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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Healing

      by , 12-25-2016 at 12:41 PM
      I was somewhere very hot, seems like Greece, the sun was scorching, possibly noon outside.
      In a hospital ward, with sick children laying in bed. One child has long straight blonde hair and a dark plain dress.
      I recognise her and i'm lucid. I try using my powers to heal her. We go along the intensely bright road in the sweltering heat.
      We travel in an old dark brown ford along the scrubby, tree lined road. Reaching her mothers house, who strangely enough is the same person just older but with same blonde her, but with a neat office suit on. I make out with the mother.
      Spoiler for may contain nudity but not enough really:
      Tags: blonde, heat, hospital, sun
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Hand

      , 12-25-2016 at 05:53 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night bed around 9 - 10pm - 3:45am

      Recall today.

      I was at work, when I look at my right hand and wonder why. Then I remembered a dream. My right hand was all bruised and a bit bloody. Not sure what happened, but it hurt.

      Had a bunch of other, non specific dreams.
    3. City Escapades

      by , 12-24-2016 at 09:29 PM
      I am driving with my son along a city street. Out on the horizon, looming majestically beyond the skyline are Jupiter and Saturn, side by side. Their spheres are massive and the whole sky is filled with their radiance. They exude a golden sparkle. Pink Floyd's "Astronomy Domine" begins playing. We stop the car to look at them through a telescope. I adjust the telescope's focus to get them as clear as I can and then I stand aside to let my son take a look. These displays of cosmic luminaries in our stratosphere are a common dream sign, especially when they occur over water. Fade out.

      I am in another city now (Dallas), but my son is no longer with me. I am wandering the streets and attempting to have various homosexual encounters with strangers. Before the encounters can begin, however, a biker always appears. He is off his motorcycle and just following me around. He has a big beard and looks homeless. I yell at him to go away. As he reluctantly departs he gives me a sad look. When I try to have another homosexual encounter, the same thing happens: the biker appears before anything can be initiated. The second time he leaves, I decide to follow him.

      I follow him to his bike, which has a ladder fastened to it. I discover that he and his wife are roofers from Austin and they travelled up to Dallas with their ladder to work a hailstorm. I follow him back to a house where I see a boy with no shirt. I try to sew him a shirt, but he won't stand still long enough for me to complete it. And so I chase him. He has a toy gun and a bow without an arrow. He aims his arrowless bow at me and laughs. At that moment, a woman comes out of the house and tells me to "just grab the little sonofabitch, 'cause that's what he is".

      Back inside the house they are putting hundreds of Lincoln Logs together. The house has a peculiar smell, like new plastic toys and fresh cedar. We sit at a table and discuss what we're going to make the kids for dinner. I feel good being with this family. I suddenly remember my attempts to have a homosexual encounter, and how I spoke rudely to the biker, and I feel shameful. I now consider them my friends, and want to be accepted by them. Dreamt 12/13/2016

      Updated 12-31-2016 at 03:18 AM by 92342

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. A Roof for Audrey

      by , 12-24-2016 at 06:43 PM
      I am in a building that resembles a doctor's office. I recognize a woman in it; she reminds me of an an old neighbor I once had. In the dream my construction company replaced her roof, or was preparing to replace it. While looking at her, my cell phone butt-dials a lady named Audrey. Audrey does not know me. I tell her that we had discussed my company possibly replacing her roof from all the recent storm damage. I go through my sales presentation with her (this is an actual sales presentation I had been working on in real life), and eventually gain her confidence and close the deal over the phone.

      Now that the deal was closed, we begin discussing personal information. We exchange ages (in the dream I am 52 and she is 67). It suddenly dawns on me that I know this woman personally...and intimately. She then materializes before me and I recognize her face from another dream where we had had sex. I pick her up in my arms and carry her over to a table. When I put her down she is naked and stiff, like a corpse. Dreamt 12/11/2016

      Updated 12-24-2016 at 06:50 PM by 92342

    5. Home Alone 444

      by , 12-24-2016 at 06:41 PM
      In a house im with a load of other kids (yeah I was a kid). We were running through the house across a landing with banisters and down a stairwell. We were trying to get away from someone like in Home Alone. So we get up into a loft with a swing down white square door.
      For some reason there are four ladders that come down. I think there was one then I put three more down to block the entrance. The other kids hide in the loft space while I swing out hanging upside down and throw boiled eggs at the interlopers. It all seems very much like a game.
      When I wake it is 4:32 then when I look again it is 4:44am.
    6. Toyota Tantrum

      by , 12-24-2016 at 06:15 PM
      I am at a Toyota dealership with my wife and our niece. We are looking to see what it would cost to fix the back of the driver's seat where my son had scuffed it up with his shoes. The salesman quoted me an outrageous price. It made me very angry. I was scowling as I sat there listening to him, and I noticed Ashley (my niece) was scowling too. The salesman noticed how upset I was and made mention of it. He said, "You don't need to scowl, sir." This admonishment pissed me off even more. I stood up from the table, furious. I told him I had enough money to buy the entire dealership if I wanted, and that I made more money last month than he probably did for the past five years in total sales commissions. Fade out.

      I am now in another room at the dealership speaking with a lady who handles their HR stuff. She is on the phone with the general manager. She hands me the phone and says the GM would like to speak with me. I take the receiver. The GM says he is willing to give me a "great deal" on the Prius. He then asks me if my vehicle had any hail damage. After we hang up, the HR lady tells me the GM is just like me -- a racist who doesn't like people. Dreamt 12/10/2016

      Updated 01-17-2017 at 01:18 PM by 92342

    7. A four-sided mask

      by , 12-24-2016 at 05:08 PM
      I enter a lecture hall and speak to the man who I believed summoned me, dressed in black with a small white owl on his shoulder, but it turns out the owl is the one that called me; this is news to the man in black, and he's not pleased about it. The owl speaks in a pleasant woman's voice and changes into the shape of a four-sided mask, one face for each direction; three of them are simple stylized masks made of wood or similar, but the fourth is an actual face - it moves, it has eyes - just in cartoonishly distorted proportions. She's been sealed/trapped/stuck/reduced to this. She introduces herself as Loki Laufeyjarson, which is not the name I was expecting her to say but I roll with it.

      She talks about each of her masks - in the one that resembles an actual face, she says she'd taken this form and scorned high heels (meaning an artificial way of gaining the height she feels she should have had anyway - 'height' is not really the issue she's talking about). In one of the wooden masks, she talks about using this form for dealings with a magician, and she suspects that magician of having a hand in her current unfortunate circumstances.

      She returns to the form of the owl sitting on the man in black's shoulder, and we're now in a yard behind an estate, surrounded by partygoers. The man speaks of my payment and I dismiss the small amount of money he offers; I tell him I expect him to provide me with food and lodgings, pea soup and three packs of smokes a day. (Neither of those are things I'd want IRL, but I wasn't being my IRL self here.) I'm already leaving, stepping over an ornamental pond; it's a demand, not a negotiation. He's irritated, but she accepts immediately. I walk off into the trees along the border of the property.

      In earlier scenes, symbols of eyes and blue lotuses above the entrance to a cave, and drinking a polar bear's blood from a glass while wondering about parasites.
    8. Purple Planet

      by , 12-24-2016 at 02:37 AM
      Notes: I really wanted to do the half year missions and sensei's dare so I'm glad I was able to do it. But I also dislike how I was worried I wouldn't be able to do them. Next time I'll remember to stay calm and to not feel rushed by tasks.

      The sky was sort of cloudy and it seemed like the afternoon. I passed by a bus stop where people stood and headed towards a fast food restaurant. But as I was walking it felt like I was getting farther from my destination. Seeing a booth in the distance where people crowded around, I got the idea to ask a receptionist how to get to the place i wanted to go to. However, by the time I got there no one was around.

      Afterwards I had a false awakening and appeared on a bed in what seemed like my new room. My eyes felt closed but I could still see the blanket that covered my head and the super bright light that shown from the window. I hesitated to move because I could feel someone holding onto my feet.
      I became lucid than thought about how it reminded me of OBE dreams and something where I read entities leach on people by grabbing their foot or something like that. Anyways...I didn't believe it was an entity so I just moved my feet around slowly. I could feel the grip it made as I moved my feet around but it didn't seem like a hostile dc so I got up and looked at what was holding my feet. It let go and walked to the side of the bed where I focused on its appearance.

      It was just a tall slim man with a mustache who was apparently looking for me to tell me something. I was willing to listen but the dream felt like it was fading.
      Next thing I remember I was in a dim wooden room looking at a old black television thinking that I was playing Zelda with my brothers. But as I kept listening to the music I felt my awareness pushing through in the dream until I was lucid.I reminded myself that it was a dream after that and remembered that I was set on doing my mission and the dare Sensei gave me. But even though I was ready to do it I felt like I was going to be pressed for time.

      "First thing to do. Summon Sensei"I told myself after walking out the room.What appeared was a guy with short black hair wearing purple armor with yellow badges on his chest. I don't think Sensei has black hair but I decided to just roll with it. "Follow me!" I said as I leaped out a window and flew above a brightly colored lake in what seemed like a fantasy rpg setting. The sky was clear of any dragons but I kept focusing on it waiting for the dragon to come. A red dragon with orange highlights formed just as I wanted.Anticipating the first hit I flew straight at it and hit it with my feet pushing it down. Sensei did the same thing afterwards and I followed with a punch.

      The dragon flew in another direction but we flew at it again and tag teamed the dragon with punches and kicks. I wasn't up for using weapons for the tasks so I just fought like it was a brawl battle We ended up making the dragon vanish after hitting it many times but I still wasn't satisfied. Flying away from Sensei I contemplated going into outer space."Should I go?"I thought thinking about what if I ended up astral projecting. I shook that thought from my mind and looked around to see the dream was building walls around me. Jumping out and flying into the sky I decided to do the next boss mission alone since I would have to put more focus and had no time to waste.

      I zoomed through the clouds until I saw myself leaving the earth. A burst of blue, white,orange, red and light colors mixed around me as I exited making it seem mystical. Reaching outer space though I went back to first perspective and flew towards a purple planet that glowed.However, I passed the planet and ended up close to a smaller purple planet. I couldn't enter the planet though so I waited for an opponent to show up. A small fireball creature bounced off the planet so I went straight at it with a kick and punches. To my surprise though Garnet showed up out of no where and ended up doing a combo on the creature too. I just watched as she finished it off than noticed a dc flying towards me. "What do you want?"I asked. The dc showed me a drawing where I was in chibi form and asked me why I would flirt with him but always end up leaving him without a kiss or anything else. I told him not to worry about it and looked back to Garnet but than I woke up.

      Updated 12-24-2016 at 03:00 AM by 67570

      non-lucid , lucid
    9. Up and Down

      by , 12-23-2016 at 07:50 PM
      What a ride. I forgot most because of how fucked up the ending was. My parents were on vacation, and I was keeping the house. The back of the house was in an alleyway, and our neighbour across the alley was a great dude. I kept talking to him, helping him with chores and stuff. On the last day of my parent's vacation I was really busy and extremely flustered. I burned my dinner, left food outside (??) and fucked up remembering to grab my keys that the neighbor left for me in his back garden. When he came out to find me, he saw how stressed I was. He said it was fine I fucked up, and suddenly I was in the water. We lived near a small island, and he'd taken me here to swim in the waves and unwind. Two cute girls were in the water ahead of me, and I started facetiming my parents to talk to them about my day. They felt bad and said that they would be home soon. Dad said I should take the family credit card and go buy myself an expensive dinner to relax. I said sure, and on the way home to get it, my mind dropped.

      My mom was in her pajamas on the back porch, checking the hot tub water. She wasn't really doing anything, just staring at it. I talked and she didn't respond. I facetime mom. She picks up. This mother creature stares long and intently, curious, at my mother's face on the phone. My parents exclaim shock and interest, like they're seeing a deer. I am seeing a demon 3 feet away from me. I scream and teleport onto the plane with my parents. The cute girls from the beach are sitting with us, and I nap on one of their shoulders.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    10. Bed Springs and Butterflies

      by , 12-23-2016 at 06:23 PM
      Morning of December 23, 2016. Friday.

      I seem to be on Loomis Street, with my sister Marilyn still being alive though appearing as she was in the 1960s. However, her house’s layout is more like the Barolin Street house (in Australia), though the (Barolin Street) lounge room is a bedroom in my dream. In the last segment, the veranda implied to be at the front of her house is not familiar other than vaguely like the front porch of our present home.

      There is a focus on beds (most obvious dream sign ever) and Marilyn is talking about a special purchase she made in buying beds at a local secondhand store. Her husband is also present but mostly remains in another room. Marilyn seems very happy and seems to think the beds are like a treasure or very valuable antiques.

      I lie down to go to sleep on my “new” bed, but I am somewhat confused by its nature. It is actually only a set of elevated golden bed springs. Still, I am not nearly as uncomfortable in my dream as I would be in real life would this be the case. There is a period where I actually seem to be “asleep”, though there is still a level of awareness of my dream’s environment. I do find it somewhat odd that the beds are not complete but I consider that the rest may be delivered later.

      At another point, I am looking out from the high (fictional) veranda, though it is more like an outer mezzanine combined with the porch of our present home. I also look through a west window and there is some confusion regarding the neighbors (unknown man, woman, and at least one child) looking out through their window at the same time and seeming annoyed that I am looking out the window (though I have no interest in what they might be doing). They close the curtains of their window.

      There is soon an unknown male present (whom I have no association of being imposing in any way) who had found the neighbors’ act of closing their curtains as an amusing event. From the veranda, I watch a number of butterflies moving around, mostly downward. They (or at least some of them) seem oddly squarish (almost reminiscent of a postage stamp, as the wings of at least a couple of them seem perforated like a postage stamp) and almost as if they are made of orange paper. I get the impression that they may not even be alive, but there is ambiguity. Some of them must be alive or they would not be able to fly around. I watch one moving downwards, soon landing on an unrealistically located top of an implied apartment building roof (which would be an impossible perspective based on where I am) and consider that it had not been alive.

      The unknown male seems to think they are all alive. I mention to him how they do not seem to be fluttering or moving their wings at all for the most part.

      “They are oracular butterflies,” he says, which supposedly explains why they are not moving their wings even though some are flying back upwards at times. I do not understand the correct meaning of the word “oracular” and confuse it with it meaning something that is circular (even though the butterflies are squarish) though I also consider it might be the name of a species. I feel very peaceful and, although I find the scene puzzling, feel quite comfortable and continue to watch more and more of them move about above the street.

      • Most of the butterflies were pale orange although a few were white or cream-colored. Orange establishes medium waking priority (biologically) and is analogous to sunrise associations (the patterns of emergent daylight being linked to bands of emergent consciousness).
      • Butterflies are a first-level flight symbol, which makes up at least twenty percent of all dreams I have had in the fifty years I have closely studied them. Return flight factors (including falling or rising), analogous to the consciousness shift of the waking experience, are often within or near liminal space (as here, rendered as the veranda).
      • The personified preconscious most often is the most present in liminal space (as well as almost always being the last and most dominant character), which is here, the usual porch-like middle point between sleeping and waking. He tells me that the butterflies are “oracular” which is associated with dreams being potentially precognitive though was not confrontational here as is often the case.
      • The butterflies being somewhat reminiscent of postage stamps relates to the communication between synthetic temporary dream self identity and emergent conscious self identity.

      Updated 03-14-2017 at 08:48 AM by 1390

      Tags: butterflies
    11. Climbing to the Highest Mountain

      by , 12-23-2016 at 08:38 AM
      I am in a retreat setting. There is a guy who has arrived back to meet both me and Louise but also of course continue with his meditation. He has climbed to the highest mountain in Spain and is prepared to put all his differences aside and get back to the thorough job of meditation. He is so joyful and full of respect for us even though he is so much older than us. We are in a small flat like area that is not the usual setting I am use to in retreat. There is an office out the back and a social area in the middle.

      We move to an actual retreat and we are sharing about different aspects of our life. We eventually get into a meditation and and after a short session there is a chance to look at some of items on display. I am helping out with the displays and as I get some of the items ready a lady my friend Bernie Jeffrys notices the pain or trapped nerves in my shoulder. She puts a healing hand on it and I go into meditation. I can feel my breathing lightly in a one-pointed way and even when one of the retreatants come up to me asking me about the products I do not answer as the focus and the healing seems so important. The pain moves further up in my shoulder. It has shifted and Bernie looks at me with soft eyes and I say that really helped the pain has moved on to a new stage.

      Brian is explaining to me about all these different ritual items. I think he is just talking to me one to one. He starts also explaining the Christmas tree which should be a dream sign but he does it so convincingly I believe it. There is something really magical about the tree as he explains it. When a look back there are lots of other Sangha members at the meeting.
    12. Don Wilson and the Waterslide Blues

      by , 12-22-2016 at 10:29 PM
      I'm carrying a big piece of wood. I carry it like a plank balanced on my shoulder, and I'm walking along a quiet country road. Up ahead of me is a friend who died in a car wreck earlier this year, Don Wilson. He is carrying what looks like a piece of a waterslide, the plastic chute part. He is about 100 feet ahead of me, walking along the left shoulder of the road. I am following him. We are heading to some amusement park to install the waterslide. There are tall, dense pine trees on either side of the road. Don suddenly makes a sharp right turn, crosses the road, and disappears into the woods. I try to follow him, but he is gone and now I am lost. I don't know how to get to the park, and I am carrying something he needs, another part of the waterslide.

      I see a clearing in the woods up ahead where I saw him disappear. I discover it is an entrance to a hidden subdivision of lakeside homes. There are docks where boats are tied up, but Don is not there. The subdivision is familiar; I've seen this place before in another dream. I enter a house and speak to a black lady who seems very annoyed at my presence. I ask her if she's seen my friend. She has not. I am still carrying the long plank on my shoulder. It feels very awkward. As I turn to leave, I see an imposing white man standing behind me. His arms are crossed and he is frowning at me. He is wearing a blue t-shirt and his arms are very muscular. "Did you get what you needed?" he asks me with angry sarcasm. He looks eastern European. Both he and the black woman are very hostile; they want me to leave.

      I head back outside and see a rescue helicopter taking off from a far dock. Several paramedics in blue shirts remain on the docks as the chopper elevates and quickly departs. It is going on an emergency call. I decide to head over to the paramedics to see if they've seen my friend, but before I do, the muscular man I saw at the house suddenly joins them. I realize they are all brothers. There are about seven of them, all in blue shirts. I am worried they too will be hostile towards me if I approach them.

      As I contemplate what to do, an attractive woman with dark hair suddenly appears. She is the sister of the seven men. I recognize her from somewhere, and she knows me. When she sees me, she comes over and embraces me with happy surprise. We were lovers at one time. After her brothers see us hug, they stop being hostile towards me and I feel safe. I tell the woman I am looking for my friend, Don, who is carrying another part of the waterslide and he needs my part. She says something in Czech to her brothers and they immediately begin searching for Don. I say something to her in Russian, and she is impressed. As we search the docks for Don, I suddenly realize Don is dead in WL (though I fail to gain lucidity). Knowing we'll never find a dead man, I am now embarrassed to tell them we are searching for a person who no longer exists. It would make me look delusional in their eyes. So I say nothing in the dream and pretend to keep searching for him.

      The woman gets close to me and I am chewing gum. The wind blows some of her hair in my mouth and my gum sticks to it. As I pull the clumps of gum from her hair, I apologize but she doesn't seem to mind. Suddenly the paramedics' radio gets a message that thirteen kids had been killed in a waterslide accident at the local park. The authorities are now looking for me. I realize that was the reason for the rescue helicopter's departure. Dreamt 12/6/2016

      Updated 01-06-2017 at 11:08 PM by 92342

    13. Bass & Busted on the Beach

      by , 12-22-2016 at 08:14 PM
      I am a bass guitarist in a rock band. I am practicing with my bandmates for an upcoming concert. The concert is at a church. The piece I am rehearsing is a Jimi Hendrix-style riff. It starts by sliding high up on the 12th fret and then it comes down to the 3rd fret hitting the low E. The scene fades. I am now with my friend, Eric and we are on a beach, sitting on the sand and smoking cigars and looking out at the waves. The waves are growing more and more powerful. I back up and sit on a wall further back from the shore. I am now perched high up on the wall (maybe 50 feet), looking down at the tumultuous ocean. Being above an ocean with strong waves is a recurring dream sign. A huge wave suddenly crashes on the shore and reaches the bottom of the wall. I realize the wall I am sitting on is made of sand and the wave will cause it to collapse, so I decide to jump off on the other side to get further away.

      On the other side of the wall I meet a guy I've worked with for a year but have never seen face-to-face. His name is Brian, and he is standing next to a new black BMW he just purchased. He shakes my hand and asks me about my new Mercedes SK500 (in the dream I haven't purchased it yet). As we are talking, a female police officer shows up. She confronts us because we are smoking. She is wearing a motorcycle helmet and sunglasses. There is now a group of people with us and she makes us all sit down in rows of chairs before her like in a classroom. She then has us come up to her and be searched, one by one. As I await my turn I hide the small cigar I had been smoking in the sand. I am confident that she is looking only for cigarette smokers, not cigar smokers. But in the dream I hide my cigar just in case. As I do so, a crumpled up half-pack of Camel cigarettes suddenly appears in my hand and I begin to panic. The cop at that moment looks over at where I am sitting. I discreetly try to hide the pack of cigarettes in my sock. I awaken right before she calls me to come forward. Dreamt 12/6/2016

      Updated 12-23-2016 at 07:19 AM by 92342

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Boston Halloween Party

      by , 12-22-2016 at 07:16 PM
      I emerge from the underground transit system into a night world. I am with my wife. We are in Boston. I know this because I can see the familiar skyline in the distance, but it is not in the direction I am used to seeing it. We walk along a sidewalk and see an empty sports stadium. Although the stadium is closed and dark, I can see people inside, on the playing field, posing and taking pictures. Some of the people are standing atop each other and forming a human pyramid for the picture. They look like moving shadows from where I am standing. The scene fades to a bubbling countryside brook flowing over rocks near a cottage. In the dream, I find myself wondering if the water is fresh or salty, since the brook seems to be flowing away from the ocean rather than towards it. The scene fades.

      I am now in a country store, crowded with people trying to get near to the counter. A young girl works there, and her job is to separate the people by putting a wooden door between them and the different sections. She puts one behind me, but it breaks when I turn around. I seem to recall peanuts being sold in the store. The scene fades.

      I am now at another location. I've awoken on a leather sofa to see my brother-in-law wearing an odd "Irish" hat in the shape of a green lizard. I don't know why I identify "Irish" with the hat in the dream. My in-laws are there celebrating a birthday party outside on the front porch. I open the front door and see all the party supplies and table set up in a Halloween theme; all the colors are black and orange. Ashley (one of my nieces), is in the kitchen. She is doing the dishes. Yvonne (one of my wife's sisters) comes in from the outside and goes upstairs with a small kid following her. I don't know who the child is. I return to the sofa, by myself. I do not want to join any of them. Dreamt 12/5/2016

      Updated 12-23-2016 at 07:16 AM by 92342

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Purple Flirt

      by , 12-22-2016 at 06:19 PM
      I am in a social gathering, a bar or something, celebrating. Saw Joe Quintanilla (a friend of mine from church years ago), but his face was purple and splotchy, as though he were decomposed. He was sitting in a corner scratching his arm. It looked like had a skin disease. His arm had the same black and purple splotches as his face. The purple, splotchy face is a dream sign. In the same gathering was an attractive blonde woman -- she was the sister of someone there. She was the center of attention in the room and she flirted with me. It seemed like we were at a convention of some sort.

      The scene fades out and now I find myself in an old, familiar neighborhood, among the homes I grew up near Longfellow Circle in Hollywood, Florida. This childhood neighborhood is a recurring location in my dreams. I am inside one of the houses, and the blonde from the convention is with me. We exit the house together and step through the rain puddles between the homes and back alleyways. We are holding hands. The only thing I can recall after this is being alone in a school which is closed and empty. I am wandering the looming hallways, with a sense of unrest. Feeling uneasy in a school is also a recurring dream sign. Dreamt 12/5/2016

      Updated 12-22-2016 at 07:19 PM by 92342

      non-lucid , dream fragment