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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. On a train, then an FA

      by , 12-20-2010 at 11:32 PM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was with my mum on a train. I had lots of stuff to carry, so when our stop came, my mum got off, but I had to pick up all my stuff. I missed the stop because I took too long, but it didn't matter because apparently this has happened before, so I would just get off at the next stop.
      I got off, but then I got lost at the train station.

      I had a false awakening. I was talking to my sister and said that the last thing I remember was being at a train station, so how did I end up in my bedroom? I was wondering about this for the whole FA.
      Tags: train
      non-lucid , false awakening
    2. 16 Dec: Egyptian stone and lucid romance

      by , 12-20-2010 at 11:27 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:40 GMT

      Family dinner
      At my paternal grandma’s home. I was asleep but my mom arrives and I wake up with her voice. She is arguing with the rest of the family. I look through the window and I vaguely see them sitting outside around a long table. I know she's very tired, as we spoke on the mobile before and she is with very little patience. She is complaining because she had left some sweater hanging to dry and they took it away to put the table in the patio. I go across the kitchen, to get to outside, but the light is off and when I turn it on it takes a few seconds to get bright (but it turns on!!)
      My mom is just coming inside and we hug and I listen to her complaints. Then we go outside. It’s dawn. She points out to what they did: they used the sheets that were also hanging to dry, to make some kind of tent under which they prepared the table. They all think she is making a big deal out of it, but I understand her rage: they’ll do whatever they want, regardless of how that affects her hard work.
      She now reminds them how we have to be leaving the next day before 12h and how they put that at risk. I don't know exactly why, but it occurs to me that for me leaving at 12h would be too late for me and I get worried.
      I then look at my dad and an uncle who are observing and discussing how some liquid they poured on the garden last time killed the grass there. It's completely burned down.

      2:45 GMT

      At home
      At my mom’s on the balcony. I see aquaria with little turtles. I have that recurring feeling they must be starving, because I don’t feed them for weeks, maybe months. Then for a few seconds I have this other feeling I must stop this obsession (don’t get lucid, though, but have a slight impression this is just happening in my mind). I know I have no turtles anymore. Still, I decide to go to the kitchen looking for some food to give to them.
      On the kitchen I meet Riverstone and Nighthawk plus some girl friend of mine. Riverstone is standing, doing something. I sit at the head of the table. The girl is on my left and Nighthawk is on my right. They are discussing software. Then Nighthawk starts talking to me and we get very close, with legs touching under the table. He then has to leave and he puts his hand on my shoulder when he gets up. When he is gone I go to my mom’s room and there’s an anime playing on the dvd, that I forgot there since last time I visited. There are some very strong oral sex scenes with the female main character. I feel embarrassed that my mom might see it, so I try to shut it off in a hurry when I sense her on the corridor. Then I notice the bedside table has a lot of my college dossiers like if I had been studying them recently.

      5:30 GMT

      Egyptian mystery stone
      On a museum of Egyptian art. An important piece of stone with carvings is being studied, repaired and then prepared for exhibition to public. I am the leader of the team who discovered it and is working on it. An heavy wooden structure is being used to erect the stone, but it falls heavily on the floor, almost crushing me under it.
      Later there’s a press conference and three people are supposed to speak, me included, but when the museum director tells me she is counting on me I freak out. I can’t recall anything to say. I don’t have a clue about Egyptian art and culture.
      I know I'm not an expert on this. But how to explain it? I almost get lucid, but not quite.
      I tell her I’m amnesic, but she doesn’t buy it. She sends me to the library with some books and says “Read some shit about Egypt and I’m sure you’ll recover your memory and come up with something to say.” So I sit and I actually get a plan. I grabbed some cd-rom for children about ancient Egypt and I plan to say just some basics, inspired on it and give it a twist, like I’m just keeping the mystery by not going into details about the stone.
      But I’m not sure this will work out, so deep down I wish I’m saved by the bell somehow. And I do. Some guys in a tank break in through the wall of the conference room, with heavy weaponry, asking for the stone. They cause mayhem and I'm thankful for that. I escape to the outside through the hole on the wall they made.

      Rendez-vous with Nighthawk
      I am walking on some huge temple – basically a very high ceiling over an empty hallway, supported by really tall columns. There’s a small earthquake, just big enough to cause some stones to fall. I’m running away, avoiding being hit by them. I reach outside and I am in some road intersection of what looks like downtown Lisbon. I recognise this place from a previous dream and that has the power to make me lucid. I then feel so much peace. The sun is shining and golden rays bathe my skin. The stone pavement, the buildings, the people walking, the traffic lights, everything is incredibly detailed and I am absorbing each and every detail as nectar. It’s almost an erotic experience. Then I touch something and lucidity gets even more stable. Still I feel it’s not as stable as to allow me to meditate, so what’s next thing on my mind? Maybe due to my mood, I think about Nighthawk. I jump through a sewer hole on the ground to use it as a portal to his dreams (not a clever idea) and the darkness through which I fall doesn’t seem to end.
      I think maybe I’m waking up for good, but then in the dark I hear Nighthawk’s voice “Is it you [name]?”, “Yes, where are you?”. Slowly the light shines again and I’m back at the same street I was before. But now it is raining and I turn around and I see Nighthawk running across the street to meet me. We kiss passionately, soaking wet and soon we’re leaning against a car on some back alley and we make love right there. The dream flickers and he is now moving away. I see him crossing the same road again, but now going away from me. I’m not yet ready to let him go, so I go after him. I lose him in the crowd, but I turn around a corner and I see him again. I run to grab him and I kiss him again in very slow motion until I wake up.

      7:20 GMT

      Grandpa and aunt enmity
      At an apartment where supposedly my grandfather lives alone. But not entirely alone, because an aunt that we dislike, claimed ownership of part of his house and the court decided she had the right to a room, so she lives there, but cursing my grandfather all the time. I am there one day when she is gathered around a table in her room, with some friends. They are preparing some snacks and completely vilifying my grandpa. I only join them to try to share a different angle to the story. I help prepare the snacks, but when the butter is gone, I cover the bread with plastic film as if it iss some sort of spread.

      I’m at some place with a large group of people sitting, I think Buddhists receiving teachings and it’s interval and some people are gossiping. We see passing before us a girl that is supposedly a nun, but instead of her bald head and usual nun robes, she is now in a fantastic red strap dress with tulle skirt and a black long ponytail. They are making vile comments about her, but I remind them than judging others is much worse than her breaking of her vows.
      I then go outside for fresh air and I find two conches on the ground. I pick them up remembering how I had one as big as these, with which I could hear the ocean. I try the same with these. The first has the same ocean sound I was used to hear, but the second one is a bit more bizarre. At first also looks like the ocean, but then I realise it’s monks voices singing sacred Buddhist mantras. I take it off my ear to check if the sound doesn’t come from inside the building (some cd playing, for instance), but I confirm it really comes from the conch. That’s special, I’ll take it!

      Kids parade
      Then to my left some kids from my old school parade in costumes. It reminds me of our Carnival parades. But they look so much more awesome. Their costumes are in black vinyl and steampunk inspired while we had crappy capes made from black plastic bags to pretend we're bats.

      8:30 GMT

      Updated 12-20-2010 at 11:32 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. 12/19/2010 thru 12/20/2010 - Fragments

      by , 12-20-2010 at 10:26 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      I was on another relic hunt. This time, I was partnered up with some, really douchey 'hero.' He was a celebrity, or something, and was just so full of himself that I had to constantly restrain myself from choking the shit out of him. We were searching for precious stones and ancient jewelry, scouring through dark caves and tombs and whatnot. After all of our journeying, when we were finally able to find the treasure that we were looking for, he started acting like he was too good to even help carry any of it; saying something about how they were "just stones" and they were beneath him. I seriously just wanted to slap him.

      Fragment One (Lucid):

      (Damnit. I completely lost a lucid dream, last night. And from what I can remember, it was a pretty good one.)
      I remember walking around at night, having just realized I was dreaming. I believe I was in an apartment complex, walking down the sidewalk, with patches of grass all around. There was a little light around - kind of blue-ish, but too bright to be moonlight - and my shadow was being cast, on the large white wall of buildings, to my left. Fortunately, I do remember looking at my hands, to stabilze the dream, which I've been trying to get back into the habit of doing. I tried to think of something to do, but I couldn't remember what the tasks of the month were, and I eventually recalled WakingNomad's RPG, and my Djinn character (which is another good thing, because we had just recently talked about it, and I was able to immediately think about it, upon becoming lucid - which is sometimes rare for me). While continuing to walk, I just inhaled, clenched my fists, and felt a surge of energy swell within me. Looking at the large shadow of myself, upon the wall, I could see that I now had the wild hair of my character, and even though I don't remember looking down, but I could tell that I was no longer wearing my shirt. Having this new sense of power, being back into the body of my Djinn, I lept into the air and went flying, searching for something to do.

      There is a lot, around here, that I don't remember. The dream was very long, and had something to do with mutant vampire things... I can hardly even remember what they looked like - only that they were ugly. At least one of them were being held in some kind of wooden structure, down at the base of what I believe was a flight of stairs. I know that I interacted or had a conversation with one or more of them, but don't really remember a damn thing, other than that I was lucid. I do, specifically, remember reminding myself to go back over the events of the dream, so that they would be easier to recall, when I woke up.

      (I vaguely remember waking up, in the middle of the night, and being too tired to get out of bed, to write my notes down. It's just an obscure blur of a notion, but I'm pretty sure it happened.)

      Fragment Two:
      Something about my mom having brought home food, after I'd just eaten something that I didn't really enjoy. She said something about if I wasn't going to eat it now, I couldn't have any of it later. So, not really all that hungry anymore, I still ate whatever of it I could.

      Updated 12-20-2010 at 10:30 PM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Fourth entry

      by , 12-20-2010 at 09:21 PM
      in this dream i found myself in sanfransisco, and nazis were taking over, so i ran around shooting and stabbing nazis i also got dragged underwater cuz one caugt me, but i pulled myself up to the boat and stabbed him throwing him into the water, i also got a headshot on Hitler
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. time to start off more entries!

      by , 12-20-2010 at 08:18 PM

      Dreamt I was in someones house that was unfamiliar to me, and I was waiting for my friend Tess too come home who I havent seen in a while. I was hiding however, like I shouldnt have been there. I remember being in the basement hiding, looking upstairs waiting for someone to come in and see if they would see me. I guess this situation got too risky because I was suddenly in the garage hiding, in what felt like a pile of trash or somthing, looking out at Tess as she was in the garage but had no knowledge of my being there.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Alcohol, REM rebound?

      by , 12-20-2010 at 07:38 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! I had two cool dreams last night, they were both vivid and clear. I dreamt about another DV member, this time it was slash112 and once again, I was playing garrys mod.
      Alcohol suppresses REM sleep, and I'm pretty sure that it works kinda like a REM rebound. I've had several very vivid and long dreams at the end of my sleep if I've slept more than 9 hours after a night of drinking. Also the day after I always have vivid and long dreams. Does anyone know anything about this? Atleast it works for me

      23.00: Bedtime

      05.10: Garry's Mod
      I'm running away from slash112 in a corridor. I close a metallic door in his face. It looks very high-tech, and has a black seam in the middle which is in a cool shape. A bright, blue, scorching light appears in a corner, and I realise he's trying to cut through. I let him as it's all a game. Garry's Mod. It takes forever! "Damn these doors are strong" I think for myself as I bring out my own blowtorch and help him out a bit. Soon the door bursts open and I run further into my little fort. I spot another door leading into a storeroom, but I continue on. At the end of the hall I turn around and start shooting at him with my RPG.

      I control the missiles as they fly towards him, and I blow him away in a few shots. He doesn't stand a chance. Suddenly he's revived and this time, I'm chasing him. I get tangled up in a vine of some kind hanging from the roof, and I die instantly. I realise he's used a barnacle from Half Life. "Hey, where did you get those?" I ask. I get this brilliant idea all of a sudden. "If I build a path directly under the current path, the enemy won't know if I'm below, or above ground as they see me on their radar!"

      05.10: Boom! Meth makers
      I'm standing on a bridge. It's dark outside and my brother Martin tells me to check a video on his cellphone. "Wait until the end, that's when everything starts happening" he tells me. I take the phone and start watching. I guess the dream became the scenario in the phone, but I was still on the bridge. A large, very drunk guy is standing next to me, wavering. I spot two people talking, looking our way. I stand there for a very long time, and nothing really happens. He tries to take a piss. I remember what my brother told me about the end, and suddenly the drunk guy takes out a firecracker.

      He lights it and it crackles weakly. He gets off the bridge and tries to next to it. I start walking as I know something more will happen. I can see sparks coming from his jacket pocket, and he realises that he's accidentaly lit another one. It goes off, which starts a chain reaction. A few decent boom's goes off and I can see green and red stars flying all over. I start running, and end up at a farm. I can see atleast ten cars hidden in snow and straw, and I know it's been snowing alot since last night when they parked there. I expect the drunk guy to shoot his biggest fireworks across the bridge. The sun rises. I hear a loud boom, but I can't see any projectile.

      My coworker Björn shows up. BOOM! I get startled as I feel the shockwave of a second blast in my chest. A second later, a small ball of hay (apparently the "cannon ball") rushes past us, and smacks into a black car. "Oh shit! That's gonna leave a dent" I say and inspect the car. It's dented. I realise Björn has been on a party on the farm, and I can tell he's very tired the way he's squinting. "You tired? Why are you squinting so?" I ask. His hair has a red tone to it. He tells me he's alright.

      The dream skips. I'm standing at a table and arguing with my mom and dad. Me and Björn have been working as meth makers. I'm trying to convince them that the money we have raised is needed. "I've made 1.5 million in meth so far" I say. "How are you going to sell it then?" my mom asks me. "Well, Björn knows a guy who will buy it all" I tell her defiantly. "And how do you know he's reliable?" she asks. I start wondering the same thing. My dad just laughs at the whole situation and I scream myself hoarse at them in frustration. I can see "Ronja Rövardotter" on TV. It's an old Swedish children's program. The part where they sing is on, and I can see a white-haired old man singing.

      05.10: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 6 hours

      Supplements before bed: 200 ml applejuice, 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! Very cool night for just 6 hours of sleep. I've worked alot on intent and constant awareness today. I'm doing fine, but I realise this will take many months before I can master. But I have faith! Tonight I will do a real REM rebound, and sleep it in tomorrow. Don't expect any DJ entry from me tomorrow though.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 02-27-2011 at 12:43 PM by 36346

    7. Water From a Biplane

      by , 12-20-2010 at 06:20 PM
      Morning of December 20, 2010. Monday.

      I am with my lovely wife Zsuzsanna. There is anticipation of intimacy but we are first to travel elsewhere by flight. We are in a blue biplane, though it is in a hangar and I illogically do not fully consider the need to leave the hangar before flying our airplane. (This lack of reasoning of which relates to liminal space ambiguity in REM has occurred in many other dreams.)

      Zsuzsanna is wearing a beautiful cyan gown. Looking closely, I see denser bird silhouettes in the otherwise lacy sparse material in a flying form in what seems to be fairly small embroidered patterns. She is on my right (an atypical orientation, as she always sleeps on my left, though that may be because she is awake at the time).

      The dials in the biplane seem to be more like clocks than altimeters or other cockpit-relevant displays. It looks like one says “12:20” (in an analogue clock display, not digital), which is today’s date (and also my birthday).

      To my immediate left, some sort of vertical pipe that connects the wings seems to have a leak where some water is flowing out. I try to stop the leak with a piece of what seems to be part of a pillowcase or bed sheet.

      I notice one of Zsuzsanna’s shoes off to the right on the floor.

      The pipe that connects the wings of the biplane on my left side seems somewhat detached and I wobble it around a bit, somewhat puzzled. I am not sure if the airplane is ready to take off and fly even though I start to hear a humming sound, though I soon wake.

      Updated 09-11-2019 at 05:07 PM by 1390

    8. The Tower Big Ben

      by , 12-20-2010 at 06:20 PM
      Morning of December 20, 2010. Monday.

      Feeling relaxed, as I step through green grass of about knee length (apparently being barefoot and wearing shorts as I can feel the velvety grass against my legs and feet), into an area closer to the shore of a pristine lake, I feel very peaceful. There is no one else present. It seems to be late morning or afternoon.

      Eventually, evening seems to be approaching. I am not surprised (at least at first) when I turn my head to my right and see the tower Big Ben. I even consider that it may be a feature of the building I live in (though without a thread of memory of what country I live in). However, I do start to become puzzled by the nature of time and how it seemed to be afternoon only a short time ago. Still, I do not have any negative thoughts or worries. I continue to sit by the shore of the lake, feeling content.

      My dream self does not seem aware of it being my 50th birthday. The clock tower as an emergent consciousness symbol is rendered via circadian rhythms factors (and the later stages of the sleep cycle) but additionally in this case, may also represent mortality. It is also qualified as being this dream’s waking space prompt and is additionally associated with the puzzle of being between dreaming and waking. This is because my older sister Marilyn often bought Milton Bradley Big Ben jigsaw puzzles. The lake symbolizes being in a specific stage of the sleep cycle, while the clock mainly represents the waking precursor.

      Updated 08-31-2019 at 05:57 AM by 1390

      Tags: clock, lake, time, tower
    9. School band concert at Church?!

      by , 12-20-2010 at 01:29 PM
      Wow... Here's last nights dream...
      I was at church. My friends in band were there. We were where were the choir normally stands. We had our instruments (I had my flute) and we were standing in front of the microphones. Everyone was staring at us. We started to play some random song. We started getting notes wrong, and I suddenly realized that we had to do this by memory. Everyone was missing almost all the notes. We all started freaking out. But when we were done, everyone in the sanctuary of the church clapped and cheered. Then my Pastor, apparently the music director in the dream, bowed and said something about our band and how great we were. Then we got off stage and I said to my friend Ashley "What the heck just happened up there? We missed EVERYTHING! Why did they clap?" Then she said "Well, maybe it sounded nice to them." so I shrugged and walked away. Then Ashley's brother came up to me and said "Hey, awesome concert you guys! You all did really awesome." Then he hugged me, "That's for a great performance." Then he walked away. I was confused, sure we were friends, but why in the heck did he hug me!? I don't like him like that, and I'm pretty sure it's the same for him. So I walked away and found my older brother. He clapped an hugged me too. So did my mom, dad, sister, younger brother, and a whole bunch of other people. It was so weird. Then I woke up.
    10. Night of 12/19 - Chaotic Day

      by , 12-20-2010 at 09:32 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 8
      Vividness: 4/5

      OMG. What A disaster. And it makes no sense either.

      1. I'm with a few friends in a street. There is a stuntman-show. Everyone tells me, that this show would be epic. So I watched with them the show. There was a car and apparently, it had to drive into a house and it's going to explode. That sounds really good, so I waited the show to start. But it didn't worked at al: the car had to drive 4 times against the wall of the house, everyone could clearly see that the car was remote-controlled (nobody is sitting in there) and as it finally crashed, nothing happened.
      We were really disappointed so we decided to go somewhere else. Suddenly I saw that a friend of mine was phoning with my cell phone. I had no clue, how he managed to get it. He gave me the phone and says, that it is my mum.
      - Your friend told me, that you saw something interesting
      It was really noisy around me, but I could clearly understand her. I said:
      - Well, we were at this place and we saw...
      - I said: tell me what the hell happened!
      Apparently she didn't hear me. I started to shout
      - I said we were at this place and..
      - What place? Why are you shouting at me? I'm not deaf! Where are you?
      I had the feeling that this conversation went no where, so I decided to hang up and turn the cell phone off
      I got abit angry and than I saw, that 2 teenagers were doing pun of me. I didn't realized, that I was standing no in a train with my friends.
      The teenagers were still making fun of me. I get angry and throw a shoe at them. The shoe flew in the face of the older one. So they finally stopped.

      2. I'm in my old school. My grand-uncle is there. To me it's normal that he is there, although he lives somewhere in Michigan. And we are in the same course We wanted to walk in the classroom, but someone ran into it. My unce asks me, why he's in a hurry. I make a joke and say:
      - He's afraid that someone takes his seat in front of the board.
      He starts laughing and we enter.
      I sit down somewhere in the back of the class, my uncle somewhere in the middle. Suddenly, a girl comes n and she looks like someone, I saw in my curse at university in my real life. She sits next to me.
      - Why is she here?, I asked my self. She lives somewhere in the north of Lux. but not here in the south.

      Funny. I realize that it's not normal that she is there, but the fact that my grand-uncle is there,doesn't surprise me at all. BUT I do't get lucid.

      3. My surroundings change again and I'm standing in front of my old school. I wanted to leave this place so I took a roller. I don't have a roller I start driving in the city-centre. It's a summer day, the sun is shining and the sun is slowly going downIn reality, it's -5 C° and there is 30 cm of snow. I'm looking for a shopAnd yeah it doesn't exist either, but keeps appearing in my dreams. For some reason, I'm not able to find it: although I keep driving in the same direction, I always end up at the same place.
      - Damn it! This reminds me of my dreams, where I never get to the place I want!
      Suddenly, I know where the place is, I'm thinking:
      - Yeah man! I have to go down road XXX, than tur to the left and than at the end of road YYY I will find this store!
      So I drive there and it takes me a second and I'm finally in there.
      But I have no clue, why I had to get there. Suddenly I remember that I wanted to meet a girl there, who usually shows up there. I don't have a freaking idea how she looks like. So I decide to leave this place.

      4. I'm driving a bike on a road up a hill. I'm motivated to reach the top of it, but it's really difficult. I remember that the last time I drove a bike was in a dream. I get some kind of strange feeling. Dream... Wait! Why Am I driving a bike up this hill? I thought that the hill was closed because of something.
      Well the road is closed, 'cause there is so much snow that no car can drive there!
      I have the feeling that ther is something wrong. But I don't know what.
    11. Broken leg and 4 new friends

      by , 12-20-2010 at 03:32 AM
      I was limping really bad and my leg hurt. I looked down and my right leg was mangled and broken. Then I woke up

      I was on my school bus. A man in his mid twenties was sitting next to me. He had short, brown hair, brown eyes, a grey sweater, blue jeans, and he looked really bored. He was looking out the window. I was listening to some music, Skillet, and I tapped him on the shoulder, which kinda freaked him out, because he seemed in a world of his own. I offered him and earbud so he could listen to music with me. He looked confused and I said, "Wanna listen to music with me?" He shrugged and listened with me. He gasped, because the intro to "Comatose" was playing. He turned to me and said "Do you know who I am" Then I reconized him. "Ben Kasica?!" I had exclaimed. He nodded and pointed ahead of us. "John, Korey, and Jen!" I had cried out. Ben nodded and smiled. I told him how the first song by Skillet I had heard was "Comatose" and how I was a big fan. Then I woke up. What a great dream!!

    12. Road Trip

      by , 12-20-2010 at 03:29 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was in a car with someone I met recently, and some other random guy. We were coming back from the beach, and we got to my house. They started doing something in the backyard. I was in the laundry.

      How uneventful.
      Tags: aaron, car
    13. Running Wolf

      by , 12-20-2010 at 03:19 AM
      Running Wolf
      Recall: 5/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm running down a path through the woods when I hear something running behind me. I stop, turn around, and jump back when I see a large wolf standing right behind me. I do a quick scan for the rest of the pack but don't see any more wolves.

      I turn my attention back to this lone wolf, ready to fend off it's attack, but it doesn't seem vicious. In fact, it seems to be waiting for me to take the lead. I realize it was just running with me.

      I take off running again, and the wolf follows. It's somehow thrilling just running through the bush with my wolf companion.

      Watched the movie "The Wolfman" last night.
    14. 12/15/10 A Tale of Two Hogwartses

      by , 12-20-2010 at 02:54 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      12/15/10 A Tale of Two Hogwartses
      Plans: Go to Hogwarts, take the train to the pyramids... Nomad says he'll be there if he can. Yay! No other plans.

      Field Trip
      I am at Hogwarts where I teach. The students there have been many new things lately, need I think it would be a good idea to practice it all. I think maybe a simulation where they can practice without any danger, and I think of the Outer Realms training area. Do I need to ask Dumbledore before taking these kinds of trips? I think maybe I need to find out for sure before taking the students off to all corners of the reality. So I head to Dumbledore's office, looking for Dumbledore to check and make sure field trips beyond Hogwarts grounds will be ok. As I am almost to the hidden entrace to Dumbledore's office, I see a pissed Umbridge passing on her way out of Dumbledore's office. She pauses long enough to glare at me intensely, then she storms off in a huff without saying a single word. I wonder what has gotten her in such a bad mood, but then she is usually in a shitty mood, so I don't pay much attention to her. I go into the hidden office so I can ask Dumbledore about field trip. Dumbledore asks if I saw Umbridge leaving, he said she is still trying to find a way to get me kicked out of Hogwarts, and she is still failing to do so. We have a bit of a chuckly at Umbridge's expense, and then I proceed to ask Dumbledore about the field trip. At first he seems a bit hesitant, says he isn't sure if it's a good idea to be taking the students into actual danger. I tell him that there is no real danger, the place I know of is 100% safe, no one can get hurt for real there. I tell him it's more of a simulation or an illusion than anything, or more like a waking dream, something that can't really hurt anyone. I give my word that all of the students will be completely safe. After a bit more of a pause, Dumbledore says he needs to check a thing or two out first, not due to not trusting me, but he doesn't want to give certain people any valid reason to have me kicked out.

      Moon Express… All Aboard!
      I am outside of Hogwarts, somewhere on the grounds, but I am not certain which Hogwarts I am at... I have been there only for a couple minutes when Nomad shows up, he says he wants to go to the pyramids to meet up with other dreamers there. I say I had thought he was going to wait at the pyramids for dream class dreamers, and we would meet there when I bring the Hogwarts Express to be part of the transportation. Nomad looks at me for a bit, then he says he was going to do that, wasn't he? Then Nomad says we will take the Hogwarts Express back to the moon and meet up with the dream class dreamers anyway. Nomad and I go to the station where the Hogwarts Express drops off the students, where we find there aren't many people. There is one there who seems to be a sort of guard, so we approach him. He says that no one is allowed access to the train without Hogwarts clearance, but he quickly changes his mind when I use MoP (Master of Puppets) to make sure he agrees to let Nomad and me take the train out for a while. Both of us get into the engine of the train, and head out on the tracks. There is a tunnel that the train passes through, which makes a perfect hidden location to go through a wormhole to get to the correct dimension. When we come out of the tunnel, the tracks lead right up to the pyramids, the Giza pyramids in Egypt. I see some people there, but I have no idea who they are. I don't recognize anyone there. After the train stops, Nomad gets off and starts talking to some of the people there, and soon I see there are dragons around us, and some of the people are getting onto the train. I notice the tracks don't continue on for very far, so how are we supposed to get to the moon? Does the train fly? Well, I figure it's going to have to start flying. I pull the train away from the pyramids after everyone is on board, and the problem of the tracks is solved right away. Two beams of moonlight seem to solidify and form tracks heading up to the moon, and that is what the train rides on to get to the moon. So I drive train onto the tracks of moonlight and moonbeam tracks all of the way to the moon. The surface of the moon has been terraformed, and the station there looks like a station in a theme park I might see in Disney Land or some other place like that. I pull the train up to station where I see people getting off, but it looks like there are quite a fewer than got on… I figure that some of them woke up. I tell Nomad that I had better return train, Nomad gives me a strange look. I tell him everyone here can wake up as they would normally. So now I follow a loop in the moon tracks and now the tracks head back down to the surface of Earth. I pass by the pyramids, go through the wormhole tunnel, and I return the train to Hogwarts without anyone other than the guard I used MoP on noticing the train had ever been gone.

      The Second Challenge
      I am a student at Hogwarts, I am there with MoSh, I am not lucid. MoSh says we are going to be finding out about the second task of the tri-school challenge. I think that sounds pretty cool, so I follow MoSh to the room where we will be meeting. I see Draco there, though he doesn't seem to like the fact I'm hanging around with MoSh, I wonder why he should have a problem with that. MoSh says I had better go over there and get with my partner, he looks a bit jealous. Partner? Who is my partner? MoSh says Draco is, of course, maybe I should do a RC as well. I do a RC and I realize that I am definitely dreaming.

      McGonagall enters the room and announces that there is going to be a meeting of tournament contestants, so since we are all together in the meeting room the room where we first gathered, it is time to give out the first clue on how the task will be done. It seems this room is to be used as a common meeting place. McGonagall tells us the standings, how everyone did in the first task. I hear someone bitching that MoSh is still there when he didn't finish, McGonagall repeats in a somewhat impatient voice that not MoSh finishing due to foul play so it doesn't count. I hear someone else say to kick Draco out for cheating. McGonagall says Draco is not responsible for his father's actions, and was not the one who cheated, now before we run out of time, let's get to business, which is the next challenge... We are getting to talking about the task when Umbridge bursts in, she immediately points at MoSh and then at me, she says MoSh and I should be disqualified. McGonagall asks on what grounds? Umbridge then indicates her own forehead, which now has large red letters on it that spell out EPIC FAILURE. Several of the people laugh briefly, causing Umbridge to scan the room to see who it is, but she is unable to determine who laughed. I use MoP on her, then I telepathically say that little problem certainly is not worth interfering with the tournament. She pauses, then she agrees out loud to something no one else even heard, and finally she says she overreacted to the writing on her face. After another brief pause, she turns and leaves. Everyone is looking in the direction she went with strange looks on their faces, including McGonagall. After a bit of silence goes by, McGonagall finally gets the attention back to the tournament challenge. The second tournament challenge will be using magic this time… Draco comments that it was stupid to have a challenge where magic wasn't allowed… McGonagall ignores the interruption and continues to tell us that only our wands will be allowed at the beginning of the challenge, though anything else obtainable in the course is fair game. Like the previous challenge, only a small amount of information would be revealed at different times before the challenge, so they aren't telling us much... What they do tell us is that we will be taking a valuable treasure from its powerful protector, so we will want to work on spells that could help us deal with an opponent that is considerably more powerful than we are. These clues make me if this is the golden egg and the dragons challenge that she is talking about. I think it sounds very possible that this is the dragon challenge, or at least that it will be something similar. I figured Draco won't be able to cheat this time, but I wonder if the others will cheat. If they're going to be cheating, there's plenty of ways I could cheat, too… though I don't really see the point. Even if they don't cheat, I will still be able to handle the challenge.

      Updated 01-09-2011 at 02:18 AM by 27700 (Post restored for members who have been following my DJ.)

      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    15. 0/4 Sun: Back to Routine

      by , 12-20-2010 at 02:47 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Haven't recorded my dreams for over a week. These are pretty weak in terms of recall and interest.

      Spaceship, Randomness
      0907: On spaceship which is one big open platform that we stand on. Something about Germans. Fighting. Kick guys down through a hole in the platform to their death in outer space. Cover the hole again to preserve the airlock.


      Learning a play in English instead of Spanish. Coworkers eating sandwiches for lunch.

      1135: TV crew interviews a couple about their [notes unclear: either "wedding day" or "missing dog"].

      Indian, Newlyweds
      1146: Guy from India is my teammate in a video game racer. His job is just to watch and control my resources and tanks. I win. His boss is upset but it turns out to be a misunderstanding. He gives me a printout of a bunch of Internet jokes. But they are all very old Coke vs. Pepsi gags. Interrupts me just as I am going in to the bathroom.


      Newlywed couple seeing a counselor. The guy is in the Marines and he has to leave for "basic."

      1559: In a remote cabin, watching basketball with coworkers. I'm holding two people prisoner because I found them trespassing. I order McDonald's and share my French fries.

      Updated 12-20-2010 at 02:48 AM by 35793 (category)
