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    1. Fri Dec 28 (1:47-10:38)

      by , 12-28-2012 at 09:45 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Correctional Facility

      [There's a bit of sort-of-lucidity right at the end of this dream, but not enough that I'm willing to call it lucid.]

      One of my housemates lends me one of those red-light scanners through the bars separating our cells. I try to use it to give her ID card administrator access through the prison. From the instructions on the scanner's status display, I'm supposed to scan her card first, then scan the device that will grant her access privileges. Suddenly I notice that a guard is coming down the hall with some new prisoners. I have all sorts of illicit papers and devices spread on the floor of my cell, so I just try to lie casually on top of them as the group passes. Thankfully, the administrator doesn't notice. I scan a few more cards, but then I notice I've lost track of my friend in the confusion. I get up and walk down the center aisle of the bus, looking around at the people in the seats. Eventually, I find her [though she's a different housemate now], but the seats near her are taken, so I just grab a random empty seat a few rows farther back.

      I'm nervous. This bus is taking us to a correctional facility, where we will atone for our crimes. I know it is the morally correct thing to do, but I'm worried that my time here will interfere with my studies at college.

      The bus pulls to a stop in front of my old elementary school. It's almost dark out, and it's drizzling. Everyone seems to be heading around the side of the school, so I follow them. Then I realize there was a fork in the sidewalk a few steps back, and not everyone went the same way I did. But then someone shouts at those other people that they're going the wrong way. We're led into a nearby building with modern architecture (i.e. lots of windows) and up to the second floor. In the hallway up there, I see a number of doors with slots for access cards, and I'm very tempted to test my card on it to see if my earlier experiment worked. But there might be guards nearby, and I'm not sure I'd even be able to recognize one if I saw one. Maybe I'll get a chance to test my card sometime in the next few days, when I have a moment alone. But what if they chaperone bathroom trips? I might never get a chance!

      I realize that I'm not carrying my backpack of stuff. What happened to it? Looking around, I notice one of the plainclothes guards is carrying a lot of luggage for the new inmates, including my backpack. I wonder if it would be polite for me to volunteer to take it back, or if he's carrying it because I'm actually not allowed to have any of my stuff right now. I decide not to ask.

      After a bit more walking, I reach a big auditorium, where everyone is taking a seat. I sit towards the back. Once almost everyone is seated, the facility workers start explaining things to us. They start going through a list of attendance. One heavyset man with glasses and salt-and-pepper stubble names a person who is supposed to be here, because he was summoned no less than 351 days ago. The auditorium takes a collective gasp at that. There's no set time by which you have to answer a summons, but waiting that long is shockingly rude. Perhaps that person doesn't intend to answer for his crimes at all.

      They start going down a list of attendance, but they are interrupted only five names in by one of the new inmates. "None of those people are here; we're all from Bus 84." Apparently Bus 85 got delayed somewhere. Clearly most people here know much more about this process than I do; they must have been committed here before.

      Suddenly, people start pointing at the ceiling, which is made of glass. Looking up, I see some indistinct dark shapes flying overhead. Is it an air strike? Are we about to be dragged into a war? It's hard to see clearly enough to say if the shapes are dropping bombs, or indeed if they are airplanes at all. Then one of them flies almost right overhead, then dips downward and out of view under the floor. It was shaped a bit like the Millennium Falcon in miniature. No one in the auditorium is moving, but I think we're all wondering whether we should be running for cover.

      The ship shoots upward again past the windows on the opposite side of the room, as if it has looped underneath us. It arches over the ceiling, then drops below view on the other side again, closer to the building than it was before. Has the pilot lost control? What's happening here? The ship shoots into view again, loops over the ceiling--and crashes straight down through the room about fifty feet from where I'm sitting.

      One of the wardens shouts, "Good lord!" but they still don't seem to be moving. I guess they're just shocked. Well, damned if I'll be waiting for them. I run for the doors as the building begins to shake underneath me. Some other inmates are ahead of me, but when I reach the exit, there's no hallway: it's just a straight drop three or four stories to the ground. And the entire room is tilting, sliding, falling towards the concrete below. If this were real life, there's no way I would survive this.

      I jump out of the door and land on the highway with traffic coming toward me. It's daytime now. I jump on top of the first car, then jump to the second, and continue jumping my way down the line. This is ridiculous, though, so I obtain a motorcycle from somewhere, mount it, then activate the jet engines. This is fun, but I still have to dodge traffic coming straight toward me. I bounce the motorbike into the air and activate the transformation into a sort of metal hang glider. [Interestingly, I don't think the transformation sequence had any visuals, I just sort of imagined that it was happening in an abstract sort of way.] Then the glider's jet engines kick in, and I shoot above the treetops and continue on my way.

      Now that I'm out of danger, I pull out my cell phone and dial 911 to report the incident at the correctional facility. As I wait for the dispatcher to answer, I'm gliding over a grass field between two roads. There's a cute girl walking across the field. Tall, with wavy blond hair and freckles. We smile at each other. I'm about to fly onward when I remember that making out with someone is one of my dream goals! Letting go of the glider, I stumble a bit as I land on the grass behind her. This is a bit of a risk because there might not be enough action to sustain the dream--but if dream goals weren't risky, they wouldn't need to be goals.

      "Hey, wait! Come back here!" I call.

      She stops and watches me, looking a little defensive. I'm a bit thrown off by the fact that she's a little chubbier than she was before. It's like she's a different person, cute now in a different way. "Um, hi," she says carefully.

      "I just want to make out a little." She just stares at me. "Please?"

      She's still just staring at me as the dream fades to black and I begrudgingly wake up.

      [IRL: Last night, I finally took out my dreaming goals sheet again to pick a few lucid dreaming goals. "Make out with a girl" was NOT one of them, though. Also, I would give a lot to know what crime I committed to be sent to that correctional facility . . . but alas, I cannot remember.]
    2. Recurring Dream: The Shaman

      by , 12-28-2012 at 08:55 PM (Woodstocks Wonderfully Weird World of Wackiness, Warlessness, Winged Wolves, Weather, and Ducks)
      I've had at least 3 or 4 dreams in the last few weeks where a shaman is teaching me how to make ayahuasca, find psilocybin mushrooms, identify salvia, or make mescaline tea. The shaman is almost shapeless, I don't really see him as a person or anything else, I just know he's there. I don't remember a name either. It's always in the same place: the edge of a grassy field near the woods. There is always a fire and sometimes meditation or drums. We haven't actually used the entheogens in any of the dreams, he just showed me how to make or find them.
    3. Lucid Dream 3

      by , 12-28-2012 at 08:49 PM
      Date: September (1-10?) ||| Time Block: ? to ? ||| Length: 10 minutes. ||| Lucidity: level 3/2. ||| Entry Type: DILD ||| Major Methods: WBTB, MILD

      Methods: woke up, went downstairs for ? minutes, got back in bed, "Am I conscious?" technique, perhaps others.

      Summary: did some experiments (was in room, looked around for strange objects, and moved my head back and forth to notice a deformed door overlay, visible only from certain angle); was listening to conflict on street from apartment, was thinking about it, was worried of explosion reaching apartment, then watching as pieces came over the deck; was in hallway, walking down it, in the dark, while very conscious; saw huge and intricate parade float with TV show characters in it, and hearing them talk.

      Updated 02-03-2013 at 12:01 AM by 59833

    4. A sexy DILD, a creepy WILD, then a sexy WILD

      by , 12-28-2012 at 08:47 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I had an accidental WBTB this morning, and I'm glad I did! I forgot that my alarm was set for 6:45am, even though I'm off today. And actually, I had woken up about an hour before that, and barely got back to sleep before the alarm went off. So after the 6:45 alarm, I went pee, got some water, messed with my phone a bit, and finally went back to sleep.

      As I was gradually waking up again, I had one of those weird DILDs, which were the type of lucid dream that originally got me to seek out DreamViews. It's hard to explain, but what basically happens is that I partially wake up, but I am still dreaming. I can feel myself lying in my bed, but I'm not fully awake. I know I'm still dreaming because there is someone in bed with me in these dreams. Usually in these DILDish type things, I'm making out with a guy. It lasts for a few minutes before I wake up. I knew I was alone irl because Danny fell asleep on the couch last night because he caught a bug or something. Anyway, in this DILD, I could feel myself in my bed, and I was making out with a CHICK haha. She was really pretty with long brown hair, in her 20s or so. She was totally naked too. I know I didn't have much time, so I reached down my pajama pants, and summoned boy parts to form. They obliged me as usual. I was able to start having sex with her for maybe 30 seconds before I woke up.

      I rolled over and noticed I was alone in the bed. Poor Danny really passed out on the couch for the whole night. Anyway, I closed my eyes and got the familiar vibrations. I waited for them to wave over me until I was satisfied that I was in a dream. I opened my eyes and was in my usual WILD setting. I got out of bed slowly, always cautious so as not to move my real life body, just in case. I remembered that I had already decided that I just wanted to let this LD do it's own thing, and I wouldn't try to control anything, or summon anything, or attempt a TOTM. I just wanted to see what my subC would make if I just went along with it. So I started for the bedroom door. Then I heard something creepy shuffling behind me. I just caught a glimpse of white fabric moving near the bed, so I bolted out the door. I left the bedroom and walked to the front door then went into the yard. Not much happening there.. just looked like my block, kinda cloudy. Then it looked like someone had turned a dinner switch. I watched as everything went from cloudy and gloomy, to almost night time. I decided to try and make the sun rise. It started to look a bit lighter behind some of the clouds. So then I tried to move the clouds out of the way. Just like the last time I tried something similar in an LD, I could get the clouds to break up a bit, but it never got that light out. So I gave up and went back in the house and into the bathroom and closed the door. I thought about going through the mirror. It The bathroom was nice and well lit. I was wearing my glasses, so I took them off and looked at my eyeball real close in the mirror. The lashes were much longer, and the irises were a sparkly emerald green. Then I heard a knock at on the bathroom door. I thought "Cool, a DC finally!" I opened the door, and standing there in the hall was a young asian girl with long black hair, may 13 years old or so. She was wearing bright colored school clothes, but something about her creeped me out. She didn't talk, but made these kinda slurping noises, like she was constantly drooling and sucking it back into her mouth. I couldn't see her face behind the hair. I was totally having a "The Ring" moment, but I wasn't too scared since I knew I was dreaming. I let her in the bathroom, and she kept with the freaky slurpy sounds, a little growling, and strange vibrating movements (like in that Sober video by tool). Other than that she didn't move, she just stood next to me in front of the mirror, being her creepy ass self. I wondered if I could get rid of her by shoving her through the mirror portal. So I grabbed the back of her neck, and tried to shove her through the mirror. But it was like I really grabbed someone and shoved them into a mirror, because her forehead hit the glass and left a bloody mark on it. Oh jeeeeesus. So I just jumped through the mirror myself to get away from her. I rolled out the other side and ended up right in my bedroom again. Mother fuck. I left the room, went back to the bathroom, and saw the creepy girl still in there. This time, I just shoved her out of the bathroom doorway, then shut and locked the door. Before I could try the mirror again, I woke up.

      So if I do nothing in a dream, I end up somewhere with no control over light, and I just end up sitting there in the dark like an idiot. It's more fun if I actually DO something. Oh well, I try the nothing a couple more times, but I'm not all that excited about it.

      Anyway, after I woke up from that freaky-deaky dream, I felt vibrations again. This is kinda neat: I was putting a little bit of effort into my breathing while I felt the vibrations, because my nose has been a little congested lately. As the vibrations washed over me, I never stopped breathing like that. I was worried that it would prevent me from flipping over into an LD. But I waited the normal time period of a few seconds as the vibrations strengthened, then opened my eyes. Boom, I was in my WILD environment per normal! Lol, "normal." Anyway, no more bathrooms today, so I got out of bed slowly, left the bedroom and went into the livingroom. Which turned into my parents' family room. I noticed some people talking on the couch, and one of them was a certain DC I have been wanting to hook up with for aaaaaaaages. Thank you Lady Luck!! I marched right up to him and grabbed his arm, then pulled him into the guestroom, which was the closest bedroom to us at the moment. I pulled off his shirt fast, and he was caught in it for a moment You know, like when you pull a shirt over your head, but your arms are still in it haha. We stripped so fast I don't remember how we got naked, a little lucid movie magic perhaps. Anyway, keeping it G, he was on top of me, and we were doing IT for a bit. I looked at his face (so cooooool, there he was, there was his face! I was so giddy), and touched his nose. He has an aquiline nose in real life, and I like it of course. He made a shy expression and looked down so his long black hair blocked my view of his nose. I said "No no, I like it." We kept going for a while, which felt really really good. I didn't want to wake up. But real life was waiting for me on the other side. Siiiiiigh...... and before I woke up, the last thing I remember was the feel of the skin on his butt cheeks in my hands as he was doing you know what to me.
      lucid , memorable
    5. Lucid Dream 2

      by , 12-28-2012 at 08:47 PM
      Date: August 22 ||| Time Block: ? to ? ||| Length: 15 minutes. ||| Lucidity: level 2. ||| Entry Type: DILD ||| Major Methods: WBTB, MILD

      Methods: woke up, went downstairs for about 45 minutes, got back in bed, "Am I conscious?" technique (lightly), perhaps others.

      Summary: flew freely, high into the sunny sky, up to a skyscraper; noticed a social aspect for the first time (when staring at people); biked down a road in the dark, with the scene pretty realistic; set up tents in a camp, and felt the cold air, and had to walk down the path to another building, as it was getting dark; looked up at the building towering above me, with the sun glistening off its sides, and jumped into the air to take flight, going all the way up to it, and breaking through its walls like one with the powers of a superhero.

      Updated 02-03-2013 at 12:00 AM by 59833

    6. Lucid Dream 1

      by , 12-28-2012 at 08:46 PM
      Date(date of when I woke up): August 20 ||| Time Block(checked or estimated start and end times of rest period in which it occurred): ? to ? ||| Length(estimated length of time that I was lucid): 10 minutes. ||| Lucidity(how clearly I was thinking and seeing and knew myself to be dreaming): level 3. ||| Entry Type(whether I entered lucidity with renewed consciousness(DILD) or a carried over consciousness(WILD)): DILD ||| Major Methods(what caused my lucidity, either in preparation methods or active methods): WBTB, MILD

      Methods: woke up, read about lucid dreaming for about 1 hour, got back in bed, "Am I conscious?" technique, phrase repetition, mental climbing of stairs.

      Notes: first lucid dream; flew and hovered freely; great visual depth and shading, with wind blowing leaves of tree, at corner by the new church; had a realistic conversation with Pastor Mike (about real world topics--and remembering what we talked about, and how we concluded!); saw four real people in my dream, dressed the same way as in real life; changed scenes within my lucid dream; saved myself from waking by using the spinning technique; awesome, all around.

      Clips: "And then I opened my eyes again, and, wanting to see if I was actually awake, found myself getting out of bed, somewhat naturally, and opening (the now shade-less!) window. I had moved, and opened it up, in what seemed to about 2 seconds, and was amazed as I let myself out the window and found that I was cruise-dropping. I had gained control of my dream, and I knew it 100%! Oh, what an amazing feeling it was as I rose and fell in my beautiful and free environment! […] Anyway, we got into a discussion, (my vision and such was a lot clearer here--I could see the rustling leaves above, the coolness of the environment, and a good amount of depth and shading), and continued to talk as I saw someone to my right trying to move something. It turned out to be Caleb and Drew, who were trying to get a black cabinet thing into the church van, and they were having a lot of trouble. (they kept buckling/bending the wood panels into each other, and pretty much breaking them as they tried to jam it in) […] Anyway, I had a few more seconds of lucid dreaming until I started sensing that my awareness was dropping and I was starting to wake up. I frantically tried to start spinning around, but for some reason my body wouldn't let me—it felt as though I were somewhat restrained in movement. Sadly, my vision continued to fade and I woke up a few seconds later."

      Updated 02-03-2013 at 12:01 AM by 59833

    7. Dream recall is finally improving!

      by , 12-28-2012 at 08:43 PM (Woodstocks Wonderfully Weird World of Wackiness, Warlessness, Winged Wolves, Weather, and Ducks)
      1. Standing in the bathroom trying to identify all the plants. One of the plants was had maple leaves and black stems. Then my friend suddenly appeared there and asked me what I was doing and my sister fell out of the ceiling. I felt embarrassed about something and decided that if he asks about it later I'll tell him it was a dream. I didn't even think about if I was dreaming or not.

      2. I was watching a dude walking across about 5-10 streets in a place that looks like an area that exists in waking life between Walmart and that guitar store owned by a crazy narcissistic drug dealer. In the dream I thought I was watching a movie, but I was right behind him. Cars randomly came out of nowhere and hit people. I somehow remembered seeing him get hit and thought I knew when it would happen, but he crossed every street safely. He walked in his house and I followed him, still thinking I was watching a movie. Then I suddenly became the dude, who was getting divorced and needed a new house. There was a guy in the house asking what kind of house I wanted. I said I wanted something exactly like it but it needed 28 rooms. He said he can't do that, it has to be either 5 or 30 rooms. Then I said that I wanted it to be completely different from this house, but exactly the same, which somehow made sense in the dream. I don't remember anything after that.

      3. While walking though my house, I discovered a secret room. I walked in and saw a million bottles of talking pills. Most of them said they were for stomach ulcers, some were for heart problems. A few said they were for "severe cases of green goo"
      Tags: pills, plants
    8. Thurs Dec 27 (5:42-1:01)

      by , 12-28-2012 at 08:29 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      No recall.
      side notes
    9. Wed Dec 26 (3:27-12:00)

      by , 12-28-2012 at 08:28 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Homework Stress

      Today is July 1st. One of the first things my [old] chemistry teacher does in class is ask for the homework. It was our choice exactly which assignment to do, but we were supposed to do 50 points' worth of homework. I haven't done it, because I forgot to check the syllabus.

      • "alien invasion" [??]
    10. Padlock Stolen, and Blonde Female at the Mall

      by , 12-28-2012 at 07:48 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Padlock Stolen (Non-lucid)


      I'm holding on a gray Padlock, and someone to the left of me is doing something with me. I think it's unlocking something, but I just can't recall anything more than that.

      There's a random male wearing a white vest, dark pants, and has a Zoro like mustache. He's hispanic, has a drooped eyebrow structure, and he just comes out of nowhere and gets behind the person I'm waiting for.

      For some reason, I give the guy the Padlock, and he's like,

      "Oh, guess I'm going to steal it."

      I get pissed, I go after him by grabbing his left shoulder and tried to make him give me back the padlock. He's actually making a decent resistance for a dream character, and while I prepare to make another move by getting a weapon out, he gets a knife out as well.

      I tell the person behind me to help me out here, but I can't recall what happens next.


      Blonde female and the Mall (Non-lucid)


      I can't remember much other than being with a blonde female and doing something with her in a mall or a building.

    11. The Warden

      by , 12-28-2012 at 06:58 PM
      I'm a newbie in Dream Views i hope you can help me

      i was standing in front of my neigborhood store, the air seems little bit odd so i tried to feel my hand movement that time i realize i was in a dream suddely the air change, sky become dark, and many people come out from the ground, at first i wasn't fear any of them i can blast them with my fire hurricane then someone with a different aura showed up with a small knife in his hand i tried to blast him but every fire blast i throw to him its just bounce off (some spark hit me..it was really painfull) or disapeared he ran and stab me with his knife i wasn't really feel any pain (because i never been stab before) but i feel a little stive and scared, then i remembered an episode in adventure time where he make his fear and make the dream unstable to defeat his enemy in his dream, i tried to used it and make my dream ustable and i can believe it's work he disapeared just like a sand has blown by a wind then i sudenly warped to my uncle house and met my former teacher i speak to him and tell him that all of this is just a dream ( i don't know why i say that for) he seems a little surprised than he said "of course i know this is a dream" im shocked then he continued his word "don't you know that share dream that like movie called inception is possible, all you have to do is just make bridge between dreams and made a safe place to meet" after hearing those words i tried to woke up and i woke up in my bed room but i heard a whispering voices " we can defeat the warden together, if we join force we will get our dream back and you will do as you please" sudenly some shadow thing is out from my body and screaming really loud at me then i really woke up..
      btw someone who attack me with knife its called warden im not name him myself all my dream projector call him that, he has been attacking me since i entered high school the first time he attack me he even laugh at me he say "don't ruin the dream or i will hunt you" he choke me and i can't even woke up then he let me escape..
      he takes many form from animal,human,object and one characteristics that i remember he has a hollow eyes
      this is my drawing of him when i first met him
      Lucid Conference-ripper-died-too.jpg
      lucid , nightmare
    12. Walking Dead RV

      by , 12-28-2012 at 06:21 PM
      The dream begins in a walking dead apocalyptic setting with me and a friend in an RV. We are parked in a tunnel and are leave to get food. As we head back through the desolate wasteland to the tunnel we are attacked by two zombies. Out of nowhere, a man with a pitchfork comes to our rescue and stabs both of the zombies. He then disappears through a path near the tunnel. As we follow the path, we have come to a giant tree house where the mysterious man and a council reside. We park our rv there and then go to bed. At night I dream (yes a dream within a dream) about having 2 daughters in the rv that are eating candy. Suddenly all gravity is gone and all of the candy they were eating floats in the air. Then I wake up. That morning we have to manually move our rv. Then I wake up.

      Updated 12-28-2012 at 06:26 PM by 58788

    13. "Policekeepers" (Day and Night)

      by , 12-28-2012 at 06:15 PM
      There was something I needed to do, and (in the dream) I was awake at night more than once trying to do it. I was trying not to be seen, because sneaking around at night generally looks pretty weird. I was moving slowly around the edge of the house and noticed that a side gate was open, and shut it. I noticed someone else being around, who assumed I was part of their organisation (which I was, sort of) and she gave me a headset that showed me a map, with three massive continents and a triangle between them, the main lines (there were more) that determine day and night in this world, amongst other things. I do remember the continents having names and features, but I forgot them. The 'Worldkeepers' are part of the 'Policekeepers' (or was it the other way around?) and have to ensure that the system works correctly.

      The movement of the day and night took place in the minimum time that travel between the continents could happen, like the speed of light being the fastest speed, and only the "Worldkeepers", like I was, had the authority to go beyond it, which happened through a sort of teleportation that followed the lines. I was planning to use this for something or other, but I wasn't familiar with the interface because I had ended up in the past or future or something from use of the lines, so they weren't familiar with me either, and I was trying to cover this fact up.

      I remember a few scenes, like a long series of gates in the night, but can't place them. I think some of them weren't possible to see from my perspective inside the dream.
    14. The fuck is going on!?

      by , 12-28-2012 at 05:56 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I get out of bed....everything is black as night. Okay, maybe it'll get better.....no, I'm back in reality.

      Lets try this again. I head to the living room, and I think about finding Kaomea, and I see her right at the door step, and the door is open. When I get to the door, she's not there....and I get this weird super creepy feeling...like something just scared the shit out of me. Everything turned to blackness as a soon as I stepped out of my house....wtf

      Okay, here we go. I'm at some club, the lights are flashing like that last lucid I had where I was looking for Kaomea in the club. I run across a couple of people I know...flirting ensues, and I move on. There this one girl who has her hair stuck in one of the buttons on my shirt. I take it off, and restructure her hair to make it look longer fuller and better. A piece falls out while she was dancing, but oh well.

      I started looking for HER....I came up to a blonde girl, but she had black bangs, and everything else was blonde. I asked her if she's ever seen me in any other dreams, and she said yes. Someone else tapped me on the shoulder, and I ignored her (probably was the real HER) and then I asked her for her name. She said it was Shyree. Then I woke the fuck up.

      Had some other dream where I had this carton of eggs that could move like a pull back race car.....WTF.
    15. frag for 27 dec

      by , 12-28-2012 at 05:48 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Some guy at this party was calling his teacher a N, only because he was black. I talked to the guy about it, and he said he felt sorry...started crying, and then started laughing and told me I fell for that shit. After that, I wore him out with everything I could, and headed to another area of the party.
      Tags: fighting, racisim