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    1. Using all my senses to stabilize

      by , 08-17-2015 at 06:55 PM
      I spontaneously become lucid within the dream state while walking around in a apartment complex at night. I remember some advice I got from the dream use Form about using all five of the senses to stabilize the dream so I began to focus intently on all of my senses. as I begin to circulate through all of my senses I noticed that everything became much clearer and extremely vivid. Still at this point the dream felt unstable as if I would wake up at any moment so I took out a pair of keys and following the advice decided to focus all of my senses on this one particular object.

      I realize that I am dreaming while I'm at a daycare center after watching a group of kids. I tell the crowd of parents that I am going to fly out this window and they should watch me do so. As I told them that they all begin to smile at the same time and fly out the window first, then I followed. I am flying out the window now and the day is very clear bright and sunny. I am enjoying myself then I end up at a very nice park. I walk up to a group of three girls and tell them that they should watch me and my girlfriend fly together in the sky. the reason I do this is because I am taking the advice of a dream reviews forum member saying that if you proclaim what you want to do to a dream character then it will be easier to do so. So I tell them what I'm going to do then I look around expecting my girlfriend to be at the location. To my disappointment she is nowhere to be found in nowhere to be seen. One of the girls in the group invite me to have sex with them, Then I wake up.
    2. Three dreams in one night

      by , 08-17-2015 at 06:20 PM
      Okay so this happened awhile ago actually, and basically this is just a copied and pasted version of what I wrote on the site where I posted it on, so here you go!

      Well last night when I went to bed, around like 11:30 PM I think since I wasn't feeling good and stuff, I had three dreams in one night, like I woke up after each dream, but anyway. The first dream I had, I was in my bedroom, and I believe there were blinds on the window, not quite sure, but I saw a figure near the corner of my window, but it came into full view and it was Slenderman, and he just stood there, but then waved. [So out of character right? xD. anyway] I decided to go outside, but it was as if I was in some other place, not outside my house, and that's where my dream ends, well.. if it didn't and I just can't remember sorry D:

      The next dream was nearly the same, like he was standing outside my window again and such and the scene changed. And me and him were in a house and he was killing a random family, and as if I couldn't control myself I killed them to, like sliced them up with a kitchen knife I had in my hand. And then we left, that's where THAT dream ended.

      The third dream was I was in a forest, on one of those motorbike or like big rv thingys?.. that you usually hear people fallin off of. So I was driving and he jumped on the back. well.. appeared. I drove through the forest and dodged wolfs that were headed at us and that's all that happened.

      I woke up in early morning around 3 and was to scared to look out my window because it felt so real in a way you know? I went to my dad and laid in the chair, curled up in my blanket till like 7 Am. But I did fall asleep till 7, but the next dream wasn't about Slendy.

      I'm not sure whether to believe he is real or not, because people claim he is, and others don't.
    3. Dream #007 - 14-Aug-2015 - Non-Lucid

      by , 08-17-2015 at 06:19 PM
      14-Aug-2015 Time:1:15am.

      There is a shirt we were talking around it (few people surround the shirt).
      Then my cousin brother R comes and fear that the shirt packet is having a patch like heart in the pocket. I don't know what to do, I am angry and quarrel with him. I ask him why he tear the shirt as I was using it. He dodges and a fight of pushing by me ensued.
      [ i wake up ]
    4. Robots, Corn Dogs, Babies, Dryer/Shower

      by , 08-17-2015 at 05:48 PM
      First Half of Night

      -Turning on the shower, about to step in when I notice it's really small. I get a bigger view and realize I'm in what looks like a small laundromat with no windows, but it's all steamy and has a bathroom vibe. Everything is nice and clean and brightly lit; the tile is a light rose pink color while the walls and ceiling are a bit darker and less pink, more grey/beige. Anyway, I KEEP TRYING to get in this "shower", even though it looks exactly like a dryer now, just with a small shower head inside which is spraying water everywhere. I stick one leg in before I realize that this is a terrible idea: THIS one is way too small! So I go to a bigger one.. I get all the way inside and crouch down, then close the door. I sit in there for a minute, wondering what will happen (this one doesn't even have a shower head..) before I FINALLY realize this isn't a freaking shower.. I frantically open the door, get out, and that's all I remember of that one.

      -I'm in some kind of office building. The place is kinda plain, but pleasant and very casual. There are a few simple plants in large pots here and there. I'm with either Li or De and we go into a small, almost empty room. It has two large windows with cheap plastic blinds drawn down and slightly opened to let some light in. There are a few small wood cabinets and a big, thick, quilt-like blanket in the middle of the floor. There are lots of soft, rosey/mauve pinks in this building, too.. hm. So the buidling is filled with all female doctors and nurses, I think all with brown hair, all with hair down, all wearing pretty casual clothes for a job like that. I think we're here to help Li/De get pregnant or something. We somehow use a small, old, convex-screened TV to impregnate ourselves. It works instantly and the pregnancy just happens all at once, so 30 seconds later you have a baby. So, I end up having two babies.. it felt a lot like irl but much less painful thank goodness. The first one is a girl and the second is a darker complected boy that seems really light, like he's a preemie. There was much love and I just couldn't stop gushing over them.

      -Looking at pics on C's phone with him. There are drunk picks of Z and N that I guess they sent him the night before. In one of N, she's IN a metal tub full of whiskey, all the way up to her neck in it! She's smiling drunkenly and one of her eyes is wandering lol.

      -I find an old file for a PS2 game, but in my computer. My Dad's there and recognizes the game as one I'd played with my friends a lot when I lived with him. I open the file and it shows two gifs next to each other. The left one is like a brownish reddish gold-sparkley waterfall thing, like the goldish water is flowing over layers of brown and red rocks, with golden light shining down on it. The right side I think is a zoomed out view of this, but a little different. As I look it seems to change into surreal bleachers, like stadium seating. It's just a MASSIVE wall of them, with the brown representing the far wall (translucent and organic-looking with light shining through) and the red representing PILES of humanoids crowded into the bean-pod-like stands. It's much shadier in here than in the other picture. I see that a few of the people are HUGE and stand far above the others, but they're still just red figures to me for the most part, all waving their arms and cheering. Me and my Dad looking at this turns into us and J looking at an art book about the "most attractive characters in gaming". There's a section of just aliens that I'm curious to see, but my Dad keeps trailing about the beginning of the book. I make him skip ahead to the aliens and me and J just talk about which ones we think look best lol. There's one I like that she doesn't that's like a big, white, non-slimy salamander with really close-together blue eyes. It looks kind of snake-like, facially.

      -I'm seeing something in my head, like as if I'm imagining what someone is telling me. I see a dark hallway in an old, dusty house. An old woman is kneeling down, reaching into a hole in the wall where a grate has been removed. Next to her is her old robot, lying there, decommissioned, dead. It's kind of female looking, with a cone "skirt" and slender arms and legs. There are spindley, black appendages and wires sticking out of her every which way. I know that this robot was the old woman's only companion for years and years and that she used to have many robots. I also know that there is no human in the world that remembers the old woman. She's reaching into this hole, using one of the robot's extended appendages to attempt to fix something, probably the house itself, because the lights are out. Later on, I'm with C in the lobby of a theater. It seems to be themed like the "old days" because most everything is made of wood, and the fancy stuff of brass. We approach what looks like an old claw machine, but with four small sections and no claw. There's a button for each section and inside the glass part are name tags. They're each characters from a game, I think all robots. There's one name that's in quotes: "Machina". I know somehow that this is a fake name covering up the fact that this is actually the most epic robot from the game who's supposed to be dead (this comes from the robot that was with the old lady I think). I tell C this, he presses the button and the robot's voice comes on. It's old and British and male and we know immediately it's who we think it is. I can't remember his real name but I think it begins with C or CL.. He denies who he is and "hangs up" We go to the next machine, which is identical except instead of "Machina" it says "Corn Dog" lmao. I tell C to press that one and when he does, a HUGE hot dog (no bun or anything) SPLOOTS out of the back wall inside the glass and slides down to the front. I have theory that one of the employees got lazy and just "shoved corn dogs in there" instead of taking care of the machine.. wtf lmao
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. World of Briars

      by , 08-17-2015 at 03:53 PM
      Morning of August 17, 2015. Monday.

      This is my first stable dream of this time period on this date, a type which is always lucid - every first dream I have had since early childhood has been of this nature, every single night, with no attempt to make it so, and always in the first stage of light sleep paralysis which I enjoy - I do not attempt to control it in anyway during the first stage - I just flow with it and enjoy it even if the imagery should be grotesque beyond imagination. The imagery, I suppose, this time, is somewhat nightmarish (in regards to how others might see it), but not a nightmare at all to me. There is no emotion other than a sense of peace and acceptance. In this state, even being fully in-body, there is no way a lucid dream could integrate or interfere with my real-life state. I mostly just watch. I am not even regarded by the entity that is “making” this domain - even though I sense and know that he is not “of” me in any way.

      Some sort of larger-than-life human-like form, fairly pale, somewhat sickly looking (yet still seemingly stronger than any human form), holds an egg. It looks like a typical white chicken egg, though perhaps bigger. Over time, thorns (of about three different sizes) sprout from all areas of its surface, though leaving the egg’s surface fully intact otherwise. At times, the implications “reset”. The being stands as, slightly hunched over, at one point, the thorns growing from the egg seem to become endless briars in a large ominous but colorful landscape of mostly greens, oranges, yellows, and browns. Certainly this place is not for human beings, though I have certainly seen far worse realms. The thorny briars are in various patterns and sizes that sometimes cross over each other and form “gates” and purely organic trellises. Everything is made of briars, including possibly “nests” assuming there are creatures or human-like forms that live here. I realize this realm is probably a human world that relates to frustration or possibly a lack of focus. It is beautiful, but not a place I particularly would want to spend much time in.

      I do not challenge the being with the egg (which sits on the palm of his right hand), even though he seems puzzled that nothing emerges from the egg (upon each “reset”) but thorns. If he wants to keep creating infinite briars into his world from it, who am I to stop him. This is his world, not mine.
    6. Sparring with Po, Tribal Trials, Other Stuff

      by , 08-17-2015 at 03:15 PM (Lucid Time!)
      This is just a mash-up of non-lucid dreams and stuff from the past few days. In no particular order other than the order that I decided to write it down.

      "Now remember, when browsing youtube looking for EDM, the attractiveness of the woman in the thumbnail is usually inversely proportional to the quality of the music."



      I remember I was a colonist on a tropical/desert island. We had erected a small camp, not unlike Jamestown with three walls and only a few buildings. Not long after, we made contact with a native tribe. They welcomed us with what seemed like open arms, and wanted us to join their tribe.

      There were three trials that we had to pass in order to become 'one with the people' or something like that. It was also some kind of competition, and there were many other people competing. Most of them were boys around my age, but there were a few girls, and there were some people with more varied ages. But I was in the majority.

      Some chieftain guy explained the first challenge. Everyone in the tribe had to understand suffering and hard work. So we had to climb this huge sandy hill. It seemed easy at first, but once you got about one third of the way up, the consistency of the sand changed and it became very slippery and difficult to climb. Some people managed to make it about two thirds of the way up before sliding back down.

      I came back down to the bottom. Some of the other DCs were already giving up, while others still stubbornly stuck to trying to climb the hill.

      Now the sandy slope was bordered on either side by a thick canopy of mangrove trees, and almost the entire thing was in the shade. Hanging from the trees were vines. I then decided to try another approach. I climbed up a tree and got into the canopy with the vines. I then simply climbed up the slope using the branches and vines in the tree. Sure, it was still hard, but I made it to the top before anyone else.

      To my surprise, the cheif was actually very disappointed in me. He told me that the slope was meant to teach people that even if something starts out easy and gets hard you should stick to it, because eventually (one of the other guys, a Jack look-alike, makes it to the top of the sandy slope, but he's totally puttered out and collapses on the ground.) You will power through and succeed. If you give up on one approach, you're throwing away the time and energy you put into it.

      I can't decide if that's really profound or him just being a jerk. Probably both.


      The second trial had something to do with crossing a river, and the third had something do with a bear.


      Eventually, we got to the tribal village where the cheif was. I had been disqualified for my 'dishonorable actions' on the first trial and had been walking along a secondary trail with the cheif and some of his warriors. The tribal village was for some reason, laid out exactly like my own subdivision, only the homes had been replaced with tribal longhouses, and the roads were dirt streets.

      There was the Jack look-alike who was totally exhausted. The tribe chief had these two girls come out with a big roasted pig. He ate the whole thing in about fifteen seconds and when he was finished his stomach was really big like in a cartoon.

      I remember all of these people from our village started coming in. I then remember thinking of how when the native americans first made contact with the colonists, so many people on both sides were killed by disease. I tried to warn the chief but he wouldn't listen to me.

      The dream zoomed in on all of the viruses transmitting from one group of people to another and a narration voice told me about how soon 92% of them would be sick or dead and there was nothing that I could do to stop it. I then realized that I didn't care because I was dreaming.


      There was a long string of dreams that I recall, mostly nonlucid. There was a very complex plot about radioactive waste had contaminated large portions of the planet and entire countries had to be evacuated. Mass panic and chaos. I had been separated from my parents, but the slightest hint of lucidity seemed to dampen any amount of investment I had in that fact.

      I was riding on an evacuation bus. Outside it was dark, and there were people everywhere, panicking. I felt safe, because the bus we were in was an armored military bus of some sort and even though they were doing things like shooting us with rifles and throwing Molotov cocktails at us, the bus seemed to continue moving no matter what.

      I remember this guy who was sitting next to me on the evacuation bus. He looked kind of like my dad, but he was a little bit younger/taller. He had a very proper deminor as well, wearing a suit coat and tie.

      "Young dreamer, I have three questions for you: Number one: Will you turn into a girl and make me younger so we can have sex? Also, I want to have it in your bedroom because it won't matter if we make a mess."

      I get a visual of my bedroom, only it looks as though some of the furniture has been moved around. The bed looks smaller than usual, and even if I were to say yes, there's no way that bed is gonna hold this guy. He's huge.


      "Number two: What is more important when playing a sonic the hedgehog stage? Getting an S ranking or getting all the rings?"

      I get visuals of playing what looks like a really hard sonic the hedgehog stage in the sky. There are only lots of rings, lots of enemies and a few bouncy wall platforms and grind rails. Whoever is in control is expertly navigating it though.

      "I don't know."

      "Number three: (Taking a small waffle press out of his briefcase and plugging it into an outlet on the interior wall of the bus.) If I put three fingers in my portable waffle maker, how much delta-V will I have left over?"


      No visuals that time. Just my confusion.


      Years later. I was living in a small town in what had formerly been the middle of the pacific ocean. Whatever catastrophie had struck the world had drained the oceans, or at least moved them around. Most of the people drove around in tiny electric smart cars. The town had a few modern buildings built of brick and concrete, like for the shops and stuff, but a vast majority of the homes were log cabins, as was mine.

      Mine was particularly small, because I still lived alone. I remembered thinking that it had been fifty years or more since the catastrophe, but I still hadn't aged a bit. Supposedly, this was another odd side-effect of whatever had happened. I still lived in this small, humble house. I grew potatoes, lettuce and wheat in my yard, and I also had an apple tree.

      Stuff from the world before the catastrophe was hard to come by. One of the few things that I had was a Katana that I kept on the wall of my cabin. I also had a very large dreamcatcher that had been made for me by an elderly woman who lived in the town. I would practice with my sword everyday after I came back from my job as a farmer. I practiced a unique style of swordfighting that was difficult and unpredictable where I held the sword with a reverse grip.

      I was teaching a young girl. Her appearance doesn't come to me but she was a prodigy who's skill would soon surpass my own. There was also some romantic development between us, despite her being somewhat younger. I was planning for her to forge her own sword soon.

      I recognized that I was a character in a story. I forgot what happened here.


      I was traveling by train. The train was more like a row of moving stone buildings that slid along a stone track. The train was pushed by sails. My final destination was a beautiful oriental city built in the middle of the lake that was surrounded on all sides by tall, beautiful mountains. The water was shallow and had clusters of lilly pads and small islands in places. I remember all the buildings in the city had blue roofs and white walls. There was a towering pagoda over the center of the city.

      The sail-train pulled into the station and stopped. I got off. I was surprised, that from the outside the city looked to be a small, tightly packed cluster of buildings, but on the inside it was huge an open, with gardens, parks and plazas. It still retained the original architectural motif.


      It became nighttime. Po and the Furious Five from Kung Fu Panda appeared. We were in this dojo courtyard with black and white stones making a Yin Yang. Po said he wanted to practice fighting with me. I practiced with him. He was really good. Even better than me, I think. I don't remember the details of the fight, but at one point I know he kicked me into a post.

      Tigress said there was some bad guy that we had to chase down. We all started running and jumping over rooftops to chase this guy down.


      I went to a movie theater with my mom,dad,aunt,uncle and cousins. This guy was trying to sell us a double ticket where we could watch two movies, one right after the other and pay less. My dad said that he wanted to take the deal. We were going to watch Ant Man then Fantastic Four. I told him I didn't want to do it because I wanted to go home and fall asleep so that I could lucid dream.


      I was at a pool/indoor water park setting. I wanted to go down the biggest water slide. I went down, but for some reason it was really bumpy. Like going down stairs on your butt. When I hit the bottom, I saw that I was now in my grandparents' house. Though the floor had been replaced with this dark spruce wood.

      I slid across the floor. It was really slippery.

      "Oh... I'm going on a journey..."

      I saw that at the end of the hall, where the entrance to their garage is, the house continued. It gave way to this very dreamlike room that was huge and had giant, unusual furniture. The wooden floor split into two slides and I continued along one of them. Somehow not falling of, since there were not rails to keep me on.

      "I'm going on a better journey..."
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Golden Latch

      by , 08-17-2015 at 02:17 PM
      Morning of August 17, 2015. Monday.

      In my dream, I find myself going through some sort of structure, somewhat church-like and fairly large. I do not recognize it as a real setting or composite. For some reason, I focus on the nature of “ordinary” people and puzzle over the functions of their minds, almost as if I am stumped by their potential of understanding something as simple as a half-black and half-white wall. I am trying to work out if typical human beings would understand that half the wall was black and half of it was white, and thus each being fifty percent of the wall. Somehow, I seem to think that this basic, simple realization would not even be accessed by most people and the majority of people would never even begin to understand. I get the impression that hardly anyone would see the wall as half black and half white even though it is, not even in any complex pattern (such as perfectly proportional static), but again a solid half on the left and a solid half on the right. No one would see it as it was.

      I move through the environment and encounter a larger room that seems to be the realm of some sort of demonic entity, though not in any serious context. I have hardly ever dreamt of demons or devils in my life, and even when I have, it was always eventually comic-strip-like. (This does not mean I do not believe in the malevolent essences of certain types of people. Some people’s life purpose seems to be to solely cause trouble for others for whatever reason and to lie as much as possible about everyone else.)

      No human being on Earth could even begin to “explain” one iota of how I have lived for over fifty years as I have. Certainly a “demonic” form would have no clue, either. At any rate, this “demon” I see from his left as he faces perpendicularly from me towards some sort of implied portal. I barely make out a sketched pattern on the white marble floor (which I think has light blue skewed teardrop patterns) that may be some sort of wagon wheel design (I do not think it is a hexagram or anything of that nature).

      There is some sort of distorted plot that I can only basically describe. This more-human essence of what may be jealously and covetousness (and perhaps even static contempt - whereas a person might just as well be white noise in the scheme of things) does not really concern me that much. I had indulged in a long romantic interlude in real life prior to my dream after some “pretend to be human” playing around with my wife, and here this hopeless “demon” is - standing in a very large room, not even facing me, but looking at basically nothing and is actually what he has been apparently doing for centuries. How…boring. Demons, after all, are probably the most boring things in existence (no offense to Hot Stuff the Little Devil, whose dream-like adventures in Harvey comics I greatly enjoyed in my childhood).

      I am puzzled.

      The demon only halfheartedly acknowledges me. “You,” he raspingly says and does not even turn about. He does not seem very assertive and certainly is not threatening.

      I lift my right hand and see a glowing golden latch I am holding for an unknown reason. Oddly, it reminds me somewhat of the piece of the bottom door in my tall metal cupboard from my room in Cubitis (though the difference being it was matte metallic, not golden). I play with the latch for a short time, that is, I move the mechanism about and find it interesting.

      “Even if you take this from me, I will just create another one,” I say, which seems to be an “understanding” at the very core of my being. The “demon” seems only mildly annoyed. I deliberately cause the latch to vanish (even though I am not lucid) and cause an identical one to appear in my right hand almost immediately. (I am not sure where the other one went - possibly onto a door somewhere.) I see that the “demon” (who reminds me somewhat of a shabbily dressed homeless person at this point) also has a latch, but it is rusty and frozen (nonworking).

      The demon reminds me somewhat of those fake screw heads that have appeared on everything from cassette tape cases to radios and children’s toys. What is the point? One can only gawk in bafflement at the audacity of the inherent falseness where no screwdriver on Earth (even a fake one) would hope to “turn” the fake screw head, a hilarious example of mankind’s silliness. Some people are like that. That is, like the fake screw heads on an otherwise feasible cassette, where they look like an impressive screw head on the outside yet do not function at all.

      No drama. My thoughts coalesce into abstract forms.
    8. Matrix, forklift driving, party and FA

      by , 08-17-2015 at 01:20 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was an agent in the Matrix. I received information that redpills have breaken into the Matrix, and are looking for something on a construction site. With two other agents I quickly took over workers and ran after them. We chased them into a dead-end, and started to fight. I smashed concrete with bare fists, giving some heavy strikes to redpills. Somehow, they managed to push us back, and ran back to construction site. I quickly took over a forklift driver, and drove after them with as much speed as forklift can offer, which is not too much. However, it was enough to kill one of them with fork, but two of them escaped.

      Suddenly Matrix received an error, and I found myself in my house. It was a big party over there, and a total mess. There was a blonde woman close to me. She was wearing a blue dress, and she had glasses. She started the conversation, talking about her recent travels. I mentioned my latest trip, which ended with rights to classify wood resource types and sell them. She was interested in the topic, but she had to go. I wandered the corridor for a while, and then I just woke up in my bed. Next I went to the toilet.
    9. blurry accidental LD

      by , 08-17-2015 at 11:51 AM
      today I got another accidental LD.
      I woke up at 7 and stayed awake til 8:30, then I decided to go to sleep again
      I fell asleep in an uncomfortable position because my gf took up all the space

      As I was falling asleep, I opened my dream body eyes. It felt like opening my real eyes but it turned out to be a dream. I looked at my hand and thought I was dreaming. I didn't count the fingers, the vision was just so weird and blurry that I KNEW it was a dream. my dream world was crumbling so I looked at my hand again and counted 6 fingers. Then I tried to rotate. I ended up somewhere else with slightly less blurry vision. I had a headache in my dream and at some point it was all black
      in any case, I knew I was dreaming, it was a shitty LD though coz my recall and control and everything wasn't good at all.
      Eventually I woke up and did it again. had another more or less LD, kinda like DEILD technique, but this one was just black so I wasn't interested in it and lost control
    10. Totm´s Ride a dino, Black hole, new level of dreamcontrol, some caveman action

      by , 08-17-2015 at 10:47 AM
      got to bed at 10 pm

      i sit with someone in a car and we are on a bridge. Someone from down is provoking me with some rubbish talking. i jump out of the car into the water under the bridge. the water is deep and i swim and swim up again to the surface. i start slowly to breath under water.
      i realize that i am dreaming and doing a nosepinch (not only i can breath underwater, i can even breath with my nose shut under water xD)i leave the water and there is a kiosk under the bridge. the guy i there and first thing first i let him eat a booger freshly out of my nose... kind of disgusting i think but he deserved it. i let him buy me some club mate (limonade) and keep going.
      i am in supermarket with a firend of mine. i want to summon a known person. i think about a acquaintance that is right behind me. i turn around and look around and find some feet away at a table the person sitting with her back to me (lets call her P). i shout her name and she turns around. i am happy that it worked.
      we keep going and i am in a litte room now. the friend of mine is still with me. i want to try something new again and i ask a random guy to bring me something. i cant think of anything usefull so i ask him to go to P and ask her what time it is. he goes away and i see a clock on the wall. he come back after some time. he need a second to "remember". my friend wants to say something like "hey but there is a clock" but i raise my hand to stop her. the guy says: "P said it is 30 min after 3 o´clock. " i say: "You mean half past 3?" "Yes he answers" i smile because the clock is saying it is 4:50 [after i woke up i looked at the clock and it was 3:34...coincidence?] he wants to have something for his effort and i dont want to give him anything. he gets a little bit sad and i tell him he can have one of my club mate i get.
      we keep going again.
      my friend and i are now outside at a fireplace. i am really happy how well my LD is going on and i am really self-confident. i tell her it would be soooo good if she would remember the dream too not just me. i think about what to do next and the TOTM´s come in my head. i can remember riding a dino and go fishing but i alrdy have basic wings so i decide to ride some dinos. i think about how i could manage this and just try like i did with P. i expect in front of me some dinos. on the first try it dont work. i decide to turn my back and think about dinos that are behind me i just have a vague imagination of a dino and that i want to sit on it. i turn back again but instead of dinos there are three horses which are mostly black or dark brown. my friend is laughing and we aproach them. i turn again and this time i think more specific about some little t-rexes and as i turn they turned into hip high little t-rexes but they act still shy like horses or dogs. i whistle and one of them is coming to me. i climb on him and we start to ride. he is uncomfortable because his hip bones push into my ass. as i think about it that they are more like little dogs i am riding on he morphs into a dog. nonetheless i still riding him and we jump over a fence. someone wants something from me but i just ignore him and ride here and there. i think we enter then a rail station?!
      i am infront of a railstation and think about what to do next. the friend of mine is still there. i think about the black hole task and remember that some of you dont needed to fly into space but just summon a black hole somewhere. again i think about that somewhere behind me is a black hole and i then turn around and keep running because i know that it is just around the corner of the station. i keep running and i see the black hole. it is 1.5 to 2 meters big and is more like a portal transparent and in the middle black and dark. i jump in and while jumping asking myself where i will land?
      i jump through it, roll of and i am still there. in the first moment i think "him this was more boring than expected but then time slowed down and everything got a hint of blue or yellow. the effect didnt last long and everything got normal again. i think what tasks i have and i remember that i want to find my mentor in my dreams. i go to a guy sitting on a bench and ask him if he knows where my mentor is. but even before he answers i know that he is just a stupid dumb guy from whom i wont get any answers. he just answers "no" and shakes his head... too bad...
      i then decided that i´ve done enough and can enjoy myself a little bit like fryingman is doing like alot xD
      Spoiler for Cavemanmode:
      i think about what to do next and imagine a global map. i see it and think about where to go. a loading screen starts and i am waiting.... after some seconds i decide to wake up to remember the dream because it was pretty long.

      i think i never had a so long LD. i could complete more than one task i wanted and didnt fell once into the void. it was an awsome feeling to have the time to try so many different things and just to get whatever i wanted. sure i dont know why i summon P and not someone else like a friend or somehing because in RL i just know her and have nothing to do with her. and sure i could have asked the guy to bring me something more interesting but everything just worked and even if i needed a second try it didnt set me up and it was nice to be so direct and dont have to say please to get what i wanted.
      this really lifted me up on a new level of LD experience!!!

      some dreamfragments later that night:
      -i am in a big flat. i am searching a toilet and find one in the kitchen behind a fridge standing in the middle of the room. the "toilett" is a round little thing where you normaly could wash your feet or something. i start pissing but gets disturbed by someone coming. i talk to the person but search on a different place for a toilett i run some stairs down and find a proper bathroom but my chef is coming down too and i offer him the toilett and i want to take the urinal. but somewhat we talk that much that i dont do my business.
      i am in some sort of restaurant or something and i am searching for some hiden door or exit or something. i have an envelop in my hand. i get lucid and do a short nosepinch. i deside to rub my hands to stabilze but because of the envelope in dont work like i would like to and the dream gets unstable and i get black vision. i dont fight it and wake up/transition in NLD.
      -i´m standing at a terrace at a wooden cabin. a friend of mine stands next to me and asks me when i kiss a girl in a dream if it is real or just imagination. i tell him it is real and you can really feel it and not just imagine it. and kissing is the innocent staff you can fell reffering to my spoiler
      -i lying across on my bed and i am awake and cant sleep. someone comes in to wake me up but i am alrdy awake. he says my pupils are dilated an he knows what that mean (i think i took some LSD)

    11. Mzungu's 'Friend'

      by , 08-17-2015 at 09:11 AM
      Fell back to sleep at night wanting to go to the toilet wishing to have a dream doing the visualisation method in MILD. I am in the countryside at my home. My body looks like a dream and I know I am dreaming.

      I start to meditate as that is what I have been intending to do when I go lucid. I definitely know I am dreaming. There is a bird flying over head and I think it is going to poo on me (which is actually good luck!) but instead it drops me a big crystal in the shape of a diamond. I knew instantly what this meant and put it into the heart of my dream body and continued to meditate. Many women manifest but they really represent my craving mind. I get teased by many of them and decided fire would be the best thing to repel them. I start to wish to generate fire from my hands but know it is going to cause a lot of damage. Then I remember another action I wished to do in my dreams was pray. The next thing I put a massive dome force field around the myself and the countryside so that my craving mind represented by the women could not get in.Now I could enjoy the countryside again. Ahhhhhhhhh phew....

      I went for a walk but I could still see the women off in the distance wanting to get through the dome. Sometime later I was going for a walk and I had a little bit forgotten about the dome and I met Mzungu's 'friend'. She was so beautiful. She a wisping brown hair. Chocolate coloured skin with a few freckles. Her eyes were deep brown and her body was as soft as silk. And she had the blue pants on of course Mzungu. Let me tell you now she was not interested in alligators (not the snapping type anyway!). I couldn't resist but as I started to feel the intense craving I knew I was going away from my meditation and this would only increase my desire in the future. I felt angry and fire came out of my hands. I put it over her head so she would not get burnt but she still continued to tease me under the flames. This time I had enough and I blasted out an enormous force field so that no craving would every come back. The whole environment turned into the Buddha.

      This had happened in previous dreams but this time I knew it was just a representation of the crystal I was given at the start. I started my breathing exercise like Mzungu told me to do. The fantasy and craving eased off. I knew I did not have to go against the craving. I just relaxed deeply in peace and opened my eyes.

      Updated 08-17-2015 at 09:21 AM by 88492

    12. friends at house

      by , 08-17-2015 at 07:34 AM
      Not much recall tonight. I remembered some friends over at my house. Some guy was chatting with me in my brother's room. He was showing me a video on his phone of a girl talking with him about something. A few other dudes came over to my house, they were all pretty cool. I didn't know these people too well, they were new friends. The invited several girls over too. I think we were all planning to go out later. I remember briefly talking to a few of the girls, but my friends brought them in, I didn't know them. That's all I really remember
    13. Band meetup

      by , 08-17-2015 at 06:14 AM
      So I was in a shopping mall, but it felt like it was my highschool. Someone was telling me that Slayer had a meetup on the floor underneath us. I wanted to go there, but all elevators and all stairs were closed. Then I saw a few friends from my class and they couldn't get in either. Then after leaving the mall, I appeared on a gas station near a grocery shop. There I saw my dad going in a car with a huge beagle on the leash. Afterwards I saw my mom going in another car with a small white dog. I was trying to get her to look at me so I could tell her what's happening. She ignored me. It was strange to me so I tried to push a finger through my palm. There was a black spot building on the back of it. I wanted to test the lucidity without thinking too much about it (I thought i could wake up soon, because I already had a few dreams), so I just got into a Superman pose and flew away like a rocket. I was flying very fast, stopped at some point and thought what I could do. Then looked down and felt like I was falling. Then I turned the ground undernieth me into a beach.

      I'm not sure if this was the end of a REM period or I just lost my consciousness because the next dream was about being on a beach.
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. N8: ...

      by , 08-16-2015 at 09:27 PM
      So I dreamt that I was going back to elementary school for a visit with my class. There was something going on. If we found a pig in a wedding dress, and a baby cow, we'd get a prize. I found the pig- it was in a closet. Then I walked past a 3rd grade classroom to see that the kids in there had already found the cow. Then the dream shifted- I was at a hospital waiting room at night. We went outside (my mom, sister, brother and I) To see... Barack Obama! He needed a ride somewhere. That just seemed so strange to me, I did a reality check. My finger didn't go through my hand, but sort of "melted" into it. Eh, still, that wouldn't happen IWL! I plugged my nose too, and could breathe perfectly! I tried to take off to fly, but couldn't! I "woke up" and immediately did a reality check. Nope, still dreaming. I got up, but as soon as I did, I "woke up" again, and did a reality check, only to find that I was in yet another false awakening. I tried shouting "Clarity now!" a few times because everything was blurry, but it was no use. After a few more false awakenings, I woke up.
    15. No enchanted wolves on the furniture

      by , 08-16-2015 at 05:44 PM
      There's a very earnest-looking young man scaling the tower of a magician's castle, trying to reach the window where a woman is sitting. He incorrectly believes her to be held captive against her will and is trying to rescue her. She only notices him when he falls. Sounding bewildered, she calls down to him, telling him there's an easier way to get in on the other side of the castle; if he can't find it, just watch the rabbits, follow them. The man walks off.

      Eventually, the woman comes outside to look for him. She finds him pinned between the wall and a black wolf with a white pattern around his eyes and chest. The wolf isn't doing anything particularly threatening. I'm aware that the wolf is the magician, though the man doesn't realize this, and the woman only suspects. The wolf starts acting like he's completely ignoring the man pinned against the wall and walks over to her, and she holds out her hand for him to sniff as if he were a dog. He ignores the hand and instead bumps his shoulder against her as he passes, and walks into the castle.

      Inside, she sits the man down at the table with something to eat, and he says something that makes her laugh and twirl around. She's under the mistaken impression that he's looking for the magician, so she's treating him like a guest. She's treating the wolf the same way, and asks him which room he'd like to stay in until the magician returns. He bumps his head against the locked door of his own room, and she laughs and says sorry, no, that's quite impossible - even though she's fairly certain who he is at this point, she won't have him on the furniture in that shape.