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    1. Anal Probes 14-4

      by , 04-14-2011 at 01:58 PM
      I have really awfull dream recall. This is one of the longest dreams i recalled in weeks even tho i forgot 80 % of it.
      It's mostly fragments really..

      I had a long vivid dream wich i don't recall. I wrote down in my notebook it was about a girl i kind of like and me and a boy where fighting over her. I only recall a tiger coming out of nowhere and startling me awake.
      I took a piss went back to bed and attempted to WILD, no luck .

      Like most of my dreams im in a school-like enviroment. I remember seeing stacked beds around me, me lying in one of them. so it might have been a school camp instead.

      The next thing i recall is that its mid day and sunny again. I talked with a muslim girl i know from my real school .

      Next up there are about 20 half naked girls lying on the floor and me and some guys (unclear who they where) where playing a game with them. We walk trough the girls and if you like a girl you put a piece of chocolate in their mouth and break it. If you don't like a girl you put a piece of chocolate in their butthole and break it. WTF?! whose idea was this

      I remember dutch top model Doutzen Kroes was chilling in my bed aswell.
    2. The Fragment, The Party, The Training Room, and The Awkward Sleepover

      by , 04-14-2011 at 01:49 PM
      Dream, Me

      Dreams 4/14/11
      Initially I had a fragment of a dream and was kind of frustrated that I couldn’t remember more. But after falling asleep 2 or 3 more times, each having a very detailed dream, I felt a lot better about my recall. Here we go…

      Dream fragment:
      I’m riding in a falcon from Halo Reach. I feel like I own a huge corporation and say to one of the people in the falcon with me, “Now this really feels like Halo.”

      I wake up and record the dream. Back to sleep.

      The Party:
      I arrive at a house party with my brother and dad. There are other people there but the lights are off initially. It’s dark but light enough to see people around the room. I’m sitting on a couch with my brother now. We have a short conversation that goes like this,

      “Should I go buy a case of beer?” my brother says.

      “No. Why would you do that when I have a case of Lionshead in the fridge at home?” I say.

      I look at my dad and he hands me a half empty cup with someone’s mixed drink in it. I don’t see this as odd and start drinking. I think it was baileys and something else, although I couldn’t taste it. I look back at my brother and he’s now holding a Lionshead and looks like he’s not enjoying it. I ask him,

      “What’s the matter?”

      “Why do you always have to get Lionshead?”

      “Because I like it and it’s a good cheap beer, that’s why.”

      “I’m just so sick of Lionshead, I drank it all the way through college, I just want something else.”

      “Relax man, drink your beer.”

      So as I’m sitting and drinking I see people smoking weed and smoking hookah. I don’t partake like I have in my other dreams but I see my best friend IR walking around and I get up to talk to him. He says, “Hey where have you been? I haven’t seen you all night?” I tell him, “Oh, I just got here but I’m ready to party.” We chit chat about some other things I can’t remember and then I teleport.

      I’m in a room where Jack Black is nailing Sarah Bell(So envious of him right now)from behind in a king size bed. They are also covered by a fly net, which is used in Caribbean locations to keep bugs off of you when you’re sleeping. Anyways I watch for a little bit, and then I walk out of the room and I teleport.

      I’m down in an alley in New York or Pittsburgh and it looks like it’s around sunrise. I can’t really tell which but I’m almost positive I’m in New York. Anyways, I’m hiding behind a dumpster and keeping an eye out for something or someone. I can barely see over the dumpster, but I have a good view of the street ahead of me. I see a group of city officials dressed very nicely in suits and ties. I duck down a little bit to avoid being seen, and I spot one of my fraternity brothers RM. I keep quiet and as soon as he has a chance comes over to me. I thank him for keeping them busy and not letting them in on the fact that we’re having a party behind me on the pier. He says no problem and runs to catch up with his group.

      I turn around and return to the party, and we are indeed parting on a pier/dock area. There’s a beer pong table, and about 15 people. Someone calls out that they need a partner for pong and I accept the challenge. The one girl on the opposing team says we can play anything from regular beer pong to Plinko. I have no idea what she means and just let them pick. I walk to the table and notice that only 3 of the cups have water in them. So I ask the opposing team for some of theirs to fill up the rest of our cups. The guy barks back at me that I should find my own. So I tell him to chill out and go searching for water with a pitcher in my hand.

      I notice a pool area across the way and decide to look over there. Where there’s a pool, there are bathrooms; and where there are bathrooms, there’s water. The only way to get over there is a broken dock section. I jump onto the one broken section and it launches me 15 feet in the air like a trampoline. I wasn’t expecting this at all and kind of freak out but I am for the pool area. I don’t quite make it and land on another portion of the dock. I lie down and paddle my way with my hands over to the pool area.

      I pull myself up and realize that there’s a little going away ceremony for one of my friends VP. Everyone is standing next to a large bus. Not like a school bus, but more of a traveling bus they use for sports teams. I walk over and everyone has a celebratory shot and I get one as well. I look back and see that the people are still there who wanted to play beer pong. We wish her the best of luck in the future and she gets on the bus.
      After taking the shot, I bring my hand down and I’m inside a random house. I have a book in my hands and I’m reading it. It looks like a ninja technique book and I start to flip through it. I stop at a page about conjuring and throwing fire. It says to throw fire, I should pretend that I’m throwing a cookie and believe that it’s on fire. I throw one or two “cookies” and test it out. It works and I’m really surprised. I go to look through the rest of the book and I wake up.

      The Training Room:

      I’m in what looks like a training room. I initially think it’s for the game mass effect but I quickly dispel that idea and realize it looks like an old castle. There are large bricks that make up the walls, and there’s moss covering everything. After surveying the room, I notice that there’s a small stream on the one side of the room. On the other side, there are 6 or 7 rooms that have signs in front of them. I can’t make out the signs but they have symbols on them. I walk to the last room which has a red, elemental looking, symbol on it. Apparently, I don’t have this ability and can’t go into the training room for this ability. The door is open though. I walk through the archway, and into a smaller hallway. There’s a large wooden obstruction in my way and it has the red elemental symbol on it. I turn around, because I don’t have that power yet.

      After turning around and heading back out, I’m now with my college swim coach and there’s another door in the initial room I walked into. 5 or 6 jackals run out and try to escape the room but are blocked by a blue force field. My coach asks me if they are mine, and I say no but I think they are not going to hurt us. He sounded really scared. I charge at the jackals and as soon as I break through the group, I teleport.

      I’m now in a concert hall that seats about 100 people. Not a large place, but roomy. Everyone starts to cheer and I look up on stage. It’s Jeff Dunham!! I am so excited that I get to see him do comedy that I wake up.

      It’s my alarm. I set it for the real time I wake up and go back to sleep.

      Cousins’ house:

      I’m at the front door to a house and I walk in. My cousin P is in her living room on the couch. I notice that we are both wearing hoodies and shorts. I point it out and she’s like whoopdi do! I notice that I have a bag full of stuff and I’m planning on staying the night. She grabs us a glass of water and we sit down at her dining room table. After a short conversation, 2 girls walk downstairs and I believe that they are either her daughters, or her friends. I can’t really be sure which. The one is a brunette and the other has dark red hair. More talking and I notice that the red head has huge boobs.

      My sister comes down from upstairs and comes over to me. She pats me on the crotch. I ask her, “WTF are you doing?” She replies, “Just checking!” I tell her to F*** off and don’t ever do that again. So now there is a larger bowl/dish filled with ice water and it’s in the middle of the table. We all have our own cups, and my sister now has one. I look at the larger dish and it looks as though someone cut the top off of something to make it a water dish. I reach my hand in and the red head says, “Don’t do it.” I do anyway and flick the cold water down her top. “OOOO Surprise, surprise, he flicked water down my shirt,” she says in a sarcastic manner. I look away from her chest area.

      My alarm goes off again.

      I used my mantra to have vivid dreams and remember them and it worked again. Hopefully next time or soon, I’ll be able to realize that I’m in a dream and try to become lucid.
    3. 4th LD!!!

      by , 04-14-2011 at 01:42 PM
      I was being chased and shot at by a woman with a gun. I realized I was dreaming. I didn't want her to be here, obviously, so I tried to make her disappear. No luck. So I turned a corner, and mentally willed her not to be there when I looked back. She wasn't.
      The next thing I remember is looking at a large map on some virtual reality map computer program, except with no computer. My sister said she wanted to go to a country called "Izzy" on the map (maybe in my next LD I'll find that map again and explore further. It'll be my little teleportation device). I decided to test the map to see if I could, in fact, beam down to Izzy. After all, I was dreaming. I found a "zoom in" button and began to zoom in until I was standing in Izzy. At first I thought I saw a burger joint, but it was just a bench with a neon sign advertising french fries. I was in a library, because there were many shelves of books. I decided to explore further (by the way, this part of the dream looked a lot like a 3d game). I saw a plant in its holder on the ground.
      I wondered if I should try to fly or something; I didn't want to waste the dream. But it was just as much fun looking around the dreamscape, so I continued my exploration.
      I walked toward the exit and saw a woman with spiky black hair. I paused, because she looked so real (maybe she was my DG), and told myself to remember the dream.
      I walked outside. I was in a red-brick, large alley. I could see a city street in the distance, and I began running. To make the dream more vivid, I yelled, "Increase vividness!" and nothing happened. I ditched that idea and looked at the overcast sky. I said, "Clouds, go away! Sun, come out!" or at least tried to. I couldn't open my mouth, so I tried again. This time I could say it, but I felt the dream slipping away; the image was becoming grainy. I closed my eyes and yelled, "Stabilize!" I tried to open them and focused on the dreamscape for a moment, but then my real eyes stretched open.
    4. 002: There's nothing

      by , 04-14-2011 at 11:53 AM (Tides of Sleep)
      April 14, 2010

      Went to bed at half past midnight, woke up at 5:30 a.m., was so wrapped up in dream I had the common delusions that my alarm clock was somehow distracting me from the real issues, AKA whatever was happening in my dream. Hit snooze too many times and overslept by 10 minutes, panicked and jumped out bed, subsequently forgot dream.

      Entry 002
      Something about a queen.
    5. Two Dreams and a Fragment

      by , 04-14-2011 at 11:41 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:12 AM by 44350

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. window popping out; co-worker's pant leg

      by , 04-14-2011 at 11:40 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in some big apartment. It felt very light inside the apartment, as if almost everything were white. There may have been people in the apartment with me. We may have been standing before something like a drafting table.

      I or some other man was talking about something like dinosaur bones. Some of us people were trying to get another person interested in whatever field of study we were engaged in by showing the person that dinosaur bones were actually a lot older than he'd thought.

      The person may have been a young man. One of my "colleagues" may have been kind of tall and skinny, with olive-colored skin, a stubbly face, and bushy hair and a bushy mustache.

      But at some point something happened with the one of the windows of the apartment. A big blast of wind came up and blew against the window, popping it out of its socket. But it didn't pop inward; it popped outward.

      I ran to grab the window to keep it from falling down to the street. There were at least three different pieces to the window: the outer pane, a screen, and some other kind of pane. The window seemed to be one of many lining the wall. There also seemed to be a big fire escape outside, lining most of the wall.

      After grabbing all the pieces, though not very securely, I saw as if from outside the building. It seemed like the outer pane was actually connected to the window frame. It also looked like it could open and shut by means of a little hand-crank inside the apartment.

      Dream #2

      One of my co-workers, HS, was walking out of some office. He didn't want me to see him because he had his left pants leg hiked up to about his knee, revealing a pale blue sock. I told HS not to worry. I'd always thought he was a hard worker. His mishap with his pants and sock proved he was working so hard that he'd gotten absent-minded.
    7. Interesting dream about miley cyrus

      by , 04-14-2011 at 07:07 AM
      Okay so I was going through my old dream logs i recorded and i found one about miley cyrus LOL.
      Kinda relates to what she's going through now, ..okay not really, but maybe I can foresee the future through my dreams!! hahahah
      I had this dream 12/06/09

      i was at the airport and I remember I was trying to get to the other side but it kept getting blocked off. I don’t remember all it too clearly but I remember not being able to go in and being very frustrated about it. I was on the farm and I saw miley cyrus. She was becoming a partier and her mom was very worried about it. She would always take people home on a horse and say that since its dark she’s going to ride with her friend back to their house. There was a speed eating contest in one of the barns. There were three turtles on the table. They had very big mouths and inside their mouths were many rocks. They had to finish a whole coral reef. They chewed it very slowly and was very slow. I asked the turtle “why do you eat the coral reef? Does it taste good?” the turtle replied “no, it’s okay but when I chew, it’s soft on the teeth.” I was in the point of view of miley’s mother and she went in miley’s room to clean up her mess. She found poop on her bed and was terribly shocked. She told miley that she can no longer play with the friends that she associates with. Miley was mad because she said that her friend was a “talker” and that she needed to become a “talker” too.
    8. 0/3 Tue: Three Unremembered

      by , 04-14-2011 at 06:55 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Grrr. I know I had three dreams and I tried WILD in the last cycle. I know the dreams were unpleasant. Been having more bad dreams lately. Oh well, tonight is another opportunity.
      dream fragment
    9. Dangerous cannabis! + leveled dreams.

      by , 04-14-2011 at 06:43 AM
      While I was driving to my cousins house, I saw huge ziplock bags of weed everywhere on the street! I was suddenly with my younger boy cousin and he was saying how we should take one. We saw ahead that there were some police cars and hazardous waste signs that taped off the end of the street. I turned my car around and yelled at him to grab one bag. He got out of the car, grabbed a bag and hopped back in. The cops didn't see us so we drove off and went back to his apartment. His sister was home and we told her about the incident.

      My younger guy cousin immediately ran into the bathroom, grabbed a handful of the weed and began smoking it rapidly. I told him to calm down but he didn't listen. He started taking handfuls and shoving it in his mouth and eating it. I think he ate half the bag. I looked really ill/sick all of a sudden. He turned really pale and went to go lie down on the bed in the living room. The smoke was still in the air but I didn't inhale it. My girl cousin ran into the bathroom and starting talking about how high her brother was and she unconsciously inhaled the smoke that was still in the air.

      After a few minutes my guy cousin started to gag and cough up blood everywhere. It looked like he was searching for the bag of weed but I put it in the bathroom so he couldn't reach it. He smoked way too much so he couldn't really get up but he was still coughing up a lot of blood. Then he started spilling blood from every orifice of his body and I was so scared I didn't know what to do. I decided to confiscate the weed but when I went in the bathroom his sister was in the same state as him but she was functional because she didn't intake as much. It looked like she wanted to kill me and she got up to attack. I was so scared I knew I had to leave but for some reason I felt the urge to gather my belongings before I left. I snatched the remaining bag of weed and was looking for my shoes and keys and my bag. She was walking towards me but really slow. I grabbed my keys and put on my shoes and was going to grab my bag but when I turned around she was right next to me. I screamed and ran out the door. I ran to where I parked my car but she suddenly started running after me, fast. I tried opening my car but you know sometimes when things just don't go as quickly as you want it to or you can't move as fast as you want? Yeah, well that was happening and she was getting closer and I thought I was going to die so I tried to wake myself up by telling myself I need to wake up NOW.. and I did. But only for a brief moment. I fell back asleep and went back into the same dream except this time, I did my reality check thing where I try breathing with my nose and mouth shut, and I became some what lucid. I wasn't 100% lucid because I couldn't control everything as I pleased but I did make her disappear and I spun around in circles and when I stopped I was in my living room.

      There was a random man and a woman in my living room and they were crouching over one of my cats. He was opening him with his knife and made a long incision across his stomach. I screamed at him to stop, and that he was killing my cat so he began suturing the cut.
      It was as if I was in one level deeper into my dreams because things were really blurred and mixed together. All of a sudden the woman let out my cats and dogs and they were running around. I have 3 cats and 1 dog but there were two extra (a small kitten and a puppy). I have never seen them before but apparently they were mine. She informed me that I forgot about the cat and left her in the cage for the past year and she was almost dead from starvation. She was really skinny and frail and they took her away. The small puppy was really bloated and round. According to the woman I forgot about these two and neglected them all this time. I couldn't believe it because I would never do such a thing but I did. I was holding the puppy in my bedroom while sitting on my bed and I closed my eyes and started to cry. But when I opened them I was suddenly in another place.

      In this dream everything is really disconnected. I was at my high school trying to get my schedule from the office in one moment, and frantically searching for my class the next. Then I was in the cafeteria trying to buy some bread but they wouldn't sell it to newcomers. Then I was suddenly talking to my friend on the phone from a hotel room and asked him what he was doing. He said he was going to meet his 4 guy friends and I could come if I felt like it.
      I was pulling up my leggings and when I looked around I was standing in the middle of a vast field. It was raining with grey skies. Across the distance I saw the sea but there was a storm. Someone came and was standing near me. I couldn't recognize who or what he was because he was extremely blurry.

      I found myself outside a shopping mall with my girl friends. We were all around 12 years old. We were playing a game similar to tag. One person would run and the other had to tag them in a certain amount of time or they lost. I was chasing one of my friends but she was extremely fast and I couldn't catch her at first. But I had more endurance so when she slowed down I barely caught up with her and tagged her. We gathered the remaining winners that were down to three; me, my friend and the friend I tagged. We had to do a three way tag kind of thing.
      But before we started I found myself walking alongside the beach coastline. I passed a tree that had my ex first love stuck to it upside down wearing a swim trunk similar to my current boyfriend's swim trunk but his was longer, like pants.

      I looked at him and smirked, because I knew I was doing so much better without him.

      Then I woke up.
    10. Silent hill

      by , 04-14-2011 at 06:43 AM
      started at the entrance of a hotel, it was dark and had an underlying sinister feel to it.
      i ask for a single room, the indian guy shows me through to the stairwell, i realise the stairs have no banister and there are no lights, a thick black scum is visible on the walls, like blood had been left there for years, he just says, go right down to the bottom and then take a left.

      I go, as i approach the room i notice that they are small boats (each individual room)

      I go back to the reception to meet Elise, i she seems upset, we continue to the room. when we arrive i realise the sliding door to the room does not lock correctly. i sit down with elise and i want to hold her tight, but she tells me that she no longer wants to be with me, i begin to cry louder and louder this feels so real. real emotions were going through me.

      during this i notice the boat starts to rock bacwards and forwards, increasingly unsteady, itr gets really bad, i go outside onto the deck to see what is going on .

      I look around to see that we are in the middle of a huge ocean, with other boats, the sky is dark, i fall out of the boat, the water isnt too cold. i just manage to get back onto the boat and the water settles.

      I go inside to find elise writhing in pain on the bed, i start to hear strange noises coming from all directions. i am holding elises hand tight, as i turn to hold her body, she dissapears! i quickly get up, the room has changed somehow, its bigger and the sky is brighter outside, i notice strange zombie like beings entering the room. I punched one 3 times till it dropped to the ground where i stamped on its face till it was a bloody pulp, each time i kicked or stamped they let out a violent high pitched scream, non human scream.

      i escaped out the side of the boat, however it was no longer a boat but the side of a building.

      I followed the path killing any wierd thing on my way, i remember the sounds they made when i killed them, a strange echoing scream, really high pitched.

      Suddenly i am on another boat, something like a boat tour, we were looking for a special cave inside a mountain like some form of treasure (something magical) the sea was very choppy.

      Me and one of the staff get off the boat and begin ti hike up this steep hill, it was green at the bottom with trees and plants, as we progressed up the hil it bekame steeper and steeper as the quantity of trees also decreased.

      It became almost impossible to climb, i nearly slipped a couple of times. this didnt stop me, we were so content on getting there. as we rounded the corner i noticed we were up extremely high, and we coulod see the boat down below, the sea was really bad at this point!

      We plan our next move it is a big jump accross a gap in the mountain, the gap drops down to solid ground. i went first, i just about made it.

      The other guy gives it a go. he starts to scream and shout, he almost missed it, but now he is holding onto the ledge with one hand, he drops... i think i remember falling off, but i am not sure.

      I remember a huge struggle and a couple of people were lost at sea, and there were huge tidal waves.

      But i managed to survive and was returned to my hotel room.

      The rooms had changed again.

      This time all the floors were wood, a huge area open to the sky completely wooden floor, the sun was out but strangely the sky was thick grey .

      each individual room had only a sheet hanging down as a door i felt very melancholy being here, although it was bright and sunny it just felt strange.

      i went inside the room to find elise there, i was so happy i thought i had lost her forever!!

      we decdide we need to leave straight away. I grab her hand and we start running.

      as we run a strange man steps out of one of the rooms, i dont know how or why but they could read my mind and speak to me telepathically.

      He asked me where she has gone? i realise that elise had vanished again, i can hear her, crying from another room but everytime i get close to that room i hear her crying from a different one.

      There were more than one of these wierd bald characters with scarred heads that could mind read.

      Eventually i found her and we ran out of the exit, up the stairs and out !!!!!!!!!!!

    11. University application

      by , 04-14-2011 at 06:23 AM
      Ok, so rather mundane. For some reason i desperately need to apply for university, i am at my girlfriends university in Wales.

      My surroundings are different, this is a big city with sky scrapers, her uni is secluded in the country. Should have realised this was strange! Although the entrance was very similar.

      I had a series of documents that i needed to photocopy, otherwise it felt as though my life would end.

      I queue up in a couple of different places only to be told to go somewhere else.

      on my way to the photocopying room, i walk past a gym, i stop off and begin to work out, an old friend from school is training with me, however, he looks different. Again this is another dream sign that went unnoticed.

      It suddenly dawns on me that i will miss the deadline for my application, so i rush to the copy room, the woman i speak to is very helpful and very well spoken, i notice that my speech is very clear and precise, similar to that of true intellect.

      She says to me, "well done you really have put mighty effort into this one James, and everything finished so early"

      I go to hand her the application form, but its not there so I start to look through my bag. As i frantically search for the documents the room begins to fill with other students with their applications, the queue just grows and grows and it seems i will never make my application.
    12. Becoming Lucid (First lucid dream); Hypnagogia/Sleep paralysis

      by , 04-14-2011 at 05:53 AM
      I remember most of my dreams, I'm not sure whether I should think of it as something grateful or unlucky.

      I've been practicing the art of lucid dreaming for the past month now. I've been having intense hypnagogia/sleep paralysis because of it. Every time I experience hypnagogia it's always so stressful for me. Before I become hypnagogic I always have a dream that I am just living my daily life when suddenly something goes wrong; For instance: I try turning on the lights in my room but they won't turn on and the room becomes dark, or in worst cases once I saw my brother hanging from the bathroom ceiling with blood everywhere, or suddenly I am talking to my friend and her skin starts melting, or once I opened my closet door and inside was pitch black and I heard some demonic voices yelling at me so I got annoyed and yelled back saying "f*ck you, you're hella annoying" and flipped him off (but then what ever it was got really angry and screamed at me). Anyways, after something goes wrong I go into sleep paralysis/hypnagogia. It gets pretty intense and scary sometimes but now I'm just really annoyed.

      I realized after studying about lucid dreaming, dreaming and sleep paralysis, that it is nothing but a dream and now when I have nightmares I am able to control the bad situations and even the unsettling events that occur in my dream before sleep paralysis.
      So yeah, if any of you have sleep paralysis/hypnagogia don't be afraid! You are just merely asleep and your mind shut itself off from your voluntary muscles so you don't hurt yourself while you move about in your dream. But you are still able to move your fingers and toes, so if you ever want to wake up just keep wiggling your fingers and toes and your mind will realize that you are conscious and you will wake up. Or try taking deep breaths because doing so will trigger your mind to realize you are not sleeping because your breathing patterns are different from your sleep breathing patterns!

      Anyways, on to my first lucid dream..

      I've been trying to make a habit of checking whether I was dreaming or not even in reality so that I might habitually do it in my dreams as well. What I do is, I plug my nose and shut my mouth and take a deep breath. Obviously in real life that is not physically possible, but I read somewhere that when you do it in your dreams, you can breathe even though both of your airways are shut. I've read that doing this in your dream state would induce one to become lucid. So after much practice, I had my first lucid dream about 2 weeks ago.

      I was standing in the middle of an empty road and I did my reality check and what do you know! I became conscious that I was dreaming! Since it was my first time I became so excited I started telling everyone around me that I was dreaming (apparently this is normal for newbie lucid dreamers). I found it so spectacular that I could finally be lucid. I ran around and went up to random people (for some reason i dream of people I've never met before) and told them I was dreaming and that they were merely made up people in my mind. After calming down (thank goodness I didn't wake up), I walked in front of a white honda civic. I wanted to test my ability to control time. So I exclaimed to the man inside of the car to come out and shoot me with a gun. He looked at me kinda funny and didn't respond. I told him again that I was dreaming and that I needed to test time control so he HAD to come out and shoot me with a gun. He shrugged and came out of the car. I was so excited. He pointed the gun at me and shot.
      It was amazing, at first it seemed like the bullet was coming at me at lightning speed, but only for a second. I then managed to slow the bullet down into ultra slow motion. I tried to pinch the bullet in between my fingers but failed. I told him to shoot at me again and the same thing happened. I did it a couple more times but with no success. Kinda bummed out I walked away and thought about what else I should do in my dream. I started to make my own music/beat and had it playing all over the entire city as if the music was coming from the sky! It was a pretty damn good beat too, I told myself to try and remember it when I wake up.
      As I was walking down the street listening to my music, I created a cannabis store so I could experiment to see if I could get high in my dream. They had weed with a transparent-like rainbow glow to it. I took a few hits and continued walking down the street. I felt buzzed but not high.
      I ran out in the middle of the street (there were no cars) and spun around 3 times to see if I would land in another dimension. Mission failed, and I slowly felt the dream falling apart. I tried focusing on my hands but ended up leaving my current dream.
      All of a sudden I was in my bed. Everything was really bright. I did my reality check again and immediately became lucid.
      I wanted to see if I could control having sex in my dreams.
      I thought of my boyfriend and he appeared but looked different. He seemed much skinner than he is now and he did not seem too happy to see me. He wasn't intimate at all and was being cold and blunt. I was sad at first but realized he was only a projection and just a shade of my real boyfriend.

      Then I woke up.
    13. Still No Recall

      by , 04-14-2011 at 05:40 AM
      Couldn't remember a single dream last night. I think stress from school is what's blocking my recall, or that's what I noticed. When I had that really long streak of remembering all my dreams, it was during spring break. Even on the weekends I can't seem to recall much, if anything at all. Who knows, hopefully my recall will get better soon. :/
    14. stocks, creepy eyes, lightening, barn elder cruel, master/guarding.

      by , 04-14-2011 at 05:36 AM
      I was a boy at first in either Medieval or Victorian England. OR somewhere that was in between the two. I ran into a barn ( I was running away from my cruel, elder master or guardian-unsure which he was) and hide behind a pile of wood. I barley hid behind the wood when my master/guardian came in. The man asked to Stable boys who were in there if they had seen a 3'3m lad came by. The stable hands lied and said no. The next day in the dream the man came again but with a constable. The master/guardian "knew" I was hiding behind the wood and as punishment I was sent to the stocks. For a full day and night I was in the stocks. Somehow a girl saw how dreadful I looked and got me out of the stocks and ask me if I wanted anything. I couldn't speak since I had a dry mouth. So I drew w/ a stick a picture of a teapot. She got the message. The dream changed and now I was a little girl also living in the same time period. I went down a flight of stairs to the main hallway and I opened up the door and my older "sister" (wasn't my RLF sister) was sitting there on a horse in a thunderstorm. The dream camera zoomed up on top Fanny's eyes and they were red (not crying red, but evil red) and narrow, and evil and it didn't help that a lightening happen at the same moment I saw the eyes.
    15. So Someone Murdered Me

      by , 04-14-2011 at 04:37 AM (And I Thought My Imagination Was Wild...)
      The beginning of this dream stemmed from real life, where a friend and I were waiting outside of another friend's house in a car. It was dark outside as it was well beyond 9 PM. All of a sudden, another car pulled up on the other side of the street, but still a bit out of sight. It sat there for a moment doing absolutely nothing and my friend and I got scared. That is until the person checked their mail and promptly drove off -_-;

      So the dream begins in much of the same way, with the same friend and I in our other friend's neighborhood at night. The difference is that we're walking down the street instead of waiting in a vehicle. As we're walking, I get the strange feeling that something is behind us. On cue, my friend says "Don't look, but somebody's following us I think" and I attempt to catch a glimpse of this person from the corner of my eye and without alerting him or her. The person is shrouded in shadows so I have no idea who he or she is or what they even look like. I turn around and focus on hurrying away without looking too suspicious. But then I get that hair-raising feeling and I know without looking that this stranger is running up behind me. I can feel him on my back and I tense as I see my friend's face morphing in horror. He looks as if he's seen the most horrific thing ever, or as if he can see my life ending before his eyes. The person grabs me in a choke hold from behind. Before I can even react or fend him off, he plunges a knife into my lower back. Fear and sheer panic are flooding through me. I don't even get the chance to scream as he brings the knife around to my throat and jerks it across cleanly, slitting my throat. At that point I don't know if I died in the dream or not because I woke up right after it was over.

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable