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    1. 0/2 Mon: Yuck

      by , 01-04-2011 at 09:53 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Not sure how this dream theme arose.

      Mutated cats. Siamese twins.

      My sister wants to have a surgery to be permanently attached, back to back, with her boyfriend.
      Tags: cat, family
    2. 1/4/11 - 4

      by , 01-04-2011 at 09:49 PM (Somniloquent G)
      [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]1/4/11 - 4[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#808080"](Non-lucid)[/COLOR][/SIZE]


      [COLOR="#808080"][/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]1) I'm posting on DV and assume that everyone knows something about my real life. I make a long post with lots of skipped lines, as I have many really short paragraphs.

      2) I'm in a balloon-type superhigh structure [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](just like Toronto's CN Tower) [/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]with a bunch of little kids and it's time to get out. We have to get out, so when the balloon swerves to a place next to land we all run out onto the land.

      3) continuation of 2? I'm on a volcano???/mountain and see MG, BH, and JL, as well as a bunch of kids from lower grades who I don't know. MG and BH are singing? in some kind of choir (Christmas carols?) and they move around. I stand near them, but realize I'm out of place, but that's okay because everyone's moving around the mountaintop.

      4) I'm in the back seat of the car and I'm facing backwards. My parents are talking about how awful of a driver AMJ is as we're driving behind X School. We drive down Y Street and I see a sign that posts the current Red Sox score: Mariners 6, Red Sox 1. Darn. I tell my parents the score and my dad barks back asking me how I know the score? I tell him I saw it on a sign. We drive into my neighbor's driveway and I'm kind of upset because it's going to take longer to get back into the house this way. I think that I should get out now and walk back into the house because it would be more convenient, but I don't do it.[/COLOR][/INDENT]
      Tags: amj, b_h, dad, d_v, j_l, mom, m_g, red sox
    3. First few lucid experiences

      by , 01-04-2011 at 06:16 PM
      I have always had very vivid dreams so the dream journal thing only enhanced my ability to remember dreams.
      This lucid dream was during a regular dream and I suddenly realized I was dreaming. I said it aloud in my dream and I looked around for two seconds and I woke up. It was kind of disappointing, but the feeling was too new and exciting that I was brought out of my dream.

      The second time my dream was less clear. But I had a false awakening and was writing my dream journal in my dream. Sort of the dream within a dream I guess. The weird thing was I could remember exactly what I was writing and exactly where I left off. I realized after writing a few sentences in my dream that I realized I was dreaming and I got that excited feeling and woke back up right away.

      That same night where I had a dream within a dream I woke up at about 4:30am and decided to try and WILD. I fell asleep reminding myself I was going to be in a dream soon. It almost felt like I was having a regular dream before it too, so I'm not sure exactly what happened. I was stuck in a bathroom stall with someone and all of a sudden I took a step back and said "put a wall there" and I pointed to the only opening in this bathroom stall. When nothing happened I looked around for a second and that's when I realized I was dreaming. And then I was pulled from the dream a few seconds after that.
    4. 4 Dreamz0rz

      by , 01-04-2011 at 05:38 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      I had 4 dreams last night, though I can only recall a fragment of one.

      I was in my room at my family's house, and it was nighttime. It still had all my furniture in it (all my furniture is at my apt in waking life). It was the day before my college's graduation, but I wasn't graduating yet. One of my best friends, CR, was about to graduate. She really wanted to hang out, because we hadn't done anything in awhile. She told me she didn't care what we did-we could drive around and find something to do-she just wanted to hang out. At some point, I was sitting at the computer in the bonus room (hasn't been a computer in that room for years in waking life). I was watching a video from CR's New Year's party. It was of her, KS, and both of their boyfriends. I was jealous that they had had such a great time, so I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to watch it. I could still hear it though, and I could very clearly hear KS's boyfriend's voice. Then, someone dumped out this random bag of stuff I had onto the counter, my pipe being one of the items. I got mad because I was trying to conceal the pipe, and so I went to hide it, not without dropping it on the floor in my room and spilling all the resin out onto the carpet first. I hid the pipe in a clear plastic drawer.


      I was hanging out with BH, an old friend from high school. Someone else was there too. We were at his apt. I did something to make him angry, so I left.


      I had JB's (an ex) hat. It was black and covered in zippers. Tucked inside of it was a card and $41 from his new girlfriend. I kept having flashes of us together before, and how I "remembered" him cheating on her with me. I thought this girl must really love him. The card had notes from written all over the inside of it, "I miss you" and such, but never "I love you." I looked for an "I love you," but never found one. There was also a drawing folded up inside the card, but I don't remember of what, I just know that JB had drawn it. Also, there was a beautiful sketch of a rose on the inside, shaded with a pale pink. I saw where JB had written a little note back to her, but I couldn't read his handwriting. The only word I could make out was "kitty." At some point during all this, I ended up sitting on my family's living room couch (their house seems to be a recurring theme for me right now). I took the $41 and tried to start tearing up the card, but it was very tough. I finally started to, and thought "Well I can't give it back to him anyway, since I deleted his number and have no idea where he even is."


      JB could turn into a dog. A beautiful, yellow, medium-sized fluffy dog. He looked almost like an Australian Shepard mutt. He was with me, but not. It was weird, we were hugging and stuff and acting like we were together, but it didn't seem right, I guess. We were with someone else, not sure who, and we were outside. It was nighttime. JB was in his dog form, and the other girl that was with us didn't know it was JB. He ran up to me and I started petting him, then I told the girl it was JB, and he transformed back into a person, first growing very tall and skinny, then evening out to his normal size. I hugged him during the transformation. Now, in high school again, and it's the last day. I was in an english teacher's class, one whom I was not particularly fond of in waking life, but it wasn't english. I think it was history. The classroom also looked like my classroom from the 6th grade. The teacher, Mrs. H, was going to read us a chapter out of the book. "How boring.", I thought to myself. She started reading, and the girl next to me, CF, a girl I was friends with in high school, was on her laptop, laughing at something on YouTube. I thought to myself "Chelsea doesn't go to MTSU...", which is a university, not a high school. Then, I was in my family's bonus room again, and two people were in there. They were a boy and a girl, all decked out in "punk-rock" clothing. The boy was standing on the windowsill playing the electric guitar, and the girl was on an exercise bike. She had long, blonde hair with a hat/bandanna, and an anarchy symbol cut into her arm. I was trying to explain Christianity/spirituality to them, and they kept laughing at me and making snarky comments. I got angry and took this whip type thing and started trying to hit them with it. They acted like I wasn't doing anything at all, even when I hit them. Usually though, I would miss and hit the blinds behind the guy instead. It was very frustrating, not to mention I had to jump very high to even try to hit the guy, and everything was much bigger than me and the people were much taller. Then, the girl had to go because, she said
      "My Atheist friend is going to commit suicide."
      She was going to go try to stop them from doing so.

      Interesting set of dreams. They all seemed to end up at my family's house for some reason. I tried to set an LD goal like I did yesterday, but I never ended up lucid. I did keep waking up last night too, it was kind of a restless night. I'll just have to try again tonight.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. quick projection

      by , 01-04-2011 at 05:35 PM
      I had noticed that my body was entering paralysis and was soon able to see through my closed eyelids. I saw the side of my girlfriends face start to deform and grow into what looked like a tiny city of skyscrapers. She began speaking in an inhuman tone and then the fear came. I tried waking myself and was not able to. I then tried shaking her awake, by pushing her arm. I guess I thought she would be able to help me wake up..

      I then woke up and realized that the hand I was using to try and wake her was my astral arm. Even though I could see it, i hadnt noticed. I was mad at how close I was to being out of my body and then waking myself up. I tried to move as little as possible, stay calm and go back to sleep.

      I entered paralysis very quickly and then lifted my arm up once again. It was transparent, and of a sky blue color. I then tried sitting up, but got stuck at my waist. It felt as if I was permeating through a membrane when I sat up. I have never felt that before, and I think the reason I did was because of hearing other people talk about that. I asked for someone to help me out, and then swiftly floated completely out, hovering 2 or 3 feet above the floor, in front of the bed. When I asked for help, (from my guide) i did not feel the presence of anyone else enter the room.. must have helped myself out! Now i am floating up to the ceiling. It is strange I always seem to feel more comfortable near the ceiling while I am out of body. anyways I look down at the bed and saw my girlfriend sleeping, however I was not there!? I stay there for 10 seconds or so, and then wake up. hopefully I can project again soon. its been a while and felt good to do it again!

    6. Missed lucids

      by , 01-04-2011 at 04:45 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had the same strong intentions of becoming lucid last night as I did yesterday, and it kinda worked. I rememeber waking up and I had the memory of having a nice lucid, but not a single memory of the dream itself! I was kinda mad at myself for forgetting as I usually have good recall. Anyways, the rest is below.

      01.45: Bedtime

      08.05: Fragment
      *I'm sucking on a few Omega-3 pills. They are sweet.

      08.05-09.00: WBTB

      10.45: DEILD
      I'm lying in a bed. My friend Eric's on the bed next to me and we're talking about work. "I refuse to let our friendship come between work, this career is too important for me" I say and I'm crying for some reason. He notices it and smiles at me mockingly, like I'm a child or something. I get up and walk towards a few computers. My friend Henrik is sitting at one and he's playing WoW. I am about to go to my computer when I notice that the character is moving on its own.

      I realise I'm dreaming but I start to feel my body instantly. I end up in SP and I can feel my arms twitching and spasming. I relax and try to enter the dream again. I can hear newspapers flapping and the wind is picking up. "I am wearing earplugs, that's just the SP" I tell myself. I open my eyes in a very bright room. I'm on the matress on the floor next to the computers. I try to sit up but it's so hard work! I relax as I do a situp in slowmotion. "Need to stabilize the dream" I think and put my hand up to my face.

      I realise my real eyes are open and I'm lying down in my real bed. My hand isn't really there, it's on the side. "Damn!" I think and don't realise it's just a very realistic FA.

      10.45: Playing tag at the supermarket
      I'm at the local supermarket with my brother Martin. We're playing tag or something similar and I've just lost him by running around like crazy. I intend to fool him and I pick up my cellphone. "If I turn on a ringtone and place it on the toilet, he'll be fooled" I think as I bring up the song I want. I put the phone on the toilet and leave the door open just a little bit and run away quickly before he shows up. Martin shows up after a few isles and he tackles me. "You're it!" he tells me and runs away.

      I realise I've got no shirt on and my work helmet is on my head. People all around are watching and I kinda feel guilty as I don't act responsible at all. Apparently I'm an employee. I spot my friend G. He's smoking a cigarette and seems to enjoy it alot. Some other people are also smoking next to him and I realise there are alot of people coming from somewhere. Some guy is handing out bags with supplies to the newcommers.

      10.45: White dog
      I'm standing on a porch overlooking a backyard. My family is there with me and we're all watching their dogs run around and play. I don't recognise one of the dogs, a white husky-looking one. It growls at me and I back away. They continue on playing and I ask my dad about the dog. "Oh, we're just watching it for some neighbours" he tells me. The dog growls at me once again. My family goes out on the grass and leaves me with the white demon dog. It starts going towards me, growling. I can see its fur trembling, kinda like a cat's. "Hey dad! Tie this dog up will you?" I tell him. He takes the dog and ties it to a grey plastic seat.

      10.45: It's a trap!
      I'm some kind of detective and I've got a partner. We enter a very old looking house. I take the stairs down to the room below. I enter a room and it's filled with strange gadgets, small pictures and old stuff. I pick up a picture and look at it. Suddenly I get a creepy feeling, the house is way too quiet. "Oh shit, it's a trap!" I think and run out of the room and up the stairs. A young girl is standing in the hallway and asks me what's wrong. I don't buy it and throw her to the side. A woman comes out of a room just as I run past it and tells me I shouldn't leave. I run as fast as I can towards the porch door. I slam the door open and throw myself over the edge. I fall in the dark for a while.

      10.45: Aunt and uncle
      I'm at some relative gathering. My uncle and my aunt is there. I greet my aunt, she kisses me on the cheek then looks at me in a weird way. "You need to shave" she tells me. I touch my chin and tell her I will soon. Monica tells me she wants to go home and I ask her if she's had anything to eat. "No... I'm not sure I'll like it" she tells me. I take a look at the food offered. It's some kind of sausage stew with pasta. She takes a plate and pours some on the plate with a plastic dishwashing brush.

      12.15: Flying
      I'm in a barn with some other guy. We're looking at a small propeller plane. I read the instructions. "If the propellers stop working, you can do this to keep the plane going" it says and I can see a picture of a man making the plane fly with bicycle paddles. We go in the plane and fly around over the woods. The dream skips. I'm standing next to a lake now. The plane is gone but who needs a plane when you can fly yourself! I fly around the lake a couple of times before I go down on the water and skate on it for a while. The person I'm with wants to learn aswell. I grab him/her and try to fly. I've got a safety belt holding us together, but it makes it all harder. We manage to fly a little bit.

      14.00: WoW
      I'm playing World of Warcraft. There's a huge fight and I'm playing my warrior. It's going very well for my team and I'm charging all over the place. My friend Jonas shows up all of a sudden. I enter the game and we talk as we're dueling. "So, how are you?" I ask him and kick him in the stomach. He grunts in pain as he explains how his stomach had a hole in it, and that he started burning from the inside. I kick him in the solar plexus and he can't breathe. We fight for a while longer, I land one more kick on his neck.

      14.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      Supplements before bed: 200 ml applejuice, 2 x Omega-3, same at WBTB

      That's it! I am so frustrated! I must have been lucid while flying around, I clearly remember the feeling of lucidity and freedom. I almost always realise I'm dreaming when I am flying, but I don't have much recall of that dream as I didn't wake up at 12.15 to write it down. Anyways, a successful DEILD is always something!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    7. twenty nine

      by , 01-04-2011 at 04:44 PM
      Mostly a bunch of fragments, just random images, with one short remembered dream. Ever since my false awakening lucid dream a few days ago, I've been so excited about it that my sleep is being disrupted. Last night, I woke up six or seven times because I realized I was dreaming and it woke me up. I can't remember the dreams and all it did was disrupt my sleep. I don't know if this is a common phase, but today I'm tired.

      In which KH and I pose for a picture with swapped heads

      KH posted a link to a list of creepy science experiments which I read just before going to bed.

      I'm with KH at her garden. My friend E, a photographer, is making us pose in front of her garden plot like the couple in American Gothic. I argue that this parody is lame and over-done. He snatches the pitchfork from KH, decapitates both of us, and swaps our heads.

      EDIT: I just read a news headline that made me remember another dream. I guess I did get some sleep.

      In which J got out of prison and I ate all his candy...

      I'm working as a substitute teacher. I report to the AISD office to collect my assignment, and the woman at the front desk tells me that something has come up on my background check that has caused my name to be removed from the sub list. I call the police department for details, and they give me the details of J's conviction. I explain that they have me mixed up with him, and they tell me that I'll have to go to the prison to get confirmation of the mistake.

      I get to the prison and give them my information and J's. The guard looks it up on the computer and he says, "What a coincidence. J is going to be released in five hours." I'm shocked. I call M and C and tell them about it, and they rush over to the prison. J comes out and he is nearly seven feet tall. He is carrying a bag of candy.

      We all drive to G's house, and he is having a Welcome Home party for J. His entire family is there. I sit down beside the pool and notice the little bag of candy beside me. I eat a tootsie roll, a piece of butterscotch and come licorice. There are a few lollipops and peppermints left in the bag.

      I go back inside the house to get some beer, and when I come outside, J, M, C and G are all standing around, looking at the bag of candy.

      "Did you eat all of J's candy?" they ask me.

      "No- I didn't touch it," I lie.

      They don't believe me. I try to blame it on A's little kids. I tell them that maybe the kids ate the candy. They tell me that they have a video camera installed on the side of the house and they will review it to see if it is true. Finally I admit to eating three of the pieces of candy, but I maintain that I did not eat the rest.

      Updated 01-07-2011 at 11:50 PM by 38879

    8. The Boat and The Fight

      by , 01-04-2011 at 04:14 PM
      Part 1
      Me and my family and some friends was sailing at the sea with our boat, we was just partying and chilling, after some hours on the boat we decided to go back to land, we was sailing the boat into land, its was my job to turn of the boat and hook it to the land, after that i went to a store, where i was buying something to drink and something to eat at this hot summerday, when i was done eating i saw a motorbike, i was so tired of walking all the way from the boat, so i decided to steal it, i jumped on the bike and turned back, i saw the girl owning the bike, she was sister of a dangerous MC Club leader, a big tall guy, i just drove away fast.

      Part 2
      When i came back to the boat place, i couldent see the boat, i ran fast to the boat place, but i couldent find the boat, first i tried enter the one boat, its was nearly the same, but then the owner came out from the boat screaming for me, i said sorry and ran away, then i run over a boat that was partying at the place, they was all drunk and screaming to me, but i ran and ran, i spoted out of the water and i saw the boat sailing away.

      Part 3
      But then i saw a credit card laying on the ground, i picked it up and looked at the picture of the girl on the credit card, its was one of the girls i spoted at the shop, i dident care about the boat, since the girl was so damn hot, i jumped on the bike and drow down to the shop, i asked the girl if this is her card, she said yes and smilied to me, but then i turned around, and sundendly i saw the girl i stole the bike from, she screamed to me and i ran over to a club, the club was a MC club, and the girl knowed everyone there, her big brother was there, the leader of the MC gang, he started to punch me, he throwed me into the club, where everyone was gathering around us, he wanted to fight me, he had a big metal ting in his hand that he was gonna hit me with, i punched me in the stomach, but i attacked him and puted my knee to his jaw, then took the metal stick thing and hited him in the back head, then i stabbed him in the back with the metal stic, the metal stick was now stuck in his back, i knocked him out with a kick to the head, after that i ran out, took the bike and drove back to the boat, when i came to the boat place my dad had already found the boat and drove it back. end
      Tags: boat, dream, fight, journal
    9. Prostitution?

      by , 01-04-2011 at 04:10 PM
      Once again, I only remember fragments, but the parts I remember seem like the most important.

      (( To understand this part, you have to know that recently our family has been divided over my dog and how to deal with him. We just built a fence for him and everybody is conflicted as to whether that was a good idea or not ))

      What I remember starts with a group of dogs walking up to my lawn very specifically, as if they were ready to call my place home. All of these dogs appeared well groomed and taken care of, and all had collars on them. Some of the collars looked tattered.

      Only one of the dogs had a proper tag on it (what it said I can't remember), while the rest had those little keychain plastic photo frames, only they were landscape instead of portrait. In the frames were images of scenery, campsites, and I do believe one was a picture of their owner, a thin old man which one would immediately label as a hobo. In sharpie marker, the man had written on these frames little phrases as to why he had sent the dogs to me. "I could no longer keep them", "Freedom was more important", "it was time for change." Things like that, though I couldn't tell you the specifics.

      My grandmother was, displeased to say the least. "We can't keep them. We can barely keep your dog, bla bla bla bla." So I told her we wouldn't keep them, we'd just hold them until we could find them better homes.

      (( Today was my first day back to work, by the way ))
      So it flips to a new day. I wake up for work and have to get the dogs food before I go in. I decide to stop at a quick mart in a gas station. It's old and decrepit, looks worn in by the people who continuously visit it. There's a very small diner attached. I spot the food, though I keep my eye open for a bigger bag...

      For the life of me, I have no idea why I thought this was a good idea, but I decided to take my jacket off, and have no shirt on underneath. I don't think I actually realized that until I was topless, but instead of immediately putting it back on I try to play it cool and act as if nothing is wrong. Which works for a short time, until I walk by a policeman. He tells me to put my jacket back on, which I quickly comply. I hope to God he's just gonna let me off with a warning, but all the sudden another man behind me starts talking to him. While he doesn't look like it, I guess this man is a policeman too... And they start writing me a ticket for prostitution (lol, what?) I say 'really?' but that's all the fight I put up, if you can call it that. When he asks me why I did it, I make up an excuse and tell him "I thought I was dreaming" (Which I now realize I was, thank God.) And he replies: "this is no dream, young lady."

      After I leave, I feel terrible. I realize all of this is probably going on my record and nothing will take it off. Moreover, this is the side of town my boss lives on, and there's a good chance he'd find out about it.
      dream fragment
    10. the "okay, calm down now" attitude attempt

      by , 01-04-2011 at 03:52 PM
      I tried to go with something that isn't *instantly fly up and then just do something*

      I became lucid, can't really remember what was going on before that...

      Remembering my words to myself before I went to bed, I just looked around for a few seconds.

      "hmm, what should I do now.." a bunch of ideas came popping into my head, and suddenly I was in a huuuge crowd of people, they were smacking against me as they passed me and it became very frustrating. I was losing lucidity, but I started rubbing my hands, then closed my eyes and reopened them quickly and I was in this huge hole in the ground. Like miles beneath. I looked up and I could see the light up there. I flew up extremely fast, and a boulder was coming at me from above, like someone inserted it into the hole. I put my fist up and the boulder shattered. Once I was out of the hole, I again pondered what to do. So I flew again, and it was one of the most epic feelings. I flew before in my dreams, but this was just awesome, I gained total control over it, I could feel the air pressure my body as I soared through the skies. Apparently I was in this city that had an ocean next to it. I flew really fast, really close to the water, and I looked behind how the water moved beneath my line of movement, it was so awesome.

      And after this some noise in the house woke me up.

      failed to just calm down and explore other things besides flying, but at least it was a better-than-usual lucid dream with more control and better recall.
      lucid , memorable
    11. Camelot

      by , 01-04-2011 at 03:20 PM
      My intent for dreaming last night was to have a DV dream and I had one.

      In my dream, the Dream Views forum was portrayed as Camelot. We were in a castle that was under attack. There was a gathering of Knights in an upper room of the castle and the Knights were being assigned as personal protectors for the Mages and Royal Family.

      I was acting as a Merlin type observer of the ceremony. A servant brought in a silver plate with a gorgeous emerald on it. The emerald was to bestow great power to the Knight who was to protect the Crown Prince. (The emerald is known to be a stone of Hope and Healing and is related to the month of May and signs of Taurus and Gemini.)

      A large boulder that was thrown from a catapult shook the castle and caused the servant to drop the emerald. It slid across the floor to the feet of the youngest Knight, who was perhaps 14 or 15 years old.

      The young man picked up the emerald just to be helpful but he was immediately empowered by the stone. He became the protector of the Prince.

      When the Prince was told of this he was overjoyed because he knew somehow that this young man was right for the position.
    12. game reality

      by , 01-04-2011 at 02:05 PM
      i play a game but like in the outside. i smash a giant egg with my virtual hands,a chiken comes out, I kill the chiken a DRAGON comes out i try 2 ill it its too hard we make friends and then i HAVE TO kill him when i kill him he says "remember....NEVER betray a dragon!!!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. movie theatre couples; calming touch; pulling weeds

      by , 01-04-2011 at 01:52 PM
      Good morning, everybody. Happy New Year.

      My dream recall was pretty terrible over the past two weeks. I was just relaxing and doing holiday stuff.

      I recall three dreams from last night.

      Dream #1

      I was in a movie theatre. The movie ended. I walked out into the hallway. I was waiting for another movie.

      There was a woman in the hallway whom I recognized as having sat behind me in the theatre. She had seemed to take an interest in me in the theatre. So I thought I would return the interest.

      But as soon as I acted interested in the woman, she ran down the hallway and started playing with a light-skinned black boy who looked about 10 years old. I understood that this woman and boy were lovers. The woman had just acted interested in me to trick me and make herself feel good.

      There was now an Asian boy with me. He looked about 10 years old. The second movie was starting. I walked the boy into the theatre.

      We at first sat in the back rows of the theatre, where I had been sitting before. But now the back rows were so crowded that I was getting annoyed. I left the Asian boy in the back rows (he seemed to want to be there) and went up toward the front of the theatre.

      The theatre's seating swung around in weird ways, and the aisle between the groups of seats curved like a snake.

      The movie was starting. I finally sat down in an aisle seat a little closer than halfway to the front of the theatre. I was surprised by how empty the theatre was up toward the front.

      The movie image I saw may have had something to do with a road on a hilltop, a clear, blue, summer sky, and a white, 1970s-style car.

      Dream #2

      I was in some living room with an old female friend, G. She sat on a couch or chair to my right while I stood. She may have been sitting on the arm of the chair. She felt almost as tall sitting as I was standing.

      G had been making fun of me, saying some really nasty things, which I found typical of her. I got mad and was just about to go away. But G began stroking my arm in a really seductive way. She said some really nice things to me. I became aroused and thought I might stick around and see whether I could have sex with her.

      Dream #3

      I was in a space for a flower garden in a park. The garden space was maybe 20m wide and 7m deep. It was a sunny day, but the light felt slightly grey.

      The garden space was full of weeds. The weeds were single, slender flowers that looked like tulip stems topped with cream-colored hellebore (or lotus?) blossoms. The garden space was densely packed with the flowers.

      I was "killing" the weeds by pulling off their blossoms. I had gotten about halfway through the garden when I stood up to look at all my work. I saw half the garden full of just stalks. Beneath, I saw dusty soil.

      I wondered why I was just pulling the blossoms off. Why didn't I just pull the flowers out of the soil by the roots? That way, I thought, any remaining roots would die from the cold before they could sprout up again. Something about this thought made me think that the month was November.
    14. home less predators

      by , 01-04-2011 at 01:42 PM
      i was getting from my grandmas house to mine (they're pretty close) then i see this bunch of homeless ppl they wore normal looking and obscure skin tone from not bathing; then i open the gate to my house an secure my bike with a chain (in case they wanted to steal it) then i turn around and close the gate; i look at my bike theres a small homeless dude tryin' to ride it. i say "back off" and push him away then out of the nothing theres a midget-homeless army tht want to attack me then i see they have their brain exposed!! so im like "oh this is a dream" and transform in to a
      power ranger kinda like dude, but the cloth was pink...im like
      but then i start blinking(bad idea) and started to kill them. like i was shooting them or something. then i accydentally started to wake up i forgot about rubbing hands (im still a newbie) but some how i managed to link my dreams. then the homeless dudes are gone but there are some steel-like-mosquitoes and i transform into a power R again this time in orange i have this awsome katana((ninja sword) with me wich is totally orange and has a blk stripe in the middle wich i use to kill the steel mosquitoes and slide them in half then when i end with them i remember something about my sord teasspasind a metal-glass door in my grandmas house.and then i lost lucydity..... and startend a new dream. im so exited cuz this was my fisrt MILD AND DREAMCHAIN (4got the name) actually induced by my conscious!!! AND also because i could stop a night mare from becoming worst and ended up like a cool dream.
    15. take over

      by , 01-04-2011 at 01:18 PM
      i've been having this dream too,but i'm here in my own city of san francisco, i'm looking at the bay bridge and then i hear this growling shouting screaming dying twisted metal demonic plane crashing Growl,as i loo at the bridge this big demon like thing about 1000ft tall has his big ass hammer thats crashing down on the bridge and when you think the bridge should be crushed,the hammer is turned into a big swastika just floating in the air,the whole thing looks as if i'm watching some old world war 2 footage and then i see the building crumbling all around us and i'm watching all the debris flying towards the building i am standing in waiting for my building to collapse and blow away and kill me and my mother and we say at the same time to eachother ,it's time then all of a sudden these germans are just there rounding everyone up and then they hand me a gun and tell me to get busy,so i guess i'm white in this dream to everyone,so i start to shoot the germans and kill them and then help the innocent people to safety and then i get shot in the face and chest,i can feel the bullets hit me but they dont penetrate,so begin to shoot all the bad guys in their faces and hearts and they are all dying off,then everyone turns on me,even the ones i was helping because they were scared because they just saw me get shot and i didnt die, then i fall off the building and wake up into another dream,this happens 5 times and finally the 6th time i wake up it is this reality,weird visions. this dream reoccured 5 times until i awoke with slight differences in them ,also i've been going to jail alot in my dreamsbut i always escape from the jails and sneak back in jail in time for count in the morning,i havent been to jal in 11yrs. kinda scary to have these