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    Side Notes

    1. The Dream which Didn't Obey (First Decent LD!)

      by , 01-07-2012 at 12:07 AM (Tales of the Observer)
      Colors of text and what they mean:

      (These were inspired by KingYoshi's DJ entries)

      Dream info:

      Lucid/Non-lucid: Lucid (lost lucidity at some point)
      Type of induction (if lucid): None (Aware from the start)
      Duration: 1/2 minutes
      Vividness: Not vivid


      I had this dream a long time ago, but decided to post it now. I was lazzy
      I'm lucid. I don't know how, I just am. I know my family is near me, so I ask my mother "Am I dreaming?" She says negative. For some reason, I ask her this several times (I probably asked others the same too, I can't remember) and always get "No." as an answer. I still know I'm lucid.

      I try to change the dreamscape. I close my eyes, and then open them. Doesn't work. I try it several times, but it was fruitless. "It's amazing how aware I am," I note to myself (Which is ironic, because I was far from being totally aware). I remember I always wanted to start a lucid in a car, so I tell my mother we should use it to go somewhere. "Sure," she answeres, and we go out of the building. I, trying to change the landscape for the last time, close my eyes and shut my ears with my palms, but there is too much noise. I am not concentrated and I can't do it. I try to calm everyone around me to no avail.

      (I believe I lost lucidity at this point, I just know how this continued)
      I was in a shopping mall, near a restaurant in it. I look to see where the plates should be (It's the kind of restaurant where you take a plate and move in the line to get food from several places) and instead, there are caldrons. I don't know if I took one, I just know I am in the line. While I don't see the person next to me, I know she is my online friend from Romania. She is taking some delicious meat. I decide I should take the same. I eat the meat and find it delicious (I felt taste, which is rare for me).

      This was probably the end of the dream. I wake up either then or a bit later, being very enthusiastic about having my first LD that lasted for more than a second!
    2. A few years ago

      by , 01-05-2012 at 06:43 PM (My non-LD dreams)
      I had a dream in which I went to have a shower and realized I was dreaming because it was all wrong and impossible. My grandma couldn't work a straightener. Unfortunately, I suddenly woke up.
      side notes
    3. Predictions

      by , 01-04-2012 at 12:18 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I can't remember anything from last night. I am undergoing a rather large change in my life right now, which also messes with my sleep patterns. Starting tomorrow morning I will be getting up at 4:00am for work at my new job. Interestingly, I will begin working in a hospital, which has prior to now been a dreamsign. So, I will find myself awake and aware at a time when I am usually asleep, in a hospital, riding in elevators (another dreamsign). If I remember to do reality checks, this ought to help my lucidity.

      Also, it appears that they will be alternating my work schedule, so that I will have this early morning schedule at times, and an afternoon schedule at others. This will be a perfect opportunity to try the Cycle Adjustment Technique (CAT).

      So, I am hoping that this dream journal will become more interesting in the near future, with a good deal more blue.
      side notes
    4. Dream Signs Update

      by , 01-03-2012 at 07:52 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      January 3, 2012

      Dream Signs Update

      Based on the past few nights and many random dreams I was too lazy to write, my dream signs deal mostly with FORM and CONTEXT involving the home.

      1. The apartment is an older apartment I haven't lived in for years: context

      2. My bedroom is the wrong bedroom I haven't had for years: context

      3. I'm living with the whole family, when I'm not: context

      4. Theres a hill where there shouldn't be a hill: context

      5. Driving to dallas only took an instant, wow!: context

      6. I don't remember ever parking my car, where did it go?: context

      7. I'm in a class I shouldn't be in: context

      8. The highway never makes any sense : setting form

      9. Im upset my sisters are deciding the arrangement of my room: emotions

      10. bathrooms are as weird and as scary as ever: setting form

      So, lots of context dream signs! Not easy! But most of it has to do with the home. So that's what I'll focus on the most for the next week or so.

      Reality Check Everytime:

      1. I come into contact with family: Are they supposed to be living here? Am I supposed to be sharing a room with them?

      2. Everytime I'm in my room: Is this my room? Is my bed where its supposed to be? How many beds are here?

      3. Everytime I'm in the living room: Is this my living room? Is the front door where it should be, by the kitchen? Is the porch where it should be? Does the porch have a screen door or a regular door?

      4. Everytime I'm in the kitchen: Is the kitchen where its supposed to be? Does it have one entrance or two? Whos in the kitchen and why?

      5. Everytime I'm going somewhere: Do I even know where I'm going? Why am I going there? Does the going there make sense?

      6. Everytime Im in the bathroom: Do the bathroom appliances make sense? Is the toilet scary?

      and something like that
      side notes
    5. SP Diary Entry #1

      by , 01-03-2012 at 09:28 AM (Lucid Lucy's Dream Explorations)
      I'm going to keep a log of my Sleep Paralysis experiences, just for my own record, motivation and of course, for others to read

      This morning I woke up at 2.30 am, remembered 3 dreams and wanted to write them down.. ..but my DJ was left on my computer desk and I didn't feel like getting up. I also totally forgot I can blog from my phone XD Hey, it was 2.30 am

      So I just lay there, contemplating on the dreams in an attempt to remember them in the morning (which worked, btw!). Then I felt myself get heavy and thought I'd attempt a WILD.

      I kept thinking of my favourite subject to be thinking about before bed: Dominiq (recurring DC, I've kinda fallen in love with him). I used him as my anchor of consciousness. Then I felt the familiar numbness and started to hear things (HH), but thought "NO, I don't want to hear shiz!" so I moved my elbow slightly. Then it kinda felt like my hand was upside down, but my arm was not like my wrist was twisted. It didn't hurt though. I could still move my arm and hand and they felt fine. Then the feeling returned and I just let it be, occasionally trying to move a limb until I couldn't anymore.

      I was in SP. I didn't hear anything but noise (which I was fine with), and a total of three vibration waves washed over me. Then when none seemed to come anymore, I tried getting up. I felt really strange like my body didn't bend as it normally would when you sit up from lying-down position. I also had trouble opening my eyes fully, but it didn't matter. I noticed it was pitch black in my room, whereas it should be dimly lit by street lights..

      I didn't even bother doing a reality check, lol.
    6. Yeah yeah...disappointment...

      by , 01-02-2012 at 11:26 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Hi guys. I've recently had three LDs in the last month. I can't recall them well though. I've been being lazy and a slacker since I completed the TOTY in November. But the new tasks are up, so I'll be going back to work! The nine new tasks look really fun! Especially the one where you get to jump off one of the Twin Towers!
    7. 02/01/12 - Dream and 2011 Year Count

      by , 01-02-2012 at 08:37 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had a random dream last night, only remember bits and pieces of it now though.

      22.30: Sleep

      05.30: Dream
      *I'm in a school, I see my brother and we greet. After a while we meet again. "Man you're everywhere!" he says to me. "Come on follow me." We head out the school and enter a car. Martin starts explaining how he tricked our uncle, he bought some weed from him. We end up in a parking lot and I get to drive this huge black pickup truck. I hit the gas and the car's fron wheels starts to go up. I have to be careful not to crash.

      05.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 7 hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! This is how many dreams and lucids I had 2011. This is only for me to be able to count easily in the future.

      Dreams: 594
      Lucids: 91

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      non-lucid , side notes
    8. DEILD Fail

      by , 01-02-2012 at 10:41 AM
      Side Notes
      I attempted to use Yuppie's DEILD techique to go lucid. I failed as I woke up out of the dream as I thought it was morning. Turned out it was 2am and I didn't get back to sleep well. This dream felt so long.

      I walked out as Randy Orton on the stage of RAW. I almost looked like a videogame version of Orton. I started speaking about equal chances for wrestlers to get shots at titles and I think Trish Stratus came out behind as I was speaking.

      The dream then cuts to a travel bus with WWE Divas doing each others hair in front of mirrors like it was a salon. Hornswoggle came out of the floor (more or less) and scared them all.

      Then it cut back to me and then to the Divas.
    9. On Set with Megan Fox

      by , 01-01-2012 at 01:51 PM
      Megan Fox was acting on set and I was a cameraman. Now I'm guessing my infatuation with Megan Fox made my dream character want to be with her.

      So when it came time for Megan Fox to ship out to her new movie, Mack 10, I was sad but I still stayed until the first movie project finished. We then met up on the set of Mack 10. The scene was in a museum with maroon walls and a chequered floor. (Funny how I'm filming on set and a Illuminati floor is there.)

      I also remember her being at an airport on arriving on a jet probably Michael Bay's.

      Side Notes
      I incubated this dream but didn't realise the theme while in the dream. So I didn't go lucid but you know what still prety cool.
    10. New HH Tiny Hearts

      , 12-31-2011 at 11:30 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Friday 12/30/2011 Bed 2:30am

      Couple of dreams, but didn't write them down.
      Around 10am, trying to WILD, but I know, it's already lots of noise outside, neighbors are moving?

      Had new HH. Instead of my usual skulls and scary faces, I saw TINY HEARTS!

      Had been trying to change my HHs to flowers before, but it never worked. This time, my cat Kaboosh came to sleep on my bed and I was very happy about it. He does it very infrequently. Maybe he sent me love, or I was sending love to him?
      side notes
    11. Still here, writing and dreaming :)

      by , 12-29-2011 at 07:10 PM
      No lucidity yet during this break. I have been enjoying my dream time though. I suppose I do have moments of lucidity that I can hardly remember. I just get brief flashbacks randomly throughout the day. I love those feelings.

      During these brief spurts of lucidity, sometimes, I am just lying there and everything is beautiful like an acid trip. I smile and my body begins zooming through some sort of portal (you could describe it as). It's such an amazing feeling. I may not be fully lucid and able to prolong and actually do things, but I know I can still do it when I'm ready to start again.

      I wish I was like some on here that can become lucid every night, any time they want. Props to you guys and your contributions to this awesome community of dreamers. It's been a year since I've joined and not a day goes by that I don't think about lucid dreaming. Motivation is always there, it's time which is the problem.

      I've always been interested in lucid dreaming since my accidental lucid dream when I was 11 or so. It's always been a goal to become better at it. I always felt kind of weird for it though because I didn't know anyone else who was practicing this. So it was an off and on interest throughout my teen years. When I found this forum I was hesitant about joining and posting. I was welcomed with the warmest greetings and made some awesome friends who share a passion for dreaming and all other things expanding consciousness.

      I guess this post is really just to shout out to the community. I’m still here and checking in.

      To business—here’s a glimpse at my dream life as of late, not any particular order or dated either.

      The first dream I want to share here is yet another alien dream. =/

      I was living with my two sisters and my sister’s husband. My oldest sister, D---, was asleep in the bedroom with her husband and I had come home late. We were all living in my house, but it was hers. Anyway, it was late and I snuck inside. I went to the bedroom and crouched down behind her bed, smiling. I have no idea why. I began to hear someone at the door and knew it was my other sis, De----, coming home late also. I ran down the hallway to greet her, knowing I’d probably scare her. I went around the corner and ran into her and we laughed. Then I saw something move behind her. It was really small and I feel like if I hadn’t said anything, then nothing would have happened. But I did say something, “Whoa, what was that? Did you see that?” She had no idea what I was talking about. I shh-ed her and turned her around to look. I pointed at something in the dark and suddenly it ran around the room and towards us. It was really short, maybe a foot high but I knew it was alien. I can’t remember any details about it because it was dark, but it was wearing a cloak, and suddenly I find myself thinking about Nibbler from Futurama. It was really scary, though. We freaked and moved forward in the dark to spot it again. It had run around us and was standing to my side. I was so scared I woke myself up.

      When I did wake up I woke up gasping for some reason and really freaking scared. My fiancé woke up and had to soothe me for a minute. Alien dreams reallllllly freak me the fuck out. Pardon the language.

      After describing that dream I’m having trouble recalling other ones, except for last night’s, which was just weird and uninteresting. The main mission of mine in the dream was to find water, tea, milk which is the usual dream content when I drink (tequila in particular) the night before. And some girl wrecked my strange little car. I didn’t care, I laughed when she did it and then I told her to get me some sweet tea from Sonic. Ha-ha. And that is all for now. Keep dreaming friends.
    12. Lucid Dream #56

      by , 12-28-2011 at 07:35 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~3 Min.

      I was with another girl when I became lucid. We were supposed to go somewhere so I ran, I hit the walls and everything. Then I found a bathtub, we both got in and then for some reason she turned into a doll. I was like "whatever" and started washing her up. At times I had to do the rubbing hands trick to become more lucid, but I still gradually started to lose lucidity.
    13. 28 Dec 11

      by , 12-28-2011 at 07:43 AM
      I've had a lot of dreams lately. Left my dream journal at home... I'll find a way to write down the ones I have now until I get back. Weird stuff...
      side notes
    14. Points for 27/12/11

      by , 12-27-2011 at 07:19 PM
      Dream 1
      I was at my old secondary school in a maths class. The time ticked on to half past three and it was time to go, there were some of my college friends there including a girl in a blue frilly dress with no back. I stood up to go and the teacher said to me "Are you all sure you understand the homework?" and very few people did. So the teacher kept us back and made us do a bit more work until it got to nearly 4 o' clock. I checked my watch and very nearly did a reality check since about 15 minutes had passed in what seems like 2. But instead I just thought that time must have passed quickly because I wasn't watching it. I needed to hurry since I doubted my friends would wait for me if I was too late. I walked out of school and appeared to teleport to a huge place (teleporting- 10 points), similar to that of a warehouse. The shelves went all the way up to the roof and there were loads of them. As I wondered down the narrow isles a employee at the place spotted me and called me over. He was up a ladder trying to pull something off of a shelf, I went and stood by the ladder to see that behind me was a large expanse of bare floor. He told me to stand nearby, so I did and looked back at the shelves. They were filled with old televisions, the big box ones. The worker then pulled one off a shelf and dropped it, the tv crashed to the floor below. He shouted at me saying that I was meant to catch it, So I went and stood next to the shelves. He dropped another one, a big heavy one and I caught it with a spine crushing catch. I put it on the floor and we carried on doing this for a while. Then he started to move forwards and my friend H.T ran round the corner to help, we moved all the tv's that I'd caught forwards as well. We kept moving everything forward so that we kept up with the worker, then I saw a thread of cotton wrapped around one of the tv's. I looked up to see the shelves gone and somebody weaving cotton, to the left of them there was what appeared to be a small tea shop. Outside the tea shop was Santa and the worker from earlier went up to him to ask him if they could use his beard for cotton and he agreed. The then went inside the tea shop. Me and my friend looked at each other before leaving the tv's and following them in. When I got inside I recognised the cafe, I was in Lincoln, in Stoke's cafe. I was asked what I wanted so I said tea. They gave me a silver sachet that was this size of my hand. I went and sat down next to my Grandad and his friends. I opened the silver sachet and found what appeared to be cream inside, this was apparently the tea. I tried it and it tasted exactly like whipped cream. (Eat something- 4 points) (Full dream- 1 point)

      Fragment (0.5 points)
      I also remember going into a place like subway and asking if they could give me some bread cheap since it was near closing time, the woman behind the counter said "no but you can have a taster for free".

      Dream 2
      I was in my room and my neighbour came to visit. He came into my room, saw my new shoes and said he liked them. Then he sat on my bed and had a chat with me. This was quite a long dream but I can't remember what was said. (Full dream- 1 point)

      TOTAL= 16.5 points
    15. Dreamland: Help Wrapping

      by , 12-26-2011 at 01:32 PM
      Dream #1: My GF and I were leaving my house. We were sitting in my car in the drive way and she had presents for everyone. She told me that she still needed to wrap more, and wanted to put a red ribbon on some of them. I looked around my block and noticed most of the houses had long bright red ribbons out front. I had the "brillant" idea: "Why don't we let my next door neighbor wrap your presents!" (In real life I've done nothing but exchange awkward waves with him.)

      Stationed in his driveway was a heavy looking sewing machine from the 50's, for some reason I felt it could be of use (with the ribbons?)...

      Note: My next door neighbor has not taken down his Christmas tree since he put it up before Christmas 2010. I have joked about this a number of times with my GF, and I have lucidly entered his house at least once (see Blackbird Flying. I also caught a reflection of myself in his front window in the lucid dream: Cloud Form)

      Dream #2: I was laying in bed when Fred walked over and laid down in my usual spot. He told me he had been working hard on the computer and his neck was hurting. So he needed to lay down in a special way using my pillow.

      Note: This is the second dream I have recalled in which Fred was in my bedroom as if he lived here. I also recently posted a dream in which I was in his and Katie's room (Stealing Mexican Food)
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