are at it again!” her friend simply laughs. The creaking noises from upstairs suddenly come to a halt. I assumed they were done. My girlfriend and I continue making out. Our joy ends abruptly when all of a sudden my great grandmother’s friend screams, “burglar!!” knowing what would happen next, I race to the dining room area that leads to the kitchen and my great grandmother’s room.[my girlfriend, sister, her boyfriend, and great grandmother’s friend seemed to have faded from existence by this point.] as I arrive to the dining room, I hear an unfamiliar, sinister laugh, “ha…ha..ha..ha” and at that moment, a shadowy figure dashes forward and stabs my great grandmother in the heart and stomach as she entered the kitchen to see what was going on. Terror sets into my heart and my entire body began to shiver. I knew she was already done for, and now my life has become the top priority. I race toward the front door, the shadowy figure hot on my tail, I reach the door, that was open already, and as I begin to turn the knob, the burglar jumps on my back, as a reflex, I snap my upper body forward with as much forces as possible. This sends the burglar flying through the screen door and falling down the outside door steps and crashing into the ground at the bottom step. As the burglar lies in front of me, trying to catch his balance, I see that he is a white male, my height, my body size, however, his face is blurry, like someone put a censor on it. Without taking too much thought about it, a memory of my great grandmother’s death flashes in my mind and the flames of hatred instantly ignite in my heart. From the top step I lunge into the air and crash my landing right into the man’s ribcage. I start pounding his face with relentless punches and soon he is knocked unconscious. I continue to destroy his blurred face when suddenly a woman’s voice halts me. “Your death…is near...” the voice says, and I snap my attention behind me and see a young woman standing at the top of the stairs of the house. Her face is blurry as well, and like the man she is wearing all black, except for she is wearing a black dress that has a front that is slit perfectly so the stomach is showing all the way up to the bottom part of her breasts. The only thing that threw off this beauty was the fact she was carrying a long, rapier sword in each hand. She slowly starts making her way down to me, as if she were hovering just above each step. As she made her way to me, she raises the sword in her left hand and points it at me. Something about her screamed “death” in my mind. She seemed more sinister and professional than the man. Then it clicked, they had to be assassins, and she had to be his master. Knowing that I was outmatched, I let go of the man and run. I make it halfway to the street when I hear a loud whistling noise…almost as if…my instincts tell me to duck, so I duck and at that exact moment, a sword comes flying over my head, spinning like a Frisbee of death. I stay low because as predicted, the sword comes flying back to the woman’s hand. The man regains consciousness and joins the woman in the assault, with him standing in the front. I realize that running is no longer an option, so I turn toward them, and brace myself for the fight of my life. The man has chained weapon with a spiked metal ball at the end. Both the master and pupil begin hurling their weapons at me, I am able to dodge the all somehow and the moment there was a break, I put a little distance between us. The woman throws her sword again but this time I catch it. Now, with a sword in my hand, I charge forward, and begin my attack. The man hurls his chain at me, but I catch it with my free hand, pull him close and stab him in the heart. Adrenaline fills my body as I turn to the woman, my only urge is to survive. I swing at her stomach but she parries my blade with ease and lashes out at my face. I duck and soon we are locked in a deadly duel…(wake)
      non-lucid , nightmare
    15. The Ambush

      by , 11-21-2011 at 04:18 PM
      Setting: Cabin house, late in the night, with a small group of soldiers. Out in the wilderness.

      Experience: I was in the living room with a small group of army men and women. I go to the bathroom and look out the window and see a guy with an m16 aiming it at the house, that obviously meant one thing, “They’re here!!” I yell at the army soldiers and they draw their guns, turn the lights off and take cover. I do not have a gun so I just take cover, and after what seemed like an eternity, the 5 minute suspense was broken by a storm of bullets that shook the whole house. Every wall of the room was being destroyed by the bullets of the dozens of enemy soldiers outside. The whole group died in that instant and the firing ceased. I did not receive a wound from this attack. As I rose, an army woman, on the ground, bleeding from fatal bullet wounds to the stomach, grabbed me by the pant leg and muttered out with bloody gurgled words, “run! You have to run!” Taking heed of her last, dying words, I take a peek through the shattered windows of the room and watch in horror as dozens of enemy reinforcements drive in with tanks and cars. No time to think, I hear the sound of enemy footsteps breaking down the front door and shattering windows in the other rooms and making their way down the hall toward my location, so I grabbed the nearest hand gun to me and rushed my way out of the back door into the hell that waits outside[wake]
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
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