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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. The old house

      by , 12-22-2016 at 05:22 PM
      I forgot most of the dream, but for one part. I look around, and I am in my childhood home. I am upstairs, and immediately instinct tells me to run to the attic. All is the same when I get there. The desk, the computer, the chair and floor mat, and most importantly, the smell. That same musky smell from all those years ago, still burned into my mind so that at any moment I now know I can return there in the dream world and simply be. What a comforting feeling. If a place can live on in such purity long after it is gone, it gives me hope that when the day comes and someone has passed in my life, they will still live on in me. Amen.
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Asylum pen

      by , 12-22-2016 at 04:38 PM
      After having low recall for a while from a lucid hiatus, you forget how random dreams can get.Also I wanted to do the dare Sensei gave me but I'm going to have to build up my recall and lucidity. Im getting closer to achieving it I feel so hopefully it won't take long.

      The non lucid dream was already halfway when I remember entering a electronics store. There a girl was trying to show off her electronic asylum pen to a guy she didn't know.The guy getting annoyed tried taking it away from her aggresively as others quickly walked out of the store.

      "That girl knew who i was. That's why she walked away. Cause she knew not to mess with me". Is what the guy said after he took the pen away. He than exited the store. I stopped watching and left after he did. While walking on the sidewalk a lady tried asking me for directions to the A or C train. I sort of ignored her at first until I quickly found that to be rude and told her I would show her where it was. As we walked to the station she let me hold her little nephew's hand. It felt like I was going to have to babysit him later but as we were walking a huge stone platform rose up and he bumped into it so hard his body deformed like in the classic cartoons when they get squished.

      I was surprised and pulled him away so I could carry him to his caretaker. She was holding what seemed like a 1 year old now but checked to see if the child that got hurt was okay. Feeling like it was my fault I told her not to worry and waved my hand above the child's head. At this point I was semi lucid and decided to heal the boys head since I noticed a small hole on it where I could see his bloody brain. It didn't work but it was no point to make a fuss about since I knew it was a dream scenario.

      Afterwards I ended up at my old house.I had a false awakening in my old room where some dark figure got my attention. The next thing I recall is worrying that someone was going to collapse because they had gotten too sick to walk.I don't remember what happened after that exactly so I'll skip to the part I recall.

      I was with a group of characters and about to go defeat a monster with them but they seemed scared to try. Than all of a sudden wreck it Ralph came and gave enough confidence to everyone so we could fight it in the ring.We threw a few punches at it but than I ended up back at my old house where I was playing tag with the Muppets, an entity, my brother and cousins. It was fun running around but when I ran down the stairs with the Muppets my brother made a joke. I quickly ran back up and sat down to find glasses of milkshakes in a white box. After drinking some while sitting near the steps, I got up and bumped my head. I felt like placing the blame on someone so I got up and mentioned how I bumped my head.

      Thats when the entity came and told me that they had an apnea board and if I wanted to try it. This reminded me of the quiji board so I said no and walked up to my brother who suggested we go to the library.This surprised me so I made a joke about it.Woke up after that.

      *I also remember that somewhere earlier in the dream I was laying on the desk as my old middle school teacher showed me my portfolio and assignments. I than laughed while apologizing for putting joke answers that seemed clever on the assignments.

      Updated 12-22-2016 at 04:43 PM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Weird snip of dream

      by , 12-22-2016 at 05:57 AM
      I forgot to note it down this morning but I still remembered this. I stole a quarter of a man's omelette. He was floating upside down. His head was like floating an inch above his chair.

      (Why are there so many upside down floating things in my dreams!?)
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. #230: Shady cabs / Crutches / Park / iPod

      by , 12-22-2016 at 04:27 AM
      Shady cabs
      I'm with my friend Cam. We're walking home together. It's still quite a distance and it's raining a bit as well. We'd prefer to have a taxi. There's two coming by and I hail them. One stops in front of us on the sidewalk, a yellow one made out of a weird fabric. The other one stops to our left. I approach the one in front of us first. I'm not sure anymore in which language we're talking. I ask him for the price to our home and he tells me that he doesn't know. I ask him for an estimate. Still he doesn't know. That's kinda shady.. I don't want to ride with this guy. I approach the other guy and he just holds up two signs, which seem like oversized tickets. It's IDR 10.000 per person. Yeah no way. That's too much. We'll just check out Uber. We continue walking and end up in what looks like a public garden.

      I'm inside somewhere. I think I may have been busy applying for a visa. I'm seated together with my friend Caro. She tells me that she is going to Bali through China. That's not logical at all? She admits to that as well. I spot a sign in the distance, which reads in English that there are no international flights due to weather conditions. At some point in the dream I'm standing at the counter, with my crutches. I think I have a broken foot. I want to leave, but two girls are messing around with my crutches. It's not that they don't want to give it back, it's that they don't realise that I want to leave. I have to stumble towards them. I lose my balance and fall down onto the couch, next to one of the girls who has one of my crutches.

      I'm with a girl on the back of her motorbike. She wants to explore a city. Jakarta? There's another girl, one of my friends. It's either Caro or Cam. They feel like the other girl wants to explore quite far. It's a distance that she is not comfortable with. She decides to back down, while we continue. We're going to what seems to be a park. The girl is handling both the driving and the navigation. We're very close to the park, we just need to find the right way through. At this point I take over the navigation, because she is unable to find it. I use her white iPhone 5(s). The map is quite weird, graphically speaking. It's a bit confusing to me, also due to not fully understanding in which direction we're facing. I decide to pull out my own phone.

      I'm seated somewhere with a girl. Irt? We're busy opening up my old iPod. Or at least, I'm opening it up, while she looks along. Damn, I forgot that this iPod has a back cover that's going to be difficult to remove. I might break it. It ends up being surprisingly easy. By pulling it, it clicks loose. I'm doing this because of something to do with a simcard. To my surprise, the iPod has a slot for it. It's either for that or a SD card. That doesn't really make much sense.. The slot is empty and there's actually not that much use in opening it up. I close it up again.
    5. Breaking Away from the Krusty Krab (Fragment)

      by , 12-21-2016 at 11:19 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      This fragment has to do with spongebob. Yes, Spongebob. Basically, Spongebob was hoping to separate from the Krusty Krab. His words specifically were
      "Wanna know how much I like it? THE WHOLE SUIT'S A LAWSUIT AND READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!" after that, he ran straight out of the Krusty Krab and then it cut to my point of view. I was drawing a huge red rectangle in front of the Krusty Krab with my toe, which turned into a red marker for some reason. I then woke up.

      Updated 09-18-2017 at 12:06 AM by 89498

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Ambulance Crash (December 20, 2016)

      by , 12-21-2016 at 06:59 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Ambulance Crash

      I was riding in the back of the ambulance with a patient lying in the stretcher. The patient appeared to be boy about 12 years old. The patient looked like he was in good enough health and was sleeping soundly. I started looking through the patient's paperwork to learn about his past medical history and current diagnosis. While skimming through I noticed something mentioning multiple respiratory arrests. I looked back at the patient to double check his breathing and realized that he was not breathing at all.

      I relayed this information to my partner and he said he would try to get us to the nearest hospital as quick as possible. He turned on the lights and sirens and increased speed. I pulled a bag valve mask out of a cabinet, connected it to oxygen, and began ventilating the child. My partner's driving soon became erratic. He was constantly weaving between vehicles and either slamming on the brakes or slamming on the gas. I quickly started to lose my balance and began stumbling across the ambulance and falling over.

      I pulled myself back up off the floor and tried to get back to my seat to resume ventilating. As I started ventilating again, I heard the ambulance horn blare and felt the ambulance immediately take a very hard turn. I heard the tires of the ambulance screech loudly as I was forcefully held to the wall by g-forces. I realized that the ambulance had started to spin out of control and tried to reach out for something to hold on to. Suddenly I then heard the very loud booming sound of the ambulance crashing into something. The crash sent my body flying towards another wall head first. I woke up as I impacted the wall.
    7. #229: Renovating / Fertility clinic

      by , 12-21-2016 at 06:14 AM
      I'm in my mom's city in the Netherlands. There are renovations going on throughout the whole city. I'm happy and feel like it's great that there's so much being done to improve the city. I'm in a street, where in this dream I eat all the time. I'm kinda tired of eating here all the time, I want to eat somewhere else. I use a scooter and am accompanied by two guys in a car. We enter a T intersection, coming from the right. Very last second, when I've almost crossed the intersection, we decide to turn left. It's kinda shady, dangerous and I nearly hit another scooter. I keep driving though. The other guy is not very pleased and comes after me for a bit. I drive off again while performing a wheelie. I do my best not to overdo it. I manage to keep in control. I'm nearing a bridge and decide to drive on both wheels again. It turns out to be a good decision, as the bridge is under renovation. A part of it is just gone and had I not seen a sign and stopped, I would've driven straight into the water, as there are no barriers.

      Fertility clinic
      I'm in some type of fertility clinic. I'm the only guy in a waiting room, together with a group of girls. The person who will lead the tour comes in. Somehow I know he's French Canadian. His English is good, though there may have been a slight French accent. He gives us a tour, showing us around some outdoor area with lots of pipes and tubes and such. It's all a bit dirty and it's abandoned. I wonder how this relates to the surgery. Surely they won't perform the surgery in such an environment. I have to duck to pass underneath a tube which is obstructing my path. I ask the 'tour leader' a question. It's one sentence and I asked it in Indonesian. I get a reply back. It's to do with in which direction to continue.

      My friend Alif is present as well. We continue walking. I think at this point there's at least one other guy, who may be hitting on her for a bit in an obnoxious manner. We pass a building where Alif and I may have been before and she asks me if that building is that particular building. We start walking back, using a different route. We walk down some stairs and then past a point with spiders. Spiders that I've only ever seen in Indonesia. I go 'fuck it' and just go through the path.

      We're in a living room situation now, with the whole group. I'm sitting on a couch. Alif is sometimes on the twin bed, sometimes next to it. She is topless by now. I find that surprising, considering that she is prudish. Her breasts are much smaller than you'd expect from having her seen with clothes on. I bet she uses a padded bra. At one point, while she is on the bed, her face has turned into that of another friend, Jacinta. I notice that it's different, but I don't end up performing a RC. The tour leader is performing a final briefing. In the mean time, there's another French Canadian sitting on the couch to my left. It's a man who I suppose is in his 40s. He's got a strong French accent and is telling me stories I don't find very interesting. It's to do with the Dutch involvement in certain central African countries during the colonial era. I spot some signs on the wall. The tour leader is clearly practicing his Indonesian, as he has written some translations to/from French on some cardboard on the wall. There's a different.. thing.. on the wall. A poster or something similar, with a text on it. It starts out in Dutch but switches over to English. It's a warning, presumably to black people, not to get on a boat. It's not mentioned, but I assume it is because they will end up as slaves. The tour leader gives the final price for the surgery. € 690, instead of € 800 something. Most of the girls start chattering and making sounds, because they feel like it's quite expensive. I was already very uncertain about whether I wanted to proceed with this, but now I'm certain I shouldn't. I mean, I'm single and I'm travelling a lot. That's no life to raise a kid. My friend Alif shouldn't do it either. She's practically a kid herself. I have shorts on and now I start looking for my pants. There's a pair of jeans nearby on the floor. Are those mine? Did I even wear long pants? There's a black leather wallet on top. I give it a peek and it's my wallet. Then it must be my jeans as well. I start putting them on, when one or a few spiders start appearing from the pants. I freak out and it wakes me up.

      I have a FA and start typing out dream notes on my phone. The phone that I'm using during this FA is the one I recently bought in real life.
    8. Water power

      by , 12-20-2016 at 06:35 PM
      I dream I was taking a spiritual class and was lined up in a room with a load of other people. The whole place was all white tiles and glass. There was the light from the water thrown onto the walls, illuminated.
      The teacher was a lady in a long brown dress with hair pulled back.
      Our first class we would have submerge ourselves beneath the water. I was determined to do well.
      Tags: light, teacher, water
    9. Ding Dong the Witch is Dead

      by , 12-20-2016 at 06:20 PM
      Morning of December 20, 2016. Tuesday.

      I am at our present address on W Street near the west side of our house on the public footpath. It seems to be morning. There had been signs of a light rain. I notice that the Wicked Witch of the East must have been in a storm (though not in our area, at least with any perceived backstory) and blown our way in that the NBN cabinet near our house had fallen upon her (which is not logical, as the NBN cabinet is set upon concrete and shows no signs of having been removed or damaged). I know this is true because her ruby slippers have been sticking out from under the cabinet for probably a day or two. They stick out from the right side of the NBN cabinet.

      It may be important to inform people of this. I look more closely and bravely feel the supposed ruby slippers, which are actually more like red fishing boots. They are of a floppy rubbery material. Perhaps the remains are not actually present.

      This dream presents failed flight waking symbolism, one of my most common forms of waking symbolism since early childhood, which is unrelated to waking life, and as such, does not imply any negative connotations. It establishes a form of “return flight” as related to the hypnopompic stage (which is rendered as such in over twenty percent of my dreams or 1 in 5 in tens of thousands), which sometimes induces a falling sensation (which is biological and unrelated to waking life). It is unreasonable to assume real life associations with such precursory symbolism relative to hypnopompia.

      In this case, the position of the implied body (though the body itself is not seen or touched) is in a sleeping position, a real-time dream state indicator. Once again, the waking symbolism is oriented on the right.

      The detail of the red fishing boots establishes three well-known dream state indicators simultaneously, red as a known presence of waking priority (especially in dreams which become completely red, which means I have been sleeping too long), boots that are not being worn (as one does not wear shoes when in bed), and residual water induction remnant (in being fishing boots or waders).

      Additionally, there is the implication of the NBN cabinet representing technology, communication, and intelligence as symbolizing the conscious self over the fictional dream self or the remnants of the ephemeral dream self at the waking point.

      Additionally, it is unreasonable in this case to assume the “witch” is related to waking life by specifics, for three main reasons. One, the “witch” herself does not even appear in this dream. Two, the “witch” is a fictional character from the “Wizard of Oz”, and my association validates this entire dream as primarily a real-time dream state indicator. Remember that “The Wizard of Oz” is about someone being knocked unconscious and having a dream. Three, it is fantasy, and fantasy symbolism is based on creativity, not life-relevant symbolism.

      Updated 09-10-2017 at 05:35 AM by 1390

    10. Hovering Tent

      by , 12-20-2016 at 06:20 PM
      Morning of December 20, 2016. Tuesday.

      Zsuzsanna and I are “sleeping” in a tent (in the same orientation as in reality; her on my left) in what is apparently an unfamiliar urban park (though with a vague association with the field that used to be across the street from our present home) early in the morning around sunrise. I become wary of the gaps at the bottoms of the sides of the tent (mostly to my right, near my head) in their offering of less privacy. It is also windy at times. In the final scene, the tent is actually hovering above the ground and directly above us, the bottoms of the sides probably about four feet above the ground. I think a few ropes are still holding it in place. My clueless non-lucid dream self is not standing at any point.

      This is typical RAS (reticular activating system) intrusive waking symbolism, though sustained and with no hypnopompic physical event.

      Key concepts: Zsuzsanna and I sleeping in correct orientation as first level dream state indicator, dream state indicator of indirect association with floating or flying as dictated by natural inner ear dynamics, outdoor area previously a field and now a parking lot in real life as liminal space transition, sustained RAS factor, no personified preconscious, no direct preconscious factor, non-lucid and sustained non-cooperative emergent consciousness, interpretable as waking symbolism only.

      Updated 06-09-2018 at 04:53 AM by 1390

    11. Pro School

      by , 12-20-2016 at 05:45 PM
      This dream was extremely long and complicated. Like a feature film.

      The gist of it however was that I went back to high school. It was a school for kids who would become elite professionals in sports or law or anything. There were some pretty girls but mostly the atmosphere was of little partying and lots of hard work. Eventually we ended up at a waterfall that was full of deadly reef plants. Everyone had to devise a way to swim through. I flew over.
    12. #228: Flush / Roomswap

      by , 12-20-2016 at 04:41 AM
      I'm in my room. I've been to the toilet, but it hasn't flushed properly. I can still see some floating around. I try to flush again, but the water starts appearing from unexpected places. It starts to appear from the shower next to the toilet as well. Eventually I manage to make it stop appearing from the shower by turning the shower's lever.

      I'm in my room, in my bed, together with Irt. It's still morning. I hear a knock on the door. I'm not sure anymore if she announced herself, but it is the girl that everyone hates. I tell Irt to be quiet. The curtains are closed, so we can just pretend not to be here. I don't wanna hang out with this girl. A bit later there is a guy standing in front of my door. It's someone who is ok. Irt goes over to open the curtain and have a talk. No! The girl went to the room just next to mine, so she'll definitely notice that we are here. Close the curtain! I decide to camp out behind a clothing rack [which in reality I don't have]. I don't feel like I'm doing a very good job at hiding, but ah well, better than nothing.

      Suddenly a girl I don't know storms into my room, walks past me, takes a hanger with clothes from a nail in the wall and storms out again. What the hell? I assume these are her clothes so she has every right to take them, but manners?! This is my room and we don't even know each other. I go up to this girl, who is together with another girl, to teach her some. The message doesn't set in at all though. I explain how rude it is to just burst into my room like that if we don't know each other and then to completely ignore me. I try to reenact it to demonstrate how rude it is, but it still doesn't set in. Eventually I take the girls clothes back and tell her she can have them back if she demonstrates some proper manners (which is never).

      When I try to go back to my room, the layout has changed. I walk into the right room, only to find it much different from what I expected. My stuff is nowhere to be found. I walk out and look at the sign above the door. Yep, this is my room number. What the hell? Apparently someone decided to switch rooms with me without asking. No! I don't want to switch rooms again, especially considering that I'm almost leaving. My friend Fif is being chilled about it and says something along the lines of "I think it's best if you go back to Europe". The hell? I feel unwanted now.

      Somewhere along the dream I become violent towards the rude girl. Stomping on her head violent. There is absolutely no effect though.
      Tags: friend, room
    13. Celie Switch

      by , 12-19-2016 at 07:15 PM
      I was Celie from the Color Purple, and I was on the porch with Albert. I was wearing an outfit that I think she actually wore at some point during the movie, a blue plaid dress with an apron. the porch was mostly white, with a few chairs on it. It was outline by those fenclike porch things, with an opening in the middle direcly in front of the door, leading to the stairs. I didn't see from Celie's point of view, though I was her. My point of view was as if I was standing in from the viewpoint of someone standing in front of the porch, so that the porch, the house, and some of the surroundings of the house were in my field of vision. The house, as far as I remember,was outlined in white at the top, though there might have been some grass at the bottom.

      I was serving him in some inspecific way, I could have been getting him water or something. Then, for some reason, the situation changed. All of a sudden, I told him "You're my servant now" or something like that. We were going to switch positions. He looked shocked and kind of angry when I said that, but he respected whatever authority I based my decision upon. I can't remember what that authority was or why the situation changed like that, but it did.

      His clothes changed from the lounge-wear he had on before to clothes more similar to what I was wearing. Then, I thought about changing my clothes to reflect our new relative positions. I thought about my red dress and went into the house to find it and put it on.

      Now, my point of view is Ceile's point of view. I go into the house, and what's inside is an extreme version of the living area of the suite I live in at college. My point of view is the same as if I'm entering my suite from the only door there is to enter the suite, although the doorway view isn't obstructed by one of the walls that make up the bathroom like it is in real life, and it's dead in the center of the suite instead of being closer to the left side.
      I don't see the couches, the tables, or the microwave, though I do see a tall tan lamp (which we don't actually have in real life). The floorspace is way bigger, with the same green, brown, and other color carpet. However, all the doors to each suite are elevated: stairs run up the left and right sides of the suite to lead to the doors that lead to the two rooms. However, the positions are switched. Me and my roommate, on the left in real life, are now on the right, while the other two are now on the left.

      As I come in, Olivia comes down the stairs from our room, smiling like she was just laughing about something. I think I asked her where the dress was, and she shrugged her shoulders or said I should just check my room. In any case, I checked my room and I couldnt find it. I headed up the stairs to the other room and Olivia said something like "it might be in there" but I didn't want to go through anyone else's stuff to check. So, basically, I never found the dress.

      Something was going on in the dorm tho. I think I had made the transition from being Ceilie to being myself. There was something going on over the intercom that led me and Olivia to try and find these four thin, metal, pointed things that were hollow and apparently functioned as pens. We found the four, and we headed to this new place.

      The new place had the floor and ceiling pattern of a cafeteria. There were tables right next to some railing, as if there were some stairs next to us and another floor below us, though I never saw that part. I was trying to find a table, and I looked where Olivia sat and found that all those seats had been immediately occupied by her friends, and I felt kind of sad. Then, I looked and found that tables were quickly filling up, and I hurried to find a seat.

      I ended up sitting with that white girl from school that was the daughter of the healthcare teacher and her friend. I was not happy to be there, but they were nice enough. I still had all four pens, and Olivia needed two, so when we made eye contact across the room, I hurried over. Her face was so small: I didn't realize how far away from her table I had traveled. I handed her the two pens, and when I got back to my table, I see the white chick drawing with my pens, as if she's checking to see if they work.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Basketball Road Trip

      by , 12-19-2016 at 01:48 PM
      Dream about playing basketball again for coach Bryant and coach Atkinson. Rocky was on the team and dad came to watch. We were playing a shitty team but I only played first five mins then he took me about despite playing well. In some wierd court in like a ring below. My dad left at halftime because he couldn't stand the game and encouraged me to do the same. Then at half we started traveling to another game and had to apparently rode a train to get there. I had to pee and finally found a place where I peed for like 5 mins long. Then dream then transformed into something weirder. I was traveling around the whole dream setting in a mini train and the dream setting had different aisles of food which I sometimes grabbed. Hannes was also there.
    15. Grandma's House Discussion

      by , 12-19-2016 at 01:46 PM
      Dream that I had to break up with Michi because she cheated on me with some random guy four times in an Ikea bed. Then we started talking about it at grandma G's house where a family party was taking place. We started inside but it was too loud so we moved outside near the lake when I started hearing aunt Stacy and my sister arguing over whose family makes more money. I took it really personally then yelled at them but they said they were only joking and looked really offended so I told them I'm just heated because of the breakup.