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    task of the month

    task of the month dreams

    1. done TOTM with clock

      , 02-13-2013 at 06:29 AM
      i was in the park, and i had body feeling like flying, so i count fingers and flew away. i landed near a smal shop and asked the old woman - shop assistant, give me her clock. she gave me the clock with the watch chain - i opend it, and looked at the minute hand (in dream i forgot about second hand). it was on 12 but it went in other direction and very quickly. about 3 seconds i wait staring at hand till it went to 9 .but then think that it isn't 15 seconds and stared again. i wait 4 - 6 seconds till the hand went 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 - so on my dream clock it was 30 seconds. i didn't want to kill my LD there, so i went looking for my friend, but found only 2 monsters in the bed, then i went through the portal and was on the street, picked up 3 flowers - one yelow and 2 red or purple and wait some time for a suitable DC, i lost my patience, because all DC were or too young or too old and no men of my age at all. so i gave flowers to a woman - she was very afraid of me and became twice smaler. Then i started erase things.....i looked at the multistory house, took all my will, made a gesture with my hand like i erase it - and before me i found a car size of a bus. house was on its plase. and i tried to erase the house till i awoke.
      lucid , task of the month
    2. Feels like my soul fell down from the sky and into my body and now im awake....wth??

      by , 02-12-2013 at 08:07 PM
      This dream really made me question my own reality. i was getting ready to freak out but i was able to calm myself down. ...Okay so i was intending to only take a 2hr nap but then i fell dead asleep and i keep having these dreams of my childhood house. It was my favorite place where i grew up and then moved away but i keep having these dreams as if im still living there and its making me frustrated its like im not over it. & well...

      in this dream i kept trying to wake up because i need to get ready for work and every single time i tried to wake up ...i woke up to a different life...almost like another dimension of what i wished my life would be or the things i miss. the first time i tried to wake up i woke up in my old room and then went back to sleep and then i woke up again and again it was the same thing back into the old house near my family and then i realized that i was late for work and then i slept again and i was getting ready to wake up and i felt this feeling as im falling and thought okay this is good this means im gonna wake up in a second and same thing happened ..

      .i was getting ready to freak out and cry because i know that wasnt real and then i calmed myself down and just breathed and concentrated and then i felt the falling sensation and pop! i woke up ! and feel like im more alive better than ever but at the same time it felt weird because it made me wonder, is it possible that there are other life dimensions out there? are those real??

      dreams like that freak me out, it felt like i was in a different place and time a different age i was much younger its almost as if i wished i was younger again and then it happend but in my dream...when i woke up i felt happy to be alive in this life time and more appreative to have accomplished so much but there is still something im not over...Help! idk whats going on? im so confused :/
    3. first time tried to erase the object

      , 02-12-2013 at 01:30 PM
      It was in the room, i count fingers, remebered about Totm, but forgot that i should erase big object. looked around me, looking for something to erase. In the room there were a lot of furniture and i concentrated on the chair. It stood among other furniture and disapeared! I really didn't know how i made it, so i tried to repeat it with the bookcase but couldn't. i spent all the LD staring at the bookcase and trying to erase it
      lucid , task of the month
    4. Biphasic Sleep

      by , 02-08-2013 at 04:14 PM
      I´ve heard of hacking sleep, so i decided to star a Bypasic Sleep,
      my routine will be 4.5 hours from 1:30 am to 5:00am and a 90minute nap from 6:00pm to 7:30. Starting today!!
    5. Winged Cupid Painted Blind

      by , 02-06-2013 at 04:02 PM
      This was a fun Valentine Task of the Month-themed LD. I managed to pull off the basic TotM ("Find a flower and give it to the next DC you see") and gave a valiant effort at the Advanced ("Find Cupid, and bribe him to shoot your favorite celebrity or DV member.")

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #62: Winged Cupid Painted Blind

      I'm talking dreams with my friend AL as we walk behind a row of townhouse garages. I tell him, "You know, I had a dream a few nights ago that Wife and I went out on a double date with you and ML." I feel something strange when I say that, then realize that it's all a dream. "And I'm having a dream right now... gotta go, man!"

      I'm disoriented and can't remember what I'm supposed to be doing. I assume I'm supposed to be flying somewhere. Without waiting for AL's response, I turn my face toward the gray, cloudy sky. "Up, up and awaaaay!!" I wail. Absolutely nothing happens.

      Then I remember the Task of the Month. I look down at a nearby patch of grass and see a bunch of small, yellow, weedy-looking flowers. I pull a handful of them up and turn to AL, who is now sitting on the ground, piddling with the grass. "Here you go, dude!" I announce, stuffing the flowers into his hand. He just stares at them.

      This dream still has some gas in the tank but I have no plan. After a moment I remember the "Cupid" advanced TotM, where I'm supposed to summon either a DV member or celebrity. Even though I'm hoping this task will stay G-rated, I play it safe. I remember that Kate Beckinsale is on my "freebie list" ("A list of 5 celebrities who, should the opportunity arise, one is allowed to sleep with without it being considered as cheating by your significant other.") Also known as "list of absolutely futile spouse-approved celebrity crushes".

      "Okay," I say, "Kate Beckinsale will be..." I whirl around. "...right behind me!" I'm staring at nothing but a chain-link fence.

      I relax and do it right this time. I think about how she is already standing there and I'll just need to turn around in order to find her.

      I whirl around again and this time find myself staring at an invisible woman dressed in a business suit. She has no hands, feet, or head. I watch for a moment and see that the suit is vaguely moving. The suit's right arm reaches across its chest, as if its wearer was scratching her shoulder.

      "That's not right," I say, and walk up to her. I place my right hand where her face should be and am surprised to feel nothing at all! I pantomime the motion of molding clay and after a couple seconds of work, her face fills in from top to bottom like liquid being poured into a glass. This is really close to the final result:

      Her eyes narrow shrewdly, like she's wondering how exactly I plan to pull off this next part. (I'm wondering the same thing.) I need to add Cupid to this whole scene. I don't want to turn around and potentially go through the hassle of re-summoning my celebrity, but I'm not sure how else to get Cupid into the scene. I think about putting my hand behind me and having him land on it, but then I'm a bit grossed out by the idea of Cupid sitting in my hand naked.

      Kate Beckinsale cocks an eyebrow as I stand there struggling with this question. In a few more seconds, the dream solves the problem for me
      by ending.
    6. I Gotta Be a Christian Just to Give You a Damn Flower?

      by , 02-03-2013 at 05:59 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I got lucky with this early WILD; I'm on vacation, and when I sleep in a strange place, I wake up alot and I sometimes get vibrations at 5 or 6 in the morning and don't have to wait to sleep in late. I've been vacationing so now I don't remember all the dream, but I'll record all the bits I remember.

      Anyway, I woke up from an almost nightmare (nonlucid). It was really abstract, but still scary somehow. It ended with me looking at some musical notations, and feeling scary vibrations. I woke up, and tried to recreate the vibrations. They weren't properly kicking in. Felt kinda like trying to start a car with little or no gas. Finally after 3 or 4 attempts, I initiated them again and said to myself "Focus focus focus focus..." Finally the engine turned over and I quickly imagined a scene with a sunrise. I opened my dream eyes and I think it was still the hotel bedroom. And it was really dark. I struggled with the blankets a little and got up very slowly. I was able to rub my hands together and just will myself to see better, which helped a little (what usually helps the most is to ignore all this sight drama and begin focusing on a goal and eventually things clear up).

      I went into the hotel bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked like a creepy girl from one of those Japanese horror movies, like The Ring or something. It freaked me out a little, so to calm down I just acted the character. I growled and snarled at my reflection. I remember feeling my heart beat faster (don't know if it was my real heart or residue). I left the bathroom and don't remember what happened in those exact moments after.

      Next thing I remember I see a big glass window leading to a backyard that I don't recognize. Happy that I can see better, I go to the window and push through it I end up on the other side, and I see all these different flowering bushes. I think to myself "What the heck I'll try the basic task with the flower." I went to several bushes (I remember one with daisies and another with sweet william), but each time I got up close, the flower wilted and died before I could even pick one. The last bush I remember had big dark red blossoms on it. I picked one fast and it looked ok, not great, but passable. I turned around and saw that I was in a garden behind this little white house. An old indian man came out of the back door, and headed toward his sit-down lawn mower. Before he could start it, I said "Here ya go!" and handed him the rose. He said "I don't want it," and began mowing his backyard lawn. I kept following him and said "No you have to take it man, it's for the TOTM." Finally he took it, begrudgingly, and said, "It's all about you, isn't it? I bet you wouldn't even become a Christian." I lied and said, "No no, it's cool. I'll go to church with you I promise." And that's all I remember about that part.

      Later I remember going back inside, and ended up in the hotel bathroom again. My reflection looked just like me, and I remember playing around, making funny faces at myself, and thinking that this dream was really lasting a while. I couldn't think of anything else to do, so I just kept monkeying around in the bathroom
      until I woke up.
    7. Lucid February ToTM Attempt; Germany; OGFJx3; Vaulting; 260z Maniac

      by , 02-03-2013 at 10:51 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Lucid February ToTM Attempt

      I was driving a boss in my truck down the highway. The windshield fogged up, so I rolled down the window a little. I started having trouble staying in my lane, but I got it together. I felt as though I was drunk or tired.

      Then I got off on the wrong exit. I started trying to work my way back onto the highway. I got over one lane and started going back onto the highway, but then the road took me a different way. I was afraid it was the wrong way on a one-way street. I kept going until the road ended when I realized I was dreaming.

      I then drove off the road, phasing through a chain link fence. Then I wasn't in the car anymore. I was afraid I was going to wake up, so I closed my dream eyes and started floating in blackness. I settled back into a deeper sleep, but then I was afraid I would lose lucidity, so I started saying, "Task of the month. Task of the month."

      After two repetitions of that, I was ready to begin. What was the task of the month? Look for a dream flower and give it to a DC. Great! I started flying around looking at a WINTER landscape. Mostly everything was brown, but I did find very small flowers.

      First, I found small blue flowers that I'd seen in another dream. I thought this was unoriginal--almost cheating, or simply boring and not really trying or something, so I continued to look for other flowers. I found some more flowers of red and white like Candy Tuft. I picked some white ones. I still wasn't happy though because I thought that I should give a more substantial flower. A tulip or a day lily or something like that.

      Then I woke up.

      As I tried to go back to sleep, I heard my phone alarm which I just set yesterday to give me subliminal messages. "Reality check. Reality check." Louder and softer. The phone was on WAY too loud, but it was in another room, so again, I don't know if the alarm infiltrated my dream, or if my new friend SSILD worked.

      I've spent more time on SSILD than I have any other technique, and I've gone lucid 2 days in a row. I simply don't know which stimulus is kicking me lucid. Oh well. That's the right problem to have.

      I was just inside the border of Germany, looking up a hill at a little city or amusement park inside its own walls. buildings were all gold, or looked like gold. There was a place next to it that was also inside a wall. For some reason, I wasn't able to go any farther than just inside the border of Germany.

      It was as though my car had broken down or something, and I was on a time limit. I forgot exactly what the problem was, but I had a false memory that this had already happened once, and it seemed like such a terrible waste that I would be there twice and not be able to see the country.


      I was outside looking at a park bench and there were two girls who looked similar to J. I likened that to torture. Then I realized I was with a girl who looked like J. Not exactly, but close enough. I was pretty happy.

      All of her teeth were rotting, so I took out a hack saw and started sawing the bad part of her teeth off. Once I thought I went down too far and would hit the nerve, but I didn't. I think that was the point of the dream right there...now that I think about it.


      I was holding a horse for someone. It was a female horse. She was acting up and I called her name hoping she would settle down, but she was acting wild around some other horses. Then came the good part. I was now standing on the horses rump with the reins held firmly, but not pulling on the horses teeth.

      The horse bucked, but I stayed on the horse. I felt like a master vaulter. Then the horse bucked again and I stayed on, but I was now about to slide off which I eventually did, but not until people had noticed how awesome I was.

      260z Maniac

      I don't know how these dream frags stitch together properly, but I was unlacing a shoe because a missed one of the holes on the right side.

      Then I was watching a Charles Bronson movie. A guy asked him if he wanted to be an Ace. They kind of brought up the idea of going to war to Charles, and he was game. It seemed pretty reasonable.

      Then I was outside. I think I was coming out of a public bathroom...with some other people. Walking out, they stayed in a shadow. I walked out farther and into the light. I had a false memory of a 280z that really looked more like a 260z--trying to hit me. Then the white 260z did come after me.

      I tried running away, but as it came at me, I ran up on the hood, went to a knee on the hood, maybe, but eventually the car was gone and I was safely on my feet again.

      It turned out Evil Knievil was driving he car. Now he was in a bathroom hanging over the door. I jumped up to knuckle the back of his hands a couple times and then walked away.

      I went back to "our" car with a couple other people. One person was upset about something. I noticed a medium sized turtle standing on its back legs and told the person to look at it as it was pretty cool, and maybe she would feel better.

      The End

      Updated 02-03-2013 at 04:33 PM by 41873

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes , task of the month
    8. Let's just say it. January's dreams.

      by , 01-29-2013 at 09:55 PM (Exterminate)
      -Top dream cut and re-posted, just remembered details on it the day after- Look 2 posts past this for the LD

      1/05/13- All I remember is going through our old paper routes, unplugging everything we could see at people's houses, and taking down things for winter.

      1/08/13: Chairs from my tulpaforcing session last night, a player on a minecraft server telling me my town was griefed, and a haunted mansion-ish dream about monsters and that lantern thingy.
      Allow me to further explain my Minecraft dream, as that is the only one I actually remember. I logged on, or rather into, my main minecraft server. I have a town called Szabo, and found it to be griefed. Now this town looked nothing like it's IRL counterpart, but I noticed a huge chunk of water drained. I fixed it, and one of my friends on the server was watching me do it. She wanted me to see something, and so I followed her. She ended up bringing me to this cove on one of the walls of the town, and there was a blue-eyed spider there. She got killed, her items dropped, and I picked them up. She decided not to warp back to collect her stuff.

      1/09/13- Playing a mario game on my oldest brother's GBC;
      Doctor Who(Tom Baker) in a dream that I can barely remember..;
      Short continuation of previous dream, ended up running from a very pissed off carbon copy of someone.

      Only one of these I recall is the mario game. I was digging through Jeff (My oldest brother)'s stuff, and found this mario game. I started playing it on his Gameboy Color. Jeff was over my shoulder watching me play, and told me there are 32 levels in all. I play 2-3 and see this huge [?] block. I jump up, and this Prince hat pops out. I collect it and grow giant. I walk around and get killed by a normal sized goomba. I respawn, hit the block again, grow again, and am told to hit another normal sized [?] block. I keep hitting it, and it doesn't stop giving me coins. Apparently in this large size, I can get infinite coins from a block.

      1/10/13: Grocery store combo lock-
      This dream was longer than I can remember. We go in, and are stuck in this elevator like room. There is what seems to be a voice activated padlock. We must answer 5 questions correctly to pass. We just end up using google to get the answers. I only wrote one of the answers done before, so the only one I know is: "A man in outer space is at what temperature?" Answer: 41 degrees.
      Once we got in, we talked with the person behind the counter about it, and she said most people just give up, but it is a fun challenge. I think the ending passcode to get in was like poodle or something like that.

      1/10/13: My dad goes insane- (Copying from IRC, as that is more close to what happened than my memories.
      My dad decided it would be fun to try and kill me and him
      Luckily for me, we never hit anything
      After a few close calls, he seemingly gave up, and stopped at a stop sign
      He then went in circles in the crossroads
      Stoping all traffic from passing
      I jumped out of the car
      Others got out of their cars
      and made sure my dad wouldn't leave
      I told them what my father had done
      And then I stayed until officials came
      the officials tied my dad up, and I hoped to never see him come back home
      I wasn't wearing any shoes, and it was cold outside
      I went to a bus stop, because I was halfway across town
      And I live in a pretty big city
      A bus came fairly quickly
      I asked him if he could take me to my house, and he said it is too far for his route
      He told me I'd have to take multiple buses
      I asked how much it cost, and he said it was free
      There was only one other person in the bus
      I told the bus driver what had happened to me, and the dream ended

      1/12/13: Mckenna is dead- I do not remember much of this dream, I just remember it fooling me when I woke up. I know two Mckenna's, and in the dream they were both dead. I recall talking to one's dad and saying that his loss must be devastating.

      1/16/13: Mega Skype update- I woke up to a brand new version of skype. It was slicker, with a black and green design. Something seemed different about it though, it had more than just contacts. Upon further inspection, it had every picuture, movie, memory, show, song, dream, you name it all packed into it. I got so excited I watched a show to test, got 2-3 minutes in and tested a movie. It was so exhilarating to see all these memories right in front of me.

      11/16/13: Meeting my Sister-in-law :/ -I do not remember much here, I just see this run down mobile home where my brother Jeff and his wife live in the dream. We have to cross a highway to get to it, and inside is not much. It is kinda trashy, and I count 9 kids she has(She has 5 irl). She didn't really like us, and we didn't really like her.

      11/16/13: Jeff leads me to a haunted house- Again, do not remember too much, but I spent the night walking around this town I do not know with Jeff, and he ends up bringing me to this house. The door is open, and it has an eerie feel to it. I walk in the door and see plenty of people around, mostly teens, laughing and having a good time. I take one step forward, have a screamer come from the roof, and I leave.

      11/16/13: Remote viewing- I was in my old house, upstairs. I find that I am not really there, but continue anyway. I end up peeking into Jeff's old room and things do not seem the same. I concluded I was Remote Viewing, but it much be more like dreaming. I was on the verge of lucidity, but woke up from this experience instead.

      1/18/13: Not much to add to these posts from this topic-
      1. My brother was trying to get away from his wife, so he got in a relationship with mom o.O
      2. Some fragment about an old cannibal woman
      3. Saw some other form of 3D, not near as good as Real-D 3D
      4. Saw Harry Potter 1 in theaters, tons of stuff added.

      1/19/13: THC channel-(Writing directly from my DJ)
      A commercial plays saying "THC: Thai Networking- You piss us off, we show you bad programming.
      Huge minecraft world, with tons of machinery going on. It is a superflat world, with at least 3-4 huge robots doing different tasks. I saw shirts dragging one way along a huge metal bar, car seats on another, it was just too much to take in. I flew around just marveling at all of the stuff going on. I noticed a pattern happening, and decided to study it. The dream kind of shifts to another idea, like another show going on. There are 3 superheroes of sorts, all with their special abilities. One very smart one that could create chestnuts for emergency food, one that appeared to be a leader who could make fortune cookies out of nowhere, and the other could fly, but other than that, remained secretive. There was a longer plotline, but the show ended with the one flying, taking information from the smarter one. There were two people flying behind the one. One of the people behind was this technical genius, he had created some way to fly, and was after the good guys. The good guy ended up flying into the air, then headed straight for a huge banner that behind it were big dumpsters. He led the two in pursuit right through the banner and they ended up unconscious in the dumpsters.

      1/21/13: Late to a meeting with Superman- I was attempting to fly through a woodsy area, but never went very quick. I eventually spotted Kris (My older brother), and he says he is looking for Superman. He has to meet him at a specific time to hear a top secret message. We find the place, but are a minute too late. Superman has left, and others are closing in. They wish to kill us for whatever reason, but we try to escape. This dream had an involved plot-line that I can't really remember.

      1/22/13: Snow apocolypse- It snowed for so long that the snow ended up being about 3-4 feet high. Kris and I started shoveling it, but it just snowed more. The snow ended up being 11-14 feet high, snowing everyone in. I just make a short entrance into this huge mansion, and lodge there. There was one other short part about the dream where I was under layers of snow, in a make-shift igloo of sorts, and people needed what I had. My mom asked for nunchaku, and I had two types. I had fake plastic ones, and real metal ones. I gave her the fake crappy ones.

      1/23/13- I made a home made bass drum but it went over badly in the fair. I decide to go browsing around the neighborhood. I walk into about 3 homes in all. I recall one more vividly than the others, as I walked through the cracked open front door, and hear a man talking on the phone upstairs. He is talking to someone about his exquisite trees and gardens that he owns. I walk through the main floor and just marvel at how beautiful the place is. In the back I see extremely tall trees and tons of flowers and gardens. It turns out this man's specialty was broccoli, and it was everywhere: In the gardens, growing from the trees, in the architecture, lining the archways, everywhere. I was just in awe of how awesome it looked. The man comes up behind me and says how proud of it all he is, and then I make a break for it as I do not want him to find out I sneaked into his house. I had a friend with me most of the time, that fatter kid from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. He ended up getting caught by the police at one point.

      1/27/13- Just random combinations of the MineZ minecraft server and my being sick, probably about 3 different dreams in there. I couldn't get any sleep this night. The zombies would kill me, the bandits would make me even more sick, and the healers would alleviate my sickness a bit.

      1/28/13: The dream machine- I am given this machine that shows all dreams from the previous night. It saves them into its database, and then in the morning you can post the dreams to facebook, or just view them for your pleasure. They were in a format that you can simply save them on a flash drive or whatever. The machine was revolutionary. I tried it for a night, and found awesome dreams on it. I tried it the next day and found the whole thing was a fraud. It did not really save dreams, it simply played a pre-determined recording of some dream programmed into it. It was not real, it was just created.

      1/29/13: Lucid dream(Completed a TOTM goal!)- I was exiting a building that I almost got killed in when suddenly I asked if I was dreaming. I decided quickly that must be correct and that made me so happy. I leaped into the air and found myself in someone's car. I recognize the driver as someone I know IRL. I kiss him on his head and say I am thankful for being lucid. This is an angry looking driver with short white hair, a short white beard, and quite the attitude. I look in the back and see two dogs--The dogs I have IRL. I start petting the dogs and the man says angrily that I have their names wrong. I say that I own them IWL and that's their real names. He says he had found them and they were his. He was on his way to get rid of them. The traffic stops and he says that I'll never get away from him. I tell him I was planning on the traffic jam.

      I then got out of the car and started flying. Or rather, I tried flying. I could not go very fast, and it was hard to keep the momentum of the flight path. I flew above the power lines, making sure not to touch any otherwise I might have gotten electrocuted. I somehow made it to my house. As I am landing I accidentally touch a power line. I do not get shocked so I keep going. I remember that I should do some lucid tasks, so I expect to see Jeff hanging out from one of the windows. He wasn't there like he should have been, so I started looking around and saw Kris on the back porch. I tell him that I'm thinking of a number between 1-100. My number is 88. He is muttering some difficult equations trying to pinpoint the answer. He concludes it is between 50-60. After a while I ask him if he has an answer. He gives up, and I tell him the answer was 8. I have no idea why I said 8 instead of 88, but I didn't question my answer at the time. I told my mom that I was going to China to vandalize the Great wall of China. She says in the least caring way possible "Alright."

      I walk over to the bathroom, expecting to see a portal leading to the great wall of china. Sadly, when I walked inside I just saw my bathroom. I started to try to dream spin but when I stopped spinning I was still in the bathroom. I decided to fall backwards, into China. When I got back up, I was still in my bathroom. I then gave up on this task. I returned to the back porch where Kris was and I saw a huge snow-covered mountain. This mountain exists IRL, just not that large and close to our house. I started flying to it, but again, I had difficulties. I was unable to fly very fast which made me irritated. I decided to land and find myself a motorcycle since it would be much faster than trying to fly. I actually did see a motorcycle where I landed, but I had a feeling that the speed of this motorcycle would fail me too. I hopped on and took off toward the mountain at a high speed. I go over a bump and take off into the sky. I make my way at a good speed up the mountain and get to the top in no time. I lose the motorcycle and find myself at a snow-covered cathedral shaped house. It isn't a very large house, but due to the shape of the roof I am able to climb on top of it. I wanted to view my surroundings from this vantage point. I was expecting to see a giant frozen lake up here but instead I see a somewhat smaller and unfrozen lake. I got into the water and noted that it was freezing cold. I was about knee-deep at this point, so before I went deeper I imagined it was warmer. The temperature did indeed warm up enough to be comfortable. I notice two girls are now with me. I see a little embankment as water goes from where I am into a much larger area of the lake, dropping a few inches. I follow it down, but the water here is much deeper. It goes all the way to my neck, and I notice at this point that I myself am a girl. Before I could figure out when I changed, I bobbed under the water, and accidentally breathed in some water. As I got back above the water line, I coughed out some water then the dream faded out.

      Updated 08-06-2018 at 10:33 PM by 57282

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , task of the month
    9. ask the number

      , 01-25-2013 at 11:39 AM
      I met my sister in the forest, it can't be, so i made RC and flew from that place. I flew with problems, a bit crash in buildings and then i landed i lost awareness. After that i went somewhere with a groop of people, remembered again that its a dream, and ask girl near me that i thought about the number from 1 to 100. What was it? My number was 22 - its the number of my school. The girl was thinking 5 -7 seconds and said - 22))i tried to remember other tasks but couldn't. a bit later complittely lost awareness.
      lucid , task of the month
    10. The Bike Ride, Rainbow Demon, Horrible Contractors

      by , 01-18-2013 at 01:28 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Pre-bed 5HTP 100MG
      Bedtime 10:00PM
      Trouble sleeping - 5MG Melatonin
      WBTB 2:30AM
      4MG Galantamine, 250MG Choline, 300MG GPC, 1.25MG Melatonin
      3:00AM Took additional 5MG Melatonin, 300 GPC
      Finally asleep around 4:00AM

      119 The Bike Ride DILD

      I am walking down a street downtown behind some people. I see a woman in a blue dress walking quickly past me. She is on her cell phone and looks like a business woman. I think, "Gee working at the office on the weekend?" Then I remember its Friday morning and become lucid.

      I walk fast around the people in front of me for some reason. I look around at the scene. The details are blurry. I think about the basic TOTM and want to ask them to guess my number. I slowly turn around and wonder if the scene would change on its own but when I do the dream destabilizes.

      I keep from waking up by visualizing a motion. I quickly decide cycling. In a few seconds I am back in the dream on my bike. I can feel the breeze and smell the fresh air of outside. I never have smells in dreams and am surprised at this. I don't see any DCs now. The bike ride feels really good. I can feel my leg muscles stretching and working. I think how its been too long since it got cold. "Oh yeah, It's still a dream." I come into some traffic. I feel exhilarated and triumphant. I run into the traffic to let the cars try to hit me. I see a white SUV come my way and then swerve. I yell, "What's up bitches?" The dream fades.

      Again I DEILD by visualizing peddling. I find that I am just lying in my bed peddling in the air. I think I am probably still dreaming but I wonder if I will wake my wife. Then I hear some very original music. It sort of sounds like a pop song but the words are garbled. I am intrigued by it. The music is very moving and extremely enjoyable. I feel joy and exhilaration. I begin to sing to it. I realize my words are garbled and change to humming. I wonder if my wife can hear it in real life. ( I cannot even begin to remember the song now... sad)

      I feel SP now and I get out of bed with very little trouble. The room is dark and I walk to the bedroom door. I pause and try to think of ancient Rome. I know its Greek but the first image I get is the Parthenon.

      I think that maybe it's close enough for a gladiator fight to get TOTY. I expect to see it when I open the door but its just my house. I walk to the dining room and bump into the table. It's totally dark in here but somehow I made the light in the bed room come on by thinking how I need to see. I can see the light coming from behind me but it's not enough to see in the room.

      I can't see my cat but I hear it hiss at me. I reach for it and feel fur and then pain. I squeeze it and move my hand. I feel a giant lump of fur attached to my hand for just a few seconds then it vanishes. I become scared and whimper a bit. I quickly compose myself and yell at the cat. "STOP IT, STUPID! ... I am going outside."

      I walk to the front door. I try to picture a new scene but come up blank. I wake up.

      I have some wakefulness still so I move the to living room recliner.

      I have several DILDs but wake almost instantly. Some I forgot.

      120 Rainbow Demon WILD

      I am in my recliner I have SP. I hear my wife walk into the living room. She says something sexy and then climbs on top of me and straddles me. She pins my hands above my head by the wrists. When I look at her she turns into the rainbow fractal demon. I freak out and push it away. This time I notice there aren't really any fractals incorporated. It's just humanoid shaped and dark. The rainbow colors remind me of how a soap bubble shows color in the sunlight. It's just on the surface and enough to give it definition and detail.

      We are now just sort of floating in the void together. I think, "Hey its a DC I'll do basic." I see it sort of far away and ignoring me. It is turned to its left and appears to be playing Opossum. I know this and go ahead and ask, "Guess a number between 1 and 100."
      It replies with my wifes voice, "Um 69." (Whore)
      I almost laugh at this. "Nah, it was 50."
      I wake up

      Try to DEILD but have DILD.

      121 Horrible Contractors DILD/DEILD

      I hear a noise like a large diesel engine outside and get out of my recliner. I open the door and stand in the doorway. I see some Mexican men working in my yard. They are doing construction. I wonder why they would wake me at 5 in the morning with there construction work. One is pushing a wheelbarrow and the other is on my porch with some strange looking red thing with wheels. It almost looks like a barbecue pit with wheelbarrow handles.

      I am pissed but I realize I am staring at them with a hammer in my hand and wearing only boxer briefs. I don't look at it but I vividly feel there is a hammer in my right hand. Embarrassed, I walk back inside. Then, I think, "Wait. I might be intimidating right now.Maybe I can chase them off." I go back outside and see two cars are somehow parked on my porch. I don't see the men so I walk into the yard. "They better not be working on MY house." I look and see some roofing material on my roof. "Well I guess if they want to. I need a roof." I walk around to find the men and say, "Oh yeah. This is a dream." Everything fades to black.

      I DEILD perfectly and get up out of the recliner. I am much closer to the door now so I easily step outside. Again I am shocked to smell the air. It's like rain. I wonder if am just sleep walking. I realize my eyes are closed. I cautiously open them. I see some distortion then it clears up. I am on the front poach. Again I feel like I am in my underwear. I really hope this is a dream because this might get embarrassing. I step off the porch but notice I am hovering. I laugh. I slowly float to the ground. Then, I jump up high. Then, I float back down. I feel bored now but I remember the advanced TOTM. Fireworks. Its hard to explain but I sort of clap/rub my hands like I am starting a fire with flint and steel. I see a bottle rocket shoot forward and make a little pop and some yellow color. I do it several times again. Then, I decide that I really want a big show. I look up and do one big clap. I see a giant red explosion. Then a green. All typical fire works. Then I get a nice surprise. The color of the next few explosions turn into rainbow streaks. But the odd thing about it was that is looked really 8-bit and in straight lines.

      Similar to this. I think of it as 8-bit because the lines looked dotted.

      I laugh and dance around in the glow of the fireworks. I feel like a child. I begin to sing some children's song (I can't for the life of me remember what it was). I realize my voice sounds like it did when I was a young boy. I wake up.

      Updated 01-18-2013 at 11:04 PM by 5967 (Updated picture. Added details. Typos.)

      lucid , task of the month , task of the year
    11. Number Games and Ninja

      by , 01-12-2013 at 05:49 AM
      Had a nice sense of freedom in this one, which left me feeling liberated enough to do Basic Task of the Month. This one was light and fun the entire way through, and even my flight malfunctions didn't get me too upset.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #55: Number Games and Ninja

      Wife and I are seated on the floor with a dozen or so small children. The kids are probably 5 or 6 years old, but for some reason we're all taking a Japanese class together. We're working on a craft project while some unseen teacher barks simple instructions which Wife and all of the little kids easily follow. Not me, though. I'm fumbling around trying to glue something onto a paper plate and looking like quite the idiot.

      The kids titter at my ineptitude. Wife shoots me a look of disbelief. The unseen teacher bellows more instructions and again I'm the only one who's not getting it. It's all really embarrassing and I think, "Well, I'd better hope this is all a dream. Because otherwise, this is humiliating." I use the nose pinch RC
      and become lucid.

      Wife seems to have vanished, so I walk out of the room while the class continues to work. I seem to be in some kind of apartment, and I turn down a short hallway into a semi-dark, rather sparse bedroom. My friend "Leroy" is wandering around in here and I say, "Hey, [Leroy]! It's another lucid dream!" He ignores me, though, and seems to be looking for something.

      A large window overlooks a nighttime city scene. It looks like we're about 10 stories up. I phase through the glass and step out onto a ledge, preparing to fly. I leap away from the building, ready to take to the sky... and give a little yelp as I plummet to the street below. I land pretty softly, narrowly missing a parked car. I relax my mind for a moment and then take to the air again.

      I'm flying over a huge, grassy field that I think is supposed to be this city's equivalent of Central Park. The grass is short and extremely well-manicured. Golf course grass. Even though it's night, the park itself is strangely well-lit, and a few DCs are wandering through it. I see a couple of fancy archways and a miniature replica of the Arc de Triomphe.

      Most interestingly of all, I see a ninja crouched behind a boulder, hiding in the shadows. Perhaps another forty feet away, there's an Imperial Stormtrooper and a man dressed like a World War I-era pilot searching carefully around the park, presumably looking for the ninja.

      I remember the Task of the Month -- have a DC guess a number between 1 and 100. I swoop down to where the ninja is hiding and say, "Hey! I'm thinking of a number from 1 to 100. Guess what it is." The ninja seems horrified to see me. He presses his palms to the sides of his head, in disbelief that I would so bumblingly blow his cover. He points excitedly behind me at the Stormtrooper and the pilot. Guess they really are looking for him. "Oh, I see!" I tell him. "Sorry about that. Let me ask them instead."

      I'm worried that the Stormtrooper will sound too garbled, so I address the World War I-era pilot. "Hey! I'm thinking of a number from 1 to 100. What is it?"

      He thinks for a moment. "22?"

      It occurs to me that I didn't actually think of a number from 1 to 100. I feel like a bit of a dummy. Okay, 38. 38 38 38. "Hey, man, sorry about that. I forgot to think of a number before I asked. Will you guess again?"

      He pauses. Then a slightly sheepish guess of "Uh... 23?"

      "No, but that's okay. Thanks!" The pilot and the Stormtrooper move toward the boulder, but I see that the ninja is long gone. The Stormtrooper growls something angry and garbled and I think how glad I am that I didn't try to play the guessing game with him.

      I wander the park a bit more. The sun has apparently started to rise because it looks like early morning now. The number of DCs has picked up. I know that there's something I should be doing in New York, but I can't remember the task.
      (Task I was trying to think of: Transform into King Kong, climb the Empire State Building, and battle the military.) I think it's Task of the Year, but I incorrectly believe that there's something I should be doing in Central Park. I turn a corner past a food vendor, and rub my hands together. It doesn't feel as real as I'd expect. Things feel like they're slipping and I wake up.

      Updated 04-25-2013 at 03:48 PM by 57387

      lucid , task of the month
    12. 2 WILDS, a DILD and a Couple Tasks

      by , 01-10-2013 at 11:50 AM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Had quite a morning. I had to close at work so I slept from 1:30am to 5:30am when Danny got up for work. I couldn't get to sleep because my fan wasn't working (I need the white noise). After I got Chris to school at 7:15am, it took maybe 45min before I finally got back to sleep.

      I woke up a little bit later because I swore I heard my daughter Nicole come home from school. I thought that she must have gotten sick and got a ride home. I heard her talking on the phone, and some doors open and close. Something didn't feel right though. I rolled over to listen more carefully in case I was imagining things, when I felt some super strong vibrations. I knew then that what I'd heard was auditory HH (I used to get those a long time ago). So I went with the vibes and slipped into an LD. I struggled with the blankets as I tried to get out of my bedroom. I wondered if I would see the DC version of Nicole, so I could ask her to guess a number from 1 - 100. I saw a really reduced version of her in the hall, coming at me fast! I pushed her away and went to the livingroom. I tried to call out to her to ask her the question, but my voice was paralyzed, shit. i tried again, but my vision faded and then woke up.

      When I woke up, I thought I could still here doors and stuff, weird. I felt vibrations again, so I thought COOL a second chance. This time I didn't even have to open my dream eyes. As soon as the vibrations washed over me, I could see my room through my eyelids, and the TV remote control was hovering above my nightstand. That was a new one for me haha. I got up more quickly and marched straight out the door. I saw a normal version of Nicole this time, but her glasses were different. I was about to speak, when I noticed my voice and eyesight failing again. I thought quickly, and turned to a lamp in our living room. As I went for the lamp, I said a mantra in my head: "Once you turn on this light, you WILL be able to see and you WILL be able to speak." I turned it on, and I could see. I picked it up (don't know why I did this), and pointed the light in Nicole's face, almost like one would shine a light on someone to interrogate them. I said easily, "I'm thinking of a number between 1 - 100, what is it?" I had preselected the number 42 in waking life, because I knew I would remember it in the dream. Nicole giggled and answered, "That's sorty new!" I laughed at her and the fact that her answer rhymed with 42.

      She went to her room and I went outside. I was thinking about trying the firework task while I was still dreaming. When I went out the door, I was standing on a foothill, over looking a trail that cut through a small forest. The trail ended at a body of water that was either the sea or a really large lake. There were wooden newel posts at the start of the trail. I picked up some dirt and leaves on the ground and placed them on the flat top of one of the posts. I willed a lighter to appear, and a little black cigarette lighter sat just to the right of my little pile. I imagined that when I lit it, it would shoot into the air and become fireworks. I lit it but nothing happened. No worries, I really just wanted to go down that trail hehe. It was dark but I wasn't scared. I noticed that the moon was just beginning to rise just to the east of the sea. It seemed to break through some kind of ice, or crystals. As it rose, I thought of that song "Walking Man's Road" from The Last Unicorn. So I started down the trail, singing the song as an invisible band accompanied me. As I walked and sang, little forest animals began walking along side me. When I got to my favorite line, a small black bear bit my hand. I removed my hand from his mouth easily, but I was mad that he interrupted my favorite part. I sang a couple more lines
      then woke up.

      I fell back to sleep after feeling more vibrations. The vibrations didn't lead to anything, and I began having a non lucid. I was at dinner party that looked like a wedding reception. It was outside, under one of those big white tents, with little white lights strung everywhere. I was sitting with 6 or 7 other guests at one of the round tables with white tablecloth, white napkins and white china and candles and a floral centerpiece. I was staring at a picture of a young man that the man next to me was showing me. He was telling me about him, when it suddenly dawned on me that I had JUST woken from a dream not moments ago. I thought how lucky I was to be having another lucid! Still the the fireworks task on my mind, I started taking random things from the table and stacking them together: a namecard holder, a fork, a napkin, and I can't remember what else. I looked up and noticed that there was a hole in the center of the tent that revealed stars and the night sky. I yelled at a passing waiter to bring me a lighter, but then I remembered that there were candles on the table. I lit my pile of stuff and waited. I said to the guests, "Hold on to your seats, this is gonna shoot up into the air!" It took a few moments, and I began to doubt. Then the pile shot up through the hole in the tent, and burst into tiny, cute little fireworks with several tiny "pop!" sounds. They sparkled and vanished for a few moments, right at the tent's opening. Of course I was hoping for a huge firework show, but I thought it was kinda cute that I managed to set one off that was more intimate, and appropriate for a reception setting. Then I went nonlucid or woke up, I can't remember.
    13. 4th lucid

      by , 01-08-2013 at 08:52 AM
      Last night i finaly managed to get my 4th lucid dream after long break!

      I used to do reality checks everyday and got no results, but this night somehow i was thinking that something is wrong about my surroundings... So i just thought "Wait a minute!" and yes i just got lucidity, i got exited as usually

      So what i decided to do first was to reality check. I knew i was dreaming so why would i do RC?!

      Cause i never did RC in a dream so i never knew how i would look like

      So i tryed to push my thinger through my palm... And i was always thinking it would go through just like in to the hole or something. But in my surprise it was streching my hand like it was a gum, like sticky thing and is very flexible

      So ye, was kinda nice doing RC in dream (FINALY IN DREAM NOT RL )

      But after spending some time doing RC in dream, i got scared thought about some scary things, like someone was catching me and i was running...

      I knew that nothing wrong can happen to me, since i had previous expieriance with scary lucid, so i could simple close my ice in dream and scream to wake up, but i didn't, i wanted to spend some more time in dream, but ye, i woke up.

      But i am still glad that i had my 4th lucid dream.

      I don't know if any of you have that strange feeling, like i am in dream and i am lucid, and i scream or yell something loudly and i think that my girlfriend can here me in RL, like i was talking while i am asleep, but this time i knew i was sleeping and i was contacting my girlfirend
    14. Day one

      by , 01-06-2013 at 09:31 PM
      Now that I am 20 I think it's time to try lucid dreaming again, last time I tried I must've been 16 years old..
      I only successfully accomplished a LD once, If I remember correctly I wasn't really trying to do it, it just came about itself.
      I was in what seemed like an Indian bazaar I think I may have been able to fly, or at least levitate a small amount. Suddenly I realized that I was in a dream and as I walked towards the bathroom my lucidity started slipping away from me. At this time I didn't know of any techniques to help me regain control of my dream..

      Even though that was several years ago I still remember vividly!

      Tonight is going to be the first time I attempt to have another lucid dream in several years. I know I've done it at least once in the past so I'm sure I can do it again especially since I will be consciously trying this time.

      I have been reminding myself that I am not dreaming throughout the day, testing myself by looking at clocks, looking at my hands and my arms, and making sure that I can't push the tips of my fingers through the palm of my hand.

      I have always found it easy to reenter a dream after suddenly waking up And usually I can continue where I left off.

      Keeping my fingers crossed for tonight as it is already 12:30 in the morning!
    15. Just the Way You Are

      by , 01-04-2013 at 09:26 PM
      The time is late in the afternoon, walking under the cold rain. My parents are walking with me. We're walking towards a toy store in front of the parking lot as I struggle making my way through the parking lot. I feel some sort of weakness. I don't know why but my feet are half paralyzed, so it's going to take a really long time to walk to the toy store.

      My parents are already there. "Keep walking!", I said to them. I made my way under a parking lot light pole and stood here for a while. I'm taking a rest here. It's such a really good feeling I have here right now. No one is bothering me which makes it even better!

      It seems pretty calm. I see a few cars pass me by and there's a school I see in front of me. There's someone in the crowd. She looks a lot like Trinh. She's wearing a red/white jacket and blue pants. I'm positive it's her! I'm going to walk up to her and get a better look.

      It is her! It's Trinh! It's really Trinh! She looks exactly the same way she does in the waking world! I haven't had this great feeling ever since I first saw Quynh in a dream! I can't believe this non lucid helped me find out the way Trinh really looks!

      I walked up to her and hugged her and gave her all the love she can get(not too far). I see her face and automatically believe this is all a dream. I will never have her in the waking world, friend or girlfriend, so I know her just standing her is all just a dream.

      I'm kissing the this girl and as she kisses me back, she makes those funny lip kissing sounds. Her lips feel nice as well. Nothing about her feels strange at this moment. And even though she wasn't the first girl I fell in love with, she is still more admirable than the first, and not so much like a bitch.
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