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    1. ccclxi. Overly friendly woman, discussions, food decisions, Moving painting

      by , 02-27-2022 at 09:03 PM
      Unfortunately, for one reason or another, I keep falling back on my backlog of dreams that I want to put up on this DJ. This is annoying me a bit so I better get back to catching up on myself.

      2nd January 2022

      Some in-line bracketed notes.


      I'm in a version of my current bedroom. The window is across the way from the bed, rather than being to a side. It's sunny and the curtains are open. There's a slightly portly man walking around the room, going on about what was discovered about pork meat, saying he should have known all along and that he was glad he didn't have too much of it in his life. I feel there's some irony considering his physical appearance. (at the time of this dream, I think I felt this had something to do with eating what I like while I can)

      (recall gap)

      Then, in a car outside with H. Again, sunny, clear and bright. We're talking? It's a busy place, in a cobbled street. Looks like certain areas in L. A scantily dressed woman waves at me with a smile from a third floor window. I wave back and say hi quietly, wondering why she was being so friendly, but further thinking that she probably just found me attractive. (not something I've ever thought about regarding someone looking at me)

      Other minor and random interactions in the scope of friendliness with other characters. Me and H talk a bit more. Then, I'm outside the car.

      I'm sort of standing at the midway point of a crossing that people are using. I'm still within talking distance of H and eventually we agree on something and I walk off. (much recall detail was lost, everything was fairly lively)

      (recall gap)

      Then, at a supermarket. I'm walking around trying to find something nice for us to have for lunch, even though some part of me remembers (false memory) making some sandwiches in buns. I end up finding a pastry aisle and I see some meat pasties which I'm interested in getting. I'm not sure where I should put them. I ask an attendant about bags or anything and she says "no, sorry" or something, and I realise that she doesn't actually speak much English. I walk back to the pastries area and eventually spot some paper bags cramped under something. Then, when I grab some they are actually cut out plastic bottles, though I don't realise this during the dream.

      I use two to find two meat pasties which are now in some slick plastic cases and stuff them in the bottles. While I'm walking about I see a load of people at an entrance door and then they're all looking around the aisle. I realise on some level they're students.

      (I woke up at some point and I remember falling asleep thinking about how I didn't realise I was dreaming with the previous night's dreams)

      9th January 2022


      In old home kitchen. I grab off the counter some ten by ten printed canvas which is wrapped in heatshrink (clear?). On the canvas is a young man and a woman, they're sitting on a boat or something and there's water behind them. They're family somehow; my nephew/niece, but older? She's sitting and wearing a white dress and a broad white hat. She has golden loop earrings. He's standing and wearing something darker, black or navy. Everything in the painting is moving slightly, the waves are alive and the two are looking towards the point of view and smiling.

      (this dream was especially vivid in my mind at the time for a while and the idea of a canvas with moving imagery was very exciting at the time)
    2. Afraid of the World

      by , 02-27-2022 at 04:59 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      I had a dream earlier this morning where my mom's physical condition became progressively worse and it made me anxious about if it's even possible to live independently anymore. After I woke up, Aaron mentioned we could move to the Netherlands if push comes to shove but I'd miss my friends
    3. 2022-02-27 lake/boulders/indian, path/naked guy/missed meeting/fishing/prayer song

      by , 02-27-2022 at 07:47 AM
      + [f] fiddling with electronic components that aren't working right

      + [f] inspecting a collection of small tapes (like DV video recorder tapes) that I know have the recording of many voice calls of me talking to Cam.Ed., they're I believe "sweet talk", I think listening to them will be annoying because I do not like the sound of my own voice on recordings

      + outside in nature with trees around, we arrive to dock/shore leave at a lake, while making the approach there is a view of a young woman on the left making repetitive movements (and digging in the ground?). Come to lake, walk out on dock, then with cousin PaRi standing on tall/large boulders amongst a bunch of such boulders in the lake, looking down in to the water, reminiscing with him about diving into the water. We're talking about how others don't use a good jumping/diving strategy (?). I think about (say?) how one dives and twists appropriately, thinking that if you don't jump far enough outwards that you'll lose skin off your chest as you scrape along the boulder.

      paint spots (red/green/blue) appear on ground in a pattern, I know this is part of a "native indian" ritual. Look up, there is a large group of them moving slowly on the opposite hillside (leading down into the water) from left to right (generally towards me). I look at them and they don't look particularly Indian, rather white instead, one of them is directly in front of me, stops and waits, and I move aside out of his way and he continues on.

      + walking outside daylight, straight road, heading to meeting(?), paths/nature to either side. There is "naked guy" who strips his clothes off & gets naked, and sits down to sun with his back against a rock/tree/wall, I know he always [fake memory] suns naked in this spot every day. I think how uncomfortable it is to have this naked guy around and within view.

      I see off the right a bit further on in the direction I'm walking, a man preparing a picnic/meeting spot for his sweetheart, but she is not there yet (she doesn't know how to find it?). He has a bottle of champagne and there is a tree stump or seat there, which I think they're going to use to take (racy?) pictures.

      Not much farther, off the path to the left, I see a young woman whom I know is the one with that man, she has also set up a meeting spot with a bottle of champagne -- they have miscommunicated and aren't able to make their connection with each other.

      A bit farther and I'm with (friends?) fishing. I'm casting a line out in to the water and reeling it in. As I'm (or someone?) is reeling it in, the single line multiples into 6-8 parallel lines all getting reeled in. Then someone else casts a fishing line to the right of these lines and I say "no, no, they'll get all tangled!" and I anticipate a mess of the lines getting tangled.

      Then I'm indoors and I am reading from a (prayer?) book, I'm supposed to be reading prayers? I'm thumbing through the book and I can't find the right page where I'm supposed to be. The prayers I see are all very long and I don't want to be reading those. I hear a multi-note tune and (am told?) know that this is the tune for the prayer that must be repeated over and over while singing the words. I need to be praying for some man?
    4. 2022-02-26 swim race, abandoned bridge ancient piano, beautiful woman/hat, political consultant

      by , 02-26-2022 at 10:56 AM
      bedtime, ~00:15
      final waking: ~08:00?
      out of bed: ~08:30?


      + at the pool: drink, water on deck, crawl race, swim faster/harder, win

      + [vivid] enter gate to lower bridge section with 2 men, piano room on left, ancient piano, hardly any keys, some foot pedal/keys (like an organ), another piano in another room, hear piece, then sit and play it on the few keys remaining

      + meet stunningly beautiful young woman on street, we speak, I have to wear a hat, huge floppy rim about 1 meter in radius, "well at least this'll get me my social distancing!" I say

      + [f] scene outside a building, I'm putting something down (a bicycle?) but I'm worried about blocking the building's circulation intake filter which is right there

      + I'm a political consultant, some official with weird bloody gums is getting advice from me
    5. 2022-02-25 recall at multiple wakings, nice early vivid flight

      by , 02-25-2022 at 08:30 AM
      + car with Gore, talk about airline flight, chips/fingernail in hand, on high hill, take off gliding flying by LHS look left will do that later, wires/barrier at gate, land, climb fence, electrified, other guys, enter room, long narrow like gym, guys there, man with one tooth, move to far exit

      + in room turning on water boiler, (getting dressed?) thinking about its noise; Jn. E. outside day on her roof lying on top looking down (searching for me?) I see her from side, imagine loving her again, having sex with her

      + wading in bay with S1 & S2, shells, they go below surface

      bunch of short scenes:
      + S1 and S2 in room, I'm trying to read (email?) on mobile I don't want them to see, S2 curious bends face around to see screen

      + old dog L: see through window, with him scab on back, lying on cough he's very long

      + fireworks store with W1, kids let in only a few at a time, very popular, staff welcmoe to store, books as well as fireworks, I speak in for.lang about "book about fireworks" (grammar not quite right), think about what to do about W1 because there's W2 now, think about sex with W1

      + standing at corder of building: boarded and bricked up windows, then two-tone painted brown corner of brick building, dark brown and light cappucino, look at and notice the color

      + high on a platform outside, tossing a football with a guy on the ground. One lans in my area I pick it up an throw a decent spiral back he catches it, he's throwing it all around to different people, he's annoying people by tossing it around really hard like a quarterback.
    6. 2022-02-24 food, kitchen, soccer, spider, restaurant

      by , 02-24-2022 at 07:04 AM
      + outside, tall table, guy/friend eating (sushi? tall-ish green cone), I want to try, look for fork, all metal forks are dirty, go around to his side, see clean plastic white/beige forks available [didn't try it/eat?]

      + kitchen, clean it b4 hosts return, sink full of dirty utensils,
      later, return: wall-embedded pizza ovens, sister, veggie(?) pizza on counters, eat, examine ovens up close, complex cooking elements, cook surface surprisingly small, ovens (there are two right next to each other placed at about eye level) extend into the next room over (also a kitchen room)

      On the return to the kitchen I'm there with my sister. there's a tall island counter piled with dishes/trays/baking sheets. I notice there are a number of different types of pizza there [DS] and I'm thinking about eating a piece. I think it's veggie pizzza and that it's being saved for a guy who's a vegetarian (?). It's pathetic looking pizza: flat, sort of smashed looking, with no toppings really to speak of. (I find one that looks OK and take a piece and eat it??? not sure). I'm looking closely at these pizza ovens that are embedded in the wall of the kitchen at about eye level, there are two right next to each other, they're different shapes, but both are wide and short. They extend into the next room I know which I can vaguely see as the wall where the ovens are stops a bit to my right and I can see beyond into the next room. I'm then closely inspecting the baking sheets and the cooking elements for the ovens. They look really small, barely large enough even to fit a personal sized pizzza.

      I'm in a large kitchen in a house. The owners have left, and the kitchen is pile with dishes, etc. I want to clean it up as a nice gesture to the owners. I think that leaving a nicely wiped and uncluttered counter would be great. At some point I move to the sink and start washing the utensils there. There are many utensils like forks, and the sink is filled with water, and I start washing forks with a sponge.

      hear vehicle arrive outside, go look, large white van has arrived in car port

      + kids' soccer game outdoors, one kid in-bounds in wrong direction

      + eating tub of noodles at (all-u-can-eat?) restaurant, ask for water, waitress, water dispenser, brings used water glasses, tiny/sad shrimp?

      Make an order of noodles at the counter of a restaurant. They deliver a large tub of brown-ish noodles (like buckwheat noodles), I'm worried that they're not going to deliver the tasty sauce that I'm anticipating. They do deliver it but eventually but it looks disappointing: a sort of a saucier version of the noodles themselves plopped on top of the pile of noodles.
      We go to the table to eat, I ask the waitress (she's on my right) for a glass of water. There's some issue with this and I get frustrated that I can't ask for a simple glass of water. I see that there is a water dispenser right next to the table (on the right) but there are no glasses, just a few (dirty?) white scoops, like the kind in laundry detergent boxes stacked next to the water dispenser. The waitress brings water eventually, a glass and one of the dispensers, but I know they're not clean (brought from somebody else's table?) so i don't touch them and she takes them away. The waitress brings by some pathetic small piece of fried shrimp. I'm not impressed with this place I'm sure I'm not going to get the benefit of the "all you can eat" policy. I notice the noodles on the plate are gradually disappearing.
      + "spider?" long web on wall insects moving around on it (large moth?)
      (sitting on the floor?) indoors, sort of dark/dank basement surroundings, up against the wall is a (low bookcase?), and underneath it is hanging some sort of thing. I keep trying to see it more clearly, and eventually I decide it's a big juicy spider [DS]. I never see it clearly. I get closer and notice the web is like a shelf that runs all along the underside of the top of the furniture that's against the wall. I see something in the web, get closer, poke it, and it moves around fairly freely, it's like a large moth. It (or something else) then scampers to the left down along the length of the web away from me. I think it's not a very stick web.

      + outside daylight suburban neighborhood walking sidewalk, tall trees casting shadows, I'm naked, observe delivery man taking large white appliance to house on right

      girl in park?
    7. Finally made it to the beach!

      , 02-24-2022 at 12:59 AM
      I get out of bed and realize I'm dreaming. At first I start to narrate my experience to myself to help me focus but I begin to worry about waking my girlfriend irl (I realize this is irrational now) I begin walking through the house and enter a living room. I start trying to open a portal, Dr Strange style by moving my hands in a circle, nothing happens. Then I decide I'll try to summon a sling ring to aid me in opening the portal. I reach for it on the couch beside me but I feel nothing but the couch. I think for a second and look around. I see this lamp on the table with a bunch of small lights that are all different colors. I hold my hand up so that it blocks my view of a few of the small lights. When I move my hand several of the lights have changed color and shape. I experiment with this a few times and each time the lights are different. I'm able to change the colors of the lights at will. This gives me an idea. I look at a far wall and hold my hand up blocking my view of a large portion of the wall. I imagine that behind my hand on the wall is a portal that leads to the beach. I lower my hand and there is a black portal with a shimmering iridescent surface. I run at full speed and lunge through it.

      I plunge through into darkness and immediately begin looking for and feeling around for sand. After a couple moments I feel it and it begins to appear. I'm on the ground looking straight down at the sand. I now look for water to begin rushing in with the tide and it does. I look up to find myself in a beach scene! (This is a huge success, I've been attempting this for the last couple months) I'm super excited and laughing with joy at my success. However I maintain my attention on my surroundings to keep from losing track of the dream. I leap in the air and begin bouncing along this giant pipeline that is running into the ocean. It seems the longer I'm on it the bigger it gets. As I follow it out into the ocean I reach some kind of machine that is connected to it that is around 3 to 5 stories tall. I fly over it to the other side and there is grass instead of ocean. I fly up the side of a brick wall and lose lucidity at this point. This last part is a little hazy but I remember cooking a bunch of fish. I start to tell my GF and a friend about my dream. My GF asks me before I begin telling it if I was lucid and I say yes. She says she could tell because she could hear me! Anyways I tell them the dream and wake
      lucid , false awakening
    8. Meeting The Ex

      by , 02-23-2022 at 04:03 PM
      This dream took shape at a public park where many people were out having family fun.

      I saw my ex and she said something to me, which I can’t remember, but was pleasant enough.
      It may have been an invite back to her folk’s house because the dream moved from the park to my brother and I driving to her folk’s place, which was a home I have never been to in dream or awake mode.
      During the visit – they wanted to hear me play some of my music,– I was paying attention to the time because I had a gig to play later.
      I had to get something out of the truck and walked down the path out the back but couldn’t find the truck. On the way back I was carrying a puppy.
      After getting back to the house I was surprised that my microphones were set up – and my ex’s friend asked me if I could play a Bob Dylan song for her…I don’t recall what song it was, but I knew it, and told her I would be happy to perform it.
      As with all my music-playing dreams – I never actually performed – they always revolve around setting the gear up – often with frustrating delays and looking for stuff – but end before the actual performance.

      My brother and I also went to look for something we needed which my ex’s dad said we would find in his car. We looked but did not find whatever it was we were looking for.
      What I did notice was that the upholstery was completed shredded, and I assumed that it was dogs which had done this.
      When I returned, I noticed some documentation on a computer screen, which had to do with my ex - and as I was halfway through reading it, I suddenly thought that I shouldn't be doing so and moved away from the computer. As I moved away, the computer fell on the floor.

      At one point soon after this, I saw a cat knock my piano keyboard off a table – at first, I was annoyed but then I remembered that this was a typical cat thing. I picked the cat up and – after giving it a belly rub - put it outside.
      Dreams of my ex and her family are not uncommon for me. Most of the time they are pleasant enough.
      After awakening, and writing this down, I had flashes of memories of other dreams involving the ex and family - dreams which I know I had many years ago.
    9. Dream Fragnents: Old Friend

      by , 02-23-2022 at 02:54 PM
      we visited an old friend's house who also runs a boarding kennels, and we saw the old friend, apparently it turned out they liked vinesauce (we also had a sleepover)

      their lands was significantly developed since we last saw them, there was arcade machines in a section dedicated to and a bagatelle-like one vaguely themed around football where the ball kept getting stuck and changing colour.

      I slept through the night and passed out, waking up on the floor

      I also saw one of the most complicated shower heads out there, it was as long as my forearm and had multiple stream types. I tried to use it to wash out a bathtub that had bathwater that smelled faintly of body odor.

      eventually we went to this fare where there was some flooded brown slides, didn't look that fun to go on.

      Overall, this dream didn't appear to be the most stable, maybe the dreammakers were fighting again.

      Updated 02-24-2022 at 01:56 PM by 65287

      memorable , dream fragment , non-lucid
    10. 2022-02-23 poor sleep, but still some recall, mostly fragments only remain

      by , 02-23-2022 at 11:19 AM
      bedtime ~23:45 Loooong falling asleep, probably 00:30 or later

      + in gym [DS], lots of weight plates, woman?, needs more space, view opens, gym has bought neighboring space, wide open area blank with rectangular building about 50 yards away, the name plate has been removed but the outline is still there. That's the new space for the gym to expand into

      mind very active, can't relax, right side very tired from previous sleep cycles, left side not comfortable.

      05:40 took valerian, actively worked on relaxation and quieting mind

      10:10 woken by wife, we had errands at 11:00

      + billiard balls in multi-level outside environment, interacting with people

      + [vague] white dog in back of van, petting & praising him

      + driving on steep roadways (bridge trellis?) [DS] drive up, u-turn [not entirely legal], back down, steep, then left turn to drive onwards

      + in amphitheater like space [DS], trying to acquire/steal binder which is full of horrid pornographic contents [words/stories], there are many such binders around, man emerges from office on higher level and says something to me

      + some odd sexy-time scenario
    11. 2022-02-22 LED artwork, bad road repair, flooded car, chase/fight, strange tree, in a limo, TV park

      by , 02-22-2022 at 12:03 PM
      bedtime: ~23:30? (before midnight)
      final waking: ~08:30?
      out of bed: ~10:15


      + [vague, impression] basketball in TV park [DS! Frequent recently, need to daytime MILD on this!]: 3 deflated orange basketballs?

      + outside, park, twilight/dark-ish light garage door opens nearby, begins fight/chasing scene [vague, forgotten]


      + walking in evening through an open area, on the left is an LED artist: he makes artwork with LEDs. The colors are bright and vivid. Blue, purple, red, all the colors. I come upon a guy and girl who are also selling their LED art work, these are functional objects which have integrated electronics which drive the LEDs. I think about the guy (I think I know him) and how he has used his electronics knowledge to create these objects.

      Scene shifts to a couple (man & woman) lounging around on a large (circular?) open bed area. Their clothing slips as they roll around to reveal breasts (male/female, not sure...). The man is complaining that it's been a long time since they had sex, he specifically mentioned he wanted "oral" (didn't say giving or receiving, I think the former, but it could be either), and that, because of the day (of the week?) being what it is (he is talking to her), she knows that she needs to dress up as a stranger in order for him to be able to "function."

      + driving in car night: look up at sky, cloud moves in front of moon but there's a hole in the cloud allowing me to see the moon. Remembering the LED art dream and telling my fellow car travellers about it

      + standing outside, up against the trunk of a large tree in, nature. There is an object/being on the ground, and strange plants/ flowers all around. Suddenly the light vanishes, and the flower are glowing and look very menacing. They curl over / envelope the object/being.

      Water is being poured/moved from one container to another. It's done improperly and I think the water is now not safe to drink.

      + standing on street with (woman? wife?), observing the recently completed asphalt repairs. They were done horribly! The asphalt is a mess, nowhere near flat, it is forming large waves and hills/valleys.

      Further on there is a car/well. Inside the car (old Toyta?) it is filled with water. I lean the car over to the right several times to drain out the water, which runs out the right hand doors of the car on to the ground. I'm thinking/talking about a well structure which is in the center between the front and back seats.


      + in limo, telling people there about another story (earlier dream?), the subject/idea of tapes (VCR?) comes up [vague]
    12. Yay!

      by , 02-22-2022 at 08:17 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      2 dreams about Jamie. One where she is just looking over me or something. second was a sex dream very vivid.
      Tags: jamie
    13. Stacking Timbres

      by , 02-21-2022 at 05:10 PM
      I was asked by a woman to stack some timber planks that she wanted to sell. As I was stacking them I noticed that they gave off a subtle ringing sound - musical and very pleasant. I mentioned it to the lady and she wanted to hear it for herself, but when I showed her, the musical sound didn't happen.

      Stacking Timbres = 170
      The Voice Within = 170
      Information field = 170
      Spiritual path = 170
    14. It's Finally Starting!

      by , 02-21-2022 at 04:57 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      My friend Chris has his own local tabletop RPG going from within our friend group irl called space D&D, which as of writing this I have made a character for and have been excited to play, but it's kept getting delayed for whatever reason. In this dream, I was at my old house waiting for him to be online for it, working on my Scottish accent for the character I intended to play. I asked my fiance what he thought and he jokingly said it was a 5 or 6/10 accent. I was in the kitchen when I saw chris and a few other people on a call, so I excitedly bolted upstairs and got on the call while shouting "YEEEAAAAHHHH!!!". I joined as people were talking about their families, but I could tell something was off in their intonation, along with the fact that I didn't recognize a lot of the voices in the call. With this realization, I started to feel defeated and frustrated, because by this point I could tell none of this was real. I then woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Trans Memes at a Wedding

      by , 02-21-2022 at 04:54 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      I was observing a wedding between a muslim woman and some white dude outside of the commissary where I work and it devolved into a debate on gay marriage. I was on my computer looking at the imaginary track "horns don't work" off of my actual 2017 album "another whisper in the wall" when someone (possibly the groom) came up to me and asked whar I thought, after which I had an intense mental breakdown where I expressed that I didn't care and just wanted to look at Reddit, which I was presently scrolling for memes about estrogen. Afterwards I was trying to find a good guitar tone for my new album because the night before irl I was watching a video where in the comments section they were talking about how a low gain guitar tone with a punchy kick drum and thick bass tone can sound super heavy. In the dream I was tweaking the track "answer the phone" off of my 2021 album "The Sawn Off Horn". For whatever reason, this was in a real life interface, for lack of a better term. I was outside a building and the different mixing channels that you would normally find in FL Studio were hidden inside bushes. Once I found the distortion plugin for the guitar, I woke up.