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    Side Notes

    1. Dream-self says no to lucidity. =/

      by , 12-12-2011 at 06:34 PM
      I didn't get much sleep last night. I remember one dream and pisses me off. I "woke up" on my couch and instantly knew I was dreaming before I even looked around. I knew I was dreaming because I could feel this dread and I want to say "fear" but it was just a heavy feeling, being in the dream. I've been wanting to become lucid, but when I was presented my chance, I didn't actually want to be in the dream. I was irritated rather than excited.

      The second I was lucid I got up and walked to my front door; already wanting to wake up. I don't know why I went to the door, but I guess in the dream I knew it would wake me up if I opened it; so I did, and woke up.

      It's like my dream-self doesn't want to be lucid. I felt completely different about lucidity when I was in the dream than I do in waking life. Any thoughts as to why this happens? Is my subconscious telling me that I don't need lucidity right now, but sleep? That is how I interpret it.

      [Two finals down and three to go; wish me luck.]
    2. 12/11/10 - Day Three

      by , 12-12-2011 at 12:13 PM (The Book of Dreams and Astral Projection)
      Dream Count: 2
      DILDs: 0 , WILDs: 0 , MILDs: 0 , APs: 0

      Dream 1:
      I remember having breakfest with my great grandmother I believe. She poured me some milk and accidentally spit on some milk on the side of the glass. She then some how " turned " the milk on the side around.

      Dream 2:
      This second dream I went to some fancy restaurant and had dinner with the cast on How I Met Your Mother. I talked to Josh Radnor, Neil Patrick Harris, Jason Segel, Alyison Hannigan and Cobie Smulders. I remember asking each of them individually who they were on the show, and they all gave me a laugh and nod when I said their characters. I talked to Jason and when he said who I met first I said Neil. Jason laughed and then said " The Whore? " and Neil gave him that not cool look.

      This is the second time I remember my dreams, it is also the second time I remember my first dream immediately and the second a bit later.

      Updated 12-12-2011 at 11:49 PM by 51608

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    3. 12/10/11 - Day Two

      by , 12-11-2011 at 03:01 PM (The Book of Dreams and Astral Projection)
      Dream Count: 0
      DILDs: 0 , WILDs: 0 , MILDs: 0 , APs: 0

      No dream recall tonight, I tried a different method. Staying up until my eyes were heavy then doing a MILD and hopefully going into a DILD. Turns out that may not be my way of going, I guess I will sleep normally the next night.
      non-lucid , side notes
    4. My Dream Objects

      by , 12-11-2011 at 04:34 AM (Robo's Dreams)
      The objects of my dream body I can feel in waking life.

      Small Black Canister- Right Hip: Unknown function, Obtained in a dream when I was a Predator (Alien vs Predator) A group of humans were trying to get it across a death trap lake, I agreed to take it to the person it was intended to go to, the person was across the lake. Possible training of some kind.

      Four Pointed Gem- Forhead: Created by me while I actively participated in the Denn RPG, The key to my reploid form.

      Angelic Sword- Back: Obtained one knight when I felt as if there was a demon in my room before I went to bed. I prayed for help, and an angel put a ward around my bed. when I woke up the next morning, the angel had gone, but the ward was still there, upon further examination, it was a sword, I've carried it ever since.

      Blue Gem: Wrist/Hands: Stolen from a corrupt... something. somehow I obtained it, and an army was sent after me. I woke up after fighting for awhile, it was a blue gemstone dangling from a chain bracelet. I converted it to gems on my palms, but they don't like to stay that way, so I just leave it as the bracelet usually.

      Didn't remember any dreams last night, well I did, but I don't remember enough to write down. I remember waking up in the middle of the knight, wanting to dream about the girl with black hair, and going back to sleep before I wrote anything I remembered down. I think I was in the same place as the dream, "Inconsistency" before I fell back asleep and forgot everything.
      side notes
    5. Future Sight?

      by , 12-10-2011 at 10:27 PM
      I've been having a weird dream where I keep seeing these people I've never seen before. I can't remember much, but i do know that I talk to them like old friends. At first, a few weeks ago, I didn't pay any mind to it, but then the most expected thing happened: I met them! I think this might just mean I can read small parts and a little into the future! I doubt it though. Anyways, the reason I don't post a dream everyday is due the fact I can't hardly remember them all! Until next time!!
    6. 12/9/11 - Day One

      by , 12-10-2011 at 03:36 PM (The Book of Dreams and Astral Projection)
      Dream Count: 2
      DILDs: 0 , WILDs: 0 , MILDs: 0 , APs: 0

      Dream 1:
      A Short Dream Looking Towards Erin

      Dream 2:
      A Dream About My Mom Coming to Pick Me Up, When I Was There I Saw My Mom, She Came In And Gave Me Something. Then I Asked To Go To Her Car. I Was Worried Because Mr.O Talked To Her But It Wasn’t About Homework. I Then Talked To A Few People. Later On I Found My Phone In My Locker. Somehow My Clothing Changed. It Used To Be A Grey Short Sleeved Shirt With Red Shorts. Teacher Erica Gave Me Her Phone Number. My Clothing Was Black And Baggy. Then The Dream Ended.

      This was my first night actually trying to do something properly I suppose, having starting roughly earlier this week. I remembered my dream about looking to Erin which lasted shortly. I then remembered myself having the dream at school. It felt real and I remembered it. When I woke I thought it was a mere thought but I remembered that I didn’t think of it consciously. Usually, I won’t remember enough to write down in my journal… I suppose this first steps to becoming a lucid dreamer is working!

      Updated 12-12-2011 at 12:37 PM by 51608

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    7. Somewhat picking up the pace :/

      by , 12-09-2011 at 06:48 PM (Radical-Dreamers' Journal)
      Fragment 1: I don't remember any places or events that took place, but the only thing that i could remember was that I could "open my inventory" such as an RPG game. I had 5 boxes to put my skills in, and i cant remember what they were.

      1 - I dreamed about a lot of things and failed to recall them yet again. I've recently gotten some bad nerve damage in my elbow, so that was very distracting when i was trying to to recall my dreams from last night. I've been studying a lot for finals as well. I hope that after all of this crap, I can wake up without worrying about tons of stuff.
      dream fragment , side notes
    8. Radical-Dreamers' DJ

      by , 12-08-2011 at 12:56 PM (Radical-Dreamers' Journal)
      Hey everyone! Just thought i'd introduce myself a little bit. I came across this website when i was in eighth grade. I soon broke off and did my own thing, spending little time on journaling and a lot of time on school. Now i'm in college with a slight sleeping problem. Stress has caused my dreams to become somewhat 'distorted' lately, so i figured i would return to this site and start up a new Dream Journal!

      Hope to fill it with good content soon.
      side notes
    9. The Hunt Starts

      by , 12-07-2011 at 06:52 AM
      Type: Regular Dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 over most of dream
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      {telepathy in these brackets}

      I was having a long traveling dream of driving over different highways. Then it started to get dark and a girl in the car yelled "LOOK!" I did but saw nothing at first then I saw a tornado off in the distance.
      The guy driving started racing away to get away but when I looked again it was right near us! Then it tore open the car from the windshield and the girl screamed but suddenly I was not buying this dream any more. I said in a exasperated tone, "I got it" and put my hands up and held the twister and waited for it to dissipate, which it did very quickly. The skies brightened and everyone in the car made statements on how lucky and relieved they were but I was pouting.
      I was thinking "this stinks! Nothing in these dreams is real." When I was a kid everything seemed so real, now it's like watching a crappy black and white movie with predictable crappy plots and crappy predictable actors, blah.

      I awoke. "I should be focusing on the short haired girl [a reoccurring character former dreams]," I thought since it seems she really is me in some form.

      Type: Regular Dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      {telepathy in these brackets}

      This new dream was just as vivid and the like the other but this time it had a short haired girl in it. I saw her and interacted but there was nothing special about this girl. When I said telepathically {it's me} she just looked at me like I said it out loud and waited for me to follow up that statement. This girl is just another DC.

      Type: Regular Dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      {telepathy in these brackets}

      I had two more dreams something like this is but different environments and each time the girl in it was not the real deal. The last dream I had, had me trying to talk to the girl when some other girl nearby whipped out a knife, and with a huge smile, stabbed me in my left shoulder where the collar bone would be! This kind of pissed me off in a "these dreams are not helping" kind of way. I looked down and the gaping slashed hole and closed it with my thoughts and shook my head and thought "this is not working." Exasperated I woke up and felt a little defeated.

      Notes: I have never willed someone into my dreams before so by default I instead did what I have done plenty of times, created a DC. Tonight I will try a new tactic of replaying her "roles" in my former dreams to get her essence and then call out for that.
    10. First Post

      by , 12-07-2011 at 06:15 AM (Baco's Lucid Dreams)
      I am going to start recording all of my LUCID dreams in this Dream Journal. I have my own dream journal, but since I have less Lucid Dreams than regular dreams (for now... ), I will post LD's up in here.
      side notes
    11. I got nothing

      by , 12-07-2011 at 04:02 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Well, this is embarrassing. I can't remember a single thing from last night. Not one image. Nothing. That hasn't happened for a while. I remembered something when I first woke up, but the memory was hard to focus on. Now it seems to be gone. Maybe I was too tired last night. I was out late.

      Oh well... maybe tonight
      side notes
    12. Job Bots

      by , 12-06-2011 at 09:00 AM (Lucid Lucy's Dream Explorations)
      Colour Legenda:
      Setting| Technique used | Dream (lv1) | Dream (lv2) | Lucid Dream | Notes
      ************************************************** ****************

      First dream:
      I'm at work and they're passing my job on to my coworker. I can see his desk with my stuff on it, including my clothes XD

      Second dream:
      2 Robots are interrogating a third robot, at my aunt and uncle's place (we talked about them at dinner IRL), taking the poor thing apart and reassembling just for torture purposes. I'm just watching this dream. The robot being tortured has red, muscle-like looking parts and limbs, connected by wires representing veins, i guess?

      I told someone on dreamviews.com yesterday, that robots are nightmare creatures for me. ..apparently not.

      And i *know* i had a third dream between these two but i can't remember it. Serves me right for being too lazy to blog it immediately >_<
      non-lucid , side notes
    13. FINALLY did it!!

      by , 12-04-2011 at 10:24 AM (Lucid Lucy's Dream Explorations)
      Colour Legenda:
      Setting| Technique used | Dream (lv1) | Dream (lv2) | Lucid Dream | Notes
      ************************************************** ****************

      1st dream, 03.49 am.

      I was dreaming so i figured i'd just see where the dream would take me. It took me into the 1986 my little pony film!! I watched as mama licketisplit saved baby sweetie belle from the smooze. And i figured this had to be a cut scene as i didn't remember ever seeing it. Lost lucidity at this point and mama licketisplit was a unicorn and saved baby sweetize belle from falling over the smooze waterfall.

      2nd dream and 3rd dream, 06.13 am.

      I'm not 100% sure i had 2 seperate dreams, or if i sreamed about a WILD or if I had a real One. Point is, i went lucid.

      I'm in a computer room with Agnes and her (ex IRL) boyfriend. He's gaming, playing zelda on pc. Something about the creatures being real.

      I'm in my bed again, i can see the color swirls that usually precede hypnogogic hallucinations and unlike usually, i'm apparently far gone already, as i can feel my body being paralized. I panic, try to call for help but nothing happens. I calm down. Apparently there's nothing i can do, so I just brace myself for the ride. Apparently I'm having a WILD.

      Let the hallucinations come over me, now recognising them for what they are and knowing what they lead to, check my hand when i woke up and my right hand has toes for fingers. 6 of them XD so i clap to myself a few times to channel the initial excitement.

      I walk out my bedroom door where my friend Nicole is, and apparently we have a dog too. And we're on ground level rather than first, where my appartment is IRL. ..i was actually wishing for someone else but he, again, did not appear.

      I tell them i'm dreaming, but they just ignore me. I touch the window and it just gives way, as if it was ice rather than glass. I call for their attention and push my whole finger through. They're still ignoring it, so I pull a trail down with my finger through the glass.

      We go outside outside with another friend (pedro) and Pablo, bartender at my favourite pub and apparently Nicole's boyfriend. As we're walking, i tell Pablo to remind me that I'm actually dreaming so I don't lose my lucidity. We walk past a dog that's barking violently, i tell myself that this is a dream and i can do anything. So I look intensely at the dog and say "sit" calmly but firmly. It sits down, looking up at me in confusion.

      Now, things from the previous dream seep in and Nicole turns out to be an animal morph, needing to be rescued from one of the Zelda creatures and there's a lamb and the whole dream gets unstable and i try to teleport Nicole out of there to save her, but I wake up.

      Finally I did a WILD, although not intentionally. I enter the hallucinations phase fairly often, but as they're so terrifying I usually do everything I can to wake up from them. Of course, that was before I learned they're the road to a lucid dream! So now, I don't TRY to do a WILD but when it just sort of happens, I'll just let it happen, it wasn't so bad this time.

      Updated 12-05-2011 at 09:16 AM by 51317

      lucid , side notes
    14. I need feed back on this matter!

      by , 12-03-2011 at 07:04 PM
      I'm not sure whether this thing that happens to me is a gift, or just my imagination, but either way I need to see if it sounds believable or not.
      I sometimes have these dreams-no- visions, that some times depict future memories. If you read my last post you'll understand what I might be rambling on about.
      I never see anything major, just like a replay of something that happened to me only in the future. It's never very distant, only a week to a week and a half, but never the less, accurate to everything in the dream.
      At first I though I was going insane, but then a few months ago something else began to happen. I would get these sudden migraines in small areas of my head. At first, I thought it was for no reason or a side effect of listening to my headphones loudly, but then I began to notice something. I noticed that when I got a migraine I would start seeing everything from the dream, except it was happening in real life!
      I don't really see this as being deemed "Psychic" but it's does seem abnormal. In any event, I will try to look into this more and see what an official title would be for this "ability."
      Until then I'll keep posting my dreams!
    15. Screw you Bigfoot, I'm lucid

      by , 12-03-2011 at 06:34 PM
      I probably could remember my whole dream, but I'm too tired to try.

      On the other hand, it was really fucked up and I woke up gasping (you could say..)

      I was being chased by a creature that looked very much like "Bigfoot". We were in a jungle, and I knew there were other bigfoots around too. As I was running, I noticed that I could push the trees down as I ran. This helped me get where(ever) I was going to a lot faster. I had just lost one bigfoot and then one appeared not far in front of me. I tried to hide but he saw me and started running at me.

      Instantly, I was fed up and out of options. I knew I was dreaming at this point and I didn't think about what I should do. Instead, my fear and anger took over and started growling. I raised my arms above my head and I grew about triple the size of the beastly foot man. Suddenly I was on top of him, choking him, hold him down.

      The next part is disturbing, so I'm going to stop there. Really don't want to think about it anymore.

      Side notes: I think I've been more aware throughout my day. I really feel a change in the energy of my dreams. I just feel like I'm becoming more in tune to my dreams, because sometimes (most recently) I feel like I'm playing a role. It's kind of like I know that I'm dreaming, but I'm playing along with the script. I can't say that I've been "lucid" though. I was lucid in the last dream for a moment to know that I could control it, but then I began playing along again.

      The things I've been doing differently are listening to binaural beats (gamma and beta) for a while during the day, and my choline intake has increased.

      So, I'm very excited for a break from school and looking forward to my dreams over the next month.
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